Each shipping operator will always strive for the ship
to operate optimally and efficiently in the hope that
there will be a better profit margin so that it can
support the continuity of the company to be more
developed [18, 19]. In this paper the author will
present the optimization of space under the main deck
for Landing Craft Utility (LCU) ships. With this
optimization, the cargo will increase and the ship's
revenue will also be more [15, 17]. The LCU ship that
we know so far is a ship whose cargo is always above
the main and the space under the main is unused
Void Space. LCU ships are usually used for crossings
between islands with a crossing that is not too far
away and contains vehicles or heavy equipment. From
the phenomena that exist on passenger ships are
usually made to have a high enough loading capacity,
see figure 1. This makes passenger ships with
optimization of cargo space quite interesting to
discuss [1, 21]. Basically, the tank on the ship can be
used to take advantage of the empty space for the
placement of vehicles as long as a double bottom
construction is made as a replacement [7, 16]. This
double bottom construction serves as a buoyancy
reserve to provide buoyancy when the ship is
operating [5, 11].
Previous research the history of ship design
optimization shows that there are several
contemporary holistic approaches related to the
previous method. The main advantage is that a multi-
objective optimization method of ship design
problems is solved by considering simultaneously
(holistically) all aspects of the ship system design and
not as a collection of parts [3, 8]. Based on previous
studies, the methodology that is often used begins
with the creation of a parametric model that captures
the main details and internal compartments of the
ship, then with the integration of a numerical tool is
developed to determine the performance of each
variant of the ship type [13, 20]. This allows an
Optimization of Space Under Main Deck on Landing
Craft Utility (LCU) Ships to Increase Loading Capacity
S. Sugeng, M. Ridwan, S. Sulaiman & S.F. Khristyson
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: With this optimization, the cargo will increase and the ship's revenue will also be more. The LCU
ship that we know so far is a ship whose cargo is always above the main and the space under the main is
unused Void Space. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimization value of the use of space under
the main deck of the Landing Craft Utility (LCU) ships. method used in this study is a comparison with several
previous ship approaches to produce evaluation results from the addition of loading space under the main deck
and calculation of stability using computational software approximation. LCU design of under main deck space
with a maximum vehicle value can accept a vertical moment of 2750 mm. With a structural strength of 13150
tons. A series of numerical experiments show that the proposed method can effectively produce a satisfactory
LCU ship design optimization plan for ship owners.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.10
analysis that can evaluate many functions and design
constraints, as well as part of the optimization
problem [2, 10]. The differences that have been
identified by the previous authors are the lack of a
way to capture the uncertainty inherent in the
physical environment and a suitable numerical model,
an emerging design opportunity that is expected to
provide a more pragmatic representation of the
solution space to decision makers [4, 8]. Meanwhile
several studies show that there is a modern approach
to ship design, which is implemented in practice
using appropriate software platforms and tools,
introducing parametric design into the ship design
process, allowing exploration of considerable design
space before a decision is made [12, 14]. This approach
is often used in the modular ship design process,
where the major parts of the ship (hull, engines,
fixtures, navigation bridges, etc.) are considered as
modules with specific functionality, connectivity, and
associated space and weight requirements [6, 9].
The limitation of this research is that the shape
used is the development of the LCU ship, and the size
of the vehicle used is 16 Light Truck 2.5 Tons on the
cargo section of the ship, the calculation includes the
stability of the ship with the ability to carry load
capacity. The purpose of this study is to determine the
optimization value of the use of space under the main
deck of the Landing Craft Utility (LCU) ships.
Figure 1. LCU ship after space optimization
Then after calculating the value of the stability of
the ship, the data obtained, see table 1.
The method used in this study is a comparison with
several previous ship approaches to produce
evaluation results from the addition of loading space
under the main deck. So it is hoped that these
additions can provide the best optimization value
from this design process, see figure 2.
Table 1.Calculation Stability Criteria LCU ship after space optimization
Item Name Quant. Weight Long. Vert. Trans. FSM FSM
tonne Arm m Arm m Arm m tonne.m Type
Lightship 1 625.3 19.848 4.417 0.000 0.000
Crews & Effect 1 2.200 7.570 9.710 0.500 0.000
Provision Store 1 0.500 2.000 9.000 2.500 0.000
Cargo Hold 1 40.00 28.380 2.200 0.000 0.000
Cargo on Deck 1 188.7 25.310 5.300 0.000 0.000
Cargo on M-Deck (under SS) 1 7.500 7.000 4.850 0.000 0.000
Ballast (aft)p s(fr. 1 s/d 3) 0% 0.0000 2.044 2.730 -2.754 0.000 Maximum
Ballast(aft)sb (fr. 1s/d 3) 50% 11.36 2.088 2.091 2.709 14.538 Maximum
FW. Sanitary (fr.1 s/d 3) 97.9% 6.298 2.077 2.913 -5.711 0.806 Maximum
Sludge (fr. 1 s/d 3) 97.9% 6.298 2.077 2.913 5.711 0.806 Maximum
FO. Settling(ps)(fr.13 s/d 14) 0% 0.000 14.250 2.085 -3.468 0.000 Maximum
FO. Settling(sb)(fr. 13 s/d 14 20% 5.870 14.250 0.551 2.876 28.750 Maximum
FWT (ps2) (fr.15 s/d 19) 97.9% 17.01 19.508 0.628 -4.261 34.324 Maximum
FWT (sb1) (fr.15 s/d 19) 97.9% 13.15 19.503 0.523 1.168 6.912 Maximum
Ballast (ps) (fr.19 s/d 24) 100% 39.69 26.250 0.588 -2.916 0.000 Maximum
Ballast(sb) (fr.19 s/d 24) 100% 39.69 26.250 0.588 2.916 0.000 Maximum
FOT (ps1) (fr.24 s/d 29) 0% 0.000 33.732 0.535 -1.164 0.000 Maximum
FOT (sb1) (fr.24 s/d 29) 0% 0.000 33.732 0.535 1.164 0.000 Maximum
Ballast (ps)(fr.29 s/d 32) 100% 12.24 39.450 0.640 -1.729 0.000 Maximum
Ballast (sb)(fr.29 s/d 32) 100% 12.24 39.450 0.640 1.729 0.000 Maximum
FPT (fr. 33 s/d .... ) 0% 0.000 45.167 3.097 0.000 0.000 Maximum
FO. Service day Tank (Ps) 97.9% 3.020 4.600 2.932 -1.500 0.490 Maximum
FO. Service day Tank (Sb) 97.9% 3.335 11.350 2.736 3.000 1.258 Maximum
FWT (ps1) (fr.15 s/d 19) 0% 0.000 19.503 0.533 -1.169 0.000 Maximum
FWT (sb2) (fr.15 s/d 19) 0% 0.000 19.507 0.636 4.265 0.000 Maximum
FOT (ps2) (fr.24 s/d 29) 0% 0.000 33.421 0.662 -4.143 0.000 Maximum
FOT (sb2) (fr.24 s/d 29) 0% 0.000 33.421 0.662 4.143 0.000 Maximum
Fixed Ballast 1 38.40 24.650 1.500 -0.047 0.000 UserSpec
Total = LCG = VCG = TCG = FSM = FS corr.= VCG fluid=
1073 21.590 3.851 -0.003 87.885 0.082 3.933
Figure 2. Research Methodology
Calculation of stability using computational
software, where the value obtained from the
calculated data will later be poured in the form of a
graph to make it easier to analyze the results of the
study. Results of the evaluation of the addition of
space under the main deck become a separate
consideration for ship designers to provide a good
loading and unloading system as well. system in
question is an elevator, see Figure 3.
Figure 3. Elevator Cassis
The elevation system mounted on the ship is a lift
system design that makes it easy for vehicles to access
up and down. This system does not require a lot of
space for operational processes, however it requires
hydraulic power and limits on the weight of trucks
that can be accessed for the up and down process. The
standard used in this stability calculation is in
accordance with the IMO standard, see figure 4.
Figure 4. Load Case Criteria
From the design attributes, the design of this
additional loading space is categorized into several
models which are illustrated by Figure 5.
Figure 5. Design by Importance
Some of these aspects indicate the need to review
several considerations in determining the design.
Figure 6. Importance by Design
From this comparison, it can be seen that designs 1
and 2 have the closest parameters, where in terms of
the comfort level, the value is very high, while the cost
of each has a value that is relatively almost the same.
From designs 1 and 2, stability analysis was then
carried out and then obtained the results of the
stability criteria as set out in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Stability Criteria
Results show the value of GZ at an angle of 70
degrees in design 2 is better than the previous
researchers and design 1. From a fairly critical angle,
the length of the moment arm returns to its original
position up to 7.6 m. In balance with the distance from
Keel to Metacenter and Keel to Buoyancy which
shows a good trend as well. Results of the comparison
of VCG with IMO show conditions that meet the
standard requirements, see table 2. So that this second
design can be used as a reference in optimizing the
space under the main deck to increase the capacity of
the ship's truck loading space.
Table 2. Result VCG comparison with IMO standard
Code Criteria Value Units Actual Remark
A.749(18) Ch3 Area 0 to 30 0.055 m.rad 0.165 Pass
Design criteria Area 0 to 40 0.090 m.rad 0.899 Pass
applicable to all Area 30 to 40 0.030 m.rad 0.287 Pass
ships Max GZ at 30 or greater 0.200 m 1.757 Pass Angle of maximum GZ 25.0 deg 25.0 Pass Initial GMt 0.150 m 5.185 Pass
A.749(18) Ch3 3.2.2: Severe wind and rolling Pass
Design criteria Wind arm: a P A (h - H) / (g disp.) cos^n(phi)
applicable to all constant: a = 0.99
ships wind pressure: P = 504.00 Pa
area centroid height (from zero point): h = 6.344 m
total area: A = 278.640 m^2
H = mean draught / 2 1.133 m
cosine power: n = 0
gust ratio 1.5
Area2 integrated to the lesser of
roll back angle from equilibrium (with steady heel arm) 1.0 (-0.3) deg -0.3
Area 1 upper integration range, to the lesser of:
angle of max. GZ 25.0 deg 25.0
angle of max. GZ above gust heel arm 25.0 deg
Angle for GZ(max) in GZ ratio, the lesser of:
spec. heel angle 45.0 deg 45.0
Select required angle for angle of steady heel ratio:
Deck Edge Immersion Angle Pass
Angle of steady heel shall not be greater than (<=) 16.0 deg 0.7 Pass
Area1 / Area2 shall not be less than (>=) 100.000 % 27427.2 Pass
Area 1 shall not be less than (>=) 0.000 m.rad 0.414 Pass
Intermediate values
Heel arm amplitude m 0.069
Equilibrium angle with steady heel arm deg 0.7
Equilibrium angle with gust heel arm deg 1.1
Area1 (under GZ), from 1.1 to 25.0 deg. m.rad 0.457
Area1 (under HA), from 1.1 to 25.0 deg. m.rad 0.043
Area1, from 1.1 to 25.0 deg. m.rad 0.414
Area2 (under GZ), from -0.3 to 1.1 deg. m.rad 0.001
Area2 (under HA), from -0.3 to 1.1 deg. m.rad 0.002
Area2, from -0.3 to 1.1 deg. m.rad 0.002
Area B / Area A = 1.055/0.669 1.000 1.580 Pass
From the comparison results of several models and
previous studies, it is known that the LCU design
value still enters the IMO criteria. This can be seen
from the VCG value and the mass structure which is
quite ideal for the number of vehicles accommodated,
see figure 8
Figure 8. VCG Comparison and Structure mass
LCU design of under main deck space with a
maximum vehicle value can accept a vertical moment
of 2750 mm. With a structural strength of 13150 tons,
it still shows a fairly good capacity from the design
attribute, which has a significant value. This is in line
with previous research which showed the influence of
the increasing number of vehicle capacities that can be
loaded, the more vertical gravity is formed.
The second design is designed to get a car layout with
the maximum level of comfort and total convenience.
In order to reduce the problems related to the carrying
capacity of the vehicle, a ship rolling-stability
heuristic approach based on VCG feedback (positive
and negative) was taken into account. Based on the
guidance mechanism, the results of the structure mass
calculation describe the guidance provided by the
existing vehicle layout to the room below the main
deck, while based on the elevator system mechanism,
it is a solution to access vehicle arrivals to the vehicle
layout. A series of numerical experiments show that
the proposed method can effectively produce a
satisfactory LCU ship design optimization plan for
ship owners.
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