There are a number of different submerged terminals
located offshore, outside port limits or in sheltered
anchorage areas where larger ships which cannot
approach ports or terminals ashore are berthed and
the cargo transfer is carried out offshore [1], [3], [7],
[8], [10].
In this paper we are going to describe the main
characteristics of and make comparisons between the
Submerged Turret Loading system STL, Single
Anchor Loading system SAL and Offshore Loading
System OLS, considering the hydro-meteorological
boundary conditions (weather limitations) enabling
ships to carry out safe cargo, manoeuvring and DP
operation offshore. All mentioned above systems
(STL, SAL and OLS) are designated to operate with
specialized shuttle tankers (DP class vessels set up for
DP class 2 operation), which are equipped with bow
loading system (BLS) and optionally also with bottom
submerged loading system STL.
All items described in this paper are based on the
common requirements covered by the specified oil
field offshore operation manuals (e.g. [2], [3], [6]),
installation makers operational manuals and ship’s
operator manuals, which include Teekay Shipping
company experience factor [11] collected from the
fleet since 1979 and the author’s own experience and
observation collected on shuttle tanker fleet in
offshore industry since 1997.
The Submerged Turret Loading buoy commonly
known as STL system incorporates a turret connected
to the mooring and the riser. The STL system in basics
configuration works as follow: a buoy moored to the
seabed is pulled into and secured in a mating cone
into the bottom connection STL system on tanker
vessel. All STLs are based on standardized mating
cone geometry in the vessel (see Figure 1).
A Comparison Between DP Offshore Loading Operation
on Submerged Turret Loading System STL, Submerged
Single Anchor Loading System SAL and Offshore
Loading System OLS Considering the Hydro-
meteorological Condition Limits for the Safe Ship’s
Operation Offshore
G. Rutkowski
aster Mariner Association, Gdynia, Poland
Teekay Learning and Development Centre, Teekay Shipping Norway
ABSTRACT: The purpose and scope of this paper is to describe the characteristics of and make comparisons
between DP Offshore loading operation on Submerged Turret Loading system STL, Single Anchor Loading
system SAL and Offshore Loading System OLS considering the hydro meteorological condition limits enabling
safe ship’s operation offshore. These systems (STL, SAL & OLS) are designated to operate with specialized DP
shuttle tankers, which are equipped with bow loading system (BLS) and optionally also with bottom
submerged loading system STL. All above systems are typically used for short term mooring applications
offshore associated with the offloading and/or loading of bulk liquid fuel tankers transporting refined and
unrefined products of crude oil or liquefied natural gas LNG.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 13
Number 1
March 2019
DOI: 10.12716/1001.13.01.18
Figure 1. The STL Submerged Turret Loading system in basic configuration with marked safe operational zone, warming
limit (±5m) and alarm limit (±10m) setup for DP shuttle tankers based on STL Operational Procedure in Teekay Shipping
[6].The world first STL system has been installed at Fulmar oil field on FSO Vinga in 1993 for Shell operator, on depth 85 m,
with design life 10 years and design sea waves Hs= 10 m. The first STL system in Direct Shuttle Loading (DSL) configuration
has been installed on Heidrun Oil Field offshore Norway in 1994 for Statoil operator, on depth 340 m, with design life 25
years and design waves Hs= 15.5 m. The first offshore LNG Receiving Terminal (LNGRV) Energy Bridge for LNG carriers
with regasification plant and STL system connection has been installed on US Gulf Gateway in 2004, 110 nautical miles
offshore Louisiana for Excelerate Energy operator, on area with water depth 91 m, design life 20/40 years and design waves
Hs= 11.9 m.
Normally on each DP class shuttle tanker officer
on the watch, which is navigator and usually also
Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) when
approaching and connecting to STL buoy must use
Dynamic Positioning (DP) system setup for DP class 2
When approaching and connecting to the STL
buoy the following DP modes are in use: DP
Approach mode is used when ship approaching
between 1500m and 5m off the terminal base point
(STL buoy position), DP Connect mode and DP Go to
Base/Buoy mode is used during connection to and
disconnection from the STL buoy and DP Loading
mode is used when ship is loading the cargo on STL
In DP class two operation minimum three position
reference systems (PRS) are required to be in use by
the DP system on the shuttle tanker and usually there
are as follow: one Hydroacoustic Position Reference
system (HPR) and two (absolute) Differential Global
Navigational Satellite System (DGNSS / DGPS). The
HPR system typically consists of Super Short Base-
Line (SSBL) and Long-Base-Line (LBL) configuration.
Each STL buoy is equipped with a set of HPR
transponders. In basic STL configuration e.g. on
Heidrun Oil Field we had 5 seabed LBL transponders,
8 Mooring Line Buoyancy Element SSBL transponders
and 3 STL buoy SSBL transponders.
Assuming the DP system has been prepared prior
to arrival at the field, the following will apply:
Between 3000m and 1200 m from the base point (STL
position), the pickup line on the shuttle tanker will be
lowered trough the mating cone with a sandbag and a
floating element. The shuttle tanker will stop and
thrust sideways by 0,5 knots (0.25 m/s). The sandbag
will be hydrostatically released, and the floating
element will rise to the surface. It will be picked up by
the crew and made fast on the port side, forward. The
vessel will then continue its approach. Inside 500m
zone ship’s speed must be reduced to 0.6 knots (0.3
m/s) with maximum step forward no more than 50m.
In distance about 300m from selected STL buoy
DPO must activate appropriate application on HPR
system with software for proper buoy (e.g. STL
Heidrun1) and interrogate LBL transponders on
seabed. Then DPO must scan Mooring Line Buoyancy
Element transponders to check depths of the 8
buoyancy elements. On typical STL installation e.g. on
Heidrun oil field there are on depth about 80m to
100m. When scan is finished he must switch system to
off. When HPR is stable, DPO must arrange position
drop-out, select HPR as reference origin, select
DGNSS/DGPS 1 and 2 as PRS secondary systems.
Then DPO should continue approaching towards
shooting position using DP Approach mode with
recommended speed 0,4 knots (0.2 m/s) and
maximum step forward no more than 10 m. In
distance about 200m from STL base point DPO must
stop the vessel in shooting position, pick up the
messenger line and while picking up the slack on the
STL messenger line resumed approaching towards
STL base point.
At distance about 50m from STL base point, DPO
should activate STL buoy hydroacoustic transponders
by selecting on HPR system option for auto scan. The
HPR system usually select the best transponder
automatically. When the STL transponder has been
calibrated the STL buoy position can be monitored on
the assigned view on DP screen. Normally the STL
buoy should be detected on the depth approximately
45m ± 5 m. In this point the ship speed setup on DP
console should be no more than 0.3 knots (0.15 m/s)
and step forward 2 to 5 m. In position at Bow Base
distance 5 m DP shuttle tanker must be stopped with
intention to check that ship’s positioning is stable
with sway and heading. When the vessel’s DP
positioning is stable, DPO should change DP
Approach Mode to DP Connect Mode and approach
to STL base position using Change position
application with DP function Go to Base. When the
shuttle tanker is already located at the Base/Buoy
position, the STL buoy mooring arrangement is ready
to be hoisted into the mating cone. During the
hoisting of the STL buoy the depth of the buoy
relative to the ships bottom must be monitored on the
DP view. In addition, DPO can also use the cameras
system on shuttle tanker to monitor the last phase of
the hoisting. When the top of the STL buoy is getting
near to the ship’s bottom, the signal from the STL
transponder will no longer be available, and it should
be switched off. When the STL buoy is locked the
‘STL Buoy in Position’ message is displayed on the
DP console. In this point DPO should change DP
Connect mode to DP Loading Mode.
When DP shuttle tanker is operating in DP
Loading Mode the predefined alarm limits on DP
console are active. However, DPO can also define
additional fore and aft position alarms limits with e.g.
deviation ±5 m for warmings and ±10 m for alarm
indication. When DP Loading Mode is pressed, the
status lamps for Loading, Surge, Sway and Yaw
buttons are lit. The set point for heading and position
is set to the current estimated vessel heading and
position. The vessels rotation point (CR) is the
position of the mating cone.
Field-specific limits for STL connection and
loading are programmed into the dedicated DP
software (buoy selection). Specific limits and
configuration differ from one loading installation to
another. For Kongsberg-supplied DP systems, the
following alarm wording are used:
Warning ESD1 (Emergency Shut Down Class 1) –
‘Distance to base too long’. On Shuttle tanker stop
loading procedure are to be activated if this limit is
Alarm ESD2 - ‘Distance to base critically long’. On
Shuttle tanker stop loading & emergency
disconnection procedure are to be activated if this
limit is exceeded. However, it must be also noted, that
according to specific oil field procedure ESD2 alarms
with disconnection procedure are not always
applicable e.g. on old STL installation on Heidrun Oil
Field in North Sea.
While Tanker is in DP Loading Mode, the DP
system takes account of the restoring forces of the STL
mooring system. The damping and restoring forces of
the STL mooring system depend on the offset from
the base position and the depth of the buoy. DPO can
use the STL Mean Offset function to keep the vessel at
a specified mean distance from the base position
using only surge thrust towards the base position. To
activate the Mean Offset function, DPO must select
axis control by pressing on DP console one of the axis
button and deselect surge. Optionally DPO can press
the change position button on DP console, select a set
point radius and check the STL Mean Offset box and
Apply. Normally the DP system will maintain a mean
distance from the STL base point. It takes the
restoring forces from the STL mooring system into
account and calculate, over time, a constant amount of
propeller thrust needed to maintain the offset
position. If the DPO reactivates all axis again, the DP
will take present position and heading as new set
point and will maintain the offset position. If the DPO
wishes to maintain a position closer to the base point,
he can do this by pressing the change position button
and select Go to Base and Apply.
However, in good weather conditions it is most
common for shuttle tanker to stay in STL Loading
Mode with no thruster active and only DGPS as
reference system. The vessel will rotate freely around
the STL turret. When loading is completed, the vessel
will disconnect from the STL more or less in the
opposite sequence of how the vessel connects to the
buoy. The DPO will select on DP Connect mode and
Go to Base application. The STL system will be
disconnected and lowered to its normal depth. Than
DP system must be setup to DP Approach mode, and
the vessel will move astern while slacking away on
the messenger line until the marker buoy is in the
water. The STL buoy drops clear of the vessel, and
floats in an equilibrium position approximately 30 to
50 meters below sea level.
In normal circumstances the time for connection
from the position, when vessel already approach to
STL base point, usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes.
Disconnection usually takes only a couple of minutes
and can be performed in any weather condition.
Usually ship’s owner and the field operator have
defined their own individual weather limits for
connection, loading and disconnection operations.
The strictest (lowest) limits are to prevail.
According to field operator and APL manufacturer
for most of the STL systems [1], connection can be
done in sea states between 5 and 7 m Hs (Significant
Wave Height). Weather independent offshore
loading. Disconnect regardless of weather conditions
in any sea state. On another hand, e.g. Teekay’s limits
are as follow: for STL connection with DP System
Mode, the maximum significant wave height (Hs)= 4.5
m and the period of maximum wave height (Tmax)=
15 seconds; for STL loading and normal disconnection
with DP System Mode, the maximum significant
wave height (Hs)= 10.0 m.
The STL system also allows for schedule
decoupling between the offshore and the shipyard
work. STL, mooring and riser can be completed
independently from the OLT or FSO. The STL system
is installed on site prior to the FSO or OLT arrival at
the field. Upon arrival, the vessel hooks up onto the
STL on its own. Unplanned repair, upgrading,
inspections and replacement of the FSO, as well as
abandonment of the field, is simplified by the
disconnect feature of the buoy based STL system. The
STL system can be designed for disconnect service
(OLT, DP Shuttles, LNGRV) or for permanent
mooring throughout the field life (FSO/FPSO).
According to Advanced Production and Loading
APL National Oilwell Varco website [1] the
Submerged Turret Loading system STL represents the
state-of-the-art technology within all offshore loading
industry and is commonly recognized as ‘the best and
most innovative solutions combined with life-cycle
commitment’. The STL technology offers a flexible,
safe and cost-effective solution for Oil Loading
Tankers (OLT), LNG tankers and Floating Storage
and Offloading units (FSO). The STL systems in
service cover a wide range of application from the
harsh North Sea environment to cyclone prone areas
such as China or Australia, mooring caters for sea as
high as 19 m Hs (Significant Wave Height), water
depth up to 2500 m, vessel sizes up to ULCCs,
throughput production up to 600 000 BOPD (barrels
of Oil Per Day). The STL is also widely used to moor
LNG carriers either Floating Storage Regasification
Units (FSRUs) or high-pressure LNG Re-Gas Vessels
(LNG RV). The STL technology, as it was described
above, has also a high availability in harsh
environments and is well proven since 1993 with
number of successful STL connection, loading and
disconnections offshore.
In real life e.g. in November and December 2001,
the Haltenbanken area off mid Norway with dual STL
installation on Heidrun oil field experience a 100-year
storm with reported maximum wave heights over 25
m and significant wave height over 16 m. That time
the Heidrun field didn’t have infield oil storage and
production was therefore dependent on a tanker
moored to one of the two STL buoys. That time two
DP shuttle tankers Navion Norvegia and Navion
Europa were, based on the weather forecast [1],
connected to two STL buoys and remained connected
receiving oil through the storm. As of June 2011, total
of 1131 loads via STL system corresponding to 962
Million barrels of oil have been delivered from
Heidrun field via STL system on DP shuttle tankers to
ashore. Overall offtake regularity on STL Heidrun,
also taking whether downtime into consideration has
been over 99.9%. Another example for STL system
operation in extreme storm has been recorded on FSO
STL mooring system on Aasgard C oil field on North
Sea in January 10-11, 2006, which experience storm
with significant wave 16.8 m, maximum wave height
29.0 m, wind 95 knots (equivalent to hurricane
Category 2 wind and hurricane category 5 wave).
Mentioned before Energy Bridge LNGRV
installation is also designated for 100-year Gulf of
Mexico hurricane both with vessel connected and
disconnected. In August 2005, Gulf Gateway
performance e.g. hurricane Katrina (category 5 storm)
when Energy Bridge LNGRV Excellence continues
operations with 5 to 6-meter sea states and 50 knots
winds until discharge operation has been successfully
completed with no interruptions due to weather.
The STL systems has been verified also in ice
environments. Model tests have documented survival
of a vessel moored in 1.6 m level ice with drift speed
of 0.75 m/s. It has been also noted, that icebergs and
ice ridges in arctic environments usually are better
addressed with the quick disconnect features
provided e.g. by the STL or SAL system.
The SAL Single Anchor Loading system is offshore
loading system introduced in the late 1990’s, that
serves as a single mooring point via hawser to the
underwater strong base anchor as well as an
interconnection for tankers loading or offloading gas
or liquid products [1], [2].
The SAL system was developed as low-cost
alternative to the STL system for use in the situation
where traditional CALM buoys cannot be used. As
the SAL is subsea the risk of collision between the
tanker and traditional CALM or SPM buoy is
eliminated. On SAL system the vessel always takes
the most favourable position in relation to the
combination of wind, current and wave and is free to
align itself with the prevailing environmental forces at
the time.
The central elements of the SAL system are a
mooring and a fluid swivel with a single mooring line
(hawser) and a flexible riser for fluid transfer
attached, anchored at the sea bed by the use of a
single anchor. The anchor also functions as the
pipeline end manifold (PLEM) for the seabed export
flow line. A tanker is hooked up to the system by
pulling the mooring line and the riser together from
the seabed and up to the bow of the vessel. Here the
mooring line is secured and the riser is connected to
the vessel. Moored to the SAL system, a tanker can
freely weathervane. Disconnection is performed by
lowering the mooring line and the riser down to the
Nowadays there are a several types of SAL
systems in use. The SAL flexible riser (offloading
hose) can either be designated for connection to a
standard shuttle tanker bow loading system BLS or to
the typical amidships manifold of a standard trading
tanker. The SAL can be equipped with clump weight
system (e.g. Hanze SAL installed in 2001, Solan SAL
installed in 2015) or underwater buoyancy systems
(e.g. Banff SAL or South Arne SAL installed in 1998).
Typical SAL system is usually equipped with strong
mooring hawser with chafing chain designated for
tanker with chain stopper located forward for single
point mooring SPM system on board the tanker vessel
(e.g. installation of South Arne SAL with mooring
hawser capability limited to 450 tons on weak link).
However, there are also SAL installation without
upper mooring system, which are in configuration
typical for traditional offshore loading system OLS,
which are designated only for full DP shuttle tankers
equipped with bow loading system BLS. Nowadays
most of the SAL systems are typically used offshore
for short term mooring applications recommended for
DP shuttle tankers setup for DP class 2 operation,
equipped with BLS system.
In general approach the typical SAL terminal is
quite easy to install. It has been noted that new SAL
terminal can be installed on oil field offshore just
within few days up to few weeks period. It has been
also noted that the old SAL systems can be easy
reused and/or upgraded (e.g. Ardmore twin SAL
systems have been re-used for Kittywake SAL
installation in 2005 and Don SAL installation in 2008,
Siri SAL buoyancy system has been upgraded from
buoyancy SAL system to clump weight SAL system in
SAL system has been also successfully tested in
arctic zone. Artic SAL Varandey system, which has
been installed on Pechora Sea in Russia on Summer in
2002 on water depth 12 m for Varandey Neftegaz and
Murmansk Shipping Company with dedicated
tankers mt Saratov and mt Usinsk (20000 DWT, Class
LU5, DNV-GL 1A Polar) is designed to work with
temperature up to -40°C, summer loading Hs= 3 m, 20
m/s wind and tidal current 1.6 knot. The worst
conditions encountered so far on this SAL installation
during loading include 150 cm ice layer and
temperature -32°C. Specially designed hose (16’’ID)
with rugged design for operation through ice,
developed by ITR for APL in cooperation with
Murmansk Shipping Company, Arctic and Antarctic
Research Institute, St. Petersburg with DNV-GL (3rd
party verification) are designed to work with oil
temperature to -20°C, ambient temperature to -40°C
and hose designed for mooring loads up to 200 t.
SAL system with clump weight comprises the
following main sub-systems: anchor assembly,
mooring system and riser (offloading) system.
Mooring system contains lower polyester mooring
segment, mid line clump weight with integrated steel
spool piece and upper mooring (hawser) with chafing
chain and pick-up assembly (e.g. SAL Solan, see
Figure 2). In buoyancy SAL systems (e.g. South Arne
SAL - see Figure 3) the mooring system is made up of
the following components: lower wire segment,
mooring line buoyancy element, lower rope segment,
additional buoyancy element, upper rope segment,
chafing chain and pick-up assembly.
The lower wire segment connects the mooring line
buoyancy element to the SAL anchor top structure.
The purpose of the mooring line buoyancy element is
same as clump weight system to serve as a spring
function in the SAL mooring system, serve as support
for the loading hose and assemble mooring lines and
loading hose at a common point. The mooring line
buoyancy element is situated between the lower wire
rope segment and the lower rope segment, and
consists of a cylindrical steel structure, which is
connected to a connecting rod. The rod is an
integrated part of the mooring line carrying the
mooring line tension that is no mooring forces are
transferred through the hull of the buoyancy element.
In light of SAL mooring system handling
requirements during operation, fibre ropes were
chosen instead of wire ropes. Two fibre rope
segments, a lower fibre rope segment and an upper
fibre rope segment connect the mooring line
buoyancy element and the chafing chain, via the
additional buoyancy element. Both sections of rope
are manufactured from Polyester. The additional
buoyancy element is designed to avoid contact
between the fibre rope segments and the seabed, and
to reduce the stiffness of the mooring system in
disconnected condition.
The SAL installation is fixed by SAL anchor. The
ship is made fast to the SAL with the help of a single
chain with hawser which is secured on board to the
bow stopper. The vessel always takes the most
favourable position in relation to the combination of
wind, current and wave and is free to align itself with
the prevailing environmental forces at the time. As
the vessel in its stationary state is always positioned
head-on into the wind’s/current’s direction, the total
force is less than would be experienced by a vessel on
a fixed mooring which is not always head-on into the
prevailing conditions. The basic principle of SAL
system is to keep the position of the vessel with
respect to the SAL base steady and at the same time
allowing vessels to swing to wind and sea. This
operation is typical for shuttle tanker on DP weather
vane mode.
Figure 2. The Single Anchor Loading (SAL) system in Clump Weight configuration with safe operational zone, inner and
outer warmings and alarm limits setup for ESD1 (Stop loading procedure) and ESD2 (Stop loading + disconnection
procedure) for DP shuttle tankers with Bow Loading System (BLS) based on SAL Clump Weight Operational Procedure [1],
Figure 3. The South Arne SAL buoyancy system with operation parameters for DP shuttle tankers based on HESS Oil Export
and SAL System Operating Procedure DOM-SA-P-001B. [6]
SAL systems are usually located in water depths
between 30 to 100 meters and are connected to a
shore storage facility (tank farm) or to offshore
production platforms by means of a submarine
pipeline. Nowadays most of the SAL systems are
designated for DP shuttle tankers with BLS system.
SAL configuration can accommodate the largest
vessels, including VLCCs.
Usually ship’s owner and the field operator have
defined their own individual weather limits for SAL
connection, loading and disconnection. The strictest
(lowest) limits are to prevail. Teekay’s limits are e.g.
as follow: For SAL connection with DP System Mode,
the maximum significant wave height (Hs)= 4.5 m
and the period of maximum wave height (Tmax)= 15
seconds. For SAL loading and normal SAL
disconnection with DP System Mode, the maximum
significant wave height (Hs)= 5.5 m and the period of
maximum wave height (Tmax)= 15 seconds.
The above values are normative and must be
considered in connection with current weather
conditions and whether conditions are improving,
stabilizing or worsening. Approach, loading and
discontinuation of these activities are always subject
to the Master’s final approval.
According to oil field procedure [3], [6] and APL
SAL manufacturer website [1], [2] DP shuttle tanker
can moor to SAL system with significant sea waves
up to 4.5 m (maximum wave heights 8.1 m) and stay
connected to SAL when loading with significant sea
waves up to 5.5 m (maximum wave heights 9.5 m)
and disconnect in seas as high as 7.0 m [1]. In
addition, on some oil field [6] vessel has to leave SAL
installation when winds exceed 60 knots and waves
are higher than 5.5 m. In addition, there is a limited
sector (±5°) for positioning when picking up the line
from the bottom.
On DP shuttle tankers two different loading
modes, rotation and non-rotation modes may be used
for loading on SAL systems (see figure 3). Non-
rotation mode (Auto Position) is normally used when
weather conditions allow it, to reduce strain on the
loading system. Rotation mode (Weather Vane) is
normally used when weather conditions are above
winds of Beaufort force 4 and/or sea state 2 or above.
Hawser tension limits for SAL are normally higher
than other systems for offshore loading with shut
down (green line failure) on 200 t. Restricted zones
are defined where other installations are placed
nearby and when there is a risk that the vessel, in an
emergency, may drift towards other offshore
Approach to the SAL can be from any direction
(from a mooring perspective). If needed the SAL
system can be rotated and laid down in an optimal
heading by supporting tug prior to pick-up and
connection by approaching tanker. However, if
supporting tug is not available on the field shuttle
tanker can use another procedure and using DP
mode ‘circle around the buoy’ approach to
installation offshore without tug assistance (e.g.
procedures implemented on Draugen oil field near
FSL installation). This DP software give us possibility
to approach BLS to fixed position of submerged hose,
keeping always on shuttle tanker optimal heading
against wind, waves and current and recommended
distance to submerged buoy (and/or submerged
hose-end-valve with pick up arrangement), pick up
the hose from the bottom, safely rotate the ship
around the buoy keeping optimal heading and
distance to submerged buoy (using ‘circle around the
buoy’ DP software) and when the buoy, offloading
hose and shuttle tanker heading are on same line
against wind, waves and current, approach closer,
connect the hose and/or hawser and if all is OK in
good order, complete connection and set up DP to
Weather Vane mode.
Mooring typically takes 30 min to 1 hour (once
vessel has arrived at SAL installation and connect
mooring pick up assembly). Connection and
disconnecting from mooring on DP shuttle tanker
does not need tug assistance, although tugs may be
required for connection depending on the local site
condition and availability of space for vessel
manoeuvring and SAL rotation requirements. Hose
connection to BLS usually takes about 10 to 15
minutes. Typically, vessels are only able to offload a
single product at a time. Disconnecting from mooring
on DP shuttle tanker typically takes about 20 to 30
Figure 4. The Offshore Loading System OLS sometimes denoted also as UK-OLS, which stands for Ugland-Kongsberg OLS
system with clearly marked operational zone preferred loading distance 70m ± 10 m, inner and outer warmings and alarm
limits for ESD1 and ESD2 procedure setup for DP shuttle tankers with Bow Loading System BLS based on OLS Operational
Procedure [1], [6].
The OLS is short for submerged Offshore Loading
System without hawser and only hose connected to
the ship’s BLS system. The full name of OLS is
sometimes denoted UK-OLS, which stands for
Ugland-Kongsberg Offshore Loading System. In May
2018 some OLS installations has been operating on
North Sea in Norwegian and UK sector e.g. at the
Statfjord field, A and B, at the Gullfaks field 1 and 2,
Harding field and on Atlantic Ocean e.g. in Canadian
sector on Hibernia and Hebron Oil Field, where we
have SAL system in OLS configuration with only
submerged hose connected without hawser. The OLS
systems usually have been installed offshore in sea
area with depth from 80 to 150 m. However, there is
also a similar system to OLS configuration designated
for deeper water known as Framo Submerged
Loading system FSL (e.g. FSL Generelt on Draugen oil
field operated by Norske Shell A.S. with a sea depth
of 250 m).
The OLS in basic configuration consists of a seabed
base template, buoyancy element ‘Coflexip’ hose,
swivel, hose end valve, messenger and pick up line.
The OLS system (see figure 4) is hawser less
operation, only with hose connected to the BLS
system on DP shuttle tanker setup for DP class 2
When a DP Shuttle Tanker (ST) arrive at the field,
the master will evaluate the weather conditions to
decide on a direction for approach to the OLS system.
This will be a direction typically into the wind, taking
into account the direction of the waves and current if
known. The master will then instruct the support
tugboat/standby vessel (SBV) to rotate the loading
hose into the opposite direction of the intended
direction of approach. The SBV vessel will pick up the
loading hose and rotate it in the direction indicated by
the master of the shuttle tanker. The SBV vessel will
then move to a position about 250 m from the OLS
base and wait for the shuttle tanker to approach. The
passing of the messenger line from the SBV to the ST
bow usually take place on the port side. During
connection, loading and disconnection 3 reference
systems shall be used for DP simultaneously:
(Absolute Positioning) shall be selected as reference
origin. If HPR is not activated on the DP, it shall be
available at any time as a visual reference.
From the 10 Nm Zone, where end of sea passage
(EOSP) is usually recorded, the vessel must gradually
reduce speed, and prepare to stop at 900 m. From 900
m the vessel must use the DP system to move into
connection and loading position in accordance with
the established step-by-step procedure for the specific
oil field. DPO must prepare the DP according to the
DP checklist handed out. All checks must be
completed using the oil field procedure. DP system
must be prepared and proper loading buoy from the
DP Offload menu must be selected. Since OLS
operations does not involve a hawser, DPO must be
sure that the hawser sensor on DP software is not
activated. DPO should verify all other sensors
including gyros, wind sensors, VRS/MRU (for pitch
and roll indication for PRS system), draft sensors and
etc. When all DP tests are completed, DPO should
change ship’s thrusters’ main control to DP Approach
mode or DP Auto Pos mode. Normally when
approaching to any installation offshore from 900 m
to 500 m DPO should use the maximum step forward
up to 100 m and maximum speed setup to 1,2 knots
(0.6 m/s). Close to 500 m zone DPO should reduce the
ship’s speed and ask OIM (Offshore Installation
Manager) for permission to enter 500m zone and if
needed prepare to stop the ship at 500m bow base
distance. Some fields require on DP Position Dropout
and let the vessel settle down for a couple of minutes
at 500 m zone with intention to verify DP model
including selection and quality of reference systems.
In this point DPO must calibrate DGNSS1/DGPS1 as
PRS origin, add DGNSS2/DGPS 2 as a secondary PRS
system and select remaining PRS e.g. HPR and/or
Artemis. DPO must observe DP model stability for
minimum 5 minutes and verify vessels ability to keep
position. If DP Standby Mode was selected than he
must rebuild new DP model for minimum 20
minutes. If DP model is stable than DPO can go ahead
to the next step of approaching procedure and if not
than he must stop the vessel, report this to OIM
and/or OLS control room and abort operation.
On next step DPO must select DP Approach or DP
Auto Pos mode on the DP console. He must ensure
that the vessel is outside any restricted zones and that
the vessels bow is within ±15° compared to the agreed
direction of the hose laid down on the sea-bed.
Continue to shooting position at approximately 250 m
bow base. Maximum speed 0.6 knots (0.3 m/s).
Maximum set point radius must be changed to 50 m.
DPO must monitor thruster response and adjust
speed in order to stop tanker completely at 250 m
base distance. DP shuttle tanker should stop at
shooting position approximately in 250 m bow-base
(BB) distance. The SBV to take position approximately
50 m from the ST port bow quarter. When the
messenger line has been received, DPO should
continue approaching towards 150 m BB distance
with speed 0, 6 knots and max 50 m steps while
picking up the slack on the messenger line. DPO must
be sure that the bow is inside ±15° limit to the hose.
From 150 m BB ST should move slowly towards 130
m BB distance while picking up slack on the
messenger line. Max steps to be 10 m and speed to be
0, 4 knots. ST must stop at BB 130 m.
At 130 m, ST must pull the messenger line until the
60 m mark reach the bow fairlead, change the speed
to 0,4 knots and max set points steps 10 m. When in
loading position (70 m ± 5 m), DPO should activate
the fore and aft alarms limits, e.g. with ± 5 m values.
Then select DP Weather Vane mode and continue to
heave on the messenger line until connection of the
loading hose can be made. When hose end is in BLS
position and the coupler claws are closed, the DP will
receive a Hose Connect signal, and Position Activated
Shut Down (PASD 1) function becomes active. When
the hose is connected, and all tests are completed,
DPO should call the offshore installation and inform
offshore terminal that the vessel is ready to receive
When loading completed, follow procedure,
disconnect and proceed to discharge port.
On each individual OLS installation field-specific
limits for OLS connection and loading are
programmed into the dedicated DP software (buoy
selection). Specific limits and configuration differ
from one loading installation to another. For
Kongsberg-supplied DP systems, the following alarm
wording are used e.g. on Statfjord A OLS installation
(see figure 4):
Operator selected setpoint radius with preferred
loading distance 70 m ± 10 m;
Inner Warning limit 30 m (distance to base too
short) and Outer Warming limit 92 m (distance to
base too long). Action: ESD1 with stop loading
procedure is to be activated if these limits are
Inner Alarm limit 20 m (distance to base critically
short) and Outer Alarm Limit 114 m (distance to
base critically long). Action: ESD2 with stop
loading & disconnection procedure is to be
activated if these limits are exceeded.
Alarm ESD1 with bow base heading deviation too
high and PASD if heading deviation from
basepoint exceeds ±25°.
Alarm ESD2 with bow base heading deviation
critically high and PASD with disconnection
procedure if heading deviation from basepoint
exceeds ±30°.
Ships usually can approach and connect to OLS
with winds up to 40 knots and significant sea waves
(Hs) up to 4.5 m, max. sea waves (HSmax) up to 8.5
m, sea waves period (Tmax)= 15 sec. Vessel has to
leave OLS installation when winds exceed 60 knots
and/or significant sea waves (Hs) are higher than 5.5
m (max. sea waves heights (HSmax) up to 9.5 m),
period (Tmax)= 15 sec.
Summing up the above, it can be assumed that in the
offshore sector, the expensive offshore loading
systems will be replaced by the cheaper and equally
effective solutions. The author also believes that the
traditional single anchor loading (SAL) systems with
the Hawser mooring system will be replaced by the
modified SAL systems in the OLS configuration
(without the Hawser system attached).
Expensive submerged turret loading (STL) systems
will continue to be found in common use, but only on
the FSO-FPSO storage and production units and not
on traditional shuttle tankers.
Traditional OLS systems will be replaced by a
direct loading system at the DP shuttle tankers in the
so-called DSL (Direct Shuttle Loading) configured
without the support Hawser mooring system.
A summary comparison between DP offshore
loading operation on the submerged turret loading
system STL, single anchor loading system SAL and
offshore loading system OLS considering the hydro
meteorological condition limits enabling safe ship’s
operation offshore has been presented in the
following table:
Table 1. Comparisons between DP Offshore loading operation on Submerged Turret Loading system STL, Single Anchor
Loading system SAL and Offshore Loading System OLS considering the hydro meteorological condition limits enabling safe
ship’s operation offshore. Source: Author’s own researches.
No Criteria STL SAL OLS
1. Vessel size / type Vessel sizes unlimited / DP Vessel sizes unlimited/tanker Vessel sizes unlimited / DP class 2
class 2 shuttle tanker (VLCC) (up to VLCC) with shuttle tanker (VLCC) with Bow
with Submerged Turret Bow Loading System (BLS) Loading System (BLS)
Loading system (STL) preferable DP class 2 shuttle
2. Operating water For DSL from 70 to 350 m, From 12 m dept (shallow Usually from 80 m to 150 m depth.
depth for FSO/FPSO up to 2500 m water) up to 120 m water In FSL configuration up to 250 m
depth depth water depth.
3. Approach Can approach from any position – and therefore can choose to approach into prevailing weather
4. Mooring method Integrated submerged turret Single point mooring system No mooring system. OSL is
with single point mooring using one hawser with chafing submerged offshore loading system
system between STL buoy chain connected between without mooring system (without
and mating STL cone installed submerged SAL anchor and hawser and mooring line). In
on tanker, where STL buoy chain stopper located on addition, there is a limited sector
usually is anchored by 8 to 16 tanker vessels near Bow (±15°) for positioning when picking
submerged mooring/anchor Loading System BLS. In up the hose handling line from the
lines addition, there is a limited bottom.
sector (±5°) for positioning
when picking up the mooring
line from the bottom.
5. Mooring time once Mooring typically takes 30 Mooring typically takes 30 Mooring typically takes 30 min to 1
vessel has arrived min to 1 hour depending on min to 1 hour depending on hour depending on the weather
offshore the weather condition the weather condition condition
installation and
connect mooring
pick up assembly
6. Offshore Loading Submerged turret STL with Loading by integrated Bow Loading only by integrated Bow
method integrated loading and Loading System BLS (typical Loading System BLS installed on
mooring system for DP class shuttle tankers). DP class shuttle tankers
Optionally side connection for
conventional tankers
7. Hose connection STL is integrated loading and Hose connection from the BLS hose connection from the
time (after arriving mooring system. Connection position when vessel already position when DP shuttle tanker
at mooring from the position when vessel moored to SAL system already approach to OLS base point
position) already approach to STL base usually takes about 10 to 15 usually takes about 10 to 15 min.
point, usually takes about 10 min for BLS system on DP Vessel is not moored and must be
to 15 minutes. shuttle tankers and up to one in dynamic positioning DP mode
hour for side connection on (set up as DP class 2) in W.
conventional tankers.
8. DP mode during It is most common for shuttle On DP shuttle tankers rotation DP Weather Vane mode. When
offshore loading tanker to stay in STL and non-rotation modes may hose end is in BLS position and the
operation Loading Mode with no be used for loading on SAL. coupler claws are closed, the DP
thruster active and only Non-rotation mode (Auto will receive a Hose Connect signal,
DGPS as reference system. Position) is normally used and Position Activated Shut Down
when weather conditions (PASD 1) function becomes active.
allow it, to reduce strain on
the loading system. Rotation
mode (Weather Vane) is
normally used when weather
conditions are above winds of
Beaufort force 4 and/or sea
state 2 or above. Hawser
tension limits for SAL with
shut down (green line failure)
is usually set up on 200 t.
9. Time for hose STL disconnection usually Hose disconnection from BLS Typically, about 10 min
disconnection takes only couple of minutes system usually take couple
and can be performed in any of minutes, on side connection
weather condition. from 40 min up to 1 hour.
During hose disconnection
vessel is still moored to SAL.
9. Offloading time Function of cargo pumps capacity, line size and distance. Loading time for typical VLCC shuttle
tanker up to 24 hours.
10. Time for mooring Typically: 15 to 20 min Typically: 20 min to 30 min. Typically: 15 min to 20 min.
11. Mooring According to manufacturer Connection: significant sea waves (Hs) up to 4.5 m, max. sea waves
conditions and STL connection can be done (HSmax) up to 8.5 m, Period (Tmax)= 15 sec. Loading: significant
operational limits in sea states between 5 and sea waves (Hs) up to 5.5 m (max. sea waves heights (HSmax) up to
for DP shuttle 7 m Hs (significant sea wave 9.5 m). Period (Tmax)= 15 sec.
tankers height). Weather independent In addition, on some oil field [6] vessel has to leave SAL and/or
offshore loading. Disconnect OLS installation when winds exceed 60 knots and waves are higher
regardless of weather than 5.5 m.
conditions in any sea state.
Teekays limits for STL
connection with DP mode:
Hs= 4.5 m, period (Tmax)=
15 seconds; for STL loading &
normal disconnection with DP
Mode: Hs= 10.0 m.
12. Operational limit N/A. Generally, SAL system is N/A.
for conventional System designated only for DP designated for DP shuttle System designated only for DP
tanker shuttle tankers (set up as DP tankers with BLS system. shuttle tankers (set up as DP class
class 2) equipped with BLS However, optionally there is 2) equipped with BLS system
system also possibility for
conventional taker to moor to
SAL with tug assistance with
side hose connection with
winds up to 30 knots and head
waves of 2.0 m to 2.5 m.
13. Offloading steps Approach and moor to STL Approach and moor to SAL Approach to OLS and connect
system with integrated by single point mooring offloading hose to BLS system, load
mooring and loading system, system (hawser with chafing cargo through BLS, disconnect
load cargo through STL, chain), connect hose, load hose, steams away to discharging
disconnect STL, steams away cargo through BLS (optionally port
to discharging port by side manifold on
conventional tankers),
disconnect hose, disconnect
mooring SPM hawser, steams
away to discharging port
14 Tug assistance Not required. DP shuttle For conventional tankers tug Not required. DP shuttle tanker
tanker normally can operate required full time during normally can operate without tug
without tug assistance. mooring and disconnection assistance.
and to assist with weathervane
15. Under Keel Function of the vessel, offshore terminal installation and hydro-meteorological conditions
16. Risk of collision As the STL, SAL and OLS are subsea the risk of collision between the tanker and traditional
CALM / SPM buoy is eliminated.
17. Weathervane The vessel always takes the most favourable position in relation to the combination of wind,
around the buoy current and wave and is free to align itself with the prevailing environmental forces at the time.
18. Night operations Possible limitation on night time mooring depending on local operational, safety and
environmental procedures. In normal circumstances DP shuttle tanker can moor, connect and
disconnect from moorings 24 h a day.
22. Track record The world first STL system Since introduced in the late Since introduced in the late 1990’s
has been installed at Fulmar 1990’s SAL systems have OLS systems have been successfully
oil field on FSO Vinga in 1993 been successfully installed installed around the world. In May
on depth 85 m and design sea around the world. The SAL 2018 some OLS installations have
waves Hs= 10 m. The first STL flexible riser (offloading hose) been operating on North Sea in
system in Direct Shuttle can either be designated for Norwegian and UK sector e.g. at
Loading (DSL) configuration connection to a standard the Statfjord field, A and B, at the
has been installed on Heidrun shuttle tanker bow loading Gullfaks field 1 and 2, Harding field
Oil Field offshore Norway in system BLS or to the typical and on Atlantic Ocean e.g. in
1994 on depth 340 m with amidships manifold of a Canadian sector on Hibernia and
design life 25 years and design standard trading tanker. The Hebron Oil Field, where we have
waves Hs= 15.5 m. The first SAL can be equipped with SAL system in OLS configuration
offshore LNG Receiving clump weight system (e.g. with only submerged hose
Terminal (LNGRV) Energy Hanze SAL installed in 2001, connected without hawser installed
Bridge for LNG carriers with Solan SAL installed in 2015) offshore in sea area with depth for
regasification plant and STL or underwater buoyancy from 80 to 150 m. There is also a
system connection has been systems (e.g. Banff SAL or similar system with OLS
installed on US Gulf Gateway South Arne SAL installed in configuration designated deeper
in 2004 offshore Louisiana on 1998). SAL system has been water known as Framo Submerged
area with water depth 91 m, also successfully tested in Loading system FSL on Draugen oil
design life 20/40 years and arctic zone: e.g. Artic SAL field with a sea depth of 250 m.
design waves Hs= 11.9 m. Varandey system installed on
Pechora Sea in Russia on
Summer in 2002 on water
depth 12 m, designed to work
with temperature up to -40°C,
summer loading Hs= 3 m,
20 m/s wind and tidal current
1.6 knot.
23. Cost A STL system for the same SAL was developed as OLS was developed as low-cost
application is in the MUSD low-cost alternative to the alternative to the SAL system
25-30 range, for the subsea STL. Typical cost for the SAL designated for DP shuttle tankers
part of this system (assuming system is in the MUSD 12-15 with BLS system. Typical cost for
that to use tankers with the range. (Data from May 2018 the OLS system is in the MUSD 8-12
shipboard system already as per [1]) range. (Data from May 2018 as per
installed). (Data from May [1])
2018 as per [1])
24. Suppliers Proprietary technology and limited suppliers. Complex maintenance.
Hoses damage more due to abrasion from storage on seabed
[1] APL Advanced Production and Loading, National
Oilwell Varco, website: www.nov.com/fps, accessible:
March-May 2018.
[2] APL Document No.: 1586-APL-O-KA-0001, National
Oilwell Varco, SAL Operation Procedure, Rev. B, 27-06-
2011, accessible: March-April 2018.
[3] Heidrun STL Guideline and Loading, version 1.6, Teekay
internal documentation for Heidrun Oil Field.
Accessible: March-April 2018.
[4] Operation of the dynamically positioned ships
(Eksploatacja statków dynamicznie pozycjonowanych),
Volume 8 of the series ‘Contemporary Technologies of
the Sea Transport’ (Współczesne Technologie
Transportu morskiego), Rutkowski G., Trademar
Publishing House, ISBN 978-83-62227-44-0, Gdynia 2013.
[5] EPCM consultants, website: https://epcmconsultants.co,
accessible: March-April 2018.
[6] HEES internal document No.: DOM-SA-P-001B, Oil
Pipeline and Loading Operating Procedure, Rev. 7
1.12.2015. Document accessible: March – April 2018.
[7] Marine Insight website: https://www.marineinsight.com,
accessible: 30 March 2017.
[8] Rutkowski G.: Numerical Analysis for the Dynamic
Forces and Operational Risk Accomplished Forces and
Operational Risk for Hiload DP1 Unit Docked to MT
Navion Anglia at Sea Waves. TransNav, the
International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety
of Sea Transportation, Vol. 8, No.4, DOI
10.12716/1001.08.04.04, pp. 505-5012, 2014.
[9] SBM, website: www.sbmoffshore.com, accessible: 10
[10] Ships and off-shore technologies in outline (Statki i
technologie off-shore w zarysie), Cydejko J., Puchalski J.,
Rutkowski G., ISBN 978-83-62227-24-2, Trademar
Publishing House, Gdynia 2010/2011.
[11] Teekay internal document No.: SP0978 ver. 10, Teekay
Requirements for Offshore Loading Operations (Shuttle
Tankers), accessible: 07 April 2018.