International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 1
March 2008
Possibility of Precise Positioning and Precise
Inshore Navigation Using RTK and Internet
L. Kujawa & J. Rogowski
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
ABSTRACT: The practical need for GNSS positioning in real time led to the development of a medium for
data transmission. DGPS correction data can be transmitted over an area of several hundred square kilometers
using longwave radio frequencies. The RTK technique needs greater radio line throughput capacity as well as
shorter distances between ground based reference stations. The RTK data from the reference stations can be
transmitted through the DARC system by local stations using UHF channels, but the local stations in Poland
are not interested in the propagation of RTCM data. The authors present test results of RTK and DGPS
measurements using data transmission by Internet and mobile phones. The rover user is equipped with a
GPRS (General Packet Radio System) modem in a GSM phone, which is connected to a laptop computer or
receiver controller with special RTCM Client software that receives the RTCM data stream from the server
via the TCP/IP protocol and transmits it via the serial port to the rover GPS receiver. The new Polish EUPOS–
ASGPL active control network allows the use of the RTK technique with a practical range of ten nautical mile
in Poland’s inshore area.
Performed experiments involving the providing of
access to satellite data through the Internet and GSM
fully confirmed the effectiveness and capacity of the
utilized media as specified. Attempts at applying the
Internet and GSM were undertaken in parallel at
several research centers throughout Europe. This
concept garnered the interest of the IAG/EUREF
sub–commission and a resolution was passed at the
Ponta Delgada conference in June of 2002 to create
the infrastructure for a pilot project. Due to the
standardization of data transmission protocols as
well as GPS data formats, this was an important
step. The standards were approved in both Europe
and the United States, which makes possible the
utilization of information derived from many
reference stations using a single equipment and
software set.
An accuracy in terms of centimeters in
determining position in real time creates new
possibilities for such tasks as the maneuvering
efforts of watercrafts as well as the parameterization
of the maneuvering properties of watercrafts, the
specifying of navigation marker positions, and
precision navigation in the inshore zone.
Unfortunately, GSM operators lack information
regarding the actual range of their cellular networks
in the Baltic area. Nevertheless, it may be assumed
that important navigation regions such as port
approaches are within telephony range. The same
question regarding Polish territorial waters and the
Polish economic zone are more difficult to answer.
The approved data transmission standards have been
named “Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet
Protocol” (Ntrip). Ntrip is a general protocol that is
based on the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP),
version 1.1. It was designed to propagate differential
corrections in the RTCM104 and RAW formats.
Ntrip makes possible connection with desktop,
laptop, and personal digital assistants (PDA) as well
as certain new field receivers. Ntrip is fully adapted
for wireless access to the Internet using GSM
networks (GPRS, EDGE, and UMTS) because it
uses the TCP/IP protocol. The structure performing
data transmission tasks has been subdivided into
several elements for safety as well as organizational
reasons. In addition to the a receiver generating the
data stream in RTCM format and sending those data
to the RS port, the reference station is equipped in a
data server whose task is to acquire information at
the RS port and transfer that information to the
TCP/IP port addressed to the broadcaster. The
newest GPS transmitters have a builtin network
card, which makes possible direct forwarding of data
to the Internet. The task of the broadcaster is to
amass data from many reference stations and make
them available to users. The introduction of a
broadcaster is not vital, except for the convenience
of users, who can select from among many reference
stations under a single IP address as well as
guaranteeing greater safety of the local reference
station network. The last element of the tele
information structure is the NtripClient software,
which allows users to conveniently connect with the
broadcaster and download data.
Thanks to NtripCaster it is possible to transmit
the following data streams:
Data in RTCM format for DGPS and RTK,
Data in RTCA format for EGNOS,
RAW observational data as well as in RINEX
Correction in the VRS system,
Precise orbit parameters in SP3 format.
Currently, data from all of the stations
collaborating within the framework of the EUREF
IP project are sent to the broadcaster located at the
GPS/GLONASS Data Center (BKG) in Frankfurt
a/Main. That is also the location of the most
important information relating to the current state
and functioning of the project. The list of Polish
reference stations may be found below.
The experimental work involved the use of various
sets of equipment. Trimble 4700 and 5700 as well as
Javad Legacy receivers made available by the
Institute of Geodesy and Cartography were used in
the measurement experiments linked with RTK
techniques. On the other hand, experiments relating
to DGPS measurements used a Garmin 12 XL
receiver. The receiver sets were equipped in several
alternative sets of devices facilitating the registration
of data as well as communications with the data
broadcaster. The Trimble TSC1 field receivers used
did not have a builtin GSM modem nor any
possibility of adding inhouse applications. In their
case it was necessary to use a notebook computer,
and a PocketPC at this time. The use of a PocketPC
equipped in a GSM modem eliminates earlier
inconvenience as well as the need to have a cellular
phone set with a GPRS modem. The above
described inconveniences have been eliminated in
new field receivers such as the Trimble ACU and
TSC2. TSC1 receivers and Siemens ME45 and Sony
Ericsson T68i cellular phones were available during
the conducting of field tests. It has now become
possible to use a PocketPC Fujitsu Siemens Loos
720 computer with a GPRS Pretec modem. The
configurations of available equipment sets are
presented in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Field set for RTK and DGPS measurements
Free user software is available in the following
Windows Client GNSS Internet Radio, Version
Linux Client Perl NtripClient Program for Linux,
Version 0.5
Windows CE Client GNSS Internet Radio,
Version 1.4.7 WinCE, PocketPC 2002/3,
Palm OS Demo NtripClient Program, Version
1.2.1 © by Guenther Thalmann.
Fig. 2. The Windows and Windows CE version of NtripClient
4.1 The Józefosław Astrogeodetic Observatory Data
Access System
A correction transmission system in the RTCM–104
format has been developed by the Institute in
collaboration with the ARMIKRO company. The
system consists of server and DCTSRV broadcasting
software receiving corrections from the GPS receiver
and forwarding them to the Internet as well as
DCTGUI client software receiving corrections from
the Internet. A diagram depicting the operation of
the system is presented in Figure 3. The programs
use their own transmission protocol and can work
with any TCP port. The DCTGUI program for
receiving corrections was written in the FreeBSD
operating system environment using free Open
Source tools so as to make possible its use under the
control of the Windows system as well. DCTSERV
software may work under the control of FreeBSD,
OpenBSD, and Linux operating systems. It
collaborates with the Apache www server providing
access to an administration panel facilitating
supervision over operation and configuration using
the SSL.
Fig. 3. Diagram depicting system operations
Fig. 4. DCTGUI program user’s menu
A parameter of significance to the user is the delay
of the correction packet. In analyzing the time of
passage of the packets between the reference station,
broadcaster, and user it is necessary to isolate the
part of the delay in the Internet and the part caused
by GPRS transmission. It turns out that regardless of
paths taken by the packets in the Internet, delays are
not large and amount to approximately 100 ms,
where the percentage of data loss does not exceed
1%. The major portion of the delay is caused by
transmission in the GSM network; it amounts to
approximately 700 ms, where the quantity of lost
packets amounts to approximately 6%. Average total
time for the acquisition of packets in the EUREFIP
amounts to 805 ms with data loss at a level of 7%.
The results of tests of data packet delays conducted
using one–day samples are presented in Figure 5.
Data packet acquisition time was investigated in
the Institute of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy
system i.e. between the DCTSERW server
operating in Józefosław and the rover user using a
GPRS connection in the GSM network. For the most
part, results received do not diverge significantly
from those presented above, because the average
packet acquisition time amounts to 686 ms for the
entire daylong experiment, with a loss of 5% of
packets. Also tested was the age of RTK corrections
as received by the GPS receiver from the EUREFIP
system. It is to this end that the specified positions
were registered using RTK mode on a computer. The
age of the corrections as received by the receiver are
presented in Figure 6. It was confirmed that the
average age of the RTK correction amounts to 1.5 s,
and that 99% of the results are in the 1.0–2.0 s range.
The age of the received corrections is sufficient to
measurements because it is less than the 4 s (the
border value).
Fig. 5. Packet acquisition time from Józefosław to the EUREF
IP broadcaster as well as from the broadcaster to the user
Fig. 6. Correction age
In order to examine the availability and
repeatability of RTK measurements using the data
transmission system, the RTK position was
registered with a frequency of 1 Hz over three days.
Figure 7 presents breaks in reception of corrections
as well as their duration.
Breaks in reception of corrections for the duration
of the test were very short, with a maximum of 6.0 s,
where the average duration amounted to 4.1 s. The
reason for the occurrence of breaks was the load on
the Internet. Average correction availability was
defined at a level of 99.85%. Figure 8 presents
differences between registered position in RTK
mode and known coordinates.
Position availability in the RTKFixed mode for
the duration of the threeday experiment amounted
to 99.42% on average.
A test traverse consisting of points set up from 5 km
to 35 km at mutual distances of 5 km was built in
order to study the accuracy of RTK measurements as
a function of the distance to the reference station.
Careful measurements were conducted using static
techniques at the test point as was a series of RTK
measurements encompassing the registration of 200
positions at each point. Differences received in the
RTK and static modes did not exceed 1 cm at
distances of 5, 10, and 15 km from the reference
station. Figure 9 presents the differences for a
distance of 35 km.
Fig. 7. Breaks in reception of corrections over successive days
Fig. 8. Changes in coordinates
Fig. 9. Differences in coordinates for Point No. 1 at a distance of 35 km
Fig. 10. Standard deviation from the RTK measurements at the
test traverse points
Analysis of results as received demonstrates that
measurements using the RTK technique utilizing the
Internet and GPRS for the transmission of
corrections provide a highly accurate solution at
distances of up to 30 km from the reference station.
Receiver initialization time grows longer at distances
in excess of 30 km.
We have confirmed, on the basis of experimental
measurements aimed at examining the usefulness
and effectiveness of the application of the Internet
and GSM in DGPS and RTK measurements, that the
presented solutions form an effective medium for the
transmission of corrections in the RTCM formats. It
may be predicted that transmission using the RTCM
v. 3.0 format, will be equally effective.
The proposed teletransmission solutions do not
require investment in special infrastructure, they
have a very large range, and they demonstrate no
significant dependence on obstruction in the field
and electromagnetic interference. The proposed
solution only necessitates the startup of the data
server program at the reference stations. On the
user’s side, in work in the field, what is required is
connection to the Internet, which can be achieved
through an inexpensive GPRS connection in the
GSM networks. What is needed for currently used
receivers is an additional module for the reception of
corrections that can be implemented through the use
of personal computers of the PDA type or GSM
telephones servicing the JAVA or SYMBIAN
languages. The newest GPS and GPS/GLONASS
receivers are equipped in software facilitating direct
reception of corrections through the Internet and the
GSM network.
After conducting the experiments, it was
confirmed that delays in transmission through the
Internet and GPRS are insignificant and do not have
an impact on the effectiveness of the applied
technology. After conducting the measurements on
the test base it was confirmed that the effective range
of RTK measurements using the Internet and GSM
telephony amounts to approximately mainly 30 km
from the reference station and is determined by
limitations in RTK techniques. Together with an
increase in distance from the reference station,
initialization time of he measurement grows in
length and amounts to two minutes at a distance of
5 km, increasing to 10 minutes at distances of over
30 km. Measurement using RTK techniques is an
effective technology providing results of significant
accuracy that can be applied in most high–precision
surveying and navigation.
The experience gained thanks to the series of
measurement experiments demonstrates that
measurements using the RTK technique with the
greatest of precision should be conducted twice at
the same point with different satellite configurations
in order to eliminate errors that may occur.
The availability of RTK and DGPS measurements
utilizing corrections in the RTCM format transmitted
through the Internet and GPRS amounts to over
99%. Breaks in reception of corrections are very
short and have a duration of not more than
4 seconds.
The proposed solution may find broad application
in the transmission of corrections generated by the
reference stations of the fixed network. It is also
possible to transmit other data in real time, including
orbit parameters, coefficients of the current models
of the ionosphere and troposphere, observation data
in the receiver’s format (RAW), and others.
Kujawa L., Leszczyński M., Rogowski J., Accessibility and
reliability of RTK measurements by Internet. Materials of
NTRIP Seminar & Woprkshops „Streaming GNNS Data via
Internet” Frankfurt a Man 2006.
Rogowski J.B., Kujawa L., Leszczyński M., Studies on
accessibility and reliability of RTK measurements by
internet. Procedings of Euref Symposium , Viena 2005.
Kujawa L., Leszczyński M., Rogowski J., Precyzyjna nawiga-
cja z wykorzystaniem Internetu i telefonii. Sesja naukowa z
okazji 85-lecia Wydziału Geodezji i Kartografii Poli-
techniki Warszawskiej, 2006.
Kujawa L., Leszczyński M., Rogowski J., Studies on accessibility
and realiabity of RTK measurements by Internet. The
EUREF Symphosium of the IAG Commision. Riga 2006,