International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 4
December 2010
Bulk shipping has been used for many years to re-
duce the cost of sea transport and the transport of
bulk cargoes is a vital component of international
trade. Such trades require a sufficient volume of car-
go suitable for bulk handling and hence justify a tai-
lored shipping operation. The five major dry bulk
cargoes are coal, mineral concentrates, grain, bauxite
and phosphate rock, and each year the trade in bulk
increases (Roberts M. & Marlow P. 2004).
In recent years, bulk carriers have been identified
with the high risk of catastrophic structural failure
and foundering, and with heavy loss of human life.
Several risk factors have been identified that had
significant, independent effect upon the likelihood of
a bulk carrier foundering. Ore concentrates and other
similar fine-grained materials transported by sea be-
long to hazardous materials when are considered as
bulk cargoes (materials MHB). This type of cargoes
is transported in a wet state.
Excessively wet cargo can pass into liquid state in
sea transport conditions (Zhan M. 2005, Shitharam
T. G. 2003). According to the Code of Safe Practice
for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) (International
Maritime Organization 2004), deterioration or loss
of ship’s stability is one of three basic hazards,
which are bound with sea shipment of ore concen-
trates and other fine-grained cargoes. Too high hu-
midity of cargo leading to its liquefaction may cause
shift of the cargo and in consequence ship’s heel and
even its capsizing and sinking.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO),
recognising that some losses had occurred due to
improper loading, issued a code of practice for these
operations. The probability of a hazard developing
into an undesirable consequence is focus of safety
management and safety regulation. The recent publi-
cation of recommendation guidelines for cargo
handling operations and the amendments to the In-
ternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
contribute to the decrease the possibility of occur-
rence the liquefaction during sea transportation (In-
ternational Chamber of Shipping1999, BLU Code
London, (2004)).
To better illustrate liquefaction mechanism three-
phase structure of ore concentrates and similar mate-
rials is considered, which consist of solids (mineral
grains), water and air.
Mineral grains are very small; they are from
0,001mm to several millimeters large. Disintegration
level and percentage of particular size fraction may
differ depending on concentrate type.
In three phase structure air and water fill the
pores between mineral grains. The inter-grain pores
are contracted in sea transport conditions due to ship
rolling and vibration. The air, permeability coeffi-
cient of which is about 500 times greater than that of
water, first escapes, thus full water saturation of
pores is affected.
The Influence of Organic Polymer on
Parameters Determining Ability to
Liquefaction of Mineral Concentrates
M. Popek
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: When the wet granular materials lose their shear strength they flow like fluids. This phenome-
non is called liquefaction. The liquefaction can be prevented by means of limiting the moisture content of
cargo by introducing the safety margin. Cargoes, which may liquefy shall only be accepted for loading when
the actual moisture content of the cargo is less than its Transportable Moisture Limit (TML). It has been rec-
ognized that in some cargoes, moisture can gravity drain towards the bottom of the hold. The resulting much
wetter bottom layer may therefore be prone to liquefaction and provoke instability of the entire cargo.
To prevent sliding and shifting of ore concentrates in storage a biodegradable materials are added to the ore.
The polymer materials absorb water from the ore particle’s pores and the moisture content goes down. In con-
sequence polymer materials may prevent drainage of the water from the ore particle’s pore.
Full compressive stress is thus applied to the in-
compressible water in the pores between mineral
grains which causes drop of inter-grain friction, i.e.
ore liquefaction and in consequence possible shift of
cargo (Michałowski & others 1995).
The possibility of instability because of liquefac-
tion of bulk cargoes such as mineral concentrates
has been recognized for some time. BC Code in-
cludes several provisions aimed to prevent the
movement of bulk cargoes either by sliding or lique-
Moisture content allowing to passing of a bulk
cargo from solid into liquid state is called critical
moisture content. One of its possible measures is
Flow Moisture Point (FMP). On its basis permissible
moisture limits for shipment conditions are deter-
mined. Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) is such
moisture content at or below which a loose cargo
can be transported in bulk on ships without danger
of passing of the cargo into liquid state. Its usually
calculated as 90% of FMP. The possibility of insta-
bility because of liquefaction of bulk cargoes such as
mineral concentrates has been recognized for some
time. Many cases are reported of large heel of a ship
or even her sinking due to cargo liquefaction. A car-
go, which is liable to liquefaction, must be suffi-
ciently fine grained (so that permeability is suffi-
ciently low) and have a high enough initial moisture
For cargoes with permeability so low that virtual-
ly no moisture redistribution occurs during voyage,
the initial moisture content needs to be below the
transportable moisture limit so that the whole cargo
does not liquefy as a result of the ship’s motion dur-
ing heavy weather.
For cargoes that are relatively free draining, re-
distribution occurs with moisture from the upper
levels of the cargo draining towards the base. Unless
efficiently drained the bilges, this water saturates the
bottom levels of the cargo and liquefaction could
occur with cargo shifting during heavy rolling mo-
tions (Eckerley J.D. 1997).
These cargoes, prone to liquefaction, should nev-
er be carried without checking the moisture content.
The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
lays down that a certificate stating the relevant char-
acteristics of the material to be loaded should be
provided at the loading port, incorporating also the
transportable moisture limit. The cargoes which may
liquefy shall only be accepted for loading when the
actual moisture content of the cargo is less then its
Transportable Moisture Content and refused if the
analysis reveals that it’s moisture content is too high.
The Code provides information how the moisture
content of ores concentrates can be tested and as-
For liquefaction the cargo needs to have permea-
bility low enough that excess pore pressures cannot
dissipate before sliding occurs. This condition is
controlled by the material’s grain size distribution,
and Kirby expressed this in requirement that 95 per-
cent or more of the cargo should be coarser than
1mm to prevent liquefaction. In soil mechanics liter-
ature the requirement is usually expressed as
0,006mm< d10<0,3 mm for liquefaction to be likely,
where d10 represents the particle size for which only
ten percent by mass of the material is finer (Eckerley
J.D. 1987).
A large group of organic polymers fined use in
the mineral industry with the specific function [Bu-
latovic 1997]. Particularly attractive are the new ma-
terials based on natural renewable resources, pre-
venting further impact on the environment.
Starch is non expensive biopolymer available
from annually renewable resource. It is totally bio-
degradable in a wide variety of environments and al-
lows the development of totally degradable products.
Starch can be found in plants as a mixture of two
polysaccharides: amylase, the nearly linear polymer
consisting of α (1, 4)-anhydroglucose units, and
amylopectin, a group which is able to undergo sub-
stitution reactions and C-O-C linkage responsible for
the molecular chain braking. The OH group has a
nucleophilic character and by reaction with different
reagents it is possible to obtain a series of com-
pounds of modified properties. Chemical and physi-
cal properties of starch have been widely investigat-
ed due to its easy to be converted into a
thermoplastic and then be used in different applica-
tions (Tudorachi N. & others 2006). Starch based
blends present enormous potential to be widely used
in environmental fields, as they are totally biode-
gradable, inexpensive (when compared to other bio-
degradable polymers). The material containing
starch gets destroyed when exposed to environmen-
tal factors, since due to starch hydrolysis its structure
becomes weaker, and after some time, under certain
conditions, synthetic polymers contained in the
product also undergo decomposition.
The purpose of this work was investigation on
possibility of using biodegradable thermoplastic ma-
terials as absorbers moisture. To prevent sliding and
shifting of ore concentrates in storage materials
composed of starch, cellulose and polycaprolactone
are added to the concentrates. The properties and the
processing procedures of biodegradable starch
based thermoplastic blends, like
starch/polycaprolactone, starch/cellulose have been
already reported (Demirgoz & others, 2000).
2.1 Material
The iron concentrate was used for the tests.
It is a product of a gravimetric separation of large
mineral particles. The iron concentrate is a fine ma-
terial which is empirically judged as “which may
liquefy if shipped above the TML”.
Following polymer materials were tested: poly-
mer material Y (made of thermoplastic starch and
cellulose derivatives from natural origin) and poly-
mer material Z (made of starch and policaprolac-
The used polymer materials are classified as a
low environmental impact product.
Based on the results of estimation the ability to
absorb of water by polymers materials it can be said
that polymer material Y absorbs more water then
polymer material Z. The equilibrium absorption of
polymer Y is reached in 48 hours. The time taken to
reach equilibrium water content in polymer Z is
shorter – about 18 hours.
Water uptake is affected by the type of polymer.
The time required to reach equilibrium water uptake
is lower for blend containing starch and polycapro-
lactone then for blend containing starch and cellu-
lose (Popek M. 2005).
The samples of polymer materials were in granu-
lar form. The experiments were conducted for sam-
ples of concentrate: without polymer materials and
for mixtures contain 98 % concentrate and 2 % of
polymer materials.
The course of grain size distribution curves indi-
cates that all the tested samples are susceptible to
liquefaction in sea transportation conditions as in
each case the content of grains smaller then 0,3mm
is greater then 10 %. The content percentage values
of the grains (of the size below 0,3mm) in concen-
trate without polymer is 76,9 %. In mixtures of con-
centrate and polymer materials the contents of parti-
cles with a diameter smaller than 0,3mm are
negligible smaller and amount 76,0 % for mixture
with polymer Y and 76,1 % for mixture with poly-
mer Z. the results of grain size analysis indicate that
polymers do not significantly change grain size dis-
tribution. This is the reason why all tested samples
may liquefy.
2.2 Methods
Following tests have been carried out:
Estimation of TML:
The International Maritime Organization ap-
proved, in the Code of Safe Practice for Solid
Bulk Cargoes the following assessment methods
of safe moisture content in the cargoes: Flow Ta-
ble Method, Japanese Penetration Method and
proctor/ Fagerberg Method. The evaluation of
FMP was performed with the use of the Proctor
Fagerberg Test. Proctor/ Fagerberg Method is
recommended for evaluation of some fine-grained
bulk cargoes. The sample was consolidated by 25
drops of rammer from 0,2 m height in the meas-
uring cylinder, layer by layer, repeating the pro-
cedure 5 times and finally weighing the cylinder
with the moist sample. Then volumetric density
of the wet concentrate γ
and of the dry consoli-
dated concentrate γ
were calculated and a con-
solidation curve γ
f(w) drawn, where “w”
stands for moisture content percentage in relation
either to wet concentrate weight. TML was de-
termined from a cross point of the void ratio
curve and a line of 70 % degree of saturation,
theoretically calculated.
Permeability of concentrates:
The permeability is the rate at which water under
pressure can diffuse through the voids in the min-
eral concentrates. These materials are permeable
to water because the voids between the particles
are interconnected. The degree of permeability is
characterized by the permeability coefficient k,
also referred to as hydraulic conductivity.
According to the classification of soils, based on
their coefficient of permeability, mineral concen-
trates are the materials with the low degree of
permeability. The permeability of mineral con-
centrates depends primarily on the size and shape
of grains, shape and arrangement of voids, void
ratio, degree of saturation, and temperature.
Measurement of the cohesion and internal friction
The estimation of cohesion and internal friction
angle were performed in the direct shear appa-
ratus by carrying the shearing with the help of
lower and upper part of displacing box containing
the tested concentrate. In the experiment the sam-
ples were compacted in a dry state. The moisture
content corresponds to the TML value estimated
in Flow Table Test.
In the experiments (estimation of the permeability
and the cohesion and internal friction angle) the
samples were compacted. The consolidation con-
ditions (in the holds) were simulated by using
vertical loads: 0 N, 98 N, 196 N, 294 N and 490
N, what corresponds to the normal stresses: 0,
1,532 *104 N/m2, 3, 0645 *104 N/m2,
4,589 *104 N/m2, 7,659 *104 N/m2 respectively.
The test without any stress corresponds to the
stress in the hold during the loading. Increasing
values of normal stresses represents the changes
in the bulk cargoes during the sea transportation.
3.1 Estimation of TML
The results obtained by using Proctor/ Fagerberg test
are shown in Figures 1-2. The figures show Void
Ratio as a function of net moisture content by vol-
ume. In each figure, the ordinate and abscissa denote
void ratio and net moisture content by volume, re-
spectively. The black circles indicate the measured
data. The straight line corresponds to degree of satu-
ration 70 % theoretically calculated. TML was de-
termined from a cross point of the experimental
curve and a line of 70 % degree of saturation.
The obtained results are presented in Table 1.
Figure 1. Compaction curve for iron concentrate + 2% poly-
mer Y.
Figure 2. Compaction curve for iron concentrate + 2% poly-
mer Z.
Table1. Transportable Moisture Limit determined by Proctor
Fagerberg test
Sample Specific Transportable TML
gravity of Limit of Net
solid Moisture Content
by Volume
Iron concentrate + 49 % 9,02
2 % polymer Y 4,98
_______________ ____________________________
Iron concentrate + 47,5 % 8,7
2 % polymer Z
Despite the presence of polymer in tested concen-
trate, the values of estimated TML are similar, be-
cause liquefaction is tightly related to the grain size
3.2 Permeability
The results of permeability test are presented in
Table 2.
Table 2. Results of permeability test
Normal stress permeability coefficient k
] [m/s]
Iron concentrate Iron concentrate
+ 2 % polymer Y + 2 % polymer Z
0 14,0*10
1,532* 10
3,064* 10
4,589* 10
7,659* 10
The compaction modifies permeability of
samples by decreasing the voids available for
flow and reorienting particles. Based on the re-
sults the effect of different compaction of the
samples on the permeability was observed. The
maximum values of permeability coefficient k
were achieved for samples without any stress.
The increase of consolidation force caused de-
creases the value of the permeability coefficient.
The ability to permeability of mixtures is related
to the composition of the polymer material. In all
cases, for samples with polymer material Y, the
higher decrease of permeability was obtained.
3.3 Cohesion and internal friction angle
The changes of internal friction angle as a function
of moisture content are presented in Figures 3-4.
Fig.3 Internal friction angle for iron concentrate + 2% poly-
mer Y.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Net Moisture Content by Volume [%]
Void Ratio
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Net Moisture Content by Volume [%]
Void Ratio
Sw = 70%
iron concentrate +
2 % polymer Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Moisture content [%]
Internal friction angle [rad]
iron concentrate
iron concentrate +
2% polymer Z
Figure 4. Internal friction angle for iron concentrate + 2% pol-
ymer Z.
As a result of performed test it can be said that in-
ternal friction angle reaches minimum value when
moisture content is chosen to TML. The presence of
polymer material in tested sample influences on the
value of internal friction angle. In each case the val-
ues are higher than those for sample without poly-
mer material.
The cohesion as a function of moisture content
are presented in Figures 5-6.
Figure 5. Cohesion for iron concentrate + 2% polymer Y
Figure 6. Cohesion for iron concentrate + 2 % polymer Z.
The apparent cohesion does not occur in dry
materials with pores entirely filled with air nor in
moist materials having pores entirely filled with
water. In all samples cohesion increases with the
increasing content of water and it reaches a max-
imum value with moisture approaching the TML
and then it goes down. The presence of polymer
material in tested sample significantly changes
values of cohesion. Decreasing values of cohe-
sion, for each moisture content, is observed.
The conclusion is based on the measurement of the
TML, cohesion and permeability of the materials.
The comparison of the TML values confirms that
the correlation between the grain content and TML
values occurs.
The presence of polymer material in tested sam-
ple influences on the values of cohesion and internal
friction angle but the extreme values are reached at
the same moisture content.
The nature and magnitude of compaction in fine –
grained materials such as mineral concentrates sig-
nificantly influences their mechanical behavior. In-
creasing values of normal stresses tends to reduction
the degree of permeability.
In consequence, polymer materials prevent drain-
age of the water from the particle pore, sliding and
shifting of ore concentrates in storage. These poly-
mer materials can be used as absorbers of water
from mineral concentrates, before the transportation
by sea. These materials are particularly attractive
because they are based on natural renewable re-
sources, which are environmentally friendly.
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Moisture content [%]
Internal friction angle [rad]
iron concentrate
iron concentrate +
2% polymer Z
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Moisture content [%]
Cohesion [N/m2]
iron concentrate
iron concentrate +
2 % polymer Y
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Moisture content [%]
Cohesion [N/m2]
iron concentrate
iron concentrate +
2% polymer Z
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