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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
A Comparison Between Conventional Buoy Mooring CBM, Single Point Mooring SPM and Single Anchor Loading SAL Systems Considering the Hydro-meteorological Condition Limits for Safe Ship’s Operation Offshore
1 Master Mariner Association, Gdynia, Poland
2 Teekay Learning and Development Center, Manila, Philippines
3 Teekay Shipping, Norway
Times cited (SCOPUS): 8
ABSTRACT: The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe the characteristics and make comparisons between: Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM), also referred to as Multi-Buoy Moorings (MBM), Single Point Mooring (SPM) and conventional Single Anchor Loading (SAL) systems considering the hydro meteorological condition limits enabling safe ship’s cargo and manoeuvring operation offshore. These systems (CBM, SPM and SAL) are typically used for short term mooring applications offshore associated with the offloading and loading of bulk liquid fuel tankers transporting refined and unrefined products of crude oil. The permanently moored vessels FSO/FPSO are excluded from this scope.
APL Advanced Production and Loading, National Oilwell Varco, website:, accessible: March-April 2018.
APL Document No.: 1586-APL-O-KA-0001, National Oilwell Varco, SAL Operation Procedure, Rev. B, 27-06-2011, accessible: March-April 2018.
Bluewater, website:, accessible: March-April 2018.
Operation of the dynamically positioned ships (Eksploatacja statków dynamicznie pozycjonowanych), Volume 8 of the series ‘Contemporary Technologies of the Sea Transport’ (Współczesne Technologie Transportu morskiego). Trademar Publishing House, ISBN 978-83-62227-44-0, Gdynia 2013.
EPCM consultants, website:, accessible: March-April 2018.
HEES internal document No.: DOM-SA-P-001B, Oil Pipeline and Loading Operating Procedure, Rev. 7 1.12.2015. Document accessible: March – April 2018.
Marine Insight website:, accessible: 30 March 2017.
SBM, website:, accessible: 10 Nov.2017.
Ships and off-shore technologies in outline (Statki i technologie off-shore w zarysie), Cydejko J., Puchalski J., Rutkowski G., ISBN 978-83-62227-24-2, Trademar Publishing House, Gdynia 2010/2011.
Teekay internal document No.: SP0978 ver. 10, Teekay Requirements for Offshore Loading Operations (Shuttle Tankers), accessible: 07 April 2018.
Citation note:
Rutkowski G.: A Comparison Between Conventional Buoy Mooring CBM, Single Point Mooring SPM and Single Anchor Loading SAL Systems Considering the Hydro-meteorological Condition Limits for Safe Ship’s Operation Offshore. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 13, No. 1, doi:10.12716/1001.13.01.19, pp. 187-195, 2019
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