The development of maritime transport, and the
increased movement of ships on already crowded
waters, entails the necessity to update the provisions
on the prevention of marine pollution and to
introduce new regulations of the marine environment
International legal regulations relating to the
protection of the environment refer to environmental
law, and at the same time form part of the law of the
sea. Protection of the marine environment is regulated
by public international law and is sanctioned by
common and regional conventions.
The need for constant changes and, at the same
time, the development of legal protection of the
marine environment is regulated in many legal acts.
The schedule of implementing the convention
includes both stages of introducing further
requirements and the possibility of applying better
solutions to improve the condition of the
The Environmental Protection Committee of the
International Maritime Organization is responsible for
updating the regulations on the prevention of
pollution of the marine environment. Regulations are
issued in the form of resolutions.
The aim of this study was to review the legal acts
on the marine environment preservations well as the
consequences resulting from the introduction of these
legal acts for all participants of the transport chain.
Nowadays great emphasis is placed on the protection
of the environment. In short time period many legal
acts were introduced into force. In this article
MARPOL, London and BWM Convention regulations
were analysed.
Changes in International Legal Regulations Concerning
the Protection of the Marine Environment
M. Śniegocka-Dworak, A. Wilczyńska & H. Śniegocki
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: Protecting the marine environment is one of the most serious challenges all over the world. In
recent years, the International Maritime Organization has been strongly working on the introduction of further
legal conditions aiming improvement of the marine environment protection. The article presents the lately
introduced legal acts in this area and discusses the necessary steps to be taken to meet the IMO requirements.
The aim of this study was to review the legal acts on the marine environment preservations well as the
consequences resulting from the introduction of these legal acts for all participants of the transport chain. In this
paper MARPOL, London and BWM Convention regulations were considered.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.23
The MARPOL Convention was created in response to
insufficient regulations preventing the pollution of the
marine environment in the face of the intensive
growth of maritime transport, especially that involve
tankers. The content of the convention was directly
influenced by the accidents of two tankers - Torrey
Canyon in 1968 and MT Amoco Cadiz in 1977. The
provisions of the convention were introduced in 1973,
and the provisions of the Protocol in 1978. Both
elements form the main international convention,
which covers the prevention of pollution of the
marine environment by ships as a result of operational
activities, such as tanks washing operations, or as the
result of accidents.[1]
The Convention has been updated on an ongoing
basis since its introduction. Amendments to the
convention are introduced by the Marine
Environment Protection Committee. A large number
of resolutions have been introduced since 2016.
2.1 MEPC 271 (69)
The resolution was introduced on September 1, 2017.
A new clause has been added to regulation 13, which
deals with the emission of nitrogen oxides - Recording
of the requirements for operational compliance with
level III of NOx emissions in the area of emission
The regulation introduces the obligation to control
the on / off status of fuel engines installed on board, to
which paragraph 5.1 of regulation 13 applies. All
changes are to be recorded in the log, as required by
the Administration. Records are made both upon
entering and exiting an emission control area, or when
the on / off status in such area changes. The status
record should include the date, time and position of
the vessel.
Additionally, in point 5.1. in paragraph 1, the
symbol "NOX" has been replaced by the symbol
"NO2". [8]
The nitrogen oxide emission control zone includes:
the area of North American waters, located off the
coast of the Pacific Ocean of the United States and
the area of the sea off the Atlantic coast of the
United States, Canada, France (Saint-Pierre-et-
Miquelon) and the coast of the Gulf of Mexico of
the United States
the area of the sea off the coast of the Hawaiian
Islands: Hawai'i, Maui, Oahu, Moloka'i, Ni'ihau,
Kaua'a, Lāna'i and Kaho'olawe
United States Caribbean Sea area, off the coast of
the Atlantic and Caribbean Puerto Rico and the US
Virgin Islands. [7]
2.2 MEPC 278 (70)
The amendments entered into force on September 1,
2017. The regulation concerns the system of collecting
data on fuel oil consumption of ships. The system
involves a three-step treatment of the data it contains:
data collection, data analysis, and then deciding on
possible further measures. The following data is to be
included in the system:
The identity of the vessel
IMO number
Period of the calendar year for which the data is
Start date (dd / mm / yyyy)
End date (dd / mm / yyyy)
Technical characteristics of the vessel
Ship type (please specify)
Gross tonnage (GT)
Net tonnage (NT)
Load capacity (DWT)
Rated power of the main and auxiliary
combustion engine above 130 kW (specify in
EEDI (if applicable)
Ice class
Fuel oil consumption by type of fuel oil in metric
tons and methods of collecting data on fuel oil
Distance travelled
Hours underway.
After the ship submits a report with information
on used fuel oil, the administration or an authorized
organization will issue a certificate of compliance,
which, like other documents, is subject to control by
the Port State Inspection. [9]
2.3 MEPC 305 (73)
The amendment to the MARPOL convention adopted
in 2018 prohibits the carriage of oil as ship fuel or
necessary for operation, which does not meet the
requirements of the convention. The exception is
when the unit is equipped with an exhaust gas
cleaning system - scrubber. Fuel oil as defined in the
MARPOL Convention is: "any fuel supplied and
intended for combustion for the purpose of
propulsion or operation on board, including gas,
distillate and residual fuel". The provisions of the
amendment therefore do not apply to oil that is
transported as a cargo. The oil used in connection
with the propulsion of the vessel and its equipment
must meet the maximum sulphur content requirement
of 0.5%.
Figure 11. Emission Control Area
Source : https://www.shipownersclub.com/louise-hall-
The introduced provisions constitute a measure to
ensure compliance with the provisions of the
Convention. Enforcement of these regulations takes
place especially during the inspection of the Port State
Control. The provisions of the amendment entered
into force on March 1, 2020. [13]
However there are other ways to meet those
requirement.Very attractive,especially from economic
point of view, is to use dual fuel system. The dual-fuel
engines are able to burn two fuel types diesel fuel
and for example the gas LNG or biomethane, that has
lowsulphur content. [2]
The dual fuel engines are designed for both more
environment friendly and cheaperexploitation of
ships[4].Dual fuel engines meet requirements ofNox
Tier3 and SOx Emission Control Area regulations.
Figure 2. Marine Dual Fuel Engine.
Source : https://www.yanmar.com/media/news/2020/05/220
2.4 MEPC 286(71)
Regulation MEPC 286 (71) entered into force on 1
January 2019. The regulations points the data that
should be included in bunker delivery note. Below,
the information to be included in the bunker
document, issued by fuel oil supplier:
Name and IMO number of receiving ship
Date of commencement of delivery
Name, address, and telephone number of marine
fuel oil supplier
Product name(s)
Quantity (metrictons)
Densityat 15°C (kg/m3)
Sulphurcontent (% m/m)
A declaration signed and certified by the fuel oil
supplier's representative that the quality of the
fuel oil supplied is in conformity with regulation
of Annex VI, and the sulphur content of the fuel
does not exceed 0,5 % out side the ECA and 0,1%
in ECA.[10]
The information contained in the bunker delivery note
confirms fuels quality. The document is the supplier's
declaration that the delivered product meets all
requirements of the resolution.
2.5 MEPC 301 (72)
Changes to Convention MARPOL, that Regulation
MEPC 301 (72) had set, refer to Emission Control Area
and required EEDI for ro-ro cargo ships and ro-ro
passenger ships. Resolution entered into force on 1
September 2019.
The changes concerned new parameters for the
energy efficiency index (EEDI) values for ships
entitled to fly the flag of a State Party to the
Convention. The parameters for determining the
reference line value for cargo and ro-ro passenger
ships have been changed. The establishment of a
baseline is important for the calculation of the EEDI
reduction index. [12]
This changes force first of all the shipowners to
improve their ships' equipment and to introduce
changes in the field of energy efficiencypolicy.
The Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from
the Dumping of Wastes and Other Substances is one
of the earliest multilateral environmental agreements.
The introduction of the convention is an international
opposition to dumping waste into the oceans,
dredging for disposal and incineration at sea. The
convention is a response to the need to adopt a more
cautious and preventive approach to the provisions in
force at that time. In contrast, the London Protocol of
2006 prohibits dumping waste into the sea. The
possibility of applying for a permit for the disposal of
waste at sea has been introduced. This is done in a
limited amount and in a limited catalogue of waste
that can be dumped after the permit at that time.
Parties to the Protocol have responded to new
activities such as carbon capture and storage and
marine geoengineering.
3.1 Strategic Plan
The strategic plan was adopted on October 18, 2016.
At the thirty-eighth consultative meeting, the
Contracting Parties to the Convention on the
Prevention of Sea Pollution by Dumping of Wastes
and Other Substances. The strategic panellist was
adopted to improve the implementation of the
London Convention and Protocol, which will prevent
marine pollution and accelerate the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.
This Strategic Plan provides strategic orientations
and highlights the goals set out in the London
Convention and Protocol on which the Parties will
cooperate until 2030. The Plan is a tool to guide, focus
and prioritize the Parties' work. It is also a source of
information about the cooperation of the Parties to
improve the environment for the outside world.
The strategic plan sets out actions:
Promotion of ratification or accession to the
London Protocol
Strengthen the effective implementation of the
London Protocol and the London Convention
External promotion of the work of the London
Protocol and the London Convention
Identification and resolution of emerging problems in
the marine environment covered by the London
Protocol and / or the London Convention
Table 1. Objectives of the Strategic Plan until 2030.
By the 2022year By the 2026year By the 2030year
Registration of 75% of the partie Registration of 85% of the partie Registration of 100% of the partie
100% of all parties with national 100% of all parties with national 100% of all parties with national
authority authority authority
50% of sites with relevant national 75% of sites with relevant national 100% of sites with relevant national
legislative bodies for implementation legislative bodies for implementation legislative bodies for implementation
of the London Protocol of the London Protocol of the London Protocol
50% of parties with appropriate 75% of parties with appropriate 100% of parties with appropriate
national legislative bodies to national legislative bodies to national legislative bodies to
implement the London Convention implement the London Convention implement the London Convention
The London Protocol Compliance Group
will have 15 members representing all
five United Nations regions
Source: Developed on the basis of the goals included in the strategic directions [14]
One of the four greatest threats to the world’s oceans
are harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens. This
organisms and pathogens are mostly being transferred
in ships’ballast waters. Management and control of
ships’ ballast water and became a major
environmental challenge for IMO. The result of
discussions and several years for work was
international instrument to address the transfer of
harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens
International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments.
The BWM Convention was introduced in February
2004, but it entered into force in September 2017.
Unfortunately the problem of invasive aquatic
species in ballast waters, because of its’ multi-
disciplinary and complexity nature, hasn’t been
solved yet. The Maritime Environment Protection
Committee is constantly working on it and as new
technologies are available the guidelines are being
reviewed and updated.
The first step was introduction of regulation D1
the Ballast Water Exchange standard. The regulation
indicate a procedure of water exchange :
conduct ballast water exchange at least 200 nautical
miles from the nearest land and in the water of at
least 200 meters in depth.
when a ship cannot meet the above criteria due to
reasons such as short voyage duration or enclosed
waters, the exchange is to be conducted as far from
the nearest land as possible, but at least 50 nautical
miles from the nearest land and in a water depth of
at least 200 meters. [5]
4.1 Code for Approval of Ballast Water Management
The Ballast Water Management System Code was
introduced on October 13, 2019. The Code includes
requirements for design, installation, performance,
testing, environmental acceptability, as well as
technical evaluation and certification procedures. It is
intended primarily for manufacturers and shipowners
as a reference to the assessment procedure for which
equipment will be subjected to compliance with the
requirements of the BWM Convention, especially in
terms of meeting the D-2 standard - the treatment of
ballast water usingapprovedtype of Ballast Water
Management System [11]. The D-2 standard specifies
that ships can only discharge ballast water that meets
the following criteria:
less than 10 viable organisms per cubic metre
which are greater than or equal to 50 micrometres
in minimum dimension;
less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre which
are between 10 micrometres and 50 micrometres in
minimum dimension;
less than 1 colony-forming unit (cfu) per 100
millilitres of Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae;
less than 250 cfu per 100 millilitres of Escherichia
coli; and
less than 100 cfu per 100 millilitres of Intestinal
Enterococci. [6]
Figure 3.A typical ballast water treatment system on ship.
Source: https://www.marineinsight.com/tech/how-ballast-
Undisputed is the fact that the maritime environment
needs to be protected. Preservation of oceans and seas
is being provided by legal actions.The most of the
regulations introduced relate primarily to the
protection of the atmosphere - protection against the
emission of sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides. A
large part of the regulations are also rules preventing
the transfer of living organisms in the ballast waters of
Constantly developing technology, gives
opportunity to conserve the natural sea environment,
that is why the legal acts has to be updated
continuously as well.„The treaties, codes and
guidelines developed by the MEPC have made an
essential and valuable contribution to the progressive
development of international environmental law, as
well as to the law of the sea”. [3]
1. Carpenter, A.: International Protection of the Marine
Environment. In: Nemeth, A.D. (ed.) The Marine
Environment: Ecology, Management and Conservation.
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, USA (2011).
2. Chłopińska, E.: The dual-fuel engine as an alternative
marine propulsion system. Scientific Journals Maritime
University of Szczecin,
ZeszytyNaukoweAkademiaMorska w Szczecinie. 49,
2833 (2017). https://doi.org/10.17402/197.
3. de La Fayette, L.: The Marine Environment Protection
Committee: The Conjunction of the Law of the Sea and
International Environmental Law. The International
Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 16, 2, 155238
(2001). https://doi.org/10.1163/157180801X00072.
4. Olczyk, M., Korzec, J., Bielaczyc, P., Sordyl, A.: System
zasilaniapaliwemgazowymiciekłym w silniku o
ystemówpaliwowych. Combustion Engines. 54, 3, 858
867 (2015).
5. International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments. D-1
6. International Convention for the Control and
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, D-2
7. MARPOL Convention, Annex VI, Appendix VII.
8. MEPC 271 (69) Record requirements for operational
compliance with NOx Tier III emission control areas,
9. MEPC 278 (70) Data collection system for fuel oil
consumption of ships, 2016.
10. MEPC 286 (71) Designation of the Baltic Sea and the
North Sea Emission Control Areas for NOX Tier III
control, Information to be included in the bunker
delivery note, 2017 .
11. MEPC 300 (72) Code for approval of Ballast Water
Management Systems, 2018
12. MEPC 301 (72 (ECAs and required EEDI for ro-ro cargo
ships and ro-ro passenger ships, 2018.
13. MEPC 305 (73) Prohibition on the carriage of non-
compliant fuel oil for combustion purposes for
propulsion or operation on board a shis, 2018.
14. Strategic Plan for the London Protocol and London
Convention. , London (2017).