As more ports are targeting to accommodate larger
ships at deeper drafts, there has been lots of pressure
on port planners to increase the port access channel
capacity through capital dredging. The main focus of
such capital dredging attempts is typically deepening
the channels as changing the horizontal profile of
navigation channel is considered to be the expensive
element. Consequently, ships are entering the port
waters with larger drafts, length and breadth while
the channel profile remains largely unchanged.
Resulting in higher risk in handling and
manoeuvering, especially when combined with
extreme weather events. Although in channel
development plans, minor modifications are made on
bend configuration, still there are lots of risk in
navigating big vessels through port waters. NCOS
ONLINE Manoeuvring Module [8] is a cloud based
online operational decision support tool that brings
the capabilities of real time manoeuvring simulation
of FORCE Technology’s SimFlex4 [10] to fast time
simulation, assisting the port operators to identify
risks in pilotage of big vessels under the
environmental forcing within shallow and confined
Development and Validation of an Operational Fast
Time Ship Manoeuvring Solver to Increase Navigation
Efficiency in Horizontally Restricted Waterways
. Fathi Kazerooni
, M. Rahimian
, M. Tree
, T. Womersley
, S. Mortensen
& B. Jensen
DHI Water & Environment, Brisbane, Australia
DHI Water & Environment, Gold Coast, Australia
FORCE Technology, Brondby, Denmark
ABSTRACT: Growth of demand for containerized cargo shipping has put more ports into pressure to
accommodate larger vessels. Considering the limitations on dimensions of navigation channels, this is not
feasible unless aiming for significant capital dredging or alternatively creating high precision predictions of
vessel motions subjected to environmental forcing and interaction with shallow and restricted waterway. NCOS
ONLINE (Nonlinear Channel Optimisation Simulator) is a state of the art navigation support tool which
combines DHI’s high level forecast of environmental conditions with mathematical model of ship motions to
add an extra level of accuracy in predicting the under-keel clearance and vessel swept path to boost the
efficiency of navigation and pilotage within restricted channels. NCOS Manoeuvring Module utilizes an
autopilot scheme based on PID (Proportional / Integral / Derivative) controller and Line of Sight Algorithm to
FORCE Technology’s SimFlex4 manoeuvring solver for prediction of manoeuvring ship swept path and
response, which will effectively bring the accuracy of real time full bridge simulator to fast time operation
support tool. In this paper, the result of mathematical model is validated against fullscale measurements of
containership transits through Port of Auckland Navigation channel by comparing pilot commands, leeway
drift and swept path through output of portable pilotage unit. According to the results the model is found
promising to predict the behaviour of human pilots with precision required in operational use. Finally, the
swept path and manoeuvring performance of a sample transit is assessed on different environmental conditions
and tide stages to evaluate the safe transit windows in operation.
International Journal
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 1
March 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.01.