International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 3
September 2011
The one stop shop business model has been exhaust-
ively researched and applied in the context of e-
business and e-government service provision over
the last decade (Wimmer, 2002; Lambrou et al.,
2008). In a similar vein, in the trade, transport and
shipping sector, the “Single Window” (SW) concept
was formalized by the United Nations Centre for
Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business
(UN/CEFACT 2005) to enhance the efficient ex-
change of information between trade and govern-
ment agencies. The Single Window concept has its
origin in the Trade Facilitation and Customs field
focusing upon efficient import and export institu-
tions and mechanisms, where declarations of goods
related to regulatory information must be reported in
cross border activities.
A SW primarily addresses the need for efficient
and collaborative electronic transactions between
governmental and business entities; however the co-
coordinating SW authority and the core functionality
may differ, thus we typically observe a customs-
centric, import and export oriented approach, a port
and ship oriented (maritime focus), and a safety and
security centric approach. In both cases pertinent
SW service design aspects include the SW owner-
ship model (public, private or public-private partner-
ship - PPP), and the SW cost model (e.g., free use,
membership or transaction fee). The organizational
level of the SW competent authority, e.g., interna-
tional, national, regional, or local is an important dif-
ferentiating factor, as well. Often, vested interests
and policy choices dictate the dominance of one
model implementation over the other.
In this paper we discuss different types of single
window systems and enabling development method-
ologies and platforms, focusing in particular on a
maritime centric model where ship clearance, cargo
import/export, and port clearance services are sup-
ported. This means that we extend the Single Win-
dow Concept to conver not only regulatory infor-
Maritime Transport Single Windows: Issues
and Prospects
K. E. Fjortoft, M. Hagaseth
MARINTEK-SINTEF, Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute
M. A. Lambrou
University of the Aegean, Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport, Chios, Greece
P. Baltzersen
Wilhelmsen IT Services, Norway
ABSTRACT: In the trade, transport and shipping sector, the Single Window (SW) concept has been evolved
over time in a number of forms, reflecting respective policy, regulatory, market and technological regimes of
the domain. A SW primarily addresses the need for efficient electronic transactions between governmental
and business entities; however the SW service model adopted by the responsible authority and the offered SW
system functionality differ; currently at least two distinct approaches are observed, namely a customs-centric
SW approach, and a maritime and port centric approach. In all respective cases, the SW service model, the
SW ownership model (public, private or Private-Public-Partnership), legal and regulatory aspects and the SW
revenue model (free or with a fee) consist pertinent SW service design issues. Thus, different types of SW
systems evolve in terms of offered service bundle, namely ship clearance, cargo import/export, or port clear-
ance SWs, where often vested interests and policy choices dictate the dominance of one model implementa-
tion over the other. Modern ICT tools may significantly help to organize and improve the efficiency of a SW
design and implementation process. In this paper, admissible development frameworks and methodologies are
examined towards the efficient implementation of SW service models that are explained. Our analysis is
based on experiences gained in the Norwegian SW national initiative (
and the EU eFreight project (
mation, but also other information related to mari-
time transport.
There are different reference models of existing and
emerging SW systems supporting intermodal
transport activities, as explained in Table 1. A SW
system can cover the cargo reporting activities
where import and export declarations are the main
processes supported, another SW model is organized
around ship or vessel clearance activities offered by
national governments, whereas a third model is a
port clearance oriented SW. The purpose of a ship
oriented SW is to support all mandatory information
reporting concerning a ship sailing from abroad to a
EU or associated country, as based on the
SafeSeaNet (SSN) system notifications and formali-
All countries in EU and Associated countries are
connected or will soon be connected to the central
SSN system. Every country has to dedicate an inter-
nal authority as a National Competent Authority that
will be the official connection between the country
and the central SSN system that is under the respon-
sibility of the European Maritime Safety Agency,
A Port Single Window (PSW) can in many cases be
defined as a Port Community System (PCS). It is a
community system which based on an integrated se-
ries of procedures, rules, standards and ICT solu-
tions supports the automatic exchange of data and
documents related to the port authorities’ clearance
of ships and cargo upon arrival, stay and departure
of vessels.
A PSW is primarily supporting the requirements of
governmental agencies, but also the requirements of
the cargo parties’ interests. So a PSW covers Cus-
toms requirements and document handling, and the
information exchange dealing with the necessary
services in a port and the handling of ship and cargo.
It is also likely that a PSW will have a stronger focus
upon private information and more commercial ori-
ented regarding sale and ordering of port services
than the one for ship clearance.
Figure 1. Single Window Taxonomy
EPC (Electronic Port Clearance) is the concept
used to refer to vessels visiting a port and their elec-
tronically (without the use of paper documents) deal-
ing with all formalities, documentary requirements
and procedures associated with the arrival, stay and
departure of ships engaged on international voyages.
On the one hand, EPC aims to replace the paper
documents such as the FAL Forms currently in use;
on the other hand EPC tries to make the exchange of
information more efficient, through the rationaliza-
tion of the procedures and simplifying the related
data. Figure 1 gives an overview of the three dimen-
sions of Single Window systems and how each of
them relates to each of the actors. Note that the ac-
tors Ship Owner and Charterer only interacts with
the Single Window through other systems, not as
separate actors. The actor Other Port Parties/ 3
Party Systems includes parties involved in the port
business other than the port authorities, for instance
systems to handle resource bookings.
One of the challenges in the specification of SW
system is to decide the dimensions and geographical
areas the SW system should cover.
Examples of such dimensions are:
International dimension
National dimension
Regional dimension
Local dimension
Another dimension could be an Ad-hoc solution.
uc Use Case Model
Cargo Clearance Single Window
Port Clearance Single Window
Ship Clearance Single Window
Other National Authorities
Ship Agent
Ship and Ship
Cargo Agent
Other Port Parties/3rd
Party Systems
Ship Ow ner
Table 1. Types of Single Window
For all those dimensions there are different needs
and a different legal basis to follow that also differs
within one dimension. An example can be that with-
in a port, which is defined as a local dimension solu-
tion, there are some port specific regulations to fol-
low regarding mandatory reporting and the
configuration of the SW must therefore follow the
properties defined at the port where also the private-
public partnership relations must be placed, Fig-
ure 2. This means that a Single Window system for
one port may differ in several respects to a Single
Window system in an adjacent port.
It is likely that the different systems that represent
the different solutions must exchange information
with each other. A ship normally crossing the de-
fined dimensions where coming from an abroad
country and visiting a port, is mirroring the process
when returning to an abroad port. In such a case, the
ship must first follow the local dimension from de-
parture port, where regulations and other procedures
are followed (reporting time, place, etc). Then, in
some cases, new reporting and procedures must be
followed when sailing in a certain region such as a
fjord or vulnerable regional areas. Then, when the
ship is leaving the national waters, information must
be reported to the NCA (National Coastal Authori-
ties) or the Coast Guard of the departure nationality,
and finally follows international conventions in open
international waters. The same approach will be rel-
evant when sailing into the arriving port.
Figure 2. Geographical dimensions of SW
Several methodologies relevant for the development
of Single Window systems can be exploited. A
number of available methodologies focus on the
analysis and design phase using various process
modeling techniques, while other methodologies are
related to the technical implementation of a SW sys-
tem (e.g. SoaML).
3.1 Zachman Framework
The Zachman framework (Zachman, 1997) was first
presented in 1987 and has since then evolved in sev-
eral directions and several versions. For maritime
Single Window development, it is most relevant to
view it as a taxonomy for organizing architectural
artifacts, design documents, specifications and mod-
els. The framework addresses the question of who is
the target for the description and also what is de-
scribed, for instance data and functionality. In this
sense, the Zachman Framework is not a methodolo-
gy since it lacks methods and processes for collect-
ing the information, and also for managing or using
the information. Rather, Zachman describes the
framework for enterprise architecture as follows:
The Framework as it applies to Enterprises is
simply a logical structure for classifying and organ-
izing the descriptive representations of an Enter-
prise that are significant to the management of the
Enterprise as well as to the development of the En-
terprise’s systems. A key point in the Zachman
framework is that the same complex item can be de-
Objects Ship, Cargo, Load units, Service needs, Security information
Single Window for cargo
Single Window for ship clearance
Single Window for port clearance
Pre-notification Post-notification
scribed for different purposes in different ways using
different types of descriptions.
The framework has 36 categories for completely
describing anything related to the enterprise, orga-
nized with six columns and six rows. Each row rep-
resents a total, distinct and unique view of the solu-
tion from a particular perspective. Each column
represents a category of the enterprise architecture
component, called focus. These are data description
(what), function description (how), network descrip-
tion (where), people description (who), time descrip-
tion (when), and motivation description (why).
Some aspects of the Zachman framework that are
convenient for analyzing SW systems include:
1 Analysis of several organizations that have to co-
operate in an interoperable SW system:
A SW is an environment which has to support in-
teroperability among highly heterogeneous envi-
ronments. This means that a structured way to
present the analysis of the organizations with dif-
ferent viewpoints is important. The Zachman
Framework for systematically describing changes
to an organization based on various viewpoints
and various abstraction levels is very useful in the
analysis phase of a SW development.
2 Clarification of different views of the same arti-
The Zachman Framework focuses on different
views of the same artifact (process, data), which
is important in a SW system covering processes
and data originating from various applications,
both cargo, port, and ship clearance, but also orig-
inating from both public and private organiza-
3 Presentation of analysis results throughout several
The Zachman Framework can be useful to present
the analysis of a SW system. Important here is the
fact that new third party systems that want to col-
laborate with the SW may have easier access to
the taxonomy of the SW.
Some aspects of the Zachman framework that are
missing for SW systems:
1 Lack of a structured methodology:
The Zachman Framework does not include a
methodology per se, however, a methodology is
needed for the Single Window design and imple-
mentation process, for instance for describing
how to integrate a third party system with the
Single Window, and how to handle and share data
that is specific for the third party systems.
2 Description of both the SW and the third party
systems are needed:
The Zachman framework seems to focus on the
description of a single enterprise, however, when
designing a SW system, we have to consider sev-
eral organizations and environments as a whole.
This is because each service provider and service
user may represent distinct organizations with
their own Zachman matrix related to Single Win-
dow. What is needed, is a Zachman Framwork
analysis of the Single Window itself, but in addi-
tion, we would need to have descriptions of the
third party organizations, at least the parts that are
most relevant for the Single Window system.
CIMOSA (Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Open System Architecture) is an enterprise model-
ing framework, which aims to support the enterprise
integration of machines, computers and people. The
framework is based on the system life cycle concept,
and offers a modeling language, methodology and
supporting technology to support these goals. Three
dimensions of CIMOSA are outlined (Zue-
songdham, 2009):
1 The generic dimension (Instantiation of Building
Blocks) is concerned with the degree of particu-
larisation. This dimension differentiates between
Reference Architecture and Particular Architec-
Reference Architecture resembles a catalogue of
reusable building blocks which contains generic
and partial building blocks applicable to specific
Particular Architecture serves the use of a specific
case in process modelling which is not intended
to be reusable for other models.
2 The modelling dimension (Derivation of Models)
provides the modelling support for the system or
work life cycle starting from requirements to im-
3 The view dimension (Generation of Views) offers
the users to work with partial models representing
different aspects of the enterprises: function, in-
formation, resource and organisation with the op-
tion for other views to be defined as needed.
Advantages of CIMOSA:
1 Strong inter-organizational process modeling:
The CIMOSA is strong on modeling complex or-
ganizations and has constructions to model dif-
ferent views of the same things in an organiza-
2 Use of reference architecture:
The reference architecture can be used to build up
an library of Single Window concepts which may
be useful when new third party systems are to
connect to a Single Window. Then, reuse of
common descriptions and concepts may be facili-
tated through the use of CIMOSA.
3 Focus on common understanding of terms:
CIMOSA has focus on defining a glossary for
common understanding of terms and definitions.
Problems with using CIMOSA:
1 Process descriptions separate from implementa-
tion aspects:
CIMOSA does not cover the technical implemen-
tation phase, for instance related to ICT architec-
ture or software services. However, attempts have
been made to extend this framework (Zue-
songdham, 2009)
2 Complex framework:
The framework may look complex, since it has a
three dimensional matrices describing the model-
ing framework.
3.3 SOA and SoaML
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is an architec-
tural paradigm whose goal is to achieve loose cou-
pling among a collection of interacting software ser-
vices. Services are usually defined as autonomous,
platform-independent computational elements that
can be described, published, discovered, composed
and consumed using standard protocols for the pur-
pose of building distributed, collaborative applica-
tions within and across organizational boundaries
(Manolescu et al., 2005, Rødseth et al., 2011).
SoaML (Service oriented architecture Modeling
Language) is an open source specification project
from the Object Management Group (OMG), de-
scribing a UML profile and metamodel for the mod-
eling and design of services within a service-
oriented architecture (Casanave, 2009). SoaML
meets the mandatory requirements of the UPMS
(UML Profile and Metamodel for Services). SoaML
includes descriptions of how to identify services, the
requirements they are intended to fulfill, the func-
tional capabilities they provide, what capabilities
consumers are expected to provide, the protocols or
rules for using them, and the anticipated dependen-
cies between them.
Advantages of using SoaML for Single Window
1 Closer connection between the design and the
implementation phases of the Single Window de-
SoaML ensures a close connection between the
description and the implementation of services,
since SoaML works at the level of services. This
means that the connection between for instance
web services to implement the services can be
very tight to the description of the service archi-
tecture of the Single Window system.
2 Focus on services both at the design and imple-
mentation level:
Using SoaML means that both analysis and im-
plementation will focus on services. This is im-
portant in at least two aspects: to avoid silo think-
ing regarding the systems, and to facilitate the
creation of complex services based on basic, al-
ready existing services in the Single Window en-
3 Intuitive way to describe third party systems:
This is important in the sense that the third party
systems can be described as legacy systems being
wrapped up in a new service. The third party sys-
tems can be described with a clear interface to the
Single Window system regarding information ex-
change, functionality and payment regimes.
4 Reuse of services in new, complex services:
A SW system will make more information than
before available as a whole. This means that the
information can be combined in new ways offer-
ing new services. This leads to the need to com-
bine new and existing services into complex ser-
vices. SoaML is suitable for describing such
complex services.
Difficulties of using SoaML for SW Systems
1 Unclear notion of data model since the focus is on
services and processes:
The semantics of data in a Single Window envi-
ronment is very important since several systems
with heterogeneous data models have to cooper-
ate. In this context, the notion of three level ar-
chitecture for data model is important, that is, the
conceptual schema describing all concepts (enti-
ties and relationships) in the Single Window, and
the external schema describing only the part of
the data that is relevant for each third party sys-
tem. Separate from this, we have the internal
schema describing the implementation. SoaML
does not contain explicit description of this.
2 Complex syntax:
The notation and syntax of SoaML may appear to
be complex for those who are not familiar with it.
This may lead to difficulties in the communica-
tion with practitioners in the port and logistics
In (Zuesongdham, 2009), it is argued that a com-
bination of CIMOSA and SOA modeling is the most
attractive approach to develop interoperable port
community systems. This is because the inter-
organizational process modeling capabilities from
CIMOSA is needed in addition to the more techno-
logical related implementation view.
Several definitions of Single Window exists, most of
them are focused on handling regulatory infor-
mation. The future will show a more integrated in-
formation society between public and private sys-
tems as this paper has shown. However, we have
argued that the taxonomy and the use of commonali-
ties between them must be in place to have a harmo-
nized way of doing trade and transport. If each of
them will be developed as a proprietary system than
lots of engineering between them is needed to get
any valuable benefits of using the Single Window
concepts as described. One of the key points is use
of standard information and code values.
Several initiatives related to the development and
operation of maritime Single Window systems exist,
including the description of Single Window frame-
works by IMO (IMO/FAL36/1 2010,
IMO/FAL/36/2 2010), UN/CEFACT recommenda-
tion on Single Window (UNCEFACT 2005, 2010),
and (APEC 2009), and the description of several
data models related to Single Window including
(ISO/FDIS 28005-2 2010) on Electronic Port Clear-
ance (EPC), and (ISO 7372 2005) on TDED data
model. However, it is important to further proceed in
obtaining a distinct and unified framework and
methodology for developing Single Window sys-
tems, which will crucially support a smooth and
manageable integration of heterogeneous systems in-
to a Single Window environment. Single Window
systems need to be developed based on the compati-
ble standards regarding formal descriptiona of logis-
tics processes, interfaces and information content.
Cooperation between several national and regional
Single Window solutions will be simplified if the
systems are developed based on a unified framework
and compatible methodologies. Also, integration of
the numerous third party systems into the different
national Single Window environments will be more
efficient as based on a unified methodological back-
ground, and if systematically applied.
This work has been partially funded by the EU
( and by Norwegian Re-
search Council MIS project (Maritime Information
Casanave, C. 2009. Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture
Using the OMG SoaML Standard, white paper on
CIMOSA home page:
IMO/FAL/36/1 2010. Electronic Means for the Clearance of
Ships: The use of the Single Window Concept, Submitted
by Brazil.
IMO/FAL/36/2 2010. Electronic Means for the Clearance of
Ships: Justification for Single Window Guideline for Mari-
time Transport, Submitted by the Republic of Korea.
ISO/FDIS 28005-2 2010. Security management systems for the
supply chain -- Electronic port clearance (EPC) -- Part 2:
Core data elements
ISO 7372 2005. Trade data interchange -- Trade data elements
Lambrou, M. A., Pallis, A. A. and Nikitakos, N. V. 2008. 'Ex-
ploring the applicability of electronic markets to port gov-
ernance'. International Journal of Ocean Systems Manage-
ment, 1, 14-30.
Rødseth, Ø.J., Fjørtoft, K, Lambrou, M 2011. Web Technolo-
gies for Maritime Single Windows, Proceedings of MTEC
UN/CEFACT 2005. Recommendation No.33: "Recommenda-
tion and Guidelines on Establishing a Single Window".
UN/CEFACT 2010. Recommendation no 35: Establishing a
Legal Framework for International Trade Single Window.
Wimmer, M.A. 2002. ‘Integrated service modeling for online
one-stop Government’, Electronic Markets, Vol. 12, No. 3,
Zachman, John: Concepts of the Framework for Enterprise
Architecture, 1997.
Zuesongdham, P. 2009. Combined Approach for Enterprise
Modeling: CIMOSA and SOA as Dynamic Architecture in
Maritime Logistics.