Issue in the operation and future development of
maritime ports, therefore relevant methods for the
prediction of container demand (or other types of
cargo or passenger traffic) need to be implemented.
When it comes to the main elements or types of
forecasting procedures, the following issues should be
differences and relationships between primary
demand (requirements of the socio-economic
system - trade) and secondary demand (transport
flows served by ports),
different time perspectives of forecasting (from
very short to long-term predictions),
internal structures of container traffic spatial
sources of demand,
variations in approaches, methods and techniques
of forecasting.
Trade flows should be regarded as a key driver of
demand and development for container services in
seaports. In addition, specifically, intercontinental
trade relations affect the field of container technology
implementation. As a result, export and import
volume is strictly related to the specific production
and consumption characteristics of a country.
Therefore, GDP is an important factor affecting
containerisation activities. A much wider approach
could be also used, where the PESTE3 method can be
applied (Lappalainen, 2013). Identification of
secondary demands requires further actions, - a
commonly implemented approach is to use a five step
procedure (Jensen, 2014):
A method which considers the influence of Political, Economic,
Social, Technological and Environmental issues on the state and fu-
ture of a phenomenon or organisation.
A Simplified Forecasting Model for the Estimation of
Container Traffic in Seaports at a Nation
al Level – the
Case of Poland
M. Matczak
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Comprehensive forecasting of future volumes of container traffic in seaports is important when it
comes to port development, including investments, especially in relation to costly transport infrastructure (e.g.
new terminals). The aim of this article is to present a specific, simplified model of demand forecasting for
container traffic in seaports as well as to give a practical verification of the model in the Polish seaport sector.
The model consists of relevant indexes of containerisation (values, dynamics) referring to the macroeconomic
characteristics of the country of cargo origin as well as destination-predictor variables (e.g. population, foreign
trade, gros
s domestic product). This method will facilitate the evaluation of three basic segments of the
container market: foreign trade services, maritime transit flows and land transit flows. International
comparisons of indexes (benchmarking) as well as extrapolations of future changes can support this prediction
process. A practical implementation of this research has enabled us to calculate that the total container volume
in Poland will be approximately 4.69 4.87 million TEU by the year 2023.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 14
Number 1
March 2020
1 production and attraction (primarily demand
2 distribution (transport flows selection),
3 logistics (location of logistics nodes, e.g. maritime
4 modal split (modal allocation of the flows),
5 assignment (traffic per maritime port).
Regarding the time periods of predictions, the
following types of forecasts can be distinguished:
short (e.g. one-day forecasts/ simulations/
planning (Gokkus, Sinan Yildirim and Akoglu,
2015) (KRILE, MAIOROV and FETISOV, 2018)
(Iannone et al., 2016)),
medium (seasonal analysis based on monthly data
(Chen and Chen, 2010) (Peng and Chu, 2009)),
long-term (Gökkuş, Yildirim and Aydin, 2017)
(Rahman, Muridan and Najib, 2015) (Rashed et al.,
2018) forecasts.
Implementations of competent methods of
forecasting are also related to specific sectors of
container traffic, which we can categorise into the
following elements:
foreign trade traffic international trade to the
country where the port is located
inland transit traffic international trade between
neighbouring countries served by land-based
modes of transport (e.g. railways, road haulage,
inland navigation)
maritime transit traffic (transshipment)
international trade between neighbouring
countries served by feeder vessels.
Container flow can be divided into further
different levels: separation of import and export
traffic (Chou, Chu and Liang, 2008) or full and empty
container turnover (Diaz, Talley and Tulpule, 2011).
Finally, different approaches (e.g. Shima & Siegel,
Brockwell & Davis, Schultz (Darabi and Suljevic,
2015)), models (e.g. time series, system dynamics,
regression, input-output models (Kotcharat, 2016))
and tools/techniques (e.g. generic programing,
decomposition approach, SARIMA
(Chen and Chen,
2010), input-output models (Kotcharat, 2016), neuron
networks (Gosasang, Chandraprakaikul and Kiattisin,
2011) (Gökkuş, Yildirim and Aydin, 2017)) to
forecasting can be implemented in the research.
Currently, researchers are trying to combine
different methods and techniques to create hybrid
models (Rashed et al., 2018), where a combination of
quantitative analysis is implemented alongside expert
knowledge (Huang, Qiao and Wang, 2014) (Huang et
al., 2015).
Ultimately, issues of balance between
sophistication and generalisation in the differing
forecasting methods, especially in relation to long-
term perspectives, will need to be considered.
Sophisticated methodology with highly-enhanced
detail may result in a high level of complexity and
may be costly for forecasting procedures. However,
uncertainties about changes in the port environment
(political, economic, social, technological) may cause
SARIMA - Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
significant distortions in any estimated volumes.
Moreover, detailed analyses, especially of
international aspects, may require access to relevant
data and information which may not be available,
especially on the global scale.
Simplified model of container traffic forecasting at a
national level, proposed by the author consists of
several steps (Fig. 1). The first challenge is the
collection of relevant data of container traffic, with
distribution on the three types of flows being
dependant on specific sources of primary demand.
Research into changes over time in the basic
parameters requires a ten-year period of coherent
The identification of relevant predictor variables
constitutes the second step in the process. Three
parameters: trade volume (tons), GDP (EUR) and
population changes are the key parameters used in
the research. In the case of trade volume, specific
trade relations (intercontinental) need to be specified
(especially in relation to EU member states).
Therefore, access to a comprehensive data base is
required (e.g. Eurostat). Assessment of correlations
between container traffic and main predictors have to
be tested.
Figure 1. Proposed simplified forecasting procedure for
national container traffic
Source: Own elaboration
Calculations of the relevant indexes of
containerisation, including container traffic and
predictor variables, is the next stage in the research.
Levels of implementation of container technology in
the national economy and trade need to be
established. However, it should be noted that any
assessment of technology utilisation requires
comprehensive references (best practices), such as
comparisons to other countries (market leaders) or
groups of countries (e.g. EU28). Comparisons of the
levels and development of index values need to be
treated as integral growth factors.
The next step in the research is identification of
future changes in predictor variables. International
organisations (e.g. IMF, World Bank, OECD, WTO) as
well as national statistical offices are the main sources
of such information. It should be emphasized that the
range of data availability will determine the scope of
indexes in any forecast.
By combining forecasts and indexes, an estimation
of future volumes of containers could be made. The
approximation of certain outcomes necessitates the
setting of minimum and maximum scenarios for
foreign trade flows in containers.
The designation of the origin and destination
points of cargo flows, located on the foreign
hinterland of seaports is required for the next step of
the procedure. The collection of comprehensive and
coherent data (predictor variables) from neighbouring
countries, as well as the proper assignment of relevant
indexes of containerisation is necessary. At this stage,
a simplified approach, based on the size of
populations has proven to be the most suitable. This
means, however, that the results obtained should be
treated as general. This is because a relatively stable
number of citizens does not necessarily create similar
changes in the primary demand for container traffic,
so only improvements in other indexes as such could
change the forecasting of volumes.
The collected results also need to be adjusted by
including data concerning any particular countries
involved in the service of transit traffic. In these cases,
historical changes of shares need to be also included
in the analysis and extrapolated for subsequent
Finally, the total demand for container services in
ports, at the country level, is estimated. These
proposed methods could be implemented for long-
term forecasting, however the scope of any
predictions will be necessarily restricted by
availability or unavailability of data.
Initial steps in the process of implementation and
verification of the above described model of
forecasting is the identification and distribution of
container traffic in Polish maritime ports. Market
divisions between foreign trade, maritime and land
transit flows is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Structure of container traffic in Polish maritime
ports between 2008-2018 [thou. TEU]
Polish Maritime Land Total
foreign trade transit transit
2008 854.9 1.4 3 859.3
2009 670.5 0.4 0.6 671.6
2010 823.0 226.8 0.5 1,050.3
2011 1,117.9 239 0.3 1,357.2
2012 1,250.3 405.9 0.7 1,656.9
2013 1,223.9 745.1 0.4 1,969.5
2014 1,457.0 681.8 0.8 2,139.6
2015 1,408.4 455.1 0.3 1,863.8
2016 1,447.5 583.9 1 2,032.4
2017 1,705.2 678.5 1.1 2,384.8
2018e 2,026.6 806.4 1.3 2,834.3
Source: Own elaboration [18]
3.1 Foreign trade container traffic
Significant facilitators of container flows (predictor
variables) are both the economic activity of a country
(and its neighbours) and volume of trade. Gross
domestic product constitutes the first element. In
relation to trade flows, additional assumptions
referring to the spatial pattern of cargo flows should
be made.
Intercontinental trade is the main area of
implementation of containerisation, thus the total
volume of trade, should include cross-ocean flows
(the research includes: Vietnam, United States,
Taiwan, Singapore, New Zeeland, Mexico, South
Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia, Hong-Kong, China,
Chile, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia). These
kinds of flows drive maritime transport with specific
effects on container traffic TRADE (cont.).
Table 2. Macroeconomic characteristics of Poland (2008-
GDP GDP per Foreign Foreign
[billion capita tradetotal trade-container
EUR] [EUR] [m tons] [m tons]
2008 366.2 9,607 196.3 9.64
2009 317.1 8,315 173.0 8.55
2010 361.8 9,515 199.9 9.43
2011 380.2 9,990 213.0 9.93
2012 389.4 10,230 211.3 9.77
2013 394.7 10,371 218.2 11.32
2014 411.2 10,815 232.6 11.78
2015 430.3 11,321 241.8 11.99
2016 426.5 11,235 250.1 13.31
2017 467.2 12,303 261.9 15.96
Source: Own elaboration based on Eurostat database
High levels of correlations between the container
turnover in Polish ports and the development of the
country’s main macroeconomic parameters (GDP
value and foreign trade turnover) were revealed. The
Pearson correlation coefficient for elaborated
parameters reached (2008-2017):
0,9640 for GDP,
0.9638 for GDP per capita,
0,9372 for foreign trade (intercontinental).
It could be stated, that any future changes in
macroeconomic conditions will constitute the basic
driver for further growth of maritime container
The level of utilisation of container technology is
the second factor introduced into our research. Three
basic indexes of containerisation were defined in this
1 TEU/TRADE (cont.),
2 TEU/GDP and additionally
TEU/population parameters are useful when
conducting research into transit traffic, where access
to comprehensive macroeconomic data could be
difficult. An assumption of convergence in the
European dimension was adopted, so the average
value of the indexes of containerisation for the EU28
was taken as a reference point (benchmark) Table 2.
Thanks to this, the problem of structural diversity in
container flows (trade-transit) in different countries
was eliminated.
Table 3. Containerisation measures (benchmarks) for Poland
and EU28 (2008-2017)
[TEU/1000 tons] thou. EUR] [TEU/person]
Poland EU28 Poland UE28 Poland UE28
2008 88.69 123.26 0.0023 0.0061 0.022 0.159
2009 78.41 135.41 0.0021 0.0055 0.018 0.134
2010 87.31 135.41 0.0023 0.0059 0.022 0.150
2011 112.57 137.28 0.0029 0.0061 0.029 0.161
2012 127.94 142.48 0.0032 0.0061 0.033 0.164
2013 108.16 142.27 0.0031 0.0062 0.032 0.166
2014 123.65 148.33 0.0035 0.0063 0.038 0.176
2015 117.47 145.63 0.0033 0.0060 0.037 0.174
2016 108.79 147.56 0.0034 0.0062 0.038 0.180
2017 106.87 144.95 0.0037 0.0062 0.045 0.186
Source: Own elaboration
Statistics reveal discrepancies between the level of
the value of indexes calculated for the Polish and
European (EU28
) container sectors. In addition,
differences in growth trends of the indexes value is
also clear (Figure 1). It can therefore be concluded that
the level of technology use in Poland is still lower
than in the EU, however an increasing tempo of
growth will lead to their convergence.
European Union consists of 28 countries
Figure 2. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR
) of the
value of containerisation measures in years 2008-2017 for
Poland and the EU28
Source: Own elaboration
Value of particular indexes (2008-2017) shows that
they should unified by the year 2032 (TEU/GDP
indicator). Thus, a further improvement in the
utilisation of container technology in Poland should
be expected. As a result, the future growth of
container traffic in maritime ports of Poland should
exceed the average European level during the next 20
Taking into consideration predicted increases in
growth of Polish trade (World Economic Outlook
Database, October 2018, 2018), GDP development
(World Economic Outlook Database, October 2018, 2018) ,
changes of population (Population projection at national
level (2015-2080), 2019) as well as changes over time in
the values of indexes, calculations of future container
traffic can be made in the field of foreign trade, in
Polish ports (Figure 2).
Figure 3. Container traffic forecast for Polish maritime ports
(Polish foreign trade flows) up to 2023 [thou. TEU].
Source: Own elaboration
CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate
These collected results (maximum and minimum
values) can only be considered marginal scenarios in
the prediction of future changes in container traffic.
Taking this into account, however, the volume of
foreign trade containers should reach the level of
2.699 million TEU to 2.879 million TEU by 2023.
3.2 Transit container traffic
One of the indexes of containerisation also
implemented into this research focuses on current and
future demands in transit traffic, both land and
maritime. As regards Polish seaports, the following
countries could be regarded as potential centres of
demand growth:
maritime transit: Russia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia,
land transit: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,
Belarus, Ukraine.
Because of limited access to comprehensive and
coherent data about trade and economic
developments in non-EU countries, estimations were
based on population factors. Assuming that the non-
EU neighbouring countries achieve a level of
containerisation already specified for Poland (0,045),
and EU member states are characterised by the
average European level of the index (0,186), the
demand for particular types of transit traffic can be
theoretically estimated.
As regards the demand for maritime transit, the
total demand can be calculated as 10,461 thou. TEU
(data for year 2017), with a strong contribution of that
from Russia (6,451 thou. TEU).
The total demand from land transit potentially
served by Polish container ports can be estimated to
be about 7,120 thou. TEU (with a share of 67.3% from
EU countries).
These values are fully theoretical, because in the
case of individual countries the current levels of
implementation of container technology is so
different. Such a phenomenon can be observed in
non-EU countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. It can,
however, be expected that technological structures
will change, and higher volumes of containers will
flow through the seaports in the future. On the other
hand, parts of the analysed countries have no access
to the sea, so foreign trade in those places is served
only by foreign ports. In these cases, theoretical
volumes of demand were estimated.
Calculations of the contribution of regional transit
traffic to Polish maritime ports was the next step in
the forecasting process. Currently, the share could be
calculated to be 6,54% and 0,02% for maritime and
land transit respectively. The share of Polish ports has
been growing by 13.02% and 19.54% annually
respectively (CAGR) in the period 2011-2017,
therefore further improvements in the market
position of Polish ports can be assumed. This means
looking at the year 2023, the shares of 13.64% and
0.04% could be implemented into our calculations. As
a result, the transit traffic served in Polish ports could
reach 1.993 thou. TEU by 2023.
3.3 Total demand
Summing up, the total forecasted traffic of containers
in the ports of Poland would reach levels from 4.692
thou. TEU up to 4.872 thou. TEU by 2023. Obviously,
numerous factors, both internal (sector) and external
(economy & trade) will have a direct influence on the
final results. However, these estimated values could
be treated as a starting point to more detailed analysis
of future growth.
The above presented methodology towards the
development of container demand forecasting should
be regarded as relatively simple but useful. Dividing
container flows into three key parts, helps facilitate
the application of different methods into the
prediction exercise. Future changes of predictor
variables (trade, GDP) as well as the development of
indexes of containerisation, constitute elementary
drivers in the further growth of container traffic. This
method, in addition to quantitative analysis, also
requires an expert opinion, because the choice of
extrapolation techniques or implementation of
specific factors, require logical verification and
sectorial knowledge. The best confirmation of the
usefulness of this method have been the preliminary
results for 2018 (2.834 m TEU), which are coherent
with the results obtained in our calculation (2.653 -
2.770 m TEU).
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