International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 4
December 2008
Building of CBR’s DB Using Ontology for a
Collision Avoidance System
G.K. Park, W.G. Kim & J.L.R.M. Benedictos
Mokpo National Maritime University, Mokpo, South Korea
ABSTRACT: We have proposed Fuzzy-CBR to find a solution from past knowledge retrieved from the
database and adapted to the new situation. However, ontology is needed in identifying concepts, relations and
instances that are involved in a situation in order to improve and facilitate the efficient retrieval of similar
cases from the CBR database. This paper proposes the way to apply ontology for identifying the concepts
involved in a new case, used as inputs, for ship collision avoidance support system and in solving for
similarity through document articulation and abstraction levels. These ontologies will be used to build a
conceptual model of a manoeuvring situation.
Ship manoeuvring is a part of navigation where
bridge officers develop their skill through years of
experience and knowledge acquisition in able to
understand the relation between his ship and ships
that are within his sight. This understanding provide
him with the necessary idea of what is supposed to
be done and of what is not supposed to be done
before even deciding what precaution or action he
needs to apply to keep his own ship (OS) out of
danger of collision (Lee & Rhee 2001; Im & Park
2005; Na et al. 2003; Park & Benedictos 2006)
There has been ship maneuvering systems
proposed before but they have failed to capture the
expert knowledge in ship maneuvering like the one
captured using ontology. We propose to use
ontology together with CBR in the acquisition of an
expert knowledge in a ship maneuvering system
(Watson. 1998; Iwatani etal. 1994; Tano et al. 1995;
Fojioka et al. 1995; Aadmont & Plaza 1994).
Ontology will be considered as knowledge structures
that will identify the concepts, property of concepts
and relationships among them to enable share and
reuse of knowledge that are needed to acquire
knowledge in maneuvering a ship safely in the
vicinity of other ships (Nossum et al 2005; Sanches
et al. 2005).
In Section 2 we will first discuss the types of
maneuvering situation involving a single target ship
that are most often used by bridge officers that
require basic maneuvering knowledge in order to
understand the situation before taking action based
on past similar experiences. We will then introduce
how ontology can be used to identify the concepts of
ship maneuvering and the relations among these
concepts (Sanches et al. 2005). In Section 3 we will
adapt a new method using ontology for document
indexing as discussed by R. Nossum and V.
Oleshchuk to find the similarity of a maneuvering
situation to any of the ontology describing the
concepts of maneuvering (Park & Benedictos 2006).
Finally we will be using these ontologies to build a
conceptual model of a maneuvering situation
involving multiple target ships.of
There are several maneuvering situations that can
represent the basic ship maneuvering knowledge of a
bridge officer. The knowledge used in this situations
are somewhat related to each other though each one
is also separated by distinct attributes that can be
considered different from the rest. The following are
the maneuvering situations in navigation involving a
single target ship:
1 Collision Avoidance
2 Altering Course
3 Maintaining Course
4 Overtaking
5 Crossing
6 Non-collision
Though the above maneuvering situations have
distinct attributes from each other some of them may
share a similar concept or instance to be related to
each other. Take for example the first two situations;
Collision Avoidance and Altering Course are related
with each other when we think about avoiding
collision with another ship whose distance is slowly
getting near your own ship. On the other hand they
are a separate maneuvering situation when you are
maintaining a course in order not to be in collision
with another ship. This conditional relationship is also
present among the other maneuvering situations.
In Figure 1 we can see the five basic maneuvering
situations and how they can be related to each other.
In the following sections we will be discussing how
ontology can be used to represent them as context
descriptions together with the algorithm to find the
similarity of a given situation.
Fig. 1. Basic maneuvering situations and their ontological
2.1 Using ontology in defining concepts
In this paper we consider ontologies as knowledge
structures that identify concepts, properties of
concepts and relations among them to enable share
and reuse of knowledge. Ontologies. As shown in
Figure 2 we will use ontology to collect and organize
terms of references presented as graphs that reflect
structural and semantic relationships between
Fig. 2. Mapping of Vertices and Edges
2.2 Graphical Representation of ontology
We will assume, that contexts are given in form of
ontology. Ontology O is presented as a directed
graph G = (V, E) where vertices from V are labeled
by elements from T and edges from E are labeled by
elements from R. We denote such ontology as O =
G(T, R). The mappings of V and edges E are
defined by surjective functions τO : V→T and ρO :
E→R respectively, that is, τO (V)=T and ρO (E)=R.
In Fig.2, we can see how the relation between graph
G = (V, E) is mapped by ρO and τO to an ontology
O = G(T, R).
Using the basic maneuvers, enumerated in the
first paragraph of this section, as concepts or terms,
we can let T be the set of maneuvers and R be the set
of predefined semantic relations among the
maneuvers such as instance_of, subset_of,
attribute_of, member-of_group etc.
Using the ontologies shown in Figures 3 to 8 we
can go further to include more transitive and
asymmetric relations that will define a hierarchal
structure between more specific and more general
concepts, where terms inherit all characteristics from
their ancestor terms. We take R to represent a
hyponymy-like relations, and then from (a, b) R it
follows that b represents a more general concept
than a.
We will define sub-ontology relation similar to
the subgraph relation (Nossum et al. 2005).
Let O
= G
, R
) where G
, R
), i = 1,2 be
two ontologies. O
is a sub-ontology of O
if the following properties are satisfied:
– Graph G
is a subgraph of G
– T
and R
and ρo
Fig. 3. Ontologies under the concept collision avoidance
Fig. 4. Ontologies under the concept non-collision avoidance
Fig. 5. Ontologies under the concept altering course
Fig. 6. Ontologies under the concept maintaining course
Fig. 7. Ontologies under the concept overtaking
Fig. 8. Ontologies under the concept crossing
As shown in Figure 9, let us take the ontologies
from the root altering course having a relation,
is_a_concept, as an example. It will be mapped by
the τo and ρo, has_a_subconcept, to collision
avoidance which has a relation is_a_sub-concept.
The sub-concept will have a mapping has_a_subset
to Altering course having a relation is_a-subset. The
sub-set will have a mapping has_a_member to ship
having a relation is_a_member. The member
also have a mapping has_an_attribute to the
attributes course, distance, relative bearing, TCPA,
DCPA, and αβ having a common relation
is_an_attribute. These will have a common mapping
has_a_value to their respective parameters having a
relation is_a_value that could describe a maneuver
that calls for an alteration of course.
Fig. 9. Ontologies describing the concept altering course
We will give a formal definition of semantic
similarity and explain how to calculate similarity
between two maneuvering situation using abstraction
levels and based on context defined in the form of
ontology ( Nossum et al. 2005).
3.1 Document articulation
Parameters used in this articulation will be defined
as the following:
Distance - Distance between the ship in the
vicinity from (OS).
TRB Target ship's relative bearing will help
determine the type of approach of the dangerous
ships as well as in adjusting the solution to be
adapted by its similarity from the that in the case
TCPA Time of CPA will be used to determine
the CR of each vessel within the dangerous area. It is
also used to adjust the solution to be adapted by
finding its similarity from that in the case base.
DCPA Distance at CPA will be used as a
fuzzified input implicated by the rules in the case
base to produce an adjusted output of new heading.
CR Collision Risk is the result of implicating
the TCPA and TRB rules. I will indicate the degree
of danger that an approaching ship poses to OS.
αβ The angle of approach of a ship in the
vicinity in relation to OS heading measured from the
direction of OS’s heading for ships forward of OS’s
beam and measured from the direction of OS’s stern
for ships abaft OS’s beam.
We take maneuvering situation t as document
containing the set of values of the attributes
distance, TRB, DCPA, TCPA, CR and αβ as the
input. The input t is to be articulated with respect to
an ontology O = G(T,R), where G = (V,E). O will
represent the ontology representing our maneuvering
situations above.
The articulation of t with respect to O is a sub-
ontology O denoted as O
such that O
O, let term
(t,O) denote the set of terms from T that occur in t
that is, term(t,O) T.
We can define O
as G
, R
), where G
= (V
), and let G
= (V
) be the subgraph of G = (V,
T) spanned by V
In the articulation of a document, we try to find
all terms from T occurring in t by selecting V
such that τ
) = term(t, O).
3.2 Similarity using Abstraction Levels
The articulation of our document t, containing a set
of attribute values, relative to an ontology O that
defines a maneuvering situation is in general a forest
of trees or sub-ontology of O where parent vertices
represent more abstract concepts than their children
and root vertices are the most abstract concepts.
Root vertices have abstraction level 0 and non root
vertices have abstraction level 1 more than its parent.
We will denote abstraction level of a vertex vV as
level(v) expressed as:
level : V → {0,1,2,…}
Defining the similarity of a set of input t
to a set
of ontology t
relative to an on ontology O = G(T, R)
where G = (V, E). Let Ot
= Gt
, Rt
), i = 1,2
denote articulations of t
and t
with respect to O.
Similarity is measured as a number between 0 and 1
which is a ratio of the number of common terms at
the relevant abstraction level shown in Fig. 10.
Assuming that Gt
= (Vt
, Et
and V
is the set of
vertices at abstraction level j in the articulation of t
relative to O. let m
be the highest value of j such
that V
0, i = 1,2 and let m = min(m
, m
), M =
, m
The similarity of t
and t
relative to O is a vector
, t
, O) = (s
…, s
j =
for 0 j
j =
0 for m < j M
Fig. 10. Solving similarity using abstraction levels
Similarity will be measured by the total number
of related terms in every abstraction level divided by
the number of vertices.
3.3 Conceptual Model
After solving for the individual similarity of a
maneuvering situation involving a single target ship
in a maneuvering situation, in the preceding sections,
we can further apply ontology to build a conceptual
model (Sanches etal.2005) of a new maneuvering
situation involving multiple target ships in order to
find a similar case from the CBR database where a
solution can be adapted to obtain an optimum output
to avoid collision.
Figure 11 shows how a set of concepts’ relation
to a maneuvering situation can be used to build the
conceptual model of a maneuvering situation by
defining the allowed parameter for alteration of
heading depending to each target ship’s relation to
the concepts of maneuvering situations.
Fig. 11. Constructing a conceptual model of a maneuvering
situation using ontology
Looking at the figure above, The vertices OL,
OLW, OLN, OZ, ORN, ORW, OR are ontologies
having relations mapped to the concepts A, B, C.
They define the allowed alteration in relation to the
respective concepts. The bold lines denote
maneuvers that have no relation to the ontology and
the narrow lines denote the maneuvers that have a
relation to the ontology. Vertices having no relation
to the ontology denote that the alterations are not
This conceptual model can be used to find a
similar case in the CBR database that would give the
optimum solution to obtain an output for avoiding
collision. Figure 12 shows the structure of building a
conceptual model of a maneuvering situation using a
set of ontology to be used as a tool in finding a
similar case from the CBR database.
Fig. 12. Structure of building a conceptual model.
We have adapted an algorithm using ontology to
define the basic concepts that can represent an
acquired expert knowledge in maneuvering a ship.
We have also used a set of ontologies to build a
conceptual model that can represent a new
maneuvering situation involving multiple target
ships. The conceptual model can be used as a tool in
improving the algorithm for finding similar cases
from the CBR database.
Future research will focus on finding similar
cases from the CBR database using conceptual
model as a tool. The effect on the efficiency of
obtaining an optimal output from the Fuzzy-CBR
database would be validated by further tests in more
complicated maneuvering environmenst.
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