Tombolo is a term used to describe a
geomorphological feature [6, 46], a narrow strip (a
sandy spit) connecting the mainland to the coastal
island or two islands, consisting of a sand and gravel
deposited by the ocean currents [61] (Fig. 1a) (Fig. 1b).
Waves strike a beach obliquely are creating longshore
currents that move sediment along the coast in a
direction determined by the prevailing wave
approach [63]. In most tombolo around the world, the
sediment material comes from coastal erosion, rivers,
underwater reefs and coastal glacial deposits [18].
Initially, so-called salients are formed. This flattening
of the coastal zone is created in response to the
erection of a hydrotechnical structure or barrier
parallel to the shoreline [39]. If the hydrodynamic
conditions do not change due to the long-term impact
of the structure, a tombolo is formed. The tombolo
phenomenon is a process involving the interaction
between an obstacle and hydrodynamic forces, debris
and the bottom’s bathymetric profile. These factors
after the movement of water, which in turn, affects the
transport of the debris, a change in the bottom
morphology, and the intensity of transport of the
bottom sediment. This is particularly visible when the
coastline is shifting towards a detached obstacle [11].
This phenomenon may have a natural or
anthropogenic origin [5]. Natural tombolo occur when
an obstacle is created by exogenous processes.
Anthropogenic tombolo occur when the obstacle has a
Impact of Hydrotechnical Structures on Forming the
Tombolo Oceanographic Phenomenon in Kołobrzeg and
Specht, O. Lewicka, M. Specht & S. Zblewski
Gdynia Maritime University
, Gdynia, Poland
ABSTRACT: The process of global sea level rise is causing several significant changes in the coastal zone. Sea
level rise and the frequency, strength and duration of storms are also occurring on the Polish coast. As a result,
coastal protection measures, such as man-
made engineering structure, are necessary. These engineering
structures affect (among others) the marine ecosystem in different ways. Although the presence of such
engineering structures can cause changes in the bathymetry of waterbody and the transport of sediments along
the basin, it also slows down the erosion of the shoreline. For this reason, comprehensive knowledge of natural
conditions, including dynamic and variable factors, is essential in the construction of a hydro-engineering
structures. The correct determination of the environmental conditions helps to minimize environmental
damage. Prior to interventions on the coast, the issues addressed in the paper should be analysed and studied.
In this paper, the influence of shoreline structures on the main factors responsible for the development of
tombolo phenomenon is discussed. In addition, the lithological diversity of surface sediments on which the rate
of coastal erosion depends, is also discussed. An important element of the work is the descriptions of tombolo
in Poland. They contain information on the causes of the phenomenon, as well as about the negative
consequences of a disturbance of the hydrodynamic dynamics caused by the structure.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 3
September 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.25
form of man-made infrastructure. An improperly
constructed engineering structure may lead to local
abrasions, bottom deepening, the occurrence of strong
rip currents, and even deterioration of water purity in
the future. For this reason, it is very important to
determine the appropriate parameters for the
construction of a breakwater or other hydrotechnical
a) b)
Figure 1. Example of tombolo occurrence when the obstacle
is a breakwater (a) or an island (b)
Figure 2. Satellite photo provided by Google Earth Pro
showing the development of tombolo in Sea Palling, UK.
Sources and dates of the images: Google Erath, 28.09.2020
The considerable complexity of the hydrodynamic
processes occurring during tombolo formation leads
to general regularities regarding the influence of
waves and currents on sediment movement.
Computer modelling (currently the most effective tool
for complex analyses) are used to determine changes
in the sea and the coastal zone. Considering the threat
posed by the impact of a hydrotechnical structure on
the coastline, various studies, including bathymetric
analyses [37, 58], are being conducted on the tombolo
phenomenon. Bathymetry change modelling provides
information on the predicted change of a beach profile
[68]. The tombolo phenomenon is analysed from both
geological [53] and geomorphological aspects and
hydrodynamics [2, 45]. The Simulating WAves
Nearshore-SWAN model was used to determine the
influences of waves on the tombolo phenomenon [4].
However, scientists at South Korea designed a CST3D
model, which recreated the process of tombolo
formation in this region. The model confirmed the
hypothesis that the length of the hydrotechnical
structure have an important role in the tombolo
formation [25, 40]. In 1994, an algorithm was
developed in a numerical coastline model that could
calculate changes in the coastline position near the
breakwater [62]. Since 2018, bathymetric
measurements of this phenomenon carried out in
Sopot, completed by research using satellite
photogrammetry [60], UAV photogrammetry [59] and
TLS laser scanning [57].
This review paper presents elements of the marine
ecosystem that have changed due to the impact of the
engineering structures known as tombolo forms. The
paper is divided into eight sections. Section 1
introduces the tombolo phenomenon and reviews
studies dealing with it. Sections 2 to 5 describe the
factors related to the presence of a breakwater that
influences the formation of a tombolo. The paper ends
with general conclusions on dynamic processes
forming a tombolo, while sections 6 to 8 discuss two
examples of tombolos in Poland. The paper ends with
general conclusions on dynamic processes forming a
Winds are the main energy-generated factor in the
coastal zone, causing the development of wind waves
[70]. The southern coast of the Baltic Sea is dominated
by wind sea and swell [38]. The process that cause
wind waves depend on the character of energy
exchange between the sea and the atmosphere [12].
The wind sea move and grow as long as the wind
blows and die out when the winds stops. The long-
term influence of wind from one direction forms a
swell [41], which is a hazard to navigation. A swell is
characterized by short, discontinuous crest lengths
that are closely spaced. Such a wind wave can reach a
considerable height and have an irregular shape [27].
The strongest waving occurs in areas of shallow water
depth (littoral zone). The largest waves (7-8 m) in the
southern Baltic Sea can be observed in the autumn-
winter period and are caused by long-lasting storms
[71]. In the coastal zone, obstacles in the form of reefs,
breakwaters, islands and rocks are quite common and
disturb the propagation of waves. Waves commonly
approach the beach obliquelyrarely at right angles to
the beach. However, when waves approaching the
breakwater change their characteristics due to the
influence of this structure and participate in the
formation of the coastline. One of the effects of
engineering structures on the wind waves is
diffraction [47]. Wave diffraction is a process in which
the energy of waves propagates perpendicularly to
the dominant direction of wave propagation. Fig. 3
shows the direction of the wave propagation with a
wave diffraction scheme near a vertical wall.
a) b)
Figure 3. Figure showing the direction of the wave
propagation at the ends of an obstacle (a) and the diffraction
scheme near the vertical wall (own work based on: [50])(b)
Wave diffraction is considered as the bending of
waves around an object. It is a kind of movement that
allows waves to move at barriers into harbors as
energy moves laterally along the crest of the wave
[64]. The other water movement is a reflection. This is
a phenomenon of bending of waves when they
approach the shore. It causes the crest to rotate into a
position parallel the depth contour of the bottom in
the shallow water near shore. During refraction, most
of the energy transported by the waves is dissipated
and the remaining energy is used to generate currents
that cause sediment transport, both along and across
the shore [36].
There are three types of wave refraction near the
shore (Fig. 4):
Spilling with the height of the wave decreasing
gradually and foam-forming crest of the wave
Plunging when part of the wave crest is rolled and
breaks after reaching the maximum wave height
Surging when after refraction the wave creates a
surf stream that reaches the shore
Figure 4. The figure shows types of wave refraction (own
work based on [36])
The above-mentioned refractive-diffraction
processes form a so-called shadow zone, which
influences the transport and morphology of sediments
In sea basins, currents are an essential element
responsible for water movement. The ocean current is
defined as the progressive movement of waters,
characterised by a distinctive direction of the resultant
movement and velocity speed equal to the average
velocity of elementary masses [12]. Currents can be
formed under the influence of wind, pressure
gradient, differences in temperature, salinity and
gravity [8]. In the short-term perspective, surface
currents [15] in the Baltic Sea are generated by wind
and their distribution in the coastal zone depends on
bottom topography [17], and coastal morphology.
Moreover, in the Baltic Sea, there is a local deep ocean
current, resulting from differences in depth associated
with salinity and temperature. In addition to local
currents, large-scale circulation is also observed in the
individual Baltic Sea basins, which takes the form of
cyclonic vortices [48], resulting from the interaction of
the Earth's rotation and changes in water depth.
In the area between the breakwater and the shore,
coastal currents play a special role. Characteristic
current circulation is occurs when wave propagation
direction is diagonal to the shore, generating a
parallel and perpendicular flow of water [56]. A
longshore current which occurs when the wave
approaches the shore at a certain angle (Fig. 5.a) is the
strongest in the littoral zone. Longshore currents are
caused by refractive waves, e.g. by the influence of
hydrotechnical structures.
a) b)
Figure 5. Figure showing the longshore current in the shore
zone, without the influence of the structure (a) (own work
based on: [56] and longshore current with the influence of
the engineering structure (breakwater) (b)
The main factor contributing to the formation of
longshore current is the so-called radiation stress [31].
The term radiation stress is defined as the excess of
the momentum stream in a sea area, which results
from the wave motion [48]. The currents generated in
this way flow parallel to the shore. The existence of
technical infrastructure in the coastal zone causes
weakening of the longshore current which, in
consequence, leads to excessive accumulation of
sediments along the coastline. This is visible in a
coastal zone developed with structures (groins, piers,
breakwaters) where a shore bulge is created (Fig. 5b).
Another important current responsible for
transporting thicker sediment fractions from the
coastal zone into deeper sea areas and creating
peculiar sedimentary structures is the rip current [28].
Rip currents are usually generated by waves hitting
the shore perpendicularly and are the effect of the
convergence of water masses in the hitting zone as a
result of the so-called process of water pumping by
the breaking waves [52]. The figure below exemplifies
how rip currents (Fig. 6.a) are created near a
breakwater (Fig. 6.b).
a) b)
Figure 6. Figure showing an example of rip currents (a) and
an example of the formation of rip current near the
breakwater together with the direction of the wave (b) (own
work based on: [48])
In addition to affecting the movement of sediments
in the coastal zone and the formation of coastal
landforms. These currents contribute to many
drownings [55], especially near breakwaters and other
man-made coastal structures. This is due the fact that
the water masses refracting the obstacles and
changing their direction towards the sea. This creates
a so-called corridor where rip currents can reach
speeds of up to about 0.2-0.5 m/s during storms in the
South Baltic [16]. A particularly high risk for a change
in direction of the wave exists where the water meets
the shore at a certain angle due to obstacles or flows
parallel to the shore. In addition, the occurrence of rip
currents leads to stagnation and deterioration of water
cleanliness, which is conducive to the development of
cyanobacteria in summer [14].
The sedimentary material [10], which is largely
involved in the formation of new relief in the coastal
zone, comes mainly from the lithological structure of
subsoil, the geomorphological processes taking place
and, to a small extent, from leaching of Pleistocene
sediments in the seabed and transport of material by
the rivers [10]. The deposition of individual sediments
on the seabed occurred under the influence of the
great Atlantic transgression, which initiated the
processes of abrasion, redeposition and deposition
[42]. The destruction of cliffs in the process of
abrasion brings Pleistocene clay and sand sediments
to the sea [20]. Rivers, in turn, are a source of fluvial
sediments, which include: sands and gravels that were
previously eroded. Another factor in the supply of
material to the coastal zone is eolith. Material carried
by the wind from the land to the sea. Typically, the
beaches are enriched with sediment from beach
nourishment supplied to the shore and from deeper
sea areas. Fig. 7 shows the sources of sediment in the
coastal zone in the southern part of the Baltic Sea.
Figure 7. Figure showing the sources of sediment in the
Baltic Sea
Due to the need to distinguish sediment types in
the Baltic Sea region, Shepard's sediment classification
and Wentworth's grain size classification were used
[42]. The lithological differentiation of the surface
sediment is characteristic for the geological structure
of the ice sheet and results from material selection
during transport under the influence of wave and
bottom currents [26]. In the littoral area, the southern
Baltic Sea is dominated by fine-grained sands [67].
Quartz predominates in the sands, and lamina are
found, often enriched in heavy minerals and shells
with abrasion marks. Other, coarser, sediment types
occur locally, especially near the cliffs. Outside the
coastal zone, there are medium-and coarse-grained
sands, as well as sands of varying grain, sandy
gravels, gravelly sands and gravels. The sediment
distribution is indicative of the highly dynamic nature
of processes occurring in the seabed [43]. In the area
of the tombolo formation in Sopot and Kołobrzeg (Fig.
8), there are three granulometric types of sediments:
fine-grained, coarse-grained, and medium-grained
sands. However, near the coastline fine-grained sand
predominates. Medium and fine-grained sands in the
coastal zone are the group of sediments that are most
easily moved because sediments in the coastal zone
are affected by storm waves that impact the seabed
and cause in the erosion of sandy sediments.
Nevertheless, beaches with fine-grained sand are
frequently found in areas with little influence from
waves or tidal currents.
a) b)
Figure 8. Map showing the lithological diversity of surface
sediments on the area adjacent to the pier in Sopot (a) and
Kołobrzeg (b) according to the classification of F.P. Shepard
(own work based on layers available from: [32])
Unfortunately, the natural distribution of
sediments is increasingly disturbed by anthropogenic
factors [51]. The construction of breakwaters,
hydrotechnical development of the shore and
dredging lead to local changes in hydrodynamic
conditions and associated lithodynamic processes.
Hydrotechnical structures lead to the accumulation of
sandy sediments in the shoreline zone, while
dredging leads to a deterioration of the living
conditions for benthos [22]. The change in the
direction in which waves approach the leeward side
of the breakwater is responsible for sediment
accumulation. Groynes are another example as they
restrict the flow of water along the shore, resulting in
accumulation of material on the beach [22]. The beach
cannot rebuild after a storm surge due to disruption
of circulation along the shore. Most engineering
structure cause the formation of new
geomorphological forms and interrupt of the natural
sediment circulation.
Sediment transport is one of the most important
lithodynamic processes, because it determines the
formation of shoreline forms and the formation of
erosion and accumulation zones near hydrotechnical
structures. In the coastal zone, sediments are
transported within the depth range with a noticeable
effect of surface waves on the seabed [35]. Sediment
transport begins with sluggish movement,
accumulation of individual grains in the bottom zone,
or in close proximity. As the waves gradually become
more powerful (for example, during storms), the
wave motion becomes more intense and more grains
are detached from the bottom. This begins the process
of moving the sedimentary material. The magnitude
of transport is rather random depending on factors
such as the diameter of the sediment grains, their
weight (taking into account the buoyancy force),
roughly defined structural features, the roughness of
the bottom and the viscosity at the water-sediment
interface. Two directions of sediment transport can be
distinguished: longshore [3] and cross-shore
(onshore/offshore). The main factors determining the
intensity of longshore and cross-shore sediment
transport are the wave parameters at the external
boundary of the coastal zone, themorphology of the
coastal platform and the sediment composition [1].
Longshore transport consists of the accumulated
parallel movement of beach and coastal sand towards
the shore [54]. It is caused by waves approaching the
shore obliquely causing movement of materials along
the beach by a process called drifting. This is formed
by tides, wind, and wave action, and creates a
peculiar system of ocean currents along the coast. The
strongest is the longshore current [1]. Longshore
movement of sediments is particularly noticeable in
the shore zone, which has been developed with
structures perpendicular to the shore. Strong
downstream erosion or upstream accumulation in the
shoreline area is then clearly visible [48]. A negative
sediment balance develops behind the obstacle and a
positive sediment balance appears in front of it, which
may contribute to the formation of new
geomorphological reliefs (Fig. 9.b). As breakwater
blocks sediment runoff, it causes losses in the adjacent
areas that were previously supplied by it [51]. When
there are no obstructions, the sediment material is
transported along the shore and deposited in more
distant sections on the shore or beach (Fig. 9.a). The
sediment participates in the natural exchange of
sedimentation, which demonstrates itself in processes
that lead to leveling to the coast or erosion of the part
of land extending towards the sea [24].
a) b)
Figure 9. Drawing presenting the beaches with natural
sedimentation exchange (a) with the influence of a
breakwater (b)
Cross-shore sediment transport consists of the
movement of sediment perpendicular to the shore
under the influence of waves and balancing wave
currents. It includes both transport towards the sea
during storms and transport towards land, which
predominant during calmer periods [1]. Sediment
transport in the transverse direction is associated with
local changes of the seabed aimed at rebalancing [44].
It is important to observe transport to predict the
seasonal shoreline variability and pollution. Excessive
sedimentation contributes to the increase in pollution
by accumulating harmful substances that can a
negative impact on both the marine ecosystem and
humans [30]. This is why it is so important for cities to
intervene and clean beaches when soil material is
deposited near the beach.
The Polish coast is largely sandy and vulnerable to
climate change threats [22]. Previous observations and
analyses show a rise in sea level [69, 71], an increasing
frequency of extreme meteorological phenomena and
storms, which leading to an increasing area affected
by coastal erosion. This is particularly noticeable east
of Kołobrzeg and affects up to 334 km of the Polish
coastline (according to the coastline of Maritime
Office) [33]. The sea level fluctuation in this area
reaches 3.4 m and the sea is retreating at an estimated
rate of 0.9 m/year [24]. Taking into account the
changes in coastal morphology, several coastal
protection measures have been implemented in
Beach nourishment measures have been regularly
carried out in this region, every two to three years
since 1993 [22]. Unfortunately, the reclaimed beach is
destroyed not only by storms, but also by erosion of
the coastal bottom, where continuous deepening is
observed. Investments in the construction of maritime
infrastructure play a significant role in here. In 2010,
as part of the Coastal Protection program (2003) [13],
the old breakwater was demolished and a new 450m-
long rubble-mound western breakwater was
constructed and the eastern breakwater was extended
by 150m [19]. In 2012, a 3-km-long tailrace was
constructed and 35 groynes were installed [22].
However, due to the large bottom depth in this area
and the negative debris balance, increased wash-off of
beach sediments occurs during major storm surges.
Despite the presence of factors threatening beach
reclamation, the formation of tombolo can be
observed on the beach in Kołobrzeg after a storm,
which contributes to the accumulation of pollutants,
algae and bacteria (Fig. 10a) (Fig. 10b).
a) b)
Figure 10. Kołobrzeg beach-view of the eastern breakwater
(a) and groins (b)
Unlike many other tombolos, these occur mainly
seasonally. In Kołobrzeg, the extent of this
phenomenon in every year, which is due to
meteorological factors affecting the hydrodynamics of
the area. It is most noticeable when an anticyclone
forms over the Polish coast, which is characterised by
calm atmospheric conditions. The measures taken to
protect and reclaim the beach and coast did not meet
the initial expectations, and even worsened the
condition of the beach. Groynes and an extended
breakwater stop the flow of water along the coast,
causing fine sand and silt to settle on the beach. In
addition, the protective structures hinder the natural
reclamation of the beach during major water surges
[23]. In the future, tombolo formation in Kołobrzeg
may prevent bathing due to the formation of a muddy
sea bottom near the beach and the occurrence of rip
currents. However, there is no doubt that it was
necessary to build a hydrotechnical structure to
mitigate the effects of coastal erosion.
Thanks to the number and complexity of the
measurements [58], the tombolo in Sopot remains the
best studied phenomenon of this kind. It is located on
the breakwater in the town of Sopot, in the southern
part of the Baltic Sea, on the Gulf of Gdańsk. The Gulf
of Gdansk is a special area because there is a very
peculiar long peninsula in the vicinity, which strongly
influences propagation and thus the energy of the
waves [9]. In this region, storm surges have an uneven
distribution throughout the year, with a maximum
number of surges between September and February.
The strongest surface wind ripples is generated from
north to east, causing extreme waves. However, it
must be taken into account that wind undulation in
the coastal zone, is subject to significant changes
associated with decreasing depth and increasing
bottom friction, which may additionally contribute to
increased movements of bottom sediments along the
coast [7]. On 13-14 October 2009, a severe storm took
place along the eastern part of the Polish coast,
destroying many hydrotechnical facilities and
structures, including the breakwater in Sopot [34].
This was the argument for the construction of a
marina to protect the coast and development the
maritime infrastructure in the area. The orgin of the
tombolo phenomenon dates back to 2011 when the
marina became operational. The analysis of the
coastline [60] clearly confirms the positional changes
due to the influence of the hydrotechnical structure
built in 2011. The structure, which is an extension to
the pier, started to cause changes in the coastline in
the form of emerging tombolo. Bathymetric
measurements carried out by the Maritime Office in
Gdynia since 2010 both the needs of the construction
of the facility and due to changes in the coastline. In
addition, a survey and hydrographic team has been
conducting bathymetric measurements since 2018
unmanned surveying vessel (USV) [59]
photogrammetric measurements from unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV) [5], terrestrial laser scanning
(TLS) [57] and precision receivers of global navigation
satellite systems (GNSS). Based on analysis and
research, it was determined that the developing
tombolo phenomenon constitutes a threat to tourism
in Sopot, and failure to intervene in the future may
lead to significant changes in the beach structure.
Increased blooms of cyanobacteria and algae,
especially green algae [65] are increasingly observed
in the resort, mostly on the south-western side of the
marina. Blooming causes water turbidity and reduces
water transparency. Eutrophication of the sea is one of
the major threats to the correct functioning of the
marine ecosystem. In addition, mud is deposited on
the boundary between the coast and the beach, where
it lingers in the summer and creates a peculiar smell.
Another visible effect is that the water near the
marina is getting shallower. Failure to update
hydrographic maps in the eastern part of the pier and
the southern part of the marina on an ongoing basis
may cause damage to vessels mooring in the marina.
The negative consequences of the erected structure
also include the occurrence of rip currents, which are
responsible in many cases for drowning [21]. In terms
of the dynamics of changes in the morphological
parameters of the waterfront, the shore section
between the cliff in Gdynia Orłowo and the pier in
Sopot is very distinctive because it is supposed that
material from the cliff is deposited at the pier in
Sopot. Due to the uneven distribution of sediments,
the Maritime Office in Gdynia undertook to reclaim
the beach in Gdynia using sand obtained from the
vicinity of the Sopot pier. In 2020, 58 thousand cubic
meters of sand from the Sopot pier area was used to
reclaim the seashore [66].
a) b)
Figure 11. Beach in Sopot Orthophotomap (a) [5] and a
photo showing blooming algae (b) of the area adjacent to
the pier in Sopot [65]
As a result of the development of the marina, a
process was set in motion, the effects of which are felt
mainly in tourism. Sopot is a resort town that can be
severely affected by an ecological disaster if the
appropriate response is not taken. Although the Sopot
authorities occasionally extract black sand and dredge
the bottom, this is not a solution to the tombolo
Tombolo is a complex oceanographic phenomenon
that is strongly conditioned by the interactions
between an obstacle and hydrodynamic forces, debris
and the bathymetric profile. In this paper the
components that contribute to the formation of this
phenomenon are discussed. These components are
presented along with their impact on hydrotechnical
structures [49]. In addition, the lithological diversity
of surface sediments is described, on which the rate of
sediment exchange depends. The influence of these
factors was discussed with reference to the
hydrometeorological conditions prevailing in the
south Baltic Sea using the two tombolo examples
mentioned in this article. The two examples are
among the most common phenomena of this type in
Poland, but they differ in their dynamics and
frequency. The tombolo in Sopot has been the subject
of research and analysis for many years. It is also
worth emphasising the need to take environmental
changes into account before planning construction,
since any intervention in the environment causes a
disturbance in the naturally occurring processes. For
this reason, using the examples given, this paper uses
examples to highlight the negative effects of such
phenomena as: algal blooms, cyanobacteria, rip
currents, changes in bathymetry, shoreline
displacement and changes in the structure of the
coastal zone. These phenomena should be a subject of
more comprehensive studies in the future to better
understand the tombolo phenomenon and reduce the
factors that contribute to its formation. A complete
analysis of these factors will help to reduce the effects
and better understand the impact of the different
components of this oceanographic phenomenon.
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