The Resolution MSC.467 (101) [16] was adopted in the
2019 at the 101st session of the Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC), which is part of the International
Maritime Organization (IMO). The resolution defines
and harmonizes the format and structure of existing
maritime services in the context of e-navigation. The
intense development of technology in the field of
digitization of equipment in maritime applications
begins reaching the point where it will be possible to
further continue the process of replacement of crew
members by machines [13].
There are several reasons for this process. The first
one is the constant development of industrial
technology, which translates into increased durability
and reliability of the manufactured devices. A ship
built of modern materials and components requires
less and less maintenance and the service intervals can
become longer. At the same time, the use of computer
diagnostic techniques allows for early detection of
emerging problems, which allows planning of
specialized service actions that would avert failures
during normal operation.
The second reason for replacing the crew with
machines is the increased precision and safety of the
operations performed. Thanks to this, the most
common cause of accidents, human error, is
eliminated. Years of gathering experience during the
operation of specific systems can be translated into the
language of algorithms and implemented procedures,
which mean that repetitive activities can be carried
Port Tugboat Formation Multi-Agent Control System
W. Koznowski & A. Łebkowski
Gdynia Maritime University, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The publication presents the structure of the agent system, tasked with control of the formation of
unmanned port tugboats capable of performing pilot and towing services. The use of autonomous tugboats with
installed software was presented with respect to the existing regulations related to Resolution MSC.467
developed by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) belonging to the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), which creates guidelines for the definition and harmonization of the structure and format of maritime
services in the context of e-navigation. The use of a multi-agent system structure enables synergistic cooperation
of tugboats carrying out joint port operations, such as: assistance in maneuvers of ships, precision movement of
ships and other objects in port areas, monitoring and patrolling of port areas, carrying out ice operations,
carrying out inspections of quays, the possibility of assistance in liquidation of petroleum and similar pollutant
spills. The paper presents the structure of the agent system and the description of possible scenarios of port
operations. The control algorithms and the applied methods of artificial intelligence, such as evolutionary
algorithms with elements of fuzzy logic, were discussed. The recorded traffic parameters from the actions
carried out in the simulator of the marine navigation environment were presented.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.13
out by machine systems that are much faster and more
accurate than when staffed by humans.
The ultimate goal of the ship automation process is
to achieve a level that allows the construction of fully
autonomous marine vessels, initially operating under
continuous human supervision [7], and ultimately not
requiring even this type of control.
A similar trend in the development of automation
applies to typical offshore support units, such as port
tugs, pilot boats or bunker boats. Automation of tug
operations can help to improve the safety [1] of ships
entering and exiting ports. The problems necessary to
solve in the course of the development of these type of
units are mainly related to:
the necessity of frequent approach / departure
from the quay,
moving through congested port waters, which
requires tight navigation,
coexistence (initially) in an environment
dominated by manned units, the behavior of
which, from the point of view of the machine, is
somewhat unpredictable,
the necessity of performing precise approaches to
the ship being the target of an unmanned unit,
often much larger than it and less maneuverable.
Another direction in the development of transport
systems [9], including maritime transport, is the
gradual departure from fossil fuels, in favor of
alternative propulsion systems [10], using low-carbon
fuels such as LNG [12] or hydrogen, and electricity
stored in energy storage systems or generated from
using fuel cells. The combination of an electric drive
in combination with a battery energy storage is
particularly advantageous, allowing for a high overall
efficiency of such propulsion system [8].
The development of autonomous ship technology,
including tugs, seems inevitable. So far, no operating
systems have been presented, but intensive research
has been carried out in this direction [5], and the first
tests were carried out with the use of full-size tugs by
the co-op between Rolls-Royce and Svitzer [11] and
another one by Samsung [4].
This article presents the concept of a multi-agent
formation control system for unmanned port tugs.
This system has the ability to control one or more
formations of unmanned port tugs, including tugs
using electric propulsion. One of the features of the
presented system is compliance with the COLREGs
Multi-agent systems belong to the set of methods used
to search for optimal solutions, classified as artificial
intelligence methods. These systems use standalone
entities called agents that can interact with each other.
Agents are most often computer programs specialized
in the performing specific tasks. A feature of multi-
agent systems is the possibility of cooperation
between various agents. Thanks to this, the results
obtained by the multi-agent system are characterized
by properties that reach beyond the sum of the
specializations of individual agents, and have a high
flexibility of response to the changing environmental
situation. In marine applications, multi-agent systems
can be used to direct ship traffic in congested ports
[14], or inland waters [17]; during oil spill cleanup
operations [18], the evacuation of passenger ships [3],
or for the purpose of ship course keeping [15].
The agent platform is the agents’ area of operation.
It is an environment that enables mutual
communication between agents. In the case of multi-
agent systems in which the agents are physically
dispersed, platforms using communication techniques
based on computer networks are frequently used [6].
Decision priority
Figure 1. An example of a hierarchical structure of an agent
system. The votes of the agents higher in the hierarchy have
a higher weight.
The topology of connections between agents in a
multi-agent system can assume various configurations
[2]. Often employed structures of agent systems are
hierarchical topologies (figure 1), in which decisions
made by agents standing higher in the hierarchy, are
binding on subordinate agents, and team topologies
(figure 2), in which there are sets of closely
cooperating agents (teams) that can communicate with
other teams.
Figure 2. An example of an agent system structure using
teams of closely cooperating agents.
There are also indirect topologies, such as holonic
topology [2] which has a fractal structure, where each
of its components - holons - has a similar internal
structure as the environment in which the holon is
located (figure 3). Each of the holons is an
independent entity, however they may be nested
where the master holon contains several child holons
within it. In the holonic topology, one of the agents
inside his holon is appointed as an overriding agent
that can communicate with the environment.
The holonic structure seems to be the correct
topology to be used in the unmanned port tugboat
formation control system, due to the way it
corresponds to the classic manned tug structure
shown in figure 4. At its lowest level there is the tug
itself, which has its own the crew (blue figures) led by
the Captain (white figure). The work of the group of
tugboats providing assistance is coordinated by the
Pilot (yellow figure) on board of the assisted unit,
while the supervision of all operations taking place in
the waters controlled by the port is carried out by the
Port Authority Office.
Figure 3. Holonic structure of an agent system, with
overriding agents marked in boldface.
Figure 4. Command structure in a manned tug assistance
operations. Sailors in blue, captains in white, pilots in
Based on the above command structure, figure 5
shows the architecture of the multi-agent formation
control system for unmanned port tugboats. The
equivalent of the crew of a single unmanned tug is a
set of agents responsible for: the operation of the tug's
propulsion mechanisms (P), the navigation situation
around the tug (N), commanded by a designated
commander agent (C), who will be able to
communicate with the environment. All of the
formation tugs report through their agents of
commanders C, under the counterpart of the Pilot
FP agent (Formation Pilot).
The fractal nature of a single tug's holonic
command structure is reflected at a higher level where
several tugs work together in a formation under the
direction of a formation pilot. Going one step further,
the control structure of several tug formations is again
similar in nature, with several formations under the
command of the Port Authority Office.
Tug formation
Figure 5. Command structure using the multi-agent
formation control system of unmanned tugs. Command (C),
navigation (N) and propulsion (P) agents report to the
formation pilot (FP).
The task of the propulsion (P) agent is to control
and supervise the tug's propulsion mechanisms. In the
case of a conventional drive, the scope of tasks
includes: starting and stopping the drive motors,
monitoring the operating parameters of the drive
system (temperatures, pressures, levels, etc.), handling
emergency situations such as: exceeding the
permissible ranges of operating parameters, failures
disabling some of the mechanisms, unexpected leaks.
In the case of alternative drives, e.g. hybrid or fully
electric drives, there are also function of supervision
over energy storage and its periodic charging.
The duties of the navigation (N) agent include:
supervision of the navigational situation during the
tug's movement and during the performance of
precision maneuvers, determining the route of
passage if it is necessary to travel longer distances,
maintaining the position of the tug during the
movement of the tug formation in a preset formation.
The navigation agent on the leader tug has an
additional task of determining formation anti-
collision maneuvers, in the event of a collision threat
with other ships. The navigation agent has at his
disposal navigation devices available on board the
tug, including RADAR + ARPA, AIS and GPS with
satellite compass function. The precision nature of the
maneuvers performed requires a high-resolution GPS
receiver using RTK technology.
The agent C commanding the tugboat
communicates with the environment, i.e. with the
other tugboats, through their C agents and the FP
formation pilot agent. The FP formation pilot
provides him the tasks to be performed, e.g. the task
of sailing the route from the current position to the
area of the given ship as a leader, or as one of the
other tugboats of the formation.
2.1 Possible tug formation application scenarios
The presented multi-agent system for controlling the
formation of port tugboats allows performing of
operations typical for tugs, such as assisting ships
during maneuvers (entering and leaving the port,
mooring and unmooring) or the precision movement
of ships and other objects in port waters.
The possibility of equipping the tugs with
additional specialized instruments, the formation
control capabilities allow, among others:
monitoring and patrolling of port areas - when
equipping tugs with vision systems,
carrying out waterway deicing actions - assuming
that the hulls of the tugs have the appropriate ice
carrying out inspections of quays - when tug boats
are equipped with appropriate vision systems and
automated monitoring of the depth of port basins
and fairways - with the implementation of a
connection of the agent system with the tug's
onboard echo sounder,
assisting in the cleanup of spills of petroleum
substances and other pollutants - with the use of
specialized equipment, e.g. scoops or by using the
tugs to erect floating barriers.
c) d)
Figure 6. Formation shapes used for tug formation
movements. a) line formation, b) echelon formation, c) V
formation, d) column formation. Formation leader shown in
green, other members in red. Formation follows the
direction of leader (shown with arrow).
By using appropriate formation shapes, it is
possible to perform various additional tasks during
the movement of the tug formation. Possible
formations are shown in figure 6. The possibility of
monitoring the depth of waters in the port area,
carried out during the movement of the tugboats,
seems to be extremely interesting. For this task, the
column formation (figure 6d) is particularly useful, in
which the echo sounder of each tugboat can collect
information about a slightly different fragment of the
bottom than, for example, in the case of a line
formation (figure 6a).
To verify the work of the algorithms of the multi-
agent port tugboat formation control system, the
proprietary navigation environment simulator was
used. This simulator makes it possible to study the
behavior of ships in a common simulated
environment, and to visualize the test results in a 3D
view and in the form of result files.
Using network technologies, each holon
representing one tugboat, and containing three agents:
command (C), navigation (N) and propulsion (P) was
launched on one of the simulator's computers. The
master computer controlling the simulation acted as
the formation pilot (FP), giving orders to individual
The simulation was carried out, covering 3
successive stages of the tug formation job: creation of
the formation from the group of tugs waiting at
berths, the transition of the formation of tugs in the set
formation shape from the rally point to the vicinity of
the vessel waiting for assistance, and finally
surrounding of the assisted vessel by the formation
The first stage of the job was to create a formation
using the required number of tugs. In the case of the
simulated maneuver, it was assumed that the
formation will consist of 4 identical tugs. It was
chosen to employ the linear formation, using one of
the tugs as the leader of the formation. The leader was
selected by checking which of the four available tugs
was closest to the vessel waiting for assistance.
Tug 2
Tug 4
Tug 3
> R
> R
Figure 7. The principle of determining the order of tugs in a
linear formation.
Tug 3
Tug 2
Tug 4
Rally point
Figure 8. The point at which the assembly of a linear
formation begins, when the leader reaches the rally point
and the rest of the formation members are within a set
distance from it.
After selecting the leader, he takes over the task of
laying out the route to the vicinity of the ship waiting
for assistance. This task is the responsibility of his
navigational agent (N), which defines the route as a
list of waypoints, the first of which is in the vicinity of
the available tugs and is also the rally point of the
formation. The last of the waypoints lies in the
vicinity of the ship waiting for assistance.
The formation leader sends information about the
location of the rallying point to the other tugboats, at
the same time engages his tug’s propulsion and
proceeds towards it at a speed of 80% of the speed
defined as the formation movement speed Vf. The
remaining tugs determine their distance Rt from the
rally point as shown in figure 7, based on the
1Tn Tn
RTn distance of n-th tugboat from the rally point,
RTn+1 distance of (n+1)-th tugboat from the rally
Then, the process of forming a line formation is
initiated, where each tug boat moves towards the rally
point at such a speed, that when the leader reaches
this point, each of the tugs is at a predetermined
distance Ln defined by the equation:
( )
L n D=
Ln Distance of n-th tugboat from the leader,
n number of the tug, n leader = 1,
Df distance between neighboring tugboats in the line
When the formation leader reaches the rally point,
he starts to turn towards the next waypoint on the
computed path. The remaining tugs, already at
appropriate distances Ln from the assembly point,
move towards it, simultaneously adjusting their speed
to the same as leader's speed, as shown in figure 8.
Then each of the tugs, reaching the assembly point,
starts a turn, from then on following the tug
preceding them, keeping a defined distance Df. The
assumed distance is selected in such a way that in the
event of a failure on the preceding vessel, it would be
possible to perform an avoidance maneuver. Another
aspect taken into account when determining the value
of Df is the amount of hydrodynamic resistance that
could affect the hull of the tug if it was moving in the
water stream of the preceding vessel. When the last
tug, after reaching the rally point, positions itself at a
distance Df from the penultimate tug, the line
formation creation process is completed and the
leader along with the other tugs accelerates to the set
speed Vf.
After assembling the formation, it moves to the
place of assistance operation. The journey is divided
into phases of: leaving the port, and then the phase of
straight passage towards the waiting ship, during
both respecting the right of way. During the
movement phase, the tugboats maintain the speed Vf
equal to 8.5 knots and the mutual distance Df,
therefore, for the purposes of anti-collision
calculations, the formation length LF can be assumed
according to the equation:
( )
F H f
L L k D= +
LF Total length of line formation [m],
LH Length of one tugboat [m],
k Number of tugboats in the formation.
Table 1 shows the parameter values used for
simulation in the navigation environment simulator.
Both the number of tugs k and the distance between
the tugs Df have a direct impact on the operation of
the formation, especially in congested waters, because
for the purposes of performing anti-collision
maneuvers, the whole formation is treated as single
Table 1 Parameters used during simulation.
Parameter Symbol Value
Number of tugboats in the formation k 4
Tugboat length LH 25m
Mutual distance between tugboats Df 150m
Line formation length LF 475m
Figure 9 shows the data view from the navigation
environment simulator, showing the trajectories of the
simulated vessels: four tugs, one vessel waiting for
assistance and one other vessel, placed against the
map of the Port of Gdynia. The route of the other ship
crossing from the southern part of the port to the
north was deliberately synchronized with the route of
the formation passage in order to create a collision
situation with the tugs of the formation.
Tug 1
Tug 2
Tug 3
Tug 4
Other ship
Figure 9. The paths of simulated vessels against the map of
the Port of Gdynia. Visible assembly of the line formation,
sailing in formation in the port area, performing an anti-
collision maneuver after leaving the port heads, and
reaching the destination next to the ship waiting at port
Figure 10. Stages of line formation assembly in the Port of
Gdynia. Visible features: rally point, path in the port
(circles), anti-collision maneuver waypoints (triangles), final
waypoint (square), and unperturbed transition path
(dashed line).
Figure 9 shows the reaction of the formation leader
who, after identifying the threat of a collision with the
other ship coming from starboard, made a starboard
turn in order to pass behind the stern of the other
ship. The determination of the anti-collision maneuver
in accordance with COLREGs rules resulted in the
modification of the formation transition route by
adding additional waypoints, directing the formation
to the route leading behind the other ship. Additional
waypoints are shown in figure 10 as triangular
markers, the actual route as a solid line, and the
originally planned route as a dashed line.
The first additional waypoint lies on the original
route from the port exit area to the point in the
vicinity of the waiting vessel. This waypoint is created
at the place where the leader of the tugboat formation
starts the turn that marks the beginning of the anti-
collision maneuver. Subsequent tugs reaching this
point follow the leader's footsteps, also making a turn,
heading to the second waypoint located in such a way
that the entire formation could safely bypass the other
ship, maintaining a linear formation at all times. After
the tug boats have reached the second additional
waypoint, the route continues to the original
destination, located in the vicinity of the vessel
awaiting assistance, marked with a square in Figure
After individual tugs reach the destination point
next to the vessel awaiting assistance, the line
formation is gradually disbanded and the tugs are
directed to their designated work stations around the
vessel. The trajectories of the tugs at this stage of the
formation's operation are shown in figure 11.
Tug 1
Tug 2
Tug 3
Tug 4
Figure 11. The phase of surrounding the target ship by the
formation member tugs. Visible final formation waypoint
marked with a square symbol, the silhouette of the ship
awaiting assistance, and the imaginary bow-stern line of the
awaiting ship.
The arrangement and routes of the tugs around the
target ship, shown in figure 11, required the tugs 1
and 2 to perform additional maneuvers in order to
safely reach the opposite side of the ship than the
direction from which the formation came. The
maneuver consisted of avoiding the stern and the bow
of the target vessel at a safe distance, and then going
to assigned positions. Due to the favorable location of
the designated work stations in relation to the bow-
stern line of the target vessel (not needing to cross this
line), the tugboats 3 and 4 could proceed to their
positions immediately after reaching the final
formation waypoint.
An additional condition considered while
determining the placement of tugs around the assisted
vessel was to assign the places furthest from the final
formation waypoint to the first two tugs. This made it
possible to remove the need to avoid the tugs already
in the required positions if the assisted vessel was
positioned exactly with its stern or bow towards the
arrival direction of the tugs. Figure 12 shows a 3D
view of the final mutual position of the tugs and the
assisted vessel.
Tug 1
Tug 2
Tug 3
Tug 4
Figure 12. 3D view from the navigational simulator,
showing the situation around the target vessel at the end of
the target surrounding phase.
Figure 13 shows the plot of changes in wind speed
during the simulation. Figure 14 presents the course
and rudder angle of the leader tugboat, tug 1, during
the course of the simulation. The leader tug’s speed
plot has been shown in the figure 15. The visible dips
in the speed are associated with the turns while
underway. The initial 80% setpoint of Vf speed is seen
in the beginning of the plot. It is intended to allow the
rest of the tugs to settle behind the leader as the
formation was being assembled.
Figure 13. Wind speed plot in a simulated navigation
environment simulator environment.
Figure 14. Plot of the course and the angle of the rudder of
tug 1 - the leader of the formation.
Figure 15. Speed plot of tug 1 - formation leader.
The article presents the concept of a multi-agent traffic
control system for unmanned port tugboats. The
trends in the development of modern ship traffic
control systems are presented. A holonic agent
connection structure is described, corresponding to
the traditional manned tug command system. The
cooperation of agents placed on individual tugs
allows performing complex operations, such as
creating specific formations, moving in formation
along a specific route or a precise approach to the ship
waiting for assistance.
The results of simulation studies confirm the
possibility of controlling the formation of autonomous
tugs with the use of an agent system, including the
controlled assembly and disbanding of formations
with a specific shape, and the possibility of
commanding the passage of formation in a specific
shape along a given route. It is possible that the
example shown using a linear formation shape would
have limited applicability in congested waters and
with larger number of tugs. Further research could
consist in testing other formations, e.g. multi-column
formations or employing dynamically changing
distance between tugs. Reducing the mutual distance
would shorten the formation length, but would
require a reduction in speed. A lower speed would
extend the transition time, but could also facilitate the
performance of anti-collision maneuvers.
Additionally, the possibility of reacting to
unforeseen disturbances on the route in the form of
other ships on a collision course with the formation
was successfully tested. The sailing formation under
the command of the leader made a controlled turn
maneuver, in accordance with the rules of the right of
way of the sea, in order to avoid the other vessel
having the right of way. After performing the anti-
collision maneuver, the formation correctly returned
to the interrupted task. After reaching the vicinity of
the target vessel, the formation orderly disbanded and
the tugs took up positions around the vessel, ready for
the assist. The use of a multi-agent system may
contribute to an increase in the level of safety in a
given body of water and a reduction of fuel, which
translates into a reduction in exhaust emissions to the
This research was funded by a research project of the
Electrical Engineering Faculty, Gdynia Maritime University,
Poland, WE/2021/PZ/08 titled “Optimization of low-
emission surface vessel control processes.”.
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