International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 2
June 2009
Emergency operations are always critical, regardless
of the position on earth. The need for high quality
data at the right time is essential, and the need is
crucial in all phases of an emergency operation. In
some places on earth it is, however, more difficult to
manage emergency operations due to harsh envi-
ronments and long distances, lack of suitable com-
munication means and poorly developed search and
rescue (SAR) facilities and services, which is most
definitely the case for Arctic areas.
It is foreseen that within this century the North-
east and Northwest passages may well become alter-
native transport corridors between the Eastern and
Western parts of the world, and that the maritime
traffic will increase significantly in these areas
(Orheim, 2008). A consequence of this will most
certainly be an increased number of accidents that
could have fatal impact on people and the vulnerable
Arctic environments. Also, new requirements to
meet the navigational challenges will appear, such as
e.g. requirements for real-time meteorological data
updates and prognoses to be used in the planning of
a voyage.
To illustrate some of the challenges pertaining to
emergency operations in the Arctic waters, a case
from an earlier accident is described. The focus is on
the availability of information, data and communica-
tion means, and it includes all elements in an emer-
gency operation (emergency team, SAR vessel, ship
in distress, passengers, operation centre ashore etc.).
Figure 1. The Northeast and Northwest passages
A Case Study from an Emergency Operation in
the Arctic Seas
B. Kvamstad, K. E. Fjørtoft & F. Bekkadal
MARINTEK e-Maritime, Trondheim, Norway
A. V. Marchenko
The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway
J. L. Ervik
The Norwegian Coastal Administration, Oslo, Norway
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to highlight the needs for improved access to high quality mari-
time data and information in the Arctic, and the need to develop maritime communication infrastructure with
at least the same quality, in terms of availability and integrity, as in other more centralized areas. The foreseen
Arctic ice meltdown is expected to provide new maritime transport corridors within relatively short time, and
there is an urgent need to prepare for this, to ensure safe operations at sea and to protect the vulnerable Arctic
This paper points out some of these needs by presenting a case from a former accident in the Arctic sea. The
case shows how the lack of proper information and data complicates the emergency operation. Some possible
solutions to the challenges are proposed, and finally the paper briefly discusses the IMO e-Navigation concept
in light of the Arctic challenges.
1.1 MS Maxim Gorkij
At 00.40 on the 17
of September 1989, the Captain
on board the Norwegian Coast Guard vessel KV
Senja received a message from Svalbard radio that a
vessel positioned 60 nm West of Isfjorden required
assistance. The ship in distress was a Russian vessel
chartered by a German tour operator; having 953
people on board, whereof 575 passengers and 378
crew members. It was on its way to the Magdalena
fjord at Svalbard when the crew discovered ice and
took the vessel closer to it to show the passengers.
The weather conditions were good, a bit hazy, but no
wind and only 2-3 m swell. At 23.05 Maxim Gorkij
collided with the ice. A crucial maneuver resulted in
a 10 m long rip in the hull in addition to some small-
er rips in the bow. At 00.05 Maxim Gorkij’s Captain
sent an emergency message on the distress frequen-
cy 500 kHz requesting assistance.
When KV Senja received the message from Sval-
bard radio the vessel finished it’s inspections in the
area around Isfjord radio and went by 22 knots to the
position of Maxim Gorkij. Estimated time of arrival
was 04.00, 5 hours after the time of the accident. KV
Senja did not have any information on what had
happened, what type vessel or the extent of the
emergency. The only available information was that
a vessel was in distress and the position of this ves-
At 01.00 KV Senja received a message via a poor
VHF link from Maxim Gorkij that the vessel took in
water, but remained stable. At 01.30 KV Senja re-
ceived a message that passengers and crew went into
the lifeboats. On basis of this information the crew
on KV Senja started to plan the rescue operation.
The resources they had on board were 53 people, a
medical treatment capacity of 110 persons, medical
personnel, divers and various equipments such as
cranes and smaller boats. However, when they ar-
rived at the scene of the accident, almost nothing
was possible to perform as planned, since:
Figure 3. MS Maxim Gorkij passengers in lifeboat.
Photo: Odd Mydland
A 1.5 nautical mile (nm) deep ice-belt of about
1m thickness was separating KV Senja from
Maxim Gorkij.
The cultural and language differences between
Russian and Norwegian crew made communica-
tion difficult, including the communication with
the Master on board the Maxim Gorkij.
The passengers were mostly elderly people that
needed rapid and extra assistance to get out of the
lifeboats and on board KV Senja.
Another complicating issue was that the request-
ed rescue helicopters had to refuel in the air, and
they had to land on KV Senja with passengers, even
though the helicopters were too large to be using the
ship as landing place.
At the bridge of KV Senja some of the main chal-
lenges were to accommodate requests from the press
and worried relatives, coping with poor support from
decision makers on the mainland and few available
Figure 2. MS Maxim Gorkij passengers.
Photo: Odd Mydland.
After some critical moments and huge efforts
from the emergency team, KV Senja could finally
leave for Longyearbyen (at Svalbard) with the crew
and passengers from Maxim Gorkij. The Russians
were able to save their ship with assistance from KV
Senja’s divers. Luckily no one died or was seriously
injured. There were only a few minor injuries among
the emergency team.
The Maxim Gorkij incident is not the only of its
kind. A more recent accident happened to the MS
Explorer, which was tragically lost in 2007. Alt-
hough taking place in Antarctica, the scenario was
generally the same: The vessel collided with ice,
rescue assistance was far away, the vessel MS Nord
Norge just by coincidence happened to be in the area
and were able to assist MS Explorer.
Also, in 2008 there were 4 ship incidents in the
waters near Svalbard, and in January 2009 there
were two accidents with fishing vessels in this area,
where the Captain on board one of them tragically
lost his life. (Svalbardposten, 2009a) (Svalbard-
posten, 2009b).
The case study of Maxim Gorkij reveals several de-
ficiencies in information availability, both for the
planning- and the execution phases of the rescue op-
eration. In the following sections the main challeng-
es are identified and categorized to information and
data, and communications.
2.1 Information and data
In the planning phase, which started at the moment
KV Senja received a message from Svalbard radio
that a vessel needed assistance at 60 nm West of
Isfjorden, the lack of information and data is strik-
ing. The only information available was: A vessel
was in distress at this position, making it virtually
impossible to plan the rescue operation. Information
that should have been available at KV Senja was:
What type of vessel was in distress? Was it a
smaller fishing vessel with but a few persons on
board, was it a tanker that could leak oil or was it
a cruise ship with lots of crew and passengers?
How was the weather and ice conditions? Was
the vessel trapped in ice? Was it windy? Difficult
Were other vessels in the area that could possibly
On the way to the emergency scene, two messag-
es were received from Maxim Gorkij, via a poor
VHF channel. One of the messages contained infor-
mation that the vessel was stable, and the next in-
formed that passengers were transferred to the life-
boats. A question to be raised is whether Maxim
Gorkij had tried to contact other vessels at an earlier
time, but was not able to reach anyone due to the
poor communication link?
The initial operation phase started when KV Sen-
ja finally arrived at the emergency scene. The rescu-
ers recognised that almost nothing of the initial
planning could be used; they were not prepared at all
on the real situation. The first surprise was the ice
belt, the second was the condition of the passengers
having left the lifeboats and stood on ice floes, wait-
ing to be rescued. They were mostly elderly people,
in their nightwear and coats. The new goal of the
rescuers on KV Senja was therefore immediately
changed to: ‘Rescue as many people as possible’. It
is easy to imagine what benefit better access to in-
formation could have added to the emergency opera-
An overview of the emergency scene in terms of
ice and weather conditions would assist them in
planning an alternative route to the emergency
By getting information on the type of vessel,
number of passengers and the condition of the
passengers they could have prepared for a recep-
tion adjusted to this information.
In the next stage of the operation phase, one of
the challenges was the lack of information and sup-
port from operation centres and decision makers
ashore. One example is the use of helicopters. The
helicopters were, according to laws and regulations,
too large to land on KV Senja. However, if they did
not land the helicopters, they would use more time
to rescue the passengers. Having in mind that they
were out there in relatively thin clothing in harsh en-
vironments, the rescuers had to make fast decisions.
The decision and responsibility on overruling the
laws and regulations was put on the shoulders of the
Captain on board KV Senja and the helicopter pilot.
If they had had online contact with an operation cen-
tre ashore, which again had continuously contact
with necessary decision makers, they could have re-
ceived a temporary allowance to perform the opera-
tion. In such way they would not have had to waste
time worrying about the personal consequences of
breaking the rules. Luckily the Captain and the heli-
copter pilot were willing to take personal risks to
save the lives of the Maxim Gorkij passengers. What
if they had not?
Another issue, which probably had to do with
cultural differences in addition to lack of infor-
mation, was the Russian helicopters that suddenly
appeared at the emergency scene, dropping packages
on the deck of Maxim Gorkij. The people on board
the KV Senja had no information on how many Rus-
sian helicopters to expect or what they were doing.
An operation centre ashore could most probably
have assisted in finding out what they were doing by
making contact with Russian colleagues, and then
providing KV Senja with this information.
2.2 Communications
The relation between getting access to high quality
data and information and the availability of commu-
nication channels is obvious. Without a proper
communication link it is impossible to distribute the
information. Different potential communication
technology solutions are discussed in the next sec-
tion. The communication challenges pertaining to
the Maxim Gorkij accident were:
Limited or almost no possibilities to communi-
cate with the vessel in distress.
No on-line communication link between an oper-
ation centre and the emergency operation team
(KV Senja and the helicopters).
No communication link for weather and ice up-
dates, and other information to enhance situation-
al awareness.
The communication link (Isfjord radio) was also
occupied by worried relatives and the press
Even if the Maxim Gorkij accident happened 20
years ago, the above challenges regarding communi-
cation infrastructure and access to high quality data
and information has remained almost unchanged in
the Arctic areas. This accident ended without loss of
lives and hazardous consequences for the environ-
ment thanks to dedicated rescuers and nice weather
conditions. The question to be raised is: What will
happen when the traffic increases and hence the
emergency rate increases? Are we willing to take a
chance on the weather conditions and rescuers that
are in the area by coincidence? There is an immedi-
ate need to address the issues of communications, in-
formation and data, and in the following sections
possible solutions are proposed and assessed.
3.1 Information and data
On basis of the challenges described in the above
sections the following information and data is con-
sidered useful and necessary during an emergency
Meteorological- and hydrological ocean data
(weather-, wave- and ice data)
Information to increase situational awareness
(type of ship, number of passengers, condition of
passengers, condition of ship, surrounding traffic)
Improved Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC’s)
Improved emergency preparedness tools
Status on and from fairway objects (lighthouses,
buoys, sensors to monitor stream, temperature,
wind, etc.)
Some of this information and data sources are
further described in the following sub-sections.
3.1.1 Meteorological- and hydrological ocean data
Today several maritime services are broadcasting
information on weather and sea conditions via radio
channels and on the Internet. To offer such services
in the Arctic areas, sufficient observation and meas-
urement sites are required, along with an adequate
communication link for data distribution. This chal-
lenge is due to the long distances over open sea and
harsh weather conditions. Another challenge is the
information on ice conditions. The solutions availa-
ble for such information are presently satellite imag-
es from Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR) and near
ship ice monitoring by the use of cameras on the
bow of ice breakers. Investigations have been and
are being conducted to test out how the satellite im-
ages can be used by vessels sailing through icecov-
ered waters. One of the challenges is to understand
and read the images without having enough
knowledge or experience of reading ice surfaces
from satellite pictures.
This type of information can be particularly use-
ful for voyage planning. By using this type of data
the planners are able to set up routes outside ice-
covered waters, or possibly through openings in the
ice. However, these satellite images can not be used
for real-time monitoring of ice conditions near the
ship. It can not provide any information on rapid
changes in ice conditions and thickness.
A study performed at the University Centre in
Svalbard (Marchenko, 2009) shows that it is possi-
ble, by advanced techniques, to calculate velocities
on ice, ice compactness and the effect on ships sail-
ing in this ice - compactness meaning the concentra-
tion of ice on the sea surface. For example, if half of
sea surface is covered by ice and another half is ice-
free, the compactness is equal to 0.5. These calculat-
ed parameters can be used to show ice compactness
on maps, and it is one of parameters characterizing
ice structure in numerous numerical models of sea
ice coverage dynamics. The conclusions from the
study are:
1 Spatial evolution velocities of compacted ice re-
gions depend on the compactness of surrounding
rare ice, with typical values reaching a few meters
per second when rare ice compactness is larger
than 0.6.
2 The ship resistance caused by rare ice can be in
the order of the water resistance when rare ice
compactness is larger than 0.5 and floe diameters
are about the ship width.
3 When ice compactness is close to the critical val-
ue of 0.78, the performance of small ships with
maximum speed of about 10 knots in open wa-
ters, is very poor. Practically they will be cap-
tured by the ice in this case.
By combining and using these parameters it could
be possible to develop an advanced and accurate re-
al-time decision tool for voyages in ice-covered wa-
ters infested. This could also be used in an emergen-
cy operation as a decision support tool. In the
Maxim Gorkij case, such tools could have been used
to assist the Captain onboard KV Senja to decide
whether or not to move trough the ice belt.
3.1.2 Situational awareness
Information that would increase the situational
awareness both in the planning- and execution phase
of an emergency operation, is information pertaining
to the ship in distress. Examples of such information
are vessel type, size, condition of vessel, number of
passengers, condition of passengers, information on
surrounding traffic and available resources.
Figure 5. Combination of satellite images and AIS data.
Photo: Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT).
One possible solution to this is to combine data
from several sources, e.g. images from surveillance
satellites and ship information from AIS or LRIT, as
exemplified by the picture in Figure 3. The Norwe-
gian Coastal Administration has utilized satellite im-
ages from surveillance satellites to detect oil spills in
Norwegian waters. From these satellite images it is
impossible to see which ship is responsible for this.
However, if a layer of AIS data is put on top of the
images, the ship can be identified. In areas beyond
coverage from land-based AIS base stations, future
space-based AIS or other sources can be used to
identify the ship, e.g. the evolving LRIT system.
This way of combining data could also be used
for surveillance of emergency operations. Today the
time delay of data from satellite is to large, but fu-
ture developments of the communication infrastruc-
ture might solve that problem.
3.1.3 ENC’s and preparedness tools
The existing Electronic Navigation Charts
(ENC’s) for the Arctic seas are far from mature,
since it has been difficult to develop these charts due
to the ice covering sea and land. This work needs to
be started as soon as the landscape is visible. Satis-
factory charts represent a crucial factor to increase
the safety of navigation.
Preparedness tools are also something that need
to be developed. In Norway work is ongoing to de-
velop such tools and also work is started to investi-
gate possible areas to be used as port of refuge.
3.2 Maritime communication technologies
The previous sections clearly illustrate the need for
high quality maritime communication technology in
Arctic areas. High quality means primarily sufficient
bandwidth and adequate reliability. Shut-downs of
the communication link from time to time can not be
accepted. To be able to implement the possible solu-
tions depicted in section 3 of this paper, stable
communication channels are needed between land
and sea, and also ad hoc networks at the emergency
site. The pertinent maritime communication tech-
nologies can roughly be divided into three domains:
Satellite communications (SatCom), comprising
so called Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, Geo-
stationary (GEO) satellites and High Elliptical
Orbit (HEO) satellites
Terrestrial wireless communications
Ad hoc communication networks
As can be seen from the Figure 6 the present situ-
ation for satellite communication in Arctic areas is
far from satisfactory. Only the LEO-based Iridium
system has allegedly ‘true’ global coverage. The
newly launched Iridium service OpenPort can offer
up to 128 kbps capacity, which might be sufficient
for transmitting operational messages during and
emergency operation. However, if video and images
shall be conveyed to land stations for real-time mon-
itoring of the operation, this service is also rendered
Another problem with Iridium is its dubious la-
tency (the time delay due to data relay), and hence
being doubtful for time-critical applications.
The limitations of GEO satellites in Arctic areas are:
They are invisible at latitudes beyond 80°N (graz-
ing incidence), and it is challenging to achieve a
stable communication link beyond about 76°N
(5° elevation).
Figure 6. Maritime communication systems coverage areas
Complex (and expensive) antenna platforms are
required at these latitudes, so in practice the GEO
satellites are usable only up to about 70°N for
moving vessels.
A preliminary study performed in the MarCom
project states that ‘the only adequate SatCom alter-
native for the High North is apparently to be based
on HEO satellites’ (Bekkadal, 2009). This is due to
the convenient satellite orbits of the HEO’s, cover-
ing the northern hemisphere for a large time of the
day, and a 3-satellite constellation would be suffi-
cient to provide this area with a 24/7 service. How-
ever, this needs to be further analysed both in terms
of technology and cost/performance. Such a devel-
opment would require cooperation with other coun-
tries bordering the Arctic areas, such as Russia,
Canada, Finland, Iceland, Denmark (Greenland),
Sweden and the USA, which could very well be or-
ganised under the auspices of the Arctic Council.
The coastal areas (including the Northeast and
Northwest passages) are judged to be adequately
covered by deploying terrestrial systems along the
coast - WiMAX and enhanced Digital VHF being
considered the most promising future alternatives.
However, the cost and complexity of such systems
would require a detailed study of a.o. the area’s to-
pography (Bekkadal, unpublished).
Ad hoc networks are in use today by both SAR
teams and in military operations. Ad hoc networks
do not really depend on the position on earth be-
cause the network comprises only the nodes within a
limited area. However, it would be very convenient
if the ad hoc network could be monitored from oper-
ational centres ashore, which would require a satel-
lite or terrestrial link with sufficient bandwidth and
high integrity - integrity meaning the link being
3.3 Application software (SW) tools
The Wikipedia definition of an application SW is:
“Application software is any tool that functions and
is operated by means of a computer”. Some applica-
tions could be developed to meet the challenges
posed by emergency operations in Arctic areas. The-
se applications could be used both in planning and
execution phases of the operation. An example of a
planning tool is the contingency plan, including fea-
tures such as optimum selection of rescue resources.
Examples of such resources are tugs and oil recov-
ery equipment specially designed for operations in
Arctic areas.
The need for enhanced equipment and applica-
tions on board vessels should also be considered in
facilitating improvements to the process of emer-
gency operations. Often it is a “normal” vessel that
reaches the emergency scene first, obviously not
having the same on-board equipment and applica-
tions as a SAR vessel. New requirements for a min-
imum set of Arctic SAR applications and equipment
on board vessels should be considered, which needs
of course to be combined with classification of ves-
sels. By introducing such requirements all vessels
could amply assist other vessels in distress until the
SAR team arrives.
Another issue that should be investigated is prior-
itising mechanisms on communication channels us-
age. This is especially important in the time to come
before the communication infrastructure is fully de-
veloped in the Arctic areas, which may take some
years. The prioritising mechanisms should automati-
cally provide exclusive access to sufficient commu-
nication capacity to ensure high availability and in-
tegrity of channels used by all partners involved in
the emergency operation.
Ice related applications are of course also very
important in the Arctic areas. This is the case both
during normal sailing in the Arctic areas, and during
emergency operations. Possible applications are:
Calculations and visualisation of ship perfor-
mance in different ice conditions, which could be
used both to avoid dangerous situations during
normal seafaring, and for analysis during emer-
gency operations.
Recognition of sea ice characteristics (compact-
ness, thickness, icebergs) by satellite images. This
is already to a certain extent used by navigators
on vessels sailing in ice-covered waters.
Features of rare ice drift around e.g. Svalbard and
in fjords. This could also be used to enhance the
safety of a voyages in ice-covered waters, and for
analysis during emergency operations.
Some of the solutions on applications and communi-
cations proposed in the above sections should also
be considered during the development of the IMO e-
Navigation concept. The IMO has adopted the IALA
definition of e-Navigation, and it says (NAV sub-
committee, 53rd session, 2007):
“e-Navigation is the harmonised collection, integra-
tion, exchange, presentation and analysis of mari-
time information on board and ashore by electronic
means to enhance berth to berth navigation and re-
lated services, for safety and security at sea and pro-
tection of the marine environment”.
In remote areas, and especially in Arctic waters,
this concept faces extraordinary challenges. It is e.g.
difficult to collect, integrate and exchange maritime
information if there are no available communication
channels. Also, the need for special purpose e-
Navigation services in Arctic areas should be con-
sidered. The extreme navigational challenges due to
low temperatures, ice and harsh weather conditions
require more specialised services than in other more
centralized areas. E-navigation can become an im-
portant part in a future safety and security concept
for Arctic areas if these requirements are fulfilled.
It is important not to forget the experiences from the
Maxim Gorkij and other similar accidents having
occurred in the Arctic and Antarctic areas. They can
help in providing a clear view on what type of in-
formation, data, communication infrastructure and
SAR resources required to be developed. The main
lessons to be learned from the Maxim Gorkij acci-
dent is that in order to be able to conduct efficient
and safe emergency operations, more crucial infor-
mation needs to be available to all parties involved.
This could be in terms of supporting decision tools
and information from operation centres ashore.
However, nothing of this is possible without a mari-
time communication infrastructure with sufficient
bandwidth and adequate integrity. This important
task should consequently be immediately addressed
within the maritime community.
NAV sub-committee, 53rd session, 2007. Agenda item 13, De-
velopment of an e-Navigation strategy.
Orheim, O. 2008. Risks by sailing in Polar areas. Safety at Sea
Conference. Norway: Haugesund.
Bekkadal, F. 2009: “Maritime Communication Technologies”,
MarCom D4.1, MARINTEK report, Project no. 280131,
V1.0, 05.01.2009