International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
March 2007
Combined Maneuvering Analysis, AIS and Full-
Mission Simulation
K.G. Aarsæther & T. Moan
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
ABSTRACT: This paper deals with a method for identifying the main parameters of a maneuver using both
real-time full mission simulators and positioning data obtained from the Automatic Identification System of
the same area. The effort required for experiments in real time maneuvering is naturally larger than the effort
required to collect already available data. Analysis of both data sources is presented. We show how the
curvature of the ships track can be related to the wheel-over point and further used to estimate the main
parameters of a course-changing maneuver. The southern approach to the Risavika harbor in the southwest of
Norway is used as a demonstration. The approach angle and turning circle diameter was accurately identified
in both AIS and simulator data, but significant navigational markings was only quantifiable in simulator data.
To investigate the effect on navigation decisions and
external effects on ship maneuvering it is convenient
to test these scenarios in a simulator with controlled
conditions and good opportunities for data
collection. If such simulations are to represent the
real world it is important that the processes that are
simulated are similar to their real world counterparts.
In traditional fully automated maneuvering simula-
tions (Hutchinson, 2003, Merrick, 2003), a regular
control-theoretic guidance and autopilot combination
is often used to represent the maneuvering decisions
on the bridge of the ship. This control theoretic
construct is not well suited to represent the decisions
on the bridge, as it does not follow the same guiding
rules as a human would. The first step to replace this
control theoretic construct is to identify the proper
maneuvering processes and then to quantify their
main parameters. These main parameters can later be
used as input to a numerical navigator for fully
automatic maneuvering simulation. Quantification of
the main features and parameters can be made from
expert opinion and simulator studies with human
operators. Simulator studies are a costly and time
consuming process, but offers the best accuracy and
provides control of the environment in which the
maneuver is executed. Simulator studies can also be
augmented by real world data whenever possible,
with simulator studies providing the entry point into
analysis of coarser real world data.
Fig. 1. Risavika With Main Traffic Concentration
Data from the Automatic Identification System
(AIS) has a potential to reveal the preferred naviga-
tional patterns and maneuver parameters in use in a
specific area. The AIS system is implemented by all
IMO member states as per requirement of SOLAS.
The system represents an opportunity to study the
traffic and navigational patterns in costal areas. Data
available from AIS introduced in recent years has
not been used for this purpose.
In this paper we will show how the main
parameters of maneuvering can be quantified by use
of simulator trials and AIS data. We will focus on
the area around the Risavika harbor in the southwest
of Norway. An overview of the area and the main
traffic routes is seen in Figure 1. The routes of traffic
shown are extracted from AIS data from the area.
1.1 Representation of maneuvering
Maneuvering of a ship in transit can be represented
as a combination of course keeping and course
changing maneuvers stringed together to form a
complete plan for the voyage. This representation is
described in (Lüzhöft, 2006) where it is presented as
the standard planning procedure for pilots and
shipmaster operating in the costal areas around
Stockholm in Sweden. The voyage plan is in the
form of straight sections with the heading for both
passage directions noted with turning diameters for
each turn. In addition the significant landmarks and
navigation aids used to determine when and where to
transit between these maneuvers are noted. The
maneuvers of the vessel is joined together at points
where the wheel of the vessel is either used to
initiate a turn (wheel-over-point) or the point where
action is taken to exit the circular turn path (pull-out-
point). The approach to Risavika harbor is modeled
as a section with constant course followed by a Rate-
of-turn maneuver to change the vessels course to a
more beneficial course for entry into the harbor.
1.1.1 Course keeping
Course keeping is the simplest of maneuvers and
is the task of keeping the vessel on a straight course.
The only variability one expects is the individual
error tolerances in deviation from desired course or
the variability in entry of autopilot targets. The main
parameter of this maneuver is the desired course.
1.1.2 The rate-of-turn maneuver
The rate of turn maneuver is marine
craftsmanship and is based on simple rules of thumb
calculations of an object speed and the curvature of
the path it follows. An object will travel on a circle
of diameter D if the ratio of the speed and rate of
turn is constant; the constant determined by the
circle diameter is a defining parameter of the
maneuver. The rate-of-turn of the vessel is reported
as degrees per minute on the bridge of the vessel.
The time in minutes for a vessel with speed V m/s to
complete a turn of 360° on a radius of r m is
t =
To get the rate of turn in ° per second needed to
stay on the circle of radius r we divide 360° with
time from Equation (1).
2 r
The final simplification is to transfer the
expression into an easy to remember rule of thumb.
This simple rule is the foundation for the rate-of-turn
maneuver where the master of the vessel actively
will use the controls to keep the relationship between
the vessel speed and rate-of-turn constant. The
constant determines the radius of the turning circle.
The turning circle radius is then the defining
characteristic of the rate-of-turn maneuver. In a
nautical setting the rule is applied with knots as
speed and nautical miles as measure for the radius.
With a given turning radius of 0.5 nautical miles,
this relationship between rate of turn and speed in
knots easily gives the required rate-of-turn for this
= 2 V
1.2 Quantification of parameters
From the AIS data and simulator trials the following
maneuvering characteristics were identified in the
northbound approach to Risavika:
Approach course angle
Number of turning maneuvers used
Wheel-over-point position
Pull-out-point position
Mean and max turning circle radius for each
turning maneuver
The Rate-of-turn maneuver used in the simulator
study has characteristics, which we also can
calculate from the data available from AIS. This will
be done in turn to show the accuracy of these
calculations. The radius of the turning circle used in
the maneuver is identifiable from the rate-of-turn vs.
speed ratio maintained by the vessel during the
The curvature of the track line can be used to
extract the number of turning maneuvers used on a
section of the passage.
From the charts of the area and the simulator
environment we have the location of the significant
navigational lights in the area. The positions of these
lights are used together with the wheel-over and
pull-out points to try to determine the most probable
navigational light used. The position of the
navigational lights in the simulator area was used
both in the simulator trials and in the analysis of the
AIS data.
Full mission simulator data was recorded from
training exercises at the Ship Maneuvering
Simulator Centre (SMSC) in Trondheim, Norway.
Simulator trials were used to determine a benchmark
maneuver and used with the greater fidelity of the
synthetic environment to analyze the time series of
available variables. Simulations where carried out
with human operators on the bridge simulators
piloting the vessel into Risavika harbor. The
simulator centre has three full mission simulators in
operation and by introducing an automatic logging
application on the simulator network the communi-
cation from each simulator was intercepted. The start
of logging was triggered by the start of the exercise
for the Risavika maneuver. Data was written to disk
and made both the simulated vessel state as well as
the control inputs for rudder and engines available as
time series for offline analysis. Data was sampled at
1 sec intervals to limit file size.
2.1 Trial maneuver
The trial maneuver selected for study was a
maneuver to enter the harbor in Risavika from the
south starting at a course of 0° N. The starting
position for the ship has no obstructions on the
initial heading, and will with the initial speed in a
relatively short amount of time be in a position to
initiate the turning maneuver into the harbor. The
turning maneuver into the harbor is predefined. The
bridge crews were instructed to change the ship’s
course using a rate of turn maneuver with a radius of
0.5 nautical miles until they were on a course
suitable for the final approach. By inspecting the
rudder time series in the simulator trials the wheel-
over-point for the transition between the first course
keeping section and the rate-of-turn maneuver was
identified. This point for each dataset allowed
calculation of the heading at the time of maneuver
transition, and the angle between the vessels and all
the visible navigation lights in the simulated area.
The same procedure was used to identify the pull-
put-point, completing information about the
2.2 Results
In total 44 maneuvers were recorded from SMSC
exercises with a variety or bridge crews. Some
exercises were discarded due to approach path. The
discarded exercises followed a radically different
path with fundamentally different features than the
typical maneuvers, 36 cases remained in the end.
Maneuver transition points and track curvature was
extracted form this data. The mean and max value of
the relationship between rate-of-turn and the speed
during the rate-of-turn maneuver is seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows a median value of the mean rate-
of-turn/speed relationship of 1.75. This translates to
a turning circle radius of 0.571 nautical miles. If we
account for the introduction of 3/3.14 = 1 in the
rule-of-thumb simplification of the formula, the
theoretical turning circle has a radius 0.54 nautical
miles. The deviation then becomes only 0.03
nautical miles and is in good agreement with the
theoretical value. Both mean and max values shows
skewed data. The mean rate-of-turn/speed relation-
ship packed tight around the median. The results
showed very good agreement with the ideal turning
circle radius one should expect from the briefing.
Some of the deviations are from the exercises
following a slightly different path into the harbor.
Fig. 2. Distribution of rate-of-turn/speed from simulator trials
Fig. 3. Angle from vessel to navigational lights in simulator
trials at the wheel-over-point
The results from the calculation of the angle
between the wheel-over-point and the visible lights
in the simulator were plotted as a boxplot to
determine correlation. The results are seen in Figure
3, where the angle to the first landmark seems to be
very consistent across trials and at an angle of 90° it
is preferable since it is indifferent to cross track
deviations (the last landmark is in close proximity,
and shows a very similar distribution). If the first
landmark is taken as the significant maneuvering
landmark used, then we can find a statistical
description of the variability of the wheel-over-point
in relation to the angle to the landmark. We see a
skewed distribution around a median of about 90°
for the first landmark, with a few outlier cases, again
from a different approach path.
Another result from the simulator experiments
was the relation between the Wheel-over-point, Pull-
out-point and the local extreme values of the track
curvature. The wheel-over point was always located
near a local minimum while the pull-out point was
located near a local maximum. An example time
series is seen in Fig. 4 where the relevant points are
indicated. The nonzero curvature for zero rudder
angles shows the tendency of single-screw ships to
turn at zero rudder angles due to propeller inertia and
asymmetric flow around the stern
Fig. 4. Rudder angle and curvature in relation to wheel-over
and pull-out points
In the simulator studies the difference in time
between the Wheel-over-point and the local
minimum was computed and is shown in Fig 5. This
proximity can be used to make a qualified guess
about the location of these points based on rate-of-
turn and speed data. The local extreme value
behavior will be used later to find good candidates
for wheel-over and pull-out points in the AIS data
for the same area.
Fig. 5. Wheel-over-point deviation from local extreme value of
the track line curvature
The Norwegian Costal Administration provided AIS
data in form of position reports for April, May and
June 2006 for the presented area. The position
reports where then restricted to the immediate area
around Risavika before it was grouped according to
each ships unique MMSI number (IMO, 1974).
Requiring the track line to start to the south and end
in the harbor was used to restrict the AIS data
further. The data for each MMSI number was then
further sorted by time and grouped in space to form
datasets of track lines continuous in these
dimensions. This procedure was necessary due to the
presence of misconfigured AIS transponders making
identification solely based on MMSI number
difficult. The AIS data received contained time,
position, speed over ground, rate of turn and course
over ground. The sample rate of the AIS data
depends on the ships speed and state of the vessel
and will during transit and turning maneuvers for
moderate speed be in the area of 0.3 0.5 Hz (IMO,
The AIS data does not contain information that
makes it possible to pinpoint the transitions between
the different maneuvers, such as the instantaneous
position of the rudder. We can however find features
from the maneuvering techniques used in the data in
form of the speed, rate-of-turn and position in the
AIS data with an accuracy of about 5 seconds as
presented in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The AIS data does not
contain rate-of-turn information for all vessels, but
calculation of the curvature of the track line of the
vessel will accurately identify the value of the
speed/rate-of-turn relationship. The ratio between
the vessels rate-of-turn and the speed relationship
corresponds to the curvature of the ship track.
Calculation of the curvature will work regardless of
the absence of rate-of-turn information in the signal.
The total number of AIS track lines was 429, which
was further subdivided into 308 single turn
maneuvers, 107 two turn maneuvers and 14
maneuvers with 3 or more turns which were
discarded due to accuracy of the procedure and
implied poor accuracy in the position reports.
3.1.1 Calculating curvature from position data
The curvature κ of the ships track can be
calculated from the position and time data. This can
done by filtering the position data to remove noise
and then use a numerical expression for the
curvature calculated by solving the equation for a
circle passing through the three consecutive points. κ
can also be directly from the time domain signals for
the position x=x(t) and y=y(t). The curvature of
these two signals in Cartesian coordinates with
the tangential angle of the signal.
2 2 22
( /) ( /) () ()
d dt d dt
dx dt dy dt x y
= =
The need for d
/dt can be eliminated by the
following identity
dy /dt
dx /dt
1 tan
d xy yx
dt x
 
Equation (8) substituted into Equation (5) gives
the final expression for the curvature
2 2 3/2
xy yx
 
This expression for κ relies on the derivative and
double derivative of the vessel track line positions.
Numerical calculation of these derivatives from
noisy position data is inherently error prone. Instead
of calculating the derivatives numerically, the
derivatives are evaluated by fitting polynomials to
the x(t) and y(t) signals. It is impossible to find a
general polynomial to describe the complete track
with sufficient accuracy for the entire ship track. To
calculate the curvature at a specific track sample, a
order polynomial is fitted at a section spanning
20 samples both forward and backward in time. This
provides both a theoretical form for the evaluation of
the derivatives and suppresses the noise in the
positioning data. The derivatives and double
derivatives can then easily be evaluated from the
corresponding formulas for polynomials. The
polynomial fit was computed using MATLAB’s
‘polyfit’ function using both centering and scaling to
improve the numerical properties of the fitting
3.1.2 Detection of turning maneuvers
Detection of turning maneuvers was done by
discretizing the number range for the curvature into
regions of size 1e-4. The curvature signal was then
compared to this interval forming an array of 0 and 1
values. The array represents the image of the area
between the x-axis and the curvature signal. This
representation made it easy to determine where the
curvature crossed certain numerical values, and how
many crossings it did of a particular value. The
curvature level used to detect significant changes in
track curvature was 3e-4; the number of crossings
over this value was easily extracted from the line of
the kappa image array corresponding to this value.
The number of up-crossings over this value was an
initial estimate of the number of turns in the
maneuver. The area beneath each turn was compared
and if the area during one turn of a two-turn
maneuver was less than 10% of the area of the other
turn, the maneuver was reclassified as a one-turn
maneuver. After the turning maneuvers were
identified the Wheel-over and pull out point where
assigned to the local extreme values.
3.2 Results
The results from the AIS data processing showed a
deviation in the preferred route into the harbor for
the southern approaches compared to the simulator
experiments. The difference concerns the approach
angle towards the harbor, making the turn into the
harbor less severe in reality than in the simulator.
The AIS data further showed that the traffic entering
the harbor was divided into one and two turn
approaches. The one turn approach still followed the
same basic principle as the simulator experiments,
while the two turns approach used an additional
course-changing maneuver before the final turn into
the harbor. The two-turn approach followed a sepa-
rate pattern with a course change roughly the same
place as the one turn maneuver but with a final sharp
turns used to enter the harbor. Only data for a single
turn maneuver is used to calculate the approach
angle, curvature, wheel-over and pull out points.
Fig. 6. Course angle at the wheel-over-point
The curvature of the track line was calculated as
described in Section 3.1.1 and is shown in Fig. 7.
The mean and max curvature is calculated using
values between the wheel-over and pull-out point
identified in the manner described in Section 3.1.2.
The results are similar to those of the simulator study
but with more variation and a larger discrepancy
between the mean and max curvature. The median of
the mean curvature is 0.00101 corresponding to
990m 0.535 nautical miles. This result fits nicely
with the numerical values for the turning circle
diameter estimated from the simulator trials. The
curvature distribution from AIS is less skewed and
follows a more normal distributed form. Outlier
cases are fewer as shown in Fig 7, but the maximum
curvature shows a far greater range.
Fig. 7. Curvature of AIS Track Lines During Turn
The wheel-over and pull-out point for the AIS
data was harder to quantify, and only a qualitative
conclusion could be drawn from the data. No clear
candidate as in the case of the simulator trial
The approach angle, number of turns and turning
circle diameter was well estimated with a good
accuracy in comparison with the values found in the
simulator trials. The relatively small number of
simulator trials highlights a drawback: the limited
amount of time and resources to study a maneuver.
However a more intense simulation program can
mitigate this effect.
The position of the wheel-over and pull-out point
is harder to relate to the navigational lights in the
area. This may be because of the inherent error in
estimating these points from the curvature or due to
the numerical effects on the calculation due to the
proximity of the navigational lights to the track line,
exaggerating any errors in the angle estimate.
Another cause for the difficulty in identifying a
pattern in the wheel-over and pull-out points in the
AIS data is the possibility that its high dependence
of vessel dynamics makes it a poor candidate for
analysis across a wide selection of vessels. The
points where the track line curvature exceeded 1e-4
were more clustered around a specific point. This
effect is possible with a large selection of ships with
different dynamic responses all aiming for the same
turning circle starting at the same point, a pattern we
have seen in the AIS data. This effect can be further
investigated using static ship data available from the
ITU’s Maritime mobile Access and Retrieval System
database linked with ship statistics for dynamic
The turning circle diameter used and the number
of turns used was more accurately identified in both
the simulation trials and the AIS data from the same
area. Ships entering Risavika use a turning circle
diameter of 0.5 nautical miles for one course change
approaches to the harbor. The main difference from
the simulator trials here is the approach angle which
was 15° in service compared to 0° in the simulator
studies. Ships using a 0° approach angle used
navigational light 1, “Laksholm” initiating the turn
at 90° angle. This pattern was also visible in AIS
where a very limited number of vessels used the 0°
It has been shown that analysis of the ship track line
can be used to estimate the parameters of standard
maneuvers. This can be useful either in conjunction
with simulator studies or by itself. The parameters of
the rate-of-turn maneuver extracted from the
combination of simulator and AIS data can be used
later as input to a numerical navigator to mimic the
behavior of the real navigator. AIS present itself as
an easily available source of information about the
desired maneuvering patterns in a specific area.
More importantly the parameters of the maneuvers
are quantifiable from this data. The navigational aids
used are best identified using full-mission simulation
or expert opinion.
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