International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 2
June 2012
The popular assumption is that a safety of the vessel
is fulfilled by having in vessel's disposal a naviga-
tional chart in proper scale and a device or a method
fixing position on this chart. By this way is possible
to establish the main criterion of the navigational
safety in regions well recognized - distance to the
dangerous objects. In this case the object is univo-
cally defined and charted.
The goal of the author is to establish methods for
assessment of the vessel’s safety during planning
and monitoring of voyage in unsurveyed or poorly
surveyed regions in clear and simple manner that
fulfill requirements of governing regulations (IMO
1993). It includes the navigational information in
world resources of charts and the autonomous
equipment possible to be on board the vessel. One
identifies relations corresponding to the navigational
safety based on field data.
The navigational support of the voyage was divided
into internal and external navigational information.
Internal one was related to the ship's own technical
devices. External one was related to the charts, pilot
books or other information.
2.1 External methods to support the navigation
The main sources of the information for the safe
navigation were sea charts contents. Rest of the in-
formation came from the various nautical publica-
tions. Usefulness of the charts was assessed at first
approach by theirs scale and reliability of the content
(Pastusiak 2010).
2.1.1 Scale of charts
The application of the charts for navigational
purposes was closely correlated with theirs scale.
The electronic chart catalogues (Jeppesen Norway
A/S 2010; Primar Stavanger 2010; Transas Marine
Ltd 2010; UKHO 2010) and the internet chart cata-
logues (IC-ENC,, 23-Mar-
2011; NOAA,, 16-Jan-10;
NOAA,, 16-Jan-
Ship’s Navigational Safety in the Arctic
Unsurveyed Regions
T. Pastusiak
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: High traffic of the vessels in many regions of the world pressed maritime nations to issue good
quality nautical charts. Vessels could proceed safely on planned voyage using nautical chart and GPS position
receiver. Above popular assumptions were right in well recognized and charted regions. But some regions
were not sufficiently surveyed or not surveyed at all. In this case position fixing system was useless. The only
way was to follow the vessel’s hydroacoustic equipment to find out safe route in between dangers.
The goal of the author was to settle matters of the unsurveyed regions. First question was quality of the in-
formation on charts and role of the vessel’s autonomous hydroacoustic equipment in safety of the navigation.
Second question were safety parameters kept by the research vessel.
10; IC-ENC,; Garmin Ltd,, 08-Jan-10; Jeppesen
Norway A/S,, 25-Jan-10;
ChartWorld GmbH,, 29-
Jan-10) introduced division mostly in 6 groups of
charts. It was related to kind of voyage, details of the
information included and the scale of chart (Weintrit
2009). The scale of chart was correlated with posi-
tion error of features placed on chart. It was 0.3 mil-
limetres in lineal measure. In Table 1 there are pre-
sented the position errors of the placed information
(features) related to the worst scales of charts in the
Table 1. Groups of charts and position error of charted features.
Group (band) Scale Position error of
charted feature (m)
Overview 1:700,000 or smaller 700 or more
General 1;180,000 to 1:350,000 105
Coastal 1:75,000 to 1:180,000 54
Approach 1:12,500 to 1:45,000 13.5
Harbour 1:8,000 to 1:22,000 6.6
Berthing 1:4,000 or greater 1.2
2.1.2 Reliability of chart content
Reliability of charts content was described by
date of a survey when source data came from. Actu-
ally used descriptions like “unsurveyed” region,
“poorly examined”, “inaccurately examined”, ”fully
examined” should be correlated with presently being
introduced meaning like Zones of Confidence ZOC
(Gale 2009; UKHO 2004). Zones of Confidence re-
ferred to detection and quality of the measurement
of the features on a seabed. Important matter was
probability of missing (not placing) a navigational
danger on a chart . Zones of Confidence were not
implemented on all charts till now. On many elec-
tronic charts of not well surveyed regions placed
ZOC category “U” that means “unclassified”. The
vessels should use best scale charts for the intended
voyage. The world charts resources were searched in
relation to Murchisonfjorden region at Nor-
Figure 1. (a) Surveyed region in Isvika (contour line indicates
edge of surveyed lane). (b) Isvika survey region on Svalbard
Table 2. Coverage of Isvika region by charts.
Source Scale / Bands SOLAS Kind of chart
UKHO general Official paper, ARCS
Norwegian HO 1:100,000 Official Paper
Russia GUNiO 1:200,000 Official Paper
AVCS Transit Official Electronic
ECDIS Service Full Official Electronic
Primar no coverage ------------ -----------------
Transas Marine 1:200,000 Unofficial Electronic TX-97
Garmin 1:100,000 Unofficial Electronic products
Bluecharts G
Jeppesen 1:100,000 Unofficial Electronic products
Marine C-MAP NT, MAX,
Jeppesen 1:1,500,000 Official Electronic CM-93/3
Marine C-MAP
SevenCs GmbH Harbour Unofficial Electronic
Navionics ENC
2.1.3 Sources of origin of the chart
For purpose of this work reviewed, taken into
consideration and subsequently divided charts as fol-
lows: official, unofficial, „other bathymetric“ and
„other - non bathymetric. Official charts fulfilled re-
quirements of SOLAS, Chapter V, Regulation 2.2
(IMO 2004) that states “Nautical chart or Nautical
publication is a special purpose map or book, or a
specially compiled database from which such a map
or book is derived that is issued officially by or on
the authority of a Government, authorised Hydro-
graphic Office or other relevant government institu-
tion and is designed to meet the requirements of ma-
rine navigation”. Official charts published by
Hydrographic Offices guaranted systematic updates
of the informational content according to IMO re-
quirements. Zones of Confidence scale should be
available on the chart.
Unofficial charts were of commercial destination.
Theirs informational content had same source of ori-
gin like charts issued by Hydrographic Offices. Un-
official charts not fulfilled SOLAS requirements and
not guaranted systematic updates of the information-
al content. These charts frequently contain additional
commercial information. Vessels operating on unof-
ficial charts are to have and use also up-to-dated of-
ficial charts - at least paper ones.
„Other bathymetric“ unofficial charts were of
scientific value. The goal of the authors was the
most reliable presentation of depths and sea bottom
relief. Source materials were made frequently with-
out taking into consideration standards of related to
hydrographic surveys described in IHO publication
(IHO 2008) by the persons not being qualified in the
hydrography discipline nor production of official sea
charts. Such charts not included in most cases cor-
rections for sea level in relation to Chart Datum nor
corrections for vertical location of sounder or echo-
sounder transducer. Accuracy of sounding was not
estimated nor included in depth reduction. However
„other bathymetric“ charts were related to hydro-
graphic niches and sometimes were valuable source
of information about sea bottom relief in the region
of interest. Due to lack of better sources of hydro-
graphic information these charts could be usefull for
the initial voyage planning of hydro-graphic surveys.
Informational content allowed to grant them class
from „Coastal” till „Approach”. Appointment of
ZOC class for each „other - bathymetric“ unofficial
chart required individual assessment.
„Other non bathymetric“ charts were of scien-
tific value. Theirs authors not planned reliable
presentation of depths nor sea bottom relief. Sources
of information related to the sea bottom were in
most cases unknown. However these charts con-
tained informations that allowed to give them ZOC
class „Overview”. For the voyage planning purposes
ZOC scale on „other non bathymetric“ charts was
not so important.
Reliability of the information content was at-
tributed to the new scale ZOC that replaced infor-
mations about date of last hydrographic survey in
the mentio-ned region. Assumed, that implementa-
tion of new scale of reliability of informational con-
tent on the charts requires prolonged period of time.
It was due to necessity to re-assess date of hydro-
graphic survey and corellated informations on actual
charts that not corresponded with new precise scale
of ZOC.
During process of voyage planning in the unsur-
veyed or poorly surveyed regions should be taken
into consideration the coverage of the region of in-
terest by charts for navigational purposes take into
account all three informative elements: the scale of a
chart, the scale of reliability ZOC and the reliability
of the sources of origin of the chart information.
Table 3. Assessment of external support.
Kind Scale One Two Three Four Five Lack
of same level levels levels levels levels of
charts with lower lower lower lower lower chart
norm then then then then then
norm norm norm norm norm
Official 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Unofficial 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
"Other 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
"Other 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Sum of Maximum possible 24 scores
External methods to support the navigation can be
estimated by reviewing available world charts re-
sources and the charts possessed by the vessel. In-
troduced quality scale of support (Table 3) to evalu-
ate external support to the navigation on board the
vessel. The norm was the scale of chart comparable
to the planned kind of the navigation (UKHO 2009;
UKHO 2010; Jeppesen Norway A/S 2010; IC-ENC
2010; ChartWorld GmbH 2010; Primar Stavanger
2009; Weintrit 2009).
For easy assessment of the external support to the
navigation available on board a vessel introduced
relative coefficient of the external support Ce ex-
pressed by Equation 1:
( )
where C
- the coefficient of the external protection
(%); O - quality rating support by the official charts
in scores from 0 to 6; U - quality rating support by
the unofficial charts in scores from 0 to 6; B - quali-
ty rating support by the “other charts - bathymetric,
in scores from 0 to 6; N - quality rating support by
the “other non-bathymetric charts" in scores from 0
to 6.
The comparison in between potential and actual
support on board the vessel can indicate possibility
and/or necessity of improvement of the external
support quality.
The survey region of Isvika was situated in the
South Eastern part of Murchisonfjorden located on
Nordaustlandet (79°58′N, 18°33′E). The bottom of
Isvika region was rocky, partly coated by a layer of
sediments of glacial origin. From the external
sources of the information (UKHO 2007; The Nor-
wegian Hydrographic Service and Norwegian Polar
Research Institute 1990) found that the surrounding
region not passed any systematical survey. The ships
should navigate with considerable caution because
the sea bottom is very irregular. To be taken into
consideration the existence of not detected danger-
ous banks. Ascertained existence of almost vertical
changes of depth. Even at depths 50 -100 meters can
appear small depths in vicinity. It requires special
caution. The distances to the visible apparent danger
(coast line) on the radar screen during surveys were
about 0.05 nautical miles (Fig. 2a). However, the
coast line was not the closest dangerous feature. The
closest dangers were unknown small depths in close
vicinity of the vessel (Fig. 2b). Reviewing the above
mentioned external information ascertained the
proper scale of a chart required for survey works in
Isvika region as 1:10,000. It corresponded to the
group "Harbour".
The official paper chart (Statens Kartverk 2001)
shown reliable isobaths, features and coast line. The
scale of the chart and the informational content not
assured 100% of navigational safety. The official
electronic chart of Transas Marine in scale
1:12,500,000 was not qualified to support naviga-
tion. The unofficial electronic chart Garmin Blue-
chart shown isobaths, features and coast line proper-
ly, but the scale of the chart and the informational
content not assured 100% of navigational safety.
Insufficient external information on the charts re-
quired to support the navigation in poorly surveyed
region (an partly not surveyed at all) of Murchi-
sonfjorden including Kinnvika and Isvika (The
Norwegian Hydrographic Service and Norwegian
Polar Research Institute 1990) with the autonomous
ship’s internal methods detecting dangers to the nav-
Figure 2. (a) Distance to danger on radar image. (b) Transverse
depths profile at radar position
2.2 Internal methods to support navigation
Internal methods to support the navigation of the
vessel were based on possessed by the vessel tech-
nical resources. They allowed autonomous detection
of underwater dangers. Advantages and disad-
vantages of each method not clarified superiority
any of below mentioned methods.
2.2.1 Sonar looking forward
The sonar looking forward allowed detection of
underwater objects (features) in front of the vessel.
The image of the situation was presented on heading
in vertical and horizontal sections. In case sonar
looking forward was only one electro acoustic de-
vice being on board vessel, one could continue a
safe voyage in any direction.
2.2.2 Multibeam echosounder
The multibeam echosounder detected underwater
objects (features) in transverse plane of the vessel. It
not informed about the situation in front of the ves-
sel. In case the multibeam echosounder was only one
electro acoustic device being on board the vessel in
unsurveyed regions, one could continue safe voyage
across planned direction of the voyage. It required
proceed along the lanes of previous measurements of
the multibeam echosounder.
2.2.3 Single-beam echosounder
The single-beam echosounder detected underwa-
ter objects along perpendicular line under the vessel.
It not informed about the situation in front of the
vessel. In case the single-beam echosounder was on-
ly one electro acoustic device being on board the
vessel in unsurveyed regions, one could extrapolate
a distance to the potential underwater danger from
tendency of depth changes. The single-beam echo-
sounder was not a fully autonomous device nor as-
sured 100% safety of the navigation.
2.2.4 Echosounder on boat proceeding in front of
the vessel
The boat proceeding in front of the vessel was
equipped with single-beam echosounder. Results of
this method were very similar to sonar looking for-
ward. Safety output depended on qualifications of
the boat crew and cooperation in between the boat
and the vessel. It required good radio information
Quality of internal methods to support the naviga-
tion ascertained by reviewing equipment possessed
by the vessel. Proposed scale was presented in Ta-
ble 4.
Table 4 . Assessment of internal support.
Device being Efficient and Efficient and Inefficient or
aboard reliable not reliable lack device
Sonar looking 2 1 0
Multibeam 2 1 0
Single-beam 2 1 0
Echosounder on 2 1 0
boat proceeding
Sum of scores Maximum possible 8 scores
For easy assessment of internal support to the
navigation available on board the vessel was intro-
duced relative coefficient of internal support C
pressed by Equation 2:
( )