International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
Number 3
September 2007
The Use of Backstepping Method to Ship
Course Controller
A. Witkowska
University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
R. Smierzchalski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The article systematises and perform approaches the new concept of the ship autopilot in which
control rules are derived for nonlinear controllers designed with the aid of the backstepping method and used
for controlling the ship’s motion on its course. The objectives, approaches and problems were described. The
design is very interesting has goals to create closed-loop systems with desirable stability properties in the
regulation and tracking problems with a uniform asymptotic stability, rather than analyze the properties of a
given system. The symulation were performed on the tanker model and were comparised in the system with
PD controller.
In marine navigation, it is required the skills
of determination of ship position, appointment of
proper ship course as well as the keeping on
appointed course. Numerous investigations
performed in the past were oriented on designing an
integrated ship control system. Despite significant
improvement in automation, the course control is
still an active field of research, especially in low
speed regimes. The navigation at this speed is
difficult due to manoeuvring problems connected
with a relatively big mass of the ship and limited
dimension of the rudder, which must be significantly
deflected to obtain the required change of ship’s
course. This effect is especially noticeable on
tankers. Reduced controllability of those ships can
be compensated by the use of automatic control
systems, which change the course of the ship in a
desired way by proper movements of the rudder.
Nowadays, autopilots installed on ships usually
use the algorithm of PID controller. The measured
ship course is compared with the required (set) value
and the calculated difference makes the input signal
passed to the controller. The control signal, obtained
at the output of the controller, is then transmitted to
the servo-mechanism of the steering gear and
provokes a required change in the rudder deflection
angle. The automatic ship course control system
(autopilot) is expected to execute two tasks. The first
task consists in course changing when the ship
moves along the desired trajectory, and in this case
the manoeuvre should be performed fast and
precisely. This is of especial importance when the
maneuveres are performed in high-traffic water
regions, or in restricted waters. The second task
consists in keeping the ship on the desired constant
course in this case the rudder activity and the so
called “ship yawing effect” should be minimised to
reduce fuel consumption. The article systematises
and perform an approach of the new concept of the
ship autopilot in which control rules are derived for
nonlinear controllers designed with the aid of the
backstepping method and used for controlling the
ship’s motion on its course. The design sets is very
interesting has goals to create closed-loop systems
with desirable stability properties in the regulation
and tracking problems with a uniform asymptotic
stability, rather than analyze the properties of a given
system, because systems that posses it can deal
better with perturbations and disturbances.
Therefore the method backstepping matter first of
all in the ship automation , in which were required
the stability of work of arrangement as well as safety
of ship quidance of on appointed course aside from
of influence the disturbances and perturbances. It
deal tanker ships, container as well as passenger
2.1 Historical outline
The difficulties observed in ship control mainly
result from neglecting nonlinear dynamic
characteristics and changes in ship motion
parameters. Numerous attempts, published in the
literature, to overcome these difficulties make use of
methods that linearise the system for certain
operation points, like the feedback linearisation
method, for instance. These methods, however,
return solutions which are not fully satisfying and
the linearized systems do not reflect the true
proprieties of real object.
In recent ten to twenty years a number of new
methods were developed for designing controllers to
control nonlinear dynamic systems. These are mainly
recursive methods, such as backstepping, forwarding,
and various combinations of them. A common
concept of the abovenamed basic recursive methods
is the design of a globally stable control system,
having a cascade structure, for a class of nonlinear
dynamic systems. In particular, the backstepping
method is based on the Lyapunov function theory
(La Salle 1966) but its origin can be found in some
theories of linear control, such as the feedback
linearisation method or the LQR method.
The beginning of development of the
backstepping method in application to nonlinear
control system designs can be dated on the turn of
Eighties and Nineties of the last century. A list and
discussion of publications issued in that time can be
found in an overview by Kokotović and Arcak
(Kokotovic 2001), as well as in Fossen (Fossen
The backstepping method is based directly on
the mathematical model of the examined system,
introducing to it new variables in the form depending
on the state variables, controlling parameters, and
stabilising functions. The task of a stabilising
function is to compensate non-linearities recorded
in the system and affecting the stability of its
operation. The linearisation methods used in the
feedback-based systems usually aim at eliminating
non-linearities existing in the system. The use of the
backstepping method makes it possible to create, in
an arbitrary way, additional nonlinearities and
introduce them to the control process to eliminate
undesirable nonlinearities from the system (Fossen
1998). This is of high importance in case of ship
control systems in which removing all nonlinearities
would require the information on accurate models
of all existing non-linearities, hardly available
in practice. The backstepping method allows to
obtain global stability in cases when the feedback
linearisation method only secures local stability.
One of the earliest books on backstepping control
methods was published by Krstić, Kanellakopoulos
and Kokotović (Krstic 1995). In there, especial
attention was paid to adaptive and nonlinear control
of SISO-type systems, with some extension to
MIMO-type systems. Another concept how to apply
the backstepping method in control system design
was proposed by (Sepulchre 1997). The method
developed by him took into account acceleration
increment inertia for cascade control systems.
(Krstic 1998) extended the topic, focusing on
the stabilisation problem in stochastic nonlinear
2.2 The backstepping approaches
The backstepping method was used in numerous
engineering applications, among other cases for
designing a system that controls the flight trajectory
(Harkegard 2003), in the spaceship observation
process (Krstic 1999), in the designs of industrial
systems, electric machines and nonlinear systems of
wind turbine-based power production, as well as in
robotics for controlling a robot moving along a
desired trajectory. In particular, the backstepping
method can an be an effective tool in adaptive
control designs for estimating parameters,
(Fang 2004, Jiang 2002) and solving various optimal
control problems. Moreover, the control algorithms
based on the backstepping method make it possible
to design a robust, nonlinear controller that limits the
effect of disturbances acting both in deterministic
and stochastic manner (Do 2004, Skjetne 2005). As
a result, a control process is obtained which is
globally stable in the entire area of its operation.
In the marine technology, the presented
backstepping method was used in the systems that
steer the ship on its course (Do 2004, Pettersen
2004), to secure course stabilisation. In 1999, Fossen
published a work (Fossen 1999), which focused on
practical use of the backstepping method in
mechanical systems and its application to ship
2.3 The optimization of the system designed by
However, attempts to apply backstepping method
this method in real marine systems revealed
numerous problems which needed solving. One of
them is the structure and selection of the stabilisation
functions and identification of their parameters. In
order to obtain optimal quality of control for the
designed nonlinear course controller, its parameters
need tuning. The choice of the parameters of
backstepping ship course controller with regard to
compound ship models is not an easy task to do
taking into consideration the nonlinear working
system and the complicated control unit structure.
The impediment is the change of the system
dynamics depending on the working point and stem
parameters time variability which was caused by the
course modification, speed, loading state or the
influence of the environment disturbance. The
analysis of the regulation system structure taking
into consideration parameters variability could lead
to more precise control over the vessel movement in
various system working conditions. The design
systems, presented in the literature, that make use of
the backstepping method are optimised using
classical methods, usually based on the H
and solution of Hamiltonian Jacobi Bellman
Equation and the Riccati equation (Ezal 2000; Krstic
In the symulations performed in this article the
parameters of the nonlinear control structure were
tuned to optimise the operation of the control
system. The optimisation was performed using
genetic algorithms.
For convenience, backstepping have been introduced
using a system consisting of a nonlinear subsystems
and a integrator chain. However, these procedures
are applicable to larger classes of systems. In
backstepping method arduous and time-consuming
calculations were introduced therefore in this article
was limited to performance the symulations results
for this method only (Krstic 1995).
In present work backstepping method was applied
in system showed on Figure 1. In the window „Ship”
the equations of the ship dynamics characteristics
were modelled. In the present investigations, the
mathematical model of the dynamical characteristics
of the ship was taken from a model tanker described
by Astrom and Wittenmark in „Adaptive Control”
(Astrom 1989) and modelled by a nonlinear third-
order differential equation, referred to as the Bech
and Wenger’s model. The model was complemented
by the dynamics of the steering gear, shown in
Figure 2.
Ship Model
Fig. 1. The block scheme of arrangement of steering
the movement of ship
The input signal passed to the steering gear comes
from the autopilot and has the form of the set rudder
, while the output signal is the current
rudder angle,
(t). For the majority of ships
the rudder angle and speed of its change are kept
within certain limits (Amerongen1982) where
35 [deg], 2.3
7 [deg/s].
Steering machine
Fig. 2. The block scheme of steering gear
It is usually required for the steering blade to
move from one limiting position to the other in time
shorter than 30 [s]. In this article it was assumed
that the rate of rudder motion is approximately
limited to
[deg/s] until
when the rudder operates in the linear region of the
characteristic. The maximum rudder angle is
35 [deg] .
In the window „Course controller” the ship
course controller was placed.. It was accepted in
system constant speed equal 5 [m/s]. The tanker
model is led along the course defined by the turn
points, which was used to computation the angle of
ride sets among present position of tanker and the
closest point of turn. The defined heading angle is
determinated trigonometrically on the base of
straight line between the present tanker location and
the position at the turning point. On Figure 1 the (x,
y) they are the current co-ordinates of position of
tanker got from GPS however the (x
, y
) they are
the co-ordinates of point of turn. The controller of
trajectory makes possible manoeuvring the ship in
reference to position. The procedure backstepping
used to design of nonlinear functions describe the
structures of applied controllers was exactly
performed in article (Witkowska 2007) and in this
article was developed on trajectory controller.
The investigations consisted in comparing the results
of the tuned nonlinear controllers having four
parameters with the conventional PD controller. To
compare results PD controler was tuned by the same
genetic algorithm in the same algorithm working
Figure 3 presents the results of the simulation
tests performed with two controllers: the
conventional linear PD controller the results of
which are marked with dashed line, and the
nonlinear controller, marked with continuous line.
All controllers were tuned for the ship dynamic
characteristic equations corresponding to the
ballasting state, but in this part of analysis in the first
1000 [s] of the tests, the mathematical model of the
ship made use of the parameters corresponding to
the ballasting state, while during the remaining time
the full load parameters were applied. For the
sytuation shown on a Figure 3 the exact values of the
time quality coefficients, determined from the step
response of two controllers for two load states, are
collected in Table 1-2, where the used symbols are
the following: t
the rise time, calculated as the
time interval during which the output signal has
changed from 10% to 90% of the set value, yust, Mp
maximum over-regulation, expressed in percents
and calculated as Mp = 100% (ymax yust)/ yust, t
the time of control, calculated as the time interval
from zero to the instant at which the controlled
(output) signal reaches steadily the 1% accuracy
zone of the set value, J
the quality integral
coefficient described by equation (11),
Table 1. Estimated values of time quality coefficients for
balasting state
Ballasting state
Table 2. Estimated values of time quality coefficients for full
load state
Full load state
Figure 4 presents an example ship trajectory with
the beginning at point (0,0) and the initial ship
course ψ
= 0 [deg]. Figure 4 compare trajectories
for two systems: with PD course controller (dashed
line) and course controller designed by backstepping
method (solid line). In this case the tanker has the
parameter set for ballasting state. The tanker model
is led along the course defined by the following turn
points. The successive turning points are marked in
the table by circuit.
On Figure 5, there are the temporary graphs of
variables occurrent in process steerings on trajectory
from Figure 4 {they were noted two ride set - for
arrangement with PD controller (dashed - dot line);
for arrangement with backstepping controller
(dashed line) ,as well as the answering them real
rides of ship: PD (dotted line), backstepping (solid
Fig. 3. Comparing results of simulation with controllers: PD
(dashed line), nonlinear backstepping controller (solid line)
Fig. 4. Ship position along the set trajectory (circuits) -
comparing results of simulation with tuned controllers: PD
(dashed line), nonlinear backstepping controller (solid line)
Fig. 5. Ship courses and ship rudder angles for trajectory from
Figure 4
Moreover, in order to obtain the reference data for
comparison, a conventional PD controller was
examined, which was also tuned with the aid of
genetic algorithms for the same conditions as in the
case of the nonlinear controllers.
The quality of operation of the examined
controllers was evaluated from the tests checking the
effect of ship parameter changes. Two states of ship
load were analysed, which were the ballasting and
the full load. Step responses were examined to the
set ship course change by 40 [deg]. As shown in
Table 2, the tests have revealed that the obtained
results are comparable for controllers when the ship
was in the ballasting state, slightly better results
were obtained for the backstepping method. When
the ship was in
the full load state better results were
produced by the PD controller than by the nonlinear
controller designed using the backstepping method.
The reason of this regularity lies in the fact that the
parameters of the controllers were only tuned for the
ballasting state and then were used unaltered for the
full load state, which was the source of some error. It
turned out that the backstepping method is more
sensitive to changes of parameters than the PD
controller, which seems to be more robust.
On the ground the simulating investigations it is
possible to affirm with proposed arrangement
automatic the steerings the ship to possibly
efektywnie practical to manoeuvring with oiler in
operations of change of ride and the tailing of
trajectory. The conducted investigations proved, that
the arrangements of automatic steering the
movement of ship from used the backstepping
method are effective and with success very they can
replace manual tanker control.
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