Digitalization and automation on ship’s bridges are
quite common nowadays in the maritime industry.
Different systems from electronic charts, automation
systems, fuel performance monitoring, or integrated
bridge systems up to decision support systems can be
found on ships worldwide. In recent years, ideas and
applications for autonomous shipping have been
rapidly increasing. In most of today’s ship bridge
systems, decision support systems with different
capabilities are installed and officers of the watch rely
on them. First tests with fully and constrained
autonomous ships are on the way. One of them is the
B0 | BZERO project, with the aim of an autonomous
8-hour watch-free bridge, while the ship is still
manned. The challenge hereby is the definition and
design of the ship’s systems.
1.1 Autonomy Levels
In the transportation industry, different definitions of
autonomy levels exist: Sheridan and ALFUS, SAE
autonomy levels, metro grade of automation, National
Business Aviation Association levels, Lloyd’s Register,
Maritime21 [13, 14] or IMO (International Maritime
Organization) levels of autonomy [5], whereby the
IMO levels (see Figure 1) are the most general and
applicable for maritime applications.
Figure 1. IMO levels of autonomy
Learning to Swim - How Operational Design Parameters
etermine the Grade of Autonomy of Ships
. Ugé
& S. Hochgeschurz
Fraunhofer-Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML, Hamburg, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE, Wachtberg, Germany
ABSTRACT: In recent years, ideas and applications for autonomous shipping have been rapidly increasing. In
most of today’s ship bridge systems decision support systems with
different capabilities are installed and
officers of the watch rely on them. First tests with fully and constrained autonomous ships are on the way. One
of them is the B0 | BZERO project, with the aim of an autonomous 8-hour watch-free bridge, while the ship is
still manned. The system’s constraints are captured in the operational design domain (ODD) defining all
conditions under which the autonomous system can operate safely. We propose the definition of a preliminary
ODD considering both regulatory and technical restrictions. Furthermore, we present a new way of defining the
level of autonomy of a ship by using the ODD and navigational specifications.
International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportatio
Volume 15
Number 3
September 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.03.02
The IMO levels of autonomy look at two aspects:
On the one hand the manning of the ship and on the
other hand the control mode. In level 1 (Decision
Support) the ship’s crew is still on board, decision
support systems and automated processes are
available. Shipboard operations are mainly conducted
manually, but some may be automated. Level 2
(Remote Control with Seafarers) means that the ship’s
crew is still on board, but the ship is controlled from
another location, whereas local crew is available to
intervene if unintended or risky maneuvers or
situations apply. The third level (Remote Control
without Seafarers) also includes remote control, but
here seafarers are not on board. Level 4 (Fully
Autonomous) means that no crew is available on
board and no remote center is controlling the ship.
The shipboard systems are deciding and acting on
their own. Nevertheless, and as we will show, there
are more sublevels or different combinations of those
aspects, and situations where an exact allocation to
one of these levels might not be suitable.
1.2 B ZERO Project
Looking at recent research, the development of MASS
is steadily growing [7]. However, since the era of fully
autonomous and commercially viable ships is not yet
there, a hybrid approach is developed, where
automated and autonomous systems are used, while
still the full or a reduced crew is on board. Whilst
ship’s engine rooms can be already operated without
any crew, the ship’s bridge still needs to be manned at
all times [13]. The project B0 | B ZERO looks into the
possibility of using autonomous systems to achieve an
8-hour watch-free bridge. The designed system is
intended to be built on an existing ship. Therefore,
technical constraints, available sensors and the
planned operational area are part of the project’s work
packages, requiring a thorough planning, specification
and limiting of resources, devices and data or
1.3 Aim
The aim of this paper is to propose a different
approach to categorize levels of autonomy for surface
ships, after describing the outcomes of the
navigational and operational design domain (ODD) of
the B0 | B ZERO project. During the process of
creating the navigational specifications and the ODD
for the B0 | B ZERO project, it became clear that
existing autonomy levels are not sufficient to reflect
the possible variety of vessel autonomy levels. The
need for a further differentiation between more levels
of autonomy arose, because the existing IMO levels
only focus on the two parameters manning and level
of automation of devices. During the B0 | B ZERO
project, the necessity for further parametrization
occurred, in regards to existing regulations, ship sizes
and environmental as well as situational
circumstances. Therefore, this paper takes into
account a greater variety of parameters influencing
the levels of autonomy by considering the findings
from the B0 | B ZERO navigational specifications and
2.1 Defining Navigational Specifications
In order to develop the functional and non-functional
specifications of a ship’s navigation system for an 8-
hour watch-free bridge, a navigational specification
was established for the B0 | BZERO project. Those
specifications were broken down into fundamental,
environmental, human-centered, safety and non-
functional requirements.
In a first step the available data sources were
summarized, the corresponding navigational domains
addressed and gaps and missing data identified. In a
second step, the duties of the human officer of the
watch (OOW), the autonomous system (referred to as
Auto-OOW) and the master, closely derived from
human bridge duties, were determined. This means
that generally the Auto-OOW will also pass through
the four process stages of control [11]: acquisition of
information, analysis of information, decision and
action selection and action implementation.
As a third step, restrictions concerning the
autonomous maneuvering of the system were
determined. As a fully autonomous unmanned system
desirably would be able to perform in most or any
circumstances, some restrictions occur for a system
when navigational personnel is included. While
defining the restrictions, it was found that setting the
margin of possible action restraint will lead to a lower
grade of autonomy. Those restrictions were defined in
the ODD.
2.2 Defining the Operational Design Domain
In order to know under which circumstances the
autonomous system can be used, an ODD must be
defined. The ODD describes the conditions in which
the Auto-OOW can safely navigate autonomously [2,
12]. Conditions could be, for example, low traffic
density, good weather, or a sufficient water depth. If
the conditions are no longer met, the ODD is left and
the system must request human assistance [3] or
perform some fallback procedure [15]. A human
officer is then called to the bridge to assess the
situation and take control if necessary. At higher
autonomy levels, the system itself would perform this
so-called fallback with the goal of reaching a system
state of minimal risk [2]. At the highest autonomy
level, i.e., full autonomy, a fallback is not necessary,
since the ODD would then be unrestricted [15].
The process of defining the ODD should start early
in the design process, as defining the ODD also
supports the definition of system and functional
requirements [2]. However, the ODD does not only
help early in the design process, it also supports
evaluating and testing the autonomous system [2].
The ODD can be used to define situations that the
autonomous system must handle on its own as well as
situations in which it requires human assistance. If the
autonomous system does not behave as expected in
the corresponding situations, either the ODD must be
adapted to be in line with the test results or the
autonomous system must be adapted to meet the
requirements of the ODD. Therefore, the process of
defining the ODD is highly iterative [2].
Finally, the ODD is also employed during
autonomous operation in order to monitor the current
system state with respect to the ODD. This is referred
to as ODD monitoring [2]. Only, when constantly
monitoring whether the current conditions are within
ODD limits can the system detect possible ODD
violations and request human assistance.
2.3 Methods for gaining the ODD
The process of defining the ODD was started at the
very beginning of the project, as recommended in [2].
As a starting point, a literature search (e.g., [9]) was
used to identify conditions potentially limiting the
ODD of the Auto-OOW. These conditions are referred
to below as ODD factors (see [8]). ODD factors were
subsequently adapted and further refined in close
exchange with the project partners. The close
exchange was particularly important, since it made
sure that potential system boundaries were
considered as ODD factors right away. It also served
to keep all project partners in the loop and to address
their goals for the future capabilities of the
autonomous system.
For these purposes, N = 6 project partners with
nautical (N = 4) and/or technical experience related to
autonomous or sensor systems first completed an
online questionnaire to further specify ODD factors.
The partners with nautical experience possessed on
average 14 years of seafaring experience, with two still
working as navigators at the time of the survey. The
results of the questionnaire were used as a discussion
basis in two online workshops with all project
partners, which eventually produced a preliminary
definition of the ODD and ODD factors. As the ODD
is defined and refined iteratively [2], this preliminary
version has already been adapted to further project
results. The resulting and still preliminary ODD
factors are described in detail below. It is expected
that the definition of the ODD will be further refined
as the project continues.
2.4 Methods for categorization of autonomy levels
For a nuanced definition of autonomy levels the
outputs and findings of the navigational specifications
and the ODD were considered. The fact that a clear
definition of autonomy depends also on other aspects
besides manning and the location of operation (see
IMO levels) arose from the outcomes of the two
working packages in the B0 | B ZERO project. A new
fragmentation into parameters (conceived from
navigational specifications and the ODD) was
derived, which were divided into equivalent
important sub-parameters.
For each parameter a multidimensional
visualization in form of a radar plot (which is also
known as web chart or spider chart) was created. To
avoid confusion within the nautical profession, the
synonym spider chart will be used hereafter. Similar
to a probability distribution function, a profile plotted
on that spider chart represents the relative
distribution measured across more than three
comparative sub-parameters, where each sub-
parameter is represented by an axis on the chart. With
the allocation of a defined value on each sub-
parameter axis, a polygon is created by connecting the
points. The polygon therefore inherits a definite size,
position and shape.
In a further step the spider charts were used as a
tool to categorize the three primary parameters into
five categories. From the geometrical property of each
shape, the areas can be calculated by decomposing the
closed polygon into triangles, with the vertices being
the (sub)-parameter properties.
Afterwards a closer look onto the distribution of
the areas of the developed shapes was taken. As the
area of polygons in a spider chart increases almost as
a square, rather than linearly, the five categories were
derived from a square function and split into the
categories, respectively. The resulting area of the
shape of each parameter was then used as a
categorical value in order to partition the parameters
for the level of autonomy (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. The profile area of a parameter (left) contributing
to the level of autonomy (right)
This procedure is not only applied to each
parameter, but also to the levels of autonomy. The
profile plotted on that chart represents now the
relative distribution measured across at least three
comparative parameters, where each parameter is
represented by an axis on the chart. The so gained
shapes provide a first visual impression about each
parameter’s influence on the level of autonomy.
3.1 A preliminary ODD for the B0 | BZERO project
For the preliminary ODD, a total of 15 ODD factors
were defined and assigned to the following
categories: own ship information, route information,
voyage phases, traffic information, weather and
system failures. The ODD was defined in terms of its
limits (see [2]). When an ODD limit is reached, i.e.,
when the state of an ODD factor becomes critical, the
Auto-OOW requires human assistance. In this case,
the human is called to the bridge to gain awareness of
the current situation and react to it.
Human support will be necessary, for example,
when the Auto-OOW detects a close quarter situation
with a target that has the right of way, so the own ship
is required to give way. In this case, a close quarter
situation was defined by a CPA (closest point of
approach) of less than 1.5 NM and a TCPA (time to
closest point of approach) of less than 12 minutes to
the critical target. If such a situation is detected (the
Auto-OOW should prevent this from happening in
the first place), a human officer will come to the
bridge to have a look at both the situation and the
possible maneuvers the Auto-OOW will offer to solve
the situation. Either the human will then decide to
select one of the suggested maneuvers and the control
will remain with the Auto-OOW or the human will
take control himself, i.e., the human performs a watch
takeover. In other situations, the only option of the
human officer will be to take over the watch
immediately. For example, if the wind speed exceeds
8 Beaufort, the human must assume control
immediately without the option to let the Auto-OOW
These two examples clarify that the ODD factors
were divided into two categories based on what
reaction is necessary when the factor state is critical:
ODD factors requiring immediate watch takeovers
and ODD factors where the human OOW decides
about who controls the own ship. In the latter case, an
evaluation of the human is necessary. Hence, a
distinction was made between watch-takeover and
evaluation factors. The two ODD factor categories
indicate in total three situation states with respect to
the ODD. The current situation is either in scope of
the ODD (no human response required), out of scope
of the ODD (watch takeover required) or unclear and
needs to be evaluated (evaluation required). These
three states are consistent with the categorization of
Furthermore, it was agreed that the master and
selected personnel should have a comparatively high
degree of decision-making freedom with regard to
ODD limits. Critical values of continuously
measurable ODD factors (such as the roll and pitch
period, the visibility, the wind speed etc.) should be
adjustable by the master and selected personnel, since
the definition of which ODD factor conditions are
critical highly depends on the ship type and the crew.
For example, it depends on the ship type and size,
which roll period is to be seen as critical for
autonomous operation. The goal, however, is to
specify default values for most or all ODD factors.
To account for characteristics of voyage phases that
are difficult to measure and to evaluate by the Auto-
OOW, we determined that voyage phases should be
classified as either autonomy-capable or autonomy-
incapable during voyage planning. Then, when
entering autonomy-capable voyage phases during the
voyage, autonomous operation is feasible, as long as
the current situation is also in scope of the ODD.
However, autonomous operation is in any case
infeasible in voyage phases labelled as autonomy-
incapable. Before entering these voyage phases, the
Auto-OOW has to hand over the watch to the human
officer. Specifically, the following voyage phases
should be autonomy-incapable in the project B0 |
BZERO: shallow waters, VTS areas, dangerous areas
and areas where bad weather is expected. The labels
autonomy-capable and autonomy-incapable will be
tied to waypoints defined during route planning.
Therefore, waypoints are either not ODD relevant,
lead to scheduled ODD exits or scheduled ODD
entries (if all ODD factors allow the entry).
A summary of all ODD factors and the conditions,
in which they are critical to the ODD, as well as the
necessary human responses, is displayed in Table 1.
For some ODD factors, default critical conditions
remain to be defined. For the ODD factor under keel
clearance (UKC) as well as for the factor combination
CPA and TCPA, two distinct default critical
conditions were defined (see Table 1).
3.2 Categorization of ODD and navigational limitations
As the restraints of the navigational specifications and
the outcomes of the ODD show, several parameters of
ship’s navigation are affected and influence the grade
of autonomy directly. Hence, it seems useful to
generally classify those parameters into categories for
environment, traffic and own ship (see Table 2).
Table 1. Defined ODD factors with their default critical conditions and required human reactions
category ODD factor default critical condition necessary reaction
own ship roll period to be defined evaluation
information roll angle at least 10° evaluation
pitch period to be defined evaluation
pitch angle at least 25° evaluation
speed to be defined evaluation
UKC at most 50m watch takeover
at most 0.7 times of the estimated UKC evaluation
voyage phases time to autonomy-incapable area at most 12 minutes watch takeover
route cross track distance to be defined evaluation
information deviation between estimated and at least 15 minutes watch takeover
scheduled arrival time at next waypoint
traffic traffic density heavy traffic (to be defined) watch takeover
information CPA & TCPA Target has to give way, CPA at most 1.5 NM evaluation
and TCPA at most 15 minutes
Own ship has to give way, CPA at most evaluation
1.5 NM and TCPA at most 12 minutes
loss of radar targets loss happens within a radius of at most evaluation
12 NM and target AIS data are not available
weather wind force at least 8 Beaufort watch takeover
visibility at most 3 NM evaluation
failures system failure at least one of the following systems failed: watch takeover
ECDIS, Radar, AIS, gyro compass, echo
sounder, GPS, THD, propulsion system,
steering gear, alarm system, automatic track
control, automatic heading control
Table 2. ODD and navigational parameters
Environment Traffic Own Ship Factors
Wave height Number of ships Motion (Roll/Pitch)
Wave direction CPA Speed
Wind speed TCPA UKC
Visibility Voyage Phase
Time of day Cross-track distance
Those parameters can be seen as the restraining
settings for any autonomous ship. The narrower the
range of action or limit for each parameter is set, the
lesser the range of possible action is for an
autonomous system. Restraining the parameters
means to set some boundaries, in which the
autonomous system is allowed to freely operate. Each
parameter limit thereby has different impacts on the
navigation. To illustrate this in more detail and to
provide an example, the parameters including their
sub-parameters are described further in the following.
3.2.1 Categorization of Environmental Parameters
Wave height was named as one restricting sub-
parameter for the B0 | BZERO project. As the wave
height varies regionally, seasonally and temporarily, a
ship might encounter all ranges of wave heights on its
voyage. This sub-parameter directly influences the
ship’s motion and can result in heavy rolling or
structural load onto the ship’s hull. Additionally,
increasing ship motions could cause damage to the
cargo, when inappropriately secured. It is anticipated
that the wave height is an essential sub-parameter, as
an autonomous system needs to react to areas of
extreme wave heights, or better to avoid them in the
first place. A system needs to monitor the ship’s
motions, while keeping track using the ship’s engines
and rudder.
A related sub-parameter is the wave direction
relative to the ship. During unfavorable wave
directions and periods, the ship can encounter heavy
motions, which can have severe consequences both for
the crew (when manned) and the ship. Heavy ship
motion can lead to severe motion sickness for the
crew and to parametric rolling [4] followed by
capsizing of the whole ship [16].
Besides wave height and direction, wind speed
was also called as one of the sub-parameters, as wind
speed can cause damage to cargo and loading. Severe
wind speeds in terms of storms and gusts can
influence the course-keeping abilities of the ship.
Wind speed is directly related to wave height, as the
latter is affected and caused by the former and by the
time of exposure to those winds [10].
Another important sub-parameter, originating
from the COLREGs [6], is visibility, which can be
reduced because of fog, dust, sandstorms, heavy rain
or snow. Visibility affects which navigation rules
apply, since they depend on whether another ship is
in sight or not. These human-centered regulations are
currently also in force for automated and autonomous
ships, although those may be more capable than
humans to navigate without optical eye-sight.
However, during the B0 | BZERO project that
parameter was rated as still to be considered while
designing the autonomous system.
Another challenge for automated and autonomous
systems is the time of day. The optical representation
of a ship during daytime is its silhouette, which can be
seen as soon as the ship arrives at the other ship’s
horizon. The silhouette decreases with fading daylight
and at night only the ship’s navigational lights are
visible. At night, it is more challenging to determine
the heading of the other ship and thereby the risk of
collision. Similar to visibility, time of day is a very
human-centered indicator, and during the project
work it was manifested, that the autonomous system
has to identify and react to this parameter.
The previously mentioned environmental sub-
parameters are split into six sections each and can be
seen in Table 3. It can be stated that low range sections
restrict the ship’s autonomy to a higher degree than
upper range sections, whereas upper range sections
allow more decision and reaction freedom for the
autonomous system. For the sub-parameter time of
day, the entries are used twice to cover all six sections
due to a shortage of possible options. The
environmental restrictions are independent from each
other, which means that a heterogenous distribution is
possible and expectable. The sections are used as the
scale on the vertices of the spider chart.
Table 3. Environmental restriction parameter sections
Scale Wave Wave Wind Visibility Time of
height direction force day
[m] [Bft] [nm]
1 < 2 none < 2 15+ Day
2 2-4 head 2-4 12-15 Day
3 4-6 bow 4-6 8-12 Twilight
4 6-8 beam 6-8 6-8 Twilight
5 8-10 quartering 8-10 2-6 Night
6 10+ following 10+ 0-2 Night
In the following three different random application
cases of different restrictions due to environmental
sub-parameters are shown in Figure 3 and explained
in the following. The vertices (scale of sections) of
each sub-parameter in the use cases create a polygon.
The smaller the area of the polygon is, the lower the
degrees of freedom for the autonomous system are.
Application Case 1. No environmental restrictions
apply. The ship system is free to maneuver within all
environmental conditions. This means that the ship’s
system has to be able to navigate in every wave height
and direction, at every wind speed, as well as during
limited to no visibility and at every time of the day.
The area of the polygon is the biggest area in this
application case compared to the other two.
Application Case 2. Medium restrictions apply.
This application case is taken from the B0 | BZERO
project, where a safe maneuvering frame is developed
for a real application on a ship. Safe operating limits
are determined to be wind speeds up to 8 Bft and
wave heights up to 6 m. Wave direction, visibility and
daytime are unrestricted. Since in comparison to case
1, wind speed and wave height are restricted, the area
of the polygon is smaller indicating a lower overall
autonomy level.
Application Case 3. Large restrictions apply. The
autonomous system is only entitled to maneuver
inside very narrow limits of wind speeds up to 4 Bft,
wave heights up to 4 m, and wave directions only
from a heading direction. It is also limited to very
good visibility (up to 15 nm) and daytime use only.
Due to the large restrictions, the area of the polygon is
small, indicating very restricted autonomy.
Figure 3. Comparison of three different application cases
within environmental restrictions
Away from the three presented application cases,
various other cases with varying combinations of
environmental restrictions are possible. What one can
see in Figure 3 is that with narrowed limits the
polygon’s area decreases. Expressed in geometry
terms this means that the enclosed area A of a
polygon P is dependent on the location of the vertices
p on each axis. The largest possible area is given in
case 1, whereas case 3 only covers a very small area.
The environmental restrictions can be summarized
into one parameter named “environment” by
assigning each polygon size to one of five categories
ranging from worst to good (see Table 4). The
polygon area size ranges from 2.5 up to 25.
Table 4. Assigning different polygon area sizes to categories
representing the overall environmental condition
Area Category
< 2.5 Worst
2.5 - 4 Bad
4 - 9 Medium
9 - 16 Fair
16 - 25 Good
3.2.2 Categorization of Traffic Parameters
A similar categorization as for the environmental
parameters was carried out for the traffic and own
ship parameters. The three traffic sub-parameters are
the number of ships, the CPA- and the TCPA-values
(see Table 2). The focus of the selection of traffic
parameters lays mainly on the functionalities and
capabilities of the autonomous system. The number of
ships in the vicinity of the own ship is an indicator of
traffic density and was also a limiting factor when it
comes to processing power of navigational devices.
Within the B0 | BZERO project “heavy traffic”
remains to be defined, since its definition depends on
the capabilities of the autonomous system. The
outcomes of the pending system tests will provide a
better insight into these. As a starting point for
categorizing different traffic densities, the number of
ships within a range of 12 nm (normal optical sight) as
displayed in Table 55 will be used. CPA- and TCPA-
values were categorized based on standing orders and
collision regulations and can also be retrieved from
Table 5. Autonomous systems that are able to deal
with the smallest CPA and TCPA values have the
highest decision making and action freedom. Again,
similar to the environmental restrictions the
navigational parameters are arbitrary and do not
necessarily depend on each other.
Table 5. Navigational parameter sections
Scale Number of ships within 12 nm CPA TCPA
1 < 5 5+ NM 30+ min
2 20 3-5 NM 18-30 min
3 55 2-3 NM 12-18 min
4 115 1-2 NM 6-12 min
5 200+ <1 NM < 6 min
After traffic parameters were categorized similar to
the environmental parameters, the list displayed in
Table 6 emerged.
Table 6. Traffic parameter categorization
Area Category
< 1.5 Low
1.5 – 4 Few
4 - 9 Average
9 - 16 Increased
16 - 25 High
3.2.3 Own Ship Factors
Own ship factors were categorized similarly to
environmental and traffic parameters (see Table 7).
The sub-parameters were motion (roll and pitch),
speed, under keel clearance, voyage phase and cross
track distance. As the holistic ship’s motion is very
ship and ship-type specific, roll and pitch angles will
be determined. The ship’s speed is another sub-
parameter which is very ship specific. Therefore, the
categorization will not take the absolute speed into
account, but the percentage of design speed.
Furthermore, the under-keel clearance will not be
categorized in absolute meters, but in relation to the
draft of each ship. Special attention is paid to the
voyage phases, which were determined during the B0
|BZERO project as time slots and areas of a ship’s
voyage correlating to the passage planning. Here, the
categories were chosen as follows: The least degree of
freedom is assumed, when the ship is only allowed to
navigate in declared areas. Further decision-making
scope is achieved by allowing the ship to navigate
during sea-passage up to the highest level of freedom,
the berthing. The higher level of a voyage phase does
always include also the lower levels, i.e., a ship that
can manage fairways autonomously (section 4) will
also be able to manage sea passages autonomously
(section 3). The cross-track error will also not be
categorized in absolute numbers, but in relation to the
ship’s length.
Table 7. Own ship sub-parameter sections
Scale Roll/ Speed UKC Voyage XTD
Pitch [% of [m phase [m
Angle design perm perm
speed, kn] draft] LOA]
1 2°/5° 70-80 32+ Declared areas 20+
2 10°/20° 50-85 16 Sea passage 10
3 25°/30° 40-90 8 Fairways 5
4 40°/50° 20-95 4 Pilotage 2
5 40°+/50°+ 0-100 < 2 Berthing < 1
The categorization of own ship factors based on
the polygonal areas leads to the categories displayed
in Table 8.
Table 8. Categorization of own ship factors
Area Category
< 1 Most restricted
1 - 4 Heavily restricted
4 - 9 Moderately restricted
9 - 16 Less restricted
16 - 25 Least restricted
3.3 Level of autonomy
Looking into the restrictions by the explained
categories and the aspects of autonomy stated in
section 1.1 it is clear that a combination of them lead
to different levels of autonomy. Therefore, a
categorization of inputs is conducted and for different
constraints the outcomes can be seen in Table 9.
A last step for a new declaration of levels of
autonomy is the categorization of the in Table 9
assigned parameters according to the polygon area,
using the aforementioned approach. That means that
possible polygon areas are divided into categories
according to a square function. In detail the results
can be seen in Table 9.
Table 9. Proposed autonomy levels
Area Level of autonomy
< 2.5 Assistance
2.5 - 4 Partial Automation
4 - 9 Conditional Autonomy
9 - 16 High Autonomy
16 - 25 Full Autonomy
The lowest level of autonomy within this
framework is called “Assistance”, as it has similar
characteristics as a decision support system. It can be
seen that the lowest possible parameter categories are
used, which means the least possible freedom for the
navigational systems and still manning on the ship,
which makes it a support system. Within partial
automation, conditional and high autonomy, some
parameters are set to an advanced level giving the
autonomous system more degrees of freedom. As this
model proposes a free distribution of the parameters,
it is not precisely defined which parameter lead to one
of those levels. Different combinations are possible, as
it can be seen from the autonomy application cases
(see Figure 4). Although some application cases seem
to have a large degree of decision freedom, singular
restriction narrows the end result. That leads to the
fact, that the application cases green and yellow fall
into the category conditional autonomy and the
application cases purple and red fall into the high
autonomy level. In the full autonomy level, the
parameters are nearly set to full degree of freedom
and the autonomous system is free to maneuver at
almost any circumstance.
3.4 Use Cases
For the demonstration of use cases, the parameters are
arbitrary. In Figure 4, five different use cases are
shown. It can be seen that the restriction of parameters
reduces the polygon area, leading to a lesser level of
autonomy. The applications were taken from realistic
nautical conceivable situations, shortly described in
Table 11.
Figure 4. Comparison of different autonomy application
Table 10. Parameters for level of autonomy
Scale Manning Control mode Sea area Environment Traffic density Own ship factors
1 Fully manned on duty Local control Open sea Good Low Most Restricted
2 Fully manned off duty Local supervision Coastal Fair Few Heavily Restricted
3 Reduced manning Remote control Traffic separation Medium Average Moderately restricted
off duty schemes
4 Reduced/no manning, Autonomous Confined waters Bad Increased Less Restricted
but passengers on board supervision
5 No manning Autonomous Confined & Worst High Least Restricted
control shallow waters
Table 11. Application situation for autonomy level presentation
Manning Control mode Sea area Environment Traffic density Own ship factors
Blue Fully Decision support Confined and Worst High Least restricted
system with able shallow waters
human OOW
Red Fully Remote Confined waters Bad Increased Less restricted
Green Reduced Remote Open sea Bad Average Moderately
Purple Reduced manning Autonomous Coastal Medium Few Less restricted
+ passengers
Yellow No manning Autonomous Open sea Fair Low Most restricted
Commercially viable fully autonomous ships are
rather unrealistic in the near future [1]. Therefore,
some form of constrained autonomy, as in the B0 |
BZERO project, is pursued. The project aims at
developing a constrained autonomous system that can
handle most situations autonomously, while it still
requires human assistance on the bridge when certain
situations are encountered. To know exactly when
human assistance is required, an ODD and
navigational specifications must be defined and
specified. The aim of this paper was twofold. First, we
wanted to provide a preliminary definition of the
ODD and navigational specifications of a constrained
autonomous vessel using the B0 | BZERO project as
an example. Second, we aimed at providing a
categorization of important parameters that need to be
considered when evaluating a vessel’s autonomy
based on our defined ODD and navigational
As our defined ODD and navigational
specifications show, several parameters must be
considered when determining the exact manifestation
of a vessel's autonomy. The parameters can be divided
into several categories and can take on various values
and forms. Our categorization makes it possible to
flexibly select which values and forms lie within the
ODD and which do not. The more possible parameter
values and forms are included in the ODD, the higher
the degree of the ship’s autonomy. Due to the high
flexibility of the categorizations, the degree of
autonomy can be tailored to specific ship conditions,
to the needs of a shipping company and to any system
limitations. The parameters’ values and forms selected
for the ODD can also subsequently be used to develop
scenarios to test the performance of the selected
degree of autonomy [2]. Such tests also provide
insights into which parameters need to be adjusted
and to what extent.
It remains to be tested, in general, how the ODD
proves itself in practice. Currently, the defined ODD
is still very strongly oriented towards human
capabilities and less towards system boundaries. By
conducting more tests with the help of the defined
scenarios, the focus could shift more towards system
boundaries. Furthermore, individual ODD factors
such as heavy traffic or critical values for the roll and
pitch period remain to be defined. For certain ODD
factors such as visibility, it is not yet clear, how they
can be measured. Another limitation of the ODD is
that the human still possesses considerable decision-
making freedom. The human, for example, is
responsible for classifying voyage phases either as
autonomy-capable or autonomy-incapable during
voyage planning. The high degree of decision making
freedom is accompanied by a high degree of human
responsibility and allows room for human error [1].
Furthermore, it is proposed to define the levels of
autonomy of a ship based on the limitations of the
parameters manning, control mode, sea area,
environment, traffic density and own ship restrictions.
The visualizations have shown that is possible to
derive a categorization of autonomy levels with a
further segmentation of parameters and sub-
parameters. Nevertheless, further application cases as
well as further segmentation and parameter
description might lead to different categories and
results. Limits also occur in the description of wave
height e.g., as monster waves might be experienced.
That leaves also the discussion open for using
limitations for some parameters, as they might be
exceeded or undercut. Further criticism can be
directed towards the arbitrary combination of
parameters, as some are not totally free combinable, as
“no manning” with “decision support systems”.
Another set-back of that system is the composition
of parameters. As the model is designed to use only
the area of the created polygons, it is no longer
possible to infer the exact degrees of freedom for the
individual parameters from the area. The same occurs
during the specification of parameter’s degrees of
freedom via specifying the sub-parameters. That is
why a continuously moderate level of sub-parameters
would obtain the same level of autonomy as a
combination of high- and low-level sub-parameters.
In this paper the approach of defining the operational
design domain for an autonomous navigation system
is presented. Together with the outcomes of the
navigational specifications of the B0 | BZERO project
a new system for the determination of the level of
autonomy is proposed. The theoretical framework
behind our approach relies on the elaboration of ODD
parameters for the use case of an 8-hour unmanned
bridge as well as on the fact that the data on spider
charts create polygon shapes allowing to measure
multidimensional performance as well as categorizing
of parameters. Applying this approach shows a wider
spread of distributing parameters to the levels of
autonomy than in the IMO model, as well as the
opportunity to determine already the level of
autonomy of a ship in the early stage of specification
of the systems. Until now, this paper serves as
theoretical foundation, the practical use has to be
shown in the future and it has to prove its potential.
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