The creation of a methodology for an evaluation is
process which takes several steps from defining the
problem, developing the solution and finally testing
the operability of the solution [10]. Fully operational
evaluation methodology for the quality of the
Computerized PMS (Planned Maintenance Systems)
for ships has been developed in 2017 [12]. After
development, the methodology has been tested and
released for free use. Since then, quite a large number
of databases has been evaluated using the
methodology, either for scientific or for economic
Several unwanted characteristics or flaws were
identified during the use of the methodology. The
process of the evaluation requires an expert with
advanced knowledge of the marine engineering
(senior engineering rank), knowledge of the Company
structure and policies (usually from the company or
very well versed about the Company) and advanced
knowledge of the used computerized PMS system.
Another drawback of the evaluation methodology is
that evaluation takes several hours per database.
Therefore, the evaluation of the quality of the PMS
database become costly operation and shipping
companies quite often accept PMS database without
proper and efficient quality control. Drawbacks in the
methodology and the need for constant improvement
[8] were a driving force for the development of the
new methodology which will be without listed flaws.
1.1 Non-disclosure condition
Shipping companies allowed access to their data
strictly under no disclosure condition. All
identification details (either the ship or the company)
are removed from the article.
Assessment of the Concept of the New Methodology
for the Evaluation of Ship Planned Maintenance System
T. Stanivuk, L. Stazić, F. Vidović & K. Bratić
University of Split, Split, Croatia
ABSTRACT: The paper presents an attempt to develop better and cheaper methodology for evaluation of the
quality of the ships’ computerized Planned Maintenance System databases. A concept for the better
methodology has been developed following many times verified rule that faster and cheaper is better. The
concept of the methodology has been checked in operation, tested on four different databases. Results of the
evaluation performed by the concept are compared with an expert evaluation using old, verified methodology,
performed on same databases. Comparison valuated the concept, bringing the verdict if it is functioning or not,
showing that the old and verified rule is not functioning every time.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 4
December 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.04.03
Development of the solution was the next step after
defining the problem [10]. A concept of the new
evaluation methodology has been created, following
the idea that the simpler is the better [1], with
intention to be simple enough that an ordinary skilled
person can evaluate any PMS database without
preparation or special knowledge. Another concept
design condition was based on the principle that
faster is better [2], the evaluation time of the database
quality is shortened to less than half an hour. Another
condition introduced for the concept was that it
should be operable on any type of computerized PMS,
obtaining same results.
Several researches pointed that most common
deficiency in the computerized databases was missing
information [3, 6]. In line with that idea, the concept
for the new methodology is trying to establish link
between the quality and the quantity of the data in
ships’ computerized PMS databases. To minimize the
time needed for the evaluation, only a randomly
chosen sample of the database should be analysed, not
the whole database [4, 5]. This will ensure that the
time for the evaluation is short and cheap. In this case,
several pumps, randomly chosen should act as a
sample for the testing.
The basic idea of the new concept is very simple, it
is basic. The idea stems from already stated fact that
the most common deficiency in computerized
databases is a missing of information [3, 6]. Therefore,
the concept is derived from the idea that the larger
amount of information in a database means that the
database has fewer flaws. If this is true, the evaluation
of the quality of the ship’s computerized Planned
Maintenance database could be reduced to a mere
counting of the data in the database. This procedure
does not require knowledge of systems and
mechanical engineering and can be performed by
anyone. It would create significant savings in the
process of the control and the development of the
database and reduce the total cost of the system.
Testing the operability of the solution (concept)
was performed in two stages, each stage had separate
research objectives. The objective of the first stage [11]
was to determine the functionality of the concept.
Second stage of the testing had to determine if results
obtained by concept are corresponding to the quality
of the DB established by an expert.
In order to determine the functionality of the concept,
a randomly chosen evaluator, with average skills,
performed evaluation of a database. Database
evaluation was performed on the Company premises,
by a student of Marine Engineering.
Overall evaluation of the database [11], based on
the concept, was that DB quality is good, with note
that improvement should be performed with spare
parts and equipment details and maintenance plan.
Results of the concept testing were compared with
the expert evaluation, performed in 2017 [13]:
“Database on average is in order, database does
not require immediate action. There are some areas
where action is required:
some components are without spare parts,
maintenance plan on some components should be
some components do not have defined equipment
Obtained results were very promising although
conclusion was not formed because “small sample
should not lead to great conclusions” [13].
Further testing has been performed, hoping that
results will look similar to the results of the initial
database, which will verify functioning of the concept.
The evaluation of three ship databases was divided
into two separate evaluations [9].
The first evaluation was performed using the
concept by an ordinary skilled evaluator. Second
quality evaluation of computerized PMS databases
was performed on same databases by an expert using
old methodology. The evaluation was performed on
the premises of the shipping company. Analysed
vessels are not sisterships, data collected using the
concept is presented in Tables 1, 2, 3.
Table 1. Results of information counting of the database A
Equipment name Equip. Spares Spare Purch. Work
details number details data data
SW cooling pump 5 47 6 2 3
FO Transfer pump 4 40 5 2 2
Firefighting pump 6 49 6 2 5
Bilge/ball. pump 6 43 6 2 3
Cargo pump 6 117 6 2 2
Em’cy FF pump 6 49 6 2 5
Bilge piston pump 5 40 5 2 2
AVERAGE 5.4 55 5.7 2 3.1
Table 2. Results of information counting of the database B
Equipment name Equip. Spares Spare Purch. Work
details number details data data
SW cooling pump 6 42 5 2 4
FO Transfer pump 6 37 6 2 2
Firefighting pump 6 44 6 2 3
Bilge/ball. Pump 4 46 5 2 4
Cargo pump 5 92 5 2 3
Em’cy FF pump 4 39 4 2 3
Bilge piston pump 5 46 4 2 3
AVERAGE 5.1 49.4 5 2 3.1
Table 3. Results of information counting of the database C
Equipment name Equip. Spares Spare Purch. Work
details number details data data
SW cooling pump 5 51 4 2 5
FO Transfer pump 6 44 5 2 3
Firefighting pump 5 36 6 2 4
Bilge/ball. pump 5 38 6 2 3
Cargo pump 6 108 6 2 5
Em’cy FF pump 5 42 5 2 4
Bilge piston pump 6 45 4 2 4
AVERAGE 5.4 52 5.1 2 4
The evaluator (with ordinary skills) analysed
obtained results and formed overall evaluation about
PMS databases. The overall evaluation of databases is
DB 1 (database 1) has all chosen components; all of
components have linked equipment details. Spare
parts are linked to all components, maintenance
plan is well designed and tuned. Spare parts
details are present as well as extensive purchase
data. There are no areas for improvement found
during this evaluation.
DB 2 has all chosen components; all of components
have linked equipment details. Spare parts are
linked to all components, maintenance plan is well
designed and tuned. Spare parts details are present
as well as extensive purchase data. There are no
areas for improvement found during this
DB 3 has all chosen components; all of components
have linked equipment details. Spare parts are
linked to all components, maintenance plan is well
designed and tuned. Spare parts details are present
as well as extensive purchase data. There are no
areas for improvement found during this
An expert evaluated same databases using the old
methodology and the questionnaire [12]. Results of
those evaluations are almost the same for all three
databases and are presented in the Table 4 (Results are
applicable for all three databases). Only major
deficiencies are collected in the table, i.e. areas marked
with low grades. There are also some other areas
where noted deficiencies are minor and no
improvement was recommended by the expert.
Table 4. Old methodology analysis results for all databases
Question Priority Grade
16. Is the alarm system and its testing 1 1
program entered in the DB?
17. Is PMS self-improvement program 1 1
inserted into the DB and is there control
mechanism for PMS DB
self-improvement program?
20. Are jobs created and grouped according 2 2
to multiplier principle?
21. Are all the same type jobs, coming from 2 1
different sources, synchronized?
22. Are all the same jobs, resulting from 2 1
different requirements (sources), merged?
Overall opinion of the expert, based on the
extensive inspection of all three databases:
Databases have an average grade of 4.3, which is
relatively good overall evaluation grade. There is
frequent usage of the system by several on-board
users and several office users, which is by itself
good sign.
Databases appear to have all components, and look
to be in good order. All components are marked
properly and uniquely, according to their
shipboard location and markings. The data about
the manufacturer, the type and the serial number is
entered to all relevant items as required.
Maintenance plan is well designed and tuned, all
jobs required by company policy are included in
the DB as well as all jobs required by flag state
rules and regulations and by the Class society. Fire
detection sensor list has been inserted into the DB
together with the testing plan. Spare parts are
linked to all components, together with purchase
data and details.
Two areas require immediate attention; PMS self-
improvement program has to be established as
soon as possible in order to report and supervise
DB and its functioning and alarm testing program
needs to be inserted in the DB to enable
supervision of this segment. Another three items
are with intermediate priority, improvement is
also needed but that does not have to be performed
as soon as possible. There is a multitude of
examples in databases where same job is scheduled
twice, for example an overhaul is required
(scheduled) due to manufacturer recommendation,
at the same time there is overhaul scheduled due
to Class Survey.
Databases also have examples where same job is
inserted twice, for work order for example electric
motor overhaul is linked to pump and to its motor
as well. Also, it is noted that work frequency is not
synchronized, i.e., work orders should be grouped
to avoid unnecessary paperwork.
The evaluator with ordinary skills using new concept
analysed computerized PMS databases and the
duration of that evaluation was 30 minutes per
database or 90. Duration of the evaluation performed
by expert was much longer, almost four hours per
database. Also, the expert's report and discoveries are
much more extensive and detailed as expected [7],
and it contains a whole series of observations that are
not present in the opinion of an ordinary evaluator.
That is expected because of the difference in expertise
and the difference in the time used for the evaluation.
Both evaluations pronounced all three databases to be
good, expert gave an average grade of 4.3 (out of 5).
Both evaluations concluded that analysed databases
have all inspected components and well-established
maintenance plan. Main differences of two
evaluations are noted in discovered shortcomings of
databases and recommendations for the future
actions. The evaluator with ordinary skills using new
concept concluded that all analysed databases are in
order and that there are no areas for the improvement
found during his evaluation. Evaluation performed by
expert discovered several areas which need the
improvement, and above all, two of them are
classified as serious deficiencies which require
immediate action.
Comparison of two evaluations showed major
discrepancy between evaluation results. Although
overall evaluation of databases matches, the results of
evaluations do not. New concept failed to identify any
deficiencies which expert discovered in the database
and therefore failed in main purpose of the evaluation
which should be to discover problems in the database
and to recommend areas for the improvement.
Although there are significant potential savings
connected with the new concept (first, the duration of
the evaluation is eight times longer, than expert wages
are much higher), noted major discrepancies question
the meaning of this evaluation.
Several conclusions about the concept can be
formulated, despite relatively small number of
evaluated databases. Testing of the concept of on the
different PMS verified that the concept is functioning
and that it can be used on different computerized
systems. Two persons, both fulfilling the condition of
average skills, tried the use of the concept and both
succeeded to evaluate database(s) without any
problem. This is confirming that the concept is indeed
simple enough for the use by everybody, as it was
intended. Average time for the evaluation was 20-30
minutes which is huge improvement from the time
needed for the expert evaluation. Short evaluation
time is confirming that another goal of the concept is
Comparison of results of the second stage tests
showed a major deficiency of the concept which was
noted in the second stage test in evaluations of all
three databases. Concept evaluation did not produce
same results as the evaluation performed by the
expert, furthermore, concept failed to detect serious
shortcomings inside databases which were detected
by expert and listed line by line. Although the concept
showed great prospect, and evaluation of the first
database was very promising, the discovery of those
shortcomings in the databases changed the outcome.
The concept failed in the primary goal, to perform
proper evaluation and determined the outcome.
Although databases evaluated in the second stage test
had larger number of information linked to them,
there were shortcomings which ordinary skilled
person did not detect. Despite good initial results, the
concept failed to produce satisfactory results and
further use of the concept is not recommended.
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