10; IC-ENC, http://ic-enc.org; Garmin Ltd,
http://www8.garmin.com, 08-Jan-10; Jeppesen
Norway A/S, http://www.c-map.no, 25-Jan-10;
ChartWorld GmbH, http://www.chartworld.com, 29-
Jan-10) introduced division mostly in 6 groups of
charts. It was related to kind of voyage, details of the
information included and the scale of chart (Weintrit
2009). The scale of chart was correlated with posi-
tion error of features placed on chart. It was 0.3 mil-
limetres in lineal measure. In Table 1 there are pre-
sented the position errors of the placed information
(features) related to the worst scales of charts in the
Table 1. Groups of charts and position error of charted features.
Group (band) Scale Position error of
charted feature (m)
Overview 1:700,000 or smaller 700 or more
General 1;180,000 to 1:350,000 105
Coastal 1:75,000 to 1:180,000 54
Approach 1:12,500 to 1:45,000 13.5
Harbour 1:8,000 to 1:22,000 6.6
Berthing 1:4,000 or greater 1.2
2.1.2 Reliability of chart content
Reliability of charts content was described by
date of a survey when source data came from. Actu-
ally used descriptions like “unsurveyed” region,
“poorly examined”, “inaccurately examined”, ”fully
examined” should be correlated with presently being
introduced meaning like Zones of Confidence ZOC
(Gale 2009; UKHO 2004). Zones of Confidence re-
ferred to detection and quality of the measurement
of the features on a seabed. Important matter was
probability of missing (not placing) a navigational
danger on a chart . Zones of Confidence were not
implemented on all charts till now. On many elec-
tronic charts of not well surveyed regions placed
ZOC category “U” that means “unclassified”. The
vessels should use best scale charts for the intended
voyage. The world charts resources were searched in
relation to Murchisonfjorden region at Nor-
Figure 1. (a) Surveyed region in Isvika (contour line indicates
edge of surveyed lane). (b) Isvika survey region on Svalbard
Table 2. Coverage of Isvika region by charts.
Source Scale / Bands SOLAS Kind of chart
UKHO general Official paper, ARCS
Norwegian HO 1:100,000 Official Paper
Russia GUNiO 1:200,000 Official Paper
AVCS Transit Official Electronic
ECDIS Service Full Official Electronic
Primar no coverage ------------ -----------------
Transas Marine 1:200,000 Unofficial Electronic TX-97
Garmin 1:100,000 Unofficial Electronic products
Bluecharts G
Jeppesen 1:100,000 Unofficial Electronic products
Marine C-MAP NT, MAX,
Jeppesen 1:1,500,000 Official Electronic CM-93/3
Marine C-MAP
SevenCs GmbH Harbour Unofficial Electronic
Navionics ENC
2.1.3 Sources of origin of the chart
For purpose of this work reviewed, taken into
consideration and subsequently divided charts as fol-
lows: official, unofficial, „other – bathymetric“ and
„other - non bathymetric. Official charts fulfilled re-
quirements of SOLAS, Chapter V, Regulation 2.2
(IMO 2004) that states “Nautical chart or Nautical
publication is a special purpose map or book, or a
specially compiled database from which such a map
or book is derived that is issued officially by or on
the authority of a Government, authorised Hydro-
graphic Office or other relevant government institu-
tion and is designed to meet the requirements of ma-
rine navigation”. Official charts published by
Hydrographic Offices guaranted systematic updates
of the informational content according to IMO re-
quirements. Zones of Confidence scale should be
available on the chart.
Unofficial charts were of commercial destination.
Theirs informational content had same source of ori-
gin like charts issued by Hydrographic Offices. Un-
official charts not fulfilled SOLAS requirements and
not guaranted systematic updates of the information-
al content. These charts frequently contain additional
commercial information. Vessels operating on unof-
ficial charts are to have and use also up-to-dated of-
ficial charts - at least paper ones.
„Other – bathymetric“ unofficial charts were of
scientific value. The goal of the authors was the
most reliable presentation of depths and sea bottom
relief. Source materials were made frequently with-
out taking into consideration standards of related to
hydrographic surveys described in IHO publication
(IHO 2008) by the persons not being qualified in the
hydrography discipline nor production of official sea
charts. Such charts not included in most cases cor-
rections for sea level in relation to Chart Datum nor
corrections for vertical location of sounder or echo-