International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 2
Number 4
December 2008
GNSS for an Aviation Analysis Based on EUPOS
and GNSS/EGNOS Collocated Stations in PWSZ
A. Fellner, J. Cwiklak, H. Jafernik, P. Trominski & J. Zajac
The State School of Higher Education in Chelm
K. Banaszek
PANSA – Polish Air Navigation Services Agency
ABSTRACT: Under the umbrella of PWSZ Chelm, taking account of future implementation of navigation
using EUPOS and GNSS based on EGNOS several planned actions were carried out in the 2005-2006. The
actions in particular contribute to:
1. ICAO and EGNOS requirements and coverage area (Chelm Town located near Polish-Ukrainian border is
also at the east border of planned EGNOS coverage for ECAC states).
2. Preparatory activities to establishing the EUPOS station in PWSZ Chelm. Cooperation of PWSZ Chelm
and ULC (Polish Aviation Regulator) in the frame of conventional NAV aids use and GNSS
implementation in aviation.
3. Analysis of ICAO requirements and methods of testing SIS (Signal In Space) needed to certify GNSS in
Poland for use for an aviation.
4. Preparatory activities to establishing the EGNOS SIS monitoring station based on EUROCONTROL
Pegasus software and GNSS/EGNOS receiver Septentrio PolaRx2e.
5. Analysis of methods for exchange of information between EUPOS and EGNOS SIS station to initiate the
application of satellite positioning systems to air navigation in Poland.
The project EUPOS is a European initiative aiming at establishment of a uniform DGNSS (Differential Global
Navigation Satellite System) basis infrastructures in Central and Eastern European countries including Chelm
Town where PWSZ is localized playing vital role in GIS/GNSS implementation in the region and Polish
1.1 Overview of SBAS
SBAS, as defined in the SARPs, has the potential to
support en-route through Category I precision
approach operations. Initial SBAS architectures will
typically support operations down to APV. SBAS
monitors GPS and/or GLONASS signals using a
network of reference stations distributed over a large
geographic area. These stations relay data to a
central processing facility, which assesses signal
validity and computes corrections to each satellite’s
broadcast ephemeris and clock. For each monitored
GPS or GLONASS satellite, SBAS estimates the
errors in the broadcast ephemeris parameters and
satellite clock, and broadcasts corrections. Integrity
me sages and corrections for each monitored GPS
and/or GLONASS ranging source are broadcast on
the GPS L1 frequency from SBAS satellites,
typically geostationary (GEO) satellites in fixed
orbital slots over the equator. The SBAS satellites
also provide ranging signals similar to GPS;
however, these ranging signals cannot be received by
Basic GNSS receivers. SBAS messages ensure
integrity, improve availability, and provide the
performance needed for APV and Category I
precision approach operations. SBAS uses two-
frequency range measurements to estimate the
ranging delay introduced by the Earth’s ionosphere,
and broadcasts corrections applicable at
predetermined ionospheric grid points. The SBAS
receiver interpolates between grid points to calculate
the ionospheric correction along its line-of-sight to
each satellite. In addition to the clock, ephemeris and
ionospheric corrections, SBAS assesses and
broadcasts parameters that bound the uncertainty in
the corrections. The User Differential Range Error
(UDRE) for each ranging source describes the
uncertainty in the clock and ephemeris corrections
for that ranging source. The Grid Ionospheric
Vertical Error (GIVE) for each ionospheric grid
point describes the uncertainty in the ionospheric
corrections around that grid point. The SBAS
receiver combines these error estimates with
estimates of the uncertainties in its own pseudorange
measurement accuracy and in its tropospheric delay
model, to compute an error model of the navigation
A system providing GNSS satellite status requires
a few reference stations and simple master stations
that provide integrity only. Providing basic
differential corrections requires more reference
stations and a more complex master station to
generate clock and ephemeris corrections. Providing
precise differential corrections requires more
reference stations in order to characterize the
ionosphere and provide ionospheric corrections. The
four SBASs under development (EGNOS, GAGAN,
MSAS, WAAS) all provide precise differential
corrections. Ranging, satellite status and basic
differential correction functions are usable
throughout the entire GEO coverage area, and are
technically adequate to support non-precision
approaches by providing monitoring and integrity
data for GPS, GLONASS and SBAS satellites. The
only potential for integrity to be compromised is if
there is a satellite orbit error that cannot be observed
by the SBAS ground network and that creates an
unacceptable error outside of the SBAS service area.
This is, however, very unlikely for en-route, terminal
and non-precision approach operations. For a service
area located relatively far from an SBAS ground
network, the number of visible satellites for which
that SBAS provides status and basic corrections will
be reduced. Since SBAS receivers are able to use
data from two SBASs simultaneously, and to use
autonomous fault detection and exclusion when
necessary, availability may still be sufficient to
support approval of some operations.
A State may obtain SBAS service by either:
cooperating with another State (called the SBAS
service provider) that has developed and deployed an
SBAS; or, by developing its own SBAS. A State
might choose the former if its airspace is within the
service provider’s coverage area. It would then have
to negotiate an agreement with the SBAS service
provider covering such aspects as the type of service
and compensation arrangements. A State adjacent to
the SBAS service area could possibly extend the
SBAS service area into its airspace without hosting
any SBAS infrastructure, or it could field reference
stations linked to the SBAS service provider’s
master stations. In both cases the SBAS service
provider’s GEO satellites would broadcast data that
would cover the SBAS service areas of both States.
In any case, it is a State’s responsibility to monitor
the performance of the SBAS within its airspace, and
provide a status monitoring and NOTAM service.
The objective of the EUROCONTROL SBAS
project is to support EUROCONTROL member
States in achieving the operational approval for the
use of GPS augmented by a Satellite Based
Augmentation System. The SBAS system covering
Europe is called the European Geostationary
Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). This project
provides a co-ordination platform for all issues
related to the operational validation of SBAS
systems, supporting member States and encouraging
a harmonised approach to operational approval
throughout ECAC. It covers both the operational
validation and the safety assessment.
EGNOS is being developed by the European
Space Agency (ESA) in co-operation with the
European Union and Eurocontrol. The system
provides additional signals to users of satellite
navigation services, broadcast through geostationary
satellites guaranteeing the integrity of GPS so that it
can be used in support of safety-of-life services such
as civil aviation. The various Member States that are
investing in EGNOS intend to offer air navigation
services and operational procedures that make use of
the system. In order to obtain maximum benefits
from EGNOS, operational approvals need to be
achieved as early as possible. The key goal of this
project is to expedite the approval process by
identifying all the tasks that must be carried out, who
should perform them and ensuring that they are
done. Each State offering EGNOS services will have
to go through a safety assessment and operational
approval process. A harmonized approach to
operational approval throughout ECAC will be most
efficient and is preferred. ESA will perform an
extensive EGNOS verification campaign but this
will focus on the signal-in-space as seen by a
network of independent reference stations. Within
the particular environment of an aircraft performing
an operation, ESA will perform demonstrations but
the results of these will not be applicable to the
industrial consortium building EGNOS. As a result
additional validation activities will need to be
performed within the EUROCONTROL SBAS
project to demonstrate compliance with the EGNOS
Mission Requirements Document for Civil Aviation.
This part of the SBAS project is called GNSS-1
Operational Validation (GOV). The EGNOS Safety
Case Team (ESCT), developing the EGNOS Safety
Case, require the output from the operational
validation activities for use in the assessment of the
safety of operations performed using EGNOS. GOV
will need to provide the evidence that EGNOS meets
all the necessary performance requirements. The
Safety Case will show that the use of EGNOS is safe
for its intended operations based on an agreed set of
assumptions. Whereas the initial focus of GOV will
be on EGNOS, the project will provide knowledge,
experience and tools that will be used to support
future GNSS validation activities for Ground-Based
Augmentation Systems for Category I, II and III
precision approach and landing. The experience will
also contribute to the validation of the second-
generation of satellite navigation systems, in
particular GPS Block IIF and Galileo.
According to ICAO requirements it is necessary to
use applicable equipments such as a hardware and
The monitoring station consists of:
An antenna (PolaNt (L1/L2);
GPS receiver Septentrio PolaRx2;
Personal computer;
Software (RxControl Septentrio).
We use for PolaRx2 instrument mode with 15
dual-frequency GPS channels and 3 single frequency
SBAS channels. We collect measurements on C/A-,
P1-, P2-code and L1-, L2-carrier phase and Doppler
counts in 1 Hz output rate. The 1 seconds output was
decimated to 30 seconds output rate. The time of
measurements is synchronized with true GPS time in
range of 1 ms.
PolaRx2@ is a versatile multi-channel, dual-
frequency GNSS receiver that can be connected to
up to 3 antennas. As part of the PolaRx2 family of
high-end satellite navigation receivers, it uses an
advanced GNSS chipset and tracking and
positioning algorithms, resulting in low noise
performance and hi gh tracking stability.
Fig. 1. The antenna used for tests (mounted on PWSZ building)
Implemented on a single Euro-card size board, it
brings heading/attitude and other multi-antenna
applications within economical and practical reach
with a possibility changing dates via RS 232 in
RINEX. The PolaRx2 receiver was connected to the
PolaNt (L1/L2) antenna with conical radome during
the experiment.
For collecting PolaRx2 data we use the
RxControl program with our own superstructure.
Main disadvantage for continuous running of
receiver on any permanent station is that the
RXControl software doesn’t start logging of
measurement to files automatic after the on-site
computer starts.
Fig. 2. The software used for tests
Fig. 3. The test equipment configuration
The table mentioned below depicts EGNOS
messages connected with integrity. It is crucial to
analyze 1,38 × 109 trials to carry out a validation of
RNP for the integrity during non-precision
approaches and 1,38 × 109 during precision
approaches Cat. I.
Fig. 4. EGNOS messages
The Horizontal and Vertical Protection Levels
(XPL),which are computed from broadcast EGNOS
messages, to protect users from potential degradation
of the GPS system, expressed in terms of Horizontal
and Vertical Navigation Error (XNSE) above a
certain user level, called the Alert Limit (XAL).
Several cases for the relation between XNSE, XAL
and XPL exist, however, two cases are very
important from a safety perspective:
1 XPL<XNSE<XAL: System is available but not
safe, not leading to a hazardous situation, called
Misleading Information (MI).
2 XPL<XAL<XNSE: System is available but not
safe and leading to a hazardous situation, called
Hazardous Misleading Information (HMI).
Both cases are considered as an SBAS out of
tolerance condition, and are assumed in EGNOS as
non-integrity events. The EGNOS system will
guarantee that the probability of occurrence of those
events is below 2×10
in 150 seconds. Potential
error sources that may provoke these out of tolerance
conditions include:
Fast and Slow correction / User Differential
Error (UDRE) mismodelling Grid Ionospheric
Vertical Delay (GIVD) / Grid Ionospheric
Error (GIVE) mismodelling
Extensive local errors (multipath and/or receiver
noise (due to interference))
It is assumed here that the contribution to XPL
out-of tolerance of tropospheric under bounding
errors at the receiver is negligible.
It is important to note that the receiver recorded
some parameters as:
MI – Misleading Information (XPE>XPL)
HMI–Hazardous-Misleading Information (XPE>
These parameters have to analyze for each
approach and landing procedures.
4.1 The monitoring station
It is important to distinguish between the SBAS
coverage areas and service areas. The SBAS
coverage area is defined by GEO satellite signal
footprints. Service areas for a particular SBAS are
established by a State within an the SBAS coverage
area. That is why it is necessary carrying out trials in
Chelm, because this city is situated on the border of
EGNOS coverage area.
The localization of the monitoring station on the
roof of the State School in Chełm is a good choice.
A recorded satellite signal has a very good quality.
The graph mentioned below depicts the accuracy of
the antenna.
Fig. 5.. The recorded antenna positions
EGNOS messages transmitted form PRN120 and
PRN126 satellites were recorded. An accurate
analyze recorded dates will be carried out in the near
The figure 5 presents SkyPlot view with marked
satellite, that transmitted EGNOS corrections.
Fig. 6. The SkayPlot view
Recorded parameter values as MI 7 and HMI
236 show us, that EGNOS service does not meet
requirements for APV, especially near the border of
EGNOS coverage area.
Fig. 7. Misleading Information recorded by the monitoring
It has to be underlined that our testing system has
recorded many epoches containg System
Unavailable alarm. This means limiting the
availability of system by 74%. This value is to low
to meet ICAO requirements. That is why initial
evaluation of EGNOS do not allows to qualifies for
APV on the border of coverage area.
Fig. 8. Misleading Information recorded by the monitoring
We are going to analyze SIS with software called
Mat Lab and PEGASUS. PEGASUS (Prototype
EGNOS and GBAS Analysis System Using
SAPPHIRE) is a prototype which allows analysis of
GNSS data collected from different SBAS and
GBAS systems and using only algorithms contained
in the published standards. The tool has been
developed in the frame of the GNSS-1 operational
validation activity defined in the EUROCONTROL
SBAS project and aims to be a first step forward the
development of a standard processing and analysing
tool to be used for the future EGNOS operational
validation. PEGASUS was designed to facilitate the
output data handling and interchange. The tool
provides several functionalities such as computation
of position and GNSS systems attributes like
accuracy, reliability, and availability simulating
MOPS-compliant receivers, computation of
trajectory errors, prediction of accuracy and
availability with the requiredintegrity and simulation
of GBAS Ground Station processing algorithms.
Thanks to these programs it will be possible to
compute HPL, VPL, HPE, VPE parameters.
It is not possible to verify the appearance of the
facts, described by probability from 10
to 10
using traditional methods of testing the system. It is
obvious to carry out the approach to landing in 10
is not enough for our technical and time-consuming
For our references to be possible to deal with
requirements of the GNSS to be registered by
monitoring stations parameters it is necessary to
change them (defined as “for operation” or “for the
time of the flight”) to 1/s.
Taking into consideration, described above, all
the requirements for EGFNOS it is necessary to
mention that the certification of parameters of the
EGNOS is possible only and solely thanks to joining
the methods of systematic analysis using the statistic
survey gained by properly constructed monitoring
stations (such as the one that was tested in PWSZ in
The station in Chelm is design for navigation and
real time position determination with accuracy of3 m
up to 0.5 m, dependent on the used rover station
equipment, providing compressed and encoded
DGNSS correction data via: Internet, GPRS/GSM,
VHF radio/radio broadcast.
Raport z 16-stej plenarnej sesji ICAO AWOP, AWOP/16-
WP/756, 04.1997.
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne.
„Required Navigation Performance (RNP) for Precision
Approach and Landing with GNSS Application” R.J. Kelly
i J.M. Davis, NAVIGATION - Vol.41, No.1, 1944.
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne
Rozdział 3 Warunki Techniczne dla pomocy
ICAO Załącznik 10 Tom 1 Pomoce Radionawigacyjne
Rozdział 3 Warunki Techniczne dla Pomocy
Radionawigacyjnych Tabela
Dokumentacja Septentrio: PolaRx2/2e User Manual.