International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 1
March 2007
Analysis of Ships Turn Manoeuvres in Port
Water Area
J. Kornacki & W. Galor
Szczecin Maritime University, Szczecin, Poland
ABSTRACT: The turning basin is a special part of port water area described by dimensions in horizontal and
vertical directions. Such area should be insuring the proper level of safety due to ship manoeuvres. The paper
presents the analysis of ships turn manoeuvres on aspect of turning basin designing. The examples of such
basins in polish port are showed.
1.1 What this is the turning basin
The turning basin is understood as the maneuvering
reservoir or also the hydro technical building
artificial or natural about suitable horizontal and
vertical dimensions, where the considerable
alterations of the course of the ship are done.
Because the ray of the circulation of the ship in the
movement, even near small speeds, he is
considerable, so the ship practices the turning over
„in the place”. This should be understand as the
change of the course of the ship whose linear speeds
are zero in relation to water during the maneuver or
are close to zero. Turning over the ship is done on
the turning basin as a result of the planned tactics of
maneuvering and can be done on itself or in co-
operation with tugs or use of anchors or spring.
Turning basins are both reservoirs appointed and the
reservoirs not appointed on which the turn of the
ship is done with the considerable value of the
course and they make up the part of channels or port
basins. Turning basin as the hydro technical
building, from the safety of considerations, it always
has to be larger than the turning basin understood as
the maneuver reservoir to avoid the collision with
bottom or bank.
1.2 The definition of turning basin in polish law
The polish law defines the turning basin of ships as
the limited navigational reservoir, situated on the
point of contact of basins and port channels or on the
water track, designed to safe executing
the maneuvers of ships in the aim of the entry to port
basins or the altering course or mooring of the ships
in the harbor, with the use of own engine or with the
help of tugs (Dz.U.98.101.645).
In the thought of the law, the dimensions and
location of turning basins are determined in the
support of the navigational analysis. During projecting
the turning basins or reconstruction already existing,
the smallest diameter of the turning basin can not be
smaller than values passed in table 1.
On reservoirs, where the current of water with
measured speeds and the directions of the
occurrence, has influence on reliable floatable
objects, location and dimensions of the turning
basins are projected in the approximate shape to the
ellipse, which the large axis definite dimensions in
the table 1. The depth of water on the turning basins
is defined in dependence from loading status of
turned over ships (Dz.U.98.101.645).
Table 1. The dimensions of the diameter of turning basins
The way of the ships
The building
of new turning
The reconstruction
of existing turning
The turn on spring
fixed to bollard on
the sea building
1.5 * L
1.3 * L
Turn for the help of the
tugs of tankers, gas
carriers or chemical
(2.0-2.5) * L
2.0 * L
The turn for the help of
the tugs of ships
different than the
tankers, gas carriers
and chemical tankers
2.0 * L
1.6 * L
where L
= the total length of the hull.
Many ways of the realization of the turn of ship exist
in dependence on accessible reservoir, reigning
hydro meteorologically conditions and the accessible
kinds of steering the ship. Special influence on this
maneuver has the kind of the used propulsion, use of
tugs, the use of the anchor or spring.
The presentations, in the following points, of the
realizations of maneuvers were used application of
simulation of maneuvering the ship SMART
(Artyszuk 2005).
2.1 The turning of the ship using the own drive
The turning of the ship using the only own
propulsion complies on small ships the most often.
This consists in executing “kick ahead” maneuvers
ahead on transformations with the work astern to
keep the rotation of ship till the setting of the ship on
the desirable course (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Turning the ship of to use of the main engine (ship’s
positions every 60 seconds)
Mostly the turn of the ship complies consistent
with the tendency to the alteration of the course
through ship during the work of propulsion astern
(consistent with turning effect of propeller). It
happens that in case of wind conditions the
realization of turning maneuver in the opposite
direction of turning effect of propeller is easier then
turning consistent with it.
The use of thrusters is additional element helping
the process of the turning of the ship. The applying
thrusters on the forward as additional force applied
opposing with force produced by the propeller-
rudder arrangement seem to be sufficient for simpler
maneuvers of the turning. And the use of additional
thrusters on the aft allows to considerable facilitation
in the realization of the maneuver of the turning
(Fig. 2).
Such solutions with many thrusters not only on
the forward, but also on the aft, comply particularly
on large ships.
It should be remembered that thrusters have their
limited power. They in particularly unfavorable
conditions may be completely insufficient.
Fig. 2. Turning of the ship using the main engine and thruster
(ship’s positions every 60 seconds)
In case of using thrusters, while turning of the
ships, in the smaller degree can be take the turning
effect of propeller then in case of turning of the ships
without their use.
Using only the main engine while the turning of
the ship, she will also move along to the forward or
to the aft enlarging the maneuvering reservoir on the
turning basin. The use of thrusters will result in
smaller use of the main engine and simultaneously
decrease moves the ship along.
2.2 The turning of the ship using tugs
In the case of lack on the ship of thrusters, their
insufficient power, the large sizes of the ship or
unfavorable hydro meteorological conditions to
turning over the ship uses tugs. Different quantity
and the way of tugs work can depend from the scale
of the difficulty and the kind of the tugs which are at
one's disposal. The solution complies with one tug
fixed on the long tow on the forward or with two
fixed on long tows on the forward and on the stern
the most often. Such solution does not require
applying tug about more complicated and expensive
propulsion arrangements. It should be remembered
the maneuvering reservoir increase of the maneuvering
reservoir of tugs in this case. Tugs are place
perpendicularly to the axis of the symmetry of the
ship during the turning and they are pulling only
forward or both forward and stern according to the
direction of turn.
Second the solution, which does not cause the
increase the reservoir of maneuvering, is the uses of
tugs on the short tow. This requires, for the full
control, the tugs with expensive propulsions
solutions. Such method is applied in the USA and
Canada universally. Tugs while the turning thrust the
forward, the stern or they thrust and pull being on
same side or turn together with the ship (Nowicki
The shape of the maneuver reservoir can be still
more approximate to circular in the case of the
turning of the ship with the use of tugs. There is the
larger guarantee of the successful and failure-free
maneuver additionally. Port authority, in dependence
on the accessible fleet of tugs, the size of ship and
the degree of the difficulty, define the minimum
quantity of the tugs which has to participate from the
safety of considerations in port maneuvers.
2.3 The turning of the ship using the anchor
The turnings of ships with the use of anchors apply
more seldom. Such maneuver is executed through
the ship herself without the tows assist. The aim is
to limit the influence of the current on the size of
the maneuver reservoir and to improve the
maneuverability of the ship through the considerable
limitation of the possibility of acceleration using
“kick ahead” maneuvers. Maneuver this is prohibited
by port authority because of the danger of the port
reservoir bottom decay very often, and applied in
ports of small urbanization as the natural outlets of
rivers or open sea coasts. The shape of the maneuver
reservoir is bring nearer to the semicircle and the
pivot point of the ship turns is near a forward
(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. The turning of the ship on the anchor (ship’s positions
every 60 seconds)
The executing of this maneuver can considerably
limit the frequency of setting propulsion astern.
The ship should be stopped or move with the very
small speed in relation to the bottom to lower
the anchor. Next the ship can be turned over using
the small settings of the propulsion ahead in the
monotonous way with rudder on same side as
the anchor was lowered.
2.4 The turning of the ship using spring
The maneuver of the turning of the ship on spring is
common on the berth, the most often during
departure or approach. It can be applied while
coming in to the locks or during the turning of the
ship around dolphin. He consists in the approach to
the hydro technical building and send a forward
spring or unmoor and keep the forward spring fast.
Then use small power of propulsion ahead with
rudder on the side according to the direction of the
turn. As soon as the ship aligns perpendicularly to
the quay the propulsion should be set astern to avoid
hull or bulb damages and to tighten forward spring
to continue ships turning (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The turning of the ship on spring (ship’s positions every
60 seconds)
In the case of unmooring suffice to let go forward
spring on the end of the maneuver of turning and to
go away from berth. When mooring is the aim next
ropes should be passed from the mooring side and
the spring on which the turning took place should be
let go.
Two methods of designing the turning basins:
analytic method and simulating method are comply
(Gucma 2001).
3.1 The analytic method of designing the turning
The sizes of the maneuvering reservoir while making
the turning of the ship depend on so many factors.
So in practice these are applying the very simplified
analytic method. It consists in dividing turning
basins on two kinds: turning basins on reservoirs
without currents and turning basins on current
reservoirs. This takes the root that the turning basin
has the shape of the wheel on reservoirs without
current and the elliptic shape has on current
reservoirs, for simplification, the contained surface
in shape between two circles, like without current,
shifted about the distance, which the ship will pass
under the influence of the current. The dimension of
the turning basin on the reservoir without current
defines the example Equation1 (Gucma & Jagniszczak
1997; Gucma 2001; Gucma & Jagniszczak 2006):
where d
= the diameter of the turning basin; L = the
length of the ship.
This is introduced on figure 5:
Fig. 5. Parameters of turning basin on reservoirs without
currents (McCartney 2005)
The dimensions of the turning basin on the
current reservoir define the examples Equations 2, 3:
tvLl += 5.1
where l
= the length of the turning basin; b
= the
width of the turning basin; L = the length of the
ship; v
= the speed of the current; t
= the time of the
This is introduced on figure 6:
Fig. 6. Parameters of turning basins on current reservoir
(McCartney 2005)
3.2 The simulating method of designing the turning
The simulating method of designing the parameters
of turning basins depend execution of series of tests
in comparable conditions on prepared model of
reservoir and the model of the ship planned to use
the turning basin. The results of tests are subjected
the statistical processing. This is the characteristic
feature of the simulating method, that simulating
models of the ship maneuvering are especially
designed to the solved problem. Effect of that kind
of research is delimitation of the reservoirs of
maneuvering on the turning basin according to the
various foundations of hydro meteorological
conditions, various parameters of ships and various
levels of the trust.
Below, shown reservoirs of harbors: Świnoujście
(Fig. 7, 8), Kołobrzeg (Fig. 9) and Police (Fig. 10),
were introduced designed turning basins in:
Fig. 7. Parameters of the turning basin near the embankment
Górników in Świnoujście (the collective work 2000)
Fig. 8. Parameters the turning basin near the base smooth fuels
in Świnoujście (the collective work 1995a)
Fig. 9. Parameters of the turning basin in the harbor Kołobrzeg
(the collective work 1995b)
Fig. 10. Parameters of turning basin in harbor Police
(the collective work 1998)
You can see that the shape of turning basin
dependence from accessible reservoir and hydro
meteorological conditions is different and very
3.3 The real investigations method of designing the
turning basins
These investigations are leaning about real
observations consisting in the measurements of the
position of the ship and concurrent tugs during the
maneuver of the turning. This method can not be
used to marking parameters of designed or
modernized turning basins from obvious regards.
However, this method finds the use to the
verification of analytic and simulating methods on
the basis which they already became built turning
This method requires the study of investigative
firing ground and measuring methods. They can be
base about measurements on the maneuvering ship
or for the help of external measurements. First way
requires the installation on the maneuvering ship (if
she does not possess them) the system of positioning
about the suitable level of the exactitude of defining
the position. It should be remembered that the ship is
not the punctual object here and the measurements
of the position of the ship should be bring back to
the water plane of the ship. The qualification of the
position of tugs (even to four) is difficult here.
Near the way of external measurements to find
distance of the ship can be applied laser rangefinders
at list of two points (on forward and stern) and the
distance to tugs. The different method is the
fotogrametric method. The use of the digital
autograph is the best way.
The methods of real investigations are time- -
consuming and expensive. The results of investi-
gations, similarly as near the simulating method,
should be subjected the statistical processing.
The minimization of the costs of building or the
modernization of the reservoir of the turning basins
is the aim of the optimization. The safety of
navigation of the executed the turning maneuver is
the condition restrictive determined the navigational
Criterion function for the method of the
optimization can be introduced of the parameters of
the turning basin as follows:
bVaK =
where a
= the isolated cost of getting out the 1m
the output; V = the quantity of the output which was
not obtained in the consequence of the minimum
dimensions of the turning basin; b = losses of
the bank collision.
Following figure 11 represents the pattern of the
optimization of the dimensions of the turning basin.
Turning basin
Criterion function
Fig. 11. Pattern of the optimization of the turning basin
The existing analytic methods of marking and
the optimization of turning basin are exact little.
The turning basin on the reservoir with the
stepping out current of water is the special type of
the turning basin. The analytic method takes into
account the time of the turn of the ship and the speed
of the current, while it is definite for the help of the
circular shape in many cases.
Simulating methods, although they are more
labor-consuming, they give large exactitude.
However this did not become so far in the sufficient
way definite.
According to existing experiences in projecting
and making of turning basins on reservoirs ports of
Świnoujście, Police, Szczecin and Kołobrzeg, their
shape runs away from the wheel considerably. This
results of investigations leanings about simulating
methods concerns.
The study of the methods of the optimization of
the size of turning basins will let lower the costs
of their building or modernization near the behavior
of the suitable level of the safety.
We would like to thank Jarosław Artyszuk for the
facility of the application of the simulation of
maneuvering the ship to scientific of aims.
Artyszuk, J. 2005. Methodical guide of the ships maneuvering
simulation with application. Naval University of Szczecin.
Dz.U.98.101.645 Minister Transportation and Sea Economy
decree „w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny
odpowiadać morskie budowle hydrotechniczne i ich
Gucma, S. 2001. Inżynieria ruchu morskiego. Gdańsk: Okręto-
wnictwo i Żegluga.
Gucma, S. & Jagniszczak, I. 2006. Nawigacja dla kapitanów.
Gdańsk: Fundacja Promocji Przemysłu Okrętowego i Gos-
podarki Morskiej.
McCartney B. 2005. Ship Channel Design and Operation.
American Society of Civil Engineers No. 107.
The unpublished report 1995a. Badania symulacyjne ruchu stat-
ków w bazie paliw płynnych w Świnoujściu. Naval
University of Szczecin.
The unpublished report 1995b. Określenie optymalnego wa-
riantu przebudowy wejścia do portu Kołobrzeg w oparciu
o badania symulacyjnego ruchu statków. Naval University
of Szczecin.
The unpublished report 1998. Badanie możliwości optymalnej
lokalizacji przeładowni kwasu fosforowego w Porcie
Police. Naval University of Szczecin.
The unpublished report 2000. Analiza nawigacyjna dla przebu-
dowanego Nabrzeża Górników w porcie handlowym
Świnoujście. Naval University of Szczecin.