International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 3
September 2012
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have attracted
considerable amount of attention in recent years.
There is a sort of sensors in WSN, including seismic
sensors, temperature sensors, and humidity sensors
etc. It is a new way of acquiring information plat-
form that can supervise and collect various monitor
objectsstate. Its sensors can be positioned to many
geographical areas that human being can hardly ar-
rive even cant approach, for instance, volcano, the
arctic pole and hostile battle fields and so on. Small
size and minimum requirements from existing infra-
structure make WSN one of revolutionary technolo-
gies in 21st century that will have a significant im-
pact on our future life.
On the other hand, internet-of-things (IOT) is de-
signed as a world-wide network in which everything
can be identified by a unique address, every comput-
er, each desk so much so that even a stone can ac-
quire an exclusive address if we need. Every object
can join the network dynamically and each terminal
can collaborate and cooperate efficiently to achieve
different tasks. IOT can realize real-time data ob-
taining, information exchange, remote control mak-
ing use of traditional internet. IOT finds a range of
applications in daily life including intelligent trans-
portation system, smart home furniture, intelligent
fireproof and so on.
Nowadays vessels sailing in inland waterways are
increasing dramatically while the existing inland
navigation management information system cannot
provide more efficient service for inland rivers
management. Shortages of the management system
have manifested themselves in following spheres.
Firstly, fewer applications of advanced techniques
are employed in inland shipping administration. Ac-
cording to the survey statistics, ship-borne supervis-
ing devices are mostly deployed in ocean transporta-
tion vessels, namely AIS, GPS, RADAR, and other
modern technologies are scarcely mounted in inland
ships. Secondly, time-delay in current monitoring
system is larger, in other words information or data
broadcasted by the system are not latest. Whats
more it is difficult for such system to realize super-
vise and exchange information across the areas. As a
result more efficient real-time shipping management
system and more convenient data information shar-
ing system are required. Development of WSNs and
IOT make it possible to implement the very water-
craft management system. The newly system can
achieve low latency, inter-regional organizing net-
work, easy realization and other advantages with the
help of WSN and IOT for the aforementioned supe-
Novel Design of Inland Shipping Management
Information System Based on WSN and
H. Wu , X. Chen , Q. Hu & C. Shi
Merchant Marine College, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
J. Mo
Science and Technology Division, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China
ABSTRACT: Currently there are more and more ships sailing in inland waterways so that the traditional in-
land shipping management information system (ISMIS) becomes relatively backward. Based on the rapidly
developed new information technologies, such as wireless sensor network, Internet-of-things, cloud-
computing and so on, we propose a novel design of ISMIS, which is featured by low cost, environment-
friendly, cross platform, high scalability and integrity and thus can efficiently improve the inland shipping
management and inland water environment.
riorities are the unique properties of these burgeon-
ing IT technologies.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: In section 2 we present related work. In section
3, we propose whole design of inland shipping man-
agement system, including introduction of system
functionality, design of network structure. Mean-
while systems data processing based on cloud com-
puting is discussed in section 4 and middleware sys-
tem of inland shipping management system is
expounded in section 5. Then the paper is concluded
in section 6.
I.F. Akyildiz et al. [1] provided a review of factors
influencing the design of sensor networks and the
communication architecture for sensor networks was
outlined. In addition the algorithms, protocols for
each layer and open research issues for the realiza-
tion of sensor networks were also explored. He gives
us a better understanding of applications of sensor
network and the current research issues in the field,
like node localization, designing energy efficient ra-
dio circuits, sensor network topology, fulfillment of
its adaptivity to environment, protocols for sensor
network’s different layers and so on. It will be better
if the authors talk about difference between tradi-
tional sensor networks, wireless sensor network as
former can provide some assistance for the later.
The machine learning techniques applied in WSN
from both networking and application perspectives
were surveyed by Ma Di et al. [2]. Machine learn-
ing techniques have been applied in solving prob-
lems such as energy-aware communication, optimal
sensor deployment and localization, resource alloca-
tion and ask scheduling in WSNs. In application
domain, machine earning methods are mainly used
in information processing such as data conditioning,
machine inference and etc. The paper proposes a
novel approach that first extends rigorously pub-
lished mathematical constructs that merely approxi-
mate the long-term or stationary behavior of infor-
mation flows in WSNs to simplify computation and
simulation. Moreover, the approach, based on multi-
variate point processes, is shown to represent inter-
action of the parameters of the protocol layers by
William S. Hortos [3]. Both Ma Di [2] and William
S. Hortos [3] are talking about machine learning
techniques while Ma focuses on the application as-
pects and William mainly on theoretic field, and
their conclusions may be more stringency if they
present some simulations.
When deploying several applications over the
same WSN, One of the remaining problems resides
in the data aggregation solutions, which are pro-
posed generally for one application and may drain
the WSN power in a multi-application context.
Therefore, Ahmad Sardouk et al. [4] propose a data
aggregation scheme based on a multi-agent system
to aggregate the WSN information in an energy-
efficient manner even if we are deploying several
applications over this network. This proposal has
proved its performance in the context of one and
several applications through successive simulations
in different network scales. Ahmad Sardouk gives us
a concrete data priority processing scheme, and it
would be better if it provides some mathematical
model for the data aggregation scheme and discusses
the scheme’s node localization.
As ZigBee becomes a standard for WSN (Wire-
less Sensors Networks), and ZigBee and 802.15.4
had been proving they can achieve the mission
splendid, Xavier Carcelle et al. [5] will emphasize
on the past, present and future features for ZigBee,
taking a look on the feedback from previous imple-
mentations to finally design the next generations of
WSN based on ZigBee. Xavier Carcelle introduces
the past, present and future features for ZigBee in
detail, taking a look on the feedback from previous
implementations to finally design the next genera-
tions of WSN applications based on ZigBee. If he
connects WSN s’ applications with some new devel-
oping techniques, such as internet-of-things, cloud
computing and so forth, it will be perfect.
The research presented by Fuxing Yang et al. [6]
has been focused on wireless gateway based on
ZigBee and TD network. According to problems
caused by limited bandwidth of traditional wireless
sensory gateway, such as inferior network perfor-
mance and low efficiency of communication, this
paper comes up with a solution---a wireless sensory
gateway based on ZigBee/TD, closely combining
ZigBee net with TD-SCDMA net. In the plan of de-
sign, the network nodes transport data to gateway by
ZigBee short-range communication technique after
collecting them and the gateway sends them to con-
trol center by TD network from long distance, realiz-
ing the highly efficient long-range transport of data.
The design satisfies the efficiency and transparency
needed for inter-networks data exchange and it can
be scalable easily. Fuxing Yang gives an excellent
wireless gateway scheme and it may be more per-
suasive supposing that Fuxing Yang introduces
some related work.
Miaomiao Wang et al.[7] provide a comprehen-
sive review of the existing works on WSN middle-
ware, seeking for a better understanding of the cur-
rent issues and future directions in this field. They
also propose a reference framework to analyze the
functionalities of WSN middleware in terms of the
system abstractions and the services provided and
review the approaches and techniques for imple-
menting the services. Based on the analysis and us-
ing a feature tree, the paper provides taxonomy of
the features of WSN middleware and their relation-
ships, and uses the taxonomy to classify and evalu-
ate existing works. Open problems in this important
area of research are also discussed in [7]. Miaomiao
Wang gives us an overall detailed existing research
on WSN middleware. The paper can be a more co-
gency survey as if he tells some transport protocols
in WSN middleware.
Study on Internet-of-things is either in full swing.
Jianhua Liu et al. [8] propose a formal IOT context
model to perform self-adaptive dynamic service.
They provide a general context aware service based
on IOT communication and their context model is
used for service match and service composition to
reduce the consumption of devices resources and
cost. Stephan Haller et al. [9] survey that how the In-
ternet of Things is put in a wider context: how it re-
lates to the Future Internet overall and where the
business value lies so that it will become interesting
for enterprises to invest in it. Stephan Haller also
proposes the major application domains where the
Internet of Things will play an important role and po-
tential concrete business opportunities. Aitor Gomez-
Goiri et al. [10] address the progress towards a se-
mantic middleware which allows the communication
between a wide range of embedded devices in a dis-
tributed, decoupled, and very expressive manner.
This solution has been tested in a stereotypical de-
ployment scenario showing the promising potential
of this approach for local environments. Welbourne
E. et al. [11] design a suite of Web-based, user-level
tools and applications to empower users by facilitat-
ing their understanding, management, and control of
personal Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) data
and privacy settings. These applications are deployed
in the RFID Ecosystem and a four-week user study is
conducted to measure trends in adoption and utiliza-
tion of the tools and applications as well as users’
qualitative reactions.
Jianhua Liu [8] provides a simple enhanced dy-
namic service selection model and a formal internet-
of-things (IOT) context model; both of the models
are self-adaptive dynamic service model, and it
would be better as if the paper provides some math-
ematical models. Stephan Haller et al. ([9]-[11]) tell
us something more about IOT’s concrete enterprises
applications, combined with its specific applying
techniques, such as RFID, middleware and so on.
From personal point of view, the three papers need
some simulations. Stephan Haller [9] need to sup-
plement some content in chapter of the major tech-
nique issues, such as privacy, virtual and physical
world fusion and so on, as these are important for
the spread of IOT in future. Aitor Gomez-Goiri et al.
[10] can introduce something concerned with IOT
middleware and distributed computing so that the
paper may be more consummate. Analogously,
Welbourne E. [11] may replenish some information
about RFID middleware for building the internet-of-
things era.
3.1 System functionality
Currently inland shipping management is in com-
paratively chaotic state. Vessel control and supervise
departments are distributed in different regions such
that management efficiency is lower for information
barrier and information island. Evolution of IOT and
WSN provides novel approach for internal naviga-
tion administration. Accordingly it is high time to
establish a more efficient integrated management in-
formation system, which we refer to as Inland Ship-
ping Management Information System (ISMIS) ca-
tering to the aforementioned claim.
ISMIS takes advantage of wireless sensor net-
work technology, RFID technique, and IOT to pro-
vide real-time information for inland ships, vessel
management department, and other correlative ad-
ministrative departments. RFID tags embedded in
ship can transform ships dynamic and static infor-
mation to base station, auxiliary sensors can de-
ployed in inland waterways, bridges, ships which
havent been equipped with RFID equipments or
other identification facilities and other places if nec-
essary. Wireless Sensor Networks can acquire and
survey ships state (including ships name, vessels
number, tonnage of ship, vessel course, and naviga-
tional speed etc.) accurately such that upper comput-
ers and central control monitoring system can raise
the management level tremendously.
WSN that used to detect environment and device
status can avoid some unwanted accidents. For in-
stance, sensors deployed in bridge will detect
bridge’s intensity of pier and bridge girder by the
minute so that its hidden danger can be hustled out
of the way as early as possible. Sensors in ISMIS
can also aid navigation as they can broadcast fair-
way information ahead such as traffic condition,
traffic density, navigational danger, water area state,
and so forth.
Whats more ISMIS provides a good basis for the
standard of RFID technique, information system, in-
formation encoding, measurement, management
mode, manipulation, and other technique touchstone.
3.2 Design of network framework
Network structure of ISMIS includes wireless sen-
sor networks, cable network, terminal users and,
management system server, and so forth. Cable net-
work mainly presides over the communication
among terminal customers, principal computers, and
center controlling system. Data transmitted from
base station or principal computers can be sent to
center controlling system by cable network. Users
requests and administrators’ management activities
are executed through internet. Spot data and infor-
mation delivered by RFID data acquisition unit can
be gained by upper computers in real-time. The ar-
chitecture of network frame is displayed in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Architechture of network framework
Wireless sensor network in ISMIS primary im-
plements function of detecting vessel information,
environment state, bridge information, traffic status,
and other factors which affect vessel operation. Sen-
sor nodes can be divided into four categories: vessel
nodes, bridge nodes, shore-based nodes, underwater
nodes, and other nodes. With nodes distributed in a
variety of monitoring areas, we can coverage most
of supervising areas at the cost of lower costing such
that all monitoring targets will transfer their status
messages, at regular time, to base station or other da-
ta acquisition devices. WSN is ambient environment
self-adaptively ad hoc network; it consists of physi-
cal layer, MAC layer, topology layer, network layer,
transfer layer, and application layer. On one hand,
RFID data collecting facilities sweep ship-borne
RFID device to get watercrafts relative information
at a fixed time, and data acquired in real-time are
transmitted to local vessel management department
and vessel center control monitoring system by
RFID middleware system. On the other hand, vessel
sensor nodes, which have been equipped with mi-
crochips that can realize information exchange au-
tomatically, underwater sensor nodes, shore-based
nodes, and other sensor nodes shape ad hoc network.
The ad hoc network is able to get and deliver super-
vising ranges dynamic information and static state
in real time which enhance remote management effi-
ciency. Certainly WSNs information and data
should be transferred to center management moni-
toring system with the help of WSN information
middleware system. Partial pseudo-codes of WSN
information middleware system are as follows:
Implementation {components vessel-node;
Class create-node-information
Transfer (vessel-node information);
Char* vessel-node location;
Char* vessel-speed;
Char* vessel-direction;
int vessel-call-sign;
int vessel-IMO;
Refresh information database;
Return 0 ;}
3.3 Design of inland shipping management
information system
Inland shipping management information system
(ISMIS) employs wireless sensor network, RFID
technique, IOT technology and other modern IT
technique into inland vessel administration. ISMIS
realizes precisely control over inland ships by the
aid of WSN, IOT, and RFID, for the center control
and management system of ISMIS can receive su-
pervisory scope information concerning ships, navi-
gation lock, fairway, traffic density, and other cor-
relative data.
WSN in ISMIS plays the role of monitoring
most targets, such as ships sailing in inland rivers,
buoys, environment state, navigation danger, and so
forth. WSN combines with RFID constitutes ISMIS
bracket and network nerve. With the help of such
modern IT technique, ISMIS can effectively sched-
ule distributed vessel management subsystem and
ship sailing in inland rivers so as to prevent traffic
jam and accidents happening. Structure of ISMIS is
showed in Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Architecture of inland shipping management information system
3.4 Achievement of dynamic node connecting to
local cluster network
As vessels are shipping on inland rivers, nodes of
WSN are changing constantly. Therefore locomotive
ship nodes connect to local WSNs via wireless sen-
sor networks gateway and concrete realization as
Step 1: apply for joining native sub-WSN
A ship which functions as traveling node need to
join native wireless sensor sub-network to formulate
real time ad-hoc network. First thing for the mobile
node is applying for registration in the sub-network.
It broadcasts gateway request messages over the
sub-network. The nearest sink node of the sub-
network will build request-join nodes path distance
variable-Hops as soon as it receives registration
messages delivered by ship node, and its initial value
is 0. Then sink node sends permission messages of
joining sub-network and application affirm infor-
mation to the application node by clusters nodes.
That very node will deliver response verification
messages to sink node such that sink node can dy-
namic updates cluster nodes information.
Step 2: registration in the sub-network
Ship node transmits its relevant information, in-
volving path hops, routing information and other in-
formation to sink node to login the cluster as a tem-
porary member. Head-node forwards the receiving
information to upper-computer system through wire-
less gateway. Upper- computer system generates
provisional ID for new ship node and stores its in-
formation into ship node database. After that, ex-
temporaneous ship node ID, registration identifying
code and other essential data packets are sent to sink
node and vessel sensor. Ship node can complete reg-
istering procedure so long as it receives extempora-
neous ID and registration code. So far, sink node
possess newcomers information while it obtains
upper-computer systems consent orders, such as
registration node ID, registration area and so forth.
Till then it is legal for the newcomer communicates
with sink node and executes the task assigned by su-
per-stratum node. The representation of the node
joining local sub wireless sensor network is dis-
played in Fig. 3.
Figure 3. Schematic of new node joining into native sub-wsn
Step 3: task process
On the one hand, the new-coming member node
needs to coordinate with sink node, shore-based
nodes, environment supervising nodes and other
nodes to realize information sharing that supervised
and transmitted by upper nodes.
Ship-borne information collecting device, namely
ship node transfers its data and acquired information
to sink node which will transmit them to local vessel
management department after data filtering and
screening by network base station. Simultaneously,
native environment nodes and bridge nodes and oth-
er relative nodes broadcast their monitoring data and
messages to vessel controlling center which com-
prise of traffic density, water quality, embargo an-
nouncement, fair-way condition ahead and so on to
shipping management centre to realize maximum ef-
ficiency of the whole wireless sensor network. In
addition each sink node and nodes in every cluster
communicate with each other through optimal path,
while gateway link sensors are deployed in every
navigation bridge, distributed to implement remote
control and converting protocols between different
networks and sink nodes.
Currently there is no uniform international definition
of cloud computing. Domestic IT industry gives the
definition of cloud computing as follows: cloud
computing is the fusion of the traditional IT technol-
ogies and some newly developing techniques; the
former involves grid computing, distributed compu-
ting, parallel computing, utility calculation, network
storage, virtualization, load balance and the latter
mainly comprises grid technology.
Inland shipping management information system
as a large-scale inland crafts management system, it
will handle, transmit, and store mass data as well as
huge quantity of information and it really a chal-
lenge for we to implement sufficient facilities to ac-
complish such function. However cloud computing
can meet our demand in acceptable overhead. For
this reason we make use of could computing to con-
duct, store and broadcast our data as same as infor-
The specific procedures as follows: firstly, data or
messages delivered by RFID middleware systems
are decrypted, filtered, transformed in the light of
stated format and requirement by distributed calcu-
lating center, which includes virtual computing cen-
ters and physical calculating centers, in cloud com-
puting platform. Then vessel central control
monitoring system which is the command center of
inland shipping management information system
will publish warning information for ships if any ob-
structions exist in front of the waterway. In addition,
cloud computing can also forward, convert format of
correlative upper computers’ orders for rock-bottom
devices and equipments. Besides, WSN middleware
systems dispatch their gathering information to ves-
sel center monitoring system through wireless
transmission protocol and then all messages are con-
ducted by cloud computing which as with processing
RFID devices’ information.
In the inland shipping management information sys-
tem middleware systems are essential for the data
and information of ship-borne RFID devices and
WSN nodes are incompatible in upper computer sys-
tems. Consequently we need to develop RFID mid-
dleware system and WSN middleware system re-
spectively. Function modules of RFID middleware
system comprise formatting data, ensuring data
communication security, data caching and filtering
module, supplying application program interfaces
etc [12]. That’s to say, all data and messages deliv-
ered by ship-borne facilities will be processed before
they are sent to vessel central control monitoring
system. To the contrary, all messages would be
transformed to compatible formats before they are
transmitted to lower layer or bottom users broad-
casted by ship central control supervisory system.
WSN middleware system is somewhat resem-
bling RFID middleware system. The middleware
system offers several terminal users interfaces for
outside applications, including ship node middle-
ware interface, bridge node middleware interface,
water-supervisory node middleware interface, and
other comprehensive interfaces for different kind of
sensor nodes. These interfaces will transmit and re-
ceive data or information as required in WSN pro-
cessing and monitoring center. Internal function
modules of WSN middleware will execute their reg-
ular work automatically as long as relative data or
information access into database of middleware sys-
tem. The architecture of WSN middleware system is
shown is Fig. 4.
Figure 4. Architecture of WSN middleware system
This paper proposed a novel design of inland ship-
ping management information system (ISMIS) for
improving inland shipping management level. Since
the design is based on wireless sensor network
whose cost-effective is steadily higher the recent
years, ISMIS can extend its supervising objects dy-
namically with the help of WSN, IOT, cloud compu-
ting, middleware technology and other IT tech-
niques. Namely, inland shipping will be more
efficient, real-time, and convenient than present in-
land shipping management system and inland ships
will enjoy better information service in envisioned
future with the establishment of ISMIS. In future we
will pay more attention to the improvement and im-
plementation of inland shipping intelligent manage-
ment level using WSN and IOT techniques.
This work was supported by Science & Technology
Program of Shanghai Maritime University
(20110028), Innovation Program of Shanghai Mu-
nicipal Education Commission (09YZ247) and
Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project
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