International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
Ship weather routing is defined as an optimum track
of ship route with an optimum engine speed and
power for an ocean voyage based on en-route
weather forecasts and ship’s characteristics. Within
specified limits of weather and sea conditions, the
term optimum means a maximum of safety and crew
comfort, a minimum of fuel consumption and time
underway, or any desired combination of these fac-
tors. It can be clearly seen that, the accuracy of de-
termining the optimum route depends on three as-
The accuracy of the prediction of the ship’s hy-
drodynamic behavior under different weather
The accuracy of the weather forecast.
The capability and practicability of the optimiza-
tion algorithm.
The focus of this study is on research of the opti-
mization algorithm. Many optimization algorithms
have been developed for solving ship routing prob-
lems in which ship fuel consumption and/or passage
time are minimized. Most popular methods include
calculus of variations (Bijlsma S.J 1975), modified
isochrone method (Hagiwara H 1989, Hagiwara H &
Spaans JA 1987), two dimensional dynamic pro-
gramming (2DDP) method (De Wit C 1990, Calvert
S et al. 1991,) and isopone method (Klompstra MB
et al. 1992, Spaans JA 1995) .
The method of calculus of variation treats the
ship routing as a continuous optimization problem.
Inaccuracy in the solution may arise in the functions
where second order differentials are required. The
errors could be expanded to an unacceptable level at
the end of the calculation.
The modified isochrone method is a recursive al-
gorithm. The route with the minimum of passage
time is obtained by repeatedly computing isochrones
(or time fronts) which are defined as the outer
boundaries of the attainable region from the depar-
ture point after a certain time. This method offers a
route with minimum fuel consumption by keeping
the propeller revolution speed as a constant during
the voyage first, then applying the modified iso-
chrone method to determine the minimum time of
passage. By varying propeller rotation speed this
method is able to find the propeller rotation speed at
which the minimum time of passage satisfies with
the desired arrival time. This minimum time route
will be treated as the minimum fuel route. Thus, the
fuel consumption of this route itself is not mini-
The 2DDP method based on Bellman's principle
of optimality is similar to the modified isochrone
method. It uses a recursive equation to solve ship
Development of a 3D Dynamic Programming
Method for Weather Routing
S. Wei & P. Zhou
Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, UK
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel forward dynamic programming method for weather routing to min-
imize ship fuel consumption during a voyage. Compared with the traditional two dimensional dynamic pro-
gramming (2DDP) methods which only optimize the ship’s heading, while the engine power or propeller rota-
tion speed are set as a constant throughout the voyage, this new method considers both the ship power setting
and heading control. A float state technique is used to reduce the iteration on the process of optimization for
computing time saving. This new method could lead to a real global-optimal routing in a comparison with a
tradition weather routing method which results in a sub-optimal routing.
routing problems formulated as a discrete optimiza-
tion problem. The accuracy of the solution depends
on the fineness of the grid system used. Compared
with the modified isochrone method, the advantage
of the 2DDP method is that it allows the operators to
take into account of navigation boundaries by means
of an appropriate selection of the grid points. Both
the modified isochrone and 2DDP methods assume
that ship sails at a constant propeller rotation speed
or a constant engine power for the entire voyage.
The isopone method is an extension of the modi-
fied isochrone method. An isopone is the plane of
equal fuel consumption that defines the outer bound-
ary of the attainable region in a three-dimensional
space, i.e. position and time. This method enables
the operators to consider the variations of ship en-
gine power to optimize the route. SPOS, a weather
routing software, adopted the isopone method at the
beginning of the software development. Although
the isopone method is mathematically more elegant
and theoretically offers better results than that of the
modified isochrone method, finally SPOS had never-
theless abandoned the isopone method and applied
the modified isochrone method. The main reason for
this change was due to the fact that the isopone
method appeared to be more difficult to understand
by the operators onboard ships, whereas the modi-
fied isochrone method is straightforward and easy to
Besides these methods, there are many other
methods that have been used for weather routing in
recently years, like iterative dynamic programming
algorithm (Kyriakos Avgouleas 2008), augmented
Lagrange multiplier (Masaru Tsujimoto, Katsuji Ta-
nizawa 2006), Dijkstra algorithm (Chinmaya Prasad
Padhy et al. 2008), genetic algorithm (Harries S,
Hinnenthal J 2004) and so on.
Weather routing was first developed for determin-
ing shipping courses during a voyage with a mini-
mum of passage time. However, nowadays shipping
companies began to show more interesting in reduc-
ing fuel consumption driven by the fuel oil prices,
environmental considerations and maintaining a cer-
tain time schedule which is specified in the charter-
ing contract of a merchant vessel. In this paper, a
new forward three dimensional dynamic program-
ming (3DDP) method is presented for minimizing
fuel consumption during a voyage. It is an extension
of the traditional 2DDP method, allowing change
heading and speed with both time and position, thus,
it is able to realize a real global optimum result.
Compared with the isopone method, the 3DDP
method is straightforward and easy for program-
Ship engine power and shipping course directly de-
cide the shipping route in the ocean. Ship speed over
the ground depends on the engine power. There is a
one-to-one relationship between them. Thus, both of
them can be equally treated as the control variables
in a weather routing process. In this paper, ship
speed over the ground and shipping course measured
from the true north are chosen as the control varia-
bles. The control variables are denoted as a control
( , )U Uu
, where u represents ship
speed over the ground and ψ is shipping course
measured from the true north. Ship position
is al-
so a vector, specified by longitude φ and latitude θ,
( , )XX
Ship position
and voyage time t determine the
ship trajectory. Using
to denote weather condi-
tions (speed and direction of wind, significant
height, direction and peak frequency of wave and
is a function of position
and time t,
( , )E EX t=
During a voyage, constraints
must be met. The
constraints include geographic constraints, control
constraints and safety constraints.
Thus, ship position
at time t can be described
by the function below:
( , , , )X f X UEC
, , , XUEC
correspond to time t’, t
t’ = ∆t, ∆t is a time step used in calculation.
is a function of
and t’, so
also be described by:
( , , , )X fX UtC
This function can be explained that while comply
with the constraints, the ship will arrive at the pre-
sent position
at the present time t from
control of
during ∆t time step.
Instantaneous fuel consumption rate q can be ob-
tained by:
( , , , )q q XUtC=
The total fuel consumption for a voyage can be
obtained by
( , , , )
C q X U t C dt=
Initial conditions:
(, )
s ss
Final conditions:
(, )
end end end
The constraints
: Geographic constraints, con-
trol constraints, safety constraints.
3.1 Advantages of the 3DDP method
Dynamic programming is a method which can solve
complex problems by breaking them down into
many simpler sub-problems. A stage is defined as
the division of sequence of the sub-problems in the
optimization procedure. The procedure of this meth-
od is to solve the sub-problems stage by stage. The
variables used to define a stage must be parameters
which are monotonically increasing with the pro-
gress of problem solving going-on. There are two
choices of variable selection to specify a stage for
ship routing problems, i.e. time and a measure of the
progress of the vessel from departure (voyage pro-
gress). Each stage consists of many states which can
be defined as a specific measurable condition of the
ship operation, such as time and location. If time is
chosen as the stage variable, the state can be defined
by possible locations where the ship could pass. If
voyage progress is chosen as the stage variable,
states should be defined by time and possible posi-
tions away from the great circle.
The 2DDP method chose voyage progress as the
stage variable. Because this method assumes that
ships sail at a constant propeller rotation speed or a
constant engine power for the entire voyage, there is
a one-to-one relation between ship position and
time. Thus, time variable is not needed to specify
states in this method. Several authors have already
attempted to solve the weather routing problem by
using 3DDP treating both engine power and ship-
ping course as the control variables during a voyage.
Aligne, F. et al. (1998) chose time as the stage vari-
able and used the forward algorithm; Henry Chen
(1978) and Simon Calvert (1990) employed the voy-
age progress as the stage variable and used the
backward algorithm. The method presented in this
paper employs the voyage progress as the stage vari-
able together with the use of the forward algorithm.
The advantages of using the forward algorithm
can be stated as the following: When optimizing a
route, the initial departure time is fixed, the arrival
time can be treated as a flexible parameter, allowing
a set of route with a minimum fuel consumption to
be obtained corresponding to different specified ar-
rival times in one calculation.
To compare using voyage time as stage variables,
the advantages of using voyage progress as stage
variables are:, ship headings are pre-defined by voy-
age progress on grid points, so that ship speed over
the ground becomes the only explicitly defined con-
trol variable to be optimized during the routing op-
timization process. This method doesn’t need a finer
grid system. It can save much more computing time
than the methods which choose voyage time as a
stage variable.
3.2 Grid design
Since the great circle is an optimum route under
calm water conditions from the departure to the des-
tination, it is chosen as a reference for the construc-
tion of the grid system used in the route optimiza-
As describe above, states are of three dimensions,
i.e. time and geographic location with a unit spacing
ΔY located on a stage, perpendicularly away from
the great circles. The farthest states on a stage from
the great circle are the possible locations the ship
may pass to avoid a bad weather or certain sea
Figure 1. Projections of space grid system on a longitude × lat-
itude plane.
conditions. Unlike the tradition dynamic program-
ming, the variable of voyage time t of states are de-
termined as the optimization procedure is progress-
ing. Grids should be deleted when a shipping route
crosses islands/rocks.
Fig. 1 shows an example of stage projections on a
longitude × latitude plane where 16 stages have been
allocated (1, 2, 3…16) from the departure to the des-
tination of a shipping route. The distance between
two stages can be equally spaced ∆X. The total
number of stages is determined according to the total
distance of the route and the availability of compu-
ting capacity.
3.3 Estimate of fuel consumption between two
Fuel consumption is a function of ship hydrodynam-
ics. The hydrodynamics of ship are modeled and
simulated in the process of fuel consumption estima-
tion. Thus, the accuracy of the modeling of the ship
hydrodynamics is critical in the accuracy of fuel
consumption estimation. As a consequence of added
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Great Circle
stage 1
resistance due to wind and waves as well as the in-
creased hull roughness over time, ship speed is often
smaller than the designed speed so called involun-
tary speed reduction. Besides that, a voluntary speed
reduction is needed to insure ship safety to minimize
or avoid slamming, deck wetness, propeller racing,
parametric rolling, motion sickness, engine over-
loading and so on. All these factors need to be con-
sidered in routing optimization as the constraints.
Since the focus of this paper is to discuss the optimi-
zation algorithm of fuel consumption during a ship
voyage, how to accurately predict ship hydrodynam-
ic at the sea is not discussed in depth or further.
However, the procedure of prediction of fuel con-
sumption between two stages is presented here. This
procedure can be treated as a sub-problem of a dy-
namic programming problem. The optimized fuel
consumption during an entire voyage is obtained by
adding up of all individual fuel consumption be-
tween two stages along a route with the newly de-
veloped 3DDP method.
As a ship voyage follows a predefined grid system,
her heading is fixed between two stages. The ship
speed over the ground is the only control variable
which directly determines the fuel consumption be-
tween any two stages during a course of shipping.
Fig. 2 shows the procedure determining fuel con-
sumption between two stages. In detail, it is as the
Step 1: Calculation of ship resistance. Ship re-
sistance is calculated based on the ship speed
over the ground, draft, trim and the weather con-
dition. Ship resistance can be divided into three
main components: a). the calm water resistance;
b). the added resistance due to wave; c). the add-
ed resistance due to wind. Ship sea trial data,
model test data and numerical simulation results
are used to estimate these resistances.
Step 2: Estimation of engine power. The engine
power is calculated to overcome the above calcu-
lated resistances based on the propeller character-
Step 3: If the engine power is more than MCR
(maximum continuous rate), the ship speed will
be reduced by Δu, and then go back to step 1.
Step 4: Calculation of probability of slamming,
deck wetness, and propeller racing. To ensure the
ship safety, if these constrain values exceed cer-
tain pre-set limits, the ship speed will be reduced
Δu, and then go back to step 1.
Step 5: Calculation of fuel consumption and ship
position for next time interval
Step 6: Execute step 1 to step 5 repetitively in a
fixed time interval
t between two stages until
the ship (simulation step) arrives at the next stage
or final destination.
The time interval
t for calculation is normally
chosen at the frequency of the reception of weather
forecasting onboard which is usually every 6 hours.
3.4 Algorithm description
The backward recursive algorithm has been used in
most dynamic programming of weather routing.
However, the forward dynamic programming offers
more convenience in programming. The forward dy-
namic programming can be interpreted as that a path
is optimal if and only if, for any intermediate stages,
the choice of the foregoing path is optimum for this
stage. By using this principle, the weather routing
procedure can be broken down into a sequence of
simpler problem solving. Notations defined in the
programming are as follows.
K: total number of stage.
N (k): total number of state projection on the lati-
tude × longitude plane on stage k, where: k = 1, 2,
3… K. N (1) = 1, N (K) = 1.
Figure 2. Estimate of fuel consumption between two stages.
P (i, k): state project position on stage k, where: i
= 1, 2, 3…, N (k). P (1, 1) is the departure posi-
tion; P (1, K) is the destination position.
J: total number of time interval between states on
a geographical position.
: time interval between states on a stage.
X (i, j, k): a state on stage k, where: i = 1, 2, 3…,
N (k), j = 0, 1, 2 …, J - 1, k = 1, 2, 3…, K. The
geographic position of the state X (i, j, k) is P (i,
k) on stage k, the time variable of the state is t
i ,j, k
i, j, k
, and
× j,
× (j
+ 1). The state X (i, j, k) at stage k is a floating
point between position (P (i, k),
) and (P (i, k),
X (1, 0, 1): the initial state. Time variable t
1, 0, 1
the initial state is 0.
X (1, j, K): the states on the final stage K, j = 0, 1,
2…, J - 1, the position of these states is P (1, K).
(X (i, j, k)): the minimum fuel consumption
from the initial state to the state X (i, j, k).
u (m): ship speed over the ground varying be-
tween 5 to 30 knot, u (m) = 5 + 0.1 × (m -1),
where: m = 1, 2, 3…, M.
The recursion procedure of the forward dynamic
programming can be described as follows:
Step 1: Set stage variable k = 1.
Step 2: Iterate step 3 to 6 below for each attainable
state X* = X (i, j, k) on stage k, where: i = 1, 2,
3…, N (k), j = 0, 1, 2…, J. if a state X* = X (i, j,
k) is unattainable due to constraints, its fuel con-
sumption F
(X (i, j, k)) is set to infinitive.
Step 3: Calculate ship heading H* from X* to the
next stage position P (i’, k + 1), where: i’ = 1, 2,
3…, N (k + 1). Iterate step 4 to 5 for each H*. If a
ship heading H* violates the heading constraints
or geographic feasibility, calculation for this
heading is given up and go to the next heading
Step 4: Iterate steps 5 for each u* = u (m), where:
m = 1, 2, 3…, M. If certain ship speed u* violates
the control constraints or safety constraints, skip
out of this loop and go to the next loop.
Step 5: Choose u* and H* as the control variables,
calculate the fuel consumption Δf
m. i’
and the voy-
age time Δt
m, i’
between state X* on stage k and
next state on stage k+1 with a geographic position
P (i’, k + 1) by using the method described in sec-
tion 3.3, t
m, i’
is denoted as the arrival time at posi-
tion P (i’, k + 1) from the initial state, t
m, i’
= t
i, j, k
+ Δt
m, i’
, the position X’= (P (i’, k+1), t
m, i’
) forms
a new possible state on stage k + 1, The fuel con-
sumption at X’ is f* is determined by f* = F
(i, j, k)) + Δf
Step 6: When the calculation of all possible states
X’ between time
at position P (i’, k +
1) on stage k + 1 is completed, the possible state
which has the minimum fuel consumption f*
chosen as the state X (i’, j’, k + 1) Thus, F
(i’, j’, k + 1)) = f*
. The departure state X* on
stage k, the arrival state X (i’, j’, k + 1)) on stage
k+1 and the corresponding control variables be-
tween the two states are saved for tracing the op-
timum route by a backward procedure at the end
of the calculation. During the optimization pro-
cess states within a time interval are floating. The
benefit of using float states is that it eliminates
the calculation of the interpolation. Thus, it can
save computing time. When the weather in
time does not change much this method will not
influence the accuracy of the optimized result.
Step 7: Let k = k + 1, then go back to step 2 until k
= K.
Once the final state on stage K has been obtained, a
backward calculation procedure is used to identify
the optimized fuel consumption route with the speci-
fied arrival time and the corresponding control vari-
ables during the entire voyage.
This section presents two case studies with the use
of above described 3DDP method. As a simplifica-
tion, the weather conditions are set artificially. Alt-
hough the weather conditions used are not real and
certain conditions may never happen in the reality,
the use of artificial weather conditions will offer the
same effect as the real ones in illustrating the meth-
odology and advantages of the 3D dynamic pro-
gramming. Holtrop method, a regression analysis
method, is used to predict the total resistance in calm
water. The engine power is calculated by propeller
characteristics of the case ship.
Two different sets of weather conditions are used
in the case studies with the following common pa-
Case ship: a 54,000 DWT container ship.
Departure from:
(0, 0)
X =
Arrival at:
(90, 0)
X =
Time interval between states on a stage:
= 1
Time step for fuel consumption calculation be-
tween two stages
t = 6 hours
Ship speed: u = 5 to 30 knots.
Ship speed change step: Δu = 0.1 knots.
Total stage number: K = 16.
Total number of stage projection on a stage: N (1)
= 1, N (K) = 1, N (k) = 17, where k = 2, 3, 4…K -
Stage space: ΔX = 360 nautical miles.
State space: ΔY = 75 nautical miles.
4.1 Case study 1
The geographic constraints and weather conditions
for case 1 study are shown in Fig 3. The geographic
constraints are set as a rectangular area which can be
islands, rocks or mine fields. The scope of the geo-
graphic constraints is longitude from 50 to 70 degree
and latitude from -1 to 7 degree. The envelop of the
bad weather is set as a rectangular area as well, posi-
tioned longitude from 50 to 70 degree, latitude from
- 1 to - 9 degree at time t = 0. The bad weather stays
at this initial area for 60 hours before moving to-
wards south with a speed of 3 knots. The ship is not
allowed to enter into the bad weather area for safety
consideration. Fig.4 shows the results of fuel con-
sumption vs. time obtained from the route optimiza-
tion for the case study 1. When the specified arrival
time is smaller than 233 hours, both of the 3DDP
and 2DDP methods can get the similar strategies
which choose the route closed to the dotted line in
Fig. 5 and a constant ship speed during the voyage.
That means, changing the ship heading can get much
benefit than changing the ship speed at this weather
condition. When the specified arrival time is more
than 272 hours, the time during the voyage is rela-
tively long, so the bad weather already pass away
before the ship arrive there, the 3DDP method also
get a similar strategy with the 2DDP method which
choose the route closed to the solid line in Fig. 5 and
a constant ship speed. When the specified arrival
time is between 233 hours and 272 hours, the 3DDP
method can get a better result than it calculated by
the 2DDP method.
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the optimized route and
optimized ship speed obtained by using the 2DDP
and 3DDP methods under a specified arrival time
= 264 hours. The results have demonstrated that
fuel consumption obtained by 2DDP is 1014.54 tons
for the given voyage conditions and that is 969.25
tons if the ship follows the route resulted from
3DDP. As a result, route and operation profile opti-
mized by the 3DDP offers about 4.5% of fuel saving
compared that with the 2DDP. The reason for the
fuel saving is that the 3DDP method permits the ship
to change the heading and speed during the route. In
the first section of the route, the ship slows down to
let the bad weather pass-by first. Once the bad
weather has passed, the ship increases her speed to
ensure the desired arrival time is achieved.
4.2 Case study 2
In case 2 study the geographic constraints is the
same as that of case 1. Whereas the bad weather area
at time t = 0 is longitude from 50 to 70 degree, lati-
tude from - 7 to - 15 degree. The bad weather moves
towards north with a speed of 3 knots. Fig. 7 shows
the geographic constraints and weather conditions.
Fig.8 shows results of fuel consumption vs. time ob-
tained from the route optimization for the case study
2. Because of the same reasons with the case 1,
when the specified arrival time is smaller than 270
hours or bigger than 303 hours, both the 3DDP and
2DDP methods can get the similar results; when the
specified arrival time is between 270 hours and 303
hours, the 3DDP method can get a better result than
it calculated by 2DDP method.
Fig. 9 and 10 present the route and ship speed op-
timized by the 2DDP and 3DDP methods under the
same arrival time t
= 278 hours. The fuel con-
sumption calculated by the 2DDP is 898 tons and
that is 852 tons from the 3DDP calculation. A 5.1%
of fuel saving has been achieved by using the 3DDP
compared with the 2DDP method. Unlike the case
study 1 where ship speed is reduced to wait for the
bad weather to pass during the first part of the route,
the ship speed is increased to pass the region before
the bad weather comes. Once the ship has passed the
region where the bad weather is going to pass, the
ship speed is slowed down and maintained the de-
sired arrival time.
A newly developed 3DDP for weather routing has
been presented. Case studies have shown that com-
pared with the use of traditional 2DDP method, fuel
saving can be achieved by using the newly devel-
oped 3DDP method in certain constraints and
weather conditions. Since the speed of the ship var-
ies according to the weather conditions and move-
ment, the newly developed 3DDP increases the safe-
ty of shipping.
The 3DDP method considers optimization of both
the ship speed and heading. Its operation and pro-
gramming are easier and straight forward.
In this paper, real weather forecast is not consid-
ered, but this 3DDP method can also give enlight-
enment for the weather routing problem. In the fu-
ture, this method will be used based on real weather
forecast and ship hydrodynamics.
Figure 3. Geographic constraints and weather conditions (case
Figure 4. The fuel consumption vs. time curve (case 1).
0 20 40 60 80 100
Geographic constraints
Bad weather
220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Time (hour)
Fuel (ton)
Figure 5. Optimized route (case 1).
Figure 6. Optimized speed (case 1).
Figure 7. Geographic constraints and weather conditions (case
Figure 8. The fuel consumption vs. time curve (case 2).
Figure 9. Optimized route (case 2).
Figure 10. Optimized speed (case 2).
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0 20 40 60 80 100
Grids Optimised route of 3DDP Optimised route of 2DDP
Geographic constraints
Bad weather
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Hour)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Geographic constraints
Bad weather
260 270 280 290 300 310
Time (hour)
Fuel (ton)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Grids Optimised route of 3DDP Optimised route of 2DDP
Geographic constraints
Bad weather
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Hour)