Growing cargo flow all over the world leads to some
difficulties, connected to the time of cargo handling,
waiting for cargo and some other unexpected delays,
like weather conditions or acts of piracy or any other
unpredicted delay. Any delay can cause critical
problems in the logistic chain, which will lead to
financial loss. There are many ideas and procedures,
designed for the prevention of such situations,
however, they are mainly serve the purpose of
reacting for the problem appeared. Moreover, existing
methods of information exchange and
communication, sometimes, are not guarantee proper
level of decision making and delay with taking
decision. Another matter very often the decision is
not discussed with all parties of transport process,
every stakeholder plays his own game.
There are many negative factors, which affect
transport process: unexpected weather changes,
political and war factors, unpredictable situations,
ships’ traffic, and many others. Among mentioned, we
can predict just weather changes, but even this could
not be done very accurately, moreover, sometimes,
they are not taken into account, not having scientific
So, the task of optimization of transport process
include at least communication between main
stakeholders ship and cargo owners, per example.
Such communication to be fulfilled in the real time
mode with constant prognosis of the future
development of the situation.
Nowadays we have some projects, aimed to find
the solution for better cooperation and coordination
between stakeholders: “Pronto” system, testing now
in the port of Rotterdam, allows to trace the situation
in the real time mode. According to the information
from designers, this system uses public data,
distributed by port and ship, data of AIS system, and,
also prognosis of artificial intellect systems. The
Ship-Cargo Interface: Concept of Optimization, Using
Risk Assessment Methods and Network Data
Exchanging Technologies
A. Sagaydak
& V. Torskiy
Odessa National Marine University, Odessa, Ukraine
National University “Odessa Maritime Academy, Odessa, Ukraine
ABSTRACT: The idea of the proposed concept is to optimize information exchange between ship managers and
potential charterers. There are many attempts to create electronic system for facilitation of information
exchange, but all of them are aimed to find solution in particular area: container or oil trade, collecting data on
ships or some other Port State Control issues. Existing technical solutions in most cases are not taking into
account possibility of data change, which may vary significantly during ship’s trip. Moreover, there is no deep
analysis of each proposed variant, which can take into account all variable factors. Also there is no complex
solution, applicable to any ship / any cargo. Proposed concept describes the system of electronic data exchange,
which assists in decision-making and based on risk assessment of changing scenario in the process of choosing
the best solution for fixing the ship.
the International Journal
on Marine Navigation
and Safety of Sea Transportation
Volume 15
Number 2
June 2021
DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.02.12
specific of this system is an attempt to unify standards
of development of such systems (in particular
standards of draft, fairways, and other similar
standards, developed by International
Harbourmasters Association). This gives the great
opportunities, however, Pronto” does not operate
cargo data [4].
Actually, the idea of automation of cargo
transportation process is not new: fertilizers’
transporting optimization system was developed in
Australia in 1999. This project is still interesting
because the designers took into account not only
accurate planning of the ships’ schedules, but
financial aspects as well: the cost of the cargo and
freight of the ship. They considered data on presence
of empty space in the warehouses, presence of the
cargo and presence of the proper tonnage in the
market. Proposed programme gave an opportunity to
pay attention to the prognosis of fertilisers’ cost
(which is variable in Australia, depending on the
season, weather forecast, and many other factors) and
to the freight prognosis. Finally, the developed
programme allowed Customers to optimize ships’
schedules on yearly basis, but also to minimize freight
rates [2].
Container optimization systems are also have wide
application. They usually take into account financial
aspects of particular container line. Such systems can
arrange optimal ports’ rotation (taking into account
presence of loaded and empty containers in each port,
distance between ports, bunkering facilities in the
ports, presence of bunker on board of each particular
ship, and many other factors). They also can calculate
optimal bay plan, ship’s stability, and many other
details [3]. As disadvantage of such systems, could be
mentioned narrow targeting in the frames of
particular “container” tasks.
Naturally, tanker fleet was also in need of the
similar optimization system. Proposed programmes
give the opportunity for preparing ship’s call in
advance. Financial aspects, connected to laytime,
freight price and it’s changes, are taken into account
[5]. Again, the main disadvantage of such systems is
concentration on the particular problems of tanker
fleet, which are very important, but very specific,
which not allow to expand positive experience for the
dry fleet as well.
Moreover, the whole port digitalization does not
look fantastic nowadays. We know the project of
Hexagon Company on implementing multifunctional
digital technologies in the port of Lisboa. This is not
only optimization of paperwork (which might be
considered quite simple in our time), but systems of
analysing the situation in the real time mode and
visualization of the most important processes, which
allows to many stakeholders to take their decisions at
the same time, avoiding delay [7].
The other example the product, proposed by
Kazakhstan Company “KTZ Express”. They can
operate not only digital documents, but scanned
copies as well (including Cargo Manifests and Bills of
Lading). Moreover, this Company implements
blockchain technologies in the frames of Transcaspian
way, which allows to make all paperwork in the
electronic format [1].
It is also necessary to mention one of the most
useful platforms for ship Owners and Charterers:
“Shipnext”. This system allows to the participants to
find the best solution, most suitable for the particular
ship and particular cargo, taking into account many
factors, including specific of fleet and specific of
cargoes. Tracking of cargo is also available in the
system, same as producing of electronic Bill of
Lading, as well as wide database of ships and ports.
Close integration with financial institutions and other
service providers gives the possibility to make the
next step integrated system, based on block-chain
technologies [6].
There are also some programmes existing, which
allow automatic search of cargoes and available
tonnage for these cargoes. However, all mentioned
systems do not have an opportunity to predict the
development of the situation. Moreover, sometimes
the decision taking process becomes even more
difficult because of data overload. They facilitate work
and mutual cooperation of the stakeholders, however
there is always room for improvement.
Probably while transporting goods by sea, the main
relations, affecting all other aspects, are relations
between Ship”, means “Ship Owner” and “Cargo”,
means “Cargo Owner” or “Charterer”.
We can consider as a “Ship’s Owner” not only the
owner of the ship himself, but all persons, acting on
behalf of him: Master of the ship, Ship’s
operator/manager, agent and many other persons,
acting on behalf of the owner, and who are in need of
updated information.
If we are talking about “Cargo Owners”
(“Charterers”), we can consider also charterer’s
agents, or any other persons, acting on behalf of cargo
Let us look how we can assist in the cooperation
and relations of “Ship” and “Cargoparts of the sea
transport process at least on the first stage of their
relations cargo search. There are several players at
this stage: Ship Owners, Charterers, Brokers,
Insurance Companies and some other minor players
(which we will not take into consideration at this
moment, because the principle of their collaboration
with the system is the same).
Imagine, we have several Ship Owners (see figure
1) Owner 1, Owner 2 and Owner 3. Every of these
Companies has several ships, some of them will be
open for charter soon. The ship are various by types,
size, age and other particulars.
On the other hand, there are several Chartering
Companies Charterer 1, Charterer 2 and Charterer 3.
Each of them needs to transport the cargo of various
nature, quality and quantity.
We have also several Brokers as the mediators
Broker 1, Broker 2 and Broker 3. The task of the
Broker is to find the optimal variant ship/cargo, which
will be the most efficient from economical point of
view, keeping in mind also safety aspects of course.
Figure 1 Example of connections while searching the cargo
We have created this diagram as a simple example
of possible connections between stakeholders. In
reality they are much more sophisticated, to achieve a
good result necessary to analyse all possible variants.
Let us look through the process of searching cargo for
just one ship by one owner, which have 3 brokers.
These 3 brokers are in contact with 3 Charterers
(Charterer 2 is in contact with all 3 brokers on various
Usually, the process of the cargo/ship search
begins from the mutual evaluation of Brokers and
Charterers on one side and Brokers and Owners on
another side. Naturally, for the most of the
Companies, which are long time in the market, and
knows the abilities of potential stakeholders, this is
not necessary, because of long time connections,
proved quality of service and long term contracts
(however, it is not always true). If we assume that we
have companies, which are completely unknown to
each other (it is quite often situation), thus we have to
use risk assessment methods for making decision
making process more grounded. It seems this will be
better for all stakeholders.
So, we have for the each segment of this scheme
some certain set of parameters, which should be
assessed from the potential risk point of view:
For the Ship Owner: how long the Company
operates the ships, presence of Safety Management
System, number of ships, their types, flags, trading
area, specific of construction (availability of cranes per
example), positive Port State Control history and
many other factors.
For the Charterer: how long the Company is on the
market, history of fixes, cargoes in possession of the
Company, usual ports of loading and discharging,
size of the Company, proposed freight rate and
For Broker: experience, number of fixings per year,
cargoes and ships, normally operated by this broker,
announced broker’s commission, and is this broker
works on ship’s or cargo side.
For insurance Company: work experience, if the
Company P&I Club member, main Clients, if they had
insurance cases, insurance payments and level of
insurance coverage, cargoes and fleet, usual for the
particular company.
Let us make risk assessment on behalf of Ship first.
It is clear, the decision of choosing cargo is to be taken
by Ship Owner, but the specific of the particular ship
to be taken into account before taking a decision (such
as, per example, if Chief Officer does not hold the
Polar Waters Certificate if the cargo bounded for
polar area).
2.1 Data involved on Ship’s (Ship Owner’s) side wile
searching cargo
Basic data: ship’s type; size of the ship (deadweight
and cargo capacity); speed; date/place when the ship
will be available for new employment; present
position; list of cargo, allowed for transporting by the
ship; specific of construction; trading area; any
existing limitations on construction, trading area,
crew complement and/or qualification; other
important data.
Data to be analysed with the help of risk
assessment system are mainly connected to the
evaluation of level of trust to every of available freight
brokers: how long this particular broker operates in
the chartering market; reputation; number of fixes for
the last year; if any problematic fixes happened; if the
broker operates on ship or cargo side; how long this
broker cooperates with particular Charterer, which
propose cargo; Broker’s commission; if the freight
proposal has the signs of circular from the market.
At this stage it is possible to adjust the system in
the following way: to commence the next stage after
choosing the best broker only. But in the real
conditions of the real market, it seems not feasible,
thus seems better to make general risk assessment,
taking into account all data available, as following:
level of trust to Charterers, which have cargo
proposals: how long time this particular Charterer
operates in the market; size of the company; core
business; last fixes’ information; if non-payment of
freight ever happened; usual cargoes; ports of
loading and ports of destination.
information about the cargo itself: proposed
freight level; cargo, quantity of cargo, specific of
cargo (like specific of cargo operations,
transporting, etc.); cost of cargo; specific of the ship
for the particular cargo (for example availability of
cranes, size of cargo holds and hatches, etc.);
proposed Charter Party; proposed freight payment
conditions; dates of cargo readiness; place of cargo
storage; name of the port of loading, specific of the
port of loading, cargo handling rates; name of the
port of discharging, specific of the port of
discharging, cargo handling rates; notice of
readiness tendering conditions;
dispatch/demurrage conditions.
other information, concerning proposed charter:
necessity to refill ship’s store during voyage
planned; if it is necessary to pass canals;
navigational safety aspects and hazards on the
route; usual weather condition on the route;
weather forecast for the dates of the voyage;
possible delays on the route and in the ports of
loading/discharging; length of the route;
possibility to find next employment for the ship
after fulfilling proposed voyage; if proposed
charter (route and/or cargo) could affect next
employment of the ship; necessity of the crew
change during voyage; cargo insurance conditions.
2.2 Risk assessment
From the commercial point of view risk is economical
category, therefore it is logical to provide most of data
in monetary form (wherever it is possible) this will
simplify analysis and decision making process.
However, there are many factors, which are difficult
for monetary assessment. Sometimes it is really
impossible. Such factors recommended providing in
digital form (10 points scale). It is clear, that some
factors hard to put in digital format too (like core
business of the company, per example). In such
situation the best solution is to take into account the
importance of every particular parameter and to make
correction after some time (on obtaining some
experience). It is necessary to keep in mind that every
parameter (from mentioned above) affects the final
financial result, even if it is indirect influence. Basing
on the results of the analysis (risk assessment), the
Owner can take the decision on choosing proper
charter variant.
Proposed algorithm will work if it will be applied
to all proposals not only circulars from the market,
but to analysis of proposals of existing trustful
partners. This will allow to avoid any mistakes and to
choose really best proposal.
On the other side, broker and charterer might not
have exclusive long-term agreements with each other,
so the same cargo could be proposed by various
brokers. In order to avoid mistakes in such situation,
it is necessary to make separate analysis and risk
assessment for each proposal (all the chain must be
analysed: broker- charterer-cargo). The same could be
recommended for the situation when different
charterers propose similar cargo of almost similar
quality and quantity.
The remark to be made here: in most cases broker
does not disclose the name of the charterer, when
making proposal, thus we have to evaluate broker
more carefully. Evaluation of charterer to be done on
the stage of fixation in this case (but this does not
mean it is not necessary to evaluate charterer at all!)
Following forms could be proposed for the risk
assessment of main factors (Owner’s point of view).
Of course, each from to be developed according to
particular company’s standards, needs and
In case of absence of information on problematic
fixings in the both tables above, some average level
might be accepted (5 per example). If there is
information about more than 10 problematic fixings
it seems better not to cooperate with such company at
Table 1. Risk assessment of the broker
Coefficient of Parameter Min evaluation (0) Max evaluation (10) Financial
importance evaluation
50-1 Lifetime New company 100 years
50-2 Reputation Bad or no info Very good
50-3 Time of cooperation with “Ship” No 10 years
50-4 Fixings No 100 fixings
50-5 Problematic fixings 10 No
50-6 Time of cooperation with Charterer No 10 years
50-7 Broker acts onside of Ship Cargo
50-8 Operates by cargoes Unusual for “Ship” Usual for “Ship”
50-9 Is the proposal circular from the market? Yes No
50-n Commission Amount
Table 2. Risk assessment of the Charterer
Coefficient of Parameter Min evaluation (0) Max evaluation (10) Financial
importance evaluation
50-1 Lifetime New company 100 years
50-2 Reputation Bad or no info Very good
50-3 Size of the Company Small Very large
50-4 Proposed cargo Unusual for this Company Usual for this Company
50-5 Time of cooperation with “Ship” No 10 years
50-6 Fixings No 100 fixings
50-7 Problematic fixings 10 No
50-8 Unpaid freight Several cases No
50-9 Time of cooperation with Broker No 10 years
50-10 Operates with cargoes Unusual for “Ship” Usual for “Ship”
50-11 Is the proposal circular from the market? Yes No
50-n Freight Amount
Table 3. Risk assessment of the Cargo
Coefficient of Parameter Min evaluation (0) Max evaluation (10) Financial
importance evaluation
50-1 Freight Amount
50-2 Cargo specific Very sophisticated Very simple transporting
transporting transporting
50-3 Cost Very expensive Very cheap
50-4 Is additional equipment Yes No Amount
50-5 Charter Non-Standard Standard
50-6 Charter conditions Many difficult No difficult conditions
50-7 Readiness of cargo Long waiting time Cargo is ready Calculation of time of
50-8 Location of cargo Far from ship’s place At the ship’s place Calculation of expenses for
additional trip
50-9 Rate of cargo handling Slow handling Fast handling Calculation of time of
waiting when the cargo
operations idling
50-10 NOR conditions Tough conditions Usual conditions Calculation of expenses if
conditions would not met
50-n Dispatch/Demurrage Tough conditions Usual conditions Calculation of expenses if
conditions would not met
Table 4. Other information risk assessment
Coefficient of Parameter Min evaluation (0) Max evaluation (10) Financial
importance evaluation
50-1 Stores refilling Necessary Not necessary Calculation of expenses for additional
port call
50-2 Passing canals Calculation of cost
50-3 Navigation on the route Many hazards No hazards Calculation of expenses in case of
navigational accident with probability
50-4 Traffic on the route Tough Small traffic Calculation of expenses in case of
collision with probability calculation
50-5 Risk of pirate attack Big No risk Calculation of expenses in case of
attack with probability calculation
50-6 Military operations High probability Low probability Calculation of expenses in case of
attack with probability calculation
50-7 Usual weather on the Very bad Good Calculation of expenses in case of
route fixings storm with probability calculation
50-8 Weather forecast for Very bad Good Calculation of expenses in case of
the dates of voyage storm and expenses for deviation
from route
50-9 Other delays on the High probability Low probability Calculation of expenses in case of
route delay with probability calculation
50-10 Delays in the ports High probability Low probability Calculation of expenses in case of
(inspections, etc.) attack with probability calculation
50-11 Length of the route Very long Short Calculation of expenses for fuel, etc.
50-12 Possibility of the next Low probability High probability Calculation of probability of the next
fix in the port of fix
50-13 Is it necessary to Yes, a lot of work No Calculation of expenses for ship’s
prepare the ship for cargo preparation
50-14 Crew change Necessary Not necessary Calculation of expenses for crew
50-n Insurance conditions Not so good Good Calculation of expenses, taking into
account possible additional insurance
To achieve better results of the risk assessment, we
need to assign priority to each parameter. For this
purpose, we have to rate them in the sequence of
decreasing priority, means the most important
parameters to be the first. It is clear that very company
will choose own sequence of priorities: for one
company main priority could be the freight rate, for
other long term contract with famous and reputable
company. We’ve chosen 50 minus sequence number of
the parameter as a coefficient of importance of the
parameter. Of course 50 is not compulsory, it is
chosen assuming that total number of such parameters
will not be more than 50 in any case. Usually, it is less,
than 50, but we have to have some spare numbers for
the situation, if new parameters will appear.
Moreover, such approach will give an opportunity to
the user to make some “break” between parameters
(for example, in Table 1 time of cooperation with the
“Ship” might be much more important for the Owner,
than next parameter (number of fixings in our case),
thus Owner can assign coefficient 50-3=47 for the time
of cooperation and 50-6=44 for the number of
fixings, thus coefficients 46 an 45 would be absent).
From time to time Owner can change mentioned
coefficients, basing on the experience and particular
policy of the Company, it’s strategy and tactical tasks.
Such changes to be reflected in calculations.
When all lines of the tables above will be filled in,
the simple sum of the data to be calculated (monetary
figures to be calculated separately, of course). Finally,
the bigger result we would have, the better variant we
choose. This task could be fulfilled manually, when
we have just one ship, and just one or two cargoes
proposed. But even in this case, we have quite big
number of variable data like different possible
routes, different bunkering places, changeable
weather conditions, etc. So, even for very simple task
better to use special programme. We are not talking
about analysing of all possible variants and
combinations, which might appear (See Figure 1 it is
not most difficult situation, which could be).
Methods of the risk assessment are not simple,
they are variable and definitely would be different not
only for the each factor (Broker, Charterer, Cargo,
Other factors), but for the particular parameters. For
some of them (like number of problematic fixings or
risk of pirate attack) statistic analysis is applicable; for
others might work just expert assessment (for
example reputation of the company). In some cases
Markov chain or Monte Carlo method application will
be suggested. Moreover, some of the parameters allow
several methods (statistic and expert assessment) it
is on decision of particular Ship Owner to decide
which method to choose.
Another problem possible correlation of the
parameters, which will require building up scenario
tree and detailed analysis of each possible way of
situation development, including extraordinary
All various methods require various mathematic
approach, which will give us quite sophisticated
model, description of which is out of the frames of the
present article.
Our idea is to handle the task of cargo search, using
risk assessment, with artificial intellect systems, which
could be trained before on big number of typical
situations, proposing to the Owner the best solution.
Moreover, current abilities of IT technologies allow
automatic transmission of weather data (per example)
to the system with automatic calculation of
probability of storms and possible damage. Also
programme allows calculating several variants of
future job (various routs per example), proposing to
Owner’s decision maker all possible variants of the
situation development for all proposals. Of course, the
decision to agree or not (or which proposal to choose)
still remains on human the final decision could be
not optimal from the financial point of view or from
the point of view of formal logic: nowadays manager
should have the opportunity to take risky decisions
with the aim to achieve long term (or postponed)
profit. Therefore programme has to show to manager
all calculation results, including negative. Other task
to be fulfilled to remind to the manager all similar
decisions, their logic and their results. This will allow
learning on mistakes.
It is clear, that for the optimization of cargo search,
it is necessary to analyse the future agreement on
cargo carriage from both sides from the side of the
“Ship” (as we did above), but also from the side of
“Cargo”. This algorithm will be different a bit from
the previous one (different data, first of all). But the
result will be the optimal correlation of the ships and
cargoes for them, taking into account economical
factors for the all participants of sea transporting
Implementation of proposed concept will allow
fixing the ships in the real time mode with optimal
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