International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 2
June 2011
Some shipboard systems and equipment (AIS,
GMDSS, ARPA, Navtex, and GPS) are used in the
automation of information acquisition and exchange.
However, these systems do not ensure exchange
of information in complex situations, where co-
operation between navigators (or coast station offic-
ers, helicopter pilots, etc.) has to be established.
The automation of the message interchange process
in maritime transport could support navigators
in this case. Moreover, such automation is a basis
for further development of more complex, agent
based navigation support system including an auto-
mated negotiation layer. Such automated negotiation
systems are well known in e-business and trading
environments and presented, among others, in Beam
1997, Paurobally 2003, Karp 2004.
Herein proposed is an approach to solve
the automation of the message interchange process
in maritime transport. This paper shows results
of the research continued after the one described in
Pietrzykowski et al. 2003, 2005, 2006. A general
concept of communication system is shown. The on-
tological structure of messages is introduced and its
description in XML Schema is proposed to formal-
ize the format of message contents and is an exten-
sion of the navigational based ontology in Mal-
yankar et al. 1999, Mingyang P. et al. 2003, Kopacz
et al. 2004 and Pietrzykowski et al. 2006.
The proposed solutions are based on an analysis
of a real process of communication between naviga-
tors presented as example in Pietrzykowski et
al. 2006.
The transformation of communication from human-
to-human to fully automated one is a continuous
process. Its purpose is not to provide the environ-
ment for fully automated communication between
machines, but rather to allow communicating be-
humans (system operators),
machines (e.g. exchanging information between
humans and machines (in all possible combina-
tions and proportions).
Figure 1 shows the scheme of the proposed com-
munication between the sender and the receiver. A
message built on sender’s side can include infor-
mation from the operator (e.g. navigator), even if
their primary source is any of the available electron-
ic systems. This information - sentences - can be put
in manually by the operator. Besides, some infor-
mation contained in a message is taken directly from
external electronic systems (e.g. shipboard AIS).
The aim of the communication system is to compose
a valid message by means of the previously defined
commonly understood syntax using the information
contained in these sentences.
The receiver’s system should be able to read this
message and decompose it to small sentences shown
directly to the operator, to store it or send to any of
the available external systems. Moreover, the opera-
tor can obtain additional information from the exter-
nal systems after they process any data from the
Automation of Message Interchange Process in
Maritime Transport
Z. Pietrzykowski, G. Hołowinski, J. Magaj & J. Chomski
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper is focused on automation of data message interchange in maritime transport. A gen-
eral concept of communication system is proposed. The authors deal with some issues of automatic commu-
nication in marine navigation. The principles and form of communication based on the use of maritime
transport communication ontology with XML Schema are described.
The proposed concept is a technical communica-
tion basis for further research in the following areas:
visualization of information,
automated negotiations between objects of com-
munication in maritime transport,
the latest systems on the market show the im-
portant role of efficient and ergonomic interface
(e.g. visual interfaces of mobile devices). The in-
terface for communication system in maritime
transport should support the visualization of both
source and destination objects of the communica-
tion. It should ensure that navigators understand
who takes part in this process (visual verification
of participants of the communication is provided
as support for the operator).
Figure 1. Scheme of proposed communication between two ob-
jects (e.g. ships). Note: a gray marked elements show automat-
ed data processing.
The proposed system concept can be regarded as
a basis for an automated negotiation system in mari-
time transport, which can be used, for instance,
as an expert system helping to optimize navigation
issues. In that case the automated or semi-automated
negotiation support system requires at least the fol-
lowing functionalities: information sharing among
objects (e.g. ship positions, speeds, courses) and au-
to-negotiation between them (e.g. implemented
as agents).
In Beam 1997 it is acknowledged, with a support
of several examples, that building an automated ne-
gotiation system is a challenging and difficult task.
Both the need for ontology and the need for a nego-
tiation strategy are highlighted that study. Ontology
is a way of categorizing objects in such a way that
they are semantically meaningful to a software
agent. The negotiation strategy in the navigational
environment should be clear in maritime transport
(while the strategy is a secret in known trading sys-
However, the functionalities indicated above can-
not be realized without automated communication.
The sections that follow present an ontology and its
implementation in XML Schema required to provide
for automated communication.
Ontology plays a major role in supporting the infor-
mation exchange processes in maritime transport. In
general, it provides a shared and common under-
standing of the domain of knowledge, communica-
tion, etc. The problem of ontology for maritime
transport is mentioned, among others, in Malyankar
et al. 1999, Mingyang P. et al. 2003, Kopacz et al.
2004 and Pietrzykowski et al. 2006.
One of the ways of message interchange is the
use of radiotelephone VHF communication. The
basic element of radiotelephone dialogs between ob-
jects such as ships, coast stations, etc., is a single
message. Each message consists of at least one sen-
tence. In practice sentences are usually simple ones
and contain one piece of navigational information,
e.g. for ship encounter situation (Fig. 2.):
Alpha: ‘Our CPA is close to 0’,
Alpha: ‘Is it possible that we pass starboard to
Figure 2. Ship encounter situation.
The sentences shown above contain one piece of
navigational information such piece is called an at-
tribute in this context. Complex sentences - contain-
ing more than one attribute - may also be heard, e.g.
two-attribute sentence: Beta: I intend to alter my
course to starboard soon and cross ahead of you at
a safe distance.” In this particular example one nav-
igator informs of his intention to alter his ship’s
course to starboard and of the closest point of ap-
proach after the maneuver is completed.
In each sentence more than one attribute can be
placed if they have the same simple sentence form
when expressed separately. In other words, we can-
not announce one piece of information in a sentence
and ask about another piece of information in the
same sentence.
Figure 3. Sentence attributes divided into sentence forms.
Source: Pietrzykowski et al. 2006
Source: Pietrzykowski et al. 2006
Considering the forms of sentences, we should
note that they significantly affect the meaning of
formulated messages. A single message can be ex-
pressed as an interrogative and positive sentence.
However, according to the accepted rules and using
the recommendations concerning communication at
sea (IMO 2002, IMO 2005) information is designed
here as a group of attributes that can be linked to all
possible types of sentences: Questions, Answers and
Tells (statements).
Figure 3 shows that all information about inten-
tions, permissions, information, warnings and re-
quests can be expressed in the form of statements
(Tell). The set of attributes related to intentions,
permissions and information can be also provided in
form of a Question (when we ask about e.g. permis-
sion for maneuver) or Answer (when we receive the
permission for this maneuver).
The ontological structure of a message (Fig. 4)
in the proposed automatic communication results
from the structure of verbal communication
and technical conditions:
Header supplemental data placed at the begin-
ning of a block of data being transmitted, in-
Sender object sending a message (ship, coast
Receiver object(s) getting the message from
sender (ships(s), coast station(s), objects locat-
ed in circle- or square-shaped area),
Sent time of message casting,
Other control information such as validity time,
communication ID, information about message
Body – information content of the message.
It is assumed that a message can be transmitted
from the sender to a single destination (precisely de-
fined address - unicast addressing), any group of in-
terested destinations (multicast) or finally geocasted
to destinations identified by their geographical lo-
0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7
Figure 4. Structure of a message for automatic communication.
In the last case the location is pointed by rectan-
gular or circular area described with geographical
coordinates, where elevation is an optional parame-
The body of the message consists of three groups
of data related to all possible types of sentences:
questions, answers and tells.
The process of developing the ontology and its result
in the form of technical description of message syn-
tax is a cyclic one. In each iteration of this model the
following steps are required: updating requirements
and analysis, design of ontology, implementation-
testing of technical description of messages, mainte-
nance. The result of the cycle is the richer version of
both ontology and document description.
When the ontology for maritime transport com-
munication is defined (the step of designing ontolo-
gy is successfully made), it has to be described more
precisely with constraints on the syntax and struc-
ture. It will allow generating and validating XML
messages in an applied telecommunication system.
XML Schema or DTDs can be used for that purpose.
The XML Schema recommendation describes the
content and structure of XML documents in XML. It
includes the full capabilities of Document Type Def-
initions (DTDs), so that existing DTDs can be con-
verted to XML Schema. Compared to DTDs, XML
Schemas have additional capabilities.
According to the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C), XML Schema is itself represented in an
XML vocabulary and uses namespaces, substantially
reconstructs and considerably extends the capabili-
ties found in XML document type definitions
XML Schema is itself represented in an XML vo-
cabulary, whereas DTDs document is described in a
unique syntax borrowed from SGML DTDs.
The size of message generated according to the
description in XML Schema is about 50% larger
than that based on DTDs. However, it does not seem
to be a serious disadvantage, while its typical size is
still several hundreds of characters and, if necessary,
it can be compressed during transmission.
Finally, in some cases DTDs do not support the
functionality required for XML documents, i.e. they
do not ensure the compatibility with new XML
products, do not support data types, and provide less
complex constraints on the validity of XML docu-
ments. W3C recommend using XML Schema.
Therefore, in the following discussion it is as-
sumed that XML Schema applies to the ontology in
the way that allows automating building, validating
and understanding of messages for communication
in maritime transport.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:element name="Message">
<xs:element name="Header">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="Sender" type="_Sender"/>
<xs:element name="Receiver" type="_Receiver">
<xs:element name="Sent" type="_Timestamp" />
<xs:element name="ValidTill" type="_Timestamp" />
<xs:attribute name="CommunicationID"
use="required" />
<xs:attribute name="MessageRepeated"
<xs:attribute name="ConfirmationRequired"
type="xs:boolean" />
<xs:element name="Body" minOccurs="1"
<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:element name="Answer" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element ref="Information" />
<xs:element ref="Intention" />
<xs:element ref="Permission" />
<xs:attribute name="Source">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Automatic" />
<xs:enumeration value="Human" />
Figure 5. Fragment of the ontology written in XML Schema.
Figure 5 shows the fragment of the more detailed
ontology for maritime transport communication
written in XML Schema. It is the technical form of
message structure description for automatic commu-
nication that is shown in Figure 3. Its application in
the real system allows to generate and validate mes-
A note is required about some XML Schema de-
mands. All time stamps (type=”_Timestamp”) con-
sist of combined date, time and time zone descrip-
tion. However, the time format is strictly required by
XML Schema definitions. It requires storing time
value in form of hh:mm:ss.ff (hh-hours, mm-minutes,
ss-seconds, ff –hundredths of a second).
We assume that some sentences can be ful-
ly-automatically exchanged between the sender and
the receiver. Therefore, for each sentence additional
information should be provided to indicate if a hu-
man or machine is the source of information. It is
important when the communication is not only be-
tween system operators (humans) but is semi- or ful-
ly-automatic (between machines).
One of the results of the maritime transport on-
tology development is the message structure a uni-
versal envelope that allows exchanging information
among objects of the communication process (ships
and all other types of watercraft, aircraft, coast sta-
tions, land vehicles). Although in the example men-
tioned in the next section the communication be-
tween two ships is described, more general
communication can be processed (Fig. 6: note <Ves-
sel> tags in both sender and receiver related lines in
message headers).
Let the dialog between two ships: Alpha and Beta,
presented in the paper by Pietrzykowski at al. 2006,
be an example a case study showing the commu-
nication described by XML messages generated ac-
cording to the ontology described by XML Schema.
A situation. Both ships - Alpha and Beta - (Fig.
2) are in a situation that COLREGs qualify as “ships
are on opposite courses or nearly opposite courses”
see Rymarz 1995. In this case, both ships are
obliged to alter course to starboard (pass each other
port-to-port) in order to safely pass each other.
However, in certain conditions the regulations allow
ships to alter their courses to port side, so that they
pass each other on starboard sides.
Verbal communication. In our case, the ship Al-
pha suggested to the ship Beta that both ships pass
on their starboard sides, as passing to port might
have caused a dangerous situation due to the pres-
ence of another ship. In response, the Alpha received
information that the Beta is about to alter course to
starboard (because she approaches her waypoint),
which will result in passing ahead of Alpha at a safe
distance and the encounter situation will be solved.
The Alpha accepts this solution.
Messages used in automated communication.
The above dialog can be described in the form of
XML messages built according to the ontology
structure described in XML Schema (Figure 6).
The record also illustrates the membership of in-
formation kinds which are related to a given attrib-
ute. For example, attributes “Expectation”, “Re-
quest” and “Demand” may be related to the same
kind of information.
instance” (View source…)>
<Header CommunicationID=”AB02”
<Sender><Vessel Name=”Alpha”
MMSI=”231002300” /></Sender>
<Receiver><Vessel Name=”Beta”
MMSI=”262998700” /></Receiver>
<Sent Date=”2010-11-01” Time=”18:00:01.00”
Zone=”UTC” />
<Tell Source=”Automatic”>
<Position Latitude=”50’49,1’N”
Longtitude=”01’03,1’W” Altitude=”0” />
<Tell Source=”Human”>
<CPA Value=”0.1NM”>Dangerous</CPA>
<RightOfWay Whose=”Indefinite” Who=”We”
Action=”MustGiveWay” />
<Question Source=”Human”>
<Passing Type=”Opposite” Side=”Starboard”
Berth=”0.5NM” />
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>
instance” (View source…)>
<Header CommunicationID=”AB02”
MessageRepeated=”0” ConfirmationRequired=”0”>
<Sender><Vessel Name=”Beta” MMSI=”262998700”
<Receiver><Vessel Name=”Alpha”
MMSI=”231002300” /></Receiver>
<Sent Date=”2010-11-01” Time=”18:00:51.00”
Zone=”UTC” />
<Answer Source=”Human”>
<AC Dir=”Stbd” Value=”40”>
<Time Date=”2010-11-01”
Time=”18:02:00.00” Zone=”UTC” />
<Question Source=”Human”>
<Passing Type="Cross" Side="Ahead"
Berth="1.2NM" />
instance” (View source…)>
<Header CommunicationID="AB02"
MessageRepeated="0" ConfirmationRequired="0">
<Sender><Vessel Name="Alpha"
MMSI="231002300" /></Sender>
<Receiver><Vessel Name="Beta"
MMSI="262998700" /></Receiver>
<Sent Date="2010-11-01" Time="18:01:22.00"
Zone="UTC" />
<Answer Source="Human">
<Passing Type="Cross" Side="Ahead"
Berth="1.2NM" />
Figure 6. A dialog between two ships written in XML all
massages validated with the ontology described in XML
Message a) is sent by the ship Alpha, and its body
consists of two positive sentences (position and
warning against a dangerous situation) and one inter-
rogative sentence (permission for passing). Re-
sponding, the ship Beta sends message b), in which
she declares an intention of making a turning ma-
neuver to starboard soon and asks for permission to
pass ahead of Alpha at a safe distance. The ship Al-
pha sends an answer (message c)) which includes
the permission for the proposed passing.
A general concept of communication system
for maritime transport was introduced. The cyclic
development process of ontology and its result
technical description of message syntax (XML
Schema) allow to build the solution in iterative
steps. Therefore, these authors proposed an ontolog-
ical structure of messages and its description in
XML Schema to formalize format of contents of
messages. The general form of message envelope
was developed to support communication among
watercraft, aircraft, coast stations and land vehicles.
It is a basis for the development of the general on-
tology for maritime transport.
XML messages validated with partial maritime
ontology described in XML Schema were shown as
the example of implementation of communication
between two ships.
Further research will be focused on defining and
implementation of detailed ontology parallel to the
development of automatic negotiation system based
upon proposed automated communication system.
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