Although the maritime industry continuously
develops and introduces new technologies and
systems that increase ships' safety, accidents at sea are
still happening. Marine accident is an extraordinary
unintentional sequence of events that caused adverse
outcomes that put human lives, property, and the
marine environment in direct distress. Unlike
accidents, near-miss could have caused harmful
consequences for human lives, property, and the
marine environment but did not [15, 16]. The adverse
outcome was only inhibited by a fortuitous break in
the chain of events. Injuries, marine pollution, or a
negative business impact are examples of negative
consequences of a near-miss that did not occur [10, 16,
22, 36]. A near-miss might include inadequate
training, human error, defective or unsatisfactory
design, management error, a flawed procedure or
system, an unanticipated outcome, or any
combination of the above [10].
The maritime sector is considered a high-risk
sector, and its stakeholders need to minimize accident
risks. Marine accidents are investigated and analyzed
to discover immediate and root causes and implement
corrective measures to reduce accidents. It presents an
active approach in an attempt at accident reduction
[14]. Nevertheless, lessons learned are based on
accidents that have already occurred. Another tool for
accident prevention is the implementation of an
effective near-miss management system [14]. Near-
miss reporting is the best practice in safety awareness,
and it helps to identify hazards that may be caused by
specific equipment or actions before they lead to an
actual accident. Recurrence of accidents and near-
misses that share root causes can be prevented by
reporting them and implementing adequate corrective
measures. Lessons learned from near-misses can be
Near-miss Reporting as Seen from Seafarers'
N. Hasanspahić
, V. Franč
, S. Vujičić
& L. Maglić
University of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik, Croatia
University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
ABSTRACT: The maritime industry is a high-risk sector, and there is a large number of accidents its
stakeholders need to reduce. Lessons learned from the near-miss analysis can prevent accidents and improve
safety in the maritime sector. However, to be able to accomplish this task, near-miss events have to be identified
and reported. Identification and reporting are dependent on seafarers. If they cannot identify or are unwilling to
report a near miss, there will be no analysis, and valuable knowledge will be lost forever. Seafarers' knowledge,
attitudes, and opinions on near-misses are important factors in determining the near-miss management system's
effectiveness. The authors created a survey to gain insight into these factors. A total of 223 experienced seafarers
participated in the survey. The results confirmed that near-misses are underreported and that seafarers do not
report every observed near-miss because of reporting barriers. This paper reflects seafarers' perceptions of near-
miss reporting and suggests measures to overcome reporting barriers.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.15
used to prevent potential accidents [30]. Because near-
misses are considered accident precursors, the near-
miss analysis presents a proactive approach to
reducing accidents [13]. Near-misses could be studied
as leading indicators of a company's safety
performance [39].
Many researchers dealt with near-miss reporting of
near misses in the shipping industry. Erdogan [11]
pointed out the best near-miss reporting systems and
defined obstacles affecting a reduced number of
reports. In his research, he assumed that near-misses
in the shipping industry are not reported as they
should and tried to find the reasons for this. The
companies surveyed succeeded in increasing their
safety levels and implementing a just culture through
open communication onboard ships and learning
from analyzed near-misses. Storgard et al. [33] argue
that it is possible to prevent severe accidents by
implementing lessons learned from the analysis of
accidents and near-misses. The study aims to
highlight best practices for near-miss reporting and
better use of reported near-miss data. Preconditions
for a functioning reporting system were defined,
namely: the presence of a just culture, the
commitment of management ashore to improve
safety, adequate communication, feedback on
reporting, and training on the use of the system.
Oltedal & McArthur [26] analyzed shipboard
reporting practices and singled out factors influencing
reporting frequency. The research findings confirmed
that higher reporting frequency was positively related
to increased safety-related training, trusting
relationships between crew members, safety-oriented
shore management, and feedback on reported near-
misses, and negatively related to lack of shore
management safety attention and the demand for
efficiency. Georgoulis and Nikitakos [12] interviewed
35 seafarers and four representatives of shipping
companies' safety departments to uncover best
practices in reporting near-misses. In addition, they
aimed to investigate the seafarers' perspective on
reporting near-misses. Some of the conclusions were
that seafarers perceive reporting as an obligation to
the legal framework and consider a just culture as a
promoter of near-miss reporting instead of the blame
culture. Bhattacharya in [5] analyzed the effectiveness
of increased reporting of hazards, near-misses, and
incidents onboard ships. He tried to investigate
whether the increased number of hazardous
occurrences reports results in a decrease of
incidents/accidents at sea. Research results showed
that an increased number of reports did not decrease
near-misses or incidents/accidents. He concluded that
the increase of reports to satisfy company
requirements reduces the value of reporting process.
Previous research shows that specific elements
either enhance reporting or hamper it and act as an
obstacle. Another serious problem is that near-misses
are underreported, resulting in the loss of valuable
data. Although most companies have written near-
miss management procedures, it has also been shown
that they did not help to improve reporting practices
onboard ships [28, 29, 36]. Seafarers have not adopted
near-miss reporting well despite IMO
recommendations and company policies requiring
reporting. Indicators of the inadequate near-miss
management system are [32]:
Seafarers take reporting as a standard checklist,
There are many insignificant reports,
Seafarers feel that safety cannot be improved by
Fear of punishment for reporting,
Seafarers see reporting as unnecessary extra work.
Another practical problem is the unwillingness of
lower-ranking crewmembers to report [32, 33]. It is a
serious problem because they carry out most of the
physical job onboard during which near-misses occur
[16]. Some seafarers stated that they do not have time
to report and that the ship's officers should do it. In
their opinion, too many "minor" near-misses happen
every day during everyday tasks, and it would take
too long to report them all. Some lower-ranking
seafarers believe that reporting is not part of the
maritime culture, and therefore do not do it. Some of
the reasons why lower-ranking crew members usually
do not report are ignorance of the near-miss concept,
fear of blame and punishment, cultural differences,
and the complexity of the near-miss report form [14,
Reporting near misses, analyzing them, and
implementing appropriate corrective actions will
prevent severe accidents and other adverse events in
the future [8, 18, 35]. ISM Code (Section 9) requires
reporting accidents and near- misses to determine the
root causes [16]. However, there is inconsistent
approach and analysis and inadequate reporting and
investigation of near-misses in the maritime industry.
It is up to ships' masters and shore-based management
to improve the reporting of every actual near-miss
because, as can be seen from the available literature
[14, 28, 29, 36], seafarers do not report all the near-
misses they observe. It is necessary to find appropriate
solutions and implement them in the Safety
Management System (SMS). Reporting is of utmost
importance to analyze and learn lessons from near
Since reporting near-misses is a proactive
approach to reduce accidents and is much cheaper
than reporting accidents because no harm has been
done, it can be considered a cost-effective and
appropriate tool to improve safety at sea [14]. For the
adequate implementation of near-miss reporting in
the maritime industry, it is crucial to gain insight into
seafarers' opinions and attitudes on near-miss
reporting as they are the ones who report, and based
on this, corrective measures are derived and new
knowledge is gained. The purpose of this paper is to
analyze seafarers' knowledge, opinions, and attitudes
on near-miss reporting, identify the most common
barriers to reporting, and propose measures and
solutions that could improve near-miss reporting
systems in the maritime industry. The research
instrument was a survey.
The authors prepared a survey based on their expert
opinions and literature review. The analysis of the
data obtained was to reveal the seafarers' views on
near-miss reporting in the maritime industry. The
authors served as senior officers on several types of
ships and dealt with near-miss reporting system
during their service. A tool used to validate the
survey questions was the expertise of the authors. All
questions were worded as neutrally as possible to
avoid stereotype bias. A pilot survey was conducted
prior to administering the final survey to avoid
response bias. The authors contacted several crewing
agencies and requested them to share a link to the
online survey to their employees to redistribute to
other seafarers. The survey was available online, and
the authors used a virtual snowball method. Seafarers
were free to choose whether or not to participate in
the survey. The survey was anonymous and
confidential to avoid biased participation.
The survey included 45 questions to gain insight
into seafarers' opinions and attitudes on near-miss
reporting, shipboard reporting practices, and opinions
on the suitability of applied near-miss management
systems. A total of 28 questions (7 demographic
questions and 21 questions from the second part) out
of the 45 are used in this study because they are
closely related to the study's topic. The survey
questions were predominantly closed-ended:
demographic questions, simple yes/no/I do not know
questions, and ranking questions (measured on a five-
point Likert scale). Open-ended questions were used
when asked to define near-miss and for comments on
the survey.
A total of 223 seafarers responded to the survey.
There were 15 nationalities represented, the majority
being from Croatia (73.4%), followed by Indonesia
(12.1%) and the Philippines (4.3%). There were 69.5%
of seafarers under 42 years of age. A total of 57% of
the respondents reported being educated at a
maritime college, and 78.4% of them served at sea for
more than five years. Senior ranking officers made
just over 50% of the respondents. Respondents served
in different shipping sectors, including tankers, cruise
ships, bulk carriers, and container ships.
The survey is part of a doctoral research project
looking at improving the safety culture in shipping by
implementing a near-miss management system.
The authors grouped the survey questions to facilitate
understanding and presentation of the results.
Knowing the definition of a near-miss is a prerequisite
for identifying it. If there is no identification, there is
no reporting, and without it, there is no analysis and
lessons learned. The survey question "What is a near-
miss?" (Q1) was the only one that stood on its own. A
total of 22% of responses were acceptable (definition
described or recounted). From the further analysis of
the question data, conclusions that lower-ranked
seafarers were unaware of the definition of near-miss
could be made. Instead of defining a near-miss, they
gave an example from practice closely related to their
work aboard a ship. These seafarers would most likely
not be competent to recognize the near-miss event if it
had happened in another ship's department.
In addition to knowing the definition of near-miss
definition, seafarers should also know about their
ship's near-miss management system. Knowledge of
near misses includes questions about the "why,"
"how," "when," and "outcome" of reporting, as well as
how to conduct training on near-misses. A group of
questions on knowledge about management of near-
misses on respondents' ships is shown in Table 1.
Table 1. The knowledge about the near-miss management
Question No.
Q2 Are you familiar with Near-miss Management System
in your Company?
Q3 Have you received any Near-miss Management
Q4 Do you think that Near-miss management training
should be mandatory?
Descriptive statistics on knowledge of near-miss
management onboard participants' ships is presented
in Table 2.
Table 2. The knowledge about the near-miss management
descriptive statistics
Question No. Yes (%) No (%) I do not know (%)
Q2 94.6 2.7 2.7
Q3 60.8 37.4 1.8
Q4 62.6 28.8 8.6
As shown in Table 2, many respondents believe
that they are aware of the systems in place to manage
near-misses on their ships (Q2), and more than half of
them have received training on near-miss
management and believe that such training should be
mandatory (Q3 and Q4). One respondent made the
following comment: "Reporting and analyzing near-
misses onboard is essential to improve safety culture
onboard but for reducing the number of incidents
more critical is proper education and shore-based
training as well as common sense."
Seafarers' attitudes towards reporting are a key
indicator of whether reporting is working properly
onboard a ship. A group of questions on attitudes
towards near-miss reporting is shown in Table 3, and
descriptive statistics are shown in Table 4.
Table 3. Near-miss reporting attitude
Question No.
Q5 Do you think that near-misses should be reported?
Q6 Have you ever reported a near-miss?
Q7 Do you regularly report near-misses?
Q8 Do you report every near-miss that you see?
Q9 Do you think that near-miss reporting is just
additional paperwork and that it should be avoided
to report near-misses?
Table 4. Near-miss reporting attitude descriptive statistics
Question Yes No I do 4 5 Mean Std
No. or 1 or 2 not (%) (%)
(%) (%) know
or 3 (%)
Q5 95.5 3.6 0.9
Q6 82.9 17.1
Q7 61.7 36.5 1.8
Q8 38.5 59.7 1.8
Q9 42.8 28.4 20.7 4.5 3.6 1.98 1.07
Q5 through Q8: yes, no, I do not know. Q9: 1=strongly
disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither disagree nor agree, 4=agree,
and 5=strongly agree.
A large number of participants (95.5%) believe that
near-misses should be reported, but only 38.5% of
them report every observed near-miss, which
corroborates the results of the literature reviewed and
implies that a large number of near-misses are not
reported. It could be concluded is that seafarers have
realized the importance of reporting near-misses but
do not report every near-miss they observe due to
various reporting barriers. One seafarer commented
as follows: "I think that significant near-misses and
accidents must be reported to the company. Minor
near-misses should be discussed only onboard the
vessel, not send to the company. Because they do not
report their near misses to us, neither should we to
Knowing the definition of near-miss is a key factor
in the reporting culture aboard a ship. If a
crewmember is not familiar with the definition, he
will not know what a near-miss is, so he will not
report it or possibly report something that was not a
near-miss. For the system to be effective, all
crewmembers must be familiar with the definition of
near-miss and other reporting concepts. The survey
results confirmed that only a minority of the seafarers
surveyed could define near-miss, but most believe
they are well versed in the near-miss management
system. One solution is to include the definition and
management of near-misses in the maritime students'
education and the shore- and ship-based training of
existing seafarers. Good knowledge of the subject
would significantly increase reporting behaviour and
awareness of the importance of near-misses onboard
A report form is a means of reporting near-misses.
It can be in paper or electronic form. According to
some research [25], it is not only easier for seafarers to
report by computer, but it is also easier to check
feedback on the report [7]. However, some seafarers
have difficulty using computers, so it is easier for
them to prepare and check reports and feedback in
paper form [11]. The report form must contain all the
essential data about the near-miss event as its content
is crucial for root cause analysis. In preparing a report
form, the company must make the following efforts
The forms should be easy to read and understand,
The company should provide multilingual forms if
The report forms should be short and
The forms should be easily accessible to
They should be designed to help solve the
The shorter and more precise the report form
questions, the more likely seafarers will report the
near-miss. Therefore, it is critical to tailor the
reporting form to the seafarer. The near-miss report
form can be complicated or straightforward. If the
form is complicated, it is expected that many
crewmembers will not report near-misses or will
report fewer observed near-misses [1, 9, 12, 37, 38].
When designing the form, attention must be paid to
the content to increase the willingness to report. Table
5 provides a group of questions on near-miss report
forms, and Table 6 provides descriptive statistics
Many respondents (92.3%) have a near-miss report
form on their ship, and 63.4% have it in electronic
form. Most of the seafarers interviewed believed that
the reporting form was relatively simple and reported
no problems completing it.
Table 5. Near-miss report form
Question No.
Q10 Do you have a near-miss report form on your vessel?
Q11 If you have a near-miss report form on your vessel, is
it a paper form or electronic form?
Q12 If you have a near-miss report form on your vessel,
please rate the difficulty of filling it
Table 6. Near-miss report form descriptive statistics
Question Yes or No or I do 4 5 Mean Std
No. paper electronic not (%) (%)
form form know
or 1(%) or 2(%) or 3(%)
Q10 92.3 5 2.7
Q11 36.6 63.4
Q12 22.2 35.4 29.2 12.3 0.9 2.35 0.99
Q10: yes, no, I do not know; Q11: paper form, electronic
form; Q12: 1=very simple; 2=simple; 3=nor simple nor
difficult; 4=difficult; 5=very difficult
The existence of a blame culture onboard a ship is
one of the factors preventing reporting. Seafarers
should not be ashamed to report, nor should they fear
being blamed and punished for doing so. The absence
of a blame culture is reflected in the fact that the
individual is seen as a means to improve safety rather
than someone who can be held responsible for a
mistake [3]. According to the available literature,
seafarers who feel ashamed, fear blame and
punishment, are not inclined to report near-misses [2,
19, 27, 37]. The seafarers who are not reporting a near-
miss because of feeling shame believe that their
colleagues onboard a ship will later make fun of them
for not being able to perform the task and being
incompetent [11]. In a survey conducted by Erdogan
[11], some senior officers said blame culture does not
exist in the company, but it still exists on some ships.
Crewmembers may feel ashamed if they make a
mistake at work [21, 33, 36]. According to [21],
seafarers are reluctant to report near-misses involving
their colleagues because they think it may be a
problem. However, reporting near-misses involving
another ship and its crew is not considered a problem.
Fear of blame and criticism is an obstacle that the
shipboard leadership must overcome to increase the
number of near-misses reported [4, 9, 16, 21, 24, 31,
37]. A blame culture may be present onboard a ship
and prevent reporting or may not be present and not
create barriers to reporting. Table 7 shows seafarers'
opinions on blame culture onboard their ships, and
Table 8 provides descriptive statistics.
Table 7. Existence of blame culture
Question No
Q13 Do you feel free to report a near-miss on your
Q14 Do you feel embarrassed once reporting a near-miss
on your vessel?
Q15 Do you think that you might get someone into trouble
if you report a near-miss?
Q16 Do you feel guilt once reporting a near-miss on your
Q17 Do you think that you will be blamed if you report a
Table 8. Existence of blame culture descriptive statistics
Question Yes No I do 4 5 Mean Std
No. or 1 or 2 not (%) (%)
(%) (%) know
or 3 (%)
Q13 88.7 7.2 4.1
Q14 51.6 26.7 10.9 5.9 5 1.86 1.14
Q15 38.9 28.5 20.4 9 3.2 2.09 1.11
Q16 57.2 26.1 12.6 2.7 1.4 1.65 0.9
Q17 49.5 27 14.9 5.9 2.7 1.85 1.05
Q13: yes, no, I do not know; Q14 through Q17: 1=strongly
disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither disagree nor agree, 4=agree,
and 5=strongly agree.
It can be concluded that a blame culture presents a
reporting barrier to the minority of surveyed
seafarers. It seems that just culture is successfully
implemented and instilled in the maritime sector. One
comment on a survey was: "Any near-miss reporting
should not be the tool for the company to use as a
blame culture and finger-pointing but as a learning
tool. "Another crewmember's comment was: "Scared
from Company response after reporting near miss. "
The presence of a blame culture on ships is a
barrier that prevents reporting and degrades a
maritime safety culture. Crew members could blame
each other when they report a near-miss, making the
reporters feel uncomfortable and disrupting
teamwork onboard a ship. The absence of a blame
culture increases reporting. Some companies have
made it clear in their safety management or near-miss
management policies that seafarers will not be blamed
for reported near-misses unless they have been
committed by negligence, gross negligence, or willful
misconduct. Seafarers who do not have a
straightforward reading of the policies and do not
have in writing how they will be treated after
reporting near-miss are in fear of punishment, and
thus the likelihood of reporting is reduced. Therefore,
it is suggested that companies make clear in their
safety (or near-miss) management systems that blame
culture does not apply to the company, and that crew
members will not be blamed for reported near-misses
if they were not due to negligence, gross negligence,
or intentional misconduct. It is further suggested that,
when familiarizing with near-miss management, this
should be clearly explained to all crew members to
provide a ship environment in which the seafarer can
report the near-miss without fear (just culture and
reporting culture).
The leadership style onboard a ship influences
crewmembers' behaviour. If the master has a negative
attitude towards near-miss reporting, the crew will
likely not report them [23]. The master should be a
role model to crew members in everything, including
near-miss reporting [17, 34]. A high level of safety
onboard a ship cannot be achieved without teamwork,
and in order to achieve this, the traditional
hierarchical order onboard must be replaced by
leadership that will introduce a safety culture. The
master should strike a balance between his authority
and the initiative of the crew members. The master
must avoid a blame culture and encourage reporting
on accidents, near-misses, and non-conformities from
the crew, without fear of punishment for reporting [6].
Leadership style can be an impetus or obstacle to
developing a safety culture and, thus, near-miss
reporting [2, 26]. Safety leadership is an essential
instigator to near-miss reporting. Table 9 shows
seafarers' opinions on safety leadership onboard their
Table 9. Safety leadership
Question No
Q18 Do you discuss near-misses onboard your vessel (for
example, during safety meetings)?
Q19 Do you receive follow-up reports from Company or
Master regarding near-misses on your vessel?
Safety leadership descriptive statistics are
presented in Table 10.
Table 10. Safety leadership descriptive statistics
Question No Yes (%) No (%) I do not know (%)
Q18 96.4 2.7 0.9
Q19 89.2 3.6 3.6
According to the survey data, senior officers share
all information on near-misses with crewmembers to
no small degree and thus encourage reporting on their
ships. Companies' safety departments should closely
monitor each ship's performance and guide master,
and senior officers were needed.
From the authors' experience, some shipping
companies award "best "near-misses reported during
the month. The number of reports is undoubtedly
more extensive than on ships where the award is not
given, but the problem of the made-up report arises.
Because of those reports, false conclusions can be
made, and wrong and inadequate corrective measures
implemented. To examine seafarers' opinions on the
incentive for near-miss reporting, we prepared two
questions presented in Table 11. Table 12 presents
descriptive statistics on incentives for reporting.
Table 11. An incentive for near-miss reporting
Question No.
Q20 Do you get awarded for reported near-miss on your
Q21 Do you think that near-miss reporting should be
Table 12. An incentive for near-miss reporting descriptive
Question No Yes (%) No (%) I do not know (%)
Q20 16.2 76.6 7.2
Q21 31.1 64 5
As shown in Table 12, many respondents are not
rewarded for near-miss reporting, but almost one-
third of respondents consider reporting awards as a
fair reimbursement for their effort.
Unfortunately, false reports are unavoidable
because some companies have prescribed a fixed
number of near-miss reports they want to receive
monthly. Following was a comment of one seafarer:
"The biggest problem with near-miss matter is the
fixed number (minimum number) of cases to be
reported per vessel per month. I would say that 80%
of reported near-misses are made up to fulfil the
minimum required number of reports. Out of the 20%
left, at least a half are repeated near-misses ". Another
respondent gave the following comment: "The
reporting of near misses should be more
straightforward, and you cannot define a minimum
number of near misses to be reported every month on
each ship, just based on the average number. There
can be fewer near-misses than required. This way you
have to make up stories which can lead to corrective
actions for events that did not occur ". As
Bhattacharya concluded in his study [5], safety cannot
be improved with just an increasing number of near-
miss reports; without implementing adequate
corrective measures based on lessons learned, safety
will remain at the same level.
Research gave insight into seafarers' attitudes and
opinions on near-miss reporting in the shipping
sector. Survey results confirmed that near-misses in
shipping are not reported as they should be due to the
barriers. Seafarers' perspective on near-miss reporting
is an essential factor for successful safety
improvements onboard ships. Maritime sector
stakeholders should react and work on minimizing
the effects of reporting barriers and overcoming them
to improve shipboard safety. Seafarers' answers can be
used as guidance for proposed measures and actions
which could eventually improve near-miss
management systems in shipping.
Authors believe that identified barriers can be
overcome by introducing the near-miss topics in
education for seafarers as well as shore- and ship-
based near-miss training for existing seafarers.
Another aspect for successful and effective near-miss
reporting is adequate safety leadership that will instil
just culture and reporting culture. Maritime sector
stakeholders should ensure that senior shipboard
officers are well trained and acquainted with the
subject to increase maritime safety. According to
survey data, near-miss report forms are simple and
easy to fill out, so they should be in the future. A
possible solution could be the standardization of
report forms, which could facilitate near-miss
reporting and enable easier data handling. Another
possible reporting problem could be reporting
incentives. Giving near-miss reporting incentives
could also be one of the barriers and the wrong
approach. Many seafarers report imaginary events,
thus leading analysis and conclusions to the wrong
side because of the rewards. As per the authors'
opinion, the fixed monthly number of near-miss
reports could be considered the wrong requirement.
To comply with the company's instructions, senior
officers usually demand their subordinates to report
near-miss events. If such events did not occur, they
would be imagined and reported as real to comply
with the demand. Such an approach should be tried to
be avoided for obvious reasons.
Near-miss reporting is only part of the near-miss
management system, and a first step towards
improving safety and further research will seek to
determine the overall management model. Future
research will try to identify all near-miss reporting
barriers and build a reporting model applicable in the
maritime sector.
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