There is currently a growing trend towards the
introduction of photovoltaic and wind power plants
in Electric Power Systems (EPS). This responds to the
need to replace conventional units that use fossil fuels,
as a measure to reduce the growing environmental
pollution and its depletion. However, solar generation
has an inherently intermittent character, due to solar
irradiation behavior incident on the panels [1-4].
Two causes can be distinguished in solar daily
irradiation pattern. The first one corresponds to the
diurnal variation cycle and the second one is related
to local effects caused by rapid low clouds movement
over the panels [2-5]. Large variations in solar
irradiance due to the first cause are easily predictable
and relatively slow, typically less than 1%/min, while
those due to the second cause can reach values greater
than 10%/min and are difficult to forecast [1]. The
beginning and end of shadows, due to these clouds,
cause large variations in solar irradiation incident on
the photovoltaic panels. This can be detrimental to
their operation, not allowing them to follow the
maximum power point programmed in their work
algorithm (MPPT), as well as causing rapid active
power imbalances in the system to which they are
connected, with frequency deviations from their
nominal values, negatively affecting the quality of the
energy delivered to the system, as well as their safe
The increasing penetration of generation from
renewable energy sources, especially solar,
significantly amplifies the problems mentioned above
and is therefore a reason for research aimed at
Solar Generation Estimation in Electric Power Systems
for Prospective Frequency Control Studies
A.A. Martínez
, O.E. Torres-Breffe
, M. Vilaragut-Llanes
, O. Delgado-Fernandez
& Y. Salgado-Duarte
Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría", Havana, Cuba
AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
ABSTRACT: Increasing the presence of non-conventional clean energy sources in Electrical Power Systems
(EPS) is a global strategic goal. Particularly, photovoltaic systems are attractive due to their versatility, low
maintenance cost, easy installation, noiselessness, etc. However, the integration of photovoltaic systems into
EPS increases the necessary regulation actions performed by system generators due to stochastic fluctuations of
solar radiation, especially on cloudy days. Even using complex models that consider many variables, solar
irradiation and its corresponding photovoltaic power generation are difficult variables to forecast with accuracy
in cloudy day scenarios. To address this problem, Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have been proposed as a
solution to mitigate the variability of photovoltaic generation, which reduce the need to use traditional spinning
reserves and provide auxiliary grid services. The BESS selection required to mitigate photovoltaic generation is
directly related to the worst-case daily variability of photovoltaic generation in the short term. This paper
proposes a practical estimation of daily perspective photo voltage solar generation curve in Electrical Power
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 2
June 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.02.02
promoting quality regimes and safe system operation
[5]. In many countries, restrictions have been
established to control power fluctuations of grid-
connected photovoltaic power plants to ensure the
reliability and quality of the generated active power.
An example of the above statement is the case of
Puerto Rico, where a maximum limit of photovoltaic
power generated variation has been established in
10% of their nominal capacity per minute [6].
Similarly, in Germany, transmission grid operators
have imposed a ramp variation limit of 10% per
minute like the case of Puerto Rico [6].
Multiple studies have measured, by means of
irradiation sensors, the variability of irradiation in
photovoltaic power plants, proving that it can vary
more than 50% of its nominal values in 1 second
intervals [7-8]. This makes the use of BESS energy
storage sources necessary to satisfy the constraints of
ramp variations of generated power in different
countries, since conventional units are not capable of
varying their generation in such small-time intervals
with the necessary speed. Furthermore, BESS function
is to reduce the ramp variations in either direction of
photovoltaic power generation plants to the stipulated
values [9].
The effect of solar radiation variability on
photovoltaic power plants is different when analyzing
a single plant or a set of plants distributed in a certain
region. Previous studies have been reported in
different scenarios that when a set of plants is
considered, there is a strong effect of generated power
variability reduction, which is called "smoothing
effect" [7-10]. This effect derives from the typical
cloud dimensions (1-10 Km) and its velocity.
The variability reduction (VR) is defined in [10] as
the ratio between the variances calculated at a present
time interval according to the expression:
where σ
Δt is the generated power variance in a
photovoltaic power plant in the time interval Δt; σ
is the total generated power variance in the set of
photovoltaic power plants in the time interval Δt.
Studies reported in [10] for time intervals of 10
minutes show that variability reduction ranges from
1.7 to 3.3 times. The study period was 1 year. In
similar studies [1], performing calculations in 5-
minute intervals, in one year period, report values
between 2.4 and 4.1. This shows that the variability
depends on considered time interval. The longer the
time interval, the smaller the reduction of variability,
i.e., the smaller the flattening effect of the generated
power. In [12-13] it is shown that, with no correlation
between generated photovoltaic plants powers,
variability of a set N of farms can be calculated as:
The correlation between the powers generated by
the set of farms will depend on the geographical
separation between their locations. In [14] it is shown
that the correlation coefficient between photovoltaic
farms decreases as the distance between their
locations increases. In [15] it is established that in
order to perform perspective calculations it is of
utmost importance to estimate the maximum variation
of the generated power of the future set of farms,
considering their locations and the corresponding
flattening effect of the summary generation, to avoid
oversizing BESS capacities of necessary units for an
effective frequency control under these conditions,
with the corresponding economic effects. In [16] it is
verified that high values of irradiance variation,
measured by sensors in photovoltaic generation plants
in small time intervals, are not reflected in similar
values of power variations in the complete plant or to
sets of plants, which could be impacting in system
What would be then the time intervals that should
be considered, to estimate power variation in
photovoltaic power plants, to determine their
interaction with the system to which they are
connected and therefore their influence on frequency
In [16] it is stated that time intervals depend on the
type of study to be executed, for the case of frequency
regulation studies the intervals would be in the order
of seconds to minutes. In the case of load covering
studies, the intervals to be analyzed correspond to
tens of minutes and in the case of economic dispatch
and planning of electric power systems, the variability
associated with the diurnal cycle is the necessary to be
To estimate BESS nominal values, (Power and
Energy), necessary to perform primary and secondary
control of frequency, with important increases of
photovoltaic penetration, it is necessary to start from
perspective estimates of photovoltaic power
generated in the days of greater variations, where
intervals of several seconds to minutes are considered.
This implies starting from current simultaneous
measurements of power in existing installations that
have a sampling time of at least one second. From
these measurements it is possible to estimate the
future behavior when solar photovoltaic penetration
in the system increases. The estimation must consider
the flattening effect of the photovoltaic generation, the
existence or not of correlation between different
plants generated power, as well as different climatic
seasons during the year and the possible variations
from one year to another. Similar calculations must be
made for wind power plants if the total installed
power does not allow to disregard the variations
caused by the randomness of the wind in perspective
From these calculations and using concentrated
models of the considered power system [17-18], it is
possible to estimate BESS nominal values that ensures
an adequate frequency performance. In these models,
photovoltaic and wind generated powers should be
included, by means of "lookup" tables during the days
of greater variability in intervals of the order of one
second. In analyzed works, studies are reported to
select BESS nominal values that globally compensate
active power variations resulting from an important
penetration of photovoltaic power plants. The
selection criterion, under these conditions, is the
system frequency behavior.
In the present work, daily average solar power
generation curve is estimated in per unit (p.u.) with
respect to installed capacity under 2030 system
conditions. For this purpose, it is necessary to assume
that it´s shape is like that of the current average curve
of maximum daily variations obtained from database
processing of years 2019 and 2020. In subsequent
works, estimates of Cuban System frequency behavior
for different nominal values of BESS will be
The present work is structured as follows. Section
II presents information of processing tool required to
estimate photovoltaic generation in 2030. Section III
presents the necessary requirements for BESS nominal
values estimation. Section IV presents the estimated
maximum daily solar generation curve and Section V
presents conclusions.
In the Republic of Cuba, a significant penetration is
planned for the coming years, bringing the generation
by non-conventional plants to around 25% of the total
generated power in 2030. To estimate the future
behavior of the photovoltaic power generated in a
daily cycle, considering its variation in intervals of
several seconds to minutes, it is necessary to start
from the information of the current generation
performance in the system in different actual existing
installations, which requires the processing of
extensive databases. This is practically impossible if
there are no computer programs developed for this
In Cuban Electrical System, power of most of the
installed photovoltaic generation plants ranges
between 4 and 6 MW and they are planned to be
separated from each other by no less than 8 km to
make the correlation between the generated powers
negligible [19].
FREDAT V1.0 tool developed by the authors for
this purpose is presented. This tool, based on
simultaneous measurements of active power
generated every second in different solar generation
plants in the form of Excel tables, performs the
following actions:
Filters the database, eliminating erroneous values
and making interpolations between values when
losses of measurements are detected in the
Determines the curves corresponding to the
highest power variation observed on the day of the
solar farm under study, on the days with the
highest incidence of clouds, previously selected
using adjustable length windows.
From the set of solar farms under study in a day,
the combination of solar farms with the highest
and lowest generation variation corresponding to
different combinations of a selected number of
solar farms, as well as the summary power curve
in one-second intervals. From these curves, an
average variation power curve is obtained for the
analyzed day from the combinations with the
highest and lowest variation.
For adjustable time windows, curves of average
power values are calculated, and from them the
sum of power values above and below these
average values, calculated as:
where P
i is the instantaneous power and Pm is the
mean value calculated using the adjustable
window and Δt is the time interval between
measurements. In this way it is possible to estimate
the energy value during the day, necessary to
cover the variability of the generated power with
respect to the average values previously calculated.
Maximum and minimum values of energy during
the day are calculated for isolated farms or
combinations of N farms previously selected in the
main screen.
To better understand the performance of the
developed tool, Figure 1 shows it main screen. The
database must be stored in a folder with known
address in Excel format. To start the work, the
location of this folder must be placed in the upper left
part of the screen.
Figure 1. Main tool screen of FREDAT V1.0.
Next, all the files in the database are displayed,
which are selected by clicking on the arrow and the
files corresponding to generated powers during
different days in the different PV plants of the system
are loaded, which are listed in the third column by
their names when analyzed day is selected.
The buttons in the fourth column allow selected
plants deletion. The second button eliminates any
errors that may exist in the database and fills in the
missing measurement information by linear
interpolation. The last button saves the database ready
to start calculations.
Before starting it is necessary to set the common
power base, because the farms have different powers,
and it is necessary to take a common base. This is
done in the space under the “Potencia Base” (Power
Base) sign. Under the option "Ventana de variabilidad
(min)" (Variability window (min)) the size of the
window for the calculations is selected. If a farm is
selected and the variability key is pressed, the result
shown in Figure 2 appears for the selected farm, in
this case 11, which corresponds to Santa Teresa Farm.
Figure 2. Power generated from Santa Teresa Farm.
Figure 3 shows how the program calculates the
maximum variation, which in this case is by moving a
5-minute window over the database and calculating
the maximum power variation in that window and
updating it as the window moves through all the data
so that at the end the highest generated power in the
window for the selected generating plant on the day is
Figure 3. Calculation of the largest power variation by
moving a 5-minute window over the data base.
To calculate the variation of several plants of the
total number of plants loaded, click on the “Múltiple
Variabilidad” (Multiple Variability) key and mark the
number of plants to calculate this variation as shown
in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Maximum variation for combinations of four
farms by 5-minute window movement over the database.
In this case, the maximum and minimum variation
of four farms combinations are calculated from the set
of 11 farms loaded in the program. The values of
maximum variation in p.u. with respect to the
capacity of the farms in the case of one farm is 0.847pu
for the Santa Teresa Farm and in the case of four farms
it is lower.
The above is the result of the flattening effect
resulting in 0.51pu, corresponding to the farms Pinar
2, Caguagua, Guasimal and Santa Teresa, in the case
of the four farms shown in Figure 4.
The program also calculates farms combination
considered to cause the lowest power variation during
the day as shown in Figure 5, for three farms
combinations. From the curves of maximum and
minimum variation calculates curve of average values
of power variation.
In the case of three farms combinations, from the
total of 11 farms in the database, 165 combinations are
required to determine the group with maximum
variation. In the case of five farms combinations, the
number of required combinations for comparison
reaches 462.
Figure 5. Minimum, mean and maximum variation for
combinations of three generating plants from a database of
11 units.
The objective of processing the databases of the
generating plants is to estimate the values of the
highest power variation of a set of N plants that
would work connected to the grid at a future date to
estimate the nominal values of the BESS that could
compensate these variations.
In multiple works [10-13] it is found that the
maximum power variation of a set of plants decreases
as the number of plants increases. In [20] it is
established that an acceptable estimate of this
variation can be estimated from successive operations
for all combinations of plants in the data. Thus, it is
possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the
trend of the maximum power variations. Carried out
calculations show that from a given number of farms
in the data the results tend to practically the same
The developed tool provides this possibility by
adjusting the trend of the maximum variation curve of
the generated power as a function of the number of
grouped farms, just by pressing the "Variability
Curve" key. Figure 6 shows the results for groupings
from 1 to 11 farms on a selected day. In this case, the
values of the different groupings for the maximum
power variation on the selected day is estimated as
( )
0.66956 0.22119
= +
where N is the corresponding number of grouped
If the number of plants is large then it can be
considered that the value of maximum variation of the
generated power would correspond to the
independent term of the equation 0.2212 p.u., which
corresponds to 22.12% of N plants power connected to
the system. The above can be seen in Figure 6 where
the curves for minimum and average power variation
for different groupings are also shown.
Figure 6. Results of the perspective calculation of the
variation of the generated power for the case of 10 plants
connected to the system for the selected day.
Days with the highest variability in the year(s), are
selected as the initial database, see Table I in
Appendix. Maximum power variation will be an
upper limit to be considered for necessary BESS
nominal values to compensate these power variations.
For the above-mentioned reasons, it is possible to
know the average values so that the specialist can
decide the values to be considered in BESS selection.
In the case of the energy necessary values to
compensate the power variations around the average
are calculated with 15-minute windows, the program
looks for the sum of the instantaneous powers that
exceed or not this average value to then calculate the
energies delivered or consumed with respect to this
average value and the sum of these accumulated
energies, each one with its sign allow us to estimate
the maximum energy that a BESS would produce to
compensate for the power variations of the
photovoltaic plants.
Figure 7 shows this procedure graphically, where
the red curve represents the average values and below
the red areas correspond to the energy consumed by
the BESS and in blue the energy that should be
delivered. The values of interest would be the
maximum accumulated values during the day,
consumed or delivered.
Figure 7. Maximum energy calculation process to cover
variations in power generated by photovoltaic plants.
Similar procedures can be performed for different
combinations of farms working with the total
generated power and proceed in a similar way as in
the case of calculating the maximum variation of the
power when N plants are tended. Figure 8 shows the
Figure 8. Energy trend as a function of number of plants.
The BESS used in frequency control must not only
compensate the variability of the power generated by
the photovoltaic plants but also be able to, in cases of
important active power deficits in the system,
maintain the frequency at acceptable values until
measures can be taken to restore the normal working
regime of the system, and this condition is usually the
one that determines the energy values of the BESS
required to be implemented in the system [20].
To reliably select the nominal values of the BESS in
[19] it is established that it is necessary to take into
account: Considerations related to the lifetime of the
battery, such as Depth of Discharge (DoD),
temperature, life cycle as well as other aspects such as
its efficiency and the requirements of its behavior in
the system.
Among these requirements are:
Perform primary and secondary frequency control
by limiting the participation of conventional units
only at times when large power unbalances are
generated. This is possible by adjusting dead bands
in the BESS lower than those of conventional units
and adjusting lower droops in their active power
Decrease the primary and secondary regulation
reserves of the conventional units, favoring their
efficient work and increasing the planned
maintenance intervals.
In case of sudden departures of generating units, it
must be able to maintain acceptable frequency
values for a sufficient period so that measures can
be taken for tertiary frequency control or decision
making by the operators to restore the working
regime to safe conditions.
To verify compliance with all these considerations,
it is necessary to model system behavior under
working conditions that are estimated to occur in the
future, using simplified concentrated models of the
generators, the BESS and its controls, the predicted
daily load curve, the curves of the total power
generated by all the photovoltaic and wind power
plants in one second intervals, which would be
connected to the system at the analyzed time.
In the case of the Cuban System, it is projected that by
the year 2030 the solar installed capacity will be
around 2000MW. To check the behavior of the
frequency using BESS of different nominal values, it is
necessary to study the behavior of its load state
during the day, which avoids the decrease of its
For important capacities of solar generation, curves
of this generation must be obtained by similar
procedures using solar generation databases. The
question to answer then would be:
What would be the maximum power variation in
MW of N farms whose installed power is 2000MW
and from this the summary power curve every
Maximum variation estimated processing
measurements from six photovoltaic farms was
0.3232pu, and its trend for many farms is 0.251pu. If
the base taken to make the current power sums was
20MW, this maximum variation can be estimated as:
2000 0.251 20
0.3232 32.48
= ×
where the factor 20/32.48 reduces the values to p.u.
with respect to the capacity of the six farms and the
factor 0.251/0.3232 considers the flattening of the
maximum variation when the number of farms tends
to a large number.
If we multiply the graph of average generated
power of the six farms in p.u. in the day based on
their sum power by the factor seen above, we will
have the generated power estimation when there is an
installed capacity of 2000MW. The results obtained
from the above estimation in the interval from 7am to
7pm are shown in Figure 9. Maximum power
variation in 5-minute window in the analyzed case is
in the order of 500MW.
Figure 9. Estimated solar generation curve (7am-7pm) with
maximum power variations in the Cuban “Sistema
Electroenergético Nacional” (National Power System) in
This does not mean that the BESS should have a
capacity of 500MW because it represents a higher
value. To estimate more reliable values it is necessary,
using concentrated models of the system, and the
curves of solar and wind generation in 1 second
intervals, to check the behavior of the frequency for
different nominal values of the BESS, as well as the
time that can maintain the reliable work of the system
before critical conditions of outputs of generating
units, with the objective of allowing the operator to
make decisions for system recovery.
The computational tool developed allows, from a
database of current simultaneous measurements of the
power generated in photovoltaic units, to project into
the future to estimate the maximum variation of this
generation in the day, knowing the total installed
power, as well as the estimation of the curve of
greater variations of power generated in the day.
This curve is necessary for the selection of the
BESS that meets all the requirements for its use in
frequency control in the system. In order to verify the
above, modelling is required to verify the fulfilment
of these requirements, which will be the subject of
future works.
The work has been financially supported by the Polish
Ministry of Education and Science.
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