International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
During last three decades attention of the maritime
world has been focused on safety of shipping.
Amongst other causes of accidents at sea casualties
related to manoeuvrability happen quite often and
analysis of casualties shows that CRG casualties
(Collisions-Ramming-Groundings) constitute about
53% of all serious accidents leading to ship loss
(Payer 1994). Data on CRG casualties for the year
1982 analysed on the basis of sources provided by
LRS and DnV revealed that their frequency was ra-
ther high as it is seen from the Table 1.
Table 1. Data on CRG casualties
Source Mean number of Number of Frequency of
ships during the year CRG casualties casualties [%]
DnV 2816 120 4.3
LRS 3391 170 5.0
The data showed that 1 ship in 22 took part in
CRG casualty this year (Samuelides 1984). CRG
casualties occur more often with increasing speed
and size of vessels and such casualties may cause
more serious consequences. Collisions may also
happen more often in restricted waterways and ca-
nals and in particular in areas where additional ex-
ternal factors, as e.g. current, make handling of ships
more difficult.
Statistics of CRG casualties in the following
years showed considerable decrease in percentage,
however it revealed quite alarming increase of the
number of accident during last few years. As it is
seen from Fig.1 the number of such casualties has
increased almost twice from the year 2000. The rea-
son of this effect is not clear it may be, however,
to be attributed to increase of the size of ships, in
particular container ships operated, to the increase of
the density of traffic, but most probably to the lower
level of performance of crew members which were
recruited from many different countries.
This situation requires serious attention and pre-
vention of CRG casualties must be treated as a prior-
In order to achieve safe operation of ships and pre-
venting casualties holistic and system approach is
necessary. System approach consists of looking at
the problem as assembled of the number of sub-
Risk Analysis and Human Factor in Prevention
of CRG Casualties
L. Kobylinski
Foundation for Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection, Iława, Poland
ABSTRACT: CRG casualties create one of the major type casualties in shipping. Prevention of CRG casual-
ties is an important issue, especially because of the number of CRG casualties has increased almost twice dur-
ing recent years. For the great majority of all CRG casualties human factor responsible, and the increasing
number of these casualties might be attributed to poorer qualifications of ship masters who have not enough
experience in handling very large ships put into operation presently. Risk analysis is a modern method for as-
sessment of safety level of technical systems. This tool may be the used to investigate causes of casualties and
to find out most effective prevention measures. Risk analysis is widely used in many areas; in case of marine
technology it is used routinely in off-shore technology.
The author investigates possibilities to apply risk analysis in the area of ship handling with the focus on hu-
man factor. This is preliminary study where possible methodology for hazards identification and risk assess-
ment in respect of CRG casualties are investigated and risk control options are suggested. Various aspects of
the influence of human factor in collision avoidance are listed and in particular the effect of training is
problems mutually interrelated. In this approach the
process of achieving main goal is exactly defined
and related to sub-problems in accordance to the
adopted plan.
Figure 1.Percentage of CRG casualties during years 1988-2006
The system of safety against CRG casualties is
rather complex, because of numerous interrelations
between various sub-systems and because of that, its
analysis is difficult. It would be, however, necessary
to take into account in this system at least the fol-
lowing sub-systems:
Traffic pattern
Human factor
The weak point of the present legislative status of
safety requirement in general was duly noticed by
highest IMO (International Maritime Organization)
bodies and quite recently the Marine Safety Com-
mittee (MSC) recommended adoption of the concept
of goal-based approach to safety requirements. The
goal-based approach does not include prescriptive
regulations or standards that must be complied with,
but sets goals that allow alternative ways of achiev-
ing safety (Hoppe 2006). Goal-based standards are
for some time considered at IMO and appraised by
some authors (Vassalos 2002), and they were intro-
duced in some areas, albeit not in the systematic
manner. Marine Safety Committee commenced in
2004 (IMO 2004) its work on goal-based standards
in relation to ship construction adopting five-tier
system (Table 2).
IMO MSC committee agreed in principle on the
following Tier I goals to be met in order to build and
operate safe and environmentally friendly ships:
“Ships are to be designed and constructed for a spe-
cific design life to be safe and environmentally
friendly, when properly operated and maintained
under specified operating and environmental condi-
tions, in intact and specified damage conditions,
throughout their life” (IMO 2004).
In the opinion of the author goal oriented holistic
approach appears to be the best solution in prevent-
ing the increase of the number of CRG casualties.
Goal oriented approach involves apart of prescrip-
tive requirements, also risk analysis and system ap-
proach. Therefore to investigate the possibilities of
application of risk analysis to safety against CRG
casualties and to investigate possible risk control op-
tions and associated requirements is an important is-
Table 2. Five-tier system for goal-based requirements
Tier I: Goals
Tier II: Functional requirements
Tier III: Verification criteria of compliance
Tier IV Technical procedures and guidelines, classification
rules and industry standards
Tier V Codes of practice and safety and quality systems for
shipbuilding, ship operation, maintenance, training etc
The basic dichotomy in the conception of safety re-
quirements consists of prescriptive approach and
risk-based approach (Kobyliński 2007)
Traditional regulations were of prescriptive na-
ture and they are formulated in the way where a cer-
tain standards related to ship construction or opera-
tion must be complied with. Prescriptive regulations
could be developed on the basis of experience (ex-
perts opinions) statistics, analytical methods, com-
puter simulation, model tests and full-scale trials.
Deterministic or probabilistic calculations may be
employed when developing the criteria, although, as
a rule, deterministic approach is used in most cases.
Prescriptive regulations have many advantages.
They are formulated in a simple language, which is
easily understood by everybody, they are easy in ap-
plication, they also make checking adherence to the
requirements easy. The main shortcoming of pre-
scriptive regulations is that they are bounding de-
signers or operators and they do not allow introduc-
tion of alternative solutions. They are based on
experience gained with existing objects and they are
not suitable for novel types of ships or uncommon
operational and emergency situations. Usually they
were amended after serious casualties happened. The
risk involved with the application of prescriptive
regulations is not known.
At the opposite of the prescriptive regulations,
there is risk-based requirements. The risk-based re-
quirements are based on risk analysis where and the
main object is to assess eventually accept the risk.
The advantages of risk-based requirements is that
they are not binding designers or operators request-
ing to satisfying or obeying adopted fixed rules and
standards, but offering the possibility of applying a
variety of solutions provided they ultimately allow
to keep risk within acceptable limits. Human factor
could be taken into account, which is extremely im-
portant because the majority of CRG casualties may
be attributed to human fault.
Risk is defined as a product of hazard probability
and hazard severity (consequences):
R = PxC
To facilitate the ranking and validation of ranking
IMO recommended defining consequence and prob-
ability indices on a logarithmic scale (IMO 2002).
The risk index may therefore be established by add-
ing the probability (frequency) and consequence in-
dices. We have then:
Log(risk) = Log (frequency) + Log(consequence)
Risk-based approach according to IMO recom-
mendation is formalized (FSA methodology) and in-
cludes the following steps (IMO 2002):
1 Identification of hazards
2 Risk assessment
3 Risk control options
4 Cost-benefit assessment, and
5 Recommendations for decision making
FSA methodology was recommended by IMO for
general evaluation of safety requirements; in particu-
lar cases strict adherence to this methodology may
not be possible. However, in all cases risk analysis
must lead to risk assessment and acceptance. For this
purpose, and taking into account specifics of ship
operation at sea, risk assessment matrix (Table 3)
may help to evaluate risk and to take appropriate ac-
tion. In this matrix hazard probabilities are divided
in five groups, as below:
A. Frequent always occurring, once or more
yearly (greater than10
B. Probable few times during ship’s lifetime
C. Occasional once during the lifetime of the
ship, few times in the lifetime of the fleet (10
D. Remote little probable, but possible during
the lifetime of the ship, once during the lifetime
of the fleet(less than 10
E. Extremely improbable such a small probabil-
ity that it may not be taken into account (10
and hazard severities (consequences) into four
groups (Halebsky):
1 Catastrophicloss of vessel, fatalities
2 Critical hazardous effect - dangerous degradation
in handling, need outside rescue operation
3 Marginal major effectsignificant degradation in
handling but not preventing to complete safely
4 Negligible minor effect slight degradation in
handling, need for slight modification of operat-
ing procedures
Table 3. Risk assessment matrix
Hazard probability (hourly)
←Low High→
E. D. C. B. A.
I Catastrophic
II Critical
hazardous ef-
III Marginal
major effect
IV Negligible
minor effect
In the table 3: Z- action to reduce hazard if eco-
nomically feasible. Y-action to reduce hazard proba-
bility, X action to eliminate hazard
At present there are numerous requirements included
into various legislative instruments that were, how-
ever, developed at different times by different bod-
ies, some of them being compulsory, some others
have only status of recommendations and in general,
they are not consistent in many points. Most of them
were developed by the International Maritime Or-
ganization, but in spite of that, holistic system ap-
proach was not used in their development. The list
of different legislative instruments where require-
ments applicable to safety against CRG casualties
are included is shown below:
IMO manoeuvring standards,
SOLAS convention requirements related to steer-
ing gear, and machinery
COLREG convention requirements
Pilotage requirements
Separate traffic routes
STCW Convention (Personnel qualifications)
SOLAS Equipment Chapter Port authorities re-
The above list is not exhaustive and is provided
as an example only. Requirements included in all of
the above instruments are of prescriptive character.
Because of the complicity of the system of legis-
lative instruments and requirements included there-
in, direct application of risk analysis to the system as
a whole at this stage seems to be extremely difficult
and requiring thorough study that is beyond the
scope of this paper. Risk analysis might be, howev-
er, applied for example to the requirements related to
the following subsystems:
Ship design – (manoeuvring characteristics)
Harbour and traffic lanes design
Effect of human factor.
Navigational aids
Performing safe manoeuvers
The above subsystems are strongly interconnect-
ed, but in order to bring practicable solution they
may be separated at the first step.
The first step of the risk analysis is identification of
hazards and assessment of their probabilities. Analy-
sis of CRG casualties reveals that the causes of cas-
ualty may be attributed to:
functional aspects resulting from reliability char-
acteristics of the technical system, therefore
manoeuvring characteristics of the ship,
operational aspects resulting from the way the
ship is operated in traffic routes, from harbour
lay-outs and facilities, cargo handling etc,
human factor, i.e. aspects resulting from action
of the personnel handling the system, therefore
crew members but also ship management, marine
administration and owners company organization
external causes resulting from factors independ-
ent from designers builders and operators of the
technical system therefore from ship environment
and climatology
decision support systems helping the master or pi-
lot to take appropriate decisions, inter allia radar.
ARPA, electronic maps, computer programs for
manoeuvres prediction, etc.
IMO resolution included general guidance on the
methodology of hazard identification. With respect
to manoeuvrability, hazard identification could be
achieved using standard methods involving evalua-
tion of available data in the context of functions and
systems relevant to the type of ship and mode of its
Hazard identification is carried-out using hazard
identification and ranking procedure (HAZID).
According to general recommendation the meth-
od of hazard identification comprised mixture of
creative and analytical techniques. Creative ele-
ment was necessary in order to ascertain that the
process is proactive and is not limited to hazards
that happened in the past. Analytical techniques
are used in order to evaluate, separately or in
statistical data concerning causes of accidents
historical data including detailed description of
conclusions resulting from model tests and com-
puter simulations
event and fault trees method
opinions of experts
In particular the last method is much of use, pro-
vided that collation and analysis of expert opinions
is properly organized for example by using Del-
phic method (IMO 2002a).
US Coast Guard (USGC 1981) provided some
indication on the posible causes of CRG casualties.
This is shown in the table 4.
Table 4.Causes of CRG casualties (according to USGC 1981)
Cause Percentage [%]
Insufficient Wind & current 9
ship Turning ability 7
controllability Tugs 4
Stopping 4
Bank suction 3
terring failure 2
Control while stopping 2
Control while backing 2
Direct human error 33
Unavoidable 34
Figure 2. First level fault tree for CRG casualties
Human per-
The classification shown in Table 4 is, however,
not particularly useful for the purpose of risk as-
sessment because large percentage of casualtied was
classified as unavoidable. This is certainly wrong,
because there is always some cause behind the casu-
alty and it is probably that human and organisation
errors (HOE) or heavy weather and perhaps other
causes qualified by marine courts as force majeure
are hidden in this category.
As an example of application of this methodology
the list of hazards in respect to CRG casualties is
shown in Fig. 2. In this example ranking of hazards
is not shown, moreover the sketch could be consid-
ered as the first level of the fault tree leading to
CRG. Hazards identified as relevant to safety against
CRG are all strongly interconnected, moreover, hu-
man factor understood as performance of an individ-
ual (in most cases the master) plays important part in
each case. Hazards identified should be further de-
composed preferably using fault trees and/or events
trees reproducing various scenarios of CRG casual-
ty. The set and combination of fault trees and event
trees as developed for all hazards identified and all
scenarios (defined as risk contribution trees RCT)
is a basis for HAZOP (hazard and operability study)
procedure that allows also assessment of frequencies
(probabilities) of hazards required for risk assess-
ment. This is rather tedious task bearing in mind the
multitude of possible scenarios. This problem, how-
ever, is not discussed here.
As human and organization errors (HOE) are major
causes of CRG casualties they require a special at-
tention. HOE may be the result of design and con-
struction faults (bad manoeuvring characteristics of
ships) and force majeure, that are responsible for
about 20% of all HOE casualties (Payer,1994), the
rest may be attributed to operational factors that in-
clude the following:
society and safety culture
Society and its culture has important effect on
safety. Economic factors tend to limit safety re-
quirement, because enhancement of safety cost
more; from the other hand lower safety level results
in higher cost of increased number of accidents.
There exists certain optimum from the purely eco-
nomic point of view, but if fatalities are resulting
from accidents the pure economic point of view is
no more valid and crucial point is how high risk may
be acceptable by the society. The risk is much lover
in developed countries in comparison with the coun-
tries that are not yet developed.
The society culture is strongly related with safety
culture. High safety culture helps to avoid a large
percentage of accidents. The enquiry by the RINA
amongst a number of naval architects did show, that
the majority of them recognized safety culture as the
most important factor in safety (The Naval Architect
Figure 3. Effect of safety culture on accidents rate
Organization. A great number of accidents is
caused by bad management or bad organization. Bad
organization could mean lack of supervision, lack of
procedures, lack of instructions, lack of activity by
marine administration, lack of policy for safety
management or lack of motivation. One important
factor is also culture of shipping company. For ex-
ample the dominant culture of company might be
tendency to achieve gain without considering risk
(flirting with risk) or forcing excessive strain leading
to over-fatigue and in consequence may appear to be
opposite with the aim of the company.
System. The following system faults influence
operator behaviour: complexity, faulty signalization,
small tolerances, difficult operation, inaccessibility,
high demands in operation, wrong alarms, bad visi-
bility, incomplete software, etc.
Individual. Operator’s error is the most common
cause of accident. However it is very difficult to
identify the real reason of the operator action. There
is a long list of possible causes as shown in table 5.
It is really impossible to attach probabilities to all
factors listed in Table 5, because the relevant statis-
tical data do not exist and there is no chance that
such statistics will be ever available. However all the
above factors may be divided in three groups:
1 individual character of the operator- integrity, re-
liability, morale
2 physical predispositions health, endurance, im-
3 knowledge – education, training, experience
Safety cultu-
Culture of pas-
sive com-
Culture of
Limiting to the above three groups it would be
possible to construct the risk contribution tree (fault
tree) for HOE as shown in fig 4.
Table 5. Human error factors (Bea 1994)
Fatigue Wishful thinking Bad judgement
Negligence Mischief Carelessness
Ignorance Laziness Physical limitations
Panic Violations Boredom
Greed Drugs Inadequate training
folly Inadequate Inadequate education
Ego Alcoholism Hidden illness
For the risk analysis it is necessary to attach
probabilities to every group at the first stage. This
could be done on the basis of statistics or expert
opinions. Currently published statistics is not availa-
ble, although major shipping companies certainly
have such data. If probabilities attached to each of
the above groups are known then conclusions with
regard to risk o may be drawn.
Risk control options constitute an important step
in the risk analysis. If we assume that probabilities
are equally distributed between three groups, then
concentrating on group three for example, one risk
option would be stressing importance of training.
Amongst other effects, it is well known, that training
affects considerably the ability to handle critical sit-
uations (Bea 1984).
Risk analysis is an excellent method for analyzing
safety of complex systems to which system of safety
against CRG casualties at sea also belongs. However
application of risk analysis to CRG casualties poses
serious difficulties because of the complexity of the
system and strong interrelations between different
In particular, human factor, playing predominant
part in a great majority of CRG accidents, requires
special attention in the risk analysis. This is, howev-
er, difficult because of lack of reliable statistical data
on the influence of various individual characteristics
of the man at control on safe performance of ma-
noeuvres. There are intuitive conclusions that train-
ing, for example affects ability of the man at control
considerably, but respective statistical data are not
Nothwithstanding the difficulties, even at this
stage, risk analysis could provide useful results
when applied to various subsystems of safety against
CRG casualties and in particular it may allow to as-
sess the impact of various risk control options. This
may be, in particular, relevant to human and organi-
zation errors (HOE) as shown in the paper.
Figure 4. Simplified fault tree for HOE
Bea, G.R. (1994). The role of human error in design, construc-
tion and reliability of marine structures. Ship Structure Re-
port SSC-378
Hoppe H. (2006). Goal based standards a new approach to
the international regulations of ship construction. IMO
News Issue 1
IMO ( 2002). Guidelines for Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
for use in the IMO rule-making process. Doc. MSC/Circ.
IMO ( 2002a). Guidance on the use of human element analyz-
ing process (HEAP) and formal safety assessment (FSA) in
the IMO rule making process. Doc. MSC/Circ. 1022;
Kobyliński, L. (2006). Appraisal of risk assessment approach
to stability of ships. 8
International Ship Stability Work-
shop, Istambul
Kobyliński, L. (2007). Goalbased standards. 9
Ship Stability Workshop. Hamburg
Payer, H. (1994). Schffssicherheit und menschliche Versagen.
Hansa-Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen 131 Jahrgang, No.10
Samuelides, E., Frieze, P. (1984). Experimental and numerical
sikulation of ship collisions. Proc 3
Congress on Marine
Technology (IMAEM. Athens
The Naval Architect (1999) March issue.
US Coast Guard (1995) Preventing through people. Quality ac-
tion team report
US Coast Guard (1981). Report M-8-81
Vassalos, D. (2002). Total ship safety a life-cycle risk-based
DOR for safety. The Stability Research Centre NAME.
Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde. Report.
Safety Culture
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
1 ; 2 ; 3;