The question of cruise routes awareness in costal
navigation is important due to the fact that cruise
ships spend major part of itineraries in costal
navigation, often in environmentally delicate and
preserved locations. High passenger demand and
increased demand for new cruise ships contributes to
cruise industry development and create trend where
cruise ships are becoming bigger [3, 15]. That trend
makes significant objective for increased awareness of
maritime traffic safety in coastal navigation [4].
During last twenty years, the Mediterranean
region as well as the Adriatic region record
considerable rise in number of ports of calls, currently
around 30 cruise ports are in use by cruise lines in the
Adriatic Sea [1618]. The Adriatic Sea for the period
from 2015 to 2019 represents the fastest growing
region in the Mediterranean with 18.70% growth in
cruise calls and 20.90% in total passenger movements
[1, 2]. Central and South part of the Adriatic East coast
is the fastest growing region inside the Adriatic with
25.75% growth in cruise calls and 46.07% in cruise
passenger movement for period from 2015 to 2019 [1,
2]. In addition to notable cruise industry growth, East
coast of the Adriatic Sea is the region with great
portion of indented coast line with high level of
environmentally preserved and natural protected
areas with rich biodiversity and high national
importance. One of these areas in Croatian part of the
Adriatic are three National Parks Brijuni, Kornati and
Cruise Ships Routing in Central Part of the Adriatic East
J. Dorigatti, Z. Lusić, T. Perić & G. Jelić Mrcelić
University of Split, Split, Croatia
ABSTRACT: Strong expansion of cruise ships traffic and cruising destinations in the Adriatic makes the region
ideal for cruise ships routing analysis. The aim of this paper is to detect real cruise ships traffic movement in
order to understand how present cruise ships routes are navigationally and environmentally sustainable and
safe. Cruise ships characteristic operational demand and navigational routine in relation with regions indented
coast line with high level of environmentally preserved areas in landscape of high national value, emphasise
importance of real cruise ships routing awareness.
The research is based on one year cruise ships traffic monitoring and routes analysis in the Central Adriatic East
coast. The results offer detail insight of cruise ships navigational routines in navigationally less defined area that
has not been frequent cruising region before. Cruise ships routes comparison is carried out between North
Adriatic region, which is well defined with traffic separation schemes and navigational aids and less defined
Central and South Adriatic regions. The results show that principle of cruise ships routing differ from standard
maritime practice and that operational demand for attractive cruising and passenger experience bring cruise
ships close to shores in various demanding navigational situations. That routing practice does not meet criteria
of sustainability as it often present high navigational, safety and environmental risk.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.19
Mljet and two Natural parks, Lastovo island and
archipelago and Telašćica. Taking in consideration
above said, cruising routes in coastal navigation in
rapidly growing region have to be closely reviewed.
The research will focus on the Central Adriatic
region with emphasis to the area of Vis Island and its
archipelago. The objective of this research is to detect
and analyse current cruise ships routing practices in
the Central Adriatic East coast. The focus is to prove
that operational demand for attractive cruising and
passenger experience, bring cruise ships in
navigationally restricted, environmentally protected
areas with elevated safety, navigational and
environmental risk. Furthermore, that the risk
increases in less regulated navigational regions. The
aim is also to show how cruise routes differ from
standard maritime traffic flow that is defined by
Central and Northern Adriatic Separation Scheme.
Current researches and publications related to
maritime traffic in the Adriatic Sea are available.
Impact of cruise ships routing in coastal navigation
from the aspect of sustainability written by Dorigatti,
J. ‘et al.’ [3] analyse current researches in maritime
sustainability and discuss operational part of
sustainability in cruising industry and its importance.
The paper concludes how cruising industry
operational practice is important factor of maritime
sustainability and has not been enough researched.
Main sailing routes in the Adriatic written by Lušić
and Kos [10] and The Adriatic maritime traffic study
written by Zec ‘et al.’ [19] in detail discuss maritime
traffic and routes in the Adriatic region. One of the
conclusions of these researches’ states that maritime
traffic flow in Central Adriatic is mostly directed
through Central Adriatic separation scheme and that
maritime accidents are rare which indicates good
maritime traffic coordination. In these researches
focus is given on general longitudinal maritime traffic
from Otranto strait to Northern Adriatic ports.
Analysis of maritime traffic in central part of the
Adriatic written by Lušić, Pušić, Medić [11] analyse
sailing routes and structure of maritime traffic. The
study is focused on maritime traffic inside Central
Adriatic Separation Scheme. The study concludes that
the greater part of the longitudinal sailing route
extends in the area of sufficient depth and width
where there is no significant danger to navigation
with exception of danger of collision with the
opposite and transverse traffic and danger of
grounding in the broader area of Palagruža island.
Environmental consideration of the Adriatic East
coast is elaborated in the report ‘Routing of ships,
ships reporting and related matters - Establishment of
new recommended Traffic Separation Schemes and
other routing measures in the Adriatic Sea’ issued by
IMO, Sub-Committee on safety of navigation 49th
session [6]. In the report emphasis is put on the island
Vis, Jabuka, Svetac, Biševo, Sv.Andrija, Palagruža and
island of Mljet. The report declares that maritime
traffic and incidents are warnings of very serious
environmental problems and advice the need for
perseverance and protection.
During last decade east coast of the Adriatic Sea
region has experienced strong development of
cruising destinations and high growth in cruise calls
and passenger movements. Expansion of cruise
industry has created new routes that have become
standard navigational options for cruise ships. In
order to determine and understand cruise routes that
are in use today detail analysis of cruise ships traffic
movement in Central part of the Adriatic East coast is
carried out. The research is performed processing data
from ‘Evaluation model of sanitary wastewater
pollution from cruise ships in the Adriatic Sea’
research [14]. All cruise ships movements were
monitored on daily basis during one year period
(from August 2014 to July 2015) using Marine Traffic
software. The research is carried out during busiest
five-month period in the Central and South part of the
Adriatic East coast on cruise ships over 50 000 GT.
Data were selected, analysed, interpolated and
chartered in order to determine real cruise ship traffic
flow. The research shows that majority of cruise ships
have constant seasonal itineraries among scheduled
ports with repetitive cruise routes. With that in mind,
cruise ships navigational routine doesn’t change and
obtained results don’t become obsolete with time if
maritime regulations don’t change.
Figure 1. shows cruise ships routes in use in the
Central and South part of the Adriatic East coast. The
routes are drawn according to real cruise ships
movement obtained from the research. Cruise ships
routes are marked as black lines. In order to compare
cruise ships movement with standard maritime traffic
flow through separation schemes, North and Central
Adriatic separation scheme is marked by two red
Figure 1. Cruise ships routes in central and south Adriatic
east coast
Resource: Ministry of the Sea Transport and Infrastructure
Republic of Croatia, chart amended by the author [13]
The main sailing route in the Adriatic Sea is
longitudinal sailing route in NW - SE direction, it is
defined by North Adriatic separation scheme, Central
Adriatic separation scheme and the Otranto Strait
(Figure 1). North Adriatic separation scheme branches
in the Northwestern and Northeastern direction
directing traffic to the biggest ports in the North
Adriatic [7]. Due to presence of gas and oil rigs and
high traffic concentration the North Adriatic region is
well defined with separation scheme and aids to
navigation. Central Adriatic region is defined by the
Central Adriatic separation scheme, the region is more
spacious and unobstructed with less defined traffic
corridors [7]. North and Central Adriatic is covered
by VTS system. In addition to VTS system every sea
craft that operates in accordance with directives of the
Resolution of the IMOs Maritime Safety Committee,
MSC: 139(76) from December 5, 2002 is obligated to
participate in the “Adriatic Reporting System“
(ADRIREP). The area is divided into five sectors each
of them assigned to competent authority operating on
designated VHF channel [5].
The most frequent cruise ships route in the Central
Adriatic East coast region is the outer island
longitudinal route in the Northwest-Southeast and
Southeast-Northwest direction. Depending on cruise
ships destination and captains navigational decision
there are variety of longitudinal routes that are in use
today. Geographical area that will be analysed in this
paper is the Central Adriatic outer island region with
focus on Vis Island region since the most frequent
longitudinal cruise routes pass in vicinity of Vis
Island and its archipelago. In addition to that traffic
monitoring has shown that area is exposed to higher
safety, navigational and environmental risk.
Monitoring of cruise traffic showed that cruise
ships on the longitudinal route to the South Adriatic
East coast ports or North Adriatic ports do not use
Central Adriatic separation scheme. In Northwest-
Southeast direction after leaving the North Adriatic
separation scheme cruise ships proceed along outer
island route on the way to the South Adriatic ports on
the East coast. In Southeast-Northwest direction
leaving the South Adriatic ports cruise ships proceed
on the outer island route until they reach the Northern
Adriatic separation scheme (Figure 1). They chose to
pass through some geographically restricted,
navigationally demanding and environmentally
sensitive areas. The challenges that central part of the
Adriatic east coast meet are cruise routes that pass
close to the shores of environmentally sensitive areas
and cruise ships close quarter and crossing situation
in navigationally restricted and environmentally
sensitive areas.
Island of Vis and its archipelago with Biševo, Svetac,
Jabuka and Palagruža islands form the outer island
region in the Central Adriatic East coast. According to
Figure 2. the region is frequent with longitudinal and
transversal cruise ships traffic. Longitudinal routes
pass south of Svetac and Biševo islands, between
Svetac and Biševo, between Biševo and Vis and north
of Vis Island along Vis channel. Transversal routes
pass west of Vis island between Biševo and Svetac
island and east of Vis between Hvar and Vis islands.
Figure 2. is created according to monitored real
cruise ships movement. Black lines are real cruise
ships routes in use, red circles present high-risk areas
from the aspect of navigational and environmental
safety. High risk sectors are in following geographical
areas: island of Svetac (1), passage between Svetac and
Biševo island (2), Biševo channel (3) and Vis channel -
northeast of Vis (4).
Figure 2. Navigational risk areas - Vis Island and its
Resource: Marine traffic data, amended by the author [1, 13]
1. Svetac island
2. Passage between Svetac and Biševo Island
3. Biševo channel
4. Vis channel
3.1 Svetac island
The Island of Svetac stands about 12.7 M west of the
island of Vis [5]. Cruise ships routes pass frequently
shores of Svetac island in northwesterly and
southeasterly courses. On southeasterly courses from
the North Adriatic ports to the South Adriatic East
coast cruise ships don’t use Central Adriatic
Separation Scheme. They proceed along east coast
outer island route, passing south or north of the
Svetac island (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The example of cruise routes passing shores of
Svetac island - Central Adriatic
Resource: Marine Traffic, amended by the author [12]
Figure 3. shows real cruise traffic movement
around the Svetac island region. For the purpose of
presentation movement of one cruise ship in period of
time is selected and presented (Figure 3). Blue line
represents actual cruise route taken by a cruise ship.
Black circles have 3 M diameter and represent
environmental reference to the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, Anex IV (MARPOL) [8]. Traffic monitoring
showed that 76 cruise ships passed inside 3 M from
shores of Svetac island with average retention period
of 16.1 minutes. 155 cruise ships pass on 3 M to 6 M
distance and 47 cruise ships kept 6 M and more from
the island shores. Traffic monitoring showed that 6
times in 90 minutes period two cruise ships meet
inside 3 M from island shores. In one occasion 3 cruise
ships met in 90 minutes period inside 3 M from the
island shore.
Navigational risk occurs when cruise routes pass
close to the shores of the Svetac island and when
cruise ships meet in head on or overtaking situation
close to the island shores. Head on and crossing
situation close to the island shores puts cruise ships in
northwesterly courses in particularly demanding
navigational situation, since shallows and shore are in
immediate vicinity on ships starboard side [9]. In
addition to cruise ships traffic, the area around the
Svetac island is a fishing ground with a dense
presence of fishing boats depending of fishing season.
Taking above mentioned in consideration, passing
near the shores of the Svetac island presents
navigational risks of grounding, collision and
environmental risk.
3.2 Passage between Svetac and Biševo island
Passage between Svetac and Biševo island is part of
longitudinal and transversal corridor cruise ships use.
Longitudinal southeasterly routes proceed to South
Adriatic east coast destinations while northwesterly
routes head to North and Central Adriatic ports.
Transversal routes in northerly and southerly
directions connect port of Split with southern Adriatic
destinations and Italian coast.
Figure 4.1. Overview of cruise route passing from
Mediterranean regions to Northern Adriatic ports
Resource: Marine Traffic application, amended by the
author [12]
Figure 4.2 Fragment of Figure 4.1. Cruise route passage
between Biševo and Svetac island on the international route
from the Mediterranean region to North Adriatic (Italy)
Resource: Marine Traffic application, amended by the
author [12]
Figure 4.3 Overview of transversal and longitudinal routes
in Biševo and Svetac island region
Resource: Marine Traffic, amended by the author [12]
Figures 4.1 - 4.3 show longitudinal and transversal
cruise ships routes in the Central Adriatic region
around Biševo and Svetac islands. Blue line represents
real cruise ship route, light blue line is 12 M limit,
dates and times indicate when a ship left and entered
12 M area and red square emphasise points of interest.
For the purpose of presentation movement of two
cruise ship is selected and presented. First ship
(Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2), second ship (Figure 4.3).
During research period 43 cruise ships passed
between Svetac and Biševo island, 21 cruise ship pass
inside 3 M from Biševo island with average retention
period of 19.23 minutes, 51 cruise ships pass on 3 M to
6 M distance from Biševo island and 6 cruise ships
kept 6 M and more from Biševo island. Monitoring
has shown that 5 times in 90 minutes period, two
cruise ships meet inside 3 M from Biševo island
Traffic monitoring has shown cases where cruise
ships from the Mediterranean regions, passing from
the Otranto strait to North Adriatic ports, avoid
Central Adriatic Separation Scheme and proceed
between Svetac and Biševo island on the way to the
North Adriatic Separation Scheme (Figure 4.1, Figure
Navigational risks for cruise ships traffic that pass
between Svetac and Biševo islands are: cruise routes
that pass close to the island shores, head on and
overtaking situation close to the island shores,
crossing of longitudinal and transversal routes in
restricted coastal areas and presence of water-crafts,
sailing boats and fishing boats inside the passage as
the area is traditional fishing region and nautical
touristic destination.
General comparison between traffic flow in the
North Adriatic which is well defined with traffic
separation schemes and navigational aids and traffic
flow in the Central and South Adriatic, as less defined
maritime zone has been made. It has shown that
cruise ships routes oscillate from standard traffic flow
which is defined by longitudinal corridor that pass
through the North and Central Adriatic Separation
Scheme (Figure 1, Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2). The
research has shown that all doubtful navigational
decisions have been carried out in navigationally less
defined Central and South Adriatic region.
3.3 Biševo channel
Biševo channel leads between the SW extremity of Vis
Island and Biševo island. The channel is 2.2 M wide; it
is navigationally restricted for passage less than 300 m
from the shore with recommended daily passage [5].
In addition to that the region is popular touristic,
nautical and fisherman destination with dense
seasonal watercraft, sailing and fishing boat traffic,
which makes navigation of large cruise ships serious
safety and environmental risk.
Figure 5. shows Central Adriatic region with Vis,
Biševo and Svetac islands. Blue line represents actual
cruise route taken by two cruise ships in period of
time and red square emphasise point of interest. Black
circles have 3 M diameter and indicate environmental
reference to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, Anex IV
(MARPOL) and safety navigational reference to
distance cruise traffic pass from the island shores [8].
Dates and time indicate when a ship entered and left 3
M area. Data collected has showed that selected routes
are not isolated case nor made by coincidence but
have become standard navigational choice for
monitored cruise ships in period of time.
Figure 5. The example of cruise routes in use passing Biševo
channel Resource Marine Traffic, amended by the author
Cruise ships routes through Biševo channel are not
usual, however despite of restrictions, cruise ships
passage in Biševo channel was detected. During
monitoring period, a cruise ship passed through
Biševo channel 5 times with average retention period
25.2 minutes inside 3 M from shore. The passage was
carried out by identical cruise ship, that shows that
the route has become standard navigational routine
for monitored cruise ship. Observed cruise route put
cruise ship in immediate grounding and collision
danger (Figure 5) [9].
3.4 Vis channel
Vis channel is situated between island of Hvar and Vis
in the Central Adriatic. It is located in intersection of
longitudinal and transversal routes. Longitudinal
inland cruising route connects the Northern and
Central Adriatic region with the Southern Adriatic
ports. Transversal route connects Split with South
Adriatic coast and Italy.
Main navigational risk is crossing of transversal
and longitudinal route and head on situation in
restricted area of Vis channel. Longitudinal inland
cruise traffic during research period was not constant,
on the other hand transversal traffic is frequent. With
cruise traffic there is a frequent ferry and catamaran
connection from Vis and Lastovo islands to Split and
vice versa. In addition to that the area of Vis channel
is very touristy popular with developed nautical
tourism and dense leisure craft traffic.
Taking above in consideration navigation in Vis
channel has to be carried out with caution because
risk of collision and grounding is elevated [9].
Figure 6. show longitudinal and transversal cruise
ships routes in the Central Adriatic region around Vis
channel. Blue line represents real cruise ship route,
light blue line is 12 M limit, dates and times indicate
when a ship left and entered 12 M area.
Figure 6. The example of cruise routes in use passing Vis
Resource: Marine Traffic, amended by the author [12]
The research has shown various situation cruise ships
encounter during their operation. In order to meet
operational schedule and offer unique passenger
experience cruise ships have chosen routes that are
navigationally challenging. Navigational decisions
taken by some cruise ships, in order to meet
operational demands were unpredicted and
performed often in unusual maritime manner.
Route monitoring has shown that cruise routes are
repetitive, they become usual navigational practice as
majority of cruise ships have standard seasonal
itineraries. With that in mind, irrespective of
monitoring period, cruise ships routing practice does
not change if maritime regulations don’t change.
Research proved that cruise ships in order to
comply with operational demand, in less defined
navigational regions, plan routes that present
navigational, safety and environmental hazard. Cruise
ships traffic analysis showed that cruise ships have
been choosing high risk navigational routes
deliberately and that selected routes are not
exemption nor taken by coincidence. On the contrary,
the routes have become repetitive practice and
standard navigational routine.
Comparison between traffic flow in the North
Adriatic, which is well defined with traffic separation
schemes and navigational aids and traffic flow in the
Central and South Adriatic, as less defined maritime
zone, has proven that cruise ships routes oscillate
from standard traffic flow. Cruise traffic overview has
confirmed that cruise ships on the way to the South
Adriatic East coast ports do not use Central Adriatic
Separation Scheme. In addition to that the research
has shown that the most doubtful navigational
decisions have been carried out in theCentral and
South Adriatic region.
The study has brought to the attention how well-
defined traffic schemes and efficient traffic
coordination are of high importance for regulated and
safe maritime traffic. With that in mind, it is of high
importance that cruise traffic expansion is well
controlled and equally complemented with
investment, implementation and development of
routing systems, efficient traffic control and maritime
regulation. With aim to create and maintain efficient
cruising operation with high level of navigational
safety, environmental preservation and natural
Monitoring of cruise routes has brought to the
attention lack of regulation and coordination in new,
developing and expanding cruising regions. The
research has shown that cruise industry is unique
when it comes to passage planning in costal
navigation. Operational requirements for cruise
itineraries and route planning differ from maritime
industry standards. Which certainly leave a room for
detail analysis of cruise ships routing in costal
navigation in one of future researches.
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