International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 3
September 2012
The Gulf of Finland is a highly trafficked area in the
Baltic Sea. Moreover, its traffic is expected to grow
in the future (e.g. Hassler 2010; Kuronen et al. 2009;
Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland
2009). Growing traffic increases the risk of ship
groundings and collisions, which are the two most
common types of maritime traffic accidents in the
Gulf of Finland (Kujala et al. 2009). Especially the
increasing oil tanker traffic and the possibility of a
major oil accident raise concern in the coastal states.
One of the most common approaches to estimat-
ing the number of ship collisions was introduced by
Fujii et al. (1971) and Macduff (1974). In this ap-
proach the number of collisions N is calculated as a
product of the number of geometrical collision can-
didates N
and a causation probability P
PNN ×=
describes the number of collisions of two ships,
if they do not perform evasive maneuvers. It is based
on traffic properties of the area, such as the routes of
the ships, ship particulars (length, width) and veloci-
ties. A few models for assessing N
are existing,
such as Pedersen’s model (1995) and the MDTC
model (Montewka et al. 2010b), or it can be estimat-
ed with time-domain micro simulation (Goerlandt et
al. 2011). P
describes the probability of collision
candidate ships making no evasive maneuvers. It is
determined by various factors affecting human
and/or technical failure. The causation probability
has been estimated based on the difference between
accident frequencies according to accident statistics
and the estimated number of collision candidates
(Fujii 1971; Macduff 1974), or by applying risk
analysis tools such as fault tree analysis (Pedersen
1995, Rosqvist et al. 2002). Bayesian belief net-
works have been suggested to be utilized in in Step 3
of the Formal Safety Assessment, definition of risk
control measures (IMO 2006), and more recently
they have been applied in causation probability es-
timation (e.g. Friis-Hansen and Simonsen 2002, Det
Norske Veritas 2003, Rambøll 2006, Hänninen &
Ylitalo 2010).
Recently, in several studies the collision probabil-
ities in the Gulf of Finland have been examined with
the approach of Equation 1. Montewka et al. (2010a)
Estimating the Number of Tanker Collisions in
the Gulf of Finland in 2015
M. Hanninen, P. Kujala & J. Ylitalo
Aalto University School of Engineering, Espoo, Finland
J. Kuronen
University of Turku, Centre for Maritime Studies, Kotka, Finland
ABSTRACT: The paper presents a model for estimating the number of ship-ship collisions for future traffic
scenarios. The modeling is based on an approach where the number of collisions in an area is estimated as a
product of the number collision candidates, i.e. the number of collisions of two ships, if no evasive maneuvers
were made, and a causation probability describing the probability of making no evasive maneuvers. However,
the number of collisions is presented as a combination of binomially distributed random variables. The model
is applied for the assessment of tanker collision frequency in the Gulf of Finland in 2015. 2015 traffic is mod-
eled as three alternative scenarios each having a certain probability of occurrence. The number of collisions
can be presented either for each scenario, or as an estimate including the uncertainty in future marine traffic
development by taking into account all scenarios and their occurrence probabilities.
estimated the number of geometrical collision can-
didates for a crossing between Helsinki and Tallinn
using). The authors of this paper (Hänninen &
Kujala 2009) estimated the number of collisions for
the same crossing area. Later, the authors (Hänninen
& Ylitalo 2010) estimated the collision frequency
for the whole Gulf of Finland.
The studies mentioned above had not assessed the
future risks in the Gulf of Finland. Further, all of the
mentioned studies had estimated the number of col-
lision candidates or collisions as point estimates. In
this study, a probability distribution for the number
of tanker collisions in the Gulf of Finland is present-
ed. The number of tanker collisions is estimated for
2015 traffic by utilizing AIS data and three alterna-
tive maritime transportation growth scenarios. The
study also considers the effects of uncertainty in the
occurrence of the 2015 scenarios.
The main waterways in the Gulf of Finland were in-
cluded in the analysis. The waterways were defined
based on a traffic image from AIS data. However,
areas within the vicinity of ports were excluded. Ad-
ditionally, tanker collisions within four smaller areas
of the gulf were studied separately. The studied wa-
terways and the “hot spot” areas are presented in
Figure 1. The considered “hot spot” areas were: C1:
the crossing of Helsinki-Tallinn traffic and the main
route of the Gulf of Finland; C2: the merging of
Sköldvik and the main route traffic,; C3: the merg-
ing of traffic of Primorsk and St. Petersburg and the
waterway to St. Petersburg; and C4: the westernmost
part of the Gulf. C1 was chosen due to high traffic
within the area. C2 was considered as a possible col-
lision area for two tankers on oil load. C3 included a
rather narrow waterway to St. Petersburg and a
merging of two waterways near shoals. C4 was an
example of a larger area with many crossing and
merging waterways.
Figure 1. The waterways and "hot spot" areas whose number of
tanker collisions were estimated.
3.1 2015 traffic estimation
The estimates for the numbers of ships in the studied
waterways in 2015 were based on 2008 traffic and
traffic multipliers extracted from growth scenarios
for the ports in the Gulf of Finland. AIS data from
the area was utilized in determining the traffic in
2008. It should be noted that the winter of 2008 was
exceptionally mild, and no ice breaking assistance
was needed in the Gulf of Finland. Thus, the results
are describing open water season only.
For the 2015 traffic, three alternative scenarios
were considered: “slow growth”, “average growth”
and “strong growth” (Kuronen et al. 2009). The ex-
pected value of the total tonnes for the maritime
transportation in the Gulf of Finland in “slow
growth” was 322 million tonnes. For the “average
growth” scenario, the number was 432 M tonnes,
and for the “strong growth”, 507 M tonnes. The
growth factors for each port in three scenarios were
defined as follows. First, the total amount of oil and
other cargoes were defined to each scenario (see Ku-
ronen et al. 2009). Second, the amount of oil and
other cargoes were distributed to the ports according
to the shares of the cargo amounts in the ports in
2007. Third, these port distributions were modified
on the basis of the expertise of the research group,
taking into consideration e.g. Ust-Luga port building
project, other expected changes in the traffic patterns
and the basic assumptions concerning the develop-
ment of the traffic in each scenario. The growth fac-
tors are presented in Table 1.
One should note that the growth scenarios were
based on the transport in 2007, whereas the AIS traf-
fic multiplied with the traffic multipliers was from
2008. According to AIS data, the number of ship
movements at the entrance to the gulf had decreased
by 6.0 % from 2007 to 2008. However, the decrease
was not constant in the whole Gulf of Finland: for
example, the change was smaller on the main route
on the eastern side of Gogland, and the number of
passenger vessels even grew on that particular wa-
terway. Overall, the magnitude of the change was
only approximately 5 %, and considering other
sources of uncertainty related to future traffic predic-
tion, it was decided to define the multipliers based
on the growth scenarios from 2007 traffic.
The traffic in 2008 was multiplied with water-
way-specific multipliers to obtain estimates for the
traffic in the waterways in 2015. Based on the port-
specific growth factors, a cargo volume multiplier
and an oil volume multiplier were calculated for
each segment of each waterway included in the
study. For waterways leading to ports, the multipli-
ers were equal to the port’s growth factor. For other
waterways, multipliers were deduced as a combina-
tion of the multipliers of merging waterways in rela-
tion to the traffic volumes. The traffic distributions
across each waterway were assumed to remain un-
changed. In addition, the ship size distribution was
assumed not to change. No changes were made to
the numbers of passenger ships, high speed crafts,
and other ships, as no similar estimates on the
change of their volume were available. Percentages
of traffic continuing to separate waterways at way-
points were also adjusted to the changed traffic vol-
umes on the waterways.
It should be noted that no oil was transported
from Ust-Luga in 2007, so the number and size of
tankers navigating there were obtained by assuming
the size distribution of tankers being similar to that
of the tankers navigating to St. Petersburg in 2008.
The estimated number of tankers was added entirely
to the eastern waterway to Ust-Luga since all tankers
had used it in 2008.
Figure 2. The structure of a Bayesian network model for the causation probability estimation.
Table 1. Cargo and oil volume growth factors from 2007 to
2015 for the scenarios “Slow” (C
and O
for cargo and oil, re-
spectively), “Average” (C
and O
)and “Strong (C
and O
Port C
Helsinki 1.01 1.03 1.31 1.05 1.34 1.35
Sköldvik 1.16 1.01 1.10 1.10 0.00 1.18
Kotka 1.01 1.00 1.32 0.97 1.35 1.37
Hamina 1.02 1.00 1.38 1.26 1.40 1.45
Hanko 1.47 1.00 1.47 1.00 1.53 1.00
Vysotsk 1.16 1.06 1.26 1.12 1.40 1.24
Primorsk - 1.35 - 1.62 - 1.62
St. Petersburg 1.12 1.00 1.37 1.37 1.43 1.43
Ust-Luga 6.41 - 8.54 - 11.29 -
Sillamäe 1.00 0.00 1.06 1.06 1.61 1.61
Tallinn 1.33 0.01 1.84 0.63 2.39 1.19
3.2 Collision probability modeling
The number of collisions was calculated separately
for the encounters of two oil tankers, and the en-
counters of an oil tanker and another type of ship.
The expected value for the number of tanker colli-
sion candidates for the 2015 traffic scenarios were
calculated with IWRAP software. IWRAP is rec-
ommended for the evaluation of collision probabili-
ties by International Association of Marine Aids to
Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA
2009). The calculations were performed to all three
traffic scenarios and to all considered areas in a
similar manner as the authors had done for the 2008
traffic in the whole Gulf in (Hänninen & Ylitalo
2010), which gives a more detailed description of
the method.
The causation probability was modeled and esti-
mated with a Bayesian belief network. Bayesian
networks are directed acyclic graphs which consist
of nodes representing discrete random variables and
arcs representing the dependencies between the vari-
ables (e.g. Jensen & Nielsen 2007). Each variable
consists of a finite set of mutually exclusive states.
For each variable A with parent nodes B
,…, B
there exists a conditional probability table P(A | B
…, B
). If variable A has no parents, it is linked to
unconditional probability P(A). The model applied in
this study was partly based on a collision model
network in the Formal Safety Assessment of large
passenger ships (Det Norske Veritas 2003) and a
grounding model in the FSA of ECDIS chart system
(Det Norske Veritas 2006). Additionally, expert
knowledge and data from the Gulf of Finland ship
traffic and environmental conditions were used in
constructing the model. More detailed description of
the model variables and the probability parameters
can be found in (Hänninen & Kujala, in prep.),
where the authors have described a more detailed
causation probability model with many similarities
to the model applied in this study. A variable “Sce-
nario 2015” with states “slow”, “average” and
“strong” describing the degrees of belief of the traf-
fic scenarios’ occurrence was added to the model. In
the causation probability model, the traffic scenario
was directly influencing only the ship type and en-
counter type distributions.
The model was constructed as an object-oriented
Bayesian network (OOBN). OOBN enables the use
of sub classing in Bayesian network models (Jensen
& Nielsen 2007). If a Bayesian network model con-
tains a repetitive substructure, a separate sub model
or a class could be constructed from this network
substructure. In an OOBN, several instances of this
class can then be inserted into the main model as in-
stance nodes. This enables data abstraction, i.e., hid-
ing the more detailed variables and their dependen-
cies inside a class whose input and output are only
visible in the main model. In this study, a class was
constructed from the set of variables and arcs de-
scribing a ship losing control, and two instances of
this "Loss of control" sub model were then created
within the main model, describing the loss of control
for each of the two meeting ships. “Own ship type“
distribution was given as an input to the variable
“Own ship type” in the instance of “Loss of control”
sub model for the “ship A”, and as an input to “Oth-
er ship type” for the “ship B”. The main model is
presented in Figure 2, and Figure 3 describes the
network structure of the “Loss of control” sub mod-
After calculating the expected values for the
number of collision candidates and the causation
probability as is described above, the number of col-
lisions N within a year was modeled with a binomial
distribution. Binomial distribution is a discrete prob-
ability distribution for the number of successes in
certain number of independent yes/no experiments,
when success in one experiment occurs with a cer-
tain probability. For the number of collisions distri-
bution, the number of experiments was the number
of collision candidates, and the probability of one
success was the causation probability. Thus the
probability of having exactly n collisions was
== )1(
, where N
is the number of geometrical collision
candidates and P
is the causation probability. Final-
ly, the distributions of the number of “tanker-tanker
collisions and the number of “tanker-not tanker” col-
lisions were combined in order to acquire the num-
ber of collisions where at least one tanker was in-
The expected values of the number of collisions in-
volving at least one tanker in the whole Gulf of Fin-
land and in the “hot spots” for the three 2015 traffic
scenarios are presented in Table 2. With the “aver-
age” scenario, the expected yearly number of tanker
collisions in the Gulf of Finland was estimated to be
0.17, which equals one tanker collision within ap-
proximately six years. If the “hot spots” are consid-
ered, the largest expected collision probability was
in the area C3, including the merging waterways of
Primorsk and St. Petersburg. For the “average” sce-
nario, 0.044 tanker collisions were estimated to oc-
cur there within a year, which equals a collision in
every 23 years.
Table 2. The expected values of the number of collisions / year
involving at least one tanker for the 2015 traffic scenarios
“Slow”, “Average” and “Strong”.
Area Slow Average Strong
GoF 0.127 0.173 0.183
C1 0.010 0.012 0.139
C2 0.016 0.021 0.023
C3 0.033 0.044 0.044
C4 0.011 0.014 0.016
Table 3. The mean time (years) between collisions involving at
least one tanker for scenario combinations with various weight-
ings (“Slow-Average-Strong).
Area 0.33-0.33-0.33 0.35-0.5-0.15 0.15-0.5-0.35
GoF 6.2 6.3 5.9
C1 83.9 86.2 80.2
C2 50.2 51.6 48.0
C3 24.8 24.9 23.6
C4 74.7 76.8 71.7
Figure 3. “Loss of control” sub model.
Figure 4. Probability distribution of the number of tanker colli-
sions in the whole Gulf of Finland in 2015 for the three traffic
scenarios "slow", "average" and "strong". The probability val-
ues of having zero collisions is presented above the corre-
sponding bars.
Figure 5. Probability distribution of the number of tanker colli-
sions in the area C3 in 2015 for the scenario combinations with
various weightings of the scenarios.
Figure 4 presents the probability distribution of the
number of tanker collisions within a year in the
whole Gulf given for all traffic scenarios. The prob-
ability of having zero tanker collisions within a year
was between 0.83 and 0.89, depending on the sce-
nario. The number of tanker collisions can also be
examined while taking the uncertainty of the occur-
rence of the traffic scenario into account. This was
done by assigning a weight to each of the scenarios.
The weight was describing the degree of belief in the
occurrence of the traffic scenario in question, assum-
ing that the “true” scenario is amongst the three al-
ternatives, i.e., the weights sum up to 1.0. Table 3
presents the mean time between tanker collisions in
the areas with various weightings of the scenarios:
all scenarios equally likely to occur, and two other
alternatives, where “average growth” was assigned
0.5 weighting, and 0.15/0.35 weights were assigned
to the other scenarios. These weightings were identi-
cal to the ones experts had assigned to the scenarios
in (Kuronen et al. 2008). Figure 5 presents the prob-
ability distributions of the number of tanker colli-
sions for the specific weightings. As can be seen
from Table 3 and Figure 5, the differences in
weighting had a minor effect on the outcome.
In this study, a probability distribution of the number
of collisions in the future given uncertainty in mari-
time traffic development was presented. The model
was applied to the Gulf of Finland maritime traffic
growth scenarios. The number of “tanker-tanker”
collisions and “tanker-not tanker” collisions were
modeled separately using binomial distributions and
then combined. According to the results, a collision
involving at least one tanker would occur once in
approximately every six years. This might seem a ra-
ther high number, especially since tanker collisions
in the Gulf of Finland within open water season have
been quite rare (Hänninen & Ylitalo 2010). Never-
theless, it should be noted that the “average growth”
scenario, for example, is estimating a 60 % increase
in transportation tonnes compared to the traffic in
2007 (Kuronen et al 2009). Further, the increase is
mainly due to increase in oil transport. Therefore,
there should also be an increase in the probability of
tanker collisions.
The “hot spot” area with the largest estimated
number of tanker collisions would be the merging
area of St. Petersburg and Vysotsk traffic. This
seems realistic, since according to the accident sta-
tistics of the Gulf of Finland (Hänninen & Ylitalo
2010), all non-ice related collisions had occurred in
the eastern part of the Gulf.
The expected transportation tonnes in “strong
growth” scenario was approximately 57 % larger
than in “slow growth”. Consequently, the expected
value for number of collisions in the “strong” sce-
nario is 44 % larger than in the “slow growth” sce-
nario. In contrast, when comparing the results of 15-
50-35 and 35-50-15 degree of belief weightings of
the traffic scenarios, the difference is not as clear. If
a weight of 0.15 was assigned to the ”slow growth”
scenario and 0.35 to the “strong”, the expected value
for number of collisions is only 5 % larger than if
the weights were assigned the other way round. This
can be explained by the relatively large weight given
to the “average” scenario (50 %) in both cases.
The modeling of the 2015 traffic included many
simplifications: the only difference between the pre-
sent maritime traffic and the one in 2015 was as-
sumed to be the numbers of oil tankers and other
cargo vessels navigating in the waterways. The in-
crease of the number of passenger ships, other ships,
high speed crafts, and chemical and gas tankers nav-
igating in the Gulf of Finland was not considered.
Moreover, the change in tanker and cargo vessel
numbers was estimated based on the assumption of
no change in ship size. Also, the locations of the wa-
terways were assumed to remain unchanged from
the 2008 situation, and the impacts of winter on col-
lision probability were excluded from the analysis.
The changes in variables affecting the causation
probability, such as the rules, regulations, safety cul-
ture and the competence of the mariners, or in tech-
nical equipment and the ships themselves, were not
considered in this study and should be taken into ac-
count when building a more sophisticated model for
assessing the collision risks in the future.
In Kuronen et al. (2009), each of the three traffic
scenarios had been presented as probability distribu-
tions. In order to include the uncertainty in the sce-
narios themselves, instead of using only the ex-
pected values, the traffic multipliers could also be
expressed in a distribution form. Further, consider-
ing the large number of variables with complicated
interrelations behind accident causation, the quality
of AIS data utilized in the traffic image composition,
and selection of the models to be applied for the col-
lision candidate and causation probability estima-
tion, one should also address the uncertainty in the
number of collision candidates and causation proba-
bility as well.
The approach presented in the paper could be uti-
lized in a wider risk analysis and decision-making
context. This work has already been started, as in
Lehikoinen et al. (in prep.) the presented model was
utilized as a part of a probabilistic decision analysis
model of oil transportation risks, whose purpose is to
aid the decision makers in choosing the best risk
control options when considering the environmental
consequences of oil accidents.
The study was conducted as a part of SAFGOF and
CAFE projects, financed by the European Union -
European Regional Development Fund - Regional
Councils of Kymenlaakso and Päijät-Häme, the City
of Kotka, Kotka-Hamina regional development
company Cursor Ltd., Kotka Maritime Research As-
sociation Merikotka and the following members of
the Kotka Maritime Research Centre Corporate
Group: Port of Hamina, Port of Kotka and Arctia
Shipping Oy (formerly Finstaship). The authors wish
to express their gratitude to the funders.
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