Table 4. Overview of impact scenario models.
Impact Collision V
Model Angle, β Point, d
[deg] [kn] [kn] [x/L]
Blind β=β
Rawson U(0,180) bi-normal idem to U(0,1)
(1998) N(5,1) V
Truncated {2, 14}
NRC N(90,29) W(6.5,2.2) E(0.584) B(1.25,1.45)
(2001) {0, 1}
Lützen T(0,β
,180) U(0,0.75V
) T(0,V
) Empirical
(2001) T(0.75V
) See FIG 7
Brown N(90,29) W(4.7,2.5) E(0.584) Empirical
(2002) See FIG 7
Tuovinen Empirical Empirical Empirical Empirical
(2005) See FIG 4 See FIG 5 See FIG 6 See FIG 7
* Distributions are marked as follows, U=Uniform(min, max)
N=Normal(μ, σ), T=Triangular(min, triangle tip, max),
E=Exponential(λ), B=Beta(α, β, min, max), W=Weibull(k, λ)
Lützen’s (2001) set of assumptions implies that
the struck vessel is more prone to speed reduction
than the striking vessel while the impact angle is tri-
angularly distributed between 0° and 180° with the
tip of the distribution at the encounter angle. The
longitudinal impact location is given by empirical
distribution. Although there is no explanation how
the distributions for collision angle and velocities are
derived these are included into the comparison be-
cause of the existing relation between encounter and
impact scenarios.
Rawson et al (1998) model is based on statistics
of the grounding accidents with assumption that the
collision speed being similarly distributed as
grounding speed. Velocities of the colliding vessel
are distributed according to a double normal distri-
bution in which the averages are described to repre-
sent the service speed, i.e. no speed reduction, and
half of service speed. The same speed distribution is
used for both striking and struck vessel. Collision
angle and collision location are uniformly distribut-
ed between 0°…180° and along the struck vessel’s
length respectively.
Tuovinen (2006) compiled statistics from over
500 collisions. Statistics have been used here as pre-
sented originally, in form of empirical distributions.
Brown (2002) and NRC (2001) give quite similar
distributions. Brown gives lower velocity for the
striking vessel. These models both assume that strik-
ing vessel has higher velocity than struck at the mo-
ment of impact. It is noteworthy that these two mod-
els suggest much lower collision speeds than other
models. Collision angle is normally distributed
around right angle. In NRC model the collision loca-
tion is beta distributed so that midship section is
rammed at higher probability than the fore and aft of
the vessel while Brown suggests empirical distribu-
Overall, the distributions Lützen suggested are
the only ones taking the encounter into account in
any way and other models give same distributions
for dynamic parameters irrespective of encounter
scenario. None of these models indicate how to de-
termine which vessel is striking and which is struck.
It is assumed here that the probabilities of vessel be-
ing striking or struck are equal for all models as no
other probabilities were suggested in these models.
The compared models do not have the possibility of
initial sway nor yaw speeds, which in case of ma-
neuvering is unlikely.
It can be seen in the Figures 4-7 that models, with
exception of Brown and NRC, give distinctively dif-
ferent distributions for the dynamic parameters.
Considering the struck vessel speed being lower in
all the models expect Rawson it appears likely that
the collision statistics from which the distributions
are derived include collisions in which the struck
vessel is in anchorage or in berth. Tuovinen’s (2005)
statistics include approximately 6% of such cases
and 41% of open seas collisions. Brown (2002)
states that the share is significant as in about 60% of
collisions struck vessel speed is zero.
3.3 Deformation energy calculations
Zhang presented in his PhD thesis (Zhang, 1999) a
simplified calculation method for released
deformation energy in ship-ship collision. Zhang’s <