International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 2
June 2012
These new requirements for engineers were pro-
posed by Japan, and comparing them to the former
text of the STCW’95 Code, now are much more
The reason why Japan decided to do it was pre-
sented in its document STW 40/7/54: “Japan be-
lieves that the proposed personnel like an electric
officer and an electro-technical officer are not nec-
essary, as long as the existing requirements and
qualifications are appropriately maintained. Japan
considers that there is a background for the pro-
posals that the requirements in tables A-III/1 and A-
III/2 lack detail or specifics and do not seem to re-
flect the contemporary technologies. Accordingly,
Japan proposes amendments to tables A-III/1 and A-
III/2, describing the requirements in more concrete
ways and adding requirements in K.U.P.
(Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency) re-
garding high voltage installations that are consid-
ered as not a new technology, but a new category
(STW 40/7/18)”.
This approach is rather controversial and many
opposite opinions were presented and discussed [1],
[2]. The IMO STW forum decided to reject Japanese
point of view as a general concept, but accepted a
development of new “Electrical, electronic and con-
trol engineering” standards for engineer officers.
A short comparison of requirements and related
standards for electro-technical and engineer officers
leads to conclusion, that it would be very difficult or
even almost impossible to achieve these new stand-
ards for marine engineers.
The authors are of the opinion that above men-
tioned amendments have a great impact on and must
significantly change the model courses for marine
“Electrical, Electronic and Control
EngineeringNew Mandatory Standards of
Competence for Engineer Officers, Regarding
Provisions of the Manila Amendments to the
J. Wyszkowski & J. Mindykowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper presents the new requirements for the certification of watchkeeping engineers, chief
engineer officers and second engineer officers, in the part related to the function “Electrical, electronic and
control engineering”, provided in the Manila amendments to the part A of the STCW Code and the conse-
quences for maritime education and training resulting from them.
2.1 STCW’95 Code
Table A-III/1. Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned en-
gine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room [3]
Function: electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Knowledge, understanding and
Methods for demonstrating com-
Criteria for evaluating compe-
Operate alterna-
tors, generators
and control sys-
Generating plant
Appropriate basic electrical
knowledge and skills
Preparing, starting, coupling and
changing over alternators or gen-
Location of common faults and
action to prevent damage
Control systems
Location of common faults and
action to prevent damage
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training
ship experience
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Operations are planned and car-
ried out in accordance with estab-
lished rules and procedures to en-
sure safety of operations
Table A-III/2. Specification of minimum standard of competence for chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships
powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more [3]
Function: electrical, electronic and control engineering at the management level
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Knowledge, understanding and
Methods for demonstrating com-
Criteria for evaluating compe-
electronic and
control systems
Theoretical knowledge
Marine electrotechnology, elec-
tronics and electrical equipment
Fundamentals of automation, in-
strumentation and control sys-
Practical knowledge
Operation, testing and mainte-
nance of electrical and electronic
control equipment, including
fault diagnostics
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training
ship experience
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Operation of equipment and sys-
tem is in accordance with operat-
ing manuals
Performance levels are in accord-
ance with technical specifications
Test, detect faults
and maintain and
restore electrical
and electronic con-
trol equipment to
operating condi-
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training
ship experience
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Maintenance activities are cor-
rectly planned in accordance with
technical, legislative, safety and
procedural specifications
The effect of malfunctions on as-
sociated plant and systems is ac-
curately identified, ship’s tech-
nical drawings are correctly
interpreted, measuring and cali-
brating instruments are correctly
used and action taken are justified
2.2 STCW’2010 Code
Table A-III/1. Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned en-
gine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room [4]
Function: electrical, electronic and control engineering at operational level
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Knowledge, understanding and
Methods for demonstrating com-
Criteria for evaluating compe-
electronic and
control systems
Basic configuration and
operation principles of the
following electrical,
electronic and control
.1 electrical equipment:
generator and
distribution systems
preparing, starting,
paralleling and
changing over
electrical motors
including starting
sequential control
circuits and associated
system devices
.2 electronic equipment:
characteristics of basic
electronic circuit
flowchart for automatic
and control systems
functions, characteristics
and features of control
systems for machinery
items, including main
propulsion plant
operation control and
steam boiler automatic
.3 control systems:
various automatic control
methodologies and
Derivative (PID) control
characteristics and
associated system
devices for process
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training
ship experience
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Operations are planned and
carried out in accordance with
operating manuals, established
rules and procedures to ensure
safety of operations
Electrical, electronic and
control systems can be
understood and explained with
and repair of
electrical and
Safety requirements for
working on shipboard
electrical systems, including
the safe isolation of electrical
equipment required before
personnel are permitted to
work on such equipment
Maintenance and repair of
electrical system equipment,
switchboards, electric motors,
generator and DC electrical
systems and equipment
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved workshop
skills training
approved practical
experience and tests
approved in-service
approved training
ship experience
Safety measures for working
are appropriate
Selection and use of hand tools,
measuring instruments, and
testing equipment are
appropriate and interpretation
of results is accurate
Dismantling, inspecting,
repairing and reassembling
equipment are in accordance
with manuals and good
Detection of electric
malfunction, location of
faults and measures to
prevent damage
Construction and operation of
electrical testing and
measuring equipment
Function and performance
tests of the following
equipment and their
.1 monitoring systems
.2 automatic control devices
.3 protective devices
The interpretation of
electrical and simple
electronic diagrams
Reassembling and performance
testing is in accordance with
manuals and good practice
Table A-III/2. Specification of minimum standard of competence for chief engineer officers and second engineer officers on ships
powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion power or more [4]
Function: electrical, electronic and control engineering at management level
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Knowledge, understanding and
Methods for demonstrating com-
Criteria for evaluating compe-
operation of
electrical and
Theoretical knowledge
Marine electrotechnology,
electronics, power
electronics, automatic control
engineering and safety
Design features and system
configurations of automatic
control equipment and safety
devices for the following:
main engine
generator and
distribution system
steam boiler
Design features and system
configurations of operational
control equipment for
electrical motors
Design features of
high-voltage installations
Features of hydraulic and
pneumatic control equipment
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training ship
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Operation of equipment and
system is in accordance with
operating manuals
Performance levels are in
accordance with technical
restoration of
electrical and
equipment to
Practical knowledge
Troubleshooting of electrical
and electronic control
Function test of electrical,
electronic control equipment
and safety devices
Troubleshooting of
monitoring systems
Software version control
Examination and
assessment of evidence
obtained from one or
more of the following:
approved in-service
approved training ship
approved simulator
training, where
approved laboratory
equipment training
Maintenance activities are
correctly planned in accordance
with technical, legislative,
safety and procedural
Inspection, testing and
troubleshooting of equipment
are appropriate
2.3 Analysis of the text of the STCW’95 and
STCW’2010 Code
Comparing specification of minimum standard of
competence for officers in charge of an engineering
watch listed in Table A-III/1, it is possible to find in
the STCW’95 Code only one standard: “Operate al-
ternators, generators and control systems”, in the
STCW’2010 Code there are two:
“Operate electrical, electronic and control systems
and “Maintenance and repair of electrical and elec-
tronic equipment”.
In the STCW’95 Code these two standards of
competence belonged to chief engineer officers and
second engineer officers. It means that in the
STCW’2010 Code the requirements for watchkeep-
ing engineers are much higher than before. The con-
tents of the second column (K.U.P.) of the table A-
III/1 in the STCW’95 and STCW’2010 Code shows
how big is the difference.
The chief engineer officers and second engineer
officers in the STCW’2010 Code have two standards
of competence:
“Manage operation of electrical and electronic
control equipment” and “Manage troubleshooting,
restoration of electrical and electronic control
equipment to operating condition”. It means that
now they are not obliged to operate or maintain and
repair of electrical, electronic and control equip-
ment, as it was before, now it is a job of watchkeep-
ing engineers.
It is interesting to compare the competences
and K.U.P.s of engineer officers and electro-
technical officers in the wake of the Manila amend-
ments to the STCW Code [4].
A short comparison of competencies leads to
conclusion, that engineer officers are obliged to
know how to operate, maintain and repair all electri-
cal, electronic and control systems onboard the ship.
The electro-technical officers should know how
to monitor, maintain and repair the systems men-
tioned above and to operate only generators and dis-
tribution systems below and in excess of 1000 V.
With regard to overview of K.U.P.s of both kinds
of officers under consideration results that for com-
petence “Operate electrical, electronic and control
systems” the requirements listed in K.U.P. column
of Table A-III/1 for engineer officers are more de-
tailed than for electro-technical officers.
Concluding, engineer officers competencies and
K.U.P.s are comparable and sometimes more exactly
described in detailed aspects than appropriate re-
quirements for electro-technical officers.
That’s why the validation of existing model train-
ing courses:
7.02 Chief and 2nd Engineer Officer,
7.04 Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
is very important and should take into account all
these new requirements provided in the
STCW’2010 Code.
The authors are of the opinion, that it would be
very difficult to meet these requirements without
significant increase in the duration of the model
courses, especially of the last one.
[1] Are engineers getting the electrical training they need? In
Marine Engineering Review, March 2006, p. 35-36.
[2] Wyszkowski J. et al. 2009. Novelties in the development of
the qualification standards for Electro-Technical Officers
under STCW Convention requirements. In proc. 8th Inter-
national Navigational Symposium on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation, Trans-Nav, Gdynia,
[3] STCW Convention. Final Act of the 1995 Conference of
Parties to the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,
[4] STCW CONF.2-DC-2 - Adoption of the final act and any
instruments, resolutions and recommendations resulting
from the work of the conference. Draft resolution 2. Adop-
tion of amendment to the seafarers’ training, certification
and watchkeeping (STCW) Code, 2010.