Collisions and groundings are the most frequent type
of these maritime accidents, accounting for
approximately 85% of maritime accidents [3, 14]. The
navigational accident usually has serious
consequences, such as loss of life, damage to property,
pollution of waters etc. Therefore, it is essential to
mitigate the navigational risk of maritime accidents
[13, 17, 18].
Numerous approaches have been proposed for risk
assessments [6]. [1] utilized the fuzzy bow-tie method
to estimate the collision in STS operations, and
analyzed the factors that have the strongest
relationship with collision/contact accidents in STS
operations. [15] proposed a mutual information-based
Bayesian Network method for estimating the
consequences of navigation accidents and identified
the predominant factors of navigational accidents.
Bayesian networks (BN) are widely used for
quantitative risk assessment due to their intuitive
graphical structure and quantitative representation of
the relationships between influencing factors [17, 18].
Moreover, it can also well handle the uncertainty.
Owing to the above-mentioned advantages, it is used
for the quantitative assessment of final risk. Moreover,
as fuzzy fault trees can well describe the accident
development using historical data, it is introduced to
obtain basic events and associated failure
2.1 Establishing a maritime accident risk assessment
The proposed risk assessment framework for
navigational accidents is shown in Figure. 1. The
Use of Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis and Noisy-OR Gate
Bayesian Network for Navigational Risk Assessment in
Qingzhou Port
C. Zhao
, B. Wu
, T.L. Yip
& J. Lv
Intelligent Transportation System Research Center (ITSC), Wuhan, China
National Engineering Research Center for Water Transport Safety, Wuhan, China
Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Shenzhen CIMC Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China
ABSTRACT: Collisions and groundings account for more than 80% among all types of maritime accidents, and
risk assessment is an essential step in the formal safety assessment. This paper proposes a method based on
fuzzy fault tree analysis and Noisy-OR gate Bayesian network for navigational risk assessment. First, a fault tree
model was established with historical data, and the probability of basic events is calculated using fuzzy sets.
Then, the Noisy-OR gate is utilized to determine the conditional probability of related nodes and obtain the
probability distribution of the consequences in the Bayesian network. Finally, this proposed method is applied
to Qinzhou Port. From sensitivity analysis, several predominant influencing factors are identified, including
navigational area, ship type and time of the day. The results indicate that the consequence is sensitive to the
position where the accidents occurred. Consequently, this paper provides a practical and reasonable method for
risk assessment for navigational accidents.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.07
modelling process can be summarized in the
following three steps.
The first step is to construct the fault tree based on
historical data.
In the second step, the fault tree model is mapped
into a Bayesian network and the conditional
probabilities of the relevant nodes are determined
using Noisy-OR gates.
The third step is to estimate occurrence probability
of navigational accidents using Bayesian network.
Regional factor analysis and sensitivity analysis are
carried out in the developed Bayesian network.
Figure 1. Risk assessment model framework for navigation
2.2 Fuzzy fault tree analysis method
2.2.1 Construction of the fault tree
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is often used to find the
best way for risk mitigation. In a fault tree, top events,
intermediate events and basic events are connected
together by logic gates. The gates represent the
relationships between the events [8].
In this paper, the navigational accident is
considered as the top event (TE), and intermediate
events are defined as crew, ship, waterway and
emergency resource. The developed fault tree is
shown in Figure.2. The proposed fault tree includes 23
BEs that contribute to the occurrence of the
navigational accidents.
Figure 2. Fault tree model of navigation risk
2.2.2 Identification of influencing factors for navigation
In order to identify the influencing factors, the
historical data of maritime accidents in Qinzhou port
are collectedwhich are 115 cases from 2018 to 2020.
Moreover, previous studies are also used to facilitate
the identification. The reasons for choosing the
influencing factors are descried in detail as follows.
1. Top Event. The navigational risk is defined as top
event, which is also the objective of this paper.
2. Intermediate Events. The intermediate events are
often introduced to facilitate the modeling process.
Traditionally, the influencing factors of
navigational accidents can be categorized into four
types, which are crew, waterway and emergency
3. Basic Events. Crew includes lack of experience and
training of crew, non-application of correct safety
standards, etc, which are analyzed from the
collected accident reports in the Qinzhou Port.
Navigational environment includes the channel
environment and wharf environment. Also
communication between the ship and the marina is
particularly important. Dangerous goods vessel is
the most important factor in marine accidents,
therefore, the setting of mobile safety zones and
communication between dangerous goods vessels
and other vessels are the primary influencing
factors for accidents in these areas. As the location
of emergency resources is fixed and cannot be
allocated along the channels.
To simplify events, the status of all nodes can be
binary. In total, 23 BEs (basic events) and 10 IEs
(intermediate events) were included in the FT (fault
tree) diagram. Table 3 defines all potential failures
related to collision/grounding during navigation.
2.3 Using fuzzy fault tree methods to obtain BEs
1. Fuzzy numbers to define probabilities of the BEs.
The concept of fuzzy set theory was introduced by
L.A. Zadeh [16] to deal with uncertain or vague
information. A fuzzy set defined on a universe of
discourse (U) is characterized by a membership
( )
, which takes values from the
interval [0,1]. A membership function provides a
measure of the degree of similarity of an element
in U to the fuzzy subset. Fuzzy sets are defined for
specific linguistic variables. Each linguistic term
can be represented by a triangular, trapezoidal or
Gaussian shape membership function. Here,
triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) and trapezoidal
fuzzy numbers (ZFNs) are employed on the
strength of their simplicity and efficiency to
quantify the probabilities of the BEs. The triangular
representation shows the fuzzy possibility of a BE
can be denoted by a triplet (a1,a2,a3) and the
corresponding membership function is written as
A ZFN denoted by a quadruple (a1, a2, a3, a4) is
defined as follows:
1 2 1 1 2
4 4 3 3 4
0 ; a
( a ) / (a a );a a
( ) 1 ;a a
(a ) / (a a );a a
0 ; a
2. Aggregation of fuzzy numbers of the BEs.
3. Defuzzification of the fuzzy BEs possibility.
4. Convert crisp possibility score (CPS) into
probability value (PV) [11].
5. Navigational risk probability transformation.
The Fussell-Vesely Importance (FV-I) is employed
to evaluate the contribution of each BE to the
occurrence probability of the navigation accidents.
This importance measure is sometimes called the top
contribution importance. It provides a numerical
significance of all the BEs in the developed fault tree
for navigational risk assessment. The improved FV-I
of a BE is calculated by the following equation [10]:
is the FV-I index of i-th BE;
is the
occurrence probability of the navigation risk by
setting the probability of i-th BE to 0.
Then, the FV-I values are defined as probabilities
for the BES of the Bayesian network to derive
probability transformation values for regional
navigational risk, and rank the degree of risk in each
region by the probability transformation values for
regional navigational risk.
2.4 Noisy-OR gate Bayesian network
2.4.1 Mapping the fault tree model into BNs
The fault tree model often uses logical "OR" and
"AND" gates to express the relationships among
various events. The mapping steps are presented in
Figure. 3. In the established failure tree model, there
were 23 basic events mapped into 23 root nodes, 10
intermediate events mapped into 10 intermediate
nodes, and the top event mapped into the leaf node.
Figure. 4 displays the BN of the navigation risk
assessment system in GeNIe-Academic software.
Figure 3. Relationship between FTA and the BN
Figure 4. Bayesian network of navigation risk
2.4.2 Noisy-OR gate model
The Noisy-OR gate model is used to describe the
relationships between influencing variables and their
associated child nodes Y. Each variable has only two
states, and the Bayesian model based on the Noisy-OR
gate must satisfy two conditions [5]:
1. All variables are independent of each other;
2. Assuming that one of the variables
occurs and
other variables do not occur, the occurrence of its
child node Y can be expressed as
1 2 1
( 1 , , , , , , )
i i i n
P P Y x x x x x
= =
, and then the
other terms
in the CPT of child node Y
determined by
, , , , ,
can be expressed
as Eq. (4) follows:
( / ) 1 (1 )
i x x
1 if
is an empty set, then
( / ) 0
P Y X =
indicating that the probability of node Y has no
relationship with parent node
. This does not
match with the actual situation, therefore, all
influencing factors affecting node Y are defined as
Leaky nodes, represented by XL. Next, the model
can be redefined as the Leaky Noisy-OR gate
The mathematical model is derived as follows:
Suppose that child node Y has only two parent nodes,
which are represented by
, respectively,
represents the sum of the other factors
except for
. Their corresponding probabilities are
represented by Pi and Pall, respectively [7]. The
detailed calculation process is shown in [4].
3.1 Calculation of BEs probabilities for navigational risk
based on fuzzy methods
The port of Qinzhou was divided into five regions
based on geographical features, as shown in Figure 5,
and the developed model are applied to analyse
navigational risk in those five regions. In this paper,
only region 1 is used as an example to describe the
modeling process.
Figure 5. Geographical location of the five regions in
Qinzhou Port
Owing to a lack of historical data, the fuzzy set
theory and experts’ linguistic judgments are combined
to quantify the probability of possible BEs occurrence.
In this study, the assessment was performed by three
experts, including a risk analyst and two senior
shipwrights. The linguistic expressions of marine
experts were converted into fuzzy numbers using the
numerical approach method. Linguistic scales,
illustrated in Table 1. We propose a 7-point scale
{Very Low (VL), Low (L), moderate Low (ML),
Medium (M), moderate High (MH), High (H) and
Very High (VH)} through which experts will make
linguistic judgments on the probability of BEs. Figure.
6 shows the number and membership functions of the
fuzzy sets that were developed [2]. To facilitate the
analysis, we converted the TFNs of the BE
probabilities into the corresponding ZFNs; for
example, TFN (a1, a2, a3) can be expressed as ZFN
(a1, a2, a2, a3). The results of the expert assessment of
each BES are shown in Table 2.
Table 1. Linguistic terms and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers of
Linguistic term Fuzzy numbers
Very low (VL) (0.0,0.0,0.1,0.2)
Low (L) (0.1,0.2,0.2,0.3)
Medium low (ML) (0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5)
Medium (M) (0.4,0.5,0.5,0.6)
Medium high (MH) (0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8)
High (H) (0.7,0.8,0.8,0.9)
Very high (VH) (0.8,0.9,1.0,1.0)
Figure 6. Fuzzy number
3.2 Mapping the fault tree model into BNs
The conditional probability in the traditional Bayesian
network uses 100% to describe the occurrence
probability, in practice, it should be a probability.
Therefore, the Noisy-OR gate model, which can
overcome this problem, is introduced. Take the
Engineering facilities (IE8) as an example, two root
nodes (BE15 and BE16) can be used to construct the
Noisy-OR gate model.
Table 2. Fuzzy possibility values for BEs in fuzzy navigation risk FTA
Basic Failure descriptions Linguistic judgments of experts Aggregation of fuzzy
Event Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 numbers
BE1 Lack of experience and training L ML M (0.168,0.268,0.335,0.435)
BE2 Safe speed not used ML M ML (0.240,0.340,0.373,0.473)
BE3 Unauthorized changes to voyage plans by ships MH ML M (0.267,0.367,0.434,0.533)
BE4 Failure to strictly enforce safe operating standards ML MH ML (0.264,0.364,0.432,0.532)
for ship navigation
BE5 Poor judgement and inappropriate measures M MH M (0.333,0.133,0.466,0.566)
BE6 Solidified operation, slow to react in the face of ML L ML (0.241,0.341,0.376,0.476)
unexpected events
BE7 Waterway oyster barrier VL L L (0.062,0.124,0.162,0.262)
BE8 The waterway is a single side marker VL L ML (0.100,0.168,0.232,0.332)
BE9 Lack of marker buoys in dangerous shallows L L VL (0.074,0.149,0.174,0.274)
BE10 Small turning radius L VL L (0.073,0.146,0.173,0.273)
BE11 Bend improvement section form shallow area VL VL VL (0.000,0.000,0.100,0.200)
BE12 Lack of effective communication between the ship ML L ML (0.170,0.270,0.341,0.441)
and the terminal
BE13 Inconsistent floor elevation between docks VL VL VL (0.000,0.000,0.100,0.200)
BE14 Mismatch between berthing tonnage and the actual quay L VL L (0.073,0.147,0.173,0.273)
BE15 Construction vessels occupying waterways MH H MH (0.466,0.566,0.632,0.732)
BE16 Construction Closure M MH M (0.340,0.440,0.470,0.570)
BE17 Mobile safety zone setup ML L ML (0.170,0.270,0.341,0.341)
BE18 Communication between dangerous goods vessels L L ML (0.128,0.228,0.257,0.357)
and other vessels
BE19 Shuttle buses increase the density of traffic flow MH M ML (0.264,0.364,0.432,0.532)
BE20 Construction vessels increase the density of traffic flow H H MH (0.429,0.529,0.558,0.658)
BE21 Lack of tugboat towing ML M ML (0.170,0.270,0.341,0.441)
BE22 Lack of emergency anchorage M L L (0.132,0.232,0.264,0.364)
BE23 Insufficient sensitivity to accident and risk information ML VL L (0.107,0.179,0.243,0.343)
From Table 3, the probabilities can be defined as
15 8 15
( ) ( 1 1) 0.92P BE P IE BE= = = =
15 8 15
( ) ( 0 0) 0.11P BE P IE BE= = = =
16 8 16
( ) ( 1 1) 0.91P BE P IE BE= = = =
15 8 15
( ) ( 1 1) 0.18P BE P IE BE= = = =
The connected probability could be computed that
PCBE15 is 0.272 and PCBE16 is 0.5. The unknown factor
obeys the Gaussian probability density and its
confidence level is 99%. Therefore, we can calculate
, the conditional probability distribution of IE8 (see
Table 3).
Table 3. Conditional probability table of IE8
BE15 T F
BE16 T F T F
T 0.63964 0.27928 0.505 0.01
F 0.36036 0.72072 0.495 0.99
Figure. 4 reveals that IE6, IE7, and IE8 also
constructed a local network.
6 2 6
( ) ( 1 1) 0.95P IE P IE E= = = =
6 2 6
( ) ( 0 0) 0.11P IE P IE E= = = =
7 2 7
( ) ( 1 1) 0.91P IE P IE E= = = =
7 2 7
( ) ( 0 0) 0.15P IE P IE E= = = =
8 2 8
( ) ( 1 1) 0.91P IE P IE E= = = =
8 2 8
( ) ( 0 0) 0.13P IE P IE E= = = =
Their connected probability can be computed that
PCIE6 is 0.558, PCIE7 is 0.4, PCIE8 is 0.307, the CPT of IE2
can be obtained. Table 6 presents the conditional
probability of IE2. The CPT of IE2 is more reasonable
than conditional. All CPTs could be obtained by
following these steps. The final calculated probability
transformation value of heading risk for Area 1 is
0.05367. Figure. 7 displays the results based on the
modified Noisy-OR gate.
Figure 7. Failure probability based on the Noisy-OR gate
4.1 Subsection
In this study, the fault tree model shown in Figure. 3
was used to analyze the navigational risk. Besides, as
the basic events can have a direct impact on the
occurrence of the navigational risk, the relationship
among various events are connected using logical OR
In the Noisy-OR gate BN, if the accident has
already occurred, the failure probability of the
navigation risk was set 1.0. Figure. 8 shows the results
of the BN, with the thick lines representing the
predominant influential factors, and where several of
the thick lines are used to construct connected paths
for the probability of failure TE.
Figure. 8 reveals that 12 root nodes could influence
the entire system, but they only had four connections:
IE2TE and BE14IE7IE2TE. This analysis is
used to discover the impact of influencing factors on
the top event.
Table 6. Conditional probability table of IE2
T 0.8181 0.7375 0.6968 0.5624 0.5884 0.406 0.3139 0.01
F 0.1819 0.2625 0.3032 0.4376 0.4116 0.594 0.06861 0.99
Table 7. Comparison of different areas
Area Failure probability Minimum cut sets Top 10 basic events
transformation value
1 0.05367 BE8IE6IE2TE, BE10IE6IE2TE, BE20(node28), BE15(node24), IE4(node3),
BE12IE7IE2TE, BE14IE7IE2TE BE16(node25), IE8(node15), IE5(node8),
BE5(node8), BE4(node12), IE3(node5)
2 0.07328 BE8IE6IE2TE, BE10IE6IE2TE, BE10(node19), IE1(node2), BE23(node31),
BE12IE7IE2TE, BE14IE7IE2TE BE18(node30), BE20(node28), IE9(node26),
IE8(node15), BE16(node25), BE23(node31)
3 0.07911 BE8IE6IE2TE, BE10IE6IE2TE, BE10(node19), IE4 (node3), IE9(node26),
BE12IE7IE2TE, BE14IE7IE2TE BE18 (node30), BE20 (node28), BE14(node24),
IE8 (node15), BE16 (node25), BE3(node10)
4 0.07259 BE8IE6IE2TE, BE10IE6IE2TE, BE10(node19), BE7(node16), BE17(node29),
BE12IE7IE2TE, BE14IE7IE2TE BE18(node30), BE14 (node23), IE4 (node3),
BE12 (node21), BE9(node18), BE3(node10)
5 0.08901 BE8IE6IE2TE, BE10IE6IE2TE, IE6 (node13), BE14 (node23), IE2(node4),
BE12IE7IE2TE, BE14IE7IE2TE BE12(node21), BE18(node30), IE9(node26)
BE10(node19), BE17(node29), IE4 (node3)
Figure 8. Risk diagnosisbased BN of Noisy-OR gates
4.2 Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis is used to discover the degree of
influence caused by input leaf node on the root output
nodes [9]. The failure probability of top event (TE) is
set as the target, and the sensitivity analysis is carried
out by changing the probability of top event. Figure. 9
shows the results of the sensitivity analysis.
Figure. 9 shows that the sensitivity of the nodes
could be divided into five levels. The first level
includes environmental (IE2) and waterway (IE6), the
second level includes crew (IE1), ship (IE3),
emergency resources (IE4), failure to implement
correct safety standards (IE5), quayside (IE7) and
insufficient sensitivity to accident and risk
information (BE23). The third level includes
engineering facilities (IE8), dangerous goods ship
(IE9), lack of resources (IE10), lack of experience and
training (BE1), unauthorized changes to voyage plans
by ships (BE3), lack of effective communication
between the ship and the terminal (BE12),
construction closure (BE16) and communication
between dangerous goods vessels and other vessels
(BE18). The fourth level includes waterway oyster
barrier (BE7), the waterway is a single side marker
(BE8), lack of marker buoys in dangerous shallows
(BE9), small turning radius (BE10), bend improvement
section form shallow area (BE11), inconsistent floor
elevation between docks (BE13), and mismatch
between berthing tonnage and the actual quay (BE14).
The remaining basic events are in the fifth level. The
result of sensitivity analysis revealed that
environmental (IE2) and waterway (IE6) were the
most influential factors for navigational risk.
Figure 9. Sensitivity analysis of the BN
Figure 10 show the tornado diagrams of the
sensitivity analyses for failure probability (TE) in the
developed model. Also the most sensitive events were
BE20 (node28), BE15 (node24), IE4 (node3), BE16
(node25), IE8 (node15), IE5 (node8), BE5 (node8), BE4
(node12) and IE3 (node5), among these factors, in
Area 1, BE20, BE15, BE16, BE5, BE4 have a greater
impact on the navigational risk than other factors.
Figure 10. Sensitive analysis of top 10 basic event
4.3 Comparative regional extent
After risk assessment of the five regions of Qinzhou
Port, the probability of navigation risk, minimum cut
set, and the ten basic items for each region are shown
in Table7. It can be seen that Area 1 is a lower-risk
area, Area 2 and Area 4 are low-risk areas, Area 3 is a
medium-risk area, and Area 5 is a high-risk area, the
results show that occurrence probability has a
geographical character. Also, the CPTs derived using
the same Noisy-OR gate for the five regions have the
same minimum cut set, indicating that the minimum
cut set is related to the Noisy-OR gate, but there are
large differences in the top ten basic events derived
from the tornado plots using sensitivity analysis.
The main contribution of this paper is to propose the
fuzzy fault tree analysis, Noisy-OR gate Bayesian
network method for estimating the level of risk in
navigation accident areas and identification of the
main factors in such accidents. First, the influencing
factors that contribute to the risk of navigational
accidents were identified from the historical data and
previous research and used as the basic events to
construct a navigational risk fault tree. Second, fuzzy
sets were utilized to obtain the probability of each
basic event and to map the fault tree to a BN, the
graphical structure of the BN could then be derived.
Finally, CPTs were established using historical data
and Noisy-OR gate. By applying this method, the
occurrence probability can be obtained by using fuzzy
fault trees and Noisy-OR gate Bayesian networks. The
main influencing factors of navigation risk can be
derived. Based on these findings, countermeasures
can be taken to reduce the occurrence probability of
such accidents.
Although this paper uses the Qinzhou port as a
case study, the proposed model could be also applied
to other waterways to predict the occurrence
probability of maritime accidents if the data of the
proposed waterways have similar characteristics.
The research presented in this paper was sponsored by a
grant from National Key Technologies Research &
Development Program (grant number 2019YFB1600600;
2019YFB1600603), National Science Foundation of China
(grant number 51809206), Shenzhen Science and
Technology Innovation Committee (Grant No.
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