International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 4
December 2009
Process of ships movement in water area should be
safely. Its estimation is executed by means of no-
tions of safety navigation. It may be qualified (Galor
W. 2001) as set of states of technical, organizational,
operating and exploitation conditions and set of rec-
ommendations, rules and procedures, which when
used and during leaderships of ship navigation min-
imize possibility of events, whose consequence may
be loss of life or health, material losses in conse-
quence of damages, or losses of ship, load, port
structures or pollution of environment. Very often,
the sea-river ships move on waterways (natural and
artificial) inside of land for hundreds kilometres.
The manoeuvring of ships on each water area is
connected with the risk of accident, which is un-
wanted event in results of this can appear the losses.
There is mainly caused by unwitting contact of ships
hull with other objects being on this water area. The
safety of ship’s movement can be identified as ad-
missible risk, which in turn can be determined as:
=P C
where: R
= admissible risk, P
= probability of
accident and C
= acceptable losses level.
As a result, a navigational accident may occur as
an unwanted event, ending in negative outcome,
such as:
loss of human life or health,
loss or damage of the ship and cargo,
environment pollution,
damage of port’s structure;
loss of potential profits due to the port blockage
or its parts,
coast of salvage operation,
other losses.
The inland waterways are restricted areas those
where ship motion is limited by area and ships traf-
fic parameters. Restricted areas can be said to have
the following features:
restriction of at least one of the three dimensions
characterizing the distance from the ship to other
objects (depth, width and length of the area),
restricted ship manoeuvring,
the ship has no choice of a waterway,
necessity of complying with safety regulations
set for local conditions and other regulations.
In a few cases, especially for ports situated inside
of land, there are the waterways and canals with
great lengths of hundreds kilometres. Thus the navi-
gation on such waterways is different than on ap-
proaching waterways and coastal water areas. The
realization of navigation on limited water areas is
consisted on (Galor W. 2005):
planning of safety manoeuvre,
ship’s positioning with required accuracy on giv-
en area,
steering of craft to obtain the safety planned of
avoiding of collision with other ships.
Approach channels to port and port water area are
characterised by occurrence of port structures. These
constructions are result of activity of man and em-
brace aquatic or under-water structure which togeth-
er with installations, builder’s devices connected
The Criterion of Safety Navigation Assessment
in Sea-River Shipping
W. Galor
Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: Seariver ships can connect the area inside of land with oversea places without of indirect
trans- shipment. In many cases the sea-river ships move on waterways (natural and artificial) inside of land
for hundreds kilometres. Navigation in inland waters has to meet the same requirements as those for pilot nav-
igation. This is due to the relations between the ship size and other objects on water area. These ones caused
the navigation more hard then on open seas. The paper presents the criterion of safety assessment of naviga-
tion during sea-river ships manoeuvring ship in inland waters.
with them and other advisable necessary equipment
to realize of its intended function to state whole of
technical using. From sight of view limitation of
movement in water area, ports structures envelop
following component:
objects arising in result of executing of dredged
works such port and shipyard water, especially
and basin, sea and lagoon fairways, approach
channels, turning basins,
wharfs determining of water area coast and large-
ly making possible berthing to them and mooring
of ships,
constructions of coast protection such breakwa-
ters, under-water thresholds, strengthening of bot-
tom, scarp of fairways deepened,
constructions of fixed navigational marks such
lighthouses, situated on shore of sea water area
and aquatic, light lines and navigational marks,
navigational dolphins,
locks (fig.1),
Figure 1. The lock in Czyżykówko on Wisła Odra waterway
structures situated in area of sea harbour, in par-
ticular isles of berthing and trans-shipment, ship-
ping foot-bridges,
port structures, situated in area of sea harbour in
particular breakwaters, breakers of waves, wharfs
trans-shipment and berthing and other,
structures connected with communication, in par-
ticular road – bridges, railway, submarine tunnels,
structures connected with exploitation of sea bot-
tom (drilling towers, platforms, submarine pipe-
Besides to number to them it is necessary: con-
structions of floating navigational marks, in particu-
lar anchored navigational buoys.
The restricted area is characterized by a great num-
ber of factors being present at the some time. It
caused that possibility of navigational accident in
these areas is more then in other ones. It means the
navigation safety is lower in restricted areas. The as-
sessing of navigation safety requires the application
of proper criteria, measures and factors. The criteria
make it possible to estimate the probability of navi-
gational accident for certain conditions. The ship
during process of navigation has to implement the
following safety shipping conditions:
keeping the under keel clearance,
keeping the proper distance to navigational ob-
keeping the proper air drought,
avoid of collision with other floating craft,
To determine and analyse the safety, especially in
the quantitative manes, the necessary to select values
that can by treaded as a safety measures. It permits
to determine the safety level by admissible risk
(Galor W. 2001a):
= P
[ d(t)
< d
(0< t <T
)] for c <C
where: d(t)
= distance of craft hull to other ob-
jects during manoeuvring, d
= least admissible
distance of craft hull to other objects, T
= time of
ships manoeuvring, c = losses as result of collision
with object and C
= the acceptable level of losses.
Because the losses can be result different events,
the following criterion of safety assessment will be
1 Safety under keel clearance (SUKC)
2 Safety distance to structure (SDS)
3 Safety distance of approach (SDA)
4 Safety air drought (SAD)
Thus, there are many categories of risk due to
ship movement in water area. In each case the acci-
dent rate (probability) is determined for each of the
accident categories. The overall risk of ship move-
ment in water area in then the sum of these single,
independents risks:
= R
+ R
+ R
+ R
where: R
o =.
overall risk of ship movement in water
area, R
g =
risk of grounding, R
n =
risk of collision
with navigations obstructers, R
c =
risk of collision
with other ships and R
ad =
risk of impact the object
over the ship.
The underkeel clearance is a vertical distance be-
tween the deepest underwater point of the ship’s hull
and the water area bottom or ground. That clearance
should be sufficient to allow ship’s floatability in
most unfavourable hydrological and meteorological
conditions. Consequently:
T + R
where: H depth, T ship’s draft and R
safe underkeel clearance (UKC).
The safe underkeel clearance should enable the
ship to manoeuvre within an area so that no damage
to the hull occurs that might happen due to the hull
impact on the ground. A risk of an accident exists
when the under keel clearance is insufficient. When
determining the optimized UKC we have to recon-
cile contradictory interests of maritime administra-
tion and port authorities. The former is responsible
for the safety of navigation, so it wants UKC to be
as large as possible. The latter, wishes to handle
ships as large as possible, therefore they prefer to
accept ships drawing to the maximum, in other
words, with the minimized UKC. The maximum
UKC requirement entails restricted use of the ca-
pacity of some ships, which is ineffective in terms of
costs for ports and ship operators. In the extreme
cases, certain ships will resign from the services of a
given port. Therefore, the UKC optimization in
some ports will be of advantage. It is possible if the
right methods are applied. Their analysis leads to a
conclusion that the best applicable methods for UKC
optimization are the coefficient method and the
method of components sum.
In the coefficient method one has to define the
value R
as part of the ship’s draft:
= η T
where: η = coefficient and T
c =
deepest draft of the
hull. The applied coefficient η values range from
0.04 to 0.4 (Mazurkiewicz B. 2008). The other
method consists in the determination of R
as the
algebraic sum of component reserves [6] which ac-
counts for errors of each component determination:
= ∑ R
+ δ
where: R
i =
depth component reserves and δ
= sum
of errors of components determination.
The UKC is assumed to have the static and dy-
namic component. This is due to the dynamic
changes of particular reserves. The static component
encompasses corrections that change little in time.
This refers to a ship lying in calm waters, not pro-
ceeding. The dynamic component includes the re-
serve for ship’s squatting in motion and the wave
impact. One should emphasize that with this division
the dynamic component should also account for the
reserve for ship’s heel while altering course (turn-
The accessible port water area (for given depth) war-
rants safety manoeuvring for fulfill condition:
= requisite area of ship’s manoeuvring and
= accessible water area.
Ships contact with structure can be intentional or
not. Intentional contact steps out when ship berthing
to wharf. During this contact energy dependent from
virtual ship masses and its perpendicular component
speed to the wharf is emitted. In result of ship pres-
sure on wharf comes into being reaction force. Both
emitted energy during berthing and bulk reaction
force cannot exceed admissible value, definite by re-
liability of ship and wharfs. These values can be de-
creased by means of fenders, being usually of wharf
equipment. Ship should manoeuvre in such kind to
not exceed of admissible energy of fender-structure
system. Unintentional contact can cause navigational
accident. Process of ship movement in limited water
area relies by suitable manoeuvring. During of ship
manoeuvring it can happen the navigational acci-
dent. Same events can occur strike in structures,
when depth of water area is greater than draught
ship. There are usually structures like wharf, break-
water, etc., and also floated objects moored to struc-
The fundamental measure of ships passing is dis-
tance to closest point of approach (DCPA). Its value
should be safety, it means:
where: DCPA = distance to closest point of ap-
proach and DCPA
min =
acceptable distance to closest
point of approach.
The accident can happen; when above condition
will not be performance. Knowing the number of en-
tries of ships in a year (annual intensity of traffic),
one can determine the probability of ships collision
for one ship transit:
= /
where: p
probability of ships collision in one
= accident frequency, I
= annual traffic in-
tensity and t = given period.
Determinate the probability of accident for given
number of ship transits it can used the following
formula (Galor W. 2004):
= N · p
= I · T · p
where: P
) = probability of accident for given ship
transit number and N = number ship of transits.
This relationship is linear because implies propor-
tional growth of probability to considered of ship
number transit. More adequate manner is use the sta-
tistical models described the accident probability.
Because accidents are infrequent events thus it can
be used recurrent models. One of them is geomet-
rical distribution:
= 1 - (1 - p
Figure 2 presents the probability of navigation
accident for linear and geometrical distributions in
function of ships transit numbers.
Figure 2. Probability of accident in function of transits number
for linear and geometrical distributions
It results that for given value of accident proba-
bility (for example 0.95) for linear distribution it is
achieved up to about three times less than for geo-
metrical distribution.
Air drought is distance over ship, when manoeuvre
under construction. They mainly consist:
bridges (road, railway) over waterway (fig.3),
high voltage lines,
pipelines over waterway,
The condition of safety ship movement is follow-
< H
where: H
=the height of highest point of ship and
= the height of lowest point of construction over
In many cases, the sea-river ship’s superstructure
is regulated. It permits to decrease of ships height.
Also other elements of ship’s construction can be
disassembled for instance masts of radar antenna,
radio etc.
Figure 3. The road bridge over Noteć river in Santok (Poland)-
(Nadolny G. 2005)
The sea-river ships move on waterways (natural and
artificial) inside of land in many cases for hundreds
kilometres. The ship can pass natural objects (coast,
water bottom) and artificial objects (water port struc-
tures-locks, bridges etc.). Also many other ships can
manoeuvre on area. It caused that the navigation in
inland waters is harder than on open seas. The crite-
rions of safety assessment of ship movement need
more precisely of qualify. The risk can be used as
measure of safety. This risk is a sum of independent
components connected with different possibilities of
potential accidents. They are a result of unwanted
contact with objects on inland water area. The pre-
sented above consideration can permit to analysis of
safety sea-river ships in inland shipping.
Galor W. (2001): The methods of ship are manoeuvring risk
assessment in restricted waters. Proceedings of the 14th In-
ternational Conference on Hydrodynamics in Ship Design,
Szczecin-Międzyzdroje, 27-29 September 2001, pp. 134-
Galor W. (2001a): The management of ship safety in water ar-
ea. Proceedings of the Marine Technology IV, Editors CA
Brebbia, WIT Press Computational Mechanics Publica-
tions, Southampton, Boston, 2001, pp. 13-20.
Galor W. (2004):Kryteria bezpieczeństwa ruchu statku po
akwenie portowym, Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskie w
Szczecinie nr 3(75), Szczecin, 2004. str. 41-52.
Galor W. (2005): Analiza określania zapasu wody pod stępką.
Materiały XI Międzynarodowej Konferencji Nauk.
Technicznej „Inżynieria Ruchu Morskiego”, Szczecin.
Galor W. (2006): The ship’s dynamic under keel clearance as
an element of port safety management. Confer. Proc. The
International Conference on Safety and Reliability
(Vol.I), Kraków.
Mazurkiewicz B. (2008):
Sea structures. A guide to design.
Edit by ARCELOR, Gdańsk 2006 (in Polish).
Nadolny G., Galor A. ( 2005): Analiza nawigacyjno- eksploat-
acyjna możliwości ruchu jednostek śródlądowych na szlaku
wodnym Wisła-Odra, Materiały II Konferencji Naukowej