The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic made the
education world look for new learning methods .
Maritime Education is one of the institutions affected.
The results of a survey conducted by the International
Association Maritime University (IAMU) have
reported that 93% of its member universities are
affected by its education. Pandemic forces to find
alternatives to overcome the learning process [1].
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang including these
impacts because during the pandemic, work and
learning from home limited facilities, physical
meetings and social interactions to reduce the risk of
contracting Covid-19 disease.
The era of the industrial revolution 4.0, it is hoped
that students can maximize the use of learning media
as an effective teaching and learning resource. But
what is currently happening in the field, the use of
learning media based on information technology, has
not been fully used optimally and the method of
delivering learning materials still tends to be
monotonous and oriented to Lecturers / Instructors as
a source of learning. [2].
This state makes a change from traditional learning
in the classroom to virtual learning. But for maritime
learning that includes vocational education, it turns
out that learning like this is not fully maximal. Thus, a
blended learning approach is needed to combine
online learning with practicum learning. [3].
Covid-19 makes maritime education to adapt
faster. Learning is carried out online, discussions,
questions and answers to assessments are also carried
out online, for practicums, carried out with structured
video demos, simulator training online [4] with all its
limitations. In a previous article published before-
Maritime Education after COVID-19 Era
D. Prayogo
, Supendi
, D. Antoro
, S. Huda
, A. Fitrianingsih
, F. Surjaman
, Purwantono
& Sugiyarto
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran Jakarta, Indonesia
Politeknik Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: The COVID-19 pandemic has very quickly changed various human behavior including the world
of education. Maritime Education is one that feels the impact of the pandemic. Various Solutions in educational
technology must be quickly adjusted to fill the gap and ensure learning is not disrupted. Although online
learning is not new, with the pandemic can accelerate digital learning used to overcome and improve the
quality of online learning. Article we want to convey our experience in organizing maritime education at the
Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic using case study techniques. The results of this study revealed that
although online learning is very helpful for teaching and learning activities during the pandemic, it has not been
able to replace practical learning. With the decline of Covid-19 pandemic cases in Indonesia, the author wants to
make short-term breakthroughs and possible long-term solutions that can contribute to learning in the future.
The use of learning recordings with simulators, practicum recordings and theoretical learning recordings is
expected to help maritime learning in the future.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 2
June 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.02.04
COVID-19, the authors reviewed applications of
immersive technologies, such as virtual and
augmented reality that have maritime simulation
learning platforms. [5].
Researchers tried to provide temporary solutions,
especially in maritime education at the Semarang
Shipping Science Polytechnic from the perception of
teachers. Researchers consider that online learning
with a touch of technology as a solution for maritime
education in the future.
1.1 Maritime Education
Education is a process of gaining knowledge
(knowledge acquisition), the process of honing skills
(skills development), the process of changing attitudes
(attitude of change). Education has several functions,
namely individual and social functions [6]. Individual
encourages people to be more productive in facing the
future. Social functions help a person to become a
society that provides experience. Training
management is a process to condition the available
educational resources including lecturers, education
personnel, libraries, laboratories, facilities and
infrastructure in achieving educational goals.
Educational institutions as a system in the social
sphere are an integrated part of each other. The
quality of Human Resources (HR), not only depends
on the efforts made in educational institutions, but
also influenced by the participation of the
surrounding community towards education. The
higher the participation of the community, will have
an impact on the progress of Human Resources in the
environment. The lower the participation of the
community in the world of education in the
environment, the more backward the quality of
Human Resources produced in the area.
Maritime education management is used to
organize activities starting from admission,
management, learning activities to run in an orderly
manner in order to achieve the desired goals. [7].
In conjunction with the Education Management
activities at the Semarang Shipping Science
Polytechnic, it is focused on developing safety culture,
health activities and quality improvement activities. In
order to instill a culture of shipping safety at sea, it
can be started from agreement activities by training
participants that contain rules during training, rules in
teaching and learning activities, and sanctions for
participants who violate regulations, etc. Then, the
training program is carried out by emphasizing the
importance of planting values to discipline and safety
during training activities. This regulation is
established, socialized and applied by training
institutions regularly and continuously until a safety
culture can be formed starting from the training
institution that will be applied on the ship. After that,
for the activity program in order to improve the
quality of learning to be more directed to the
development of teaching materials in accordance with
the changing times made in all training eyes by
always instilling culture zero accident.
Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang Is one of the
sea transportation schools that organize higher
education that produces graduates to work in the field
of shipping professionally to meet national shipping
needs and be able to compete internationally.
Therefore, it requires the provision of abilities,
discipline, and expertise according to international
1.2 After COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on education
and creates major challenges for higher education.
Maintaining distance and isolation is applied to
reduce the spread of the virus including closing
universities and reorganizing teaching and learning
activities to online learning. COVID-19 requires
educational institutions to maximize technology in the
teaching and learning process.
Maritime education relies on internships as
structured learning through on-board experience as
an effort to achieve maritime competence to work on
board [8]. This is done to obtain skills, knowledge and
experience on board. With the introduction and
adaptation on board the ship accordingly.
STCW advocates education in schools and
internships on board. The maritime curriculum is
carried out with theory and practice, theory is carried
out in the classroom, using books and discussions and
conducted on board and hands-on experience through
simulators. In mid-2022, the Covid 19 Pandemic in
Indonesia has begun to have leeway. Learning is done
face-to-face and masks can be left in open areas. But
the Covid 19 pandemic has provided various
experiences. By combining theoretical learning
obtained through traditional lectures combined with
online learning, distance learning and online exams
are expected to improve the experience and training
to the maximum, then the video recording model and
simulator training can be accessed remotely.
combined with practical experience at sea [9].
This research is a case study conducted at the
Polytechnic of Shipping Science before and after the
Covid 19 Pandemic [10]. Data is obtained through the
author's observation and direct experience of learning
conditions, observed, written and processed in the
form of a summary then processed and applied in
learning. Instrument used is the researcher himself.
Valid instruments through expert assessment.
To analyze the data, the researchers used
descriptive methods. This method is then combined
with the qualitative method of case study, so as to
evaluate the implementation of education. The next
step is to choose an education and training model
through a Planning, Implementation, and Control
approach to determine the appropriate model and
may be useful as a development strategy.
This study intends to get a concrete picture of the
implementation of maritime education after the
Covid-19 Pandemic. The study also reports in detail
on student behavior, learning activities, and
exploration to determine the right learning methods
and development to be applied in everyday learning.
3.1 Result
The closure of access to education during the COVID-
19 pandemic and the implementation of the
Implementation of health protocols were carried out
to control transmission, so that lecturers and students
could not meet face to face for teaching and learning
activities. The direct solution used is the use of online
technology that supports education. Media used for
learning in Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang are
zoom, google meet, youtube and e-learning.
Information technology infrastructure, video-based
digital communication development integrated in
post-COVID-19 education is superior when compared
to conventional learning.
Video collaboration using laboratory equipment,
simulators or practicum equipment is carried out in
groups, involving instructors and students face-to-
face physically and online into a sustainable solution.
Mahasiswa learning online enjoys their own speed
and the flexibility of learning from anywhere and
anytime in learning. Among students and lecturers
are not bound by place and time [10]. However,
online learning also has various disadvantages due to
the lack of interaction between lecturers and students
[11]. Students tend to be less enthusiastic and difficult
to control how active they learn. Learning is
essentially the process from not knowing to knowing.
But lecturers have difficulty monitoring how much
knowledge level of their students, especially maritime
learning centering unique and requires a more social
approach because they have to prepare mentally and
physically when on the boat later. Despite the
limitations of online learning, the positive side alone
is taken and developed after the pandemic gradually
ends. Online and face-to-face collaboration is one of
the smartest options for continuing education after
this situation.
E-learning which is commonly used at the
Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic as an
organizer of maritime education includes digital
books/readings, power points, and video recordings,
both learning recordings, tutorials and how a
machine, auxiliary equipment, machine or maritime
simulator works. Online learning platforms are used
to distribute learning and communication materials,
including whatssapp, email, messages, social media
used to maintain communication. Other learning
media are generally such as google classroom, google
meet, zoom. College assignments use Google Form,
Quizzizz, Kahoot and the use of e-learning. Online
lectures are conducted for communication between
lecturers and students, such as in live classroom
3.2 Discussion
Blended Learning is considered suitable at the
Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic after the
pandemic. This method is expected to strengthen
conventional learning methods even though face-to-
face learning has begun to be done. Classes with the
same course can be combined using online classes
without being adrift, can be recorded and used as
digital video records for students who are late, cannot
attend lectures and students who do not understand
the material can be used as an advanced reference. But
for practicum, it is still done face-to-face with
previous digital explanations so that the results can be
maximized. With the incorporation of this learning
method, theoretical learning can be done anytime and
anywhere and learning time can be prioritized for
practicum, so that the quality of vocational school
graduates can be further improved by the priority of
the same time allocation but the results can be
At the end of each chapter and material session, it
is given online questions using google form, quizzizz
or kahoot. The online application is very helpful for
writers in testing students about how far the mastery
of the material or just a quiz to create an atmosphere
so that online learning feels real. Scores after
answering can also be directly displayed so there is no
need to provide corrections such as problems in
conventional learning. Students below the minimum
score can be directly assigned assignments or replay
questions to achieve minimum grades. When using
the zoom application, it can also be done room
sharing so that discussions on online learning can also
take place properly. In May 2022, the Indonesian
government announced a relaxation of wearing masks
and applied face-to-face learning, but the author felt
that the Covid-19 pandemic made the breakthrough in
the field of Education still used to help the maritime
teaching and learning process because it was superior
when compared to conventional learning before the
pandemic. Digital learning in the future that wants to
be pioneered is digital learning that utilizes web-
based simulators for remote training even though the
pandemic has begun to end [12].
The Internet, as a medium of education, is already
helping new methods for lecturers, students and
college admins to share information, resources and
communicate, creating a new ecosystem in the way
education is used and utilized by all parties. The
current concept of distance learning refers to the use
of web-based online learning. The utilization of the
internet is becoming more attractive for online
learning because it provides solutions for learning.
Students become easier to communicate with other
students in real terms and interact socially with
library lecturers, administrative personnel and other
sources of information that were previously difficult
to do [13]. These various learnings are a solution for
better online learning, especially maritime education
at the Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic. The
COVID-19 pandemic taught blended learning models
faster than previously thought, consisting of online
lectures and the use of the internet in learning. This
learning model has flexibility and reliable ability and
is easier to adapt to the evolving situation in the
world of Education. Information, meetings,
regulations, changes or new methods in the world of
Education become easier to socialize to all levels of
Education, faster, cheaper, effective and efficient
without limited space and time.
Education using emerging technologies and has
the potential to change good educational methods in
the future [14]. There are two major changes
envisaged for the future education of maritime
learning, among them are the use of Virtual Reality
and Adaptive Learning.
Virtual Reality is more sophisticated and cost-
effective, Virtual Reality technology provides high-
quality simulations at a relatively low cost compared
to conventional simulators. The latest generation of
Virtual Reality technology has lowered prices, high-
resolution displays, powerful computing and more
compact graphics processors at a cheaper price as a
maritime school investment cost. [15]. Adaptive
Learning is considered the next solution because it has
the ability to provide computer-assisted training and
provide benefits for students to review the material
delivered in the classroom and provide assessments.
Adaptive learning is a learning method that
prioritizes effectiveness and efficiency. Adaptive
learning is a teaching and learning process that is
made according to the needs of students through
appropriate learning resources and feedback and
prompt direction between teachers and students.
Adaptive Learning takes it one step further and is
based on the idea of adapting learning methods to
students' learning styles [16]. Adaptive Learning is
suitable for generation Z children who have clever
characteristics and are close to technology and the
internet, multitasking, more interested in visuals, like
dynamic and fast work, and enjoy trying.
To carry out the learning of this digital era, it takes
the ability and skills to use technology as well as
competencies to integrate technology into teaching.
As education moves towards online, it is important to
ensure that teachers and students have the necessary
technological skills. Mahasiswa when preferring to
use technology and more comfortable in using a
computer, internet. So that lecturers must be able to
compensate, provide examples, facilitate the
supremacies, and make virtual exploration more real,
flexible and facilitate the delivery and understanding
of materials. Lecturers must be able to train
interaction, provide material reinforcement, develop
student knowledge, provide feedback through verbal
cues and physical movements [17][18].
The COVID-19 pandemic is a lesson for maritime
education. Learn from his own experience to apply
practical solutions to future education. The author
tried to share the experience using a blended learning
approach that is suitable to be applied at the
Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic. This method
is easier to apply in learning and can be developed to
the maximum in the future. Millennial education is
forced to adapt together and connect with the world
community. Thus, we can learn with other students
around the world, collaborate and adapt together. The
benefits of post-pandemic blended learning are
expected to be the future solution of shipping
education and have a positive impact on students,
lecturers and maritime education as a whole as well as
the continued use of information technology.
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