Satellite navigation has mature to become a public
goods, an essential component of the national
infrastructure, and the enabling technology for
growing number of technical and socio-economic
systems [1, 2, 3]. Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) comprises several global satellite navigation
systems, including Global Positioning System (GPS),
operated by the US, which provide the Positioning,
Navigation, and Timing (PNT) services in an
interoperable and co-operative manner [4, 5, 6].
Matured enough to be one of the cornerstones of
modern society, GNSS still keeps traditions that
constraint developments and utilisations [6, 7].
Among them is the system-centric view of GNSS
positioning performance assessment and declaration,
which does not concern with the potential application
and its requirements [2, 6]. Consequentially, GNSS
application developers, operators, and users cannot
either assess systematically the effects and risks the
GNSS positioning performance degradation renders
to GNSS application Quality of Service, or develop the
GNSS application QoS resilient to potential short-term
GNSS performance degradations or outages [2, 3, 6, 8,
9, 10]. The problem becomes more emphasised in the
wide range of disciplines utilising GNSS, including
the maritime sector [3, 6, 8, 9, 10].
A Method and a Model for Risk Assessment of GNSS
tilisation with a Proof-of-Principle Demonstration for
olar GNSS Maritime Applications
. Malić
, N. Sikrica
, D. Špoljar
& R. Filjar
Independent researcher, Split, Croatia
University of Applied Sciences Hrvatsko zagorje Krapina, Krapina, Croatia
University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
ABSTRACT: The GNSS positioning performance is commonly defined and described in terms unspecified to
particular GNSS-based application. The approach causes difficulties to GNSS application developers, operators,
and users, rendering the impact assessment of GNSS performance on the GNSS application Quality of Service
(QoS) particularly difficult. Here the Probability of Occurrence (PoO) Model is introduced, which allows for a
risk assessment of the probability for the GNSS positioning accuracy failure to meet the requirements of the
particular GNSS-based application. The proposed PoO Model development procedure requires a large set of
position estimation errors observations, which shall cover a range of classes of positioning environment (space
weather, troposphere, multi-path etc.) disturbances affecting GNSS positioning accuracy. As result, the PoO
Model becomes a tool that returns the probability of failure in meeting the positioning accuracy requirements of
the GNSS applications considered, thus providing the input for a GNSS deployment risk assessment. The
proposed PoO Model and its development procedure are demonstrated in the case of polar region positioning
environment, with raw GNSS pseudorange observations taken at the International GNSS Service (IGS) Network
reference station Iqualuit, Canada are used for the PoO Model development. The PoO Model proof-of-principle
is then used to estimate the pro
bability of the unmet required positioning accuracy for a number of polar
maritime navigation applications. Manuscript concludes with a discussion of the PoO Model benefits and
shortcomings, a summary of contribution, and intentions for the future research.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 17
Number 1
March 2023
DOI: 10.12716/1001.17.01.
Disciplines, such as air or maritime transport and
traffic, attempt to assist GNSS applications with
standards of required GNSS performance [11, 12, 13,
14]. An excellent review of current standards with
direct amendments proposals from expert panels has
been performed by European Agency for Space
Programme (EUSPA), which conducts bi-annual re-
assessment of GNSS user needs and requirements per
disciplines, based on expert panel opinions [8]. Still,
the current state-of-the-art does not overcome the gap
between the GNSS operator’s expression of GNSS
performance, which naturally considers it without
knowledge of the actual positioning conditions
around GNSS users, and the GNSS application’s
needs to assess the risk of GNSS positioning failure in
actual conditions of usage [6, 7, 8, 11, 13].
Here we propose the solution for the growing
problem by introduction of the method and the
model/index for the risk assessment of GNSS
utilisation for the particular GNSS application with
known requirement for GNSS position accuracy.
Called the Probability of Occurrence (PoO), the index
is capable of advising GNSS application developer,
operator, and user on the risk of GNSS not meeting
the required positioning accuracy level at the certain
conditions of usage. Such a knowledge may assist
GNSS application developers, operators, and users in
making the objective inference on the need for
suitable alternative when the GNSS PNT
underperform in relation to GNSS application, thus
rendering GNSS application resilient. The proposed
method and model are demonstrated in this
manuscript on the case of risk assessment of the GPS
PNT ionospheric effects for single-frequency
commercial-grade GPS positioning in the Arctic
This manuscript is structured, as follows. This
chapter introduces the problem and outlines the
research hypothesis. Chapter 2 describes (2.1) the
theoretical foundations and the proposal for PoO
model and the methodology for its development, (2.2)
the experimental observations needed for the PoO
model development, (2.3) a proof-of-principle case
study the PoO model development, and (2.4)
demonstrates and discusses PoO model utilisation for
risk assessment for a particular maritime
task/application. Chapter 3 concludes the manuscript
with the outline of contributions and findings, and
proposals for future research.
The Probability of Occurrence (PoO) model is
proposed in this research as a single GPS application-
centric model for the GPS utilisation risk estimation in
defined GPS positioning conditions and utilisation
scenario. This Section outlines the method and
describes the material required for the PoO model
development and deployment for the GPS utilisation
risk assessment.
2.1 Method
The proposed GPS/GNSS Probability of Occurrence
(PoO) risk index is defined based on empirical
identification of the GPS/GNSS positioning
degradation [2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 15] risk in characteristic
positioning environments [3, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18], and
in accordance to a fundamental statistical principles
[19, 20], as follows.
Let X be a statistical random variable, and x its
value. Experimental observations of a variable may be
considered values x of a statistical variable X.
Statistical distribution of a variable X serve as its
statistical model, characterised with two essential
functions: the cumulative distribution function (CDF)
and the probability density function (PDF) [19, 20].
The probability density function f
X(x) of statistical
variable X is defined as the function that returns the
probability of X acquiring the value exactly equal to x
[19, 20], as shown in (1).
( ) ( )
[ ]
, : 0,1
F x PX x F= =
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) F
X(x) is
defined as the function that returns the probability
that X will acquire the value less then, or equal to x
[19, 20], as expressed in (2). Two essential functions of
a statistical variable X are mutually related [19, 20].
( ) ( )
[ ]
( )
, : 0,1
F x P X x F f x dx
= →=
The complementary cumulative distribution
function (CCDF), or tail distribution, is derived from
the cumulative distribution function, and defined as
expressed in (3).
The CCDF outcome may be interpreted as the
probability of X exceeding (being larger than) x.
Introduction of CCDF may serve as a numerical
indicator of probability of risk that an observed
variable exceeds a critical value, established in the
domain of interest.
Statistical distribution functions may be estimated
analytically using various statistical methods [19, 20],
implemented within either stand-alone software
packages, such as CumFreq [21], or in programming
environments, such as the open-source R environment
for statistical computing [22]. Software libraries, such
as the R-based fitdistrplus [23], allow for estimation of
experimental PDF and CDF, fitting them to theoretical
statistical distributions [19, 20]. Furthermore,
statistical tests, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Shappiro-Wilk, may be uitilised to confirm
compliance of an experimental statistical distribution
to the particular theoretical one, thus completing the
identification of the experimental statistical
distribution [19, 20]. Once estimated and identified,
the experimental CDF may be used for derivation of
the CCDF for the process/data pool in question.
The CCDF approach is applied in the research
presented for definition of the Probability of
Occurence model development method, which utilises
a massive data set of GPS positioning error
observations, as a statistical variable. The PoO model
emerges as the CCDF of the observed GPS positioning
errors over a long time in the specified conditions of
positioning environment and GPS application
requirements for the particular scenario of utilisation.
The PoO model application for risk estimation
requires understanding and specification of means of
utilisation in an GPS application-oriented sense, as
well as the targeted effect as the source of the risk. The
PoO model is derived from a large data set of
experimental GPS position observations in
positioning conditions and the particular scenario of
usage, of interest for a particular GPS-based
The GPS positioning environment effects that may
cause GPS positioning degradation may include [3, 4,
5, 6, 24, 25]: (i) GPS ionospheric delay, (ii) GPS
ionospheric scintillation, (iii) GPS multipath in a
specified class of terrain (forest, mountain, urban,
semi-urban, rural, ocean), (iv) GPS tropospheric delay
The GPS utilisation scenario should be described
by specification of user equipment (for example:
commercial-grade single-frequency GPS receiver, as
found in most smartphones still), utilisation of SBAS
(for example: EGNOS) or other advanced positioning
techniques (such as Real-Time Kinematics, RTK)
instead of essential GPS, expected utilisation
environment (indoors vs outdoors, urban, rural,
mountains, forrest, maritime, air, vehicle etc.) [3, 4, 5,
6, 24, 25].
Once the targeted risk effects is defined, and GPS
positioning environment and GPS application
utilisation scenario specified, a massive set of GPS
positioning error observations should be obtained,
either by long-term data collection using individual
equipment, or by utilisation of trusted data. Section
2.2 should be consulted for more details.
With the massive GPS positioning error data set is
at hand, the CCDF should be estimated, using the
experimental PDF and CDF estimation methods. The
experimental CCDF then serves as the Probability of
Occurrence (PoO) model. Te PoO model returns the
probability of GPS positioning failure for a given GPS
positioning error threshold. With the GPS positioning
error threshold set as a maximum acceptable
positioning error of the GPS application in
consideration, the PoO will return the probability of
occurrence the event in which the GPS positioning
process will fail to meet the requested positioning
accuracy threshold for particular GPS application.
The PoO model development method is developed
in a formal manner to be implemented easily within a
programming environment of a choice. The lack of
‘ground truth’ complicates the validation of the PoO
model performance. An alternative cross-validation
approach [20] is taken for this research, thus allowing
for objective assessment of the PoO model correctness.
2.2 Material
Material required for the PoO model development
comprises GPS positioning errors taken over a long
time with the specified satellite navigation
receiver/position estimation method in the
geographical, terrain, and positioning environment
(space weather, ionospheric, tropospheric, multipath,
satellite visibility) conditions [6]. The concept of
material collection aims at creation of a large GPS
positioning error observations as a statistical sample
that represent correctly the population of GPS
positioning errors which can occur in the real-time
GPS-based application usage. It is essential that the
representation (sample) resembles frequency of GPS
positioning degradation at different levels as best as
possible [19, 20].
The user GPS equipment specifications, and GPS
application requirements should be defined by a risk
assessor in collaboration with interested parties (GPS
application developers, operators, and users) [2, 6, 7].
Positioning environment conditions and GPS
positioning error datasets may be acquired either
through a tailored long-term field campaigns, or
obtain from databases operated by trusted third
As an example, in the case of GPS ionospheric
effects risk assessment, the 24 hours-a-day GNSS raw
pseudorange observations at reference stations across
the world have been continuously collected, with
exposed ionospheric effects and mitigated all the
others, for the exact purpose of evaluation of the
ionospheric effects on GNSS positioning performance.
Available from the International GNSS Service (IGS)
database [26], the GNSS raw pseudorange observation
may be processed with a suitably configured GNSS
Software-Defined Radio in the post-processing mode
[2, 6] to allow for generation of GNSS positioning
estimates and estimation of GNSS positioning error [4,
5, 6, 25, 27], as required for the PoO model
development. Other sources of GNSS raw
pseudorange observations include the internet-based
open-access databases, such as Sonel [28], and the
EUREF Permanent GNSS Network [29]. The GPS
positioning environment is systematically described
from the perspective of space weather, geomagnetic,
and ionospheric conditions with a number of the
internet-based open-access archives of global data and
wide range of indices [3, 6, 9, 30], provided by
different national and international organisations and
agencies. The US NASA maintains a well-structured
observation-rich OMNIWeb repository [31] with a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) aimed at selection of
data [32]. The International Service of Geomagnetic
Indices [33] allows for a free access to archived
derived values of geomagnetic descriptors. The
Intermagnet [34] network offers a free access to
structured global observations of geomagnetic
conditions, as observed with a geographically spread
network maintained to serve scientists, researchers,
and engineers. Alternative third-party sources of
observations are also available, with the APIs
supporting the computer-based data access.
2.3 A case study of practical PoO model development
The research presented is established a method for
PoO model development, and defined the required
inputs. The case scenario of the PoO model
development for the risk assessment of the single-
frequency commercial-grade GPS utilisation in
maritime sector in polar regions is developed, and
presented as a proof-of-principle demonstration.
This research is driven by the rising interest in
sailing in polar region, a geographical area with
known exposure to dynamic space weather,
geomagnetic, and ionospheric conditions known to
produce considerable degradation of the GPS
positioning performance [3, 4, 10, 11]. Consequently, a
case scenario is established, resembling market
conditions with prevailing share of the single-
frequency commercial-grade unassisted GPS
receivers. The common GPS receiver is assumed to be
utilising just the standard correction models provided
by GPS operator, thus correcting the ionospheric,
tropospheric, and satellite clock effects in the
standardised manner [6, 27]. A suitably configured
Software-Defined Radio GNSS receiver is used to
produce the GPS position, based on the raw GPS
pseudorange observations taken at the reference
station in the polar region. The position of the
reference station was determined by precise geodetic
methods. The GPS positioning residuals xresidual(t)
are used as the GPS positioning error estimates xe(t)
at the time instant of GPS positioning t, with xGPS(t)
denoting the vector of GPS position components
estimates, and xref(t) denoting the true position vector
of GPS receiver, as determined by a precise geodetic
method as given with (4).
) (
) (
) (
residual e GPS ref
x txtx txt= =
The GPS observations used in the proof-of-
principle PoO model development were taken at the
IGS [26] reference station Iqualuit, Canada, using a
stationary GNSS receiver collecting continuously the
raw GNSS pseudoranges 24-hours-a day at 30 s
sampling interval. Observations taken throughout
2014 are selected as a representative sample of the
population. Total of 1 028 713 GPS position estimates
ate derived from the massive data set of raw GPS
pseudorange observation, after those were fed into
RTKLIB [35], a, SDR GNSS receiver, to produce GPS
positioning, and GPS positioning error estimates.
Space weather, geomagnetic, and ionospheric
disturbances at various scales occurred in that year,
with their frequency of occurrence resembling the
long-standing pattern, as confirmed with the
examination of the Dst index [3, 9, 36, 37] of
geomagnetic storms/disturbances in 2014, as depicted
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Time series of Dst, geomagnetic disturbance index,
throughout 2014.
Dst data set is obtained from [32, 33], for the
purpose of identification of particular classes of the
GPS positioning environment: (i) (relatively) quiet
geomagnetic condition, (ii) positive (first) phase of the
geomagnetic storm, (iii) negative (deep through, and
recovery) phase of the geomagnetic storm [36, 37].
Such classification allows for establishing three cross-
validation [20] scenarios for the PoO model
performance validation.
The raw GPS pseudorange observations are then
fed into the RTKLIB GNSS SDR receiver, set in the
post-processing mode and with configuration as a
single-frequency commercial-grade sole-GPS receiver
[27, 35], as outlined in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Configuration of RTKLIB as a single-frequency
sole-GPS satellite navigation receiver
The RTKLIB receiver returns the GPS positioning
estimates, which are then transformed into GPS
positioning errors using the method (4). The method
is applied in the tailored software developed for the
purpose of this research in the R environment for
statistical computing. The GPS positioning error
statistical analysis and the PoO model development
are performed with the R-based software developed
under this research.
The PoO model in the presented proof-of-principle
is targeting the horizontal GPS positioning accuracy,
derived from the positioning accuracy of horizontal
components of position, as the index referred to in
GPS-based application requirements for maritime [7].
Before the PoO model development takes place, the
obtained components of GPS positioning error vector
are examined for their statistical properties, as
outlined with box-plot diagrams in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Box-plot of GPS positioning error vector
Figure 3 reveals a number of outliers, caused by
extensive ionospheric storms in the region, which
were affecting the GPS positioning quality with the
resulting risks for GPS-based applications.
A cross-validation method is developed for the
PoO model validation, based on classification of GPS
positioning error vector into one of the three classes of
geomagnetic conditions [36, 37]: (i) quiet conditions,
(ii) positive phase of geomagnetic storm, (iii) negative
phase of geomagnetic storm. Essential statistical
properties for classes (ii) and (iii), and the total sample
are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Statistical properties of the total set of horizontal
GPS positioning errors, and the two subsets related to
geomagnetic storm development
GPS No. of Mean Median Variance
horizontal observations
error [m] in 2014
Total 1019769 1.9549 1.6300 4.89951
Dst > 30 nT 24 2.0077 1.5496 1.629124
Dst < -40 nT 222 1.8110 1.6709 1.328492
The box-plots of horizontal GPS positioning errors
remain balanced in regard to the Dst value ranges
during quiet geomagnetic conditions. However, it is
evident from Figures 4, and 5, respectively, that the
median of GPS positioning error rises in regard to the
absolute value of Dst during disturbed geomagnetic
conditions, thus justifying the classification approach.
Figure 4. Box-plots of GPS positioning errors per ranges of
Dst values, positive phase of geomagnetic storm
Figure 5. Box-plots of GPS positioning errors per ranges of
Dst values, negative phase of geomagnetic storm
Cross-validation approach is justified further with
the comparison of horizontal GPS positioning error
data sets for geomagnetic disturbance classes (ii) and
(iii). Related statistical tests [19, 20] reveal no
similarities in two subsets of the original observations.
Table 2. Statistical tests results of comparison of GPS
positioning error subsets during phases of geomagnetic
Compared t-test, p-value, F-test, p-value,
with H0: means H0: variances
General are equal are equal
Dst > 30 nT 0.8411 0.00227
Dst < -40 nT 0.06421 < 2.2e-16
Finally, the method outlined in Section 2 is applied
to yield three PoO models, for the whole sample
(total) of horizontal GPS positioning errors, and for
the subsets relating to geomagnetic conditions classes
(ii), and (iii). The method application results in three
PoO models, respective to geomagnetic conditions, as
depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Three PoO models, for the whole set of horizontal
GPS positioning errors (total, in red), for the positive phase
of geomagnetic storm (Dst > 30 nT, in blue) subset, and for
the negative phase of geomagnetic storm (Dst < -40 nT, in
green) subset
In consideration of the PoO model performance,
the negative phase PoO fits well the total PoO, thus
confirming the total PoO model success. The reason
may be found in the fact that statistical properties of
the horizontal GPS positioning errors during the
negative phase of the geomagnetic storms are clearly
identified within the total pool of horizontal GPS
positioning errors. A relatively small subset of
horizontal GPS positioning errors observed during the
positive phase of geomagnetic storm creates a unique
statistical pattern, resulting in a slightly different PoO.
Difference is particularly visible in the 1 m 6 m
range of horizontal GPS positioning errors. However,
the size of related sample may lead to inference of
neglecting the observed difference in PoOs.
2.4 PoO model application on particular GPS application
The total PoO model, expressed either in graphical or
analytical form may be utilised to asses the risk of
GPS utilisation, in the presented positioning
environment conditions and the scenario of
utilisation, in a specific GPS application defined by its
requirements for horizontal GPS positioning accuracy
[7, 38].
Let us assume the PoO is expressed in the
analytical form, as given in (5).
( )
P f requested horizontal accuracy=
A specific GPS-based application should define its
request for the highest acceptable horizontal GPS
positioning error, and use it as the value for requested
horizontal accuracy. Applied to the PoO model (5),
the GPS-based application receives the probability of
horizontal GPS positioning accuracy not meeting its
request, and may consider potential alternatives for
periods of degraded GPS positioning performance.
Determination of the PoO/risk for a particular
requested horizontal GPS accuracy may be performed
using the analytical model, or graphically, as shown
in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Graphical determination of PoO/risk of horizontal
GPS positioning accuracy not meeting the requested level,
based on the PoO curve
Considering the proof-of-principle demonstration
scenario, a maritime GPS-based application requiring
the positioning accuracy of 5 m may find the
probability of approx 4% that the required accuracy
level will not be met. Reference [7] states such a
request may be set for the navigation in port
operations. GPS application operator and user may
consider implementation and operation of a
redundant positioning system in a confined area
(port) to overcome the risk, or the utilisation of
integrated navigation (for example, GPS+INS), for the
period of degraded GPS positioning performance.
The proposed method, and PoO model
demonstrated in the proof-of-principle scenario, may
be generalised towards any positioning indicator
requested, as well as to utilisation multiple GNSS
position estimation.
The lack of objective and systematic risk assessment of
GPS/GNSS utilisation renders raising number of
GPS/GNSS-based applications uncertain of potential
derogation of their Quality of Service (QoS), or even
failure to deliver, due to potentially unacceptable
GPS/GNSS positioning performance degradation.
The research presented addresses the problem
with the proposal for a method for development of
Probability of Occurrence model, a statistical model,
for risk assessment of GPS utilisation in particular
positioning environment and for a specific GPS-based
application that extends its requirements for GPS
positioning accuracy.
Contributions of the presented research
summarise, as follows:
1. A method of the Probability of Occurrence (PoO)
model of GPS utilisation.
2. Assemblage of a year-long massive database of GPS
positioning errors at Iqualuit, Canada in Arctic
region, presented in the open-source access
3. A cross-validation method for the PoO validation,
based on geomagnetic conditions classification.
4. A method of the PoO utilisation for the GPS
utilisation risk assessment for the specified GPS-
based application.
5. An R-based software for PoO model development
and validation.
The proposed method and the PoO model are
demonstrated in the case scenario of a sole-GPS,
single-frequency commercial-grade GPS positioning
in the Arctic polar region. As the result, the PoO
model is developed based on the experimental data
taken in the real and statistically representative
conditions. The PoO model utilisation for risk
assessment is demonstrated in the case of a maritime
GPS application. The research will continue with
improvement and advancement of developed R-based
software that will allow for specification of
positioning environment and GPS-based application
utilisation scenario, as well as with generalisation of
the PoO method development.
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