International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 2
June 2011
Information from insurance companies and class
societies shows that there is rising trend in the
number of shipping incidents and accidents.
Statistics for vessels in Norwegian waters and
vessels sailing under the Norwegian flag confirm
this tendency. Data from the Norwegian Coastal
Administration list annual 80 100 groundings in
Norwegian waters. Capsizes and sinkings of small
fishing vessels are numerous and result in many
losses of life at sea in Norwegian waters. In view of
the forecasted increase in traffic volume (Arctic
Council, 2009), (Ministry of the Environment, 2006)
related to Arctic oil and gas production, export of
ores and other minerals and possible commercial use
of the Northern Sea Route, the Norwegian
authorities have identified a need for greater efforts
to raise the level of safety for shipping in Norwegian
waters, particularly in the north. This paper first
discusses current safety levels for shipping in
Norwegian waters using the available statistics on
maritime incidents and accidents. Some cases will
be described to illustrate situations in which
contingency planning resources were able to prevent
serious accidents. The “Full City” and “Langeland”
incidents in July 2009 are taken as examples of
emergency response resources being inadequate to
prevent major disasters.
Section 3 focuses on the outcomes of a
Norwegian pilot study of reducing the risk of
shipping accidents in Norwegian waters. This study
is being managed by MARINTEK on behalf of the
Norwegian Coastal Administration and the
Executive Committee for Northern Norway. The
outcome of this study will provide guidelines for
further Norwegian work on safety at sea.
Section 4 discusses follow-up activities in
Northern Norway, bilateral collaboration related to
the Barents Sea region and the preparation of a
Northern North Atlantic collaborative project on
safety at sea, which will involve partners from
Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland,
Canada and USA.
The final part of the paper relates Norwegian
activities to ongoing IMO Polar Code work and
initiatives taken by Arctic Council to improve search
and rescue operations in the Arctic.
2.1 Accident statistics
The pilot project “A holistic approach to safety at
sea” reviewed sources for information on marine
accidents in Norwegian waters (Berg, Kjersem and
Kvamstad, 2010). One important source of
information is the statistics prepared by the
Norwegian Maritime Administration. Figure 1
provides an overview, with the data divided into
three classes: groundings, collision with quays and
other types of marine casualties. As can be seen
there has been a slight increase in both groundings
and quay collisions in the course of the past five
Safety at Sea a Review of Norwegian
T. E. Berg & B. Kvamstad
Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute, Trondheim, Norway
F. Kjersem
Norwegian Coastal Administration
ABSTRACT: This paper offers a brief review of recent and ongoing Norwegian activities aimed at improving
safety at sea, focusing primarily on waters under Norwegian administration. Our discussion of international
activities is mostly limited to ongoing IMO Polar Code efforts and Arctic Council search and rescue topics.
years. Information on maritime accidents in
Norwegian waters information has also been
collated by insurance companies (CEFOR),
Norwegian Sea Rescue, the Accident Investigation
Board Norway (,
Telenor Maritime Radio, the Governor of Svalbard
and the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway
(accidents involving the offshore petroleum sector).
When we compare Norwegian and international
statistics, it turns out to be difficult to obtain
information about the underlying causes of accidents
in most reporting schemes. The pilot project
concluded that more effort should be put into
drawing up better reporting schemes. The reports of
the Accident Investigation Board Norway
incorporated learning elements that could be of
general interest for shipping companies.
Figure 1. Ship accidents first 6 months 2000 2010 by
accident types (courtesy of Norwegian Maritime
2.2 Findings of accidents analysis
Indepth investigations by the Accident Investigation
Board Norway provide more information on
accident causes and make specific safety
recommendations with a view to improving safety at
sea based on their findings. These recommendations
frequently point to lack of proper crew training,
inefficient and/or unclear bridge management, lack
of electronic chart system updates and unsatisfactory
operating procedures.
2.3 Some illustrative cases
The cargo vessel MV Full City grounded at the
Sastein anchorage in Telemark, southern Norway, in
the early morning of 31 July 2009 (Figure 2). After
arriving at the anchorage anchors were dropped at
the position shown in Figure 2. Five shackles (137
m) of the starboard anchor chain were in water when
the master reported back to Brevik VTS. The anchor
position was 0.9 nautical miles from the nearest
shore at a depth of approximately 20 22 m. At the
time of anchoring the wind was near gale force from
the southwest and it deteriorated during the evening.
The nearest weather stations showed severe gale to
storm with highest measured wind speeds of 48 54
knots. Hindcast calculations indicated a wave height
of 6 8 m south of Sastein. Around midnight the
ship's officers observed that the ship was drifting. It
has later been estimated that the vessel was drifting
at 2 3 knots and was less than 0.3 nautical miles
from land when the engine was started. Some six
minutes after the engine was started the ship
grounded, the engine room was flooded and the
main engine stopped. Later investigations showed
that both flukes of the anchor had broken off when
the vessel was dragging anchor.
Figure 2. MV Full City grounding during a summer storm in
July 2009 (Courtesy of Accident Investigation Board,
The small cargo vessel MV Langeland got into
difficulties in the same storm, en route from Moss in
Norway to Karlshavn in Sweden (Figure 3).It was
heading for shelter in the Swedish Koster Fiord
when communication with the vessel was lost. The
Swedish authorities mounted a search and rescue
operation. After some time, lifevests and the
emergency beacon were found floating in the water.
A ROV from the Swedish Navy found the sunken
vessel in 108 m of water. Six men lost their lives in
this accident.
Figure 3. Planned sailing route for MV Langeland
Another illustrative case is the collision followed
by grounding of the fishing vessel Hundvåkøy
(March 2010). The vessel is a 1443 GRT, 69 m
Norwegian purse seiner, which was sailing
southbound through Finnsnesrenna in Northern
Norway, fully loaded with 1,400 tonnes of capelin,
when it met Hordafor 4 in the narrow passage
between the Island of Senja and the mainland
(Figure 3). Hordafor 4 is a cargo ship of 65 m,
transporting fish feed and raw materials for fish
farms along the coast. The vessels collided at 8 am
and Hundvåkøy suffered major hull damage that
flooded the engine room. This produced a significant
starboard list and the vessel was grounded some 500
m south of Finnsnes Bridge. The crew abandoned
ship and were picked up by a passing fishing vessel.
No injuries resulted from the accident. A prompt
inspection by the Norwegian Coastal Administration
resulted in a decision to patch the large hole in the
hull with a Miko plaster. Both of the Coastal
Administration vessels attending the incident, M/V
North Crusader and M/V Harstad, were carrying a
Miko Salvage Kit from which it was possible to
select a six- by two-metre “hat-shaped” patch and, in
less than six hours, secure it to the hull to cover the
hole. As a result, virtually all of the catch was saved
and transferred to other vessels, and the engine room
was pumped dry. This enabled the Hundvåkøy to be
refloated and towed about 15 nm to the NATO quay
at Sørreisa for more permanent repairs.
Salvage experts who attended the incident believe
that without the patch, the trawler would almost
certainly have capsized and sunk. This would have
resulted in a costly recovery operation and a risk of
pollution in a sensitive Arctic region
Figure 4. Hundvåkøy accident (courtesy of Norwegian Coastal
The last example concerns an offshore towing
operation. During the return tow of the Hutton
platform legs (Figure 5) from Murmansk to Europe
the tow entered encountered harsh weather off the
coast of Finnmark in Northern Norway. Towing
speed was reduced to around 1 knot against a head
sea. After some time the towline broke and one of
the Norwegian Emergency Towing Vessels operated
by the government was called to assist the drifting
unit. They were able to connect an emergency
towing line and helped the towing vessel to bring the
offshore structure into Honningsvåg to reinforce its
sea fastenings before the tow was allowed to
continue south along the Norwegian coast.
Figure 5. Towing of Hutton leg structure into port of Hon-
ningsvåg for reinforcement of sea fastenings (courtesy Ulf
Klevstad, Norwegian Coastal Administration).
In response to questions on safety at sea in
Norwegian waters, MARINTEK was requested by
the Maritime Forum North organisation to lead a
pilot project that would take a holistic view of safety
at sea. The project was sponsored by the Executive
Committee for Northern Norway and the Norwegian
Coastal Administration. A reference group
representing governmental bodies, non-
governmental organisations and commercial stake-
holders was set up to gather information on known
issues of safety at sea and new challenges that could
be related to a forecast increase in petroleum and
shipping activity in the High North. The study listed
five themes that needed to be studied:
Increased understanding of and insight in
accidents at sea
Surveillance and monitoring of traffic at sea
National and international efforts on safety at sea
Contingency planning resources and
Training and education, and increased
competence in maritime sector and contingency
planning organisations
Some of the main challenges identified for marine
operations in the High North were the lack of high-
quality charts, lower quality of metocean forecasts
compared to North Sea standards, reduced
communication availability and lack of emergency
response infrastructure. Table 1 lists some of the
challenges identified under the five topics.
Table 1. Identified challenges - safety at sea
understanding of and
insight in accidents at
Today’s available statistics do not
identify the root of causes for the
Incidents and near accidents which
could lead to serious situations are
not registered in public statistics.
Surveillance and
monitoring of traffic at
Communication and tracking
systems in the Arctic do not offer
sufficient performance and capacity
to meet todays and future
communication and surveillance
Information exchange often
redundant and ineffective. In some
cases actors involved in e.g. a search
and rescure (SAR) operation owns
information which could be of use
for other actors who are unaware of
its existence.
National and
international efforts on
safety at sea
Changes in international rules and
regulations for safety at sea are
mainly made by the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO).
However due to e.g. difference in
national interests the decision-
making process is slow.
There are many recommendations
and guidelines for Arctic operations,
but very few mandatory regulations.
Contingency planning
resources and infra-
Excessive response time and too few
contingency planning resources
present a crucial challenge in the
Arctic. Response time is extremely
important due to low temperatures
and harsh weather conditions.
There is potential for raising the
level of service by optimizing the
available emergency preparedness
resources and infrastructure.
Important information for vessels at
sea is often poor, such as ocean,
meteorological, hydrological and
bathymetric data. Poor information
input is a poor basis for decision-
Training and
education, and
increased competence
in maritime sector and
contingency planning
There are no institutions that edu-
cate SAR personnel with specific
competence in operations in harsh
arctic weather conditions.
Recruiting is difficult, young people
chose other professions.
Inexperienced personnel may be
incapable of coping with a stress
On the basis of the studies performed and the
challenges identified, a detailed list of
recommendations for future work and research
topics was drawn up. The following list summarises
the main recommendations and topics which ought
to be followed up after the end of the project:
Establish a national (Norwegian) forum for
working with emergency related issues and
improved safety at sea. This forum should be
closely associated with the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's competence centre for
contingency planning, safety at sea and
Further development, strengthening and
modification of contingency planning
infrastructures in order to meet future rises in
maritime activities in the Arctic.
Improve the interaction between private and
public contingency planning resources.
Improve the quality of ocean, meteorological and
hydrological data for the fishing and merchant
Figure 6 shows the one-hour sailing time coverage
of the Norwegian coast by rescue vessels operated
by Norwegian Sea Rescue: some areas of the
northeastern coast lack coverage by these vessels.
However, the Coastal Administration has chartered
emergency response vessels for Northern Norway.
Figure 6. Coverage of vessels operated by Norwegian Sea Res-
cue (one-hour sailing time). Red areas: Covered by continuous-
ly manned rescue vessel. Yellow areas: Covered by voluntarily
manned rescue vessel (courtesy of Norwegian Sea Rescue).
4.1 Further work in the MARSAFENORTH project
Maritime Safety Management in the High North
(MarSafe North) is an ongoing safety related project
where MARINTEK is project manager. Kongsberg
Seatex is project owner and the project is financially
supported by the Research Council of Norway. It
will be finalized in autumn 2011. The project aims
to improve safety at sea by identifying users and
user needs in transport and advanced marine
operations in the shipping and petroleum sectors.
The project has also identified technologies for
communication, navigation, tracking and
surveillance that are capable of meetingcurrent and
future user requirements. MarSafe North has
identified a number of challenges for marine
operations in the High North which will be the basis
for recommendations for future efforts. The final
phase of the project will include work on ice drift
measurement and modeling, communication system
analysis, information modeling and feedback to
relevant national and international organizations and
4.2 Barents Secretariat project
In collaboration with Maritime Forum North, the
Norwegian Coastal Administration and the research
company Ocean Futures, MARINTEK has obtained
support from the Norwegian Barents Secretariat to
start a collaborative pilot project with Russian
Federation stakeholders on safety at sea in the
Barents Sea. The first workshop was held in
Kirkenes in mid-January 2011. The aim of the
workshop was to define the state of the art and
specify areas in which improvements to safety at sea
could be obtained. Potential topics for future
collaboration included:
Preparing data, information, knowledge and
expertise for the new Knowledge Centre for
Emergency Response and Oilspill Contingency
Planning that has been established in Vardø by
the Norwegian Coastal Administration
Improving search and rescue capabilities in the
Barents Sea
Providing input to IMO's efforts on the new Polar
Code, especially dedicated competence
requirements and the development of training
tools for safe operation of ships in the Barents
Sea region.
The second project meeting will be held in the
Russian Federation in March/April 2011.
Figure 7. Estimated SAR coverage with shore based helicop-
ters in Northern Norway (Courtesy of Rescue Coordination
Centre, Bodø)
Figure 7 shows SAR areas covered by shore-
based helicopters in Northern Norway. The Sea
King helicopters are operated by the Royal
Norwegian Air Force. They have passed their
original expected lifetime and the procurement
process for new SAR helicopters has been initiated.
Norwegian SAR helicopters have been involved in
marine rescue operations in the Russian sector of the
Barents Sea.
4.3 Nordic Atlantic Cooperation project
The Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA) has
approved a project on safety at sea in the Northern
North Atlantic region. MARINTEK is leading a
consortium of partners from Norway, the Faroes,
Iceland, Greenland, Canada and the USA. A revised
project description will be drawn up in early 2011
and the first project meeting is scheduled to take
place in May. The main areas of focus for this
project will be:
Improving operational competence for personnel
involved in proactive and reactive emergency
response activities
Optimising the use of the existing emergency
response infrastructure across national borders
Reducing response time to reaching a ship in
distress in the Northern North Atlantic (as for the
North Atlantic Bridge route from Churchill
(Canada) to Murmansk (Russian Federation)
Part of the work of this collaborative project will
be based on the outcomes of the Arctic Council
working group on search and rescue in the Arctic re-
gion; see section 5.2 for more information..
4.4 RCN pilot project
In collaboration with Maritime Forum North and the
research organisation Ocean Futures, MARINTEK
has asked for support for a pilot project to prepare a
major research proposal for the MAROFF research
programme (Research Council of Norway, RCN) on
safety at sea in the High North. The main topics in
this proposal will be:
Collaborative activities on knowledgesharing for
High North emergency response operations
Additional competence requirements for seafarers
operating in polar waters
Specification of transnational infrastructure for
search and rescue operations in polar waters.
The main project proposal will be delivered to
RCN in mid-February 2011
5.1 IMO’s Polar Code
Norway plays an important part in IMO’s ongoing
efforts to draw up an updated Polar Code. At the
54th session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design
and Equipment, a working group under Norwegian
chairmanship worked on the development of a
mandatory code for ships operating in polar waters.
It has been agreed to utilise a risk-based/goal-based
approach including defined goals and functional
requirements supported by prescriptive provisions
where necessary. A correspondence group was set
up to provide input to DE 55, which will take place
in March 2011. The main activity of the
correspondence group was to review the hazard
matrix presented in the DE 54 document (IMO 2010
a). The report of the correspondence group was
finalized in mid-December 2010 and forwarded to
IMO as a paper for DE 55 (IMO 2010 b). The
revised hazards matrix comprises four main
elements: Environmental conditions, High latitudes,
Environmental sensitivity and Human element. The
report recommends that a new working group should
be established at DE 55. Guidance has been
requested from the DE Sub-Committee on how to
understand the concept of “additional hazards” in the
context of the Code to be developed. It is assumed
that the consequences of any hazard will have to be
investigated to determine the potential gaps in the
current Conventions and Codes to obtain the same
safety level for shipping in polar waters as in other
international waters.
5.2 Arctic Council’s Search and Rescue efforts
based on publish information and phone calls
with Norwegian delegation leader
The Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Trom
(April 2009) decided to establish a task force “to
develop and complete negotiations by the next
Ministerial Meeting in 2011 of an international
instrument on cooperation in search and rescue
operations in the Arctic”. The USA and the Russian
Federation co-chair this task force (Arctic Council,
2010). Work is under way to develop a legally
binding document. The task force is at the stage of
full intergovernmental negotiations in which
“nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. Even
though the most complex issues are left to the very
end, the co-chairs plan to prepare the agreement for
signature at the Nuuk (Greenland) meeting in May
Safety at sea in Arctic waters introduces extra
challenges. Remoteness and lack of contingency
planning infrastructure are among the causes of
some of these additional challenges. It is therefore
important that Arctic and Antarctic coastal nations
should improve surveillance of all types of marine
traffic in their waters in parallel with improving
infrastructure and drawing up bilateral agreements
for training and infrastructure use. As the
consequences of an accident may be more severe in
Arctic waters the frequency of incidents must be
reduced to keep safety at sea at a given level.
It is important to support the IMO's ongoing
efforts to develop a mandatory Polar Code. The next
DE55 meeting in March 2011 will discuss the
hazard matrix, and it is possible that there will be a
new correspondence group after this meeting.
Norway is prepared to take a leading role in this
The ongoing Arctic Council task force on search
and rescue collaboration is scheduled to deliver its
draft for a legally binding document at the
Ministerial meeting in May 2011, specifying the
responsibilities for SAR operations in Arctic waters.
However, it is important to note that operators in the
Arctic region must take precautions to reduce the
level of risk of their operations by reducing the
frequency of accidents and mitigating the
consequences of accidents that do happen.
On the basis of ongoing work in Norway we
recommend further work on:
Improving regional collaboration to in order
optimize the efficiency of existing arctic
contingency planning resources
Developing additional qualification requirements
for seafarers operating in arctic waters
Developing specific training offers combined
with knowledge transfer from personnel with
cold-climate shipping experience
Strengthening meeting places for
knowledgesharing for senior officers operating
ships in arctic waters.
MARINTEK thanks the Norwegian Coastal
Administration, the Executive Committee for
Northern Norway and the Barents Secretariat for
their financial support for several projects that
provided the background for this paper. The
assistance of Captain Tor Husjord of Maritime
Forum North is greatly appreciated for his work to
establish stakeholder groups for Norwegian projects
on safety at sea.
Arctic Council, 2009: Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment
2009 Report, PAME, Borgir, Nordurslod - 600 Akureyri,
Iceland, 2009
Arctic Council, 2010: Meeting of Senior Arctic Officials, sec.
6.3 Search and Rescue Task Force, AC-SAO-
OCT10_FINAL REPORT, Torhavn, Faroe Islands, October
Berg, T. E., Kjersem, F. and Kvamstad, B. 2010. Sjøsikkerhet
en felles utfordring, MARINTEK, Trondheim, Norway,
November 2010.
IMO DE54, 2010: Report of the Working Group on Develop-
ment of a Mandatory Polar Code, DE 54/WP.3, London,
UK, October 2010.
IMO DE 55, 2010: Development of a Mandatory Code for
Ships Operating in Polar Waters Report of the Corre-
spondence Group, DE 55/12/**, London, UK, December
Ministry of the Environment, 2006: A holistic management
plan for the marine environment in the Barents Sea and wa-
ters outside Lofoten, Governmental White Paper no. 8
(2005-2006), Oslo, Norway.