International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
Ship-ship collisions are rare events that potentially
might have disastrous impact on the environment,
human life and economics. To find effective risk
mitigating measures the risk must be reliably as-
sessed. Proper assessment of the ship-ship collision
risk requires understanding on the complicated chain
of events. Simplifying assumptions on certain pa-
rameters are necessary as the research in this field is
not comprehensive. Especially, the important link
between the encounter of the colliding vessels and
the actual moment of impact contain obvious uncer-
In this paper a case study is conducted to compare
models found in literature for dynamic parameters in
collision scenario. The case study concerns colli-
sions in which the struck vessel is an oil tanker. The
traffic is simulated by means of a Monte Carlo simu-
lation based on AIS data to obtain realistic encounter
scenarios for the analyzed area. The assumptions are
then applied to encounter scenario to obtain the
complete impact scenario. The deformation energy
released in the collision is calculated by analytic
method (Zhang 1999) and the damage extents are es-
timated with simple formula to normalize the results
of deformation energy calculations. The effects of
assumptions for dynamic parameters to collision risk
are discussed.
2.1 Concept of risk
Risk is a product of probability p and consequences
c and is expressed with (Kujala et al, 2010)
where i denotes certain chain of events or scenario.
2.2 Tanker Collisions
In case of ship-ship collisions scenario is a function
of vast number of static and dynamic parameters.
The parameters used in this study are listed in Ta-
ble 1.
Uncertainty in Analytical Collision Dynamics
Model Due to Assumptions in Dynamic
K. Ståhlberg, F. Goerlandt, J. Montewka* & P. Kujala
Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Marine
Technology, Espoo, Finland
* Aalto University, School of Engineering, Marine Technology, Espoo, Finland
Maritime University of Szczecin, Institute of Marine Traffic Engineering, Poland
ABSTRACT: The collision dynamics model is a vital part in maritime risk analysis. Different models have
been introduced since Minorsky first presented collision dynamics model. Lately, increased computing capac-
ity has led to development of more sophisticated models. Although the dynamics of ship collisions have been
studied and understanding on the affecting factors is increased, there are many assumptions required to com-
plete the analysis. The uncertainty in the dynamic parameters due to assumptions is not often considered.
In this paper a case study is conducted to show how input models for dynamic parameters affect the results of
collision energy calculations and thus probability of an oil spill. The released deformation energy in collision
is estimated by the means of the analytical collision dynamics model Zhang presented in his PhD thesis. The
case study concerns the sea area between Helsinki and Tallinn where a crossing of two densely trafficked wa-
terways is located. Actual traffic data is utilized to obtain realistic encounter scenarios by means of Monte
Carlo simulation. Applicability of the compared assumptions is discussed based on the findings of the case
Table 1. Collision parameters used in this study.
Description Unit Type
M Mass [kg] Static
L Length [m] Static
B Width [m] Static
Added mass coefficient, [-] Static
surge motion
Added mass coefficient, [-] Static
sway motion
j Added mass coefficient, [-] Static
rotation around centre of gravity
R Radius of ship mass inertia [m] Static
around centre of gravity
Surge speed [m/s] Dynamic
Sway speed [m/s] Dynamic
x x-position of centre of gravity [m] Static
y y-position of centre of gravity [m] Static
x-position of impact point, [m] Dynamic
in coordinate system ship A
y-position of impact point, [m] Dynamic
in coordinate system ship A
α collision angle [rad] Dynamic
coefficient of friction [-] Static
e coefficient of restitution [-] Static
The static parameters can be derived from AIS
data, statistics and theory of ship design. Modeling
of the dynamic parameters is often based on statis-
tics of the collisions.
Ship-ship collision risk evaluation schematic is
outlined in Figure 1 for the case of an oil tanker be-
ing struck vessel.
Figure 1. Tanker collision risk evaluation schematic
The first step of the risk analysis is modeling the
traffic in the analyzed area. Modeling may be done
via simulation of individual vessel movements as
proposed by Merrick et al. (2003), van Dorp et al.
(2009), Ulusçu et al. (2009) and Goerlandt & Kujala
(2010) or alternatively by simulating the traffic
flows as proposed by Pedersen (1995, 2010) or
Montewka et al (2010). The encounter scenarios are
obtained as a result of the traffic simulation. The
impact scenarios may be then obtained with the
models discussed in detail in Section 3.3.
Second part of the risk analysis is the evaluation
of the consequences which begins with the estimat-
ing the released deformation energy that is absorbed
by the vessel structures. Collision dynamics models
to calculate the deformation energy can be divided
into two groups, time domain and analytical (Wang
et al 2000), based on applied calculation method.
Analytical closed form methods have been proposed
by Minorsky (1959), Vaughan (1977), Hutchison
(1986), Hanhirova (1995), and Zhang (1999). Mod-
els based on time domain calculations are proposed
by Chen (2000) and Tabri et al. (2009). In analytical
models the external dynamics and internal mechan-
ics are uncoupled while in time domain methods
these are coupled.
3.1 Traffic simulation and encounter scenarios
The traffic simulation is described here shortly as
the simulation itself is not crucial regarding the
comparison of impact models. The simulation is de-
scribed in detail in (Ståhlberg, 2010)
The traffic in the analyzed area is obtained from
AIS data. The data contains traffic information from
the month of July 2006 in the sea area between Hel-
sinki and Tallinn where densely trafficked water-
ways cross. In Figure 2 the analyzed area and the da-
ta points are presented. The four main waterways in
the crossing area are named after compass quarters
in form of “from-to” as shown in Figure 2. The con-
sidered waterway combinations and resulting en-
counter types are listed with reference numbers in
Table 2.
Figure 2. Plot of AIS data points in analyzed area
The AIS data is filtered to distinguish the traffic
between waterways and ship types. The numbers of
passages through the analyzed area per ship type are
listed in Table 3. The Monte Carlo simulation
flowchart starting from the filtered AIS data is
shown in Figure 3. The result of the simulation is the
encounter situations based on the traffic data.
Table 2. The considered waterway combinations and resulting
encounter types with respective reference numbers.
Ref number Route Encounter type
1 N-S, E-W Crossing
2 N-S, W-E Crossing
3 S-N, E-W Crossing
4 S-N, W-E Crossing
5 W-E, E-W Head-on
6 E-W, W-E Head-on
7 E-W, E-W Overtaking
8 W-E, W-E Overtaking
Table 3. Number of passages per ship type and route.
Ship Route
Type N-S S-N E-W W-E
HSC 741 740 0 0
PAX 253 254 26 14
Cargo 5 4 768 742
Tanker 0 0 218 215
Other 3 3 36 35
* HSC = High Speed Craft, PAX = Passenger vessel,
Cargo = Cargo vessel
The Monte Carlo simulation to create encounter
scenarios is run 10000 times for those combinations
of main waterways in which the tanker may be
struck vessel. In the utilized data set tankers were
recorded sailing only on “E-W” and “W-E” water-
ways. In this study the probability of a vessel in-
volved in collision is weighted with the number of
voyages in the area.
Figure 3. Flowchart of Monte Carlo simulation
3.2 Impact scenario simulation
With the encountering vessels’ characteristics
known the impact scenarios are simulated here by
applying the compared models for the dynamic pa-
rameters. The models may be considered to be the
“evasive maneuvering” model shown in Figure 1.
The compared assumptions are presented in Fig-
ures 4-7 and the distribution parameters are com-
piled into Table 4.
In “Blind Navigator” model there are no maneu-
vering actions taken to avoid the collision and thus
the speeds and courses are unchanged from the en-
counter scenario. The collision location is assumed
to be uniformly distributed along the struck vessel’s
length. This model is used by Van Dorp & Merrick
(2009) and COWI(2008). Based on the analysis of
collisions in (Cahill, 2002) and (Buzek & Holdert,
1990) it seems extremely rare that neither vessel
takes any action.
Figure 4. Input distributions for collision angle, Lützen: initial
angle 90°, Brown (2002) quasi-equivalent to NRC (2001)
Figure 5. Input distributions for striking ship speed, Lützen
with initial speed of 15 kn
Figure 6. Input distributions for struck ship speed, Lützen with
initial speed of 10 kn, Brown (2002) quasi-equivalent to NRC
Figure 7. Input distributions for location of impact along struck
ship’s length, 0 = aft, 1 = fore
Table 4. Overview of impact scenario models.
Impact Collision V
Model Angle, β Point, d
[deg] [kn] [kn] [x/L]
Blind β=β
Rawson U(0,180) bi-normal idem to U(0,1)
(1998) N(5,1) V
Truncated {2, 14}
NRC N(90,29) W(6.5,2.2) E(0.584) B(1.25,1.45)
(2001) {0, 1}
Lützen T(0,β
,180) U(0,0.75V
) T(0,V
) Empirical
(2001) T(0.75V
) See FIG 7
Brown N(90,29) W(4.7,2.5) E(0.584) Empirical
(2002) See FIG 7
Tuovinen Empirical Empirical Empirical Empirical
(2005) See FIG 4 See FIG 5 See FIG 6 See FIG 7
* Distributions are marked as follows, U=Uniform(min, max)
N=Normal(μ, σ), T=Triangular(min, triangle tip, max),
E=Exponential(λ), B=Beta(α, β, min, max), W=Weibull(k, λ)
Lützen’s (2001) set of assumptions implies that
the struck vessel is more prone to speed reduction
than the striking vessel while the impact angle is tri-
angularly distributed between 0° and 180° with the
tip of the distribution at the encounter angle. The
longitudinal impact location is given by empirical
distribution. Although there is no explanation how
the distributions for collision angle and velocities are
derived these are included into the comparison be-
cause of the existing relation between encounter and
impact scenarios.
Rawson et al (1998) model is based on statistics
of the grounding accidents with assumption that the
collision speed being similarly distributed as
grounding speed. Velocities of the colliding vessel
are distributed according to a double normal distri-
bution in which the averages are described to repre-
sent the service speed, i.e. no speed reduction, and
half of service speed. The same speed distribution is
used for both striking and struck vessel. Collision
angle and collision location are uniformly distribut-
ed between 0°…180° and along the struck vessel’s
length respectively.
Tuovinen (2006) compiled statistics from over
500 collisions. Statistics have been used here as pre-
sented originally, in form of empirical distributions.
Brown (2002) and NRC (2001) give quite similar
distributions. Brown gives lower velocity for the
striking vessel. These models both assume that strik-
ing vessel has higher velocity than struck at the mo-
ment of impact. It is noteworthy that these two mod-
els suggest much lower collision speeds than other
models. Collision angle is normally distributed
around right angle. In NRC model the collision loca-
tion is beta distributed so that midship section is
rammed at higher probability than the fore and aft of
the vessel while Brown suggests empirical distribu-
Overall, the distributions Lützen suggested are
the only ones taking the encounter into account in
any way and other models give same distributions
for dynamic parameters irrespective of encounter
scenario. None of these models indicate how to de-
termine which vessel is striking and which is struck.
It is assumed here that the probabilities of vessel be-
ing striking or struck are equal for all models as no
other probabilities were suggested in these models.
The compared models do not have the possibility of
initial sway nor yaw speeds, which in case of ma-
neuvering is unlikely.
It can be seen in the Figures 4-7 that models, with
exception of Brown and NRC, give distinctively dif-
ferent distributions for the dynamic parameters.
Considering the struck vessel speed being lower in
all the models expect Rawson it appears likely that
the collision statistics from which the distributions
are derived include collisions in which the struck
vessel is in anchorage or in berth. Tuovinen’s (2005)
statistics include approximately 6% of such cases
and 41% of open seas collisions. Brown (2002)
states that the share is significant as in about 60% of
collisions struck vessel speed is zero.
3.3 Deformation energy calculations
Zhang presented in his PhD thesis (Zhang, 1999) a
simplified calculation method for released
deformation energy in ship-ship collision. Zhang’s
method is based on rigid body mechanics and
conservation of momentum. The method is derived
based on the dynamics of two rods colliding on a
frictionless surface and has three degrees of
freedom. The hydrodynamic effects are considered
as constant added masses. Both vessels may have
initially forward and sway speeds. During the
collision the rotational movements are considered as
small and are neglected. After the collision both
vessels are allowed to have rotational velocity.
Figure 8 illustrates the impact scenario and defines
the used co-ordinate systems. The formulation is not
presented here due to its lengthiness.
Figure 8. Impact scenario and the co-ordinate systems
3.4 Damage calculation
The method of damage calculation used here is pre-
sented in Goerlandt (2011). The focus in case
of a tanker being a struck vessel is on the possibility
that cargo oil is spilled. That requires penetration of
one or more oil cargo tanks. Thus the penetration
depth must exceed the double side width added with
the dislocation of the inner shell when a rupture oc-
curs. Additionally, the collision location along stuck
tanker hull must be within the boundaries of the car-
go tanks. Smailys & Česnauskis (2006) suggested
following limits for cargo area for tankers operating
in the Baltic Sea.
where L is vessel length and d is distance of impact
point from amidships along the centerline.
For the purposes of this study the simple criterion
for oil cargo tank penetration is used and is ex-
pressed as critical energy, E
, with
( )
where W
is double side width given in meters in
ABS (2010) classification rules by:
This criterion is obtained from a simple linear re-
gression in the example cases discussed in (Zhang
1999, Lützen 2001, HSE 2000). It is further assumed
that the effect of striking vessel bow geometry is
negligible and that the energy absorbed by the strik-
ing vessel is taken into account in E
. Even though
the evaluation of the critical energy is based on a
very simplified model and better alternatives are
available in the literature (Brown 2002, Ehlers
2008), this criterion is withheld due to its simplicity.
Application of the simple criterion of (Eq. 3) affects
all impact scenario models in a similar way, such
that the conclusions are still valid. The actual value
of E
is in this respect not essential as it is only used
as a reference to better present the differences in im-
pact models. In this study the collision consequences
analysis is limited to evaluating if the deformation
energy in direction normal to the struck vessel hull,
, exceeds E
that is required to breach a cargo
tank, while neither the actual structural damages nor
the amount of oil spilled are not considered.
In this section, the results of the Monte Carlo simu-
lations for the relative velocity, collision energy and
hull breach probability are given for the impact sce-
nario models.
4.1 Relative velocity
The relative velocity V
is considered as the
velocity that the bow of the striking vessel is
approaching the collision point at the struck vessel
side. In vector form it is given with:
The released deformation energy is highly
depending on the V
at the moment of impact.
Relative velocities obtained from simulation for
“Blind navigator” and Lützen model in selected
encounter situations are presented in Figure 9. The
other four models give similar results for V
irrespective of the encounter situation and thus
results are presented only for waterway combination
The “Blind Navigator” model is giving much
higher values of V
, apart from head-on encounter,
than other models as expected. There are two peaks
in the result distributions of “Blind navigator” for
crossing encounter situations. The lower peak repre-
sents passenger vessel cases and higher peak High
Speed Crafts as striking vessel.
Figure 9. Simulated relative velocity distributions according to
impact models in which encounter is considered
Figure 10. Simulated relative velocity distributions according
to impact models in which encounter is not considered
Pdf [-]
Lützen (2001)
Pdf [-]
The angle between N-S and W-E traffic flows is
approximately 120° while between N-S and E-W
traffic the angle is 60°. The effect of angle on rela-
tive velocity can be seen by comparing “Blind Navi-
gator” results in Figure 9, the larger angle results in
higher V
. The Lützen model appears to be rela-
tively insensitive to variation of the encounter angle
as only slight difference can be observed. This is due
to the reduction of the struck vessel speed. The Lüt-
zen model gives the impact speed of the struck ves-
sel to be on average ⅓ of the initial velocity.
The models that are derived from statistics by
Rawson, NRC, Brown and Tuovinen give much
more diverse results for V
than may be anticipated
as the available accident data is limited and one
would expect that the statistics would be practically
based on the same data. It should be noted that these
four model result in similar distributions for all en-
counter scenarios. Thus while the V
is lower in
case of crossing encounter it is higher in case of
overtaking compared to “Blind navigator” and Lüt-
zen models.
4.2 Deformation energy
In here only the transversal deformation energy E
considered because it represents the deformation en-
ergy in direction of penetration depth. The simula-
tion results for E
in each simulated encounter are
normalized by dividing it with respective critical en-
ergy E
. In Figures 11-13 the cumulative distribu-
tions for normalized deformation energy E
each impact scenario model are presented for select-
ed waterway combinations.
Figure 11. Simulation results of normalized deformation ener-
gy for “Blind navigator” and Lützen (2001) impact models.
Figure 12. Simulation results of normalized deformation ener-
gy for “Blind navigator” and Lützen (2001) impact models.
Figure 13. Simulated relative velocity distributions according
to impact models in which encounter is considered
In “Blind Navigator” and Lützen models V
impact angle are dominating factors in normalized
as seen in figure 11 when comparing results of
crossing encounters with head-on and overtaking
encounters. For head-on encounters normalized E
little higher than for overtaking but much lower than
in crossing encountering. This is because even if
is high the deformation energy is mostly re-
leased in η-direction along the struck vessel side.
The vessels sailing on W-E and E-W waterways
are often on round trip to Gulf of Finland and thus
the vessels are recorded in most cases on both wa-
terways. Furthermore the loading condition was as-
sumed to be fully laden for all vessels. For these rea-
sons the vessel mass distributions are equivalent.
The same applies for N-S and S-N waterways ex-
cept that the vessels are sailing between Helsinki
and Tallinn. Additionally, the vessel masses on latter
waterway pair are much lower than that of the prior.
The differences in the vessel masses are resulting in
differences between waterway combinations in the
Figures 12, 13 as the distributions of V
are equiv-
alent for all encounter scenarios in these models.
In figures 14, 15 the normalized cumulative dis-
tributions are compiled into same graph for crossing
encounter and head-on encounter respectively with
marked with vertical line.
From Figures 14, 15 similar observations as from
Figures 11-13 can be made. The four models derived
from statistics each result in higher E
in head-on
encounter than crossing while the opposite occurs
for the “Blind navigator” and Lützen models. The
same is valid for overtaking as was shown in Figures
12, 13.
4.3 Probability of oil cargo tank penetration
The oil cargo tank is penetrated when E
is greater
than 1 and the impact location is within tank limits
given by Equation 2. The number of simulated im-
pact scenarios in which the impact location is out-
side tank limits are listed in Table 5.
Cdf [-]
Cdf [-]
Lützen (2001)
Cdf [-]
NRC (2001)
Cdf [-]
Brown (2002)
Cdf [-]
Rawson (1998)
Cdf [-]
Figure 14. Simulated transversal deformation energy relative to
critical energy in crossing encounter.
Figure 15. Simulated transversal deformation energy relative to
critical energy in head-on encounter.
Table 5. Number of simulated collision scenarios of total
10000 simulations in which collision location is outside cargo
tank limits given by Eq 2.
Blind Rawson NCR Lützen Brown Tuovinen
Navi (1998) (2001) (2001) (2002) (2005)
2626 2602 1700 1772 1223 2449
In Table 6 the numbers of simulated collisions re-
sulting in an oil spill per impact model are present-
ed. The same is visualized in Figure 13.
Table 6. Number of simulated collision scenarios in which
oil cargo tank penetration occurs of total 10000 simulations.
Ref Blind Rawson NCR Lützen Brown Tuovinen
No* Navi (1998) (2001) (2001) (2002) (2005)
1 7283 1581 1889 4695 926 3153
2 7379 1612 1955 4671 930 3002
3 7335 1648 1930 4743 982 3169
4 7321 1629 1934 4557 977 3033
5 604 3230 4146 3232 2901 4705
6 563 3098 4089 3054 2794 4550
7 105 3121 4107 2842 2738 4551
8 43 3192 4142 2940 2841 4591
* See Table 2 for explanation of Reference numbers
Figure 13. Number of simulated collision scenarios in which
oil cargo tank penetration occurs of total 10000 simulations
Taking the collision location into account does
change the results but very little. The differences be-
tween the models remain obvious. The collision fol-
lowing crossing encounter results in an oil spill in
three out of four cases according to “Blind naviga-
tor” model. Brown’s model suggest that oil spill
would occur only once in ten collisions.
In this paper a number of proposed models for im-
pact scenarios from literature have been applied to
the output of a maritime traffic simulation model to
create impact scenarios. The released deformation
energy is calculated with an analytical collision dy-
namics model for each impact scenario. Based on
the obtained deformation energy the cargo tank pen-
etration probability is estimated. The simulation re-
sults for relative velocity, transversal deformation
energy and oil cargo tank penetration are compared
between different impact scenario models.
The results of this case study indicate that the
models give a widely varying average hull breach
probability. In particular, the uncertainty on cargo
tank breach probabilities dependence of initial en-
countering is significant, which is an important fac-
tor in the analysis of oil spill risk in specific location
i.e. crossing or merging of waterways.
The distributions of collision energy for models
based on statistics depend almost solely on the strik-
ing vessel mass instead of the actual encounter sce-
nario. In the statistics that the models are based on
there are no collisions where a high speed craft is
involved. Further it is reasonable to assume that the-
se statistics include collisions, in which the struck
vessel is in anchorage, leading to underestimation in
struck vessel speed at the moment of impact in colli-
sions occurring at open seas.
None of the statistics is broken up for cases in
different sea areas nor is the encountering related
with the collision. These lacking in data are partly
N-S, E-W; Crossing
S-N, E-W; Crossing
due to the limited number of collision cases availa-
ble, lack of transparency and unsatisfactory report-
ing standards.
It is very likely that the statistical models are
grossly underestimating the effect of encounter
speed for both vessels in the area concerned in this
case study. This leads to the conclusion that the un-
derstanding of the conditions of ship collision in a
risk modeling framework is very limited at present.
The proposed models for impact scenarios are
moreover burdened with some inherent conceptual
limitations. The most significant limitation is the un-
satisfactory modeling of evasive maneuvering,
which links the initial encounter situation to the im-
pact scenario. The results clearly indicates that espe-
cially the parameters which navigators have a possi-
bility to affect in evasive maneuvering, i.e. vessel
speed and collision angle, play a determining role in
the evaluation of the consequences. Further research
on this matter is needed.
The authors appreciate the financial contributions of
the following entities: the EU, Baltic Sea Region
(this study was partly founded by EfficienSea pro-
ject), Merenkulun säätiö from Helsinki, the city of
Kotka and the Finnish Ministry of Employment and
the Economy.
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