International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 3
Number 1
March 2009
Manoeuvring Simulation on the Bridge for
Predicting Motion of Real Ships and as
Training Tool in Ship Handling Simulators
K. Benedict, M. Kirchhoff, M. Gluch & S. Fischer
Hochschule Wismar University of Technology, Warnemunde, Germany
M. Baldauf
World Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden
International sea transport has growing rapidly dur-
ing the period of the last decade. Ships became larg-
er and wider and its container capacity is still in-
creasing to 12.000 TEU and even more. To navigate
such vessels safely from port to port and specifically
within the ports from and to the dedicated berths
more and more enhanced computer-based systems
are installed on the ships navigational bridge to sup-
port the pilot, the master and his navigating officers
as well.
Investigations are ongoing to integrate features
for new manoeuvring and steering equipment such
as azimuth propellers or waterjets and in parallel to
enhance the predictions of the complex own ship
motions taking into account the use of the controls in
Prediction tools are very helpful and are already
in use on ships for a long time, beginning with trial
modes in ARPA radars up to curved headline over-
lay in ECDIS. However, the simplification of these
predictions allows restricted use only based either on
estimated future courses & tracks or on the simple
integration of the current ship motion not including
the immediate response on changes of rudder and
New concepts for on board displays and simula-
tion tools were developed in research projects fund-
ed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research together with partners from manufacturers
like SAM Electronics Hamburg and INTER-
A prediction tool was developed to simulate the
ships motion with complex dynamic models in fast
time and to display the ships track immediately for
the intended or actual rudder or engine manoeuvre.
ABSTRACT: International sea transport has growing rapidly during the period of the last decade. Ships be-
came larger and wider and its container capacity is still increasing to 12.000 TEU and even more. To navigate
such vessels safely from port to port and specifically within the ports more and more enhanced computer-
based systems are installed on the ships navigational bridges. Prediction tools are very helpful and already in
use on ships for a long time. However, the simplification of existing predictions allows restricted use only and
do not include the immediate response on changes of rudder and engine. Within this paper investigations into
the feasibility and user acceptance of newly developed layout of navigation display will be introduced and se-
lected results of simulation studies testing the influence on manoeuvre performance dependent on different
kind of prediction functions will be discussed. Examples will be given for results from test trials in the full
mission ship handling simulator of the Maritime Simulation Centre Warnemunde and a concept for the appli-
cation of the developed .tools for purposes of collision avoidance is described.
These simulations are based on input from the ships
actual sensors via the Voyage Data Recorder and
furthermore from diagnosis tools analysing the sta-
tus of the manoeuvring facilities and providing in-
formation in case of failures, e.g. reduced engine
power or larger rudder response time due to mal-
functions of the equipment.
This tool can be used both for real ships operation
on board but also for the effective training in simula-
tors because of its unique advantage that the conse-
quences of manoeuvring commands can be seen
immediately before the ship has even changed her
Within this paper investigations into the feasibil-
ity and user acceptance of the new layout of naviga-
tion display will be introduced and selected results
of simulation studies testing the influence on ma-
noeuvre performance dependent on different kind of
prediction functions will be discussed. Examples
will be given for results from test trials in the full
mission ship handling simulator of the Maritime
Simulation Centre Warnemunde.
The role of computer based simulation is increasing
on the ships bridge, especially for manoeuvre plan-
ning and for collision avoidance. Prediction tools are
very helpful and already in use on ships for a long
time. Well known is the so called Trial Manoeuvre
mode in ARPA radars to be used in order to analyse
future encounter situation for selected relevant
course and speed alternatives to deck potential colli-
sion avoidance strategies.
With the emerging Electronics Chart and Infor-
mation Systems ECDIS new tools were introduced
for supporting voyage planning by means of
manoeuvring characteristics. For controlling the ship
on her route the future track of the ship was shown
as a so called “curved headline” overlay in ECDIS.
However, theses prediction are very simple only
based either on new constant course and speed val-
ues as in the ARPA trial function or on estimated fu-
ture courses & tracks based on the simple integration
of the current ship motion parameters as rate of turn
and speed components to be considered as constant.
The simplification of these predictions allows re-
stricted use only. That is why new concepts for on
board displays and simulation tools were developed
using an innovative approach which includes the
immediate response on changes of rudder and engine
commands for the display of the future track.
This approach was investigated in research pro-
jects, dedicated on the one hand to the further devel-
opment of user interfaces on ships navigational
bridges and to investigations into potential im-
provements for manoeuvring assistance on the other
A prediction tool was developed to simulate the
ships motion with complex dynamic models in fast
time and to display the ships track immediately for
the intended or actual rudder or engine manoeuvre
(Benedict, Baldauf et al 2007). Generally there are
two areas of application of such a prediction tool. It
can be seen both as training tool for ship manoeu-
vres and to be used as assistance tool on board ves-
Training Tool: The prediction of ships motion as
an immediate response could be an excellent
method to demonstrate the results of changes or
alternatives of using manoeuvring control devices
as for instance propellers, rudders or thrusters.
This is of increasing importance specifically for
the growing complexity of manoeuvring control
systems starting from simple one-propeller and
middle rudder, via twin propellers with double
rudder up to new azimuth propellers which can be
turned by 360° (there are ships with even four of
these sophisticated thrusters).
Assistance Tool: Predictions as elements of on
board displays can be used as in the loop control
elements to steer the ship manually but supported
by the future track or speed indication in the EC-
DIS interface.
One crucial problem for the prediction is the ac-
curacy of the simulation. In the mentioned projects a
very sophisticated approach was used to represent
the ships’ dynamic by very extensive equations very
similar to those used in Full Mission ship handling
simulators. The parameters of the equation of mo-
tion will be estimated by an extra fast time simula-
tion program and a data analyser already used for
tuning of the hydrodynamic models in the ship han-
dling simulator. These methods will be described in
the following chapters and examples will be given
for results from test trials in the full mission ship
handling simulator of the Maritime Simulation Cen-
tre Warnemuende upgraded in 2007/2008.
This Simulation Centre accommodates six simu-
lators embracing a common network and comprised
of four ship-handling bridge systems with differing
levels of equipment, a ship's engine system and a
VTS simulation facility.
The interaction of many of the single simulators
is one of the unique features of the MSCW: they can
be interfaced to form a big scenario comprising all
simulators and connecting e.g. the big bridge 1 with
the full mission engine simulator. (Benedict 2000).
Figure 1: Maritime Simulation Centre at Warnemuende
(MSCW) which comprises three interfaced simulator segments
for ship handling, ship engine and VTS
3.1 Ship dynamic model and Technological Setup
The following equation of motion was used as math
model for the ships dynamic:
( )
( )
( )
On the right side are the effects of inertia where u
and v represent the speed components in longitudi-
nal and transverse direction x and y, r is the rate of
turn of the ship. The ships mass is m and x
is the
distance of centre of gravity from the origin of the
co-ordinate system, I
is the moment of inertia
around the z-axis.
The ships hull forces X and Y as well as the yaw-
ing moment N around the z-axis are on the left side.
Their dimensionless coefficients are normally repre-
sented by polynomials based on dimensionless pa-
rameters, for instance in the equation for transverse
force Y and yaw moment N given as the sum of
terms with linear components Nr, Nv, Yr and Yv
and additional non-linear terms. Other forces as for
instance rudder forces and wind forces are expressed
as look up tables. There are additional equations for
the engine model, where are also look up tables to
represent automation systems characteristics. The
solution of this set of differential equations is calcu-
lated every second; some internal calculations are
even done with higher frequency.
The Input output relations are shown in Figure 2.
The inputs consist of controls, the states and the data
for the environmental conditions in the three blocks
on the left side. The core module Simula-
tion/Prediction is in the centre of the figure. Addi-
tionally there is an input of the Ships condition pa-
rameters. They are normally fixed but in case of
malfunctions they might change, e.g. reducing the
rudder turning rate or maximum angle. The results
from the Simulation block are transferred to be dis-
played in ECDIS or Radar.
Figure 2. In-/Output concept for prediction process and data
In Figure 3 the more technological setup of the
structure of modules is described. A commercial
IMO-proven Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) plays
the role of data collector for the controls, states and
environmental parameters measured by the ship sen-
Figure 3. Modules & data sources and sinks
After pre-processing the data will be stored in
Shared Memory 1, together with the condition pa-
rameters which will be provided by a diagnosis sys-
tem. This system continuously checks the ships and
engine conditions. From this memory the data are
available for other modules:
The Simulation Prediction Module uses the data
from Shared Memory 1 to predict the ships track
and speed for a certain time period. The results
are sent to Shared Memory 2.
The Presentation Module uses the data both to
display the actual position and from Shared
Memory 2 to display the future track.
The Prediction parameters are controlled by an
user interface integrated in the Presentation mod-
ule with regard to predicting cycle and length of
3.2 Presentation of dynamic Predictions in ECDIS
For a compact presentation of information to the
captain, pilot and responsible navigating officer re-
spectively a new layout of a conning display was de-
signed and implemented into the equipment installed
on an integrated navigation system. The display lay-
out contains an overlay of ECDIS and CONNING
information together with the prediction (figure 4).
In the centre the ECDIS information in Head up
Mode together with motion parameter for longitudi-
nal speed ( and transverse speed (0.1 kn) as
well as a circle segment with the rate of turn to STB
((4.0 °/min) is shown. The ships position is dis-
played in the centre of the ECDIS as ships contour
where the track prediction can be indicated as
curved track or as chain of contours for the selected
prediction time. The prediction parameters as range
or interval of presentation can be set in the control
window at the right side.
Figure 4. Layout concept for Manoeuvring Prediction in EC-
Figure 5. Comparison of methods based on different tracks
In the centre the ECDIS information in Head up
Mode together with motion parameter for longitudi-
nal speed ( and transverse speed (0.1 kn) as
well as a circle segment with the rate of turn to STB
((4.0 °/min) is shown. The ships position is dis-
played in the centre of the ECDIS as ships contour
where the track prediction can be indicated as
curved track or as chain of contours for the selected
prediction time. The prediction parameters as range
or interval of presentation can be set in the control
window at the right side.
The predicted track for the simplified prediction
is shown as red curve (here shown in black to star-
board): According to the actual rate of turn to star-
board the conventionally predicted track is presented
as a circle segment to the right side as track for the
time range of 5 min with a speed of 10.1 kn.
The dynamic prediction with the full simulation
model is shown as blue curve (here shown in black
to port). This dynamic prediction reflects the setting
of rudder and propeller parameters shown in the left
bottom window: The two rudders of the ferry used in
this example are set to 14° Port and the Engine Or-
der Telegraph for the two controllable pitch propel-
lers are set to 100% representing 159.8 rpm of the
propeller. The actual pitch status is 53 and 54 re-
spectively. This interface allows for a presentation
of dynamic predictions of steering and stopping
characteristics as an immediate response according
to the current steering handle or engine order tele-
graph position.
3.3 Investigations into the effects of predictions on
ship handling
For the purpose of testing the potential effects of
such enhanced prediction tool it was implemented in
the INS equipment of the large full mission simula-
tor bridge of the Ship handling simulator of MSCW.
For trials to test the effects of such a tool on the
navigators behaviour a sample of a PanMax contain-
er vessel with Loa =294m, Boa=32,2m, Draft=12m
and a Displacement of 74.000 t is used in the simula-
tion experiment. The container vessel is equipped
with one fixed propeller and one balanced rudder
blade. Additionally one bow thrusters is available
for manoeuvring the ship.
Figure 6: sample of a result from experimental trial to investi-
gate effects of predictions tool
A first basic test scenario was developed and im-
plemented. The task is to steer a vessel from a berth
into a fairway to leave a harbour area. The scenario
is used for trials with participants who are not famil-
iar with the selected ship. The task to be performed
is to safely manoeuvre the ship into the fairway.
Each participant started with a trial to become famil-
iar with the ships behaviour and without using the
prediction tool. The second run of the test contains
the same task but were performed in another area of
the port. An example of a trial using the prediction
tool is given in the following figure.
After the first series of simulation runs there are
already some tendencies regarding the effects that
can clearly be identified.
There are successful manoeuvres, when the pre-
dictor was used; even if the test person has no ex-
periences for the specific ship and the area.
The execution time for the manoeuvre is smaller
when the predictor is used.
The number of orders (for engine, thrusters and
rudder) decreases with the use of the predictor.
To proof these tendencies the trials will be con-
tinued with cadets during the next semesters. Then
more detailed investigations with more detailed sta-
tistical analysis will be performed.
The prediction algorithm and the technical setup is
planned to support pilots, captains and navigating
officers when manoeuvring a ship in narrow waters,
moreover it also may be applied for the improve-
ment of the on board collision avoidance process.
There are ongoing investigations to enhance the ex-
isting collision warnings by using predicted
manoeuvring characteristic data for adaptation of
alarm thresholds in contrary to conventional
CPA/TCPA calculations and fixed limit values to be
applied to every encounter situation without any dis-
tinction of the prevailing circumstances of the en-
Core element of this new approach is the risk
model for situation assessment (Hilgert, Baldauf
1996) differing between the three types of encounter
situations and additionally taking into account the
two conditions of visibility as laid down in the Inter-
national Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea as
well. Furthermore the concept is also applied to the
new IMO's definition given in the new performance
standards for INS (IMO, (2007) and allows for in-
troducing situation dependent collision alert catego-
ries "Caution", "Warning" and "Alarm" as well.
Cautions and warnings may be switched off by the
operator, but alarms may not.
For self adaptation of thresholds different CPA
limits are foreseen, which will be set automatically
according to the hydrodynamic safe passing distance
related to the dimensions of the involved ships, the
actual sea area and visibility conditions as well.
As suggestion for initial basic values CPA limits
were determined by detailed field study. To ensure a
wide range of user acceptance one emphasis was
laid on the navigators' behaviour and taken into ac-
count. From the point of view of well experienced
navigators it is rather more practical to determine the
safe passing distance with respect to usual data. Un-
der pragmatic aspects and according to the investiga-
tions performed it can be assumed that the nominal
safe passing distance have to be in relation to the
ship's length of the largest vessel L
involved in an
encounter situation (L
should not be less than 1
cbl). Taking into account the different types of en-
counter situations as defined in the COLREGs a fac-
tor "f
" is necessary which depends on the kind of
situation "x" and the can be determined by Safe
Passing Distance (nominal) = f
• L
The values, given in Table 1, are derived from
several investigations (see i.a. Baldauf (2004)) and
are suggested for the four main types of encounter
Table 1. Recommendation for basic values to calculate situa-
tion dependent threshold
kind of encounter f
situation (good visibility) (restricted visibility)
head-on situation 2.5 5
meeting port/port-side
overtaking 2.5 5
head-on situation 5 10
meeting stb/stb
crossing situation 5 10
These values were proved by simulation studies
and are valid under the conditions "open sea" for
good (column 2) and restricted visibility (column 3).
These values have to be applied to the actual en-
counter situations.
Table 2. Response times for turning manoeuvre depending on
own ships speed and rudder angles
Own Rudder time for course covered
speed angle (°) alteration of distance t
(kt) 90° t
(min) d
24 hard a- 2:25 min 0,97
24 starboard 3:51 min 1,54
22 starboard 3:24 min 1,25
22 starboard 4:10 min 1,53
With respect to the technical setup for predictions
described above manoeuvring data, especially the
response time for a potential course change of 90°,
may be taken from extracted processed VDR record-
ings and used for automatic adaptation of the TCPA
related limits of the dangerous target alarms, either
by taking them directly from a database or by calcu-
lations using the fast time simulation algorithms.
The response time for turning manoeuvre is a fun-
damental value to avoid a collision. Such response
times are only available to captains on board for
some standard manoeuvres under selected environ-
mental and loading conditions as well and they are
usually neither exactly known nor applicable to the
prevailing circumstances of a concrete dangerous
situation to be solved. A sample of a standard set of
response times for a usual sized 5.000 TEUs con-
tainer vessel is given in Table 2.
As stated before, when applying the drafted con-
cept for situation dependent alarm thresholds those
values should be determined by means of the
manoeuvring prediction module. The principal ap-
plication's structure and the relevant data flows are
given in the figure below.
Figure 7: Principal application structure and data flow for self-
adaptation of thresholds for collision alerts
First studies applying the situation dependent
thresholds for detection of dangerous encounter situ-
ations in overall traffic scenarios in sea areas off the
coast monitored by VTS resulted in a reduction of
the number of collision alerts by 40%.
A prototype software module for an On-line
Manoeuvring Assistance is developed based on a
prediction tool using advanced simulation technolo-
gy on board of ships. The results of rudder and en-
gine control changes will be immediately displayed
in an Electronic chart environment to be used for
manual correcting steering actions. The system was
tested using the excellent resources for research and
development of the Maritime Simulation Centre
Warnemunde and can be used also as a training tool
in student courses. During test trials several
manoeuvring situations were managed with an in-
creased performance when using the prediction tool.
A concept for the application of the tools for purpos-
es of collision avoidance is developed in order to re-
duce the number of alarms.
The research results presented in this paper were
partly achieved in the research project Condition-
based navigational displays (ZUMANZ) belonging
to the “Maritime Safety Assistance Rostock” consor-
tia funded by the German Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation and Research and surveyed by Research Cen-
tre Jülich as well as under the European MarNIS
project, funded by the European Commission, De-
partment for Energy and Transport.
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