International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 3
September 2009
Galileo is the European Global Navigation Satellite
System, under civilian control. Galileo will provide
to their users highly accurate global positioning ser-
vices and their associated integrity information. The
element within the Galileo Ground Mission Segment
(GMS) in charge of the computation of Galileo in-
tegrity information is the IPF (Integrity Processing
Facility), being developed by GMV (Grupo Mecani-
ca del Vuelo).
The integrity algorithms of the GMS are respon-
sible of providing a real-time monitoring of the sat-
ellite status with timely alarm messages in case of
failures. The accuracy of the integrity monitoring
system is characterized by the SISMA (Signal In
Space Monitoring Accuracy), which is broadcast to
the users through the integrity message together with
the satellite integrity flags (OK, Not Monitored, Do
Not Use)
Galileo is currently in its detailed design and de-
velopment phase. The design and development
phase for the IPF started in May 2005. The Critical
Design Review (CDR) of the system has been suc-
cessfully at the beginning of 2008, while the Factory
Qualification Review (FQR) is expected for 2009.
The SW prototypes of the integrity algorithms have
already been implemented and the assessment of the
critical performance figures has already been per-
formed with outstanding results.
The main objective of this paper is therefore to
explain the basis of the Galileo integrity concept,
which is fundamental for safety-critical applications
such as maritime navigation. It will include the
mathematical formulation that shall be present at re-
ceiver level together with the details that are re-
quired to understand it from the maritime user point
of view. A review of the potential level of perfor-
mance based on the preliminary results available
from the development phase will be also provided.
Additionally, information is provided related to
the potential evolutions of the Galileo integrity con-
cept, which is currently being defined in the frame
of the GNSS evolution program led by ESA and in
the 7th Framework Program of the European Com-
mission led by the GSA, in which GMV takes an ac-
tive role. In this environment, requirements from the
maritime user community are being considered.
2.1 Overview
Integrity can be defined as a measure of the trust that
can be placed in the correctness of the information
supplied by the system. Integrity includes the ability
of the navigation system to provide users with time-
ly and valid warnings (alerts) when the system must
not be used for the intended operation (ICAO,
2006). In the current Galileo baseline the integrity
aspects concerning the SIS errors will be achieved
by means of two parameters: Signal-In-Space Accu-
racy (SISA) and the Integrity Flag (IF). Together
with a new satellite ephemeris and clock models
broadcast to the users, it is also sent the SISA, which
is a prediction of the associated errors with a certain
confidence level for the whole coverage area and
valid for the applicability time of the models. The
computation of this parameter is performed in an-
other element of the GMS named OSPF (Orbito-
Galileo Integrity Concept and its Applications
to the Maritime Sector
C. Hernández, C. Catalán & M. A. Martínez
GMV S.A., Madrid, Spain
ABSTRACT: Galileo is the European Global Navigation Satellite System, under civilian control. Galileo will
provide their users with highly accurate global positioning services and their associated integrity information.
The main objective of this article is to explain the basis of the Galileo integrity concept, which is fundamental
for safety-critical applications such as maritime navigation. A review of the expected performance that will be
achieved has been also included.
graphy and Synchronization Processing Facility)
based on off-line data processing. Additionally, in
order to meet the stringent integrity requirements
such as the maximum Time To Alert (TTA), it is
broadcast in real time the Integrity flags, which in-
form the users if SISA is properly bounding or not
the SIS errors in that moment.
The Signal-In-Space Accuracy (SISA) plays an
important role in the Galileo integrity concept, as it
should cope with the navigation message errors in
fault-free conditions. The description of the algo-
rithms in charge of the SISA computation is out of
the scope of this paper, which is devoted to the real-
time integrity monitoring system of Galileo allocat-
ed to the IPF.
2.2 High-Level Description
In order to validate the navigation message being
broadcast by the satellites, an independent estima-
tion of the Signal-In-Space Error (SISE) is per-
formed in real-time. This estimation, which is also
modeled as a random process with an associated un-
certainty, allows the verification of the overbound-
ing of the true SISE distribution by the broadcast
SISA. The assumption made in this case is that the
difference between the true SISE projected at Worst
User Location (WUL) and the estimated one can be
overbounded by a Gaussian distribution with the
standard deviation equal to SISMA. In this context,
the SISMA can be considered as a quality measure
of the integrity check within the IPF. Additional in-
formation on the Galileo integrity concept can be
found in (Oehler, 2005). From the operational point
of view, the IPF design does not consider any real-
time human intervention, so key factors are the algo-
rithms’ robustness and reliability, directly derived
from the stringent integrity and continuity require-
Before entering more deeply in the explanation of
the Galileo user integrity concept and its potential
applications for the maritime community the Galileo
overbounding concept should be clarified. As stated
in (Hernández, 2008), it can be defined in the fol-
lowing way:
Table 1. Galileo Overbounding definition.
The distribution of a random variable A is over-bounded by a
distribution of a random variable B, if for all L≥0:
P(|A|≥L) ≤ P(|B|≥L) for all L≥0
This definition of the Galileo overbounding con-
cept is quite similar to the CDF (Cumulative Density
Function) overbounding definition stated by (De-
Cleene, 2000), although there are some differences
as explained in (Hernández, 2008).
The objective of the IPF is to validate the naviga-
tion message of the satellites. The validation is based
on IPF estimation of the SISE and its comparison
with the broadcast SISA and the internally computed
SISMA. According to the assumptions mentioned
earlier, the IPF will assume that the estimated SISE
is overbounded by a Gaussian unbiased distribution:
True SISE overbounded by
( )
SISE estimation error (True SISE minus Estimat-
ed SISE) overbounded by
( )
Estimated SISE overbounded by
Under these assumptions, the user considers that
the threshold applied at IPF level in order to decide
if a navigation message is valid or not is given by
the variance of the distribution characterizing the es-
timated SISE, together with the required false alarm
being k
the point of the normal distribution that
leaves in the tails (two-tail problem) a probability equal
to the specified false alarm rate. Thus, if the estimated
SISE projected to the worst user location is higher than
the allowed threshold, the satellite is flagged as “DO
NOT USE” in order to indicate the user that its naviga-
tion message is not valid and the satellite should not be
used for positioning.
The current specification of the IPF element en-
visages a maximum false alarm probability in the
order of 10
in 15 seconds, which gives a k
tor approximately of 5.212. Considering that the re-
quired values for SISA and SISMA are 0.85 and 0.7
meters, respectively, in case no more barriers were
implemented, the minimum detectable errors by the
IPF would be in the order of 6 meters.
2.3 User Integrity Risk Computation
Galileo users will compute the Integrity Risk (IR),
which is the probability of having Hazard Mislead-
ing Information (HMI). This will come out as a re-
sult of a combination of the horizontal and vertical
errors, considering both the fault-free situation (FF)
and the one where there is one failing satellite (1F).
The case of multiple satellite failures is excluded
from the user integrity risk computation since they
are covered by other mechanisms established in the
Galileo system Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). It is im-
portant to note that satellites with an IF set to “DO
NOT USE” will be excluded from the user position
and integrity computation.
The basic underlying assumptions allowing the
user to determine the integrity risk of his position so-
lution at any global location are:
In a “Fault-Free-Mode” the true SISE for a satel-
lite is overbounded by a zero-mean Gaussian dis-
tribution with a standard deviation equal to SISA;
In general, the IPF will detect the faulty satellites
and they will be flagged as "don't use";
One satellite of those flagged as "OK" is consid-
ered to be faulty but not detected ("Failure
Mode"). For this satellite the true SISE is over-
bounded by a Gaussian distribution whose mean
is the “IPF rejection threshold” (T) and the stand-
ard deviation is equal to SISMA,
( )
The probability that more than one satellite at
each instance in time is faulty but not detected is
negligible for the user equation.
Therefore the computation of the integrity risk is as
Table 2. Galileo Integrity Risk Computation.
IR = Vertical_IR + Horizontal_IR =
Vertical_IR_FF + Vertical_IR_1F +
Horizontal_IR_FF + Horizontal_IR_1F
( )
The Galileo system will provide different services:
the Open Service (OS) providing positioning and
timing, the Commercial Service (CS) that will dis-
seminate additional ranging information on a fee-
based scheme, the Public Regulated Service (PRS)
providing positioning, timing and integrity for re-
stricted-access signals and the Safety of Life (SoL),
which will provide integrity messages for the navi-
gation data included in the OS signals.
As any other navigation system providing integri-
ty, the SoL requirements can be expressed in terms
of accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity.
The following table summarises the main Galileo
system requirements.
Table 3. Galileo OS/SoL system performance requirements
(without considering the receiver contribution).
Parameter Performance
Positioning accuracy (95%) 4 m horizontal; 8 m vertical
Integrity Risk 2.0e-7 in any 150 s
Continuity Risk 8.0e-6 in any 15 s
Availability of Service 100% nominal
99.5% degraded at WUL
Time To Alert 5.2 seconds
Horizontal Alert Limit (HAL) 12 m
Vertical Alert Limit (VAL) 20 m
Coverage Worldwide
In order to be compliant with the currently speci-
fied requirements, the design of the Galileo system
must take into account several critical aspects, which
are usually called performance drivers. First of all, it
needs to be clarified that the expected performance
are similar to those of EGNOS, but with a global
coverage instead of a regional one. Therefore the de-
sign of Galileo has been conditioned to a large ex-
tent for the compliance to the requested perfor-
mance. Moreover, performance averaging over time
or geographical location is not allowed, which
brings additional constraints.
The performance allocation to the different com-
ponents of the system has been a very complicated
process (Oehler 2008). Extensive simulations and
computations were requested to derive the current
figures. The most relevant ones are presented hereaf-
Table 4. Galileo OS/SoL system performance allocation.
Parameter Performance
Navigation Message ranging 65 cm
accuracy (67%)
SISA (67%) 85 cm
SISMA 70 cm Nominal GSS network
130 cm Degraded GSS network
GSS network 40 sensor stations
In order to meet the availability and continuity
requirements, it was required to consider not only
the nominal configuration of the system but those
degraded ones in which elements of the system were
missing, giving degraded performance. This is the
reason why the SISMA performance is specified
with the nominal and degraded GSS networks.
After the detailed performance analysis and algo-
rithm design, most of the performance figures are
expected to be accomplished, although some areas
need further work. For example, the ionospheric
scintillations have been found to be one of the major
threats affecting the performance, since they may
imply a signal quality degradation and even signal
loss, resulting in visibility gaps for certain satellites.
This is also present at user level, and it can not be
mitigated or compensated at system level, affecting
also to DGNSS and SBAS. This threat is neverthe-
less location-dependent, since it affects the equatori-
al and high-latitude regions and they are sufficiently
frequent so as to be considered as an intrinsic part of
the environment, even in years of low solar activity.
(Schlarmann, 2008) shows that the current assess-
ment of the expected level of performance is in line
with the requirements except for the conditions in
which scintillations are present.
Another performance driver is the quality of the
raw data provided by the Galileo Sensor Stations
(GSS). Both the pseudorange and carrier phase
measurements are requested by the algorithms in
charge of computing the SISA and SISMA. Ad-
vanced filtering and data processing techniques are
being used; however the level of multipath at sensor
station level will be a critical factor for the achieve-
ment of the performance
In principle, there is an important aspect in the Gali-
leo Integrity Concept compared with the operational
user requirements established by IMO in its resolu-
tion for future Global Navigation Satellite System
(IMO, 2001). IMO established the requirements for
integrity based on the concepts of alert limits and in-
tegrity risk. While in principle they are the same
concepts as those specified for Galileo, the imple-
mentation at system level is different from the one
done in SBAS systems such as EGNOS and WAAS
(RTCA, 2006). In SBAS, the user computes a Pro-
tection Level, defined as the region for which the
missed alert probability requirement (or integrity
risk) can be met, and compares it with the Alert
Limit. In Galileo, the design is in the other way
round, the user computes the integrity risk corre-
sponding to the Alert limit and then compared with
the maximum affordable limit. IMO’s resolution
does not preclude one implementation or the other,
although it seems to follow a common approach
with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisa-
tion), which introduced the concept of Protection
Level in its SARPS (Standard And Recommended
Practices for GNSS).
Another important difference is the definition of
the Signal-In-Space in terms of the broadcast integri-
ty information. SBAS systems rely on the UDRE
(User Differential Range Error) for satellite differen-
tial correction residual errors, which is similar to the
parameter with the same name introduced in
DGNSS (IALA, 2004). However, in the case of Gal-
ileo the concept of differential correction no longer
applies and the predicted accuracy of the broadcast
navigation message is disseminated as the SISA,
while the accuracy of the integrity monitoring sys-
tem is also broadcast as the SISMA. SISA and SIS-
MA (including the integrity alerts) play a similar
role to the UDRE.
Although IMO has established operational re-
quirements independently of the implementation of
the integrity concept, at the end it will be forced to
define a standard for the signal definition for future
GNSS in the frame of the maritime policy as it did in
the past with DGNSS. The situation is the same as
for ICAO and the use of Galileo SoL (Safety of
Life) service in the frame of the civil aviation com-
munity. Because of these reasons, an effort is cur-
rently being done in order to support the harmonisa-
tion of the Galileo integrity concept and the existing
standards that may envisage some evolutions on this
respect in the future.
However, a very important aspect of Galileo as a
navigation system providing integrity is its world-
wide coverage. With an accuracy in the same order
of magnitude as DGNSS and SBAS, the advantage
of providing seamless integrity performance over the
world may bring a huge benefit in terms of a reduc-
tion in the investment in the implementation and
maintenance of coastal DGNSS networks. Similarly
the future plans for the third generation of GPS sat-
ellites include the provision of integrity. On this re-
spect, an assessment done by IMO establishes that
Galileo could be considered in the future for Ocean-
ic, Coastal, Port approach and restricted water opera-
tions (IMO 2003).
Because of the importance of the provision of in-
tegrity in the future, both the European Space Agen-
cy (ESA) and GSA (GNSS Supervisory Authority)
have launched several projects to analyse the poten-
tial evolution of the Galileo Integrity concept. A key
factor in this process is the interoperability of Gali-
leo at the level of integrity with other existing sys-
tem, including SBAS. Some preliminary results on
the application of the concept of “transparency” to
Galileo can be found in (Catalán, 2008). Additional-
ly, the conception of GNSS as a “system of systems”
will probably have a significant role in the evolution
of Galileo and its integrity concept. In 10 to 20
years, the most probable situation is that users will
have at least four GNSS with open dual frequency
signals, GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and COMPASS
and more than 20 satellites always in view. With
such level of redundancy, the level of performance
that could be achieved by RAIM (Receiver Autono-
mous Integrity Monitoring) algorithms in terms of
availability could be fully comparable to those al-
ready provided by SBAS or in the future by a
standalone use of Galileo. Moreover, it has the clear
advantage that includes FDE (Fault Detection and
Exclusion) due to local effects (interference, multi-
path, etc.) that is neither present in DGNSS, SBAS
or Galileo, combined with a Time To Alert (TTA) of
just 1 second. This RAIM applied to the all the sys-
tems together could be even enhanced by the use of
the integrity information broadcast by each system.
Other options alternative to RAIM are also being in-
vestigated, such as the RANCO (Range Consensus)
algorithm, see (Schroth 2008), in which several
groups of 4 satellites are define in order to evaluate
the pseudorange of the satellites that did not enter in-
to the position solution. Based on the information
coming from the different solutions some satellites
are rejected. As it can be seen, there is a consensus
that in the case of multiconstellation GNSS the hy-
pothesis that the probability of a multiple satellite
failure is negligible is no longer valid.
Therefore the situation would be that each indi-
vidual system could work in a standalone mode,
providing a certain service level in terms of integrity
performance, but their combination would yield a
better service level. For this, an effort in the satellite
navigation community should be required to stand-
ardise the requirements for the different satellite
navigation systems in terms of interoperability at the
level of integrity.
The Galileo Integrity Concept has been presented, as
it has been defined and including the required pro-
cessing at user level. The major difference with re-
spect to SBAS system specification is the substitu-
tion of the Protection Level by the Integrity Risk as
the variable to be computed at user level. Because of
the introduction of terms corresponding to a poten-
tial failure in one satellite, the concept can not be di-
rectly reversed into a Protection Level to be com-
pared with an Alarm Limit. This implies a change at
implementation level, which represents a deviation
from the standard defined by ICAO for civil aviation
and, in principle, could be adopted also by IMO.
However, the system can be compliant with the
high-level system requirements, providing a similar
level of performance to those of SBAS and perhaps
slightly worse to those of DGNSS, but with the great
advantage of a global coverage and therefore no in-
vestment at local level.
Additionally, the integrity concept of GNSS will
still evolve in the incoming years motivated by the
appearance of new satellite navigation systems and
the upgrade of the existing ones. GNSS will be con-
ceived as a “System of Systems”, each one provid-
ing service in a standalone mode and with improved
performance when all combined together.
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