International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
Polish seaports, like all ports in the world, are being
confronted by forces of change and uncertainty that
are reducing their abilities to control their own des-
tinies. Since several years, other actors in the trans-
portation industry (the shipping lines in particular)
are shaping port development. They have been put
‘at mercy’ of the shipping alliances dominating
world trade not only on water, but also on land.
Moreover, the process of deregulation in the com-
mon transport policy in the EU enables shaping eq-
uity mergers and alliances on land. For instance, the
rationalisation of rail services raises the potential of
differential access to ports. Most port authorities
play only a secondary role in the global game. More
than ever before, as intermediate points in transport
chains, linking shipping with road and rail modes,
ports are vulnerable to developments on both land
and water. These developments have brought about
uncertainty and change that has made port planning
extremely difficult.
Seaports’ development is influenced by many fac-
tors. Especially, the globalisation and integration
processes affect the evolution of their management
systems and models. Vertically integrating transport
chains make seaports vulnerable to rapidly changing
contemporary environment.
The coastline of the European Union is many
thousands of kilometres in length and contains well
over 600 individual ports. These handle around 90%
of EU external trade and more than 35% of trade be-
tween EU countries. This involves handling 3.5 bil-
lion tonnes of goods and 350 million passengers be-
ing transported on millions of ship journeys each
year (, 25.02.2007). The
ongoing process of cargo flows concentration bene-
fits to the biggest EU ports, mostly in the northern
part of the continent. A big part of the increase over
the years can be attributed to the increase of import
of oil and oil products (,
European ports, like all ports in the world, are be-
ing confronted by forces of change and uncertainty
that are reducing their abilities to control their own
destinies. Since several years, other actors in the
transportation industry (the shipping lines in particu-
lar) are shaping port development. More than ever
before, as intermediate points in transport chains,
linking shipping with road and rail modes, ports are
vulnerable to developments on both land and water.
These developments have brought about uncertainty
and change that has made port planning extremely
difficult. Inter-port competition has been heightened
in unanticipated ways (Slack 2001).
Shipping, being the most important mode of
transport in terms of volume, gets an important sup-
port from the EU. In fact, the common transport pol-
icy favours the development of environmental
friendly modes of transport in compliance with the
idea of sustainable development (Lisbon and Goete-
borg Strategy). The EU, through a set of political ac-
tions, legal and financial instruments, promotes in-
termodal transport (Marco Polo Program) and
creation of motorways of the seas, for instance.
Furthermore, as a result of its geography, its his-
tory and the effects of globalisation, maritime
Challenges for Polish Seaports’ Development
in the Light of Globalisation Processes in
Maritime Transport
A. Przybyłowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Ports operations become more capital intensive, labour saving and space consuming. Due to
globalization processes and liberalization of the EU transport markets the seaports are under the huge compet-
itive pressure put mainly by container transport operators committed in the logistic transport chains. Polish
seaports have difficulties in facing such a competitive environment.
transport will continue to be the most important
transport mode in developing EU trade for the fore-
seeable future (Maritime transport 2006). The Green
Paper on a Future Maritime Policy for the European
Union launched a broad debate on the development
of an overall maritime policy which combines an in-
tegrated, cross-sector analysis with effective policy
co-ordination and common action. According to the
Commission, such a policy should combine the
competitiveness and employment objectives of the
Lisbon agenda with improving the health of the ma-
rine environment (EC Commission 2006).
The Blue Paper reflects the outcome of a one year
consultation period launched with the adoption of
the Green Paper. The results of that consultation
have been brought together in a separate communi-
cation which was also published. The Maritime Pol-
icy “Blue Paper” sets out a comprehensive action
plan including the Port Policy Communication
which was published on 18 October 2007. The
Commission identified the Blue Paper as a crucial
first step for Europe’s oceans and seas towards un-
locking its potential and towards facing the chal-
lenges of a Maritime Europe. It should also allow
the EU to make the most of its maritime assets and it
will help Europe face some of the major challenges
before it. The Blue Paper identifies five areas of ac-
tion necessary to launch an integrated Maritime Pol-
icy for the European Union: sustainable use of
oceans and seas, knowledge and innovation, quality
life in coastal regions, European leadership in inter-
national maritime affairs and, finally, visibility of
maritime Europe and its heritage.
These areas are translated in a concrete action
plan which accompanies the Blue Paper. Key actions
include the development of a European Maritime
Transport Space without barriers, a White Paper on
maritime transport strategy, a roadmap towards mar-
itime spatial planning, a strategy to mitigate the ef-
fects of climate change on coastal regions, reduction
of CO² emissions and pollution by shipping (includ-
ing promotion of shore-side electricity in EU ports),
sustainable maritime tourism and a European net-
work of maritime clusters (,
The ongoing growth of the world economy in
terms of GDP and industrial output accelerates the
growth of the international trade and as a conse-
quence boosts the increase of the world seaborne
trade (UNCTAD 2005). According to WTO calcula-
tions, it accounts for more than 80 % of the world
total trade in tonnage terms. The growth rates of the
seaborne trade were especially high in the recent
twenty years of the century. In 2004 it reached
6,76 billion tones of loaded goods. The annual
growth rate reached 4.3 % over that of 2003, and the
increase of the world merchandise exports volume
was 13% higher at that time. The world merchant
fleet grew in deadweight tons (dwt) up to ca 900
million that represents 4.5% increase. This tendency
is still going on and especially the number of con-
tainerships grew by 15.5% (see tab. 1). The rapid in-
crease of the world seaborne trade boosts the devel-
opment of the maritime transport. As a result, it
accounts nowadays ca. 90 % of the world transport
in ton-miles. As a consequence the total throughput
of the world sea ports has been growing considera-
bly, reaching (according to the provisional data)
more than 14 billion tones (loaded and unloaded)
(Grzelakowski & Przybylowski 2006).
Table 1. World fleet structure by type vessel in 2005 - 2007
(DWT x 100)
Source: Complied by UNCAD secretariat on the basis of data
supplied by Lloyd’s Register Fairplay 2008.
Containerisation that has given shipping lines
greater freedom to serve markets from a wider
choice of ports, thanks to so-called transferability
(Fleming et al. 1994), deepened the globalisation
process. Ports have no longer control over inland
markets and can not be sure of the trade even in their
own local areas. They have to invest huge sums of
money in superstructure and infrastructure to partic-
ipate in the container industry. However, it is not a
guarantee to take profits from this business as some
of them, despite having a container terminal, may be
bypassed because of the reasons linked to the whole
transportation chain, like hinterland connections.
The shipping lines, being the most important players
in the logistics chains, widen their maritime services
and extend control over landward movements. They
certainly do not take into consideration the specific
merits of a particular port, but the economies of
scale and conditions of the entire chain. For in-
stance, services in the Mediterranean have concen-
trated in southern entirely new pivot ports, such as
Gioia Tauro and Algeciras, bypassing direct services
with northern reputed ports as Livorno and Mar-
seilles. Thus, port operations can be compared to a
lottery (Slack 1993). Actually, the most dynamic in-
crease of the handled volume of the biggest EU ports
concerns the container traffic. There is a high level
of correlation between the EU ports development
and their container handling volume. On the list of
top 20 container terminals only three EU ports are
named, i.e. Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp,
ranked 7, 9, 11 respectively. However, the percent-
age change of container throughput in the EU con-
tainer terminals is above the world average level. In
the Baltic Sea Region the level of containerization is
unfortunately the lowest in Poland (see fig. 1). How-
ever the latest investments in the seaports of Gdansk
and Gdynia should increases their competitiveness.
Figure 1. Level of containerisation in external trade of the Bal-
tic Sea Region countries
Source: M. Matczak, The Baltic Container Outlook 2007, Actia
Forum, p. 26.
The changes in the maritime transport sector con-
cern not only the growing volume of commodity
flows and the structure, but also ships’ size, speciali-
sation, containerisation and transport chain organisa-
tion. The growing ships’ size involve huge capital
expenditures in ports. They refer to extensive dredg-
ing, much more dockside and handling capacity, for
example. However, such an anticipation may be a
risky undertaking, as there is an uncertainty over the
ultimate vessels’ size. As far as the organization of
the maritime transport is concerned, some forms of
cooperation such as strategic alliances (SAs) and eq-
uity merger and acquisition activities (M&As) have
been developed. They refer mainly to the interna-
tional container transport - Hanjin/Senator, P&O
Nedlloyd, Hamburg-South-Group, etc.
The main result of the capital integration and oth-
er forms of cooperation is enhancing the competitive
position by improving learning capabilities and the
timely access to technological knowledge and also
vertical integration, control of intermodal and lo-
gistic cycles and logistics outsourcing, as well. Thus,
the transport of goods by sea costs have been de-
creasing and the effectiveness of the international
combined transport chains is steadily growing. This
process is still going on, despite huge unavoidable
ports investments (Grzelakowski & Przybylowski
Major shipping lines formed strategic alliances
because of the pressures of globalisation requiring to
be present in all the major markets of the world. As
a result, formerly separate services of members are
being integrated and create new service configura-
tions that ports are unable to predict the outcome.
Meanwhile, ports operations become more capital
intensive, labour saving and space consuming. Due
to liberalization of the EU transport markets the sea-
ports are under the huge competitive pressure put
mainly by container transport operators committed
in the logistic transport chains. Not all of them are
able to face such a competitive environment.
The adjustment to the above mentioned globaliza-
tion processes needs huge additional public invest-
ment in port infrastructure and lowering of the oper-
ational handling costs. Only the biggest terminals
and port handling operators can meet those chal-
lenges and requirements set by the growing competi-
tive environment (pressures from container opera-
tors, liners). Due to the relatively low port tariffs
ports are unable to increase their income. Therefore,
they need to apply for a huge public money and the
access to the capital of parties involved in the mul-
timodal transport chain. However, such a strategy is
very often connected with the change of their con-
temporary role in a transport chain and the evolution
of their model of administration and management, in
particular. The Polish ports should consider specific
approaches depending on the environment they are
operating in to face the ongoing challenges.
In 2005, one of the Polish Gdynia Port container
terminals has been taken over by Hutchison Port
Holdings Group (HPH). HPH handled that year
51,8 mln TEU on 251 quays in 43 ports. This global
operator has shares on the terminals in 21 countries
all over the world: in Asia, Africa, both Americas
and Europe. In Europe, they are present in Belgium,
Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Great Britain.
This example reflects the abovementioned globalisa-
tion and integration processes.
The existing traditional seaport administration
and management systems as well as port policy ob-
jectives and requirements, based principally on the
concept of exclusively port-oriented management
forms in Polish ports, do not comply any more with
the new logistic management challenges and grow-
ing competitive transport environment. The tradi-
tional concepts and models of national seaport poli-
cy are being steadily evolved, getting much more
global and transport chain oriented. Polish seaport
authorities, confronted with the abovementioned
processes, must adopt efficient survival strategies in
order to resist global and integration pressures. Slack
mentions two possible reactions that could be adopt-
ed by seaports: keeping pace with market demands
or pursuing customer-driven strategies. Porter and
Robinson studies suggest providing superior value-
delivery to targeted customers at a cost that provides
acceptable profit levels.
The first strategy consists on carrying out expen-
sive investments in superstructure and infrastructure
in order to keep pace with shipping lines expenses
on larger vessels. The second one is a response to
concrete demands coming from shipping line clients.
Certainly, investing huge money is not a guarantee
of success and may not be even economically and
economically sustainable. The third approach re-
quires important adjustments in ports functions to fit
better into local, regional and global markets (con-
centration on passenger business or container feeder
port role, f. ex.). This solution could be a good idea
for Polish ports as their participation in the container
market is relatively low.
A port authority may be not only a port operator
but also a land developer. Sites that have no more a
port-use character can serve for urban redevelop-
ment. Such an alternate use of port sites may bring a
lot of income, because waterfront land is of a great
value (Slack 2001). As mentioned above, the neces-
sary step is a full integration of those entities into the
transport chains. Such a process has already started.
It is performed by horizontal and vertical forms of
integration. The first one is caused by the ongoing
process of privatisation of the ports terminals, main-
ly container ones. The global container operators,
like HPH, take over container terminals becoming
their owners in the world scale. The reason of this is
an increasing rentability of port container terminal
companies. According to Drewry Shipping Consult-
ants, the leading container operators like HPH, CSX
WT, PSA Corp., ICTSI and P&O Ports reach turno-
ver rentability of 33%, 29%, 25%, 18,8% and 17,4%
respectively. The vertical integration is based on
capital concentration among the ports terminal com-
panies and other logistic transport operators such as
global container alliances (Maersk).
Till now, the ports behaved passively being taken
over by other operators players/ carriers. Thus, de-
spite the growing concentration of the commodity
flows in the main EU ports which strengthen their
competitive position on the open European seaport
market, the majority of them seem to be unable to
resist the enormous global challenges. However,
since the mid 90. some European seaports are get-
ting much more pro-active on the global transport
market which is not the case of Polish ones yet. The
simplest form is the EU biggest container terminal
operators (Eurogate) set together with the strongest
railway companies container railway services which
operate as a global player on the European transport
market. Such services connect the main European
terminals (Bremen, Hamburg) with the main con-
sumer and production centers in Europe. Conse-
quently, European ports binds huge area of the hin-
terland and the main initiative is overtaken by the
container terminals.
The wider concept, based on stronger position of
container terminal operator in land transport rela-
tions is aimed at strengthening its position in relation
to the container transport operator (container alli-
ances). Nevertheless, the port container operators are
partly overtaken by still stronger maritime transport
operators. In fact, the shipping lines become multi-
modal logistics providers controlling the routing of
the flows in conjunction with the ocean services of
the consortia. Thus, a port is an incidental entity in
this global network system. Containerisation has re-
duced the economic impact of ports on cities, be-
cause ships crews are smaller than they used to be,
spend little time in port and dock labour considera-
bly diminished. As local economic benefits (em-
ployment) are declining, it is no longer justified to
invest huge public money in the port area. The Eu-
ropean Commission wants to minimise subsides in
accordance with proper competition policy and a re-
strictions on public state aid.
The increased competitiveness of the Polish ports
can be achieved by establishing port clusters either
via their port authorities or via municipal govern-
ments. The port cluster may be defined as ‘the set of
interdependent firms engaged in port related activi-
ties, located within the same port region and possi-
bly with similar strategies leading to competitive ad-
vantage and characterized by a joint competitive
position vis-à-vis the environment external to the
cluster’(Hong-Seung-ROH 2004). There is an urgent
need to enhance the relationships between the port
and associated companies in the port area in order to
create an added value (Notteboom T. E. 2005).
Moreover, the strategies for port competitiveness
must take into account local impact in order to
strengthen the link between the port and its
city/region (Pando J. et al.2005).
Port management systems should also meet the
criteria of sustainability, i.e. combining economical,
ecological and social factors. The sustainable com-
position will be reached if all stakeholders having
different goals are taken into account (Musso E.
2006). It is not an easy task, as ports authorities may
be often in conflict with legislation, environmental-
ists and the general public while trying to accommo-
date their sites to growing economic needs (f. ex. ac-
cess to water depths requiring a frequent dredging).
There is a need for more partnership solutions as re-
gards port management, implementing ecological
systems preventing pollution and excessive emis-
sions. This requires paying more attention to local
labour markets in order to avoid social protests (EU
‘service’ directive proposal, for example). The pos-
sible reaction leading to raising ports’ competitive-
ness could be also a horizontal integration and port
networking and combining competition and coopera-
So the Polish seaports need to be much more effi-
cient in micro and macroeconomic terms. They
should become an integral part of the vertically inte-
grating logistic transport chain. The simplest form of
performing these strategy is the development on
their areas the distribution and logistics centres, for
example. This is the case of three major seaports in
Poland: Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin-Swinoujscie
(fig. 2) where such investments are taking place.
They also need to enforce much more integrated, lo-
gistic transport chain oriented sea port activities be-
cause of the still growing competitive requirements
from maritime and land transport operators, as well
as exporters and importers. Such kind of seaport re-
orientation can not be efficiently carried out without
a transformation of their administration and man-
agement systems, i.e. going towards more partner-
ship solutions, for instance. Some of them will have
to find other solutions and cultivate niches as sec-
ondary ports. Others may be forced to be pro-active
and work closer with logistics providers, railroads
and truckers raising the service attractiveness of the
Fig. 2. Transshipment turnover in Polish seaports (2007)
Source: Porty morskie,
, 19.10.2008.
However, the abovementioned strategies would
require more partnership solutions, going far beyond
the port area. Ports could also allocate births to a
single user in exchange for along-term commitment
which would integrate and even completely attach
shipping lines to the particular port. The develop-
ment of logistics features: inventory control, data
management, packing and processing could also en-
hance economic benefits of port operations, like in
Port of Rotterdam. The horizontal port alliances
seem to be a good solution for survival, as well. A
group of northern European ports already gather to-
gether to solve common problems. However, this
process is quite a challenge because of the differ-
ences concerning port management models and sys-
tems. Finally, the Polish seaports’ position in rela-
tion to global carriers can be upgraded thanks to the
privatisation processes (difficult to undertake, be-
cause contested by trade unions in Port of Gdynia, f.
ex.) and emergence of grouping of terminal own-
er/operators (Przybylowski A. 2007).
1 Polish seaports are under a very strong influence
of the globalisation and integration processes.
Vertically integrating transport chains make
them, especially such seaports as Polish ones,
vulnerable to rapidly changing contemporary en-
2 The European Commission acknowledges that the
growth in trade and shipping is dependent on hav-
ing adequate port capacity and recognises that
this need is under competition from environmen-
tal objectives. It is not clear yet whether the EU
wants to support bigger (Rotterdam, f. ex.) or less
developed European ports (like Polish ones). In
fact, this dilemma is a choice between the highest
competitiveness and the sustainable development
of the European territory.
3 Traditional port management models and the state
of the transport infrastructure decrease the com-
petitive position of Polish seaports. Thus, there is
a need for novel organisation solutions and more
investment in the infrastructure and superstruc-
ture also in order to enhance their competitive-
4 The appraisal of the seaports’ position in Poland
is possible through capital integrated transport
chain oriented models of management. Actually,
the efficient seaport policy needs to take into ac-
count such strategies as vertical and horizontal in-
tegration, port networking and port clustering.
5 Some Polish seaports will have to find other solu-
tions and cultivate niches as secondary ports.
Others may be forced to be pro-active and work
closer with logistics providers, railroads and
truckers raising the service attractiveness of the
port. However, this would require more partner-
ship solutions, going far beyond the port area.
Ports could also allocate births to a single user in
exchange for along-term commitment which
would integrate and even completely attach ship-
ping lines to the particular port. The development
of logistics features: inventory control, data man-
agement, packing and processing could also en-
hance economic benefits of port operations, like
in Port of Rotterdam. The horizontal port allianc-
es seem to be a good solution for survival, as
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