International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 1
March 2009
Behaviour Patterns in Crossing Situations
J. Kemp
Professor Emeritus, Arundel, UK
A recent paper (John Wilde Crosbie, 2009) con-
tained an examination of the development of the
COLREGS from the early 19
century to the present
day. This led to him to conclude that the current
form of the COLREGS is over-complicated and un-
suited to present day conditions. Also that they
should be replaced by a much simpler convention
based on proposals by Commander, later Vice-
Admiral, P.H. Colomb of the UK Royal Navy in the
late 1800s (Colomb, 1866, 1885). This is referred to
in the following sections as the Colomb/Crosbie
proposal, and some of its implications are consid-
ered in this paper.
A general rule to implement the Colomb/Crosbie
proposals might state that a vessel taking action to
avoid collision should not pass ahead of the other
vessel. Either vessel in an encounter would be per-
mitted to take appropriate action.
In a case where a vessel sees another crossing
from her own starboard bow, an alteration of course
to starboard to pass under the stern of the approach-
ing ship would be appropriate action and similar to
the usual action taken under the current rules. In the
case of a ship which sees another crossing from her
port bow, an alteration of course to port would be
appropriate action under the Colomb/Crosbie con-
vention but this would be quite different to the re-
quirement to maintain course and speed under the
current rules.
Clearly, there is a possibility in either of the
above situations that, if each ship attempts to pass
astern of the other, their actions might cancel and
there would be a renewed risk of collision. Howev-
er, for reasons which he explains in his paper, John
Wilde Crosbie (JWC) believes that such conflicting
actions would be rare and, if they should occur, they
could easily be resolved.
JWC bases his conclusions on an analysis of
COLREG developments and the views of commen-
tators, particularly in the UK during the 19
when the COLREGS first became properly formal-
ised. He provides no experimental evidence to sup-
port his arguments, but the present author is remind-
ed of the results of some radar simulator trials he
ABSTRACT: The January 2009 issue of the Journal of Navigation included a paper (John Wilde Crosbie
2009) entitled, “Revisiting the lessons of the early steering and sailing rules for an e-navigation age.” Follow-
ing a description of the development of the COLREGS from the early 19th century, he concluded that the cur-
rent steering and sailing rules should be replaced by a single rule more suited to modern conditions. This
might take the form of rule stating that a vessel taking action to avoid collision should not pass ahead of the
other vessel.
Such a rule would require a radical change in the philosophy of collision avoidance at sea, and evidence is re-
quired that it would be both effective and acceptable by mariners. Radar simulator experiments, conducted by
the author some years ago, in another context, suggest that this might be the case. An analysis of the experi-
mental results and some conclusions are reported in this paper. The author believes that further trials, specifi-
cally designed to test the Crosbie proposals, would be desirable.
conducted some thirty years ago. These results have
never been published but, since they shed light on
the possible acceptability of JWC’s conclusions,
they are reported in the following sections of this
In this section, two radar simulator experiments are
described. In the first, each subject was presented
with a situation in which a “target vessel” was ap-
proaching from the port bow of the subject’s “own
ship” (see fig. 1). The target vessel’s course was at
right angles to the own ship’s course. The own
ship’s full speed was 15 knots, but it was initially set
at half speed of 10 knots. Collision would occur af-
ter 33 minutes if the subject took no action.
Figure 1. Experiment 1 Port bow approach
The second experiment presented each subject
with a similar situation except that the target ship
was approaching from the own ship’s starboard bow
(see fig. 2).
Figure 2. Exp. 2 Starboard bow approach
In both cases, the collision avoidance action taken
by the subjects could be allocated to one of three
categories: Alteration of course to starboard, altera-
tion of course to port, or change of speed only. The-
se categories are abbreviated to “Stbd”, “Port” and
“Speed” respectively in the tables of section 3.
Most of the subjects were mariners with at least
six years of watchkeeping experience. There was al-
so a smaller “control group” of naïve subjects with
no seagoing experience and no knowledge of the
COLREGS. Separate analyses were conducted for
the two experiments and for each of the experienced
and naïve groups of subjects. That is, four analyses
in all.
In every case, a χ
test was used to find whether
there was evidence that subjects had significant
preferences amongst the three categories of action
defined above. The null hypothesis was an equal
probability that the subjects would choose any of the
three categories of action. The alternative hypothe-
sis was that this would not be the case. A 0.05 level
of significance was considered sufficient to reject
the null hypothesis. The results are summarised in
section 3, below.
3.1 Port bow approach, naïve subjects
Of the 15 naïve subjects who were presented with
the port bow situation, the numbers observed to take
each of the three categories of action appear in the
first row of table 1.
Table 1
Stbd. Port. Speed Total
Observed (O) 2 10 3 15
Expected (E) 5 5 5 15
(O E)
9 25 4 38
= (O-E)
/E = 38/5 = 7.6
This is greater than χ
(2, 0.05) = 5.99. We there-
fore reject the null hypothesis and conclude there is
significant evidence that the subjects prefer some
manoeuvres rather than others. In this case, they
clearly prefer alterations of course to port rather than
alterations of course to starboard, and this provides
some justification for describing an alteration of
course to port as a “natural” manoeuvre in the given
3.2 Starboard bow approach, naïve subjects
Of the 14 naïve subjects who were presented with
the starboard bow situation, the numbers observed to
take each of the three categories of action appear in
the first row of table 2.
Table 2
Stbd. Port. Speed Total
Observed (O) 9 0 5 14
Expected (E) 4.7 4.7 4.7 14
(O E)
18.5 22.1 0.1 40.7
= (O-E)
/E = 40.7/4.7 = 8.7.
This is greater than χ
(2, 0.05) = 5.99. We there-
fore reject the null hypothesis and conclude that
there is significant evidence that the subjects prefer
some manoeuvres rather than others. In this case, al-
terations of course to starboard are preferred to al-
terations of course to port. As before, this provides
some justification for describing alterations of
course to starboard as “natural” manoeuvres in the
given situation.
3.3 Port bow approach, experienced subjects
Of the 23 experienced subjects who were presented
with the port-bow situation, the numbers observed to
take each of the three categories of action appear in
the first row of table 3.
Table 3
Stbd. Port. Speed Total
Observed (O) 8 9 6 23
Expected (E) 7.7 7.7 7.7 23
(O E)
0.1 1.7 2.9 4.7
= (O-E)
/E = 4.7/7.7 = 0.61
This is less than χ
(2, 0.05) = 5.99. We therefore
accept the null hypothesis and conclude that experi-
enced subjects do not have a preference among the
three categories of action. In particular, there is no
evidence to suggest that they prefer alterations of
course to starboard rather than alterations of course
to port in the given situation.
3.4 Starboard bow approach, experienced subjects
Of the 24 experienced subjects who were present-
ed with the starboard bow situation, the numbers ob-
served to take each of the three categories of action
appear in the first row of table 4.
Table 4
Stbd. Port. Speed Total
Observed (O) 23 0 1 24
Expected (E) 8 8 8 24
(O E)
225 64 49 338
= (O-E)
/E = 338/8 = 42.2
This is greater than χ
(2, 0.05) = 5.99. We there-
fore reject the null hypothesis and conclude that
there is significant evidence to suggest that the expe-
rienced subjects have a preference among the three
categories of action in this type of encounter. It is
clearly a strong preference for alterations of course
to starboard.
4.1 “Natural” manoeuvres
In sections 3.1 and 3.2, naïve subjects, with no
knowledge of the COLREGS, altered course to port
for a threat on their port bow and altered course to
starboard for a threat from the starboard bow. These
are consistent responses, since one situation is the
mirror image of the other. Also, since it was taken
by the majority of naïve subjects, we may consider
these to be “natural” actions rather than responses to
a set of rules.
4.2 COLREGS comparison, port bow threat.
In the case of a vessel approaching from a subject’s
starboard bow, the natural action is in accordance
with the COLREGS. In the case of a vessel ap-
proaching from a subject’s port bow, the natural ac-
tion is entirely different to that prescribed by the
COLREGS. Rule 17, somewhat illogically, requires
the subject’s vessel, (i) to keep her course and speed
and (ii) if she does take action, not to alter course to
port. Rule 19, which applies in restricted visibility,
states that an alteration of course to port should be
avoided for an approaching vessel forward of the
Experienced subjects, faced with a threat from the
port bow, were equally divided between alterations
of course to starboard (in accordance with the
COLREGS) and alterations of course to port (in ac-
cordance with natural action and with the Co-
lomb/Crosbie convention).
4.3 COLREGS Comparison, starboard bow
Moving on to the results for the situation where the
target vessel is approaching from a subject’s star-
board bow, we find that both naïve and experienced
subjects take similar action. That is, alterations of
course to starboard.
In this situation, an alteration of course to star-
board was the natural action of the naïve subjects
and it is also permitted under rule 15 of the
COLREGS and under rule 19 when, in restricted vis-
ibility, the approaching vessel is detected by radar.
With no conflicting considerations involved, all the
experienced subjects (except one who decreased
speed) altered course to starboard. In doing so, they
complied with both the COLREGS and the Co-
lomb/Crosbie recommendations.
5.1 Conflict with the COLREGS
The experiments described in section 3 above were
not, originally, designed to test the Colomb/Crosbie
proposals. However, as discussed in section 4, they
shed some light on how readily those proposals
might be accepted by mariners. The results show
that a considerable proportion of experienced mari-
ners appear willing to take action as implied by the
Colomb/Crosbie convention, even in cases where
such action is clearly opposed to action prescribed
by the COLREGS. Clearly, this proportion could be
expected to increase if the present COLREGS were
5.2 Rapid versus slow disengagement
In many collision encounters, the navigator has a
choice between an action which resolves the situa-
tion quickly but which initially involves a more rap-
id approach to the other vessel, and an action which
gives a more prolonged disengagement and which
initially decreases the rate of approach to the other
In the case of a threat from the starboard bow (as
in fig. 2) a manoeuvre for rapid disengagement cor-
responds with both the COLREGS and “natural” ac-
tion, - that is an alteration of course to starboard. As
the results reported in section 3.4 show, practically
all experienced mariners take this action.
In the case of a threat from the port bow (as in
fig. 1) a manoeuvre to achieve rapid disengagement,
- that is an alteration of course to port, is contrary to
the COLREGS. As the results reported in section
3.3 show, experienced mariners are equally divided
as to which way they alter course.
5.3 Rational for a hypothesis
In the port bow case of fig. 1, one choice is of a safe
but time consuming action of an alteration of course
to starboard or a reduction of speed. The other
choice is an apparently riskier, but more efficient, al-
teration of course to port or an increase in speed.
About half of the experienced subjects took the latter
choice although it was clearly not sanctioned by the
COLREGS so it is of interest to speculate as to why
this should be the case. The tendency of many expe-
rienced subjects to take risky action may be ex-
plained in terms of behaviour theory as developed
by B F Skinner
(Skinner, 1953). This suggests that
an alteration of course to port, although contrary to
the COLREGS, leads to a rapid disengagement and
relief from anxiety so it is reinforced on every occa-
sion that it is successful. An alteration of course to
starboard may break the initial collision situation but
it leads to a prolongation of the encounter and there-
fore a continued period of anxiety until disengage-
ment is finally achieved and the own ship can re-
sume its original course. If this suggestion is
correct, then alterations of course to port for a threat
on the port bow should be more common amongst
the more experienced mariners. This was taken as a
working hypothesis for a supplementary analysis.
6.1 Purpose
This analysis was conducted to test the above hy-
pothesis by investigating a possible relationship be-
tween the actions taken by mariners and their re-
spective lengths of experience. For this purpose,
their actions were divided into two groups according
to whether they were in conformity with the restrict-
ed visibility COLREGS (rule following) or in con-
flict with the COLREGS (rule averse).
Table 5. Experience v. Manoeuvre Class
Experience Manoeuvre
Years & months class
1 6–6 R
2 6–9 R
3 7–6 R
4 9–1 R
5 9–5 R
6 9–6 A
7 9–9 R
8 10–9 R
9 11–4 A
10 11–8 R
11 12–3 A
12 12–4 A
13 12–8 R
14 13–0 A
15 14–1 A
16 14–7 A
17 14–8 A
18 18–3 A
19 18–6 R
20 19–0 R
21 26–5 A
22 28–2 A
23 29-0 A
In the port bow approach, this corresponded to a
choice between a safe manoeuvre that would pro-
long the encounter (alteration of course to starboard
or reduce speed) and a riskier manoeuvre that would
resolve the encounter quickly (alteration of course to
port or an increase in speed). In table 5, the type of
manoeuvre chosen is tabulated against the length of
experience of 23 subjects. A Rulefollowing altera-
tion of course to starboard or reduction of speed is
coded as “R”. A rule-Averse alteration of course to
port or increase in speed is coded as “A”.
6.2 Analysis
To analyse table 5, we note that, because of wastage
amongst younger mariners, experience amongst a
random group is likely to be highly skewed rather
than normally distributed. Also the effect of experi-
ence on a mariner’s behaviour is unlikely to be line-
ar so that means and standard deviations, calculated
arithmetically, may not be reliable statistics in the
context of this analysis.
Of the available non-parametric methods of anal-
ysis, the Mann-Whitney U test seems appropriate
because the test depends upon ranking but not on an
interval scale and it does not assume a particular dis-
From table 5, we note that 11 subjects took ac-
tions of class “A” and 12 subjects took actions of
class “B”. The value of the Mann-Whitney U statis-
tic is calculated as 26. This is less than 28, the value
for a one tailed test at a 1% level of significance.
We therefore reject the null hypothesis and accept
the alternative hypothesis that, as experience in-
creases, mariners are more likely to choose actions
that resolve an encounter quickly. Typically, they
are more ready to alter course to port for a threat
from the port bow.
A full investigation of the Crosbie/Colomb proposal
would require consideration of many factors. This
paper simply describes two radar simulator experi-
ments which suggest that an investigation is worth
In the case of a threat approaching from a broad
angle on the starboard bow (fig. 2) an alteration of
course to starboard was the favoured manoeuvre for
both experienced and naïve subjects. This was com-
patible with both the Colomb/Crosbie proposal and
the current COLREGS in both clear weather and re-
stricted visibility
In the case of a threat approaching from a broad
angle on the port bow (fig. 1) naïve subjects fa-
voured an alteration of course to port. Experienced
subjects were equally divided amongst an alteration
of course to port, an alteration of course to starboard
and an alteration of speed. This might be thought a
surprising result in that one would expect experi-
enced mariners to all comply with rule 19 or rule 17
of the COLREGS and avoid an alteration of course
to port. This result gives some support to the Co-
lomb/Crosbie proposal, which would allow such an
It is also of interest that, in the same situation, a
manoeuvre, such as an alteration of course to port,
which leads to a rapid disengagement becomes more
acceptable as a mariner’s experience increases.
Returning to the above observation that some
experienced mariners chose to disregard Rule 17 or
19 we should not, perhaps, be too surprised since a
number of commentators have, over the years, noted
that mariners take a relaxed attitude to following the
COLREGS. For example, Syms (2003) analysed the
results of a Nautical Institute survey into mariners’
interpretations of Rule 19 in a hypothetical collision
situation and concluded that, Fewer than a quarter
picked the correct action for both vessels to alter
course to starboard. And, Salinas (2006) found that,
in relation to Rule 19d, ….. it has been clearly
proved there exists complete disagreement between
what the COLREGS state and what seafarers really
At this stage, it should be made clear that the author
is not taking a position for or against the Co-
lomb/Crosbie proposal. He is simply presenting
some evidence that suggests that an action taken in
accordance with that proposal would be acceptable
to mariners in two particular situations.
The author does recommend that the Co-
lomb/Crosbie proposal is worth further investigation
and that further tests, using a simulator with a day-
light display, should be conducted with the specific
purpose of investigating the Colomb/Crosbie pro-
The author also notes that adoption of the Co-
lomb/Crosbie proposal would create such radical
changes in the Rules for Avoiding Collisions at Sea
that it might be impossible ever to achieve interna-
tional agreement. That might be shame.
Colomb, P H & Brent, H W (1866) The Law of Port Helm, etc.
J D Potter, London
Colomb, P H (1885) The Dangers of the Modern Rule of the
Road at Sea. J D Potter, London
Crosbie, J W (2009) Revisiting the lessons of the early steering
and sailing rules for an e-navigation age. Journal of Navi-
gation, 62,109
Salinas, C F (2005) Restricted visibility: In search of a solu-
tion. Journal of Navigation, 59,349
Skinner, B F (1953) Science and Human Behaviour. Macmil-
lan, New York
Syms, R (2003) Nautical Institute Colregs Survey Scenario 3.
Seaways, December 2003.