International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 4
Number 2
June 2010
The two main approaches to the problem of deter-
mining optimal ship trajectories in encounter situa-
tions are the methods based on either differential
games or evolutionary method. The methods based
on differential games were introduced by Lisowski
(Lisowski, 2005). They assume that the process of
steering a ship in multi-ship encounter situations can
be modelled as a differential game, played by all
ships involved, each having their strategies. The
game is differential, since it describes the dynamics
and kinematics of all ships. The method’s main limi-
tations include the high computational complexity
and difficulties in handling the stationary obstacles
and ship domains other than a circle (its radius being
the safe distance).
The second approach the evolutionary method
of finding the trajectory of the own ship has been
developed by Śmierzchalski (Śmierzchalski, 1998).
It has been among the first methods that utilized the
concept of a ship domain instead of safe distance be-
tween ships. The method assumes the kinematical
model of the own ship and aims to find an optimal
balanced trajectory (the balance being between the
costs of deviation from a given trajectory and the
safety of avoiding static and dynamic obstacles). For
a given set of pre-determined trajectories the method
finds a safe trajectory, which is optimal according to
the fitness function the optimal safe trajectory. The
method’s main limitation is that it assumes the target
motion parameters not to change and if they do
change, the own trajectory has to be recomputed.
The approach proposed here combines some of
the advantages of both methods: the low computa-
tional time, supporting all domain models and han-
dling stationary obstacles (all typical for evolution-
ary method), with taking into account the changes of
motion parameters (changing strategies of the play-
ers involved in a game). Therefore, instead of find-
ing the optimal own trajectory for the unchanged
courses and speeds of the targets, a set of optimal
cooperating trajectories of all ships is searched for.
The next section presents a formulation of an op-
timisation problem. Then the structure of an evolu-
tionary population member and its evaluation meth-
od are described including a discussion of the
constraints and fitness function. Some details on the
mechanisms of evolution (including specialised
functions and operators) are further provided. Final-
ly the paper summary is presented.
It is assumed that we are given the following data:
stationary constraints (obstacles and other con-
straints modelled as polygons),
positions, courses and speeds of all ships in-
ship domains,
times necessary for accepting and executing the
proposed manoeuvres.
Obstacles, ship positions and ship motion param-
eters are provided by ARPA (Automatic Radar Plot-
ting Aid) systems. Ship domain may be determined
being given a particular ship motion parameters and
Solving Multi-Ship Encounter Situations by
Evolutionary Sets of Cooperating Trajectories
R. Szlapczynski
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
ABSTRACT: The paper introduces a new approach to solving multi-ship encounter situations by combining
some of the assumptions of game theory with evolutionary programming techniques. A multi-ship encounter
is here modelled as a game played by “thinking players” the ships of different and possibly changing strate-
gies. The solution an optimal set of cooperating (non-colliding) trajectories is then found by means of evo-
lutionary algorithms. The paper contains the description of the problem formulation as well as the details of
the evolutionary program. The method can be used for both open waters and restricted water regions.
length. By default, Coldwell
(Coldwell, 1982) do-
main (an off-centred ellipse) is applied. The neces-
sary time is computed on the basis of navigational
decision time and the ship’s manoeuvring abilities.
By default a 6-minute value is used here.
Knowing these parameters, the goal is to find the
set of trajectories, which minimizes the average way
loss spent on manoeuvring, while fulfilling the fol-
lowing conditions:
none of the stationary constraints are violated,
none of the ship domains are violated,
the minimal acceptable course alteration is not
lesser than 15 degrees,
the maximal acceptable course alteration is not be
larger than 60 degrees,
speed alteration are not be applied unless neces-
sary (collision cannot be avoided by course al-
teration up to 60 degrees),
a ship only manoeuvres, when it is obliged to,
manoeuvres to starboard are favoured over ma-
noeuvres to port board.
The first two conditions are obvious: all obstacles
have to be avoided and the ship domain is an area
that should not be violated by definition. All the oth-
er conditions are either imposed by COLREGS
(Cockroft, 1993) (International Regulations for Pre-
venting Collisions at Sea) or by the economics. In
particular, the course alterations lesser than 15 de-
grees are not always detected by the ARPA systems
(and therefore may lead to collisions) and the course
alterations larger than 60 degrees are highly ineffi-
cient. Ships should only manoeuvre when necessary,
since each manoeuvre of a ship makes it harder to
track its motion parameters for the other ships
ARPA systems.
2.1 Ship domains and obstacle domains
Figure 9 An obstacle (black colour) surrounded by its automat-
ically generated domain (grey colour).
Each stationary constraint is defined as a polygon
given as a sequence of the coordinates of its vertices.
Each such polygon is then surrounded by additional
domain, whose dimensions are computed by the
method. A domain size is specified by the user; by
default a 0.25 nautical mile distance is used. An ex-
ample of an obstacle and its domain is shown in
Figure 1.
As for the ship domains, the method supports the
following ship domain models:
a circle-shaped domain (traditional domain
an off-centred circle (domain shape according to
an ellipse (domain shape according to Fuji)
an off-centred ellipse (domain shape according to
a hexagon (domain shape according to
a user defined domain (a polygon of user-defined
The dimensions of those domains are set by the
user; the default dimension values are given in Ta-
bles 1-3.
Table 2. The dimensions of a circle-shaped domain and Davis
Domain Domain center moved from the
radius ship’s position
[n.m.] Towards Towards
starboard bow
[n.m.] [n.m.]
A circle 0.5 0 0
Davis domain 0.5 0.1 0.2
Table 3. The dimensions of a Fuji domain and Coldwell do-
Ellipse’s Domain center moved
semi axes from the ship’s position
[n.m.] Towards Towards
starboard bow
[n.m.] [n.m.]
Fuji Domain 0.77, 0.33 0 0
Coldwell domain 0.77, 0.33 0.1 0.2
Table 4 The dimensions of a hexagonal domain
Distance Distance Distance Distance
towards towards towards towards
bow stern starboard port board
[n.m.] [n.m.] [n.m.] [n.m.]
1 0.25 0.6 0.25
3.1 The structure of an individual
Each individual (a population member) is a set of
trajectories (each trajectory corresponding to one of
the ships involved in an encounter). A trajectory is a
sequence of nodes, each node containing the follow-
ing data:
geographical coordinates x and y,
the speed between the current and the next node.
3.2 The evaluation of an individual
The basic piece of data used during the evaluation
phase of the evolutionary process is the average way
loss computed for each individual (a set of cooperat-
ing trajectories). Some of the constraints also must
be taken into account during the evaluation. This in-
cludes violations of ship domains and violations of
stationary constraints: both must be penalized and
those penalties must be reflected in the fitness
function. However, as for the other constraints, there
are two possible approaches:
1 These constraints can be incorporated in the fit-
ness function.
2 Meeting these constraints can be achieved by ap-
plying certain rules on various steps of the evolu-
tionary process simultaneously:
when generating the initial population,
during mutation,
handling the constraints violations by fixing
functions operating on individuals prior to their
The second approach has been chosen here, be-
cause of its faster convergence due to:
its simpler fitness function,
avoiding the production of individuals (during the
mutation phase), whose low fitness function value
can be predicted.
Violations of the first two constraints (stationary
ones and ship domains) are penalized as follows. For
each ship and its set of stationary constraint viola-
tions, an obstacle collision factor is computed as
given by (4). For each ship and its set of prioritised
targets a ship collision factor is computed as given
by (3). The reason, why only collisions with priori-
tised targets are represented in evaluation is because
the manoeuvres must be compliant with COLREGS.
If a ship is supposed to stay on its course according
to the rules, the collision is ignored so as not to en-
courage an unlawful manoeuvre. In case of collision
with prioritised target, the author’s measure ap-
proach factor f
(Szlapczynski, 2006b) is used to
assess the risk of a crash. Approach factor has been
defined as the scale factor of the largest domain-
shaped area that is predicted to remain free of other
ships throughout the whole encounter situation.
Each individual (a set of trajectories) is being as-
signed a value of the following fitness function (1):
[ ]
ship collision factor of the i-th ship computed
over all prioritised targets:
( )
- obstacle collision factor of the i-th ship com
puted over all stationary constraints:
n – the number of ships [/],
m – the number of stationary constraints [/],
i – the index of the current ship [/],
j – the index of a target ship [/],
k – the index of a stationary constraint [/],
the approach factor value for an en-
counter of ships i and j [/],
the range of forbid-
den courses of the ship i computed for the sta-
tionary constraint j in the node directly preceding
the collision. [/].
To detect the stationary constraint violations of an
individual, all of the trajectories are checked against
all of the constraints (which are modelled as poly-
gons) and the collision points are found. Analogical-
ly, to detect the domain violations of an individual,
all of its trajectories are checked against each other
to find potential collision points. Unfortunately, ap-
plying ship domains instead of safe distances results
in higher computational complexity and the process
of evaluation consumes the majority of the evolu-
tionary algorithm’s computational time. Therefore it
has been decided to invest some computational time
in specialised functions (validations and fixing) and
specialised operators, which speed up the conver-
gence to optimal solution, thus decreasing the num-
ber of the generations and consequently decreas-
ing the number of evaluations.
4.1 Generating the initial population
The initial population contains three types of indi-
a set of original ship trajectories segments join-
ing the start and destination points
sets of safe trajectories determined by other
randomly modified versions of the first two types
sets of trajectories with additional nodes, or
with some nodes moved from their original geo-
graphical positions.
The first type of individuals results in an immedi-
ate solution in case of no collisions, or in faster con-
vergence in case of only constraint violations. The
second type provides sets of safe (though usually not
optimal) trajectories. They are generated by means
of two methods: one operating on raster grids
(Szlapczynski, 2006a) and the other planning a se-
quence of necessary manoeuvres (Szlapczynski,
2008). Finally, the third type of individuals (random-
ly modified individuals of the previous two types) is
used to generate the majority of a diverse initial
population and thus to ensure the vast searching
4.2 Trajectory validations and fixing
Representing all of the constraints in the fitness
function would result in a very slow progress of the
evolutionary algorithm. A good example here is the
rule, according to which a course alteration should
not be lesser than 15 degrees. Had this constraint
been taken into account by the fitness function,
slight course alterations, (for example about 5 de-
grees) would be penalized severely. On the other
hand, individuals with no course alterations or with
large course alterations would not be penalized. The
individuals with no course alterations as well as
those with large course alterations would likely be
chosen for crossing and would spawn offspring,
which again would probably be penalized for
slight course alterations. Therefore some of the con-
straints are applied as validating and fixing func-
tions. Each trajectory of an individual is analysed
and in case of unacceptable manoeuvres (such as
slight course alterations), the nodes being responsi-
ble are moved so as to round a manoeuvre up or
down to an acceptable value.
4.3 Specialised operators
The evolutionary operators, which have been used in
the current version of the method, can be divided in-
to the following groups.
1 Crossing operators: two types of crossing have
been used, both operating on pairs of individuals
and used to generate offspring:
an offspring inherits whole trajectories from
both parents.
each of the trajectories of the offspring is a
crossing of the appropriate trajectories of the
2 Operators avoiding collisions with prioritised
ships: three types of these operators have been
used, all operating on single trajectories. If a col-
lision with a prioritised ship has been registered,
depending on the circumstances (coordinates of
the collision point, way loss, number of target
ships and number of nodes within a trajectory)
one of the following operators is chosen:
node moving: the node closest to the collision
point is moved away from it,
segment moving: two nodes, which are closest
to the collision point are moved away from it,
node insertion: a new node is inserted between
the two nodes closest to the collision point in
such a way that the collision will probably be
None of these operations guarantees avoiding the
collision with a given target but they are likely to
do so and therefore highly effective statistically
and suitable for the evolutionary purposes.
3 An operator avoiding collisions with obstacles. a
course alteration manoeuvre is made (a new node
is inserted) in such a way, that the new trajectory
segment does not cross a given edge of an obsta-
cle (polygon).
4 Random operators: three types of these operators
have been used, all operating on single trajecto-
ries. They are mostly used when a given trajecto-
ry does not collide with any prioritised trajecto-
ries; otherwise one of the abovementioned
collision avoidance operators is more likely to be
used. These random operators include:
node insertion: a node is inserted randomly into
the trajectory,
node deletion: a randomly selected node is de-
nodes joining: two neighbouring nodes are
joined, the new node being the middle point of
the segment joining them,
node mutation: a randomly selected node is
moved (its polar coordinates are altered).
A trajectory mutation probability decreases with
the increase of the trajectory fitness value (2), so as
to mutate the worst trajectories of each individual
first, without spoiling its best trajectories. In the ear-
ly phase of the evolution all random operators: the
node insertion, deletion, joining and mutation are
equally probable. In the later phase node mutation
dominates with its course alteration changes and dis-
tance changes decreasing with the number of genera-
tions. For node insertion and node mutation instead
of Cartesian coordinates x and y, the polar coordi-
nates (course alteration and distance) are mutated in
such a way that the new manoeuvres are between 15
and 60 degrees. As a result, fruitless mutations (the
ones leaving to invalid trajectories) are avoided for
these two operators. Operating on polar coordinates
(course and distance) instead of Cartesian x and y
coordinates also makes it more likely to escape the
local optimums because manoeuvres both valid and
largely differing from the past ones are more likely
to be generated.
4.4 Selection
In the currently developed version of the method the
truncation selection has been applied with the trun-
cation threshold of 50%. Although this kind of selec-
tion means a loss of diversity, it has the benefit of a
fast convergence to a solution. When combined with
abovementioned, specialised operators (especially
mutation using polar coordinates and operators aim-
ing at collision avoidance), the solution, which the
process converges to, is usually the optimal one.
4.5 Stop condition
The evolutionary process is stopped if one of the fol-
lowing happens:
the maximum number of generations is reached,
the time limit is reached,
further evolution does not bring significant im-
Figure 10 A final set of cooperating evolutionary trajectories with Fuji domain applied.
Figure 11 A final set of cooperating evolutionary trajectories with Coldwell domain applied.
Two examples - simulation results are shown in Fig-
ure 2 and Figure 3. In both cases the same scenario
has been used, only with different ship domain mod-
el applied. Fuji domain has been applied in the situa-
tion depicted in Figure 2 and Coldwell domain in
the situation depicted in Figure 3. As a result, slight
differences in sizes and shapes of the domains used
have caused differences in the trajectories. Most no-
table one is that the ship starting in the upper right
corner of the pictures had to perform an extra ma-
noeuvre to the starboard in Figure 3, to avoid a colli-
sion with one of the other ships. The general tenden-
cies of movement of other ships have remained
unchanged however. All of the ships chose manoeu-
vres to starboard, unless course alteration to port
board was forced by stationary constraints.
In the paper an evolutionary approach to solving
multi-ship encounter situations has been proposed.
This approach is a generalization of evolutionary tra-
jectory determining: a set of trajectories of all ships
involved, instead of just the own trajectory, is de-
termined. A method implementing this new ap-
proach has been developed. The method avoids vio-
lating the target ship domains and the given
stationary constraints, while minimizing way loss
and obeying the COLREGS. It also benefits from a
number of author-designed specialized functions and
operators, resulting in faster convergence to the op-
timal solution.
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Prace Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Morskiej w Gdyni.