International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 6
Number 1
March 2012
According to STCW section A-I/12”..... the simulator
shall be capable of simulating the operating
capabilities of shipboard equipment , to a level of
physical realism appropriate to the training and
assessment objectives.....”.
In trying to identify the capability of maritime
simulator course, we can say that is multifunction’s
tool through which special techniques in ships han-
dling either to deck or to engine department can be
promote. More specifically, we can say that maritime
simulator can work a knowledge accelerator for the
seafarer in order to protect the human life at sea and
the environment protection.
Actually the simulator course is an interactive
course among the machinery, the instructor and the
students. But how do those three ingredients interact
with each other, under which pedagologic model?
And finally who makes the evaluation and the as-
sessment of this course?
Those are some of the main questions which we
will try to answer through our research.
The main goal in most of the pedagologic theories
is what finally the students take from the course in
long term future and not by the end of the course.
From literature view the closer pedagologic theories
to the virtual learning like maritime simulation are:
Problem based learning, Discovering Learning,
Learning by exploration, just in time teaching, Case
based learning. The main guide line in all this theory
is that the evaluation of the course stems from the in-
teraction between the student and the instructor.
Based on this acceptance, in our research we will
try to apply the Concern Based Model in Full Mis-
sion Engine Room Simulator which has steadily been
introduced and corresponded to a fraction of the aca-
demic syllabus in the merchant marine academy of
Chios. This Study is a part of an expanded research
according to the Concerned Based Adoption Model
(CBAM) which includes the:
Stage of Concerned
A Methodological Framework for Evaluating
Maritime Simulation
P. Vasilakis & N. Nikitakos
University of Aegean Department of Shipping Trade & Transportation, Chios, Greece
ABSTRACT: The application of simulation courses according to STCW conversion is addressed to the edu-
cation of marine deck and engine officers in order to familiarize with the working environment, emergency
contingency training and trouble shooting. This paper presents a framework which evaluates the participants
in the courses of simulator, according to their concerns and their level of use. Actually this framework is an
innovative concept which tries to identify how the contributors think and work in this virtual environment.
The results from the application of this framework are presented in this paper, based on student’s concerns,
reactions and level of use with respect to the exercise and efficiency of simulation training courses taken place
at the Merchant Marine Academy of Engine Officers on Chios Island. The main goal of our research is to
promote a general framework which can be easily applied in any marine simulation curses and will be very
useful to the instructor for reorganizing, redesigning and finally configurating the Simulation Courses accord-
ing to their participant.
Level of Use
Within this paper, the value of simulation along
the stage of concern and the Level of Use of simula-
tor taught courses will be examined. Data are ex-
tracted from student reactions that have participated
and experienced simulator applications. The analysis
was based on the theoretical model C.B.A.M. Results
are extracted and anticipated to present the percep-
tion skills of participating students as well as their
reactions and feedback.
The scope of the analysis is to obtain results that
will enable the academic staff to ascertain the needs
and requirements for improvements in order to de-
velop more resourceful and efficient methods for
simulation course education. Thus the application of
simulators will be far more productive for the partic-
ipating students enabling them also to be adapted in
the real working environment.
The objective goal of application of simulator
courses is the reproduction of virtual reality cas-
es/problems that converge to the real operation tech-
niques and troubleshooting that the officers might
encounter during real operation at the ships engine
By evaluating the performance of simulator
courses it is anticipated and expected to improve the
offered education; thus the candidate officers will
make a success when they face the “real world”. It
will be a virtue and success of the academic schools
that are associated with the maritime education to
graduate qualified officers who are not only quali-
fied graduates but they also bare the knowledge and
ability to undertake and effectively execute their du-
ties without any doubt and with the expected profes-
sionalism and responsibility.
The participants who took part in the CBAM ques-
tionnaire are students of Merchant Marine Academy
on Chios Island. The Academy was founded in 1955
and currently the supported by the Greek Ministry of
Economy, Competitiveness & Shipping. The dura-
tion of studies is 4 years amongst which 12 months
are practice on merchant marine vessels. The rest
three years consist of a syllabus of theoretical and la-
boratory courses. The Orientation of Students is both
theoretical and technical education according to
Sandwich Courses and STCW. Graduates are granted
with the diploma of 3rd Engineer of Merchant Ma-
By total of sixty five students that participated in
the course of simulation during spring (half-year) pe-
riod 2008-2009, fifty questionnaires were collected
in total. Nine questionnaires were not fully complet-
ed thus they were excluded from the analysis.
In order to present a complete picture for the
standards and knowledge of the participating students
the following are noted:
The students are in a percentage of 60% of 20-22
years if age.
Most students came from high school with general
education, in a percentage of 46, 3%. This fact de-
termines that they are individuals with high level
of theoretical knowledge.
Those that emanate from high school with tech-
nical education represent a percentage of 43, 90%.
All of them declare that they have been trained in
the use of the English language and they evaluate
their knowledge as on average level in a percent-
age of 60%.
Only a percentage that reaches the 17% is aware
of a second foreign language, mainly German also
reported to be used at an average level.
The students that participated in the research have
completed the compulsory educational travels,
thus they have completed their practical educa-
tion, therefore, it is agreed that they have a com-
pleted aspect with regard to their education as
well as the profession they will follow upon suc-
cessful graduation.
In the submitted questions to the students referring
to the level of education, a percentage of 78% de-
clared satisfied while a percentage of 48% evalu-
ated the level of education as very good.
The Concerns-Based Adoption Model- (CBAM)
mainly deals with the effort of description, measure-
ment, and explanation of process of change in educa-
Figure 1. Concern Based Adoption Model
The CBAM, is experienced both the instructors
and their students that try to apply and follow new
procedures in teaching and studying as well as the
implemented educational material and practices.
With the assistance of figure 1, it is shown that
CBAM is a framework designed to help change facil-
itators indentify the special needs of individuals in-
volved in the change process and address those needs
appropriately based on the information gathered
through the model diagnostic dimensions.
With those diagnostic data, the instructor could
then develop a policy for any required interventions
in order to facilitate the change effort. Together the
SoC and LoU provide a powerful description of the
dynamics of an individual involved in change; one
dimension focusing on feelings, the other on behav-
iorural patterns.
Stages of Concern provide a framework from which
to understand the personal side of the change pro-
cess. According to this we assign different priorities
and level of interest the things we perceive, individu-
ally and in various combinations, but most of the
time we have little or no interest in most stimuli.
Concerns are an important dimension in working
with individuals involved in a change process like the
simulation course in the maritime education.
Figure 2 : Cycle Diagram of understanding
Seven Stages of Concern about an innovation
have been identified (see figure 2).They are called
stages because usually there is a development
movement through them. The participants of a simu-
lator course may experience a certain type of concern
although in the process they may experience another
kind of concern. Another type of concern may
emerge. The Stage of Concern about a simulator
course appears progressively from little or no con-
cern, to concern about the task of adopting by simu-
lator, and finally to concern about the whole impact
of the simulator course. The Stage of Concern Ques-
tionnaire (SoCQ) is the primary tool for determining
in which stage the individual is.
The levels of use represent models of behavior which
are classified in eight separate categories. The focus
is on what the individual is doing or not doing. Those
behavior models mainly focus on the actions of indi-
viduals which have completed the course regardless
if the outcome is successful or not (see table 2). Each
model is recorded and analyzed as well as a series of
individual reactions that are also connected with the
particular behavior. The result is drawn on a table 5
that consists of the levels of use along with the seven
categories which we are examining and the prede-
termined behaviors
The methodology utilized in this research is the fo-
cused interview. A typical questionnaire contains
questions in which we usually anticipate answers that
are related to questions asked during each structure
of object.
The Stage of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ) are de-
veloped in order to measure the concern of the indi-
vidual. The data analyses were based on the follow-
1 Determine the highest perceived concern for each
participant, along with one or two also high con-
cerns. The remaining stages are characterized by
default, of lower concern.
2 SoCQ percentile stage scores (seven plus total)
The validity of the stage of concern questionnaire
is investigated by examining the highest and the low-
est scores at each stage separately and related to one
or another stage. In the duration of the investigation
all the other variables as concerns theory seizes are
taken into consideration.
The participants in this study used a 0-7 scale to
respond each item. The highest response indicated
that the person considered items in its scale; the sum
of the scale scores constituted the total score. Exam-
ining both the highest and the second highest a more
detailed interpretation is possible. Analyzing the
complete profiles allows us the most sensitive inter-
pretations of responders.
As a definition, the Levels of Use are the sequence a
user which follows during his progression while us-
ing an innovation. It is addressed to the adapted
methodology by the user while he gains his confi-
dence with his developed skills in order to ascertain
the use of the educational innovation. Following the
same logic, however, a different individual may re-
main unchangeable during the duration of process of
Table 2: The level of use of the innovation
Table 3: Result Table of stage of concern
Stage Percent % Group
0 Awareness 12.75% SELF 39,25%
1 Informational 13.79%
2 Personal 12.71%
3 Management 11.42% TASK 23,92%
4 Consequence 12.50%
5 Collaboration 13.93% PERFORMING 27,43%
6 Refocusing 13.50%
The adopted methodology is outlined in the fol-
lowing 3 points:
The questionnaire developers investigate the va-
lidity of the LoU by examining the relation of
scores on the seven stages scales amongst each
other as well as amongst variables suggested by
theory of Level of use.
The behaviors that are described at each intersec-
tion in the LoU Chart are derived from combining
the described of a category of this level. Overall
the Lou chart is describe and reliably measured.
Each level of use represents a different approach
in using a simulator.
Each LoU is described in terms of the types of be-
haviors represented in the intersections in the
chart of each category with a particular Level.
Table No 1 shows the levels of use according to
model C.B.A.M. The individuals that participate in
the educational innovation take for granted that they
function in higher level than the level of routine IVA,
so that the innovation is maintained and its use is
In the case of Levels of Use it is assumed that the
inquired person has a good comprehension of the
theoretical frame Level of Use and then direct him-
self accordingly and proceeds by answering the ques-
tions. Even if the questionnaire is drawn with various
types of discriminations so that it facilitates the user
but also us, a lot of points exist where discrimination
between the formal responses is sensitive, thus the
inquired person will have to reply in a consistent and
reliable way in order to be effectively evaluated.
In order to access and mark the usefulness of En-
gine Room Simulation, always according to the theo-
ry of Level of Use the behaviors of individuals were
developed and delimited in the seven categories (see
Table 4 ).
Towards classified the percentile result which ob-
tained and following the theory of high and low stage
of concern table 3 coming up. The results which can
be extracted about the concern of participants accord-
ing to the highest percentiles is that 13.95% indicates
a great concern about collaboration between the par-
ticipant and the relation which has been developed
during the simulation courses. The interpretation for
this result can be considered very logical, if we com-
pare it with the real work environment in the engine
room of a ship. The second highest percentage is
13,79% and indicates concern about the collecting of
information and knowledge for the simulation course
and the definition of all this process.
In whole process of simulator courses the way
which cope the 13.50% present of participant is very
interesting. That indicates participants who are inter-
ested in learning more from the whole procedure of
the task. They focus on exploring ways to reap more
universal benefits from the simulation courses, in-
cluding the possibility of making major changes to it.
Based on the theory of Level of use and the response
of participants the result of our research is classified
between level of use and categories coordinates at
the table No4. The highest percentage is in the cate-
gory of sharing and at the category of assessing
which is classified at the level of use V (integration).
Integration indicates that our participants combin-
ing their own efforts to use the simulation course
with the related activities of colleagues to achieve a
collective impact for their own common sphere of
As for the category of assessing, participants in-
dicate that they appraise collaborative use of the in-
novation in terms to increasing his own outcomes
and strengths and weakness as the integrated effort.
At the categories of Status Reporting and at the
Acquiring information the users indicated Level of
Use IVA Routine: that means they determine the use
of simulator and few changes take place in ongoing
The weaknesses of the users indentified on the
knowledge, planning and performing category. Ac-
tually in this category the instructor must be given
more attention in order to enhance the output of
simulator course.
From pedagogical view the simulator courses can be
used under cooperation of cognitive theories based
on virtual reality learning. As mentioned at the be-
ginning of our research many theories can be
adapted in order to enrich the whole procedure. The
final choice of correct theory must be a combination
of the simulation task and the following correct the-
ory. The correct approach of pedagogical theory dur-
ing the course can be defined from the category of
knowledge and performing at level of use. During
our research we investigate and compare the closest
pedagological theory which can be adapted to simu-
lation course the result can be found in table 5. The
main purpose of adoption of the pedagogical theory
in simulation course is to engage the participant in
the role of transferring and generating cognitive in-
side from the hall procedure of simulation curses as
much as possible. In an effort to indentify in which
stage of learning our participant are; we adapted the
theory learning theory of Kolb. According to this
theory typically expressed as four-stage cycle of learning,
1 Concrete Experience - (CE)
2 Reflective Observation - (RO)
3 Abstract Conceptualization - (AC)
4 Active Experimentation - (AE)
Furthermore we are trying to assign the results
from the stage of concern with the ones from the
stage of learning of Kolb theory. As the theory of
concern says we categorized the seven stages of
concern into three groups ( see table 4). Those
groups are: from stage 0 to stage 2 called Self
Group. Stage 3 and 4 called Target group. Stage 5
and 6 called Performance group. We summarized
the percentile score for each group and the result is
for Self concern group 39.25%, for Target concern
group 23.92%, and for group of performance
Finally we pair the data from stage of concern
with the stage of learning (see figure 2) and the find-
ings are that our participants in 39.25% are between
the concrete experience and the observations. The
23,92% percent is between reflective observation
and abstract conceptualization. Respectively the
27,43% are between the abstract conceptualization
and active experimentation.
The conclusion of the research is the fact that the
surveyed students experienced and accepted the in-
troduction of simulation in training positively by ex-
pressing an interest to learn more about the applica-
tion. One of the most important outputs, is the ex-
pression of strong concern on the basis of the devel-
oped collaboration amongst students, during the
This findings probably are the main outcome of
our research given that:
1 The simulator course works like knowledge ac-
celerator and transfer knowledge.
2 The purpose of the engine simulator is to dupli-
cate activities carried out in the engine rooms of
3 In the engine rooms of ships there should be es-
tablished and imposed conditions of teamwork
and cooperation, rather than surface level and
should actually include exchange of views and
knowledge amongst the crew.
4 27.43% participants fell comfortable with the
simulation course and they are ready to apply
their knowledge in order to learn by trial and er-
ror and ensure their thoughts about the operation
of engine room.
It seems that the students are fully aware of the
role and importance of simulation and begin to seek
partnerships and relationships that would assist them
to cope with the theoretical exercises that might also
experience the simulator in practice. In conclusion,
the findings that the instructors received on the reac-
tions and concerns of students on the receptivity of
the implementation of the simulator as part of their
basic education could be positively described.
Also encouraging data for the full and smooth ac-
ceptance of simulation in education process have
been addressed.
At the end of the course the 39,25% of partici-
pants are between of concrete experience and
observation which means they don’t realize what
exactly happened or they don’t have enough time
to react .
Not given or there are not enough incentives from
the instructor to the participants for planning or
to performing during the course.
The participants indicate a low concern to organ-
izing, managing and scheduling the simulation
The instructor decides to corporate more closely
with the manufacture company to readjust the
simulation course in the specific needs of student.
The syllabus of Academy reorganized according
to the needs of simulation course.
The instructor decide to devote much more time
at the stage of debriefing and more general to in-
form the participant for the main purpose of
simulation course.
It is the first time that the C.B.A.M. “framework”
is used as a tool to measure the outcome of the ap-
plication of marine simulation in a merchant marine
Academy. It was anticipated to provide an output re-
lated to the concerns and aptitude not only from the
users but also the instructors. It could be used as a
tool to measure the effectiveness between the in-
vestment of simulation and the knowledge which the
students acquire.
This paper is an initial part of our research. It is in
our future plan to apply the CBAM model in as
much as possible maritime simulators applications,
in Europe but further more in Asia. Our main pro-
posal is to create a flexible tool which can be
adapted in each maritime simulations course in order
to determine the effects of the courses to the seafar-
ers. From the other point of view, according to the
response of the seafarers, it will determine the eval-
uation of the teaching and the pedagogical method
which can be applied.
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