Compared to regular sea-going vessels, DP vessels
have a high risk of getting into accidents due to their
proximity of operations with the installations, even
with a very reliable system. This reliability is achieved
using a significant amount of electronic equipment
due to increased complications in DP vessels. Humans
are at the sharp end, and the chances of making errors
are relatively large. Therefore, the maritime industry
must reduce these risks to make the industry safer and
more efficient.
This paper will review three accidents related to
DP operations. Furthermore, a survey among
experienced DP operators and instructors will be
addressed. Issues regarding human performance,
technological challenges, and organizational handling
will be discussed and compared with the technical
requirements published by Petroleum Safety
Authority of Norway (YA-711) [8] as the codes on
Alerts and Indicators 2009 by IMO only gives basic
provides general design guidance [5].
A triangulated model is used to reflect on the
issues in bridge operations and the alarm handling
process. The three parameters for the triangulated
model are survey results (α), technical requirements
(β), and past (three) accidents (γ) as shown in Figure
Alarm Handling Onboard Vessels Operating in DP Mode
S. Nepal & O.T. Gudmestad
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Haugesund, Norway
ABSTRACT: This paper explores concerns regarding the design, implementation, and management of alarms in
DP vessels that, while in operation, need an incredibly high level of accuracy along with high reliability and safe
operations. The Human, Technological, and Organizational factors (HTO) method is primarily used as analysis
tool to find weaknesses in alarm handling during DP operations. The research focuses on results collected from
Dynamic Positioning Operators (DPO) and instructors. Findings from the survey are presented and compared
to the results from past accidents and technical requirements from Petroleum Safety Agency Norway via YA
711. Three accidents from past are referred to picturize the findings from the survey results. Furthermore, the
conclusion is given with recommendations reflecting the findings from the survey. The main findings are an
urgency to establish a centralized marine accident investigation system which enforces learning and
recommendation to make operations safer. In addition, the survey also suggests that prohibition of clients or
limiting their access to the bridge is necessary. Manufacturers could focus on research and development of
alarm prioritization, on structuring and presentation, and profiting by taking feedback from end-users to make
DP operations safer.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 16
Number 1
March 2022
DOI: 10.12716/1001.16.01.05
Figure 1 Triangulation of parameters.
The cause and effect of inefficiency and confusion
on a bridge will be evaluated with the help of Human,
Technology, and Organizational Analysis [9]. HTO
factors comprise potential in system analysis, design,
and improvement. This method reflects on the
foundation of understanding, improvement, and
development of a properly functioning system [10].
Finally, the results will be presented by discussing
findings from the survey. HTO analysis will reveal the
weaknesses of the current alarm system based on
survey results. The revelation of practical issues
occurs because the survey questionnaire focuses on
practical issues during alarm handling while the
vessel is in a DP mode. Hence, the accidents that have
occurred on DP vessels under the operation in a DP
mode will be used to validate the survey results.
A qualitative approach based on literature review and
survey is adopted as there are little quantitative data
available. An investigative approach is taken in order
to fulfill the purpose of the research [1].
HTO analysis is preferred to analyze the survey
responses due to its simplicity in projection and
understanding of the issues in three vital system
categories. It is unpretentious to segregate any
functioning structure to be implemented in the
human, technology, and organizational division.
Thus, implementing changes or mitigation measures
would be straightforward and effective for impact on
the safety, performance, and efficiency of DP
Operations [10].
In HTO analysis, research is done using the term
humans, pointing towards the operator operating the
DP system, while the organization is the supplier of
the equipment and the shipping company or an
operator/charterer. Finally, the term technology is
aimed to be used for the sensors, equipment, or
instruments, both digital and analog, that aid in the
safe and successful completion of DP operations.
An analysis is done by comparing existing
guidelines (YA 711, [8]) for alarm systems with survey
results. YA 711 has classified alarm design
requirements into the following categories [8].
General requirements
Alarm generation
Alarm structuring
Alarm prioritization
Alarm presentation
Alarm handling
A list of 43 requirements in YA711 [8] for the six
different categories mentioned above is divided into
either human, technology, or organizational
references, as shown in the appendix.
The main concern about alarm systems today is that
offshore vessels are ineffective in resolving issues
regarding alarm systems with advanced technological
tools. It is essential to examine the fundamental issues
hindering offshore vessels’ resilience towards
accidents caused by alarm systems.
Three past accidents are studied; the first is the
collision of PSV Sjoborg with Statfjord A (2019)
published by Equinor [4], the second the collision
between Big Orange XVIII and Ekofisk 2/4-W (2009)
investigated by [2], and the last the collision of
Samundra Suraksha with Mumbai High North
platform (2005) analyzed by [3]. These scenarios will
be used for the validity of survey results.
A collision occurred between Statfjord A and PSV
Sjoborg on 7th June 2019 while loading and
discharging from the platform that was under a
maintenance stop. Sjoborg was operating in load
reduction mode with a preexisting technical issue, i.e.,
10-15% reduction in thruster power. During
operation, power to two of three bow thrusters was
lost. The vessel drifted against the installation,
resulting in severe material damages to the lifeboat
station and monkey island but with no human or
environmental fatalities [4].
It is seen from the accident investigation report by
PSA that underlying causes resulted in insufficient
thruster power [7]. This could be related to the failure
of, or incorrectly installed components, or disruption
from defective components, which led to network
failure in the blackout safety system (“network
storm”). Furthermore, loss of network frequency
measurement on the main switchboard, activation of
the load-reduction mode with restriction of all
thrusters to 10-15 percent of maximum output,
nonconformity between DP commands and automatic
shutdown of thrusters 1 and 3 [4] occurred before the
collision. Due to the overwhelming amount of error
messages and alarms, Dynamic Positioning Operators
(DPOs) could not take proper action to avoid a
collision even with experienced DP operators.
On 8th June 2009, the well simulation vessel Big
Orange XVIII (5000 tonnes) ran into Ekofisk 2/4W. The
ship lost control after entering the 500-meter safety
zone surrounding the Ekofisk complex [2]. The vessel
with a speed of 9.7kn collided heads-on with
approximately 71MJ collision energy with Ekofisk 2/4
X and 2/4 C [6]. Detailed analysis and calculation of
impact loads is drawn in research performed by
Shengming Zang in “The Mechanics of Ship
Collisions” [12]. Due to severe damage to the jacket
installation, ConocoPhillips decided to shut down the
installation and permanently plug the wells. New ice
class vessels that are built with new standards will
complicate the situation. Design of these vessels can
be seen in Guidelines for Finnish Swedish Ice class by
It is seen from the accident investigation report by
ConocoPhillips (2009) that lack of cooperation
between the bridge team and lack of situational
awareness, together with shortcomings in the
decision-making capacity of the bridge team, was the
primary cause of the accident. However, the root
cause of the accident was a distraction by an irrelevant
bridge routine call to the captain within the 500
meters safety zone [2].
The third accident is Samundra Suraksha, a
multipurpose vessel that collided with the Mumbai
High North platform on 27th July 2005 to ensure the
medical evacuation of ship personnel. The vessel
collided with the riser leading to a leak of
hydrocarbons, which eventually led to an explosion
and total loss of both installation and ship (later, 1st
August). On the day of the accident, the vessel had no
preexisting issue in its instruments or its navigational
system and was seaworthy. However, the vessel
experienced challenging weather conditions (35kn
wind, 5m swell and 3kn current) [3].
The collision risk management principles were
insufficiently implemented in the third accident for
in-field vessels’ risk management as mentioned in the
guidance on enforcement [14]. In the case of
Samundra Suraksha, no procedures were established
to manage risks of collision, which governs the overall
approach to identify hazards, assess risk, and establish
an appropriate procedure for the detection, control,
and mitigation. This is reflected by the captain’s
misjudgment (observed that starboard azimuth
thruster pitch was sluggish) while switching the
vessel to manual maneuvering in tough weather
conditions. These actions reflect on a poor
organizational safety culture, where operating policies
were not followed into operations by the DPO. The
pre-entry checklist and procedures following the
operation within the 500m safety zone were ignored.
The safety culture has been shifting in time with the
evolving concept of quality management (change
management), the approach termed Kaizen
(continuous improvements), emphasis on resilience
organizations, and many other philosophies.
However, the possibility of accidents occurrence
depends on several minor details deep-rooted in the
organizational structure. In order to understand issues
regarding the alarm system present onboard offshore
vessels, the study of relevant guidelines and technical
requirements was done. At the same time, the results
from the survey were evaluated under the umbrella of
the YA 711 technical requirement published by
Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (2001). While
doing so, weaknesses in the current system are
anticipated to be outlined.
A questionnaire for the target group was prepared
to figure out the issues as per the technical
requirements in YA 711, in six distinct categories.
Each category has individual requirements for either
human perspective, technological perspective,
organizational perspective, or any combination of
these three, as shown in Appendix.
Survey results were collected from two target
groups, one being DP operators and the other being
DP instructors. End-user input is expected from DPOs
regarding training methods and information
regarding the preparation of seafarers for DP
Table 1. List of Participants in Target Group
Target Group Questionnaire Interview
DPO 40 1
Simulator Instructors 3 1
Total Participants 45
HTO analysis is used for the categorization of
answers and comparing them with relevant
guidelines. Results from the survey are found to be as
In general requirements of alarm development and
function, the primary purpose of an alarm system is to
act as a tool for operators to handle critical and
atypical solutions with precision and effectiveness [8].
On the other hand, the survey reflects the
importance of several factors, such as contributors,
that reduce the attention and cognitive ability to
handle alarm systems properly. One of the questions
from the survey was the effect of a client’s presence on
the bridge while working on a DP operation. This
event can be seen as distraction for DPO and hence,
raises the risk of accidents during a DP operation.
Nearly half of the participants agreed to this as shown
in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Main contributors for distraction in the bridge
during operation.
The criticality of distraction on the bridge can also
be seen from the collision between Big Orange XVIII
and Ekofisk 2/4. The captain lost his focus while
fulfilling responsibilities that had no connection with
the vessel maneuvering. The captain enabled autopilot
before taking a phone call. After his return, he could
not figure out why the vessel was not responding to
his input [2]. This fact supports that unwanted events
affect the cognitive ability of DPO, especially when
there is a need for full concentration in operation.
For alarm generation, there were a high number of
technical requirements compared to human or
organizational requirements [8]. The survey found
that it was not allowed to change the alarm
suppression system in many cases, and if allowed, the
alarm suppression systems were used for the wrong
reasons. An example during an interview was that the
alarms were toned down, especially when the clients
were onboard. In addition, it was revealed that there
were several alarms for one variation or deviation
from the preinstalled limit, and this one deviation
affected several functions or positioning parameters.
Alarms were triggered for all the connected systems /
systems associated with the deviated parameter,
which caused “alarm fatigue” to the DPOs.
The alarm generated and displayed on the bridge
of Big Orange XVIII was not effective, as the captain
could not notice the vessel was on autopilot that he
initiated earlier. Thus, the captain did everything else
but disengaging the autopilot before the collision.
In alarm structuring, the primary responsibility
according to YA 711 lies in the technological sector to
provide improved alarm structuring [8]. Provision for
grouping, sorting, and selecting various alarms and
features should be provided per operators’ needs. A
simple overview of alarms that are suppressed,
shelved, or inhibited should also be displayed. The
alarm suppression system and its presentation
method should be understood by the operator in the
overview display. Simultaneously, the operator must
understand the different alarm features, such as
suppression of alarms and alarm filtration. PSA does
not recommend the latter, according to YA 711.
Figure 3 Areas where alarm performance could be
According to the survey results shown in Figure 3,
the DPOs suggested a necessity for improved
technology for the end-user where alarms are
manufactured according to human-centered design.
These improvements will not just improve the end-
users’ experience but will aid in reducing accidents.
In the collision between Sjoborg and Statfjord A,
after the loss of 2 bow thrusters, the DPO onboard
Sjoborg faced the challenge of keeping the vessel
away from installation while sorting out the relevant
alarms to avoid a collision. The DPOs were struggling
because of overwhelming and numerous alarms in a
short time [4]. This fact supports the finding from the
survey where significant efforts are required to stage a
structured alarm system that could increase the DP
operator's effectiveness and reduce the limitation.
For alarm prioritization, all three parts of HTO
play a role. Firstly, operators should prioritize the
urgent alarms; thus, the operators should use this
feature to be efficient and effective during abnormal
situations. Given that manufacturers would provide a
system that aids alarm prioritization, improving
operators’ focus will severely impact operations.
From an organizational perspective, shipping
companies should develop a strict policy to
implement alarm routines and procedures. Standing
orders from captains on the vessel should be clear and
well-rehearsed in advance. These routines are
constructive as it makes operators familiar and
comfortable with the prioritization procedures that
the system designers have developed.
Figure 4 shows that about 62% of the survey
participants reflected the impracticality or lack of
flexibility to prioritize alarms dedicated to critical
operations. In contrast, 25% were sure that it was
possible to prioritize alarms. Prioritization is critical
as it eliminates human limitations by reducing the
observation parameters to critical alarms only.
Figure 4 Possibility of improvement in Alarm Systems.
In case of the collision between Mumbai High
North and Samundra Suraksha, the captain doubted
the instrument message as “acting sluggish” in his
opinion and switched to manual control once the
medical evacuation was completed [3]. This might be
because of a practical drift [13] in the organization or
lack of procedures or in-field vessel risk management
system. This incident reflects on the importance of
alarms and their effects on the result of an operation.
Ultimately, the DPO’s underestimation of the value of
a working system led to the catastrophe.
For alarm presentation, it is asked from the
manufacturers that the design of an integrated alarm
system installed on a ship must have standard color
codes, symbols, and alarm categorization methods,
which help the operator be precise and effective. A
‘dark screen’ concept should be implemented because
there should be no alarms on the main display when
there are no genuine abnormalities on the ship or
A necessity for flexibility is seen in Figure 5, when
it came to reducing audio and flashing lights due to
alarms. The majority of the participants said it was
possible to reduce the overwhelming intensity of
alarms both for visual alarms and audio alarms. Thus,
alarm designs without a human-centric approach do
not facilitate effective operator intervention.
Figure 5. Alarm flexibility necessity according to DPO
Alarm logs from DP vessels are usually long and
deterrent as they use many abbreviations and is like a
maze to navigate through. Sjoborg, before colliding
with Statfjord A, received numerous alarms, which
never pointed to one specific problem but pointed at
all the deviations caused by one problem. Hence, it
was hard for the DPO to pinpoint issues and find a
proper solution. Thus, the alarm presentation is
critical as it helps to save valuable time to avoid
In the case of alarm handling, all three parts of
HTO have significant roles. From a human
perspective, operators should acknowledge all alarms
that are triggered. Acknowledge, meaning the
purpose of the alarm is first to be read, and then
understood, and finally accepted. The alarm
philosophy should describe whether an alarm should
be accepted once the operator has read it or after they
have completed an action.
From a technological perspective, a provision for
alarm shelving should be provided so that the
operator can remove standing or nuisance alarms.
Shelving must be kept as a ‘last resort’ for handling
irrelevant nuisance alarms that have not been
successfully filtered or suppressed. A list of shelved
alarms should always be available to the operator.
Manufacturers ought to provide the solution that
supports operators to make a quick and precise
decision. Finally, procedures for the individual person
responsible for monitoring and controlling operations,
including emergencies, have to be readily available
and familiarized.
Escalation of DP incidents has to be prevented by
operator intervention. In several cases, the DPO alone
cannot act independently to prevent an incident.
Thus, it is vital that the onboard crew functions as a
team. As seen in Figure 6, there is a demand for better
cooperation between the bridge and the engine crew.
At times, misunderstandings between bridge and
engine crew might be the cause of the escalation of a
DP incident. Nearly half of the survey participants
said, “it depends on the person in the engine room,”
or calls from the bridge are perceived negatively. A
culture of promoting safety culture, and reporting of
near-miss situations is fundamental for future
development of new technologies and maintaining a
safe working environment.
Figure 6. Crew Behavior for alarm handling.
The alarm system should increase efficiency by
eliminating limitations of an operator; while doing so,
alarm fatigue should also be acknowledged. Alarms
received on the night of 7th June 2019 on Sjoborg were
generated for the first time. The crew did not take the
alarm seriously and were heading towards severe
danger. This may be due to practical drift as nothing
serious happened in the past or due to lack of
operational procedures for alarm handling. Sjoborg
was a DP class 2 vessel and had redundancies, which
gave crew confirmation bias that everything would be
all right. This was improper handling of alarms. A
possibility to mute alarms irrelevant to the DP
operation should be provided, and if not, there will be
distractions leading to increased risk of incidents.
There are lack of routines to come back for feedback
from end users; this practice can be seen from the
survey in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Feedback sessions held by makers with end-users
The survey results and previous accidents show that
several improvements can be made in the offshore
industry, especially on DP vessels. Implications are
broad and significant while the industry is expanding
in the field of offshore wind and aquaculture together
with oil and gas. The following conclusions may be
drawn after the research:
Instead of making an individual shipping
company or a maritime cluster resilient, IMO should
take the initiative to centralize the accident
investigation process or take part in accident
investigations to enforce the learnings and
recommendations to the ships under the IMO
umbrella. This will eventually lead to strengthening
the structures for improvement and to come back
strongly after any setbacks. In addition, companies
should work to figure out how to avoid practical drift
so that there is relatedly tight situational coupling
between the designed methods back to the engineered
or applied logic action.
Also, instrument designers and producers should
have a routine to get regular feedback from the end-
users and utilize the technology to record the
performance of their equipment onboard vessels. As a
result, those data and information could be used to
further research and develop alarm systems and
upgrade the existing systems installed. In addition,
manufacturers should focus on making the alarm
systems user-friendly. All abbreviations should be
understandable; if not all, the translation of error
codes should be provided in the help menu and
training manual.
Similarly, the presence of clients on the bridge has
a negative influence, which is one of the major causes
for poor performance of DP operators. In most cases,
clients are provided with separate observatory and
detailed operational information regarding offshore
operations. Unnecessary visits and involvement in the
DP operation should be criticized, prohibited, and in
any case established before starting the operation.
Suggestions like the adaptation of the traffic light
model of alarms are brought forward, similar to the
lighting model of the Activity Specific Operating
Guidelines (ASOG) but in an automatic form with no
human involvement.
Manufacturers, shipping companies, operators,
and charters should define and check the limits of
alarm generations used for the operations and
emphasis on those alarms that have safety
implications; detailed descriptions should be
presented by Fault Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)/
ASOG for the responsible crew.
Proper training and familiarization of new crew
members towards instruments and alarm panels
should be prioritized. Extra courses regarding alarm
systems and error messages should be part of the
recruitment process as it helps the new crew integrate
with the bridge and engine crew and educately
familiarize them with the operational instruments.
The future recommendation for this research is to
extend the survey to more DP operators and
instructors worldwide to validate current findings or
discover new findings.
The offshore industry is transitioning towards new
fuel solutions in order to keep up with sustainable
development goals. For future research on issues with
alarm systems, it is recommended to perform a
detailed study about the challenges created by
implementing new hybrid fuel sources as hydrogen
and batteries in DP vessels. As technology advances,
there will be an increase in the number of alarms on a
bridge. Thus, measures to avoid alarm fatigue must be
explored to limit human errors and increase the
efficiency of DP operators.
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