International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
Number 4
December 2007
The Public Private Partnership Model on
Which the National Maritime College of
Ireland Was Conceived and Delivered
E. Doyle
National Maritime College of Ireland, Cork, Ireland
ABSTRACT: Ten years ago, maritime education and training in Ireland was seriously under-resourced. Cork
Institute of Technology, as the designated national centre for maritime education and training, was responsible
for seafarer training for the Merchant Marine. The Irish Naval Service, in addition to its military obligations,
had an ongoing need to provide similar training for its personnel. In discharging their responsibilities each of
those entities aimed to implement a range of multi-disciplinary training programmes designed to produce
skilled seafarers, qualified to international standards. But neither organisation had the requisite scale of
technical facilities or equipment needed to satisfy the growing aspirations under STCW 95. The solution was
found in a partnership agreement between Cork Institute of Technology and the Naval Service, to establish a
national centre for the conduct of common maritime training. The Irish Government agreed and decided that
the new National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI), should be funded and managed under a Public Private
Partnership model.
1.1 Provision of qualified mariners
Historically, the national shipping line of Ireland,
Irish Shipping Ltd, was the recruitment entity for the
majority of new entrants to seafaring. The company,
though not the sole recruiter, promoted a shipping
and seafaring culture through its ‘Follow the Fleet’
programme for schools, and consistently recruited
more deck and engineering cadets than were actually
required for its own fleet needs. The policy ensured a
stream of qualified mariners to meet the general
demand of shipping and, in addition, it met the
general maritime administration needs at the national
1.2 Designated training establishment
The shore training structure supporting this policy
had been consolidated and centralised at Cork, at the
Department of Nautical Studies in Cork Regional
Technical College as it was then known, now
thriving as the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT).
Sadly, Irish Shipping Ltd, went into liquidation in
1984 and CIT, as the designated national centre for
maritime education and training (MET), had to
assume greater responsibility for seafarer recruitment
and training. The Nautical Studies Department took
up the challenge, instituting a new programme in
1985 (coincidentally, as a severe slump mauled
international shipping!).
1.3 Employment output
Fortuitously, the first trainees qualified at the
commencement of a sustained upswing in demand
for deck officers and engineers and since then the
training programmes have flourished; between 50
and 70 young school-leavers commence as trainee
deck officers or trainee marine engineers each year.
The officer training programmes conducted at Cork
had then, and continue to achieve, a distinguished
record of 100% career placement for all trainees who
achieve primary qualifications as deck officers or as
marine engineers.
1.4 Resource deficiencies
All of this was achieved with very limited resources;
Nautical Studies was one of the smallest academic
departments of CIT, located on the Bishopstown
campus which is not adjacent to the sea. And relying
on access to an old training vesselthe redundant
liner tender, mv Cill Airneto meet certain essential
training needs simply highlighted the shortcomings
and equipment deficiencies on campus at that time.
1.5 Pressure to move to new campus
Coming into the mid 1990’s the general maritime
education and training situation confronting the
Department of Nautical Studies was becoming
critical, for a number of reasons. In the first instance,
the mother Institute was growing dramatically,
giving rise to intense pressure and competition
for space on the Bishopstown campus. Moving
the ‘sailors’ off campus was becoming a serious
consideration in light of a strengthened case for
more space and much increased investment. But the
prospect of STCW 95 coming down the tracks was
rightly identified as an instrument heralding major
1.6 Impetus from STCW 95
The 1995 Amendments called for standards of
competence rather than knowledge, unlike the
original 1978 Convention, which specified required
knowledge but did not address the question of ability
to put that knowledge into practice. Competence,
being a measure of a seafarer's ability to perform a
task safely and effectively, cannot be easily assessed
at a shore establishment that lacks significant
hardware and facilities. And what was very new in
these 1995 amendments was the specific criteria for
evaluating the competence of the individuals under
training. To remain compliant with the STCW Code,
considerable investment would be necessary,
particularly in simulation and survival training
facilities. Even without the pressure of the Code, the
need for such upgrading was becoming more and
more obvious. The Code simply made it critical.
2.1 Naval training shortcomings
The Irish Naval Service, in addition to its military
obligations, had an ongoing need to provide similar
training for its seagoing personnel. At about the
same time the Navy’s shore training facilities,
located at the Haulbowline Naval Base in Cork
Harbour, were under review. The training
accommodation and equipment resources were in
need of serious improvement. The buildings were
old, small and in varying stages of disrepair, and the
Base infrastructure gave rise to an overall training
effort that was unavoidably fragmented; an
operational base makes inevitable demands on the
personnel resources of a co-located training
establishment. The training environment was further
weakened by the lack of simulation facilities.
2.2 Navy would seek to apply STCW
Though not constrained or bound by STCW the
Naval Service management decided that naval
training programmes should be compliant with the
provisions of the Code, wherever possible. This
policy would have the further merit of expanding the
career possibilities for naval personnel in later
civilian life, by affording them the opportunity to
acquire STCW compliant qualifications. It was
equally beneficial as a recruiting measure; new
entrants are more likely to be attracted to a military
organization where they see a realistic possibility of
achieving a recognized civilian qualification.
2.3 Availability of green-field site
In order to address the problem, a 10-acre site at
Ringaskiddy had been acquired by the Navy in 1993.
The site, immediately south of, and convenient to,
the Naval Base on Haulbowline Island, was part of a
reclaimed land bank and possessed good harbour
frontage. Outline plans had been formulated for a
dedicated Naval School on this site, but funding for
its development had not materialised. Lacking also
at that time, was the necessary level of co-operation
and interdependence between the mercantile and
naval training entities, a relationship that was to
flourish so productively some years later.
Nevertheless, the procurement of state-of-art MET
facilities remained a key Naval Service training
3.1 Common needs identified
In April 1997 a Joint CIT/INS Steering Group took a
new look at the maritime education and training
needs of each entity. A comparison of Mercantile
and Naval training procedures flagged courses and
programmes where economies of scale were thought
possible, or where there was felt to be scope and
potential to avoid unnecessary duplication of
training effort and expensive resources. It was
recognized that whether the training objective was to
teach seafarers how to drive merchant ships or naval
vessels, the fundamentals of safely navigating and
propelling those ships were very similar.
3.2 Partnership approach
The Steering Group believed that by combining
the training functions and requirements of both
organisations in partnership on a common campus
the primary education and training needs of each
could be fulfilled, and in addition, specialist training
services, not otherwise available, could be offered
to the commercial sector and to various public
and government agencies. The establishment of
a common centre and the consolidation of training
and related technological resources in a designated
institution would undoubtedly provide the vehicle
for greater cohesion and co-ordination of maritime
training, offer a solid basis for future RTD,
and make a strong contribution towards the
implementation of national policy for maritime
3.3 Recommendation of the Steering Group
In a very short time the Steering Group reported and
recommended that CIT, in partnership with the
Naval Service, should establish a national centre for
the conduct of common maritime training, and
suggested that it be known as the NATIONAL
MARITIME COLLEGE. With an eye to possible EU
financial support, the military aspects of naval
training would have to remain the exclusive
responsibility of the Navy and not feature on the
curriculum of a civilian establishment.
3.4 Further backing from the Task Force on
Seafarer Training & Employment
The Steering Group recommendations were
acceptable to both organisations, and more detailed
studies and consultations were commenced. Around
this time, several maritime stakeholders were
lobbying the Government for structural support in
the sector. The industry was concerned with issues
such as ‘flagging out’, crewing costs, seafarer
taxation, training and such like. And to address
those issues, the Minister for the Marine and Natural
Resources established a broadly based Task Force on
Seafarer Training and Employment. The Task Force
reported back in 1999, and came in strongly in
favour of the NMC concept as “…an ideal
innovative and essential venture’.
4.1 Expert working group
The Government accepted the Task Force findings
and agreed to the development of a National
Maritime College “in principle”. But before any hard
dec-isions would be made an Inter-Departmental
Expert Working Group (IEWG) was established, to
make an in-depth examination of the proposition
with respect to costing, financing, and timing and to
make suitable recommendations. Once again, a
favourable outcome blossomed for the proposers.
4.2 Agreement to proceed under the Public Private
Partnership model
The IEWG Report became the basis for the
Government Decision, in May 2000, to build the
new National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI)
on the Department of Defence green-field site at
Ringask-iddy. But in financing the project the
Government was taking the public partnership
proposal between Cork Institute of Technology and
the Irish Naval Service one step further by seeking
the involvement of a private partner. The Public
Private Partnership (PPP) funding model as a
procurement mechanism for major public projects is
a relatively new concept to Ireland. It has been used
to fund some road and infrastructural projects and, in
the education sector, to build and manage a pilot
project of secondary schools known as the ‘Bundled
Schools’ PPP. The NMCI project would be the first
such PPP in the third level sector.
5.1 Preliminary invitation to negotiate
The next stage in the procurement process, seeking
‘expressions of interest’ from potential bidders,
required the publication, in April 2001, of a PIN
(Preliminary Invitation to Negotiate) notice in the
Official Journal of the European Communities. A
potential bidder has to make a careful judgment at
this point; an inadequate response to the PIN will
most likely exclude that entity from selection to the
short list, while a substantial response designed to
ensure inclusion on the short list will lead to
significant bidding costs at the ITN stage of the
process, with no guarantee of any return.
5.2 Short list of bidders
The Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) document was
issued to just three bidders; the short list was
confined to this number in the belief that success
odds of 1 in 3 were considered to be sufficiently
attractive for bidding consortia, whereas greater
odds of 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 were perceived to be a
disincentive. Short-listed bidders must incur
substantial expenditure in preparing their bids, but
only one of them, the ultimate ‘preferred bidder’, can
recover those costs. The unsuccessful bidders are left
nursing their costsan expensive lesson in the PPP
5.3 Bidder takes the risk
The ITN had to become a very substantial document,
encompassing the output specifications, space
data sheets, legal information and financial data.
The tactic of writing an ‘output specification’ as
distinct from the more usual ‘inputs’ transferred a
great share of the risk from the public entities to the
private bidder. But it did require the public partners
to take the pain up front in the laborious compilation
of the ITN document.
5.4 Bidders need to have common understanding
Three separate stage meetings were held with each
bidding consortium to afford them the opportunity to
present their design and architectural ideas, projected
costs and timelines, and to
ensure that each bidder
received the same technical guidance. An evaluation
process and marking criteria were agreed before any
bid was received.
5.5 Attraction for the private partner
But what were the private interests bidding for?
And why risk a probable €1 million outlay on a
possible unsuccessful bid? The prize for the
successful ‘preferred bidder’ would be a contract
agreement to design, build, finance, operate and
maintain the new College and manage the facility
for a 25-year term. Very few commercial enterprises
can project their earnings beyond the immediate
short term, with any certainty. Having a guaranteed
income stream for 25 years sets the prize in its
proper context. There was further icing on this PPP
cake in the form of Third Party Income (TPI). This
means that any of the agreement partners have the
qualified right to sell-on those College facilities that
are not required for the core curriculum hours, to
third party interests, and the profits from such TPI
activity are shared 50/50 between the public and
private partners. At the end of the 25-year agreement
term the facility reverts to State ownership.
6.1 The successful bidder
In April 2002, a bidding consortium under the name
of Focus Education were selected and appointed as
the preferred bidder. The members of this
consortium and its associated sub-contractors were:
Bovis Lend Lease—FM, HBOS—Bankers,
Pierse ConstructionBuilders, BDPArchitects,
Nolan Ryan—Quantity Surveyors,
ABROS—Financial advisers, LinklatersLegal,
Farrell Grant SparksFinancial &Tax
It was to be another ten months before the formal
contract agreement was signed, on 13
6.2 Construction
Construction, fitting-out and commissioning, to the
cost of about €52 million, were scheduled to take 18
months, targeting the facility start-up for the
commencement of the following academic year. But
there was a little slippage to that scheduled which
delayed the start of training activity until early
October 2004.
7.1 Substantial modern college
The final outcome was an impressive, purpose-built,
maritime college on the available ten-acre site,
adjacent to harbour frontage. The buildings gave
floor space of some 13,800 m2, with capacity for
750 students, accommodated in twenty classrooms,
and extensive simulation and laboratory facilities.
7.2 Core features
The key education and training facilities of the
College include:
20 Lecture Halls/Classrooms,
12 Laboratories,
6 Workshops,
Engine Room
Learning Resource Centre,
Multipurpose Hall,
Survival Centre with Environment Pool, HUET,
Cold Water Training Tank and MER,
Survival Craft Jetty and Pontoon,
Fire Fighting and Damage Control Centre,
360° Full-Mission Bridge Simulator,
270° Full-Mission Bridge Simulator,
3 x 150˚ Secondary Bridges,
12-station part-task simulation suite for NARAS-
O, Fleetwork and VTS,
12-station GMDSS Simulator,
8-station GMDSS (Navy) Simulator,
20-station Engine Room Simulation,
12-station Liquid Cargo Handling and Ship
Stability Simulator.
As the list above clearly shows, the simulation
suite was a major element of the project agreement.
The public partners were rightly concerned to ensure
that such key facilities should remain state-of-the-art
for the 25-year term of the agreement, and to this
end the specification included the requirement that
all simulation software should be upgraded at least
every five years and that simulation hardware should
be replaced every ten years.
7.3 NMCI layout
The NMCI layout is arranged around three distinct
structural blocks, all joined by the main concourse
which accommodates the front-of-house services.
Block A houses the Engine Room and M&E work-
shops, R&D laboratories, Seamanship Bay, Divers,
Shipwrights, Firefighters and the Survival Training
Centre. Block B is devoted to classrooms,
laboratories, simulation facilities, and staff and
administration offices on the upper floor, while
Block C accommodates the canteen, library,
computer laboratories, lecture theatre and
management offices.
8.1 Special character of NMCI
The governance of the National Maritime College of
Ireland, as a publicly funded project procured by
the Minister for Education and Science, is regulated
under the Institutes of Technology Acts and
the Higher Education Authority Acts. And under
the provisions of the former, NMCI is subject to
the administrative and financial control of Cork
Institute of Technology. However, recognising and
acknowledging the special character and cooperative
nature of the project, the NMCI is described as “…a
constituent College of Cork Institute of Technology
in partnership with the Irish Naval Service and
Focus Education.”
8.2 Need for MOU
The possible problems and frictions that might arise
from this combination of cohabiting civil and
military training entities exercised minds from an
early date. It would have been foolhardy to ignore
the tradition-al divisions and mutual suspicions
between the mercantile and naval codes of service.
The Irish authorities were breaking new ground with
this project; so far as one could tell, there were no
similar (combined mercantile and naval service)
enterprises in Europe or elsewhere in the western
world that might offer a benchmark model. With
these and related considerations in mind, it would be
necessary to agree a Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) for the day-to-day operation and utilization
of the facility.
8.3 Executive Committee
The MOU provided for the establishment of an
Executive Committee, operating as a committee of
the Governing Body of the Institute (CIT) and in
accordance with the same rules of good governance.
The Executive Committee is required to advise on:
policy, strategic planning and ongoing
development of the NMCI;
links with external stakeholders; and
relationships within the NMCI, and between
the NMCI and relevant Government Departments.
The Committee consists of the Head of College
and two other persons, as nominated by the
Governing Body of CIT, and the Associate Head of
College and two other persons, as nominated by the
Irish Naval Service.
8.4 Common NMCI identity
While the NMCI has its own identity and all
the manifestations of that identity, both CIT and
the Navy are each restrained from promoting or
maintaining a separate identity or image within the
NMCI. Also, each entity is expected to conduct their
education and training activities in a manner which
is not materially detrimental to the best interests of
the other party.
8.5 Management and ethos
The day-to-day management of the NMCI is
primarily the responsibility of the Head of College in
consultation with the Associate Head. The Executive
Committee is required to protect, to the fullest extent
practicable, the reputations and ethos of both the
Navy and the Institute in the manner in which the
NMCI is managed. If a conflict arises and remains
unresolved at the local level it must then be referred
to the Governing Body for resolution.
The NMCI project agreement has delivered a world-
class maritime education and training facility
broadly on time and within budget. The new College
has the capacity to deliver any and all of the
programmes that professional mariners, civilian or
naval, may require, and the many related activities of
which the general maritime community stands in
need. Whether the project could have achieved the
same measure of success as a purely public capital
project rather than its PPP actuality is open to
debate. But what cannot be disputed is the core
success factor of the enterprise, the essential
partnership arrangement between the two public
agencies, Cork Institute of Technology and the Irish
Naval Service. The NMCI has been regarded as a
flagship project within the Irish public service: it is
hardly stretching the point to hold that it could well
stand as a benchmark model for the maritime sector
within the European Community.