ces. Depending on the specific application, inclusion
and consideration of these various indices in the
problem formulation will lead to very different loca-
tion models (Hale & Moberg, 2003).
There exists two predominant objective functions
in location science: minisum and minimax. These
are also known as the median and centre problems,
respectively. The diametrics of these objective func-
tions also exist (maxisum and maximin), although
they are somewhat less studied. Other objective
functions are also studied within the location science
community, especially recently. The most notable of
these are the set covering and maximal covering ob-
jective functions. The former of these two objectives
attempts to locate the minimum number of new fa-
cilities such that a prescribed distance constraint to
existing facilities is not violated. In contrast, the lat-
ter strives to locate a given number of facilities to
best meet the (weighted) demands of the existing fa-
cilities subject to a maximum distance between new
and existing facility. It should be noted that for the
set covering formulation, because all of the demands
must be met (covered) regardless, the relative weight
of the demands generated by the existing facilities
are inconsequential, whereas in the maximal cover-
ing objective some existing facility demands may be
left unmet (uncovered).
Location problems are generally solved on one of
three basic spaces: continuous spaces (spatial), dis-
crete spaces, and network spaces. The first of these
three deals with location problems on a continuous
space (in one, two, or three dimensions) where any
location within the realm is a feasible location for a
new facility. The second looks at problems where
locations must be chosen from a pre-defined set
while the third looks at location problems that are
confined to the arcs and nodes of an underlying net-
work (Hale, Moberg, 2003).
3.1 The classical approach
The mathematical theory of evidence, one of various
tools employed in the application, will be used for
evaluating the possibility of objects detection by,
e.g., radio stations monitoring specified area. Ap-
proximate reasoning, the other significant element
used in the application, provides extrapolation and
interpolation of the incomplete knowledge of moni-
toring stations characteristics. The solution to the
problem of detection, namely assessing the possibil-
ity of detection by each station, allows for moving
on to the optimisation problem of supervised area
coverage. Such task can be solved by locating ob-
servatory stations in a manner enabling detection
level indicators to be higher than the assumed value.
An adequate level of indicator values is achieved by
covering a set of analyzed points with the relevant
number of suitably located stations. Detection levels
are estimated for a specific discrete search area with
regard to records consisting of observing equipment
data. Submission of records allows for calculating
appropriate parameters for each point of the ana-
lyzed area. Solving this problem is possible through
the mathematical theory of evidence.
The characteristics of each observatory station are
the starting point in the computational process. Suf-
ficient technical parameters provided by the equip-
ment manufacturers are incomplete values, calculat-
ed for a certain meteorological conditions at sea
(e.g., calm sea) and for typical naval units. Approx-
imate inference mechanisms as well as additional
knowledge of experts are needed, the latter being a
major source of output data due to the subjective ex-
pert assessment, affected by a degree of uncertainty.
This subjectivism requires the use of appropriate
mathematical apparatus. The mathema-tical theory
of evidence in its flexibility allows the use of fuzzy
and approximate figures. Calculation of masses of
the particular framework of discourse hypotheses
with use of membership function creates a structure
of beliefs enabling extensive use of the mathematical
theory of evidence.
Water areas monitoring is conducted with the use
of radar (among others), characterized, as any other
technical equipment, by certain limited level of
functioning and of reliability in the sense of realisa-
tion of basic tasks. The possibility of detecting ob-
ject is vital parameter of any device of this kind.
Modern monitoring stations are able to detect float-
ing objects in considerable distances. One may ven-
ture to say that their range is horizontal in fine hy-
drometeorological conditions. Obviously, the ability
to detect depends on the so-called Radar Cross Sec-
tion (RCS), a feature which is associated primarily
with the size of a given unit. Another significant pa-
rameter is a draft of a vessel, which in turn reduces
the above-water body, affecting directly the size of
the reflecting surface. Detection of smaller units at
rough sea may pose problems. Whether a specific
type unit will be detected in particular conditions
depends on the distance to the observatory station,
the sea state and the observing equipment character-
istics. In some areas the heavy maritime traffic calls
for an appropriate location of observatory stations
ensuring sufficiently high level of unit detection.
The Dempster–Shafer theory (DST) is a mathe-
matical theory of evidence. In Dempster-Shafer (DS)
theory, there is a fixed set of n mutually exclusive
and exhaustive elements, called the frame of dis-
cernment, which is symbolized by: