International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 3
September 2012
Paper describes Integrated Vessel Traffic Control
System realizing fusion of data received from shore
based station of the Automatic Identification System
(AIS) and pulse and Frequency Modulated Continu-
ous Wave (FMCW) radars and presenting infor-
mation on Electronic Navigational Chart issued by
the Polish National Hydrographical Service Hy-
drographical Office of the Polish Navy. Additionally
on the Observation Post is installed Multi Camera
System consisting of daylight and thermal cameras
showing automatically object tracked by radar and
selected manually by operator.
System was designed and built in the scope of re-
search work financed by the Polish Ministry of Sci-
ence and Higher Education as developmental project
No OR00002606 from the means for science in
2008-2010 years.
2.1 System configuration and features
Model of Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System
has a modular architecture. This system has been
subdivided into autonomous modules. Each of them
can be individually maintained, upgraded and/or re-
placed. Presented system has been designed to make
possible development of his elements and functions
in the future. The structure of the system has been
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Scheme of Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System.
The Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System is
an open-ended system, which is possible to integrate
with external systems. The system consists of one
Observation Post and one Control Centre. If re-
quired, there are abilities to connect to Control Cen-
Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System
M. Kwiatkowski, J. Popik & W. Buszka
Telecommunication Research Institute Ltd., Gdańsk, Poland
R. Wawruch
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Paper describes Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System realizing fusion of data received from
the shore based station of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and pulse and Frequency Modulated
Continuous Wave (FMCW) radars and presenting information on Electronic Navigational Chart. Additionally
on the Observation Post is installed Multi Camera System consisting of daylight and thermal cameras show-
ing automatically object tracked by radar and selected manually by operator.
tre several Observation Posts. All elements of the
system are linked through the LAN (Local Area
Figure 2 shows functional diagram of Observa-
tion Post. It consists of the following devices:
Pulse radar in X band;
Frequency Modulated Continues Wave (FMCW)
radar in X band;
Multi cameras system which comprise of daylight
and thermal cameras; and
Class A station of the Automatic Identification
System (AIS).
The pulse radar as well as the FMCW radar includes
plot extractor and tracker device.
The pulse NSC 25/34 Raytheon radar has been
applied in the model of integrated system for the
performance tests. This radar is characterized by the
maximum range equal 24 Nm. However the CRM-
203 FMCW radar, also used in the Observation Post,
has been produced by Telecommunication Research
Institute Ltd. This radar is able to detect objects at
maximum distance equal 48 Nm. It is necessary to
remember that range of radar destined to detection
of sea surface objects, also depends on a height of
antenna location and propagation conditions of elec-
tromagnetic wave.
Figure 2. Functional diagram of the Observation Post.
CRM-203 is fully solid state radar. It makes use
of modern technologies such as generation of emit-
ting signals on the base of frequency Direct Digital
Synthesis (DDS) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
processing implemented in signal processors Ti-
gerSHARC and Field Programmable Gate Array
(FPGA) circuits VIRTEX. Described radar can de-
tect sea surface targets and determine movement pa-
rameters of objects. It is equipped with modules re-
alizing ARPA's functions and can cooperate like
pulse ship’s radars with external sources of infor-
mation (GPS receiver, ship speed measuring device,
gyrocompass, satellite compass, scanner of charts,
etc.). CRM-203 is able to automatically tracking of
detected targets and to pass information about
tracked objects to command and control systems.
More detailed information about utilised FMCW
radar was presented during the previous TransNav
conference (Plata 2009).
Multi cameras system Sargas KDT-360 has been
installed on Observation Post of integrated system.
KDT-360 has been manufactured by the Polish
company Etronika. Maximum range of the multi
cameras system is in the order of several kilometers.
If necessary, it is possible to apply in the integrated
system cameras, which have better range features.
Moreover for performance tests purposes in Inte-
grated Vessel Traffic Control System has been used
as AIS coastal station AIS class A device produced
by SAAB.
The main task performed by the Observation Post
is supply information about sea surface situation in
detection range of the radars and operation range of
the AIS system. Moreover, remote controlled multi
cameras system can make identification of objects
detected by remain sensor or even external systems.
All devices are able to work in the unattended mode.
The functional diagram of the Control Centre has
been presented in Figure 3. The centre consists of
equipment as follows:
Operator workstation; and
Server as well as operator workstation operate under
control of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating sys-
Figure 3. Functional diagram of the Control Centre.
The Dell Power Edge T610 server has been used
in the presented system. This computer has two four
cores and 64 bits processors Xeon X5570, 32 GB of
RAM as well as five 300 GB hard disks. Hard disks
are operating under matrix system RAID 6.
The Dell Precision T5500 computer has been ap-
plied as operator workstation. This machine has
64 bits processor Intel Xeon W5580, 12 GB of
RAM, two 300 GB capacity hard disks and graphical
card NVIDIA Quadro FX3800. Hard disks in the
workstation are operating under matrix system
The Control Centre performs tasks as follows:
1 Generalization of information about current sea
surface situation. The process relies on verifica-
tion and data association collected from sensors,
which operate on Observation Post.
2 Monitoring, collecting and updating of sea sur-
face information within the scope of:
Tracking of all sea surface targets in range of
Control Centre operation;
Identification and classification of detected ob-
Distinguishing between stationary and mova-
ble objects;
Assertion of vessel entrance to areas temporar-
ily or permanently prohibited and other areas
defined by the operator;
Assertion of vessel descent from in forcing
maritime routes; and
Cooperation with others services.
3 Archiving and play back of recorded sea surface
Information received from radars and AIS are put
to the database. Next, these data are subjected to fu-
sion. Results of fusion are also written down to the
base. Communication and control of the sensors, the
database and the data fusion algorithms have been
implemented in the server.
Data from the base and the sensors i.e. radars,
AIS and even multi cameras system can be trans-
ferred automatically (in suitable range) to external
systems. Information from these external systems
can be received automatically, as well. Received da-
ta, such as targets tracks from radars and AIS are
written down to the base and are subject to fusion
with information obtained from local sensors of In-
tegrated Vessel Traffic Control System.
Information from all local sensors and external
systems are presented on two computer displays.
Actual positions and movement vectors of targets,
detected by radars and received from AIS devices
installed on vessels, are presented in the graphical
form on Electronic Chart Display and Information
System (ECDIS) (Weintrit 2009). The picture from
multi cameras system is presented in the separate
window (daylight or thermal camera). Archived
comprehensive sea surface situation can be playing
back in any moment.
Presented configuration of the model of integrat-
ed system and its functions can be changed. There-
fore, modifications and development of manufac-
tured vessel traffic control system are possible in
dependence on needs and requirements of a custom-
2.2 Data fusion
Multi-sensor data fusion is one of the most effective
ways to solve problems of different groups, which
have common characteristic features. It uses data
from multiple sources to achieve a result which
would not be possible to obtain from a single sensor.
Data received from different sources can be associ-
ated by make use of specific procedures of signal
processing, recognition, artificial intelligence and in-
formation theory. Many methods of data fusion have
been developed and their common feature is an in-
clusion of multiple layers of data processing in the
integration process.
Fusion process used in presented system can be
divided into several main stages (Figure 4):
1 Unification of state vectors units of targets and
bringing them to single timeline.
2 Association.
3 Determination of an updated state vectors.
The need to harmonize the time, results from the
asynchronous operation of sensors. They operate
with different frequencies and can be turned on at
different times. For example the position of radar an-
tennas working in the system can be different at any
given time. Uniform period of time equal 1 second
has been adopted. It allows easy synchronization of
data received from sensors with different frequen-
cies (typically: 2, 3, 6, 10 seconds).
Association is performed using the modified
PDAF algorithm (Probabilistic Data Association Fil-
ter) (Bar-Shalom et al. 1995, Bar-Shalom et al.
2001, Krenc 2006). In the modification we assume
that there are two (or more) sources of varying quali-
ty. The associated measurement can come from two
sources, one or none. Additionally, there is one vali-
dation gate, inside of which are measurements from
both sources. The modification relay on adding new
innovation vectors v and association mass e of these
where: v - the innovation vector; e - association mass
of innovation vector; S - innovation matrix; and
i, j - indexes (i j).
In this way has been assumed that data are re-
ceived from both sensors and probability of such
hypothesis is calculated. This allows several percent
of improvement in the quality of estimation.
Figure 4. Diagram of data fusion process.
The state vector updates are assigned on the basis
of calculated innovation vectors and association
The algorithm allows for flexible operation, de-
pending on currant conditions (adaptive assessment
of interferences) and quantity of information
2.3 Sea surface situation picture
As mentioned in paragraph 2.1, the function of
presentation of sea surface situation has been im-
plemented in the operator workstation. Picture is
presented on two displays, which shows fully inde-
pendent graphic information from the radars, AIS,
multi cameras system and external systems. Posi-
tions and motion vectors are displayed with different
accuracy, depending on the type of objects:
Detected only by radars;
Transmitting AIS data and not detected by radars;
Detected by radars and transmitting AIS data, af-
ter data fusion.
Sea surface objects are presented on electronic
navigation chart (Weintrit 2009). The situation can
be displayed on full screen of two monitors simulta-
neously or one monitor or else in dedicated window.
It is also possible to observe magnified area in sepa-
rate window. Operator’s console is presented in Fig-
ure 5. An example of costal sea surface situation pic-
ture is shown in Figure 6, whereas an example of
data fusion working is presented in Figure 7.
Figure 5. Operator’s console.
Figure 6. An example of costal sea surface situation picture.
On the left monitor there is the window display-
ing moving objects on the background of navigation
chart. Above, on top of the screen, has been placed
Menu Bar which make possible to choose the sub-
menu for selection of actions or to open control win-
dows. At the bottom of the screen has been placed
Status Bar (see Figure 6).
The right monitor is designed generally to present
windows with tables that contain descriptions of tar-
gets obtained from all sensors or external systems,
additional descriptions of tracking objects and tar-
gets after data fusion as well as to present the picture
from multi cameras system. An operator can shapes
the view on the screen in suitable for him manner
because any windows can be moved in the frame of
main window.
Figure 7. Two detected and tracked targets (circle 1 FMCW
radar, circle 2 pulse radar, triangle AIS, point data fu-
Software package EC2007 ECDIS Kernel devel-
oped by SevenCs GmbH has been used to build nav-
igation charts background. The package allows the
application of various types and formats of electron-
ic digital charts supplied by different manufacturers.
The set of tools and libraries Qt developed by
Nokia (formerly Trolltech) has been used to build
controls elements of the picture and specialized win-
dows, which present e.g. the list of sea surface pa-
rameters or the picture obtained from multi cameras
system. Qt provides up-to-date components and
mechanisms to build operator interface and tools to
implement communication, processing of text doc-
uments or to use databases.
The use of both software tools, i.e. EC2007 EC-
DIS Kernel and Qt, allows to rapid implementation
of the software which meet the requirements of
Some parts of the operator interface functions
have been performed solely for research purposes,
such as fusion algorithms and can not be found in
the target Integrated Vessel Traffic Control System.
Similarly, the units implemented in control parame-
ters of multi cameras system are as required by this
device. It has been done in order to facilitate opera-
tion tests and control of used multi cameras system.
Units or scope of unit’s description should be
adapted to thinking ways and working procedures of
an operator.
The solution of the picture displayed on monitors,
which has been adopted in Vessel Traffic Control
System, is flexible. Depending on the operator's
needs, presentation of sea surface situation and other
necessary information can be freely shaped.
Paper presents Integrated Vessel Traffic Control
System designed and constructed in the scope of re-
search work mentioned in the introduction. The sys-
tem works and results of its performance tests con-
ducted in autumn and winter 2010 are described in
other paper presented on this conference.
Bar-Shalom Y, Rong Li X. 1995. Multitarget-multisensor
tracking: Principles and techniques. University of Connecti-
Bar-Shalom Y., Rong Li X., Kirubarajan T. 2001. Estimation
with Applications to Tracking and Navigation. John Wiley
& Sons Inc.
Krenc K. 2006. Statistic methods of processed data evaluation
for the purpose of information fusion in C&C systems.
Plata S., Wawruch R. 2009. CRM-203 Type Frequency Modu-
lated Continuous Wave (FM CW) Radar. TransNav - Inter-
national Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea
Transportation, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 311-314
Weintrit A. 2009. The Electronic Chart Display and Infor-
mation System (ECDIS). An Operational Handbook. CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group