International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 1
March 2008
Fairway Navigation Observing Safety-Related
Performance in a Bridge Simulator
R. Nilsson & M. Lützhoft
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
T. Garling
Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes an approach of measuring navigation performance using a full mission
bridge simulator. The motivation for this research is the updates in equipment and that the desire of using new
instruments and technology not always is accompanied by analyses of the impact of the changes. The task of
navigating in a fairway is proposed to be assessed through various methods to answer questions related to
performance and the experience of using bridge equipment. The overall aim is to reach a higher degree of
understanding and knowledge through the testing of different instrumentation setups.
The equipping of a ship bridge has during the last
decades changed substantially. One reason for this is
the development of instruments such as for instance
the Global Positioning System (GPS), electronic
charts systems and the Automatic Identification
System (AIS). This development in combination
with an eagerness to adopt new technology and
incorporate it into ship bridge systems contributes to
the vast variety of instruments and systems on a ship
bridge. Governments and companies are naturally
from a safety and efficiency perspective interested in
using new technology. An investigation of piloting
in Sweden was started by the Swedish Ministry of
Enterprise, Energy and Communications in December
2006. The overall aim of this investigation is to
review the possibilities of using new technology.
One issue to be investigated is “shore-based
pilotage” and whether piloting with the help of new
technology could be more efficient through support
from a shore-based central.
As shown in an earlier study of the accident
involving the ship “Royal Majesty” (Lützhöft, 2002)
new technology is not necessary equivalent to higher
safety. It depends on how well the operators know
the technology and its constraints. Some radar
training instructors identified new behaviors during
simulator training which violated existing rules for
navigation (Lee et al., 1993). These violations were
believed to be triggered by the experienced
reliability of the new equipment.
The seafarer is remarkable at adjusting to new
circumstances (Lützhöft, 2004). In this context
tzhöft discussed the positioning of equipment on a
ship bridge. On a traditional bridge, where all the
equipment is placed in one row, and where new
equipment has been added after years of sailing, it is
not unusual to find complemented equipment (like
for instance an Electronic Chart System) placed
where there was room for it, usually far at one end.
This could be compared to a modern cockpit bridge
design where the Electronic Chart System has
a central position in the bridge layout.
A study of pilots in Finnish coastal waters
(Norros, 2005) showed that personal piloting style
affects the way that the piloting task is solved more
than the available technology at the ship bridge. This
indicates that a key factor which has to be taken into
account is the way the equipment is used.
In order to understand how new technology
affects navigational performance in fairways, it is
essential to gain more knowledge of how the ship is
Taking a ship to and from a berth always involves
some safety risk. According to Boisson maritime
safety is both the material state resulting from the
absence of exposure to danger, and the organization
of factors intended to create or perpetuate such a
situation” (Boisson, 1999, p. 31).
The Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and
Communications wishes to know how new
technology can be used to facilitate piloting and
make it more efficient. The ministry also wants to
know what the prerequisites for developing “shore-
based pilotage” are.
In order to know more about how new technology
can be used in the future, our aim is to learn more
about how work is performed at present and what the
prerequisites for carrying out the task are. One way
to gain more knowledge is to compare two sets of
equipments that are presently available on a ship
bridge which reflect differences due to the changes
in technology that have already taken place.
Questions raised include: How is the work
experienced on the ship bridges with existing
technology? Are there any differences in experience
and performance due to differences in equipment
standard? More specifically, we want to:
1 Measure the experience of workload related to
two different sets of equipment.
2 Compare the experienced feelings related to the
work situation.
3 Compare the performance in the task of
navigation in fairways related to sea safety.
We are also interested in analyzing the
performance on the bridge to find if there are any
salient navigation strategies that are manifested in
one or both of the tested work environments.
We suggest that learning more about the work on a
ship bridge can be obtained through studies of work
in a full mission bridge simulator. Full mission”
means that the environment where the navigation
task is simulated is authentic in comparison to
equipment that could be found on an operating ship.
3.1 The value of simulator studies
As long as the tasks are realistic and the performance
can be analyzed so that it is possible to separate its
determinants, simulator studies are valuable. Funke
(1988), who used simulations to study complex
problem solving, stressed that “it should be analyzed
how participation in simulation affects problem
solving in ‘real’ life problem situations” (p. 297).
For instance, many cruise companies stress that the
use of navigation simulators in training is a way to
enhance performance. Navigating a ship is basically
a dynamic decision making task. According to
Brehmer (1999, p 10) such tasks have three
important characteristics:”
They require a series of interdependent decisions;
The state of the task changes, both autonomously
and as a consequence of the decision makers
The decisions have to be made in real time.”
These characteristics of ship navigation can be re-
created and evaluated in a full-mission simulator by
having participants solving tasks that are realistic,
representative and carefully designed.
3.2 Tasks
The task of navigation can differ depending on the
ship, e.g., factors like size and propulsion capacity,
and the area, e.g., the water to be navigated.
Normally out in the open sea there is no need for
piloting. When modeling the pilot task, Norros
(2004) divided piloting into two different types of
piloting called sea piloting and harbor piloting. Sea
piloting refers to the navigation through the
archipelago and/or fairways, and harbour piloting
refers to the “maneuvering of the ship in the harbour
area” (p. 186). Based on the special interest in
piloting from the Swedish Government, the focus of
this research will be navigating in fairways,
comparable to the one Norros refers to as sea
piloting. In the simulator participants will be asked
to solve navigation tasks in confined waters.
3.3 Understanding and creating the task
In order to create an understanding of the task to be
studied and lay a foundation for the creation of the
scenarios, a Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) was
conducted. The HTA was based on interviews with
four experts, fully authorized marine pilots, lasting
approximately 2 hours each. Of the four experts
interviewed three are still working as pilots. The
interviews were conducted at two different locations
at various times of the day. Pilots were chosen for
this part of the interview because they naturally and
frequently change ships in their work. This gives
them experience of various types of ships which was
considered as favorable. When the task of navigation
in fairways was decomposed to a satisfying level, the
work of finding problems related to the task began.
With the HTA functioning as a foundation,
instructors at a maritime university and active
captains were interviewed. This time the focus was
on the perspective of the captain in piloting
situations. Discrepancies in communications
between pilot and captain have been found in some
In total, four captains in active duty and two
instructors were interviewed. Of these, two captains
and two instructors were interviewed in a group and
two captains individually. The interviews lasted
approximately two hours.
The results from the HTA and the problem
interviews served as a foundation for creating
representative scenarios for the tests in the simulator.
3.4 The test setting and participants
Two configurations of bridge types were chosen.
One setting called “traditional bridge” consists of
less advanced technology. The second bridge is an
advanced bridge with an Integrated Navigation
System (INS). Both bridge types will follow
regulations regarding what equipment that is
required. In table 1 the most evident differences are
Table 1. Major differences between the bridge types
Traditional bridge Integrated Navigation Bridge
Paper Chart
Electronic Chart System, although
paper chart available
Automatic Information
System through a
Minimum Keyboard
Automatic Information System
integrated with the Electronic
Chart System and/or Radar
Basic function on
autopilot, no function
like “curved headline”
Advanced autopilot with the
function “curved headline”
No conning display,
burt information
available elsewhere
Conning display
Requirements to plot
position in paper chart
No requirement to plot position in
paper chart
Possibilities to overlay
information systems like
Electronic Chars System and
We plan to test 28 bridge crews consisting of two
members each. Each bridge crew will conduct test
scenarios on both ship-bridges. This is exemplified
in table 2 where two scenario trials for two bridge
crews, α and β, is exemplified.
Table 2. Participation over time for two different bridge teams
Bridge Type Scenario
α 1
INS Bridge
INS Bridge
β 2
The route will be preplanned and each team will
have time to familiarize themselves with the route.
The task is to navigate the ship according to the
route plan as fast as possible with maintained safety.
Two pilot studies have been conducted in which
both settings and scenarios were tested. Two active
captains and three cadets, soon to be 2nd officers,
tested the scenarios and bridge settings. The
response was that the scenarios were realistic and
that they were equal in difficulty. Although perhaps
not all the events could be expected to be
encountered on one passage, the response to the pilot
studies were positive.
Participants for the study are being recruited
among active captains and cadets in their final year,
soon to be 2nd officers.
4.1 Risk and Sea Safety
Recommendations from the bridge procedures guide
and STCW regulations will play a central part for the
assessment of work performance on the ship bridge.
This assessment will be done by experts.
4.2 Performance
During the voyage the route will be registered so that
it will be possible to compare the planned route with
the performed one. A debriefing session will be held
after each trial, during which reasoning about
deviations from the planned route regarding for
instance speed and heading will be discussed.
Judging performance related to sea safety is a
complex matter. In some studies Cross Track Error
(XTE) has been used as an indicator of performance.
We argue that XTE in our case is less accurate from
the perspective of sea safety. To follow a planned
route in detail is not necessarily safer than to deviate
for safety reasons, therefore we consider it
unrealistic to ask the captains to focus on staying on
the track as the main task. It could lead to
participants not navigating as they would usually do,
in order to try to stay on track. Instead we use
experts to rate each bridge teams’ performance
according to existing rules and procedures. A safety
margin will however be assessed at a number of
given points.
We will register average speed since it is valuable
to use the speed to assess sea safety.
It is interesting to measure Closest Point of
Approach (CPA) in some cases. CPA is also a
measure that has to be dealt with carefully to not
overestimate potential danger. A ship can pass
another ship by the stern with a relatively small CPA
and still have acted in a safe manner. The same CPA
could be more dangerous if the ship was passed on
the bow.
4.3 Workload through heart rate
Heart Rate Variability has been used to measure
mental workload as “variability is generally found to
decrease as the load increases” (Wickens, 2000,
p.465). In aviation research, tests have been
conducted to compare reactions in the real world
with reactions in simulators(Magnusson, 2002).
The results indicate that the psychophysiological
reaction patterns for the two settings are very
similar. We expect to attain a good measure of
mental workload at the ship bridge through
measurements of HRV.
4.4 Subjective measures
We will use three subjective measures to collect
information regarding participants’ experience of the
work setting.
4.4.1 Subjective Task Load
We will use the NASA Task Load Index (TLX)
as a self-reporting method for assessing workload,
both physical and mental. When using TLX,
workload is defined as the “cost incurred by human
operators to achieve a specific level of performance”
(Gawron, 2000, p.130). We are interested in
measuring workload that is experienced during the
task. This can be used as a control of the scenarios as
it will provide information regarding the workload
experienced in the bridge settings. The participants
will be asked to rate the task on six different
dimensions after having performed the tasks in the
4.4.2 Affective responses
The Swedish Core Affect Scale (SCAS) is a
method which is used as a self-report measure of
core affects. It measures core affects which are
“cognitively accessible elements of a current mood”
(Västfjäll, Friman, Gärling & Kleiner, 2002, p.19).
This means that measurements from the same
individual can differ depending on the current mood.
In our study participants will assess their mood on
two dimensions immediately before and after the
task solving in the simulator. The two dimensions
are valence and activation. “The valence dimension
is interpreted as reflecting the degree of affect that
provides information about the current well-being
[…] activation, refers to subjective experience of
energy or mobilization” (Västfjäll et al., 2002, p.20).
An earlier study shows that the adjective ratings are
“reliable measures of the independent valence and
activation dimensions proposed” (Västfjäll et al.,
2002, p.19). It has also been shown that SCAS has a
positive correlation with Heart Rate Variability. In
this study we will analyze self reports of core affects
to see if there are any differences in the experience
of using the two bridge types.
4.4.3 Experience of control
From a Joint Cognitive System point of view
(Hollnagel, 2005) both the bridge crew and the
bridge equipment are constituents of the system that
we will study.
The participants will answer a question about
their perceived degree of control at regular intervals
along the scenarios. When answering the question
they will describe their experience of the situation as
a whole and thus the experience of working in the
system. By doing this it will be possible to compare
the experience of working at the two bridge systems
as a whole.
5.1 Comparing new and old technology
We expect the results to provide information on the
impact of changing bridge equipment, and how the
workload on the ship bridge is experienced. We will
also learn more about how information is handled
and what kind of information that is represented in a
good way and gain clues to which information
representation can be enhanced.
5.2 Data
We expect the following data to be accessible:
1 Video recordings. The work with the electronic
equipment like radar and ENC (Electronic
Navigation Chart) will be recorded.
2 Expert evaluations of each scenario trial
3 Independent performance measures such as:
Time (average speed)
Measures of relevant safety margin
Measures of relevant CPA
4 Heart Rate (HRV)
5 Experienced work load (NASA TLX)
6 Experienced core affect (SCAS)
7 Experienced control during the scenario trials
These data will serve as a foundation for
comparing the two bridge settings. We intend to
identify and analyse any salient work strategies.
These will be compared to recommendations from a
risk perspective.
The task solving in navigating a ship is complex and
dynamic. This study will be based on observations of
performance in a simulator and although we have
argued for the realism in the scenarios, there will
always be doubts regarding the possibility of
generalising our results. We will make the scenarios
as realistic as possible but of course some constraints
that appear unnatural may still have an effect. One
example is the time. The scenarios will last for
approximately one hour. In reality the legs of sailing
are often longer. At the same time the number of
critical events is much more frequent than they
would be naturally.
The models used will have some constraints, as
we rely on the functioning of the technology used,
and factors like for instance how well the ship model
is programmed and interacts with the imaginary sea
can have an effect. The feeling of “this is not for real
anyway” may be present to some degree. Related to
the dynamics of the task one could always question
the possibility of generalising results. However, in a
simulator we are able to describe the prerequisite for
the scenarios in detail, and play back the recordings,
and thus learn something from these situations.
We have a limited opportunity for choosing
participants. In this study active captains and
advanced cadets have been invited to participate.
This may lead to a positive selection. Thus, our
sample may overrepresent participants with a special
interest for this kind of work or for knowledge of the
simulator itself.
We have primarily set out to learn more of the
solving of the task of navigation in fairway
performed at a ship bridge. Our measurements will
cover both user perspective and performance related
to the joint cognitive system. With this diversity of
measurements we believe we have a good
opportunity to increase the knowledge base
regarding possibilities and constraints of new
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support
from VINNOVA (Swedish Governmental Agency
foe Innovation Systems). We would further like to
thank the Swedish Maritime Administration for their
support during the work in this project.
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