International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 5
Number 1
March 2011
The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
identified the need to equip shipboard users and
those ashore responsible for the safety of shipping
with modern, proven tools optimized for good deci-
sion making in order to make maritime navigation
more reliable and user friendly. In this framework
the IMO decided on proposal of several member
states to develop an e-navigation strategy to inte-
grate and utilize new technologies in a holistic and
systematic manner to make them compliant with the
various navigational, communication technologies
and services that are already available.
The e-navigation strategy aims to enhance berth
to berth navigation and related services by harmo-
nizing the collection, integration, exchange, presen-
tation and analysis of marine information onboard
and ashore by electronic means (IMO, 2007a). The
e-navigation strategy is supposed to be user-driven
not technology driven to meet present and future us-
er needs (IMO, 2007a).
On behalf of the German Ministry of Transport,
Building and Urban Affairs (BMVBS) an e-
navigation user needs survey was conducted (Höckel
& Motz, 2010; IMO, 2009a; IMO, 2009b). One of
the major issues which were identified was the need
for user-selectable presentation of information re-
ceived via communication systems on the naviga-
tional displays of the ships bridge. This need relates
to, e.g., hydrographical, meteorological and safety
related information, and was also found in user
needs assessments of other member states and or-
ganizations provided to the IMO (IMO, 2009c).
The integration and presentation of information
on board pertaining to planning and execution of
voyages, assessment of navigational risk and com-
pliance with regulations is an essential part of the e-
navigation concept. The current separation of com-
munication systems and navigational systems
doesn’t meet the e-navigation requirements of safe
navigation to include all means and information in
the decision making. Hydrographical, meteorologi-
cal and safety related information is presented on the
communication equipment without filtering or as
print-outs solely. Technical as well as legal condi-
tions (separation of responsibilities in the Safety of
Life at Sea Convention SOLAS chapters IV and
V) hamper the integration of information provided
Development of Requirements for
Communication Management on Board in the
Framework of the E-navigation Concept
F. Motz, E. Dalinger, S. Höckel, & C. Mann
Fraunhofer Research Institute for Communication, Information Processing and
Ergonomics, FKIE, Wachtberg, Germany
ABSTRACT: The current separation of communication systems and navigational systems on the ships bridge
doesn’t meet the requirements of the e-navigation concept of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
for safe navigation to include all means and information in the decision making. Hydrographical, meteorolog-
ical and safety related information is presented on the communication equipment without filtering or as print-
outs solely. A task oriented integration and presentation of this information on the navigational displays will
support the officers in their decision making and enhance the safety of navigation. The core element onboard
for the integration is the INS (Integrated Navigation System) concept of the IMO where a task and situation
dependent presentation of information is specified based on a modular concept. Information should be auto-
matically processed, filtered and integrated in the navigational information systems to support the users in
their tasks. To achieve this goal a concept for communication management was developed. An Applied Cog-
nitive Work Analysis (ACWA) is conducted to identify requirements for the design of a communication man-
agement system based on the cognitive processes of the operators. This paper describes the concept for com-
munication management and, as a first result, gives the description of the domain of maritime communication
that provides a basis for the identification of requirements for communication management in the framework
of the e-navigation concept.
by communication equipment in the navigational
systems, which reduces their utilization.
A task-oriented integration and presentation of
this information on the navigational displays consid-
ering the fact that all necessary information for the
respective task and situation, is on its disposal fast,
reliable, consistent and easily interpretable will sup-
port the officers in their decision making and en-
hance the safety of navigation. The task-oriented ap-
proach for presentation and integration of
navigational information as introduced with the re-
vised performance standards for Integrated Naviga-
tion Systems (INS) (IMO, 2007b) based on the
modular concept (IMO, 2008a) forms the basis for
the integration of further information on board.
Modular Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) ac-
cording to the revised IMO performance standards
for INS (IMO, 2007b) combine and integrate the
validated information of different sensors and func-
tions and allow the presentation on the various dis-
plays according to the tasks.
A communication management system should be
employed on the bridge as an aid for the mariner in
the accomplishment of communication tasks and as
a mean for the provision of information to INS.
The aim of the INS specified according to the IMO
performance standards (IMO, 2007b) is to promote
safe procedures for the integration of navigational
information and to allow that an INS is considered
as ”one system” that is installed and used as other
means under SOLAS Chapter V regulation 19, in-
stead of stand-alone navigational equipment onboard
ships. These performance standards can be applied
via a modular concept for either comprehensive in-
tegrations which are specified as INS or only partial
The purpose of an INS is to enhance the safety of
navigation by providing integrated and augmented
functions to avoid geographic, traffic and environ-
mental hazards. The INS aims to be demonstrably
suitable for the user for a given task in a particular
context of use. An INS comprises navigational tasks
such as “Route planning”, “Route monitoring”,
“Collision avoidance”, etc. including the respective
sources, data and displays which are integrated into
one navigation system. An INS is defined as such in
the performance standards, if it covers at least two of
the following navigational tasks / functions:
Route monitoring
Collision avoidance
An alert management is a required functionality of
the INS as well as the presentation of navigation
control data for manual control. Other navigational
tasks may also be integrated into the INS.
The following six navigational tasks are de-
scribed in detail within the performance standards
for INS (IMO, 2007b):
Route planning
Route monitoring
Collision avoidance
Navigation control data
Alert management
Status and data display
The scope of the INS may differ dependent on the
number and kind of tasks and functions integrated
into the INS. The performance standards for INS
(IMO, 2007b) allow for a differentiated application
of the requirements depending on integrated task and
With regard to the integration of information re-
ceived via communication systems on the naviga-
tional displays the INS performance standards allow
for the provision of tidal and current data, weather
data, ice data, and additional data of the tasks ‘navi-
gation control’ and ‘route monitoring’ on the status
and data display. For ‘route planning’ the INS pro-
vides means for drafting and refining the route plan
against meteorological information if available in
the INS, while for navigational purposes, the display
of other route-related information (e.g., monitoring
of SAR manoeuvres, NAVTEX, weather data, etc.)
on the chart display for ‘route monitoring’ is permit-
With the modular bridge concept (Fig. 1), opera-
tional/functional and sensor/source modules are
specified. This allows clear separation between op-
erational requirements for the task orientated use and
presentation of information on equipment and sys-
tems, and between the sensor specific technical re-
quirements. The interfacing module specifies the
connection and data exchange with other systems.
Based on the modular bridge concept the design of
future systems becomes flexible, task and situation
Figure 1. Modular Bridge Concept
For developing a concept for communication man-
agement for the ships bridge the current communica-
tion infrastructure and procedures on board were an-
alyzed. A literature review was conducted with
regard to GMDSS required systems and additional
technology. To identify further aspects for the de-
termination of user requirements regarding commu-
nication management and conditions regarding the
transfer of information from the communication sys-
tems into the navigational systems interviews with
potential users were carried out.
Based on this information a concept for commu-
nication management was developed with the fol-
lowing objectives:
Presentation of information received via com-
munication systems on the navigational dis-
plays (INS) of the ships bridge
User-selectable automatic filtering and pro-
cessing of information to prevent information
Provision of source and channel management
(selection of best connection according to crite-
ria, e.g., content, integrity, costs)
Increased availability and reliability due to effi-
cient use of different communication channels
Figure 2 provides a content-related visualisation
of the communication management concept.
Basically an INS task for “Communication Man-
agement” is introduced to cluster information from
different communication systems according to in-
formation type. Information is then routed to the
navigational and other bridge systems or may be
provided on request. Information clusters reflect the
information types identified in the analysis of the
communication infrastructure:
Emergency messaging
Navigational information
Meteorological information
Hydrographical information
Communication with office
Crew and passenger communication
Special purpose applications
While data acquisition and data communication
remain with the established communication systems,
the communication management system provides
source and channel management. This means that
the connection for data communication may be se-
lected based on certain criteria, e.g., integrity, con-
tent and costs. Criteria are adjusted at the human
machine interface of the communication manage-
Within the communication management system
data is evaluated and clustered according to infor-
mation type. Further processing and filtering allows
for updating of previously received information,
avoidance of information doubling, and selection of
information relevant to the vessels’ type and route.
Data is stored in a database to be provided to oth-
er, e.g., navigational, systems on request, but also
for presentation on the user interface of the commu-
nication management system. This presentation
gives an overview of the data according to infor-
mation type, data source, and time of reception. The
user interface also serves as input device for the set-
ting of parameters for filtering as well as source and
channel management.
This concept for communication management
provides the functionality for the presentation of in-
formation received via communication systems on
the navigational displays of the ships bridge. The ba-
sis of this integration, however, lies in the modular,
task-oriented bridge design.
The introduced communication management
functionality can be integrated in the task-orientated
concept described within the INS performance
standards (IMO, 2007b) and the modular bridge
concept (Motz et al., 2009b). It can be specified as a
new INS task or as part of the INS task “status and
data display” to allow for the management and rout-
ing of the information received via communication
systems into the bridge systems for presentation and
The concept, nevertheless, is provisional and
needs to be further investigated. In the following an
approach for designing a communication manage-
ment system is introduced, which examines the hu-
man cognitive processes for decision making. In or-
der to develop requirements for the graphical user
interface of the communication management system
on board an Applied Cognitive Work Analysis
(ACWA) is conducted.
Figure 2. Concept for the integration and management of information received via communication systems
with Office
Reporting Crew +
Communication Systems
Mobile Satellite
INS Tasks
Status and
Other Onboard
Other Bridge
Safety + Security Other Infotainment Other
data processing, filtering,
provision for polling,
source and channel
4.1 Problem description
Ship’s bridge systems are often designed by aggre-
gation of different computer-based systems, which
are developed independent from each other by dif-
ferent suppliers. In this manner new technologies are
developed and integrated separately and the displays
are designed according to the equipment, which is
behind it, and not according to the cognitive de-
mands of the task. The system development based
on new technology is a bottom-up approach, where
smaller subsystems are defined before linking them
together to a large top-level system. To develop in-
terfaces, which support efficient decision making of
nautical officers, a top-down approach is required
with design methods, which examine human cogni-
tive processes and determine human cognitive needs.
Supporting the decision-making process of nauti-
cal officers demands understanding how decisions
are made in real-world situations. The design of the
navigation systems should take into account the
cognitive demands of nautical officers to support
them in their work.
A communication management system must not
only manage the transfer of information, but also the
integration of information, which are received via
the communication systems, as this information
must be processed and forwarded to a relevant task
station in real-time to guarantee quick response.
4.2 Applied Cognitive Work Analysis (ACWA)
Cognitive Systems Engineering (CSE) is a design
framework, which focuses on analysis of cognitive
demands in order to identify cognitive processes of
operators. For understanding cognitive demands of
the people it is necessary to understand the environ-
ment in which people are acting. The environment
can be the physical properties of a workplace, the
demands of the tasks, the structural characteristics of
the work domain or the organizational structure of
the company. CSE is primarily focused on the work
domain, its constraints, and goals to be reached in
the domain. Methods of CSE help to understand,
how experts make decisions and why they make cer-
tain decisions, what cues they need, what knowledge
and strategies they use. Applied Cognitive Work
Analysis (ACWA) is a method of CSE for the analy-
sis, design and evaluation of complex systems and
interfaces. ACWA applies the Rasmussen’s abstrac-
tion hierarchy (Rasmussen, 1985) which describes
the human information processing. With the ascend-
ing in the hierarchy the understanding for goals to
achieve rises. Moving to deeper levels yields better
understanding for the system’s functions with a view
to achievement of these goals.
ACWA comprises the following process steps
(Elm at al., 2003):
Development of the Functional Abstraction
Network (FAN) a model to represent the
functional relationships between the work do-
main elements. Each node in the network repre-
sents a goal, links represent support.
Identification of cognitive demands which arise
in the domain and need support – Cognitive
Work Requirements (CWR) or decision re-
quirements. At this step decisions, which are to
be made to achieve the goals defined in the
FAN, should be identified.
Identification of the Information / Relationship
Requirements (IRR) for effective decision-
making. At this step the information required
for each decision should be defined, which is of
particular importance, given that the decision
making is based upon the interpretation of in-
formation. Incorrect or incomplete information
leads to wrong decisions.
Definition of a relationship between the deci-
sion requirements and visualization concepts
Representation Design Requirements (RDR).
This step defines how the information should
be represented. The decision-aiding concepts
should be developed on the basis of information
requirements taking into account human per-
ception and cognition.
Implementation of representation requirements
into a powerful visualization of the domain
context Presentation Design Concepts (PDC).
A prototype, which supports the cognitive tasks
through appropriate visualization, should be
The ACWA depicts an iterative process, as with
the development of a prototype to evaluate the effec-
tiveness of the new system additional cognitive and
information requirements for decision support,
which were missed in the first steps, could be identi-
The first step of ACWA (building of FAN) was ap-
plied to the domain of maritime communication. Di-
verse knowledge elicitation techniques, such as re-
viewing relevant documents and interviews, were
used to gain understanding of the domain. The pur-
pose of FAN is to provide a base for definition of
design requirements for a user interface for the
communication management on board.
Figure 3. Three main functional areas of the communication management.
In Figure 3 the three main functional areas of the
communication management are presented. One of
the functions of the communication management is
the exchange of information with the outside world,
e.g., shore authorities, other ships (3). Another func-
tion is the exchange of information with own ship
systems such as INS tasks (1). The exchange of in-
formation comprises the forwarding of information
received through the communication equipment to
systems on the bridge or INS tasks and the request
of information from systems or INS tasks, which is
intended for transmission via communication sys-
tems. Another function is the information manage-
ment, which comprises retrieval and processing of
both external and internal information (2).
Figure 4 represents the FAN for the domain of
maritime communication. The goals are marked ac-
cording to corresponding functional areas of the
communication management system (see Fig. 3).
First of all the purposes and external constraints
in the work domain were identified. The high-level
goals are:
Ensuring safety and security
Attending administrative matters (organization-
al norms and goals)
Attaining commercial goals (achieving the op-
timum turnover)
It is important to keep these high-level goals in mind
while specifying the goals on the lower levels be-
cause of the norms and constraints that they define.
To ensure these goals it is necessary to
Navigate the ship safely
Navigate the ship efficiently
Keep the ship in an operable state
One of the most important goals, which supports all
of the goals mentioned above, is the faultless man-
agement and maintenance of communication and in-
formation processing (G1). Communication plays an
important part in gaining and forwarding infor-
mation. The ship needs to provide information to di-
verse authorities on shore. The shore authorities,
e.g., Vessel Traffic Services (VTS), shipping com-
panies or port facilities, need to communicate im-
portant information to ships. Furthermore, the ship
needs to receive (updates of) navigational, hydrolog-
ical, meteorological and other information on a regu-
lar basis.
To successfully manage the communication and
information processing (see Fig.4) the management
of transmission and reception of information and
also forwarding of the received information to
eligible ship systems are required. To successfully
manage the information transmission (G2) first of all
it is necessary to summon the relevant information,
which is requested by others or is scheduled to be
transmitted (e.g., as a report). After the information
is sent the storage of transmitted data takes place in
order to provide a proper documentation of
communication activities.
To manage the information reception (G3) it is
important to control the incoming information in
order to enable secure and faultless data transfer,
which comprises recovery, decoding, and
verification of received data. All information
received via communication systems must be
identified, evaluated and stored before it can be
forwarded to other systems or used in any other
Ship systems
Shore authorities, other ships etc.
External data
Exchange of information with own ship systems
Retrieval and
processing of
Internal data
Exchange of information with outside world
To successfully manage the internal information
forwarding (G4) the observation of incoming
information must take place. The actual information,
which is necessary to fulfill navigational or other
tasks must be forwarded to eligible on-board
systems and information requests from those
systems must be processed.
Monitoring of the received information (G6)
enables detection of new information or changes, so
that notifications of the availability of new
information can be made or existing information can
be updated. It is essential to enable secure and error-
free data transfer and provide the possibility to
restore messages in case of transfer failures.
Reliability control of information (G7) is, therefore,
important to ensure security and safety of ship
operations. On the other hand the classification of
information must take place in order to identify the
belonging of information to a certain information
Additionally, plausibility checks should be made
with information sources onboard and between in-
formation provided by external domains to avoid
possible errors and inconsistencies, which infor-
mation from different sources could contain.
In order to transmit or receive information it is
necessary to successfully perform data transfer (G5),
which includes providing of appropriate equipment
for transfer and monitoring of data transfer in order
to determine failures. The important step in the
performance of data transfer is the determination of
appropriate equipment (G8) for reception or
transmission of information. This includes the
determination of communication area (G9) and
assignment of equipment to area (G10), which is
important for planning the data transfer. First of all
the area, where the ship operates, must be identified.
Before choosing the appropriate equipment it is
essential to determine, which communication
equipment necessary to fulfill a certain
communication task is available and/or adequate for
the task. And that means to check, whether the
available equipment is optimal, suitable or inappro-
priate in respect to its content, required bandwidth,
costs… The equipment management (G11)
comprises checking of functions, configuration
(channel management) or troubleshooting of
equipment. To enable successful equipment
management a proper equipment inventory (G16)
must exist. Location, connections, description and
state of the communication equipment must be
provided to support the decision maker in taking
required measures, e.g., in case of failures.
Figure 4. The FAN for the domain of maritime communication.
G2: Manage information
G5: Perform
data transfer
G6: Monitor
received information
G13: Store data
G4: Manage internal
information forwarding
G10: Assign
equipment to area
G1: Manage communication
and information processing
G15: Provide electronic
signal reception
G7: Control
reliability of
G16: Provide
equipment inventory
G11: Manage
G18: Enable data transfer
with on-board systems
G9: Determine
required area
G12: Retrieve information
from on-board systems
G14: Provide electronic
signal transmission
G8: Determine
appropriate equipment
G3: Manage
information reception
G17: Provide audio
Further, transferred data must be stored (G13)
and communication log must be generated. The in-
formation, which is received via communication sys-
tems, contains, e.g., navigational, meteorological,
hydrographical, geographical and voyage data. Ar-
rangement of data according to the type of commu-
nication equipment, the information type or the
transmitting station must be provided.
Information retrieval from on-board systems
(G12), which comprises the sending of a data re-
quest to other own ship systems and the reception of
data from them, is necessary to provide intern ship
information in order to transmit it via communica-
tion equipment, to compare incoming information
with intern ship data for verification purposes, and to
determine the communication area. The supporting
goal (G18) is to enable the data exchange with on-
board systems.
At last the supporting goals at the lower level,
such as reception and transmission of audio and
digital maritime communication information, are to
be mentioned: the provision (G14) and reception
(G15) of electronic signal transmission, as well as
the provision of audio communication (G17). The
latter is necessary to allow for the possibility to log
audio communication information.
The FAN provides a basis for the definition of re-
quirements for a user interface for the communica-
tion management on board. In further ACWA steps
for each goal of the FAN the decision requirements,
information requirements and decision-aiding con-
cepts will be identified.
The relationship between the goals in the domain,
the cognitive demands of nautical officers and the
information required to make decisions are factors,
which provide a basis for designing visual aids for
decision support. The further steps are the develop-
ment of a prototype for the graphical user interface
of the communication management system on board
and its evaluation.
The concept for communication management will
be evaluated in expert reviews, e.g., with members
of the national e-navigation working group. Inter-
views and observations will be conducted onboard
ships to gain further insight into the circumstances
and challenges of communication during usual oper-
ating procedure, and what kind of information is re-
quired for which INS task.
First solutions for the design of the human ma-
chine interface of the communication management
will be developed as paper prototypes and evaluated
in brief user tests.
The research is part of a project funded by the Ger-
man Ministry of Transport, Building, and Urban Af-
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