The International Maritime Organization (IMO) aims
to ameliorate human element management in the
shipping industry. The empirical evidence and
accident data point towards the impact of human error
in maritime accidents and most shipping failures,
including collisions, allisions and groundings. An
analysis of accident data from Australia, Canada,
Norway, and the UK revealed that despite the overall
reduction of maritime accidents, human error
remained the main reason behind them in up to 80-85%
of all cases, or even 96% [2, 3]. Likewise, the Japan P&I
Club considers human error as the primary factor in
84% of 1,390 cases of maritime accidents [4], regardless
of advances in marine technology contributing to
reducing the frequency and severity of marine
accidents [5].
This paper aims to assess the current and future
technology used for navigational purposes, the
advantages and disadvantages of autonomous vessels,
and the importance of the human element in future
navigational technology and reach conclusions
regarding our proximity to the era of industry-wide
autonomous navigation.
2.1 The Radar
The name "Radio Detection & Ranging" (RADAR)
comes from the initials of the English phrase RADAR.
This means "detection and range of electromagnetic
waves". As the name suggests, the operation of radar is
based on electromagnetic waves, and according to Gao
et al. (2022), in particular, the distance determination is
based on a time measurement from the point when the
electromagnetic wave pulse is emitted to the returning
echo, the waves ultimately representing the detectable
object) [6]. Also, the Radar uses a rotating antenna to
determine the direction it emits and emits pulses of
A Theoretical Analysis of Contemporary Vessel
Navigational Systems: Assessing the Future Role of the
Human Element for Unmanned Vessels
D. Polemis
, E.F. Darousos
& M. Boviatsis
University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
World Maritime University, Malmoe, Sweden
ABSTRACT: This article aims to investigate the contemporary challenges of electronic navigation and assess the
appropriate amendments should autonomous vessel technology becomes widespread in the near future. Vessel
control systems and maritime communication are essential and sending and receiving alarm signals is critical to
contemporary ship navigation. Numerous location and shipping information systems, such as GPS, Loran-C, and
Decca, have arisen in recent decades to improve navigational safety. Other systems, including VHF and Inmarsat,
have been developed to enhance the efficiency of maritime communication on board and to transmit risk and
safety-related data. Additionally, safe navigation requires systems like Navtex, EGS, DSC, Epirb, and others [1].
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 4
December 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.04.05
electromagnetic waves in the form of a beam of light. It
also receives an echo back to it [7].
Today, depending on their use, the main types of
radars relevant to the shipping industry are as follows
Surface detection radar or navigation
Air detection radar
Meteorological radars
Fire control radar
Radar speed measurement
2.1.1 Surface detection radar or navigation
Surface detection radars or navigation radars are
installed on the coast or on vessels to detect the surface
of the sea. However, they can also detect airspace, but
at minimal heights. Instead, they detect solid objects
from relatively conductive material at sea level or low
altitudes and provide accurate information about the
distance and view of the target they locate. Precise
detection is possible regardless of the visibility
conditions and at distances more significant than the
visible horizon [9].
2.1.2 Air detection radar
Placed on the ground (near mountain peaks or
airfields) and boats, they explore long-distance and
high-altitude airspace. The air detection radar ensures
air traffic control to ensure the direction of the aircraft
and the detection of enemy aircraft from long
2.1.3 Meteorological radars
These weather radars ensure the timely detection
and monitoring of upcoming storms and cyclones.
2.1.4 Fire control radar
Part of various weapon systems, they provide the
necessary launch elements and even corrective
elements for the direction of certain types of remote-
controlled projectiles.
2.1.5 Radar speed measurement
Used to accurately measure the speed of ships in sea
areas where speed limits apply [10].
3.1 The ARPA System
Obligations in Article 7(b) and other relevant
provisions of the International Collision Avoidance
Code refer to the observation of targets on a bridge
deck or further corresponding systematic observation,
performed via an automated printing system called
automatic radar protection equipment (ARPA) [11, 12].
Current technology, especially in cases of multiple
targets and situations of limited visibility, can lead to
limited monitoring, an issue expected to be solved
through ARPA. Many targets are accomplished with
the help of the Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA),
including reducing the minimum effort required to
obtain more target information displayed on the radar
screen. Also, the ability to evaluate situations
accurately and continuously as the ARPA
microcomputer equipment receives information on the
target area and line of sight for radar equipment. Plus,
the course and speed of the nearing vessels vessel are
combined for sublimation, specifically the Closest
Point of Approach (CPA) and the Time of the Closest
Point of Approach (TCPA) in which the target will
pass, giving the navigators the target's direction and
speed the direction and speed of the target. The ARPA
range is 16 nautical miles [13, 14].
3.2 The Gyroscopic Compass
The gyroscope is an instrument rotating around an
axis, passing through its centre. Solids are rotary and
symmetrical around this axis. Initially conceived by
Foucault in 1851) and with the first gyroscopic compass
constructed in 1908, the gyroscopic inertia proves that
the Earth revolves around its axis [15].
Regardless of its specific subtype, each
contemporary gyroscope requires frictionless action
for one or two gyroscopic flywheels that are part of a
three-phase motor. In addition, of course, the engine
must have a unique power supply to rotate. A suitable
control system is also necessary so that their axis of
rotation or the component of the axis of rotation of a
gyroscope or two gyroscopes looks for the meridian
direction of the site. Finally, there must be a sufficient
power transmission system, which the instructions of
the wind turbine of the main compass to be electrically
transmitted to their wind turbines repeatedly via an
electrical supply [16].
3.3 Free gyroscope and its properties
A free gyroscope consists of a torsional mass, most of
which is distributed on its periphery and is thin and
balanced. The clamp has 3 degrees of freedom; that is,
it can move three axes freely around its axis of rotation,
the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. This is
achieved by using the correct suspension. When the
free gyroscope rotates around its axis, the gyroscopic
inertia and transition are received, with the former
being the free gyroscope that retains its properties. The
transition is the property of the gyroscope. As a result,
if a particular force is applied to the free gyroscope, a
specific force will cause the axis of rotation of the
moving gyroscope. Thus, the free gyroscope will
become a controlled gyroscope, free for a short time yet
controlled upon using the compasses. There are two
methods for the free gyroscope to turn the Compass
gyroscope: The Sperry method, with a northern part of
the gyroscope and the Anschutz method, with weight
at the bottom of a system of two round flywheels [17].
3.4 Gyroscopic compass errors
A regular series of inspections are needed to avoid
multiple errors associated with the gyroscopic
compass, including the (a) error of navigation,
direction, and velocity, (b) depreciation error, (c)
ballistic diversion error and (d) ship wall fault. The
inspections include comparison with magnetic
compass indications at least daily and checking the
accuracy of the observations on the ground objects or
celestial bodies [16].
4.1 Radiogoniometer properties
A Radio Direction Finder direction detector (RDF) is
the oldest radio navigation aid used to identify the
address of the station to which the received
transmission was sent to the receiver of the device's
signal. The basic principle of operation of a
radiogoniometer is based on its antenna characteristics,
providing the receiver with a variable power signal
depending on the direction from which the signal
reaches the transmitter. The simplest radiogoniometer
antenna is a simple loop or frame antenna, which may
have a circular shape, rectangle, triangle, etc. [18].
4.2 Radiogoniometer errors
Under ideal viewing conditions, the radiogoniometer
can be highly accurate. However, this is often not the
case. Indicatively, when the recipient determines the
address from which he receives the transmitter’s signal
(beacon, ship, etc.), it is usually not the same as the
corresponding signal. This difference is due to several
factors affecting radio wave propagation and
producing deviations from their regular route. These
factors contribute to various errors in the
radiogoniometer. They are errors due to meridians,
polarities or nocturnal effects, coastal refraction or its
effects due to ship bugs and square error, semicircle
error, total error and radiogoniometer calibration [19].
5.1 Automatic rudder
Autopilot is an advanced electromechanical and
electronic system. It is connected to the gyroscopic
transmission system through ship repeaters to know
that the ship deviates from its steady course, and with
a turn of the rudder blade, the vessel may return to its
course. An alternative automatic rudder also exists,
which uses separate magnets and a compass to
automatically follow the correct route in case of a
vessel’s gyroscopic compass failure [20].
5.2 Automatic rudder function
When the ship leaves its course, the sailor must turn his
steering wheel to the opposite to reestablish the
system. This depends on how many times the number
of degrees the ship is off course has, so it should be
placed at a right angle. Its rudder is usually small
enough to bring the boat back into orbit. On its bridge
is a deck control unit in which a repeater (relay motor)
is operated by a gyroscopic compass on board,
activating the entire autopilot mechanism [21].
5.3 Double unit rudders
Transmission of electrical signals from the deck control
unit to the steering wheel of a double unit to the power
unit of the stern turns into a mechanical or hydraulic
drive. Of course, one should follow the operating
schedule as accurately as possible. The stresses of the
ship, the rudder, the automatic rudder, and the
automatic rudder must also be reduced. This also
depends, of course, on the sea conditions and the
towing capacity of the vessel. Finally, the autopilot is
nowadays equipped with a computer unit that can
plan the entire trip and automatically performs the
required course changes during this time [22].
6.1 The sonar technology
The sonar is an electronic naval instrument that
informs sailors of the ocean’s depth under a ship’s keel.
The operation of the device is based on the emission of
sound waves under the keel perpendicular to the
bottom. The emitted sound waves travel to the bottom,
face it, and then are absorbed, diffused or reflected in
different directions. Most of the reflected sound energy
will return to the source as an echo. With a properly
programmed operating cycle, an audio device changes
its operation from an audio transmitter to a receiver.
The device accurately measures the time elapsed
between the onset of a sound wave and its reflection is
received and determines the depth of the sea by
calculating the speed-space-time ratio [23].
6.2 Principe of operation of sound instruments
The operation of the sonar is based on the constant
speed at which it moves. Ultrasonic waves in seawater
where their reflections when they hit the seabed or
other solid objects from which they return to the
reflected waves form echoes. Unique grooves in the
area of the keel are in place to prevent its destruction.
At the same time, a particular oscillator has been
installed that can receive pulses and ultrasonic waves
of high power of a very short duration perpendicular
to the bottom. Part of the energy of each ultrasonic
pulse as it hits the bottom is also reflected in the form
of echoes at the same frequency as the ultrasonic pulse
returning to its keel and being taken from another
sensitive oscillator. After the frequency propagation,
the time from the launch time to the launch time of the
ultrasonic wave is constant, but the return time is also
constant from projection time to projection time. The
return corresponding to each echo pulse will be
proportional to twice the distance from the ship's keel.
The propagation rate of ultrasonic waves is constant
Loran-C is a long-range positioning system whose
position lines are determined by time difference
measurement and phase comparison. The location of
the corresponding chain is used to determine the
location in the zone. A Loran-C station chain consists
of a primary station, M and two, three or four
secondary stations denoted by the letters X, Y, Z and
W, which are located around the central station in the
centre of the area. Each station emits a long-distance
pulse signal at a frequency of 100 kHz. To determine
the position, the system receiver on board measures the
time difference it receives from the central station. Each
master-slave station determines the position line above
and the ship's position by the intersection of the two
unnecessary position lines. In practice, the seafarer
identifies the Loran-C position in one of the ways: by
using unique Loran-C maps on which the excessive
position lines corresponding to the measured time
differences are drawn, or by measuring matrices, or
even directly by the indications of width and length
provided by certain modern receivers [25,26].
The points identified by the Loran-C system are
some that are divided into systematic and random.
According to some physicists, systematic errors or
mathematical laws lead to the same result in all
measurementserrors due to the Loran-C signal
propagating on land [27].
Random errors due to unbalanced factors are
generated, and it is not accidental since they are not
even observed, so it is impossible to calculate the
corresponding correction [28].
The Global Position System (GPS) system is a second-
generation satellite system. Its development began in
the early 1970s and was completed between 1992 and
1995. It can give sequentially to any area on Earth (a)
High precision placement in three dimensions (width,
length and height of the sea ) (b) Accurate World Time
U.T.C. (c) Ship speed data [29].
GPS positioning is based on the measurement of the
distance of the receiver from three satellites whose
positions are determined at the intersection of three
spheres focused on the position of the satellite, with the
measured distance as a radius, accurately identifying
the location of any part of the earth. The computer
which controls and coordinates all the functions of the
receiver shall be selected by the most appropriate
available satellite, applying corrections, and
calculating the position and speed as well as the
location of the vessel and the dispersion to be followed
to reach the destination and the distance from the given
point [30].
9.1 Introduction to autonomous vessels
Maritime transportation faces tremendous challenges
in our time, such as a significant increase in transport,
environmental and institutional requirements, and
expected reductions in human resources. The
development of technology led to the development of
new navigation equipment solutions, a gradually but
steadily advancing wave of automation. This
development may improve shipping operations by
promoting the adoption of a more sustainable mode of
navigation by reducing the time of seafarers’ onboard
engagement and the subsequent elimination of
seafarer fatigue, stress, and errors [31].
The terms "autonomous" and "unmanned" can be
used several times to identify the same thing. At this
point, it would be reasonable to give the full definition
of the above words. Referring to the word
"autonomous", we explain that the ship can then carry
out some defined operations with little or no care by
the guard officers of the bridge. It does not close the
possibility that there may be a human being. Contrary
to the term "unmanned", we mean that there is no one
in the cockpit of the bridge to supervise any action.
Apart from that, however, the crew may still be on
board. With the term " Maritime Autonomous Surface
Ship " (MASS), it has already been proposed by the
IMO to characterise as a term an autonomous ship.
MASS was established as "ships which have varying
degrees of autonomy and can operate independently of
human interaction" [32].
The Maritime Unmanned Navigation through
Intelligence in Network (MUNIN) organisation carried
out a preliminary Conception and Research for the
Implementation of Unmanned Ships in the shipping
industry; however, several difficulties and doubts
prevent unmanned ships from being widely adopted
by the industry, involving, indicatively, loss of control
while the ship is at sea, accidental damage to the ship
and during the voyage, and insufficient monitoring in
dangerous areas [33].
The absence of a human element is not the only
difference between traditional and autonomous ships.
An essential difference between the two is the
formulation, management and implementation of
individual decisions made by the crew and the master
on conventional ships. Unmanned ships can be
achieved through a combination of remote, automatic
and autonomous control, according to the IMO [34].
An autonomous vessel is a vessel controlled by
automated systems for navigation, including its
engine. These systems will be pre-programmed as we
can now have a pilot who follows the prescribed route
plans. However, autonomous ships are not necessarily
uncrewed. The maintenance team may be involved
during the voyage to maintain or repair systems on
board, as described above, where ships are expected to
be manned as they approach and leave the port. A
reliable communication system will be one of the
challenges of the system; if the autonomous systems
cannot cope, such systems will be retained as a last
resort. An increase in autonomy is expected to reduce
the need for the crew on board [35].
The IMO proposed the following four degrees of
autonomy [32, 36]:
Ship with automated processes and advanced
decision-making functions. The crew should be on
board and control and operate all its systems and
Remotely operated ship with a crew on board. The
ship is controlled and operated from some remote
location, but the crew is still on board.
Remote-controlled ship without crew on board. The
ship is controlled and operated from some remote
location, with no crew on board.
Fully autonomous ship. The ship's operating
system can make decisions and handle all situations
without human intervention.
9.2 The importance of technology for autonomous vessels
Recently, the strengthening of satellite
communications and the continuous improvement of
other transport aids/systems, such as the AIS, The
GMDSS Risk and High Identification and Monitoring
System, or the scope of LRIT, is a reality. All these
have laid the technical foundations for the
advancement of the shipping industry, being strongly
related to its group of remote-controlled ships.
Therefore, the concept of unmanned vessels presents
many vital concepts, such as advantages in the design
and construction of ships, in the reduction in operating
costs such as fuel and labour and, finally, the
environmental impact associated with conventional
vessels. However, the implementation of such
autonomous systems focuses on long-distance
commercial maritime transportation and is still limited
to passenger vessels. Naturally, the autonomous
operation of unmanned ships requires as much
possible navigation and control with high reliability,
error detection and a high safety rate [37].
This requirement, however, includes an inherent
need to provide basic information such as the position
of the ship in real time to avoid allisions and collisions
with other vessels or other obstacles. Contemporary
technology offers automatic collision avoidance and
critical reconnaissance systems, sensors such as radars
and cameras to identify and sweep the vessel’s
environment, and sea navigation and support for
passenger services [38].
Future needs must also focus on the interaction
between manned and unmanned vessels and
autonomous ship control centres. The IMO defines
electronic navigation as a unified collection, integrity,
exchange, visibility and separate analysis of marine
information on board and on land by electronic means
to improve navigation, anchorage and improvement
services responsible for safety and development,
marine protection and protection of the marine
environment. The international conventions lay down
rules for the prevention of collisions with ships and
regulations for the prevention of maritime collisions,
the so-called COLREGS by the International Maritime
Organization IMO. While the COLREGS Convention
mainly focuses on manned vessels, the main objective
is that these regulations also apply to automation
regulations and systems [39].
On an autonomous ship, the implementation of the
system has requirements imposed by the COLREGS
Convention for information provided by the sensor
system and the correct actions in dangerous situations.
Both autonomous and conventional ships must have
an automatic AIS system specifying that radio waves
contain helpful information about the available
position, speed and vessel, such as the type of cargo.
Furthermore, given the necessity for communication
with lights and sound instruments, one should expect
the implementation of a relevant protocol expanding
radio communications to support autonomous
operations. Vessels deploy 400 to thousands of sensors
collecting data for various functions. The transition
will not reduce the number of sensors used, as the data
must be reported to a shore control centre to check the
vessel’s condition effectively [32, 40].
An up-to-date example comes from Rolls-Royce,
which recently announced its development of a centre
of autonomous operations with remote control in 2015.
This joint research program between production,
education and research, entitled Autonomous Floating
Application (AAWA), presents the idea of autonomous
vessels controlled by minimal human resources
through a land control centre. The program currently
runs a series on Finferries' 65m double-ended ferry
Stella, trying to determine how to implement possible
combinations of current communication technologies
in unmanned ships to achieve navigational autonomy
9.3 Future technological applications in autonomous
The spearhead of the Fourth Industrial Revolution's
current wave is information technology, which
performs human-like advanced information
processing activities (cognitive, inferential learning
and decision-making). More recently, this technology
was reintroduced as ICBMS, signifying the
collaboration in IoT, Cloud, with Big Data, Security and
more, as follows [42]:
9.3.1 Internet of things
According to Shancang Li & Li Da Xu & Shanshan
Zhao (2020), the Internet of Things (IoT) means that
everything is connected to the internet now; there is no
point in relating physically or conceptually to each
other. Therefore, although there are many values, it is
essential that the interconnection of things produces
valuable data and that the price used is for the user’s
benefit [43].
9.3.2 Big Data and Analytical Services
Big data has the opportunity to store and process
the traffic data that create a post for in-depth analysis
support; these are all called the data platform. The
innovative autonomous architecture of ships and Big
Data platforms are divided into two types. There is, for
a start, a large data platform inside the ship, an in-
memory analytics platform (Edge Analytic Platform);
the information generated can be collected and stored,
made equal to it in real-time on and off-board, allowing
for the data to be processed in detail in seconds, using
various relevant application services. The next type is
a comprehensive analytics platform that collects and
stores information on the status of selective vessels and
other information systems onshore [44].
9.3.3 Security IoT & Security
According to Cabbar (2022) in Shipbuilding
Industry, technology has introduced automation and-
enabled services of vessel information for efficiency. At
the same time, IT expansion exploits its vulnerabilities
in the data hubs of ground transportation of IT
equipment which is widely implemented, such as
information leaks, attacks on infrastructure and
systems, malware, cyber-attacks, personal attacks such
as data spoofing, etc. Firstly, identity control and data
protection by preventing damage to information
equipment where ships are currently being built
onboard ships. Communication between autonomous
vessels and land, e.g. (Satellite, LTE) data centres.
Finally, the coverage in terms of user identification, the
protection of existing data and the prevention of
intrusion by foreign users [45].
9.3.4 Mobile Technology
According to Ken Dulaney(Dulaney, n.d.) on an
unmanned autonomous navigation ship, mobile
service providers exchange information (messages,
voice, video) with the visitor and with the ground data
centre to resolve any potential problem with the
equipment of the ship. This information is managed in
real-time as the maintenance history and is used as
data for preventive maintenance analysis [42].
9.3.5 Artificial Intelligence
The term Artificial Intelligence (AI), according to
B.J. Copeland (Copeland, n.d.) , refers to intelligence
that machines have created. From a philosophical point
of view, artificial intelligence is divided into Powerful
(Powerful AI) and Weak (Weak AI). the weak part is
not about intelligence but about imitating specific
steps; a prepared set of rules is used. Numerous vessels
are associated with weak AI due to the use of computer
development programmes for risk assessment while
learning security is based on accurate data [46].
9.3.6 Intelligent autonomous ships and land services
For ships to be autonomous in the ocean, they must
consist of operational and essential data. In addition,
the ship can be controlled according to a crisis outcome
of an autonomous nature. In contrast, the existing state
of emergency of the ship is spread in real-time from the
land centre if necessary. A function designed to
perform remote control by land through the collection
of operational checks from the ship to the land control
centre when passing through the port area [47].
9.3.7 Automatic navigation system
The automatic navigation system mentioned in the
AAWA report will include various features such as
route planning (PR), critical recognition unit SA case,
CA collision avoidance unit, and the Ship Status
Detection Unit (Ship Status Detection Unit) SSD
module (Ship status detection). Each unit combined
will have its system function with a dynamic
positioning system and operator data connection
system in the control centre. Then, a complete set of
autonomous navigation systems will be used, such as
SSD Ship Status Detection Unit and Unit Virtual VC
Captain having the highest priority because they
collect information from all other systems and decide
under what conditions the ship operates. According to
other systems, the VC unit determines whether the
vessel should operate autonomously, remotely or if it
failed in safe mode. Situational awareness is an
integral part of the safe navigation of ships.
Understanding unmanned ships must be at least as
good in condition as conventionally manned. The
CA then assesses and avoids the risk of a collision. In
contrast, the RP route planning unit is used as a tool,
and when programming, the CA unit is always active
and real-time, according to current conditions [48].
9.3.8 Land Control Center
Communication with Shore Control Center (SCC)
should always be available. If the computer system
fails to deal with the dangerous situation, the operator
must, with the possibility of remote control, solve the
danger immediately and effectively from the ferry. Not
all data need to be transferred while you find the boat
in fully autonomous mode, but it should be
immediately available when necessary. A quantity of
data will have to be assigned as the number of sensors
currently used on board increases. Lidar and HD
cameras will be used as blind parking spot detection
aid and for light and range detection. Vessels will, in
most cases, operate autonomously from the control
centre, receiving the minimum data rate for effective
vessel surveillance. However, different ways of data
transmission, fast connections that are usually
available near land, where ships may use a 4G
connection or another reliable network sailing close to
land, must be considered along with offshore
connection and other alternatives, such as satellite or
VHF frequencies [32].
9.3.9 Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Current growth dynamics in artificial intelligence
synthesis in areas such as automation can often be
controversial, especially in the shipping sector.
However, Artificial intelligence provides enormous
opportunities for all sectors of society, including the
shipping industry, which will benefit greatly and move
on to automated processes on and off-board, increasing
the reliability and efficiency of global shipping [46].
9.3.10 Electric propulsion
In the areas of power and propulsion, energy
production in the shipping industry will rapidly
change in the coming years. There is evidence
regarding the creation of alternative fuels, energy-
saving equipment, renewable energy sources and
hybrid power generation systems, and this will play an
essential role in the development of the system. The
developments foreseen in GMTT 2030 include dual-
fuel engines running on alternative fuels. Common rail
and other technologies will be redesigned to harmonise
and accommodate them as a new fuel. Of course, the
GMTT report states that in the future, the central
propulsion unit will include larger, more powerful
two-stroke internal combustion engines; ergo, the
automation will allow autonomous monitoring of the
current state of essential and non-essential
components, the monitoring of new engine heat flows,
and its operating parameters will be redefined as well
as an integrated combustion quality control. The
overall performance of the propulsion unit will be
significantly enhanced with new materials, such as
graphene and alloys, in piping alternators and
condensers. This will dramatically improve the overall
thermal efficiency of the engine while maintaining
maintenance costs [49].
9.3.11 Sensors
The ability of the vessel to operate remotely, thus
allowing them to sail independently, is based on the
use of sensors for wireless monitoring. A new wave of
sensor technology will automatically collect data and
transmit this information in real-time to the land
control centre’s of respective shipping companies. This
data will allow shipowners to improve the overall ship
maintenance cycle, including more efficient, targeted,
predictive and cost-effective monitoring of the vessel's
condition. The relevant emerging trend of the
innovative "biosensor" technology provides a
biological component that can create sensitive sensors
that are extremely fast and easy to use. However, these
exciting detection methods require intelligent use of
sensor integration technology robust and data
processing capability. Then smart innovation can
transform vast amounts of sensory data into proactive,
helpful information not only for practitioners but also
for regulators and authorities, i.e. in the case of
environmental data collection [50].
9.3.12 Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and adaptive security architecture
solutions will be required to support flexible digital
ecosystems. The construction of ships and intelligent,
innovative technology infrastructure independent of
the human factor will create further exposure to
potential risks. An effective communication platform,
and a strong level of data encryption, when
transmitting and receiving data from the vessel to the
land control centre, combining dynamic and efficient
to prevent cyber-attacks, satellite navigation systems
will help in uninterrupted and fully efficient
operations on autonomous ships and therefore are
expected to provide robust reliability and efficiency, in
a new era of autonomous shipping [51].
10.1 Advantages of autonomous vessels
Autonomous transportation has the potential to bring
many benefits to transport in the shipping industry, the
most prominent of which are the elimination of human
error, the minimisation of operating costs, and the
avoidance of environmental degradation [32].
As mentioned above, human error is the leading
cause of maritime accidents. Replacing the crew with
automatic navigation and surveillance systems will
undoubtedly result in its elimination. Likewise, naval
transportation safety will be significantly improved.
These developments may also provide a more
enjoyable working environment where factors such as
stress and fatigue will no longer affect the operators of
ships on land to the same extent as they would be
involved in onboard conditions. Further reasons
behind maritime accidents, indicatively incorrigible or
incorrect map calculations or weather conditions, will
also be eliminated [52].
In addition to protecting human life, another
potential benefit is that fuel costs are practically
eliminated by reducing the introduction of
productivity gains. Furthermore, crew costs
including catering costs, equipment, crew
accommodation and other amenities, and their salaries
where seafarers can achieve 10 44% of the operating
expenses the owner saves by the nature of the ship a
significant profit. On the one hand, it is evident that the
cost savings associated with the operation of
autonomous vessels lie in the elimination or reduction
of the crew in it; on the other hand, additional features
that allow the vessel to operate autonomously and
additional staff will be housed in the land control
centre to attend autonomous trips, which certainly
need a significantly increased amount. However,
unmanned ships should be able to operate more
efficiently, thanks to a more efficient energy
management system and improved navigation and
routing systems. Most importantly, it makes sense for
the boat to be more aerodynamic without the
superstructure, such as decks and accommodation
spaces. This will reduce the overall resistance of the
vessel, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing fuel
consumption and operating costs [53, 54].
Last but not least, autonomous transport will
reduce fuel emissions as automation allows unmanned
ships to sail more efficiently and consume less fuel,
thus reducing the environmental pollution. Due to the
integrated accommodation infrastructure, the vessel’s
smaller deadweight is the same. Furthermore, the cost
may be reduced if the various actors in the shipping
and port industry cooperate in time. All interested
parties can coordinate their schedules, depending on
how the goods are shipped, and exchange the
information they have. The alternative fuel use is the
slow use of steam, which is an essential solution in
times of falling demand and the ample supply of ships
for economic reasons crisis. Its use reduces carbon
dioxide emissions and fuel costs by reducing
consumption, and, as a result, unmanned ships are
expected to be less polluting than conventional ships.
This mode of transport can make ships more
environmentally friendly thanks to the slow steam.
Slow vaping is the practice of operating cargo ships,
especially even if the speed of the container ship is
significantly lower than its maximum speed [55, 56].
10.2 Disadvantages of autonomous vessels
The main disadvantages associated with autonomous
vessels are attributed to the cost of construction, the on-
shore management of the vessels, safety issues, and
macro-economical consequences related to the
changing pattern of employment in shipping [57].
To begin with, the construction cost of building a
ship with the technology required to be remote or
independent can be significantly higher than a regular
vessel. Moreover, the automation systems required for
these ships have nothing to do with regular ships.
Now, today's shipyard workers cannot cope with the
new conditions. Most likely, they need further training
- which means augmented costs - and recruitment of
new ones with specialisation and knowledge of
autonomous ships, which means increased labour
costs since the salaries of shipbuilding units will
increase. In conclusion, the shipowner bears the
improved maintenance services and fees [58, 59].
Proceeding with the vessel's management, an
autonomous vessel's control lies with the pilot in
charge of the Shore Control Center. The pilot will
monitor the ship from its embarkment until it reaches
the port, where it will be temporarily manned until the
loading and unloading process is completed. The
pilot’s idea raised many questions about the safety of
the ship because the remote control can be lost at any
time in there and the boat will thus remain unattended
until the control centre regains access, which is very
dangerous, not only for the ship itself but also for other
ships that happen to be sailing nearby. Staff members
will carry out active activity on the high seas to be alert
daily and solve problems. It will participate, for
example, in very active to less active tasks, so
monitoring ships from the coast can perhaps facilitate
other types of human errors [60,61].
Although unmanned vessels are expected to be
safer, several safety, regulatory and legal issues must
be resolved before fully adopting autonomous
navigation in shipping. This process will take a long
time as maritime law and conventions are revised and
adapted to meet the needs of autonomous ships to
adapt to the new chain of responsibility. Also, as
mentioned above, vessels are designed to eliminate
human error, which is the leading cause of marine
accidents. The relevant research results show that the
accident rates, such as collisions and others, will be
significantly reduced. However, scenarios involving
extreme cases, i.e. fire or structural damage to the
vessel, or cases where partial or total loss of control
occurs as a result of a maritime disaster, have yet to be
thoroughly analysed and processed, leaving a gap in
risk management-wise [32, 62].
Finally, the demand for active seafarers will
gradually decline. Consequently, it should be expected
that many existing crews will lose their jobs, which will
increase over time. This phenomenon can cause
massive socioecononomical issues, as this changing
employment pattern must be addressed
internationally; the positive externalities that seafarer
income has for the immediate and broader social
environment are undoubted, and the impact of its
reduction will be tremendous [58].
In the last decades, many navigational systems have
been introduced, changing the face of the maritime
industry. In the Fourth Industrial wave, new
technologies based on innovation, such as the Internet
of Things or AI, have made fully autonomous vessels
feel closer than ever. The adoption of unmanned
vessels will reshape maritime transportation,
excluding the physical interaction of human elements
initially the physical and any exchange in the final
stage of their operation.
Currently, the importance of human interaction for
the efficient operation of those systems and the proper
assessment of the relevant information is undoubted.
However, unmanned vessels are primarily expected to
redefine maritime transportation by minimising or
eliminating human error, possibly leading to
substantial economic, ecological, safety, and security
benefits. Potential hazards (e.g., fire, structural or
mechanical damage, etc.) and obstacles (e.g.,
responsibility, building and control centre functions,
etc.) must be identified. Furthermore, changes in
construction and communication technology costs will
be counterbalanced by more cost-effective routes,
using Big Data, and eliminating crew costs. However,
the need for the human factor will remain for some
time, as autonomous vessels will require human
surveillance, control and intervention through an on-
shore control centre.
While a highly crucial issue for the condition and
development of the shipping industry, and despite the
various challenges which might logically emerge as a
result -indicatively, safety, regulatory, and monitoring-
only the industry-wide deployment of those vessels
will allow for the extraction of more safe conclusions
regarding the adoption of those new technological
innovations. One thing is certain: the shipping industry
will never be the same.
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