International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
Baltic Sea is a semi-closed, tide less and compara-
tively dismembered sea. Its low salinity varies from
about 20 %
in the Belts waters to about 1%
in the north-eastern basins. The differentiation
of salinity, bathymetry, the latitudinal and continen-
tal (climatic) influences generates significant inho-
mogeneity of freezing conditions in different basins
of the sea. Some of the basins freeze each winter, the
other only rarely, during exceptionally severe win-
ters. In order to be able to compare the winter condi-
tions in different years or in different basins of the
sea, some scales of winter severity are in use. Ac-
cording to one of them (sea ice severity index S
after Sztobryn et al.,2008) three types of winters
were distinguished (mild, normal and severe) and a
classification of winters between 1955 and 2005 in
the Baltic Sea was made, as in Table 1.
Highest values of sea ice index S
were charac-
teristic for the Bay of Bothnia, where they oscillated
between 9,32 in 1980/81 and 5,34 in 1991/92. The
lowest values of S
were gained in the Western
Baltic, with the minimum equal to 0,0, what oc-
curred for eight times in the investigated 50 winter
seasons, while the maximum value there was as high
as S
5,72 in 1995/96. Quite close to the values
representative for the Western Baltic were the ex-
treme conditions in the Aland Sea and the Archipel-
ago: maximum value of S
reached there 5,89 in
1969/70 and the minimum value was 0,0 (for four
The values of basic S
statistics, when com-
pared, allowed to distinguish three groups of regions
considered here, which were similar to each other
with regard to the sea ice conditions.
Table 1. Number of winters of given severity in particular basins of the Baltic Sea in the winter seasons 1955/56 2004/05 (Szt-
type of sea ice severity Baltic Western Southern Gulf Aland Sea Norra Bay
Baltic Baltic of Finland & Arch of Bothnia Kvarken of Bothnia
mild 17 43 36 16 33 14 2 0
normal 17 1 8 11 9 11 4 0
severe 16 6 6 23 8 25 44 50
Sea Ice Services in the Baltic Sea
M. Sztobryn
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Maritime Branch, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The Baltic winter navigation depended always very much on the ice conditions in the sea. The
sea ice occurs different in form and amount, depending on the sea area and the winter season. As the maritime
traffic on the Baltic Sea constitutes a substantial amount in the whole of the Baltic countries transport, Sea Ice
Services (SISs) have come into being. They constituted the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting (BSIM) a body, which
assembles the parties, which are interested in warnings against bad ice conditions, and in protection of naviga-
tion in ice in the Baltic Sea. An indispensable co-operator to this body was always the company “Baltic Ice-
breakers”. To-day within the BSIM operate by the SISs of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Lat-
via, Lithuania, Poland and Germany, Netherlands, Norway and the Baltic Icebreakers. The main statutory
duties of the SISs is the acquisition, processing and dissemination of actual information on sea ice conditions
and on obstructions to navigation due to sea ice. This is done by maintaining observing posts along the coast
of those countries, in their ports and approaches to them, by gathering information from ships, from ice beak-
ers, if possible from reconnaissance flights or satellite images. Routine products of SISs are the ice reports,
ice bulletins, ice charts, forecasts and warnings and other information broadcast by mass media, e.g. radio,
internet, Navtex and on the national and Baltic SISs’ web sites etc.
The first group, the “mild winters zone”, consisted
of the Western Baltic Sea, Southern Baltic Sea and
the Aland Sea; the second group, the “normal win-
ters zone” made the western Gulf of Finland and the
Sea of Bothnia. Into the third group, the “severe
winters zone”, were included the Norra Kvarken and
the Bay of Bothnia, where the statistical parameters
of S
were positively higher, than in the remaining
considered regions of the Baltic Sea. It must be
stressed that though very characteristic, the above
cited indices did not involve all areas of the Baltic
Sea, as for instance, the south-eastern coasts of the
central sea parts.
There exists a high proportionality between the
values of the indices S
and the number of ice-
breaker assistances, requested by all kind of vessels
plying between the coasts of the Baltic Sea. The ice-
breakers are ready to assist any ship on the ice ob-
structed routes of the Baltic Sea, from the Belts to
the farthest ends of the Bothnia Bay or the Gulf of
Finland. Varied ice conditions in the Baltic Sea
cause much greater navigational difficulties in the
northern and eastern parts of the sea. One of the in-
dicators of those difficulties is the number of cases,
in which the assistance of icebreakers is indispensa-
ble. For instance, in the 50 years considered here,
the number of assistances of only the Swedish and
Finnish icebreakers varied from 121 in the winter
season 1991/92 to as many as 4107 during the winter
1986/87 (Grafstrom & Kiggren, 2007). The relation-
ship between the ice severity (by the severity indices
for Baltic Sea and Aland Sea) and icebreakers activ-
ities (number of cases, in which the Swedish and
Finnish icebreakers assisted the ships) is presented
by the comparison, of how these two winter features
varied during the 50 winters of 1956 2005 (Figure
Figure 1. Long term icebreakers activity variation (in annual
number of assistance cases) compared to winter severity (rep-
resented by the sea ice severity indices) during the winters
1955/56 2004/2005.
The seasonal sea ice severity is presented by the
ice severity index S averaged over the whole Baltic
Sea and regional, and the ice breakers activity is
shown in number of cases, in which icebreakers as-
sisted the ships. It must be stressed here that the
BSIS are always supported by both the icebreakers
and the ship masters in gaining actual information
on ice conditions on their sea routes.
The Baltic winter navigation depended always very
much on the ice conditions in the sea. The sea ice
occurs different in form and amount, depending on
the sea area and the winter season. As the maritime
traffic on the Baltic Sea constitutes a substantial
amount in the whole of the Baltic countries
transport, Sea Ice Services (SISs) have come into be-
ing. They constituted the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting
(BSIM) a body, which assembles the parties,
which are interested in warnings against bad ice
conditions, and in protection of navigation in ice in
the Baltic Sea. An indispensable co-operator to this
body was always the company “Baltic Icebreakers”.
To-day within the BSIM operate by the SISs of
Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, Poland and Germany, Netherlands, Nor-
way and the Baltic Icebreakers (Fig.2). The main
statutory duties of the SISs is the acquisition, pro-
cessing and dissemination of actual information on
sea ice conditions and on obstructions to navigation
due to sea ice. The existence of BSIM and coopera-
tion between SISs guarantees the use of standard-
ised ice messages, codes, graphic symbols, formats,
etc in the ice data exchange not only between all
these countries but also for navigators.
Figure 2. Sea Ice Services in the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting.
BSIM as well as SISs is working on two levels
the national one and the international.
The national level involves :
Sea ice severity index
Baltic Sea
Aland Sea and Archipelago
icebreakers activity
network of coastal observing posts,
data collecting centre,
Sea Ice Service National Centre
The Sea Ice Service National Centre is responsi-
ble for :
acquisition of all possible ice information (from
beyond the routine ice observing network data) as
icebreaker data, satellite data, air reconnaissance
data etc,
data control and interpretation,
edition and dissemination of ice information in
form of ice reports, ice bulletins, ice charts etc,
forecasts of ice conditions development,
exchange of ice information - locally, and in the
region - internationally,
co-operation with icebreakers.
The international level demands for:
daily routine exchange of ice information prod-
ucts between the Sea Ice Services,
international co-operation with Ice Breaker Ser-
participation in BSIM conferences in order to
asses the activities of the National Sea Ice Ser-
vices, to implement the developing technologies
into these activities and to adapt these activities
to changing economic and political conditions,
co-operation with the WMO, JCCOM as well as
with International Ice Charting Working Group
Between the BSIM conferences, the activities of
the Sea Ice Services are co-ordinated by the repre-
sentatives of the National SISs, under the leadership
of the acting BSIM Chairman.
Importance of the winter navigation in the Baltic Sea
on one side and on the other serious sea-ice borne
difficulties, forced in the regions of severe winters
regular sea ice observations already in the middle of
19-th century. This, however, was initiated by indi-
vidual countries (the economy of which mostly de-
pended on sea traffic, also in winter). Therefore the
first observations were carried out only in those
countries, with no integration on larger scale.
The tragedy of “Titanic” powered to create the
first in the world, a completely organised, world
wide sea ice service (International Ice Patrol). In this
time Europe began also to develop the protection of
winter traffic in sea ice conditions. However the
World War 1 and the following formation of new
political systems on the continent did not allow to
meet the Baltic ice experts earlier than in 1925
(Strubing 2003). That ensemble of experts on pro-
tection against sea ice discussed the in that time
available instruments of information exchange;
among others they proposed the use of the Baltic Sea
Ice Code (BSIC). Already in 1926, on the 1st Con-
ference of the Baltic Hydrographers (CBO) in Riga
the frames of data exchange standardisation had
been settled, and one year later, on the 2nd CBO, the
first BSIC was accepted. The recommendations of
this Conference were implemented very soon, and
already in the severe winter 1928/29 the majority of
information, among them the ice charts, was used
according to the uniform BSIC rules. In the year
1936, on the 5th CBO in Helsinki the status quo of
the SISs was discussed, including reports on their
organisation and activities. Also the sea ice termi-
nology was completed and accepted, together with
the multilingual terminology of the BSIC.
The World War 2 interrupted the co-operation
within the BSIM. The National SISs, however, re-
sumed their ice information exchange by the same
rules as before, straight away after the war ended.
Not earlier, however, than in the year 1954 the ice
experts of Denmark, Finland, Federal Republic of
Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden activated the
BSIM to compile the International Sea Ice Termi-
nology and to actualise the BSIC by enriching its
content. Short after 1956 also the former German
Democratic Republic, Poland and the former USSR
sent their representatives to resume the co-operation
within the BSIM. Further meetings of this body con-
sisted in improving the information exchange tech-
nologies, in the revision and actualisation of BSIC
and ice chart (among them the Sea Ice Egg Code), in
completing the multilingual vocabulary of sea ice
terminology, digitalisation of ice charts by introduc-
ing the SIGRID code and last, but not least, in im-
plementing the mathematical prognostic models of
ice conditions development into the operational rou-
tine. Successive years brought enormous develop-
ment in both observation technologies (remote sens-
ing, aircraft reconnaissance, radar and satellite
imagery) and in data transmission (internet, Navtex,
other mass etc). Successive BSIMs had to cope with
that abundance of potentiality to be implemented in-
to the Sea Ice Service observing practices, into data
transmission and forecasting. Sea ice codes had to be
repeatedly revised and completed, also due to politi-
cal changes in the last decade of the 20
century. In
the year 2005, on 21
BSIM in Riga the Memoran-
dum of Understanding of the Sea Ice Services has
been signed by the majority of the national services.
This code is a set of conventional numeral symbols
used in transmitting messages on ice conditions and
obstruction to navigation due to sea ice in particular
areas of the Baltic Sea, in ports and approaches to
them and on other sea router (about 500 observa-
tional posts). After having collected all the ice mes-
sages from its region of responsibility, each individ-
ual SISs prepares national ice report/ice bulletins
(Fig.3) and transmits it to be broadcast by the Global
Telecommunication System (GTS). The first edition
(used as national code from 1920/21) of Baltic Sea
Ice Code (from 1928/29) contained only two groups,
specified as “j” and “k”. Under “j” described were
the ice conditions, under “k” the obstruction to
navigation due to the ice. The second BSIC estab-
lished in 1954/55 (used in Poland from1963) and re-
vised in 1969, was modified by adding another
group on ice development. Now by “i” were meant
the ice conditions, by “j” ice development, and by
“k” impact on navigation by ice. The third BSIC
has been introduced in 1981 and is till to-day in use.
It described the ice conditions in ports, fairways and
significant navigation channels. BSIC (in ice bulle-
tins and reports) with ice charts give the detailed in-
formation for ships’ officers of actual ice and navi-
gation conditions. The sea and navigation areas of
each country are designated by capital letters AA,
BB, CC ets. Each area is subdivided into parts num-
bered from1 to 9. Baltic Sea Ice Code (Figure 3)
consists of four groups:
amount and arrangements of sea ice,
stage of ice development,
– topography or form of ice,
– navigation conditions in ice
Figure 3. An example of Polish Sea Ice Report from 12 of
where CC18353 after decoding:
CC “1” = observational post; here Swinoujscie,
Pomerania Bay,
“8” fast ice,
“3”- grey-white ice,
”5”-rafted ice,
”3”-navigation without icebreaker assistance
possible only highpowered vessels of strong
construction and suitable for navigation in ice.
The receivers of the ice reports from the whole
sea region use them, after having decoded them, to
compile their routine products: ice bulletins, ice
charts and other information, e.g. the forecasts. Ice
report/ ice bulletin is edited daily or weekly, depend-
ing on the severity of sea ice situation. Also ice bul-
letins, which give detailed ice situation in the whole
Baltic Sea area are issued routinely, in national lan-
guages and additionally in English. Bulletins can be
mailed in paper form or e-mailed to the users.
Ice charts were one of the oldest methods to distrib-
ute the information on sea ice conditions and on the
obstructions, which the ice could be to navigation.
The first ice charts, which now are stored in ar-
chived form, were drawn already in the end of 19
century. As a routine product of the SISs, however,
they were issued not earlier than about the nineteen
thirties. The main aim of an Ice Chart is to project
on a map the actual ice conditions in the given sea
basin or route.
Figure 4. Polish Ice Chart from 8
of March 1929, issued by the
Maritime Branch of the Państwowy Instytut Meteorologiczny
in Gdynia.
Thus, an ice chart is a graphic supplement of the
ice information contained in the Ice Report/Ice Bul-
letin and is issued daily, when ice conditions are se-
vere, or twice a week, when the winter is calm.
The form, in which the ice conditions were pre-
sented on the ice charts, depended on the contempo-
rarily available presentation technologies and on the
accepted graphic symbols. Important also were the
ways by means of which the maps were distributed
to the users, especially ship masters, icebreakers,
port officers.
The oldest Polish archived Ice Chart is dated on
winter 1929 and is reproduced in Figure 4.
The chart was issued by the Wydział Morski in
Gdynia of the contemporary Państwowy Instytut
Meteorologiczny (Polish National Meteorological
Institute). Ice conditions were presented by numbers
of code in due chart places and the degree of ob-
structed navigation by different colours. Beside of
the graphic presentation a general description of ice
conditions was given in plain language in Polish,
English and German. Additionally, a more detailed
description of ice situation in the Polish waters was
given, including information on air temperature and
wind. This, however, was a hand-made chart, deliv-
ered by messengers or mailed.
Figure 5. Polish Ice Chart from 13 of March 1987, edited by
Oddział Morski IMGW in Gdynia (Marine Branch of the
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management).
In the post-war decades, along with the telecom-
munication and other technical means development,
the appearance of ice charts changed. When the fac-
simile transmission got possible, ready ice charts, in
order to be transmitted to the addressees, had to be
monochrome. Therefore, since 1981, new principles
of one-colour drawing of ice charts were set. The
Polish Ice chart had a conform conic projection and
covered the area of the whole Baltic Sea, including
Kattegat. Further, it gave all indispensable infor-
mation on the ice conditions in the sea, the bays and
Additionally, thickness of ice was added and
names of icebreakers operating in particular sea are-
as could be inserted. However, preparation of an ice
chart in that way was laborious enough (Fig.5).
Figure 6. Ice chart of 12 of March 2004, issued by Oddział
Morski IMGW in Gdynia
Further enormous development of the telecom-
munication facilities, as satellite links, internet,
simplified both the transmission and preparation of
ice charts and allowed for a come-back of coloured
charts (Fig.6).
Similar ice charts are edited by the majority of
SISs, excluding Lithuania and Latvia. Russia reduc-
es the area of its Ice Chart to the Gulf of Finland on-
ly, Estonia to the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of
The above discussed Baltic SISs’ products (ice mes-
sages, reports, bulletins, ice charts and forecasts) do
not involve the full list of sea ice information which
is collected, processed and disseminated by these
bodies. Merely mentioned were the ice development
and movement forecasts. Also the users were scarce-
ly mentioned, as the circle of users depends on indi-
vidual needs of given country’s national economy.
Once more the role of telecommunication must be
stressed. In previous ice seasons sea ice information
was broadcast by radio, routinely with weather fore-
casts. Since nineteen nineties it is available by
NAVTEX. Beside of this, the SISSs’ products are
published by internet both on the web pages of the
particular SISSs’ as well as on the web of the BSISs.
The investigation was made under the IMGW pro-
jects DS-H7 and project PL0 103 “Strengthening of
the administrative capacity to improve management
of the Polish coastal zone environment”- Seaman fi-
nanced by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
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2002: Ice Time Series of the Baltic Sea, Report Series in
Geophysics No. 44, Helsinki,.
Grafstrom T.& Kiggren D.2007: A summary of the ice season
and icebreaking activieties 2006/2007, pp.54.
WMO 574, 2004: Sea-Ice Information Services in the World
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